8 Massively Multisite Mirroring
Ken Fallon edited this page 2023-06-22 17:32:24 +00:00

The HPR site has been traditionally based on a LAMP Stack.

This presents a problem when the central site is offline or suffers a denial of service attack.

Moving to a centralized privately owned and operated solution presents it's own issues arising from cost, and the inevitable decommissioning 1, 2.

HPR is a community project and we can request that the community to assist in the distribution of the site. As such they should be able to participate in the Massively Multisite Mirroring(M³) of the website.

The community member can then register their server which could be added to a Round Robin load balancer.

All files necessary to have a complete copy of the website should be made available via rsync.

Hosting a complete copy

Where does a complete copy of the website that is easy to download to another computer live?

Internet Archive (IA)

What files associated with an episode are allowed to be stored on IA?

  • full show notes?
  • Other associated example files?
  • images
  • audio

What are the standard/best practices for organizing files on IA?

If we can store all show related files on IA, is that what we want to do? Should IA be the main storage of a shows assets?