
213 lines
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Raw Normal View History

-- What's the latest show today?
SELECT concat('Latest show number on this date: ',curdate()) AS '';
SELECT max(id) AS latest_show
FROM eps
WHERE date <= curdate();
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- How many hosts are there up to and including today? Note there are 49 hosts
-- with no shows at all, imported from the TWAT data, so a simple count of
-- rows is not going to be correct.
SELECT count(*) AS total_users_to_today
( SELECT e.id
FROM hosts h,
eps e
WHERE e.hostid = h.hostid
AND e.date <= curdate()
GROUP BY h.host) AS ttab;
-- How many new hosts are there in the (future) queue?
SELECT h.host AS upcoming_new_host,
min(e.date) AS joindate
FROM hosts h,
eps e
WHERE e.hostid = h.hostid
GROUP BY h.host
HAVING min(e.date) > curdate();
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Find all new hosts who joined in the last year (ignoring those with queued
-- shows in the future)
SELECT 'Hosts joining in the last year with number of shows done' AS '';
SELECT h.hostid,
min(e.date) AS joindate,
count(e.id) AS COUNT
FROM eps e
JOIN hosts h ON e.hostid = h.hostid
GROUP BY h.hostid
HAVING min(e.date) >= (curdate() - INTERVAL 364 DAY)
AND min(e.date) <= curdate()
ORDER BY min(e.date);
SELECT COUNT(*) AS new_host_count,
sum(COUNT) AS total_shows
( SELECT h.hostid,
min(e.date) AS joindate,
count(e.id) AS COUNT
FROM eps e
JOIN hosts h ON e.hostid = h.hostid
GROUP BY h.hostid
HAVING min(e.date) >= (curdate() - INTERVAL 364 DAY)
AND min(e.date) <= curdate()
ORDER BY min(e.date)) src;
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Display all hosts contributing > 10 shows in the last year then count the
-- number of shows
SELECT 'Hosts contributing > 10 shows in the last year' AS '';
SELECT e.hostid,
COUNT(e.hostid) AS shows
FROM eps e
JOIN hosts h ON e.hostid = h.hostid
WHERE e.date <= curdate()
AND e.date >= (curdate() - interval 364 DAY)
GROUP BY e.hostid
HAVING COUNT(e.hostid) > 10
SELECT COUNT(*) AS no_of_hosts,
sum(shows) AS sum_of_shows_by_group
( SELECT e.hostid,
COUNT(e.hostid) AS shows
FROM eps e
JOIN hosts h ON e.hostid = h.hostid
WHERE e.date <= curdate()
AND e.date >= (curdate() - interval 364 DAY)
GROUP BY e.hostid
HAVING COUNT(e.hostid) > 10
ORDER BY COUNT(e.hostid) DESC) AS ttab;
-- Display all hosts contributing > 5 shows in the last year then count the
-- number of shows. Remember this includes the > 10 group too!
SELECT 'Hosts contributing > 5 shows in the last year' AS '';
SELECT e.hostid,
COUNT(e.hostid) AS shows
FROM eps e
JOIN hosts h ON e.hostid = h.hostid
WHERE e.date <= curdate()
AND e.date >= (curdate() - interval 364 DAY)
GROUP BY e.hostid
HAVING COUNT(e.hostid) > 5
SELECT COUNT(*) AS no_of_hosts,
sum(shows) AS sum_of_shows_by_group
( SELECT e.hostid,
COUNT(e.hostid) AS shows
FROM eps e
JOIN hosts h ON e.hostid = h.hostid
WHERE e.date <= curdate()
AND e.date >= (curdate() - interval 364 DAY)
GROUP BY e.hostid
HAVING COUNT(e.hostid) > 5
ORDER BY COUNT(e.hostid) DESC) AS ttab;
-- How many hosts contributed shows in the last year
SELECT 'Number of hosts contributing shows in the last year' AS '';
SELECT COUNT(*) AS hosts_contributing_last_year,
sum(shows) AS sum_of_shows_by_group
( SELECT e.hostid,
COUNT(e.hostid) AS shows
FROM eps e
JOIN hosts h ON e.hostid = h.hostid
WHERE e.date <= curdate()
AND e.date >= (curdate() - interval 364 DAY)
GROUP BY e.hostid
ORDER BY COUNT(e.hostid) DESC ) AS hly;
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- How many new hosts were there per year and how many shows have they
-- contributed overall?
SELECT 'Hosts per year and their contributions' AS '';
SELECT joinyear,
COUNT(*) AS new_hosts,
sum(shows) AS shows
( SELECT extract(YEAR
FROM min(e.date)) AS joinyear,
count(e.id) AS shows
FROM eps e
JOIN hosts h ON e.hostid = h.hostid
WHERE e.date <= curdate()
GROUP BY h.hostid
ORDER BY min(e.date)) AS ttab
GROUP BY joinyear;
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Hosts who joined, did a show but haven't been seen since January of the
-- year 3 years ago.
SELECT 'Hosts not seen for the past three years' AS '';
SELECT COUNT(*) AS departed_hosts
( SELECT h.hostid,
min(e.date) AS joindate,
max(e.date) AS lastshow,
count(e.id) AS shows
FROM eps e
JOIN hosts h ON e.hostid = h.hostid
WHERE e.date <= curdate()
GROUP BY h.hostid
HAVING lastshow < date_format(date_sub(curdate(),INTERVAL 3 YEAR),'%Y-01-01')
ORDER BY shows,
min(e.date)) ttab;
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Show hosts and shows per month throughout the HPR history
SELECT 'Hosts and shows per month throughout the HPR history' AS '';
SELECT extract(year_month
FROM e.date) AS MONTH,
COUNT(e.id) AS shows,
COUNT(DISTINCT e.hostid) AS hosts
FROM eps e
WHERE e.date < date_format(curdate(),"%Y-%c-01")