#!/usr/bin/env bash # Copyright Ken Fallon - Released into the public domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/ #============================================================ # git clone https://github.com/davmo/fix_tags.git # git clone https://repo.anhonesthost.net/HPR/hpr-tools.git ################################################# # Variables debug="1" force_overwrite=true # Sets the behavour when files exist or not processing_dir="$HOME/tmp/hpr/processing" # The directory where the files will be copied to for processing theme="${processing_dir}/theme.flac" # The hpr theme silence="${processing_dir}/silence.flac" # A segment of silence to offset the tts in the intro outro_flac="${processing_dir}/outro.flac" # The outro edited media outro_srt="${processing_dir}/outro.srt" # The outro subtitle file intro_srt="${processing_dir}/intro.srt" # The intro subtitle template file piper_bin="/opt/bin/piper/piper/piper" # The location of the text to speech engine piper_voice="/opt/bin/piper/piper/piper-voices/en/en_US/lessac/medium/en_US-lessac-medium.onnx" ################################################# # Display Error message, display help and exit function echo_error() { echo -e "ERROR: $@" #1>&2 display_help_and_exit exit 1 } ################################################# # Display Information message function echo_debug() { if [ "${debug}" != "0" ] then echo -e "INFO: $@" #1>&2 fi } ################################################# # Display Help function display_help_and_exit() { echo_debug "For more information see https://repo.anhonesthost.net/HPR/hpr_documentation" exit 1 } ################################################# # Program Checks function program_checks() { if [ ! -d "${processing_dir}" ] then echo_error "The \"${processing_dir}\" is required but is not defined." fi if [[ ! -s "${theme}" || ! -s "${silence}" || ! -s "${outro_flac}" || ! -s "${outro_srt}" || ! -s "${intro_srt}" ]] then echo_error "The files for the theme are not available." ls -al "${theme}" "${silence}" "${outro_flac}" "${outro_srt}" "${intro_srt}" fi function is_installed() { for this_program in "$@" do if ! command -v ${this_program} 2>&1 >/dev/null then echo_error "The application \"${this_program}\" is required but is not installed." fi done } is_installed audio2image.bash awk base64 cat csvtojson curl date detox eval extract_images ffprobe file find grep head jq kate magick mediainfo mv realpath remove-image.pl rsync seamonkey sed sed sort sponge ssh touch touch wget for arg in $* do if [ "$( echo "${arg}" | grep --count --ignore-case --perl-regexp -- '-h|--help' )" -ne "0" ] then echo_debug "Process the next SHOW_SUBMITTED show from the queue." echo_debug "If a directory is provided then the shownotes.json will be used." fi done if ${force_overwrite} then echo_debug "The setting \"force_overwrite\" is set to true, so files will be overwritten." else echo_debug "The setting \"force_overwrite\" is set to false, so when files exist the program will skip files if they exist." fi } ################################################# # Get the next show in the queue function get_working_dir_from_hpr_hub() { echo_debug "Processing the next HPR Show in the queue" if [ "$( curl --silent --netrc-file ${HOME}/.netrc --write-out '%{http_code}' https://hub.hackerpublicradio.org/cms/status.php --output "${processing_dir}/status.csv" )" != 200 ] then echo_error "Could not get a list of the queue status from \"https://hub.hackerpublicradio.org/cms/status.php\"" fi if [ ! -s "${processing_dir}/status.csv" ] then echo_error "Failed to retrieve \"${processing_dir}/status.csv\" from server." fi response=$( cat "${processing_dir}/status.csv" | grep ',SHOW_SUBMITTED,' | head -1 | sed 's/,/ /g' ) if [ -z "${response}" ] then echo_debug "Getting a list of all the reservations." curl --silent --netrc-file ${HOME}/.netrc "https://hub.hackerpublicradio.org/cms/status.php" | sort -n echo_error "There appear to be no more shows with the status \"SHOW_SUBMITTED\"." fi timestamp_epoc="$( echo ${response} | awk '{print $1}' )" ep_num="$( echo ${response} | awk '{print $2}' )" ep_date="$( echo ${response} | awk '{print $3}' )" key="$( echo ${response} | awk '{print $4}' )" email="$( echo ${response} | awk '{print $6}' )" email_unpadded="$( echo $email | sed 's/.nospam@nospam./@/g' )" hpr_upload_dir="/home/hpr/upload/${timestamp_epoc}_${ep_num}_${ep_date}_${key}" source_dir="hpr:${hpr_upload_dir}" dest_dir="${timestamp_epoc}_${ep_num}_${ep_date}_${key}" working_dir="${processing_dir}/${dest_dir}" echo_debug "Downloading hpr${ep_num} from ${email_unpadded}" echo_debug "" echo_debug "rsync -ave ssh --partial --progress ${source_dir}/ ${working_dir}/" ssh hpr -t "detox -v ${hpr_upload_dir}/" rsync -ave ssh --partial --progress ${source_dir}/ ${working_dir}/ if [ ! -s "${working_dir}/shownotes.json" ] then echo_error "The working dir is missing the shownotes file \"${working_dir}/shownotes.json\"" fi if [ "$( file --brief --mime-type "${working_dir}/shownotes.json" | grep --count "application/json" )" -eq 0 ] then echo_error "The \"${working_dir}/shownotes.json\" is not a \"application/json\" file" fi } ################################################# # Get the show information from a local directory function get_working_dir_from_local_dir() { echo_debug "Processing a local directory" # Get supplied working dir and ep_num if provided for argument in "$@" do if [ -d "${argument}" ] then working_dir="$( realpath ${argument} )" fi if [ "$( echo "${argument}" | grep --count "ep_num=" )" -eq "1" ] then ep_num="$( echo "${argument}" | sed 's/^.