
317 lines
8.0 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#!/usr/bin/env perl
# FILE: resume_workflow
# USAGE: ./resume_workflow epno
# DESCRIPTION: For use with an HPR show that may not be fully processed.
# Determines which workflow step is the next that needs to be
# run, displays what it is and the script needed to perform it,
# and passes the script name to the caller.
# OPTIONS: ---
# BUGS: ---
# NOTES: ---
# AUTHOR: Dave Morriss (djm), Dave.Morriss@gmail.com
# VERSION: 0.0.2
# CREATED: 2024-02-10 17:53:09
# REVISION: 2024-03-10 19:15:14
use v5.16;
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature qw{ postderef say signatures state try };
no warnings
qw{ experimental::postderef experimental::signatures experimental::try };
use Config::General;
use List::Util qw( maxstr minstr );
use List::MoreUtils qw( uniq );
use File::Slurper qw( read_text read_lines );
use JSON;
use Log::Handler;
use Data::Dumper;
# Version number (Incremented by Vim)
our $VERSION = '0.0.2';
# Script and directory names
( my $PROG = $0 ) =~ s|.*/||mx;
( my $DIR = $0 ) =~ s|/?[^/]*$||mx;
$DIR = '.' unless $DIR;
# Declarations
# Constants and other declarations
my $basedir = "$ENV{HOME}/HPR/Show_Submission";
my $cache = "$basedir/shownotes";
my $logs = "$basedir/logs";
my $logfile = "$logs/$PROG.log";
my $j_shownotes = 'shownotes.json';
my $formatfile = '.format';
my $statusfile = '.status';
my $assetfile = '.assets';
my $picturefile = '.pictures';
# Setting the environment variable 'resume_workflow_DEBUG' to greater than
# 0 enables debug output. Different values control different output
my $DEBUG = 0;
my $DEBUG_env = "${PROG}_DEBUG";
if ( defined($ENV{"$DEBUG_env"})) {
$DEBUG = $ENV{"$DEBUG_env"};
my ($showno, $showid, $missed);
my %showdata;
my @statustags = qw(
# Set up the tag hash
# {{{
my %taghash = (
'copied' => {
'description' => 'Copy notes',
'script' => 'copy_shownotes',
'level' => 1,
'parsed' => {
'description' => 'Parse raw',
'script' => 'do_parse',
'level' => 1,
'format' => {
'description' => 'Change format',
'script' => 'do_change_format',
'level' => 2,
'metadata' => {
'description' => 'Edit metadata',
'script' => 'do_edit_shownotes',
'level' => 2,
'pictures' => {
'description' => 'Process pictures',
'script' => 'do_pictures',
'level' => 2,
'assets' => {
'description' => 'Upload assets',
'script' => 'do_asset_upload',
'level' => 2,
'edited' => {
'description' => 'Edit notes',
'script' => 'do_vim',
'level' => 1,
'converted' => {
'description' => 'Run Pandoc',
'script' => 'do_pandoc',
'level' => 1,
'rendered' => {
'description' => 'Run browser',
'script' => 'do_browse',
'level' => 1,
'uploaded' => {
'description' => 'Upload HTML',
'script' => 'do_upload',
'level' => 1,
'database' => {
'description' => 'Change database status',
'script' => 'do_update_reservations',
'level' => 1,
'reported' => {
'description' => 'Report change to Matrix',
'script' => 'do_report',
'level' => 1,
# }}}
_debug($DEBUG == 3, '%taghash: ' . Dumper(\%taghash));
# Enable Unicode mode
binmode STDOUT, ":encoding(UTF-8)";
binmode STDERR, ":encoding(UTF-8)";
# Argument 1 must be the episode number in '1234' or 'hpr1234' form
$showno = shift;
die "Usage: $PROG epno\n" unless $showno;
if (($showno) =~ /^(?:hpr)?(\d+)$/) {
# Make an id in 'hpr1234' format
$showid = sprintf('hpr%04d',$showno);
else {
die "Invalid episode format: $showno\n";
# Set up logging keeping the default log layout except for the date. The format
# is "%T [%L] %m" where '%T' is the timestamp, '%L' is the log level and '%m is
# the message.
my $log = Log::Handler->new();
file => {
timeformat => "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S",
filename => $logfile,
minlevel => 0,
maxlevel => 7,
# Check the existence of the requested show directory
unless (-d "$cache/$showid") {
die "Directory $cache/$showid not found\n";
$log->info("Processing show $showid");
# Collect show data
# Declared format
if ( -e "$cache/$showid/$formatfile" ) {
chomp($showdata{format} = read_text("$cache/$showid/$formatfile"));
else {
$showdata{format} = undef;
# Current status
if ( -e "$cache/$showid/$statusfile" ) {
$showdata{statuslist} = [];
push(@{$showdata{statuslist}}, read_lines("$cache/$showid/$statusfile"));
else {
$showdata{statuslist} = undef;
# Assets
if ( -e "$cache/$showid/$assetfile" ) {
$showdata{assets} = [];
push(@{$showdata{assets}}, read_lines("$cache/$showid/$assetfile"));
$taghash{assets}->{level} = 1;
else {
$showdata{assets} = undef;
# Pictures (a subset of assets)
if ( -e "$cache/$showid/$picturefile" ) {
$showdata{pictures} = [];
push(@{$showdata{pictures}}, read_lines("$cache/$showid/$picturefile"));
$taghash{pictures}->{level} = 1;
else {
$showdata{pictures} = undef;
_debug($DEBUG == 3, '%showdata: ' . Dumper(\%showdata));
# Determine the incomplete steps in the workflow
$missed = 0;
for my $tag (@statustags) {
my $th = $taghash{$tag};
if ( $th->{level} == 1
&& scalar( grep( /$tag/, @{ $showdata{statuslist} } ) ) == 0 )
printf "%-40s (./%s %d)\n",
"Missing '$th->{description}' step",
$th->{script}, $showno;
# Nothing missed, so say so
say "Nothing to do for show $showno" if ($missed == 0);
#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
# NAME: _debug
# PURPOSE: Prints debug reports
# PARAMETERS: $active Boolean: 1 for print, 0 for no print
# $messages... Arbitrary list of messages to print
# RETURNS: Nothing
# DESCRIPTION: Outputs messages if $active is true. It removes any trailing
# newline from each one and then adds one in the 'print' to the
# caller doesn't have to bother. Prepends each message with 'D>'
# to show it's a debug message.
# THROWS: No exceptions
# COMMENTS: Differs from other functions of the same name
sub _debug {
my $active = shift;
my $message;
return unless $active;
while ($message = shift) {
print STDERR "D> $message\n";
# vim: syntax=perl:ts=8:sw=4:et:ai:tw=78:fo=tcrqn21:fdm=marker