# Clone the repository If git is not installed on the operating system, please install it now (see the git documentation for [instructions on installing git](https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Getting-Started-Installing-Git)). To retrieve the code from the repository on anhonesthost.net (a username and password are required), run: `git clone https://repo.anhonesthost.net/HPR/hpr_generator.git` On success, an "hpr_generator" directory will be created in the folder from which the clone command was executed containing a local copy of the git repository. # Install required Perl modules Installing the Perl modules is the most finicky part of the installation process. The needed Perl modules can be found using the operating system's package manager or using the modules found in the [Comprehensive Perl Archive Network (CPAN)](https://www.cpan.org/). ## Installing modules on Debian based Linux distributions Run command (tested on Debian 11): ``` apt install libconfig-std-perl \ libtemplate-perl \ libtemplate-plugin-dbi-perl \ libdbd-sqlite3-perl libdate-calc-perl \ libtie-dbi-perl \ libtext-csv-xs-perl \ libhtml-parser-perl \ libtemplate-plugin-html-strip-perl ``` ## Using CPAN to install the modules A cross platform method to install the needed modules is the Perl CPAN application. Make sure that the [gcc](https://www.gnu.org/software/gcc/), [make](https://www.gnu.org/software/make/manual/make.html), and [cpan](https://perldoc.perl.org/CPAN) commands are available. Install them using the operating system's package manager, or from source. Run commands: ``` cpan Config::Std cpan Template cpan Template::Plugin::DBI cpan Template::Plugin::HTML::Strip cpan DBD::SQLite cpan Date::Calc cpan Tie::DBI cpan Text:CSV_XS ``` ## Testing for Perl module dependencies A bash script is included in the utils directory that will list the Perl modules used by the site-generator and report whether the modules are installed on the current OS. It can be run from any directory. To run from the utils directory: ``` ./check-dependencies.sh ``` # Create the HPR database The hpr_generator relies on information from a database to generate many of the files for the website (for example: index.html, series/index.html, hpr_mp3.rss, etc). This data is available from a MySQL dump file found on hackerpublicradio.org at URL "https://www.hackerpublicradio.org/hpr.sql". The first step is to download the hpr.sql file. This can be done using your browser, or by running one of the following commands: `curl https://www.hackerpublicradio.org/hpr.sql --output ./hpr.sql` or `wget --directory-prefix=./ https://www.hackerpublicradio.org/hpr.sql` ## Creating an SQLite database file The SQL of the hpr.sql file must be converted from MySQL specific statements to SQLite specific statements. The mysql2sqlite script found in the utils directory is used for this conversion. First remove the lines from hpr.sql that mysql2sqlite can't handle: `sed '/^DELIMITER ;;/,/^DELIMITER ;/d' < ./hpr.sql > ./hpr-sqlite.sql` Next run the mysql2sqlite script piping its output into the sqlite3 program which creates the hpr.db file: `./utils/mysql2sqlite ./hpr-sqlite.sql | sqlite3 ./hpr.db` For convenience, the update-sqlite-db.sh script in the utils directory automates the above steps (including downloading the hpr.sql file). From the root of the local hpr_generator repository run: `./utils/update-sqlite-db.sh` # Configure the site-generator In your favorite text editor, open the site.cfg file found in the root of the "hpr_generator" folder. Full details about options for configuring the site.cfg file are found in the comments within the file. ## Configuring the database connection Any database supported by the Perl:DBI and Perl::DBD modules can be used with the site-generator program. Currently the hpr_generator project works with a MySQL or SQLite database. Find the [DBI] section of the file. It should look like the following ``` [DBI] # Configuration settings for SQLite #database: sqlite #driver: dbi:SQLite:hpr.db #user: (not used - leave blank) #password: (not used - leave blank) # Configuration settings for MySQL #database: mysql #driver: dbi:mysql:database=hpr_hpr:hostname=localhost #user: hpr-generator (Suggested user with read-only privileges) #password: ********* (Password for user) ``` ### SQLite Remove the comment character from the start of the database and driver option lines: ``` # Configuration settings for SQLite database: sqlite driver: dbi:SQLite:hpr.db #user: (not used - leave blank) #password: (not used - leave blank) ``` The hpr.db section of the driver option `dbi:SQLite:hpr.db` is the path to the sqlite file. The default assumes the hpr.db file is located in the same directory as the site-generator. ### MySQL Remove the comment character from the start of the database, driver, user, and password option lines: ``` # Configuration settings for MySQL database: mysql driver: dbi:mysql:database=hpr_hpr:hostname=localhost user: hpr-generator password: ********* ``` This assumes that the MySQL database service is available at the localhost hostname, that the database name (hpr_hpr) is the database created from the hpr.sql dump file or manually created by you, that the user (hpr-generator) was added by you and has read rights to the hpr_hpr database, and that the password (replace ********* with the actual password) matches the password set for the hpr-generator database user. ## Configuring the website for viewing locally For HTML links to work when viewing the files on your local machine using the "file://" protocal (i.e. using the "Open..." command in your browser, each HTML file must include a \ meta-data tag in the \ section of its contents. To configure this in the site.cfg file, find the [root_template] section. It should look like the following: ``` [root_template] content: page.tpl.html #baseurl: OPTIONAL [i.e. file://] ``` Below the #baseurl comment line add: ``` baseurl: file:///hpr_generator/public_html ``` Replace \ with the full path to the hpr_generator directory. For example: `file:///home/HPR/development/hpr_generator/public_html` ## Configuring the website media file links If you do not want to host all the media files (currently, audio files and transcription files), you can configure the `media_baseurl` option. This can be added to the [root_template] section of the site.cfg file. Suggested external site is archive.org. To use this site add: ``` media_baseurl: https://archive.org/download/hpr$eps_id/ ``` # Run the site-generator Run the site generator form the hpr_generator directory: ``` ./site-generator --all ``` This will generate all the files for the website. For more examples and to see all available options run: ``` ./site-generator --help ```