*ep_num=//g' | awk '{print $1}' )" fi done if [[ ! -d "${working_dir}" || -z "${working_dir}" ]] then echo_error "The working dir is missing. Please supply a working directory." fi if [ ! -s "${working_dir}/shownotes.json" ] then echo_debug "Could not find a \"shownotes.json\" in the working directory \"${working_dir}/\"" if [ -z "${ep_num}" ] then echo_debug "Attempting to get episode number from the \"${working_dir}\"" ep_num="$( echo "${working_dir}" | grep --color=never --perl-regexp --only-matching '_[0-9]{4}_' | sed 's/_//g' )" fi if [ -z "${ep_num}" ] then echo_error "Could not find the episode number - please rerun with \"$0 ep_num=9876\"" fi echo_debug "Attempting to download information for episode \"${ep_num}\"" if [ "$( curl --silent --netrc-file ${HOME}/.netrc --write-out '%{http_code}' https://hub.hackerpublicradio.org/cms/shownotes.php?id=${ep_num} --output "${working_dir}/shownotes.json" )" != 200 ] then echo_error "The Episode hpr${ep_num} has not been posted." fi if [ ! -s "${working_dir}/shownotes.json" ] then echo_error "The Episode information for hpr${ep_num} failed to download." fi fi if [[ -s "${working_dir}/shownotes.json" && "$( file --brief --mime-type "${working_dir}/shownotes.json" | grep --count "application/json" )" -eq 0 ]] then echo_error "\"${working_dir}/shownotes.json\" is not a \"application/json\" file" fi } ################################################# # Get the show either the next in the queue # or from a local queue directory function get_working_dir() { echo_debug "Getting working directory and populating show information. $#" if [ $# -eq 0 ] then get_working_dir_from_hpr_hub else get_working_dir_from_local_dir $@ fi if [ ! -s "${working_dir}/shownotes.json" ] then echo_error "The working dir \"${working_dir}\" could not be found." fi echo_debug "Found working directory as \"${working_dir}\"" if [ ! -d "${working_dir}/processing/" ] then mkdir -v "${working_dir}/processing/" if [ ! -d "${working_dir}/processing/" ] then echo_error "Could not create the processing directory \"${working_dir}/processing/\"." fi fi } ################################################# # Provides all the metadata we need to process the show. function get_episode_metadata() { echo_debug "Extracting the episode metadata" if [[ -s "${working_dir}/shownotes.json" && "$( file --brief --mime-type "${working_dir}/shownotes.json" | grep --count "application/json" )" -eq 0 ]] then echo_error "\"${working_dir}/shownotes.json\" is not a \"application/json\" file" fi shownotes_json="${working_dir}/shownotes.json" shownotes_html="${working_dir}/shownotes.html" hostid="$( jq --raw-output '.host.Host_ID' ${shownotes_json} )" host_name="$( jq --raw-output '.host.Host_Name' ${shownotes_json} )" email="$( jq --raw-output '.host.Host_Email' ${shownotes_json} )" email_padded="$( echo $email | sed 's/@/.nospam@nospam./g' )" title="$( jq --raw-output '.episode.Title' ${shownotes_json} )" summary="$( jq --raw-output '.episode.Summary' ${shownotes_json} )" series_id="$( jq --raw-output '.episode.Series' ${shownotes_json} )" series_name="$( jq --raw-output '.episode.Series_Name' ${shownotes_json} )" explicit="$( jq --raw-output '.episode.Explicit' ${shownotes_json} )" episode_license="$( jq --raw-output '.episode.Show_License' ${shownotes_json} )" ep_date="$( jq --raw-output '.metadata.Episode_Date' ${shownotes_json} )" ep_num="$( jq --raw-output '.metadata.Episode_Number' ${shownotes_json} )" key="$( jq --raw-output '.metadata.Key' ${shownotes_json} )" tags="$( jq --raw-output '.episode.Tags' ${shownotes_json} )" host_license="$( jq --raw-output '.host.Host_License' ${shownotes_json} )" host_profile="$( jq --raw-output '.host.Host_Profile' ${shownotes_json} )" remote_media="$( jq --raw-output '.metadata.url' ${shownotes_json} )" shownotes_json_sanatised=$( jq 'del(.episode.Show_Notes, .metadata.Host_IP)' "${shownotes_json}" ) echo_debug "Extracting shownotes html from json file." jq --raw-output '.episode.Show_Notes' "${shownotes_json}" > "${shownotes_html}" if [ ! -s "${shownotes_html}" ] then echo_error "Failed to extract the shownote html file \"${shownotes_html}\"" fi ( echo '' cat "${shownotes_html}" echo ' ' ) | sponge "${shownotes_html}" variables=( shownotes_json shownotes_html hostid host_name email title summary series_id series_name explicit episode_license ep_date ep_num tags host_license host_profile remote_media shownotes_json_sanatised ) for variable in "${variables[@]}" do if [[ -z ${!variable} && "${variable}" != "remote_media" ]] then # indirect expansion here echo_error "The variable \"${variable}\" is missing."; else echo_debug "The variable \"${variable}\" is set to \"${!variable}\""; fi done # Argument Override if [ $# -gt 0 ] then declare -A hash for argument do if [[ $argument =~ ^[^=]+=.*$ ]] then this_key="${argument%=*}" this_value="${argument#*=}" this_value="$( echo "${this_value}" | jq --slurp --raw-input @uri | sed -e 's/%0A"$//g' -e 's/^"//g' )" eval "${this_key}=${this_value}" echo_debug "Replacing \"${this_key}\" with \"${this_value}\"." fi done fi # Hosts need to exist in the database if [ "${hostid}" == '0' ] then echo_error "The hostid is 0. Create the host and use \"hostid=???\" to override" fi } ################################################# # Extract_images by brute force function extract_images_brute_force() { echo_debug "Extracting images with grep." if [ -s "${shownotes_html%.*}_edited.html" ] then echo_debug "There is already an edited version of the shownotes at \"${shownotes_html%.*}_edited.html\", slipping image extraction." return fi if [[ -z "${shownotes_html}" || ! -s "${shownotes_html}" ]] then echo_error "The shownotes_html file \"${shownotes_html}\" could not be found." fi ## TODO Temp fix until https://repo.anhonesthost.net/HPR/hpr-tools/issues/3 is available sed "s#>#>\n#g" "${shownotes_html}" | sponge "${shownotes_html}" # Extract embedded images image_count_embedded="1" for image in $( grep --color=never --perl-regexp --only-matching 'data:image/[^;]*;base64,\K[a-zA-Z0-9+/=]*' "${shownotes_html}" ) do this_image="${working_dir}/hpr${ep_num}_image_${image_count_embedded}" echo -n "$image" | base64 -di > ${this_image} this_ext="$( file --mime-type ${this_image} | awk -F '/' '{print $NF}' )" mv -v "${this_image}" "${this_image}.${this_ext}" this_width="$( mediainfo "${this_image}.${this_ext}" | grep Width | awk -F ': | pixels' '{print $2}' | sed 's/ //g' )" if [ "${this_width}" -gt "400" ] then echo_debug "Generating thumbnail for embedded image \"${this_image}.${this_ext}\"." magick "${this_image}.${this_ext}" -resize 400x "${this_image}_tn.${this_ext}" fi ((image_count_embedded=image_count_embedded+1)) done # Download referenced images image_count_external="1" for image in $( grep --color=never --perl-regexp --only-matching '' "${shownotes_html}" | awk -F 'src=' '{print $2}' | awk -F '"' '{print $2}' ) do this_image="${working_dir}/hpr${ep_num}_image_ext_${image_count_external}" wget "${image}" --output-document=${this_image} if [ -s "${this_image}" ] then this_ext="$( file --mime-type ${this_image} | awk -F '/' '{print $NF}' )" mv -v "${this_image%.*}" "${this_image}.${this_ext}" this_width="$( mediainfo "${this_image}.${this_ext}" | grep Width | awk -F ': | pixels' '{print $2}' | sed 's/ //g' )" if [ "${this_width}" -gt "400" ] then echo_debug "Generating thumbnail for external image \"${this_image}.${this_ext}\"." magick "${this_image}.${this_ext}" -resize 400x "${this_image}_tn.${this_ext}" fi ((image_count_external=image_count_external+1)) else echo_debug "Could not download external image \"${image}\"." fi done cat "${shownotes_html}" | remove-image.pl | sponge "${shownotes_html}" if [ "${image_count_embedded}" -gt "1" ] then image_count_embedded="1" touch "${shownotes_html}.embedded_images" cat "${shownotes_html}" | while read this_line do if [ "$( echo "${this_line}" | grep --count "LOCAL_IMAGE_REMOVED" )" -eq "0" ] then echo "${this_line}" >> "${shownotes_html}.embedded_images" else this_image="$( find "${working_dir}/" -type f -iname "hpr${ep_num}_image_${image_count_embedded}.*" )" if [[ -z "${this_image}" || ! -s "${this_image}" ]] then echo_error "Unable to find an image for \"${image_count_embedded}\", \"${this_image}\"." fi this_image="$( basename "${this_image}" )" this_image_tn="$( find "${working_dir}/" -type f -iname "${this_image%.*}_tn.*" )" if [[ -z "${this_image_tn}" || ! -s "${this_image_tn}" ]] then echo "${this_line}" | sed "s@LOCAL_IMAGE_REMOVED@${this_image}@g" >> "${shownotes_html}.embedded_images" else this_image_tn="$( basename "${this_image_tn}" )" echo "" >> "${shownotes_html}.embedded_images" echo "${this_line}" | sed "s@LOCAL_IMAGE_REMOVED@${this_image_tn}@g" >> "${shownotes_html}.embedded_images" echo "" >> "${shownotes_html}.embedded_images" fi ((image_count_embedded=image_count_embedded+1)) fi done mv -v "${shownotes_html}.embedded_images" "${shownotes_html}" else echo_debug "No embedded images found. ${image_count_embedded}" fi if [ "${image_count_external}" -gt "1" ] then image_count_external="1" touch "${shownotes_html}.external_images" cat "${shownotes_html}" | remove-image.pl | while read this_line do if [ "$( echo "${this_line}" | grep --count "REMOTE_IMAGE_REMOVED" )" -eq "0" ] then echo "${this_line}" >> "${shownotes_html}.external_images" else this_image="$( find "${working_dir}/" -type f -iname "hpr${ep_num}_image_ext_${image_count_external}.*" )" if [[ -z "${this_image}" || ! -s "${this_image}" ]] then echo_error "Unable to find an image for \"${image_count_external}\", \"${this_image}\"." fi this_image="$( basename "${this_image}" )" this_image_tn="$( find "${working_dir}/" -type f -iname "${this_image%.*}_tn.*" )" if [[ -z "${this_image_tn}" || ! -s "${this_image_tn}" ]] then echo "${this_line}" | sed "s@REMOTE_IMAGE_REMOVED@${this_image}@g" >> "${shownotes_html}.external_images" else this_image_tn="$( basename "${this_image_tn}" )" echo "" >> "${shownotes_html}.external_images" echo "${this_line}" | sed "s@REMOTE_IMAGE_REMOVED@${this_image_tn}@g" >> "${shownotes_html}.external_images" echo "" >> "${shownotes_html}.external_images" fi ((image_count_external=image_count_external+1)) fi done mv -v "${shownotes_html}.external_images" "${shownotes_html}" else echo_debug "No external images found." fi ## TODO End Temp fix } ################################################# ## Media Checks function media_checks() { if [[ -n "${remote_media}" && "${remote_media}" != "null" ]] then echo_debug "Fetching remote media from \"${remote_media}\"" wget --timestamping --directory-prefix="${working_dir}/" "${remote_media}" if [ $? -ne 0 ] then echo_error "Could not get the remote media" fi fi media=$( find "${working_dir}/" -maxdepth 1 -type f -exec file --mime-type {} \; | grep -Ei ' audio/| video/' | awk -F ': ' '{print $1}' ) if [ -z "${media}" ] then find "${working_dir}/" -type f echo_error "Can't find any media in \"${working_dir}/\"" fi media_basename="$( basename "${media}" )" if [ -z "${media_basename}" ] then echo_error "Could not create the media_basename \"${media_basename}/\"" fi if [ "$( echo "${media}" | wc -l )" -ne 1 ] then echo "Multiple files found. Which one do you want to use ?" select this_media in $( echo "${media}" ) do ls -al "${this_media}" media="${this_media}" break done fi echo_debug "You selected \"${media}\"." if [[ -z "${media}" || ! -s "${media}" ]] then echo_error "Could not find the media \"${media}/\"" fi shownotes_srt="${media%.*}.srt" if [[ -z "${shownotes_srt}" || ! -s "${shownotes_srt}" ]] then echo_error "Could not find the subtitles for media \"${media}\"" fi # Find duration duration=$( mediainfo --full --Output=JSON "${media}" | jq --raw-output '.media.track | .[] | select(."@type"=="Audio") | .Duration' | awk -F '.' '{print $1}' ) if [[ -z "${duration}" || "${duration}" -lt "30" || "${duration}" -gt "30000" ]] then echo_error "Invalid duration found in \"${media}\"" >&2 fi echo_debug "The Duration is \"${duration}\" seconds from \"${media}\"" # Find number of channels ( 1=mono or 2=stereo) supplied_channels=$( mediainfo --full --Output=JSON "${media}" | jq --raw-output '.media.track | .[] | select(."@type"=="Audio") | .Channels' ) if [[ -z "${supplied_channels}" || "${supplied_channels}" -lt "1" || "${supplied_channels}" -gt "2" ]] then echo_error "Invalid number of audio channels \"${supplied_channels}\" found in \"${media}\"" >&2 fi echo_debug "The number of audio channels is \"${supplied_channels}\" from \"${media}\" ." # Gernerate the Spectrum and Waveform image ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel error -y -i "${media}" -lavfi "showspectrumpic=s=960x540" "${working_dir}/processing/${media_basename%.*}_spectrum.png" audio2image.bash "${media}" && mv -v "${media%.*}.png" "${working_dir}/processing/${media_basename%.*}_waveform.png" # Getting metadata mediainfo "${media}" > "${working_dir}/processing/${media_basename%.*}_mediainfo.txt" exiftool "${media}" > "${working_dir}/processing/${media_basename%.*}_exiftool.txt" for check_file in spectrum.png waveform.png mediainfo.txt exiftool.txt do if [ ! -s "${working_dir}/processing/${media_basename%.*}_${check_file}" ] then echo_error "The ${check_file} file was not generated for the \"${working_dir}/processing/${media_basename%.*}_${check_file}\"" >&2 fi done ffprobe="$( ffprobe ${media} 2>&1 | grep Audio: | sed 's/^.\s//g' )" file_mime="$( file --brief --mime ${media} )" file_mime_type="$( file --brief --mime-type ${media} )" if [[ -z "${ffprobe}" || -z ${file_mime} || -s ${file_mime_type} ]] then echo "ffprobe: ${ffprobe}, file_mime: ${file_mime},file_mime_type: ${file_mime_type}" echo_error "Wasn't able to find mime metadata from \"${media}/\"" fi } ################################################# ## Generate Initial Report for review by the Janitors function generate_initial_report() { echo_debug "Generating the initial report." # TODO list the images. echo " Hacker Public Radio ~ The Technology Community Podcast

Field Mapping


Raw shownotes.json



mediainfo report

$( cat "${working_dir}/processing/${media_basename%.*}_mediainfo.txt" )

exiftool report

$( cat "${working_dir}/processing/${media_basename%.*}_exiftool.txt" )

Audio Spectrum


Audio Waveform





$(cat "${shownotes_srt}" )

" > "${working_dir}/processing/${media_basename%.*}_media_report.html" } ################################################# ## Manually edit the shownotes to fix issues function manual_shownotes_review() { echo_debug "Validating the initial report." if [[ -z "${shownotes_html}" || ! -s "${shownotes_html}" || ! -s "${working_dir}/processing/${media_basename%.*}_media_report.html" ]] then echo "shownotes_html: ${shownotes_html}" ls -al "${shownotes_html}" "${working_dir}/processing/${media_basename%.*}_media_report.html" echo_error "The files needed for to generate the inital report information are not available." fi if [ -s "${shownotes_html%.*}_edited.html" ] then echo_debug "There is already an edited version of the shownotes at \"${shownotes_html%.*}_edited.html\"." return fi cp -v "${shownotes_html}" "${shownotes_html%.*}_edited.html" if [ ! -s "${shownotes_html%.*}_edited.html" ] then echo_error "The edited shownotes are missing \"${shownotes_html%.*}_edited.html\"." fi kate "${shownotes_html%.*}_edited.html" >/dev/null 2>&1 & librewolf "${working_dir}/processing/${media_basename%.*}_media_report.html" >/dev/null 2>&1 & seamonkey "${shownotes_html%.*}_edited.html" >/dev/null 2>&1 & # # # # bluefish "${shownotes_html%.*}_edited.html" >/dev/null 2>&1 & # https://markdowntohtml.com/ read -p "Does the metadata 'look ok ? (N|y) ? " -n 1 -r echo # (optional) move to a new line if [[ ! $REPLY =~ ^[yY]$ ]] then echo_error "The final review was not approved." fi # remove extra wrappers that seamonkey adds grep --invert-match --perl-regexp '|head>|' "${shownotes_html%.*}_edited.html" | sponge "${shownotes_html%.*}_edited.html" # Check to see if images have been linked TODO make a loop for found images if [ "$( find "${working_dir}" -type f -iname "*_image_*" | wc -l )" -ne "0" ] then if [ "$( grep --count "_image_" "${shownotes_html%.*}_edited.html" )" -eq "0" ] then echo_error "The extracted images were not linked in the shownotes \"${shownotes_html%.*}_edited.html\"." fi fi } ################################################# # Post show to HPR function post_show_to_hpr_db() { if [ "$( curl --silent --netrc --write-out '%{http_code}' https://hub.hackerpublicradio.org/cms/say.php?id=${ep_num} --output /dev/null )" == 200 ] then echo "WARN: The Episode hpr${ep_num} has already been posted" return fi if [ ! -s "${shownotes_html%.*}_edited.html" ] then echo_error "Failed to find the extracted shownote html file \"${shownotes_html%.*}_edited.html\"" fi notes="$( cat "${shownotes_html%.*}_edited.html" | jq --slurp --raw-input @uri | sed -e 's/%0A"$//g' -e 's/^"//g' )" host_profile_encoded="$( echo "${host_profile}" | jq --slurp --raw-input @uri | sed -e 's/%0A"$//g' -e 's/^"//g' )" post_show_json="${working_dir}/post_show.json" echo "Sending:" echo " key=${key} ep_num=${ep_num} ep_date=${ep_date} email=${email_padded} title=${title} duration=${duration} summary=${summary} series_id=${series_id} series_name=${series_name} explicit=${explicit} episode_license=${episode_license} tags=${tags} hostid=${hostid} host_name=${host_name} host_license=${host_license} host_profile=${host_profile_encoded} notes=REMOVED" echo "{ \"key\": \"${key}\", \"ep_num\": \"${ep_num}\", \"ep_date\": \"${ep_date}\", \"email\": \"${email_padded}\", \"title\": \"${title}\", \"duration\": \"${duration}\", \"summary\": \"${summary}\", \"series_id\": \"${series_id}\", \"series_name\": \"${series_name}\", \"explicit\": \"${explicit}\", \"episode_license\": \"${episode_license}\", \"tags\": \"${tags}\", \"hostid\": \"${hostid}\", \"host_name\": \"${host_name}\", \"host_license\": \"${host_license}\", \"host_profile\": \"${host_profile_encoded}\", \"notes\": \"${notes}\" }" > "${post_show_json}" jq '.' "${post_show_json}" if [ $? -ne 0 ] then echo_error "The file \"${post_show_json}\" is not valid json." fi curl --netrc --include --request POST "https://hub.hackerpublicradio.org/cms/add_show_json.php" --header "Content-Type: application/json" --data-binary "@${post_show_json}" if [ "$( curl --silent --netrc --write-out '%{http_code}' https://hub.hackerpublicradio.org/cms/say.php?id=${ep_num} --output /dev/null )" != 200 ] then echo_error "The Episode hpr${ep_num} has not been posted" fi } ################################################# # Generate text to speech summary function create_tts_summary { if [ "$( curl --silent --netrc --write-out '%{http_code}' https://hub.hackerpublicradio.org/cms/say.php?id=${ep_num} --output "${working_dir}/episode_summary.json" )" != 200 ] then echo_error "The Episode hpr${ep_num} has not been posted" fi if [ ! -s "${working_dir}/episode_summary.json" ] then echo_error "Failed to find the extracted shownote html file \"episode_summary.json\"" fi duration="$( jq --raw-output '.duration' "${working_dir}/episode_summary.json" | sed -e 's/ \././g' -e 's/\.\./\./g' -e 's/ / /g' )" if [[ -z "${duration}" || "${duration}" -lt "30" || "${duration}" -gt "30000" ]] then echo_error "Invalid duration found in \"episode_summary.json\"" >&2 fi synopsis="$( jq --raw-output '.synopsis' "${working_dir}/episode_summary.json" | sed -e 's/ \././g' -e 's/\.\./\./g' -e 's/ / /g' )" if [[ -z "${synopsis}" || "${synopsis}" == "null" ]] then echo_error "Could not retrieve the synopsis for the text to speech." fi echo_debug "Converting text synopsis \"${synopsis}\" to speech." echo "${synopsis}" | "${piper_bin}" --model "${piper_voice}" --output_file "${working_dir}/processing/episode_tts.wav" if [ ! -s "${working_dir}/processing/episode_tts.wav" ] then echo_error "The text to speech episode summary was not created \"${working_dir}/processing/episode_tts.wav\"." fi } ################################################# # Generate Intro function generate_intro { echo_debug "Generating the intro." if [[ ! -s "${working_dir}/processing/episode_tts.wav" || ! -s "${theme}" || ! -s "${media}" || ! -s "${outro_flac}" || ! -d "${working_dir}/processing/" ]] then echo_error "The files for the intro are not available." ls -al "${working_dir}/processing/episode_tts.wav" "${theme}" "${media}" "${outro_flac}" "${working_dir}/processing/" fi # Everything needs to be in the same format for the intro, 1 channel (mono) Sampling rate 44.1 kHz ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel error -y -i "${working_dir}/processing/episode_tts.wav" -ar 44100 -ac 1 "${working_dir}/processing//episode_tts.flac" # A level of silence is added at the beginning of the text to speech sox -V2 "${silence}" "${working_dir}/processing//episode_tts.flac" "${working_dir}/processing/episode_summary.flac" # The tracks are merged together resulting in the theme playing first, then after a period of silence the text to speech enters sox -V2 -m "${working_dir}/processing/episode_summary.flac" "${theme}" "${working_dir}/processing/episode_intro.flac" if [[ ! -s "${working_dir}/processing//episode_tts.flac" || ! -s "${working_dir}/processing/episode_summary.flac" || ! -s "${working_dir}/processing/episode_intro.flac" ]] then echo_error "The files for the theme audio sandwich are not available." ls -al "${working_dir}/processing//episode_tts.flac" "${working_dir}/processing/episode_summary.flac" "${theme}" "${working_dir}/processing/episode_intro.flac" fi } ################################################# # Generate parent audio - the sandwitch function generate_parent_audio { echo_debug "Generating the parent audio - the sandwitch." if [[ ! -s "${working_dir}/processing/episode_intro.flac" || ! -s "${media}" || ! -s "${outro_flac}" ]] then echo_error "The files for the sandwich are not available." ls -al fi # Everything needs to be in the same format so the text to speech needs to be converted to 2 channel Sampling rate 44.1 kHz ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel error -y -i "${media}" -ar 44100 -ac 1 "${working_dir}/processing/episode_body.flac" # Combine the components together sox -V2 "${working_dir}/processing/episode_intro.flac" "${working_dir}/processing/episode_body.flac" "${outro_flac}" "${working_dir}/processing/episode_sandwitch.flac" # Normalise the audio ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel error -y -i "${working_dir}/processing/episode_sandwitch.flac" -af loudnorm=I=-16:LRA=11:TP=-1.5 "${working_dir}/processing/episode_final.flac" } ################################################# # Generate derived media function generate_derived_media { echo_debug "Generating derived audio." if [[ ! -s "${working_dir}/processing/episode_final.flac" ]] then ls -al echo_error "The final cut is not available." fi episode_comment="$( jq --raw-output '.comment' "${working_dir}/episode_summary.json" )" episode_year="$( echo "${ep_date}" | cut -c -4 )" # https://wiki.multimedia.cx/index.php?title=FFmpeg_Metadata for ext in flac wav mp3 ogg opus do echo_debug "Generating \"hpr${ep_num}.${ext}\"." ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel error -y -i "${working_dir}/processing/episode_final.flac" \ -metadata title="${title}" \ -metadata artist="${host_name}" \ -metadata author="${host_name}" \ -metadata album="Hacker Public Radio" \ -metadata comment="${episode_comment} The license is ${episode_license}" \ -metadata year="${episode_year}" \ -metadata track="${ep_num}" \ -metadata genre="Podcast" \ -metadata language="English" \ -metadata copyright="${episode_license}" \ "${working_dir}/hpr${ep_num}.${ext}" fix_tags -album="Hacker Public Radio" -artist="${host_name}" -comment="${episode_comment} The license is ${episode_license}" -genre="Podcast" -title="${title}" -track="${ep_num}" -year="${episode_year}" "${working_dir}/hpr${ep_num}.${ext}" if [[ ! -s "${working_dir}/hpr${ep_num}.${ext}" ]] then echo_error "Failed to generate \"${working_dir}/hpr${ep_num}.${ext}\"." ls -al "${working_dir}/hpr${ep_num}.${ext}" fi done cp -v "${media}" "${working_dir}/hpr${ep_num}_source.${media##*.}" if [[ ! -s "${working_dir}/hpr${ep_num}_source.${media##*.}" ]] then echo_error "Failed to copy \"${working_dir}/hpr${ep_num}_source.${media##*.}\"." ls -al "${working_dir}/hpr${ep_num}_source.${media##*.}" fi } ################################################# # Generate Subtitles function generate_show_transcript() { echo_debug "Generate show transcript and subtitles." # TODO Currently processed elsewhere by hpr-get-and-transcode.bash and uploaded to hpr:upload/ to be synced with media above if [[ ! -s "${media}" || ! -s "${media%.*}.srt" || ! -s "${intro_srt}" || ! -s "${outro_srt}" || ! -s "${working_dir}/processing/episode_intro.flac" || ! -s "${working_dir}/processing/episode_body.flac" ]] then ls -al "${media}" "${media%.*}.srt" "${intro_srt}" "${outro_srt}" "${working_dir}/processing/episode_intro.flac" "${working_dir}/processing/episode_body.flac" echo_error "The transcriptions files are not available." fi # Copy in the intro subtitle template and replace each line with the text with the summary date="$( jq --raw-output '.date' "${working_dir}/episode_summary.json" | sed -e 's/ \././g' -e 's/\.\./\./g' -e 's/ / /g' )" title="$( jq --raw-output '.title' "${working_dir}/episode_summary.json" | sed -e 's/ \././g' -e 's/\.\./\./g' -e 's/ / /g' )" duration="$( jq --raw-output '.duration' "${working_dir}/episode_summary.json" | sed -e 's/ \././g' -e 's/\.\./\./g' -e 's/ / /g' )" duration_iso8601="$( \date -d@${duration} -u +%H:%M:%S )" artist="$( jq --raw-output '.artist' "${working_dir}/episode_summary.json" | sed -e 's/ \././g' -e 's/\.\./\./g' -e 's/ / /g' )" explicit="$( jq --raw-output '.explicit' "${working_dir}/episode_summary.json" | sed -e 's/ \././g' -e 's/\.\./\./g' -e 's/ / /g' )" license="$( jq --raw-output '.license' "${working_dir}/episode_summary.json" | sed -e 's/ \././g' -e 's/\.\./\./g' -e 's/ / /g' )" summary="$( jq --raw-output '.summary' "${working_dir}/episode_summary.json" | sed -e 's/ \././g' -e 's/\.\./\./g' -e 's/ / /g' )" if [[ -z "${date}" || "${date}" == "null" || -z "${title}" || "${title}" == "null" || -z "${duration_iso8601}" || "${duration_iso8601}" == "null" || -z "${artist}" || "${artist}" == "null" || -z "${explicit}" || "${explicit}" == "null" || -z "${license}" || "${license}" == "null" || -z "${summary}" || "${summary}" == "null" ]] then echo_error "Could not retrieve the synopsis for the text to speech." ls -al "${working_dir}/episode_summary.json" fi REPLACE_LINE_1="This is Hacker Public Radio Episode ${ep_num}, for ${date}" REPLACE_LINE_2="Today's show is entitled, \"${title}\"" REPLACE_LINE_3="The host is ${artist} and the duration is ${duration_iso8601}" REPLACE_LINE_4="The flag is ${explicit}, and the license is ${license}" REPLACE_LINE_5="The summary is \"${summary}\"" cp -v ${intro_srt} "${working_dir}/processing/episode_intro.srt" cp -v ${outro_srt} "${working_dir}/processing/episode_outro.srt" sed -e "s~REPLACE_LINE_1~${REPLACE_LINE_1}~g" -e "s~REPLACE_LINE_2~${REPLACE_LINE_2}~g" -e "s~REPLACE_LINE_3~${REPLACE_LINE_3}~g" -e "s~REPLACE_LINE_4~${REPLACE_LINE_4}~g" -e "s~REPLACE_LINE_5~${REPLACE_LINE_5}~g" -i "${working_dir}/processing/episode_intro.srt" if [ "$( grep --count REPLACE_LINE "${working_dir}/processing/episode_intro.srt" )" -ne "0" ] then echo_error "The intro subtitles were not correctly generated \"${working_dir}/processing/episode_intro.srt\"." fi # Time shift the media subtitles on by the duration of the intro wav file # https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/UnderstandingItsoffset itsoffset_intro="$( mediainfo --full --Output=JSON "${working_dir}/processing/episode_intro.flac" | jq --raw-output '.media.track | .[] | select(."@type"=="Audio") | .Duration' | awk -F '.' '{print $1}' )" if [[ -z "${itsoffset_intro}" || "${itsoffset_intro}" == "null" ]] then echo_error "Could not retrieve the itsoffset_intro to correct the timing of the subtitles." fi ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel error -y -itsoffset "${itsoffset_intro}" -i "${media%.*}.srt" -c copy "${working_dir}/processing/episode_body.srt" # Timeshift the outro by the duration of the intro and the supplied media itsoffset_body="$( mediainfo --full --Output=JSON "${working_dir}/processing/episode_body.flac" | jq --raw-output '.media.track | .[] | select(."@type"=="Audio") | .Duration' | awk -F '.' '{print $1}' )" if [[ -z "${itsoffset_body}" || "${itsoffset_body}" == "null" ]] then echo_error "Could not retrieve the itsoffset_body to correct the timing of the subtitles." fi itsoffset_body=$((itsoffset_intro + $itsoffset_body)) ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel error -y -itsoffset "${itsoffset_body}" -i "${working_dir}/processing/episode_outro.srt" -c copy "${working_dir}/processing/episode_outro_shifted.srt" # Combine the intro, timeshifted media subtitles, and the timeshifted outro subtitles. cat "${working_dir}/processing/episode_intro.srt" "${working_dir}/processing/episode_body.srt" "${working_dir}/processing/episode_outro_shifted.srt" > "${working_dir}/processing/episode.srt" # Parse the resulting subtitle file fixing the numberic counter # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SubRip count=1 cat "${working_dir}/processing/episode.srt" | while read this_line do if [ "$( echo "${this_line}" | grep -c -P '^[0-9]+$' )" -eq "1" ] then echo "${count}" count=$((count+1)) else echo "${this_line}" fi done > "${working_dir}/hpr${ep_num}.srt" # extract the txt version grep -Pv -- '-->|^$|^[0-9]+$' "${working_dir}/hpr${ep_num}.srt" > "${working_dir}/hpr${ep_num}.txt" if [[ ! -s "${working_dir}/hpr${ep_num}.srt" || ! -s "${working_dir}/hpr${ep_num}.txt" ]] then echo_error "The transcriptions files were not generated." ls -al "${working_dir}/hpr${ep_num}.srt" "${working_dir}/hpr${ep_num}.txt" fi } ################################################# ## Generate Final Report function generate_final_report() { echo_debug "Generating the final report." final_report="${working_dir}/processing/hpr${ep_num}_report.html" for this_file_extension_to_check in flac mp3 ogg opus srt txt wav do if [[ ! -s "${working_dir}/hpr${ep_num}.${this_file_extension_to_check}" ]] then ls -al "${working_dir}/hpr${ep_num}.${this_file_extension_to_check}" echo_error "The generated media is missing \"${this_file_extension_to_check}\"." fi done if [[ ! -s "${working_dir}/processing/${media_basename%.*}_media_report.html" ]] then ls -al "${working_dir}/processing/${media_basename%.*}_media_report.html" echo_error "The initial report is not available.\"${working_dir}/processing/${media_basename%.*}_media_report.html\"" fi grep -Pv '|' "${working_dir}/processing/${media_basename%.*}_media_report.html" > "${final_report}" echo "

Text To Speech

$( echo "${synopsis}" )


" >> "${final_report}" for this_file_extension_to_check in flac mp3 ogg opus wav do ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel error -y -i "${working_dir}/hpr${ep_num}.${this_file_extension_to_check}" -lavfi "showspectrumpic=s=960x540" "${working_dir}/processing/hpr${ep_num}_${this_file_extension_to_check}_spectrum.png" audio2image.bash "${working_dir}/hpr${ep_num}.${this_file_extension_to_check}" && mv -v "${working_dir}/hpr${ep_num}.png" "${working_dir}/processing/hpr${ep_num}_${this_file_extension_to_check}_waveform.png" mediainfo "${working_dir}/hpr${ep_num}.${this_file_extension_to_check}" > "${working_dir}/processing/hpr${ep_num}_${this_file_extension_to_check}_mediainfo.txt" exiftool "${working_dir}/hpr${ep_num}.${this_file_extension_to_check}" > "${working_dir}/processing/hpr${ep_num}_${this_file_extension_to_check}_exiftool.txt" ffprobe "${working_dir}/hpr${ep_num}.${this_file_extension_to_check}" 2>&1 | grep Audio: | sed 's/^.\s//g' > "${working_dir}/processing/hpr${ep_num}_${this_file_extension_to_check}_ffprobe.txt" file --brief --mime "${working_dir}/hpr${ep_num}.${this_file_extension_to_check}" >> "${working_dir}/processing/hpr${ep_num}_${this_file_extension_to_check}_ffprobe.txt" this_file_mime_type="$( file --brief --mime-type "${working_dir}/hpr${ep_num}.${this_file_extension_to_check}" )" for this_file_to_check in spectrum.png waveform.png mediainfo.txt exiftool.txt ffprobe.txt do if [[ ! -s "${working_dir}/processing/hpr${ep_num}_${this_file_extension_to_check}_${this_file_to_check}" ]] then ls -al "${working_dir}/processing/hpr${ep_num}_${this_file_extension_to_check}_${this_file_to_check}" echo_error "The inital report information is missing \"${this_file_to_check}\"." fi done echo "

Report for derived media file \"hpr${ep_num}.${this_file_extension_to_check}\"

mediainfo report

$( cat "${working_dir}/processing/hpr${ep_num}_${this_file_extension_to_check}_mediainfo.txt" )

exiftool report

$( cat "${working_dir}/processing/hpr${ep_num}_${this_file_extension_to_check}_exiftool.txt" )

Audio Spectrum


Audio Waveform


$( cat "${working_dir}/processing/hpr${ep_num}_${this_file_extension_to_check}_ffprobe.txt" )


" >> "${final_report}" done echo "

Rendered shownotes.html

$(cat "${shownotes_html%.*}_edited.html" )

Subtitle File

$(cat "${working_dir}/hpr${ep_num}.srt" )

Transcript File

$(cat "${working_dir}/hpr${ep_num}.txt" )

" >> "${final_report}" } ################################################# ## Manually edit the shownotes to fix issues function manual_final_review() { echo_debug "Validating the final report." if [[ -z "${final_report}" || ! -s "${final_report}" ]] then ls -al "${final_report}" echo_error "The files needed for to generate the final report information are not available." fi librewolf "${final_report}" >/dev/null 2>&1 & # # # # bluefish "${shownotes_html%.*}_edited.html" >/dev/null 2>&1 & # https://markdowntohtml.com/ read -p "Does the metadata 'look ok ? (N|y) ? " -n 1 -r echo # (optional) move to a new line if [[ ! $REPLY =~ ^[yY]$ ]] then echo "skipping...." echo_error "The final review was not approved." fi } ################################################# # Register the assets with the hpr database function register_assets() { echo_debug "Registering the assets with the hpr database" if [[ -s "${working_dir}/hpr${ep_num}_assets.csv" ]] then echo_debug "Removing \"${working_dir}/hpr${ep_num}_assets.csv\"." rm -v "${working_dir}/hpr${ep_num}_assets.csv" fi echo '"episode_id","filename","extension","size", "sha1sum", "mime_type", "file_type"' | tee "${working_dir}/hpr${ep_num}_assets.csv" for this_asset_filename in hpr${ep_num}.flac hpr${ep_num}.wav hpr${ep_num}.mp3 hpr${ep_num}.ogg hpr${ep_num}.opus hpr${ep_num}.srt hpr${ep_num}.txt $( find "${working_dir}/" -maxdepth 1 -type f -iname "hpr${ep_num}_image_*.*" ) do this_asset_filename="$( basename "${this_asset_filename}" )" echo_debug "Registering \"${this_asset_filename}\"." this_asset="${working_dir}/${this_asset_filename}" if [[ ! -s "${this_asset}" ]] then echo_error "Failed to register missing file \"${this_asset}\"." ls -al "${this_asset}" fi this_asset_basename=$( basename "${this_asset}" ) this_asset_extension="${this_asset_basename##*.}" this_asset_size="$( ls -al "${this_asset}" | awk '{print $5}' )" this_asset_sha1sum="$( sha1sum "${this_asset}" | awk '{print $1}' )" this_asset_mime_type=$( file --dereference --brief --mime "${this_asset}" ) this_asset_file_type=$( file --dereference --brief "${this_asset}" ) if [ "$( echo ${this_asset_file_type} | wc --chars )" -gt "130" ] then this_asset_file_type="${this_asset_mime_type}" fi variables=( ep_num this_asset_basename this_asset_extension this_asset_size this_asset_sha1sum this_asset_mime_type this_asset_file_type working_dir ep_num ) for variable in "${variables[@]}" do if [ -z "${!variable}" ] then # indirect expansion here echo_error "The variable \"${variable}\" is missing."; else echo_debug "The variable \"${variable}\" is set to \"${!variable}\""; fi done echo "${ep_num},\"${this_asset_basename}\",\"${this_asset_extension}\",\"${this_asset_size}\",\"${this_asset_sha1sum}\",\"${this_asset_mime_type}\",\"${this_asset_file_type}\"" | tee --append "${working_dir}/hpr${ep_num}_assets.csv" done if [ -s "${working_dir}/hpr${ep_num}_assets.csv" ] then cat "${working_dir}/hpr${ep_num}_assets.csv" | csvtojson | jq '{"assets":[.[]]}' | tee "${working_dir}/hpr${ep_num}_assets.json" fi if [ ! -s "${working_dir}/hpr${ep_num}_assets.json" ] then echo_error "The asset json file \"${working_dir}/hpr${ep_num}_assets.json\" is missing."; fi response="$( curl --silent --netrc-file $HOME/.netrc --write-out '%{http_code}' --output /dev/null --request POST https://hub.hackerpublicradio.org/cms/assets.php --data-ascii @"${working_dir}/hpr${ep_num}_assets.json" --header "Content-Type: application/json" )" if [[ -z "${response}" || "${response}" != "200" ]] then echo_error "The assets for episode hpr${ep_num} has not been registered. The response was \"${response}\"" else echo_debug "The assets for episode hpr${ep_num} have been registered. The response was \"${response}\"" fi } ################################################# # Register the assets with the hpr database function copy_files_to_origin_server() { echo_debug "Copying the files to the origin server" # TODO get a origin server capable of storing all the files for this_asset in hpr${ep_num}.mp3 hpr${ep_num}.ogg hpr${ep_num}.opus hpr${ep_num}.srt hpr${ep_num}.txt $( find "${working_dir}/" -type f -iname "hpr${ep_num}_image_*.*" ) do this_asset="$( basename ${this_asset} )" this_file="${working_dir}/${this_asset}" echo_debug "Copying \"${this_file}\" to the origin server." if [[ ! -s "${this_file}" ]] then echo_error "Failed to transfer missing file \"${this_file}\"." ls -al "${this_file}" fi rsync --archive --quiet --partial --progress "${this_file}" rsync.net:hpr/eps/hpr${ep_num}/${this_asset} origin_sha1sum="$( echo $( ssh rsync.net "sha1 hpr/eps/hpr${ep_num}/${this_asset}" 2> /dev/null ) | awk '{print $NF}' )" this_asset_sha1sum="$( sha1sum "${this_file}" | awk '{print $1}' )" if [[ -z "${origin_sha1sum}" || -z "${this_asset_sha1sum}" ]] then echo_error "Could not determine the local/origin sha1sum for file \"${this_file}\"." fi if [ "${origin_sha1sum}" != "${this_asset_sha1sum}" ] then echo_error "The local sha1sum \"${origin_sha1sum}\" and origin \"${this_asset_sha1sum}\" are mismatched for file \"${this_file}\"." fi done } ################################################# # Send the derived files to the server borg to be sent to the Internet Archive function copy_derived_files_to_borg() { echo_debug "Sending the derived files to the admin server borg" for ext in flac mp3 ogg opus wav do if [[ ! -s "${working_dir}/hpr${ep_num}.${ext}" ]] then echo_error "The derived files to the admin server borg is missing \"hpr${ep_num}.${ext}\"." ls -al "${working_dir}/hpr${ep_num}.${ext}" fi done echo_debug "rsync -ave ssh --partial --progress \"${working_dir}/hpr${ep_num}.{flac,mp3,ogg,opus,wav}\" borg:/data/IA/uploads/" rsync -ave ssh --partial --progress "${working_dir}/hpr${ep_num}".{flac,mp3,ogg,opus,wav} borg:/data/IA/uploads/ rsync_error="${?}" if [ "${rsync_error}" -ne "0" ] then echo_error "rsync to \"borg:/data/IA/uploads/\" failed with error ${rsync_error}" fi rsync -ave ssh --partial --progress "${working_dir}/hpr${ep_num}".{txt,srt} borg:/data/IA/uploads/hpr${ep_num}/ rsync_error="${?}" if [ "${rsync_error}" -ne "0" ] then echo_error "rsync to \"borg:/data/IA/uploads/hpr${ep_num}/\" failed with error ${rsync_error}" fi rsync -ave ssh --partial --progress "${shownotes_html%.*}_edited.html" borg:/data/IA/uploads/hpr${ep_num}/shownotes.html rsync_error="${?}" if [ "${rsync_error}" -ne "0" ] then echo_error "rsync to \"borg:/data/IA/uploads/hpr${ep_num}/shownotes.html\" failed with error ${rsync_error}" fi # Get the current status if [ "$( curl --silent --netrc-file ${HOME}/.netrc --write-out '%{http_code}' https://hub.hackerpublicradio.org/cms/status.php --output "${processing_dir}/status.csv" )" != 200 ] then echo_error "Could not get a list of the queue status from \"https://hub.hackerpublicradio.org/cms/status.php\"" fi # Check the current status is correct SHOW_POSTED response=$( grep -P ",${ep_num},.*SHOW_POSTED," "${processing_dir}/status.csv" | head -1 | sed 's/,/ /g' ) if [ -z "${response}" ] then grep -P ",${ep_num},.*SHOW_POSTED," "${processing_dir}/status.csv" echo_debug "The show \"${ep_num}\" hasn't the correct status of \"SHOW_POSTED\" in the database." fi # Try and change the online db status to MEDIA_TRANSCODED if [ "$( curl --silent --netrc-file ${HOME}/.netrc --write-out '%{http_code}' "https://hub.hackerpublicradio.org/cms/status.php?ep_num=${ep_num}&status=MEDIA_TRANSCODED" )" != 200 ] then echo_error "Could not change the status of \"${ep_num}\" to \"MEDIA_TRANSCODED\"" fi # Get the current status if [ "$( curl --silent --netrc-file ${HOME}/.netrc --write-out '%{http_code}' https://hub.hackerpublicradio.org/cms/status.php --output "${processing_dir}/status.csv" )" != 200 ] then echo_error "Could not get a list of the queue status from \"https://hub.hackerpublicradio.org/cms/status.php\"" fi # Check the current status is correct MEDIA_TRANSCODED response=$( grep -P ",${ep_num},.*MEDIA_TRANSCODED," "${processing_dir}/status.csv" | head -1 | sed 's/,/ /g' ) if [ -z "${response}" ] then grep -P ",${ep_num},.*MEDIA_TRANSCODED," "${processing_dir}/status.csv" echo_error "The show \"${ep_num}\" hasn't the correct status of \"MEDIA_TRANSCODED\" in the database." fi echo_debug "The show \"${ep_num}\" has the correct status of \"MEDIA_TRANSCODED\" in the database." #TODO images # Picture 1 shows the broken dog    walking accessory. } ################################################# # Send the derived files to the server borg to be sent to the Internet Archive function upload_to_the_internet_archive() { echo_debug "Sending the derived files to Internet Archive" # # # # for ext in flac mp3 ogg opus wav # # # # do # # # # if [[ ! -s "${working_dir}/hpr${ep_num}.${ext}" ]] # # # # then # # # # echo_error "The derived files to the IA are missing \"hpr${ep_num}.${ext}\"." # # # # ls -al "${working_dir}/hpr${ep_num}.${ext}" # # # # fi # # # # done # # # # # # # # I don't know if you noticed in the documentation, but there are some key things you need to bear in mind when creating a new IA item: # # # # # # # # You MUST upload the metadata first, and the way things seem to be organised, your item MUST have a file with it. That's why my test uploaded that 1 second WAV file. This is a constraint in the ia tool and was in the days of using the S3-like interface, so I imagine it's built-in to the IA software. # # # # When creating the metadata you MUST define the mediatype, and since this controls some of what you can upload, using audio seems to be vital for HPR stuff. # # # # I discovered (by accident) that if the metadata phase fails and the next phase (uploading files) continues to run, an item will be created but it will be a default thing which YOU CAN'T CHANGE! You have to plead with the people at info@archive.org to reset this item (they will never delete) because you can't change the defaults to the right values. If this happens and is not fixed, then HPR has effectively lost a slot (at least I tell myself this so that I don't inadvertently screw up an upload). # # # # # # ia upload hpr_761c0f557b87090db3f8d4d9bce7fc70 \ # # # test.wav \ # # # --metadata="mediatype:audio" \ # # # --metadata="collection:test_collection" \ # # # --metadata="collection:podcasts" \ # # # --metadata="contributor:HPR_test" \ # # # --metadata="creator:HPR_test" \ # # # --metadata="date:$(date +%F)" \ # # # --metadata="description:Summary: Uploading a test item from the command line
Source: We would point to the original show here

This is some test HTML in a test item

" \ # # # --metadata="language:eng" \ # # # --metadata="licenseurl:http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0" \ # # # --metadata="subject:Test" \ # # # --metadata="title:hpr_761c0f557b87090db3f8d4d9bce7fc70" \ # # # --header x-archive-keep-old-version:0 \ # # # --retries=5 \ # # # --no-derive \ # # # --no-backup # # # # echo ia upload hpr4295 /data/IA/uploads/hpr4295.wav \ # # # # --metadata="mediatype:audio" \ # # # # --metadata="collection:hackerpublicradio" \ # # # # --metadata="collection:podcasts" \ # # # # --metadata="contributor:HackerPublicRadio" \ # # # # --metadata="creator:Ken Fallon" \ # # # # --metadata="date:2025-01-17" \ # # # # --metadata="description:Summary: Replacing the battery, swapping a fan, and getting a new desktop
Source: https://hackerpublicradio.org/eps/hpr4295/index.html

In this reserve show, Ken

  1. replaces the battery in a SONY A10 telephone .
  2. Swaps out a loud fan for a quiet one in a RIGOL DS1054 .
  3. Then replaces the desktop of an Ikea BEKANT standing desk with a narrower LAGKAPTEN table top not meant for it.
" \ # # # # --metadata="language:eng" \ # # # # --metadata="licenseurl:http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0" \ # # # # --metadata="subject:IkeaHacks" \ # # # # --metadata="subject:diy" \ # # # # --metadata="subject:hardware" \ # # # # --metadata="title:hpr4295 :: Three Holiday Hacks from 2023" \ # # # # --header x-archive-keep-old-version:0 \ # # # # --retries=5 --no-derive --no-backup # # # # } # ia upload hpr4295 /data/IA/uploads/hpr4295.wav \ # --metadata="mediatype:audio" \ # --metadata="collection:hackerpublicradio" \ # --metadata="collection:podcasts" \ # --metadata="contributor:HackerPublicRadio" \ # --metadata="creator:Ken Fallon" \ # --metadata="date:2025-01-17" \ # --metadata="description:Summary: Replacing the battery, swapping a fan, and getting a new desktop
Source: https://hackerpublicradio.org/eps/hpr4295/index.html

In this reserve show, Ken

  1. replaces the battery in a SONY A10 telephone .
  2. Swaps out a loud fan for a quiet one in a RIGOL DS1054 .
  3. Then replaces the desktop of an Ikea BEKANT standing desk with a narrower LAGKAPTEN table top not meant for it.
" \ # --metadata="language:eng" \ # --metadata="licenseurl:http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0" \ # --metadata="subject:IkeaHacks" \ # --metadata="subject:diy" \ # --metadata="subject:hardware" \ # --metadata="title:hpr4295 :: Three Holiday Hacks from 2023" \ # --header x-archive-keep-old-version:0 \ # --retries=5 --no-derive --no-backup ################################################# # Main exceution starts here # # This tool will process the HPR shows allowing the janitor to review the media and fix shownotes. # # TODO Add support for reserve queue - process validate and move to reserve dir # TODO Add support to reprocess processed shows - when given onlay new media reprocess it, update duration on hub, generate and download shownotes.{html,json} from db # TODO Add support for community news - reusing ^^^ # TODO Add support for stereo for some episodes that request it # TODO Include links in extract_images_brute_force # TODO take screenshots of the rendered episode on the hpr website # TODO audio_channels default to mono - stereo as an option # TODO Add chapter support # TODO incorporate direct upload to the IA # TODO copy the files to the backup disk program_checks # We know that all the programs and variables are set get_working_dir $@ # We have a working directory and a valid json file get_episode_metadata $@ # We have all the metadata we need to process the show. extract_images_brute_force # We have extracted the images by brute force media_checks # generate_initial_report # Generate Initial Report for review by the Janitors manual_shownotes_review # Janitors review audio and shownote. Skips if done. post_show_to_hpr_db # Posts the episode to HPR. Skips if it is already posted. create_tts_summary # Generate text to speech summary generate_intro # Generate Intro from the intro theme with overlay of a lead in silence then the tts summary generate_parent_audio # Combines the intro, the episode, and the outro to a final cut. generate_derived_media # Generate the flac wav mp3 ogg opus files generate_show_transcript generate_final_report manual_final_review register_assets copy_files_to_origin_server copy_derived_files_to_borg # upload_to_the_internet_archive #for i in {4301..4305};do echo ${i};/home/ken/sourcecode/personal/bin/hpr-check-ccdn-links.bash ${i};done echo_debug "The End" exit 0