diff --git a/sql/hpr-db-part-0c.sql b/sql/hpr-db-part-0c.sql index 829e32b..8c6f770 100644 --- a/sql/hpr-db-part-0c.sql +++ b/sql/hpr-db-part-0c.sql @@ -629,7 +629,19 @@ (3999,'hpr3999.spx','spx',998244,'fd170d3f69a391ab96ebcd4012af61d61af14a16','audio/ogg; charset=binary','setgid Ogg data, Speex audio'), (3999,'hpr3999.flac','flac',20631551,'3fbc3f2d14e0abf98cb6f2756585e429a650c87f','audio/flac; charset=binary','setgid FLAC audio bitstream data, 16 bit, mono, 192 kHz, 50730889 samples'), (3999,'hpr3999.opus','opus',2379291,'b4e12a7e01edb587e1be6a9af9210a799e820365','audio/ogg; charset=binary','setgid Ogg data, Opus audio,'), -(3999,'hpr3999.wav','wav',101461880,'3adb969b52365135d5952141c0cb75a7a8a04fe1','audio/x-wav; charset=binary','setgid RIFF (little-endian) data, WAVE audio, mono 192000 Hz'); +(3999,'hpr3999.wav','wav',101461880,'3adb969b52365135d5952141c0cb75a7a8a04fe1','audio/x-wav; charset=binary','setgid RIFF (little-endian) data, WAVE audio, mono 192000 Hz'), +(3997,'hpr3997.mp3','mp3',7652012,'16035ee2eefac5f0feac94fcdaa4834f4b8b3d5e','audio/mpeg; charset=binary','setgid Audio file with ID3 version 2.4.0, contains:MPEG ADTS, layer III, v1, 64 kbps, 48 kHz, Monaural'), +(3997,'hpr3997.ogg','ogg',8867957,'e313db70664abec085561fa8a884acb595d6c1bd','audio/ogg; charset=binary','setgid Ogg data, Opus audio,'), +(3997,'hpr3997.spx','spx',3612678,'5d672e1ea90e4a529d25d2854c810664326c5bff','audio/ogg; charset=binary','setgid Ogg data, Speex audio'), +(3997,'hpr3997.flac','flac',73752966,'d20092d4e32bec8f936d37ba5a5f71684b5d3dab','audio/flac; charset=binary','setgid FLAC audio bitstream data, 16 bit, mono, 192 kHz, 183634330 samples'), +(3997,'hpr3997.opus','opus',8867957,'6e96833c0a3e95ff64a652cdd09cba9a2fa3a24c','audio/ogg; charset=binary','setgid Ogg data, Opus audio,'), +(3997,'hpr3997.wav','wav',367268762,'788f3f37165781108ff9e26b6281ca1b0f926a23','audio/x-wav; charset=binary','setgid RIFF (little-endian) data, WAVE audio, mono 192000 Hz'), +(4006,'hpr4006.mp3','mp3',1927340,'8d070a5f04131e2cfd519462045abfa0047c553a','audio/mpeg; charset=binary','setgid Audio file with ID3 version 2.4.0, contains:MPEG ADTS, layer III, v1, 64 kbps, 48 kHz, Monaural'), +(4006,'hpr4006.ogg','ogg',2124972,'487c50745f0c617f7248aebe906f524c682c0a33','audio/ogg; charset=binary','setgid Ogg data, Opus audio,'), +(4006,'hpr4006.spx','spx',909921,'3a61ab30e756ce5d1c33970eced6169cde9ee8c5','audio/ogg; charset=binary','setgid Ogg data, Speex audio'), +(4006,'hpr4006.flac','flac',19101167,'64b13a3f4060e4dec63b6b7f7fee8be0ca0e2fd1','audio/flac; charset=binary','setgid FLAC audio bitstream data, 16 bit, mono, 192 kHz, 46243858 samples'), +(4006,'hpr4006.opus','opus',2124972,'817c11021caf97869d3fa6e778168ca7a4d97071','audio/ogg; charset=binary','setgid Ogg data, Opus audio,'), +(4006,'hpr4006.wav','wav',92487818,'d457cc79a14ceaa1fdf818603e729bd182f4563a','audio/x-wav; charset=binary','setgid RIFF (little-endian) data, WAVE audio, mono 192000 Hz'); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `assets` ENABLE KEYS */; UNLOCK TABLES; @@ -986,15 +998,3 @@ INSERT INTO `comments` (`id`, `eps_id`, `comment_timestamp`, `comment_author_nam (325,820,'2011-10-04 12:34:23','klaatu','ADDENDUM','It was brought to my attention that I say something like \"it\'s better to have your server doing things like DHCP than to let your router handle it\"\r\n\r\nWhat I meant to say was...\r\n\"it\'s better FOR ME to have my server to DHCP and stuff than to let some little under-powered router do it\" -- but of course your network will be different from mine, with different needs and different loads and all that...so for you, it might make sense for you to just let your router handle DHCP.\r\n\r\nIf you have questions of course you can always email me and I\'ll answer whatever I can. klaatu-at-goListenToGnuWorldOrderOggcastForMyEmailAddress.com','2017-09-09 07:41:22'), (326,820,'2011-10-05 21:14:50','Philip Durbin','sites-enabled, sites-available','Being a Red Hat guy, I hadn\'t heard of Debian\'s sites-enabled, sites-available convention, but I found some more about it here: https://www.control-escape.com/web/configuring-apache2-debian.html\r\n\r\nOn Red Hat systems, you could keep your VirtualHost config in /etc/httpd/conf.d/com_mysite_www.conf and disable it by changing the name to /etc/httpd/conf.d/com_mysite_www.conf.disabled. *.conf files in /etc/httpd/conf.d are included by default, as described here: https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/howto-disable-apache-modules-under-linux-unix/','2022-02-14 13:15:35'), (327,820,'2011-10-06 13:07:52','klaatu','nice tip','Thanks for the tip. It has just so happened that I haven\'t really run that many web servers on RHEL or Fedora. I\'d like to do more but as long as I keep inheriting powerPC boxen I imagine it will continue to be Debian-based servers (thank you Debian!)