# File Structure We receive random files from random people on the Internet, so they are treated with extreme care. The HPR Database is used to track the `status` of each show as it is been processed, using a normally hidden table `reservations`. It is not publicly available as it contains the IP address of the host uploading the show as a security measure. Once the show is processed the IP address is removed from the table. Information about the show process is available to the Janitors via [stats.php](https://repo.anhonesthost.net/HPR/hpr_hub/src/branch/main/cms/stats.php). A cron job `*/15 * * * * /home/hpr/bin/update-stats.bash > /dev/null 2>&1` runs every 15 minutes and saves the file to [https://hub.hackerpublicradio.org/stats.json](https://hub.hackerpublicradio.org/stats.json) for anyone to use. ## Input Directory Structure The files are never processed by the front end HPR servers, and so all processing is done offline. The files are downloaded by trusted Janitors that have the ability to `scp`/`rsync` the files from the HPR to a local machine for processing. The directory structure is based on a combination of fields separated by the underscore (`_`) delimiter. - Upload date and time `UTC_TIMESTAMP()` at reservation time. - The requested `episode number` or `9999` if the reserve queue is to be used. - The requested `epidode date` or `1970-01-01` if the reserve queue is to be used. - The random unique key for this request. ``` 2339594445_9278_2044-02-24_aeb0579fcac318005d7550a60fd60403676c24d94148b 2339680845_9999_1970-01-01_4bd713699e5bc0978d5fef85a60f09bc7f70ef3488624 ``` Shows destined for the reserve queue are moved from the upload directory and placed in the reserve directory using the script [rename-reserve.bash](https://repo.anhonesthost.net/HPR/hpr-tools/src/branch/main/workflow/rename-reserve.bash). This is run manually by the Janitors as it checks to see if a url to the show was provided, and attempts to download the linked file. When new hosts submit a show directly to the reserve queue, the Janitors will resubmit it to the first available slot in the normal queue. This is because new hosts need to have an entry created in the `hosts` table, but also because it gives the community an opportunity to welcome the new host. It renames the directory structure based on a combination of fields separated by the underscore (`_`) delimiter. - Upload date and time `UTC_TIMESTAMP()` at reservation time. - The `hosts.hostid` of the host. - The random unique key for this request. - The host name `hosts.host` of the host. - The spaces replaced with underscore title of the episode. ``` 2339680845_987_4bd713699e5bc0978d5fef85a60f09bc7f70ef3488624_Emperor_Ming_Top_tips_for_time_travel ``` Reserve shows are downloaded and submitted by the Janitors on behalf of the host. This follows the normal posting process where the host and Janitors are cc'd on the notification emails. The only difference is that the audio is edited to include a notification that the show is from the reserve queue, and that it is the Janitors that upload the show via the supplied link. ## Show Processing ### Adding the host to the `hosts` table This is currently added manually by the Janitors, as the text to speech tools often requires manipulation to get it sounding correct.
Field | Description | Example |
hostid | Automatically generated incrementing number. | 987 |
host | The name or handle of the host. | Emperor Ming |
Emperor.Ming.nospam@nospam.example.com | ||
profile | A html host profile |
license | One of the allowed licenses | `CC-BY-SA` |
local_image | If a avatar is available directly from the host. | `1` |
gpg | We can verify the hosts emails, with [thought to automatically verify](https://repo.anhonesthost.net/HPR/hpr-tools/issues/4). | `1C7398B00F0239E8` |
valid | Allows temporary de-listing of host | `0` |
espeak_name | The text to speech version of the name or handle. | Fifty One Fifty |