<!--% PROCESS 'shared-episode-summary.tpl.html' %-->
<!--% PROCESS 'shared-utils.tpl.html' %-->
<!--% PROCESS 'shared-listen-now.tpl.html' %-->
<!--% PROCESS "queries-episode-${constants.database}.tpl.html" %-->
<!--% USE DBI(constants.driver, constants.user, constants.password) %-->
<h2>Comment Viewer</h2>
<p>Because of the spammers we have had to turn on comment moderation. Sorry about the delay this will cause.</p>
<p><a href="<!--% absolute_path(baseurl) %-->comments.rss">Subscribe</a> to the comment feed.</p>
<hr />
<!--% FOREACH item IN DBI.query('
		SELECT C.*, 
			H.host, H.hostid AS host_id, 
			E.title AS episode_title,
			E.date AS episode_date,
			E.duration AS episode_duration,
			M.id AS series_id, M.name AS series_name
		FROM comments AS C
			ON C.eps_id = E.id 
		INNER JOIN hosts AS H 
			ON E.hostid = H.hostid 
		INNER JOIN miniseries AS M
			ON E.series = M.id
		ORDER BY C.comment_timestamp  DESC	
		LIMIT 30

	<h1><!--% item.comment_author_name %--> says: <!--% item.comment_title %--></h1>
	<p><small>Posted at <!--% item.comment_timestamp %--> relating to the show <a href="<!--% absolute_path(baseurl) %-->eps/hpr<!--% zero_pad_left(item.eps_id) %-->/index.html">hpr<!--% item.eps_id %--></a> which was released on <!--% item.episode_date %--> by <a href="<!--% absolute_path(baseurl) %-->correspondents/<!--% zero_pad_left(item.host_id) %-->.html"><!--% item.host %--></a> entitled <em><!--% item.episode_title %--></em></small>
<p class="comment">
<!--% item.comment_text FILTER html_line_break %-->
Listen in <a href="<!--% media_path(item.eps_id, 'hpr', 'ogg', baseurl, media_baseurl) %-->">ogg</a>, <a href="<!--% media_path(item.eps_id, 'hpr', 'spx', baseurl, media_baseurl) %-->">spx</a>, or <a href="<!--% media_path(item.eps_id, 'hpr', 'mp3', baseurl, media_baseurl) %-->">mp3</a> format.</p></footer>
<hr />	
<!--% END %-->