The Thirteenth Annual 26 Hour New Years Eve Show

Welcome every TimeZone!

If you keep talking, we'll keep recording.

For those who don't know, on New Years Eve 2024-12-31 10:00 UTC (5:00 AM EST), we will have a recording going on the HPR Mumble server for anyone to come on and say "Happy New Years" and talk about whatever they want. We will leave the recording going until at least 2025-01-01 12:00 UTC (7:00 AM EST), and keep recording until the conversation stops.

So please stop in. Say "Hi" and maybe join in the conversation with other HPR listeners and contributors. It's always a good time!!

Listen to the live stream

Add to the Show-notes

Please help fill out the show notes
We are using Etherpad for people to share links and info to things they are discussing. The Etherpad will be used for the HPR audio shownotes so please feel free to add to it. The entire event will be broken into 2 to 3 hour segments and made available as HPR episodes.
This really, really helps us out to post the show faster !


Suggested by pokey in 2011. As podcasting tends to be a one way conversation, he thought it would be nice to get all the FLOSS, Linux, Free Culture, podcasters and Listeners in one place to get together and chat in person. Initially it was planned to be just a few hours, but we kept missing members from other parts of the world. The show was extended to welcome ever time zone to the New Year, which actually turns out to be 26 Timezones.

So we will record for at least 26 Hours, but will keep the recording going for an "After Show". Some years the after show has been even longer than the show itself. While this is on the HPR Site, it is entirely a community initiative which is supported heavily by the fine folks over at the LinuxLugCast, with the Mumble Server been provided by Delwin.

Join the conversation on Mumble

Already have Mumble installed, then this link will bring you to the HPR Room.

Get the PC Client

Get the Android Client Mumla

Then join the Server:
Port: 64738
Channel: HPR

Use Push to Talk. With so many people hands free is not an option.

For those who have never used Mumble before, see this how-to explaining the setup of the desktop Mumble client, or listen to hpr3503 :: Configuring Mumble.

Spread the Word

If you are a podcaster please spread the word by including either the ogg, mp3, or wav in your show !

If you prefer to just listen to the show and not participate using Mumble, use the link below for the live audio stream using your web browser or favourite audio application such as VLC, or live in your web browser.
Link to follow

Ground Rules

Use Push to Talk

With so many people on the chat, you must use push to talk. If there is a problem with your setup, then please drop and listen to the stream. Trying to correct poor audio in post is a lot of work, that someone else will have to do.

Be Polite

When you enter the room please do not interrupt ongoing conversations. Wait for a pause in the conversation and say Hi. It's quite common for people you might not know to join as they wish to speak with other people in the room. They may have been waiting all year for the chance to meet, so please give people the space to have these conversations.

Do not announce the Time Zones

As there are so many Time Zones there is no need to interrupt the conversation to announce every one. If you are joining from a time zone that is currently switching to the New Year, then please wait for a pause and wish people Happy New Year.

Don't Fill Dead Air

This is a relaxed meet-up, and not a traditional "Radio Broadcast". If there are no conversations going on at a given time, don't feel the need to "fill dead air". Before the recording is posted as a podcast the silences will be truncated.

Do not monopolise the conversation

Please be mindful that you (or your beverage of choice) may be speaking too much ;-).

You are a Guest

Be respectful, and remember that attendance on the New Year Show does not constitute a show.


The recording will be released as a podcast on HPR under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) license. The recordings will be released mid year, when there is a lull in submissions.