\r\n\r\nBut I like this tip, so thanks.\r\n\r\nBTW if anyone is messing around with Drupal on a Fedora server, there\'s a nifty rpm, i think called drupal7, which centralizes the core drupal stuff into /usr/shared/ and allows you to symlink stuff in /var/www to point to the drupal sites. Really fun stuff.\r\n\r\n\r\n','2017-09-09 07:41:22'), -(328,821,'2011-09-26 21:16:28','TheL0grus','','This has to be one of the worst reviews I have ever heard. I am typing this on my Acre a500 tablet. I spent a lot of time researching the tablet I wanted before I purchased one which the reviewer clearly didn\'t do. My first choice is this one ','2017-09-09 07:41:22'), -(329,821,'2011-09-28 16:46:37','Brad','Amazon Kindle Fire','I\'m excited to say that Amazon has their \'Android\' Kindle Fire tablet available for pre-order. I found out about it while listening to your tablet rant, and thought it would make a good update. \r\n\r\nThanks for all the content Mr. Gadget, keep up the good work!','2017-09-09 07:41:22'), -(330,821,'2011-09-29 02:09:27','John','I agree... ','This is a copy of a post I made a while back about Android stuff...\r\nJohn Zimm - Aug 22, 2011 - Limited\r\n\"This is my response to Bryan on LAS and his ideas on HP and Linux ect.. I am a newbie to Linux. I have completely switched over to it. So, here I am enjoying my old HP desktop with Pentium 4. Then I learn about the bearded dude, and I loved what he is saying about GNU. So I started to feel like this whole Linux thing isn’t fake and is not lying to me. That is important. For example, I got made when I heard new ideas were formulated and High schools did not teach me these new things because they were not what we had been taught in the past… no flexibility, no courage and no respect for us to change the school books to reflect how history really looked or what led up to it. Or how we are animals ect. ect. You get the picture. So, now, after watching LAS and listening to other shows, I am interested in paying the data plan (for the first time) and getting a smart phone. So, I was really confused when I heard everyone talk about Android this and Android that. I don’t give a shit about a cheap knock-off of Linux, or something that runs Linux in the background, or how ever you say it. I wanted to stick with what I just learned… LINUX. Everyone was talking about how flexible and scalable Linux is, but I can’t have it on my phone? So, I moved on. I started to get interested in tablets… HOLLY SHIT, THOSE RUN THAT STUPID ANDROID, FAKE LINUX TOO. Remember, I am a newbie, so I don’t have a sense of where things in Linux came from or started, or how great Android is. Sorry if I don’t appreciate Android. But let\'s get real, The big company Google, didn\'t fit into my new found ideals. But, I want my Mint 11 on a tablet. Is that to much to ask for. I hate that I am not smart. I am just a geek-wanna-be. I hate that I can’t pick one device at a time, (phone or tablet) and make Mint 11 run on it, then upload an iso for everyone to use. So, when I heard Bryan say that about how we should not be relying on other OSs that can be pulled after 46 days… I am totally , totally totally, on board. I do have other skills, and maybe I can help in some way. Let’s get this BITCH rolling. When I used to daydream about this, I came up with naming the device that I was going to invent… wait for it… “L”. And after watching the LAS show, I came up with calling the distro, “GLD”, for GNU Linux Debian. PS,as I am about to hit share, I see a post below my,that says, \"Touchdroid, Android for HP Touchpad Project Started\". Why not Linux, for HP Touchpad project??????????????????????????