<!--% PROCESS 'shared-utils.tpl.html' %--> <!--% PROCESS 'shared-show-transcript.tpl.html' %--> <!--% MACRO rss_show_series(series, series_id) IF series != "general" %--> from the series <em><a href="<!--% baseurl %-->series/<!--% zero_pad_left(series_id) %-->.html"><!--% series %--></em></a>. <!--% END %--> <!--% MACRO show_series(series, series_id, label) IF series != "" %--> <!--% IF label == "" %--> <!--% label = "Series" %--> <!--% END %--> <label><!--% label %-->:</label> <a href="<!--% absolute_path(baseurl) %-->series/<!--% zero_pad_left(series_id) %-->.html"><!--% series %--></a>. <!--% END %--> <!--% MACRO display_tags(tags) BLOCK %--> <span><label>Tags:</label> <em> <!--% FOREACH tag IN tags.csv_parse %--> <a href="<!--% absolute_path(baseurl) %-->tags.html#<!--% tag_to_id(tag) %-->"><!--% tag %--></a><!--% IF loop.count == loop.size %-->.<!--% ELSE %-->,<!--% END %--> <!--% END %--></em> </span> <!--% END %--> <!--% MACRO display_listen_in(eps_id, episode_type) BLOCK %--> <!--% IF episode_type == "" %--><!--% episode_type = 'hpr' %--><!--% END %--> Listen in <!--% IF episode_type == 'hpr' %--> <a href="<!--% media_path(eps_id, episode_type, 'ogg', baseurl, media_baseurl) %-->" aria-label="Download <!--% episode_type %--><!--% zero_pad_left(eps_id) %--> as">ogg</a>, <a href="<!--% media_path(eps_id, episode_type, 'opus', baseurl, media_baseurl) %-->" aria-label="Download <!--% episode_type %--><!--% zero_pad_left(eps_id) %--> as">opus</a>, or <!--% END %--> <a href="<!--% media_path(eps_id, episode_type, 'mp3', baseurl, media_baseurl) %-->" aria-label="Download <!--% episode_type %--><!--% zero_pad_left(eps_id) %--> as">mp3</a> format. <!--% END %--> <!--% MACRO display_comments_tally(eps_id, tally) BLOCK %--> <a href="<!--% absolute_path(baseurl) %-->eps/hpr<!--% zero_pad_left(eps_id) %-->/index.html#comments" aria-label="Comments for hpr<!--% zero_pad_left(eps_id) %-->"><!--% IF tally > 0 %--><!--% tally %--><!--% ELSE %-->(Be the first)<!--% END %--></a>. <!--% END %--> <!--% MACRO show_meta(show, hide_tags) BLOCK %--> <span><label>Released:</label> <!--% day_and_date(show.date) %-->.</span> <span><label>Duration:</label> <!--% display_episode_duration(show.duration) %-->.</span> <span><label>Flag:</label> <!--% display_explicit(show.explicit) %-->.</span> <span><!--% show_series(show.series, show.seriesid) %--></span> <br> <!--% IF hide_tags == "" %--><!--% display_tags(show.tags) %--><!--% END %--> <!--% IF show.comentsTally || show.commentsTally == 0 %--> <span><label>Comments:</label> <!--% display_comments_tally(show.id, show.commentsTally) %--></span> <!--% END %--> <!--% END %--> <!--% MACRO show_summary(show, hide_host) BLOCK %--> <h3 class="title"><a href="<!--% absolute_path(baseurl) %-->eps/hpr<!--% zero_pad_left(show.id) %-->/index.html">hpr<!--% show.id %--> :: <!--% show.title %--></a> <!--% IF hide_host == "" %--> hosted by <a href="<!--% absolute_path(baseurl) %-->correspondents/<!--% zero_pad_left(show.hostid) %-->.html"><!--% show.host %--></a> <!--% END %--> </h3> <p class="meta"><!--% show_meta(show) %--></p> <p class="summary"><!--% show.summary %--></p> <!--% END %--> <!--% MACRO twat_show_summary(show, hide_host) BLOCK %--> <h3 class="title"><a href="<!--% absolute_path(baseurl) %-->eps/twt<!--% zero_pad_left(show.id) %-->/index.html">Today with a Techie Ep.<!--% show.id %--> :: <!--% show.title %--></a> <!--% IF hide_host == "" %--> hosted by <a href="<!--% absolute_path(baseurl) %-->correspondents/<!--% zero_pad_left(show.hostid) %-->.html"><!--% show.host %--></a> <!--% END %--> </h3> <p class="meta"><!--% show_meta(show) %--></p> <p class="summary"><!--% show.summary %--></p> <!--% END %-->