Hacker Public Radio FAQ 2021-04-01

0.1 What is Hacker Public Radio?

0.2 What is a show?

0.3 Can I submit a show made for another podcast?

0.4 What defines a show as being "Produced for Hacker Public Radio"?

0.5 What are the mandatory elements of an HPR show?

0.6 What are tags?

0.7 Is it OK if I don't include notes with my show?

0.8 How do I include photographs or other files with my show?

0.9 What is and is not edited in a show after submission?

0.10 What are some common errors in show notes?

It depends on the note format to some extent:

0.10.1 HTML notes

0.10.2 Markdown notes

0.10.3 General errors

0.11 If I notice an error in my show's details how can it be fixed?

0.12 Does hobbypublicradio.com have anything to do with HPR?

0.13 How can I talk to other HPR hosts and listeners?