\"','2017-09-09 07:41:22'), -(331,821,'2011-09-30 14:32:09','Sawyer','tablets are utilitarian toys','i get were you are coming from mr. g. IMHO: Tablets are just the new gadget with which to lure the money out of your wallet. I was fortunate in getting a $99 dollar hp touchpad. (I\'m a geek, i want a new gadget). It\'s a fun toy. WebOS is quiet good imo. The homebrew community has compiled new kernels, cli etc. I\'ve got it overclocked. Good stuff. Still they are just shiny toys. Even when i can install a proper linux distro, it will still be just a convienient coffee table device for quickly surfing to get tv listings or watching youtube vids. Oh lest i forget it is a great ereader, though a bit heavy. I\'m glad i have one, but i have better things to drop $500 on. One other thing. All these type devices are driven by the apps that consumers will buy. No apps no gadget goodness. Remember BeOS or OS2? Had them both at one time. Both stable and much better than Win3/95, but as a user there just wasnt much stuff beyond the os itself to do.\r\nI would like someone to make an argument that these tablets are more than consumer trinkets mostly (latest status/ego boost hotness), i\'d listen but i don\'t think it\'s going to happen.','2017-09-09 07:41:22'), -(332,829,'2011-10-06 17:29:42','marcoz','fantastic','That was really enjoyable to listen to. Science-y, a bit technical.\r\n\r\nI liked this one a lot. I\'ve now added jodcast.org to my collection.\r\n\r\n\r\n','2017-09-09 07:41:22'), -(333,829,'2011-10-08 23:32:48','klaatu','fantastic +1','Yeah, this one was really cool. Way over my head (so to speak) but really interesting. Plus that robot voice at the beginning is REALLY cool.','2017-09-09 07:41:22'), -(334,830,'2011-10-11 22:44:54','Alison Chaiken','Excellent show','Enjoyed the Jamie Sharp interview, too. I posted the links on Google Buzz and emailed to interested folks. It\'s only through the hard work of folks like Hutterer and the Canonical contributors (despite their problematic cooperation) that we have device support for the latest hardware in Linux. Thanks, marcoz, for this good news!','2017-09-09 07:41:22'), -(335,830,'2011-10-13 00:16:57','marcoz','thanks','for the kind words and I completely agree that it\'s only because people have rolled up their sleeves and gotten dirty that we are this far.\r\n\r\nIf you ever get a chance to attend XDS or XDC I highly recommend it. Lots of really smart people.','2017-09-09 07:41:22'), -(336,837,'2011-10-18 20:24:37','san','','\"Debford\" = Deptford, thx.','2017-09-09 07:41:22'), -(337,837,'2011-10-19 07:17:59','Ken Fallon','Corrected','Thanks - missed that one :)','2017-09-09 07:41:22'), -(338,838,'2011-10-19 21:02:43','Martin Peres','More links about what we talked about','Hey,\r\n\r\nJust wanted to give you some pointers to the things I talked about:\r\n\r\n- Arduide: https://mupuf.org/project/arduide/\r\n- Arduino music-player frontend: https://mupuf.org/blog/article/51/\r\n\r\nEditor\'s Note:\r\n--------------\r\nDue to site reorganisation the above links have changed to\r\n- https://mupuf.org/project/arduide.html\r\n- https://mupuf.org/blog/2011/06/14/an_arduino-based_frontend_to_my_audio-player_cmus/\r\n','2022-02-14 13:15:36'), -(339,845,'2011-10-28 14:05:08','klaatu','very informative!','very informative episode. all this fancy streaming stuff is still a mystery to me, something i\'ve really been meaning to mess around with. thanks for the very cool info, ideas, and leads on what i should be looking into!','2017-09-09 07:41:22'), diff --git a/sql/hpr-db-part-0d.sql b/sql/hpr-db-part-0d.sql index fe04402..13c1883 100644 --- a/sql/hpr-db-part-0d.sql +++ b/sql/hpr-db-part-0d.sql @@ -1,3 +1,15 @@ +(328,821,'2011-09-26 21:16:28','TheL0grus','','This has to be one of the worst reviews I have ever heard. I am typing this on my Acre a500 tablet. I spent a lot of time researching the tablet I wanted before I purchased one which the reviewer clearly didn\'t do. My first choice is this one ','2017-09-09 07:41:22'), +(329,821,'2011-09-28 16:46:37','Brad','Amazon Kindle Fire','I\'m excited to say that Amazon has their \'Android\' Kindle Fire tablet available for pre-order. I found out about it while listening to your tablet rant, and thought it would make a good update. \r\n\r\nThanks for all the content Mr. Gadget, keep up the good work!','2017-09-09 07:41:22'), +(330,821,'2011-09-29 02:09:27','John','I agree... ','This is a copy of a post I made a while back about Android stuff...\r\nJohn Zimm - Aug 22, 2011 - Limited\r\n\"This is my response to Bryan on LAS and his ideas on HP and Linux ect.. I am a newbie to Linux. I have completely switched over to it. So, here I am enjoying my old HP desktