	<h2 class="title">Correspondents</h2><p>For more information on how to become a Correspondent see our <a href="contribute.php">contribute</a></center> page. To add a logo here, either email one to admin at hpr or setup your email on <a href="https://en.gravatar.com/">Gravatar</a>. To protect your browsing privacy we gather the images every hour and serve them directly from HPR.<p />
<!--% USE DBI('dbi:SQLite:hpr.db') %-->
	<th >Avatar</th>
	<th >Name &amp; Host ID</th>
	<th >license</th>
	<th >Last Show</th>
	<!--% FOREACH host IN DBI.query('SELECT * FROM Contributors ORDER BY handle') %-->
	<tr height="80" bgcolor="#CCCCCC">
		<td><img src="./images/<!--% host.avatar %-->" height="80" width="80" alt="" /></td>

		<td><strong><!--% host.handle %--></strong><br />

			Host ID: <a href="correspondents/<!--% host.id %-->.html"><!--% host.id %--></a></td>
		<td><!--% host.default_license %--></td>
		<td> host.last_posted </td>
	<!--% END %-->
</table>  <p><a href="contribute.php">Become a Correspondent</a></p>