[%# mailnote_template.tpl 2015-06-12 # This is the main (and default) template used by the script # 'summarise_mail'. It generates an HTML snippet which simply lists all of # the message threads passed to it in the 'threads' hash and reports the # total. This HTML is then inserted into the notes generated by # the 'make_shownotes' script. -%] [%- aa = 'archived-at' -%]
    [%- FOREACH key IN threads.keys.sort %]
  1. From: [% threads.$key.from.0 FILTER html_entity %]
    Date: [% threads.$key.date %]
    Subject: [% threads.$key.subject FILTER html_entity %]
    Link: [% threads.$key.thread %]
    Messages: [% threads.$key.count %]
    [% key != threads.keys.sort.last ? '
    ' : '' %]
  2. [%- END %]
Total messages this month: [% total %]
[%# # vim: syntax=tt2:ts=8:sw=4:ai:et:tw=78:fo=tcrqn21 -%]