[%# shownote_template.tpl -%] [%- correspondents = "http://hackerpublicradio.org/correspondents.php" %] [%- DEFAULT skip_comments = 0 %]

HPR Community News for [% review_month %]

New hosts

[% IF hosts.size > 0 -%] Welcome to our new hosts:
[%- count = 0 %] [%- FOREACH row IN hosts %] [%- count = count + 1 %] [% row.host %] [%- count < hosts.size ? ', ' : '.' %] [%- END %] [% ELSE -%] There were no new hosts this month. [% END -%]

Last Month's Shows

[%- FOREACH row IN shows %] [%- END %]
Id Date Title Host
[% row.eps_id %] [% row.date %] [% row.title FILTER html_entity %] [% row.ho_host FILTER html_entity %]
[%- IF includefile.defined %]

Mailing List discussions

Policy decisions surrounding HPR are taken by the community as a whole. This discussion takes place on the Mail List which is open to all HPR listeners and contributors. The discussions are open and available on the Gmane archive.

Discussed this month were: [%- INCLUDE $includefile %]

[%- END %] [%# Skip comments if told to by the caller %] [%- IF skip_comments == 0 %]

Comments this month

[% IF comments.size > 0 -%]

There are [% comments.size %] comments:

[%- ELSE %] There were no comments this month. [%- END %] [%- END %] [%# # vim: syntax=tt2:ts=8:sw=4:ai:et:tw=78:fo=tcrqn21 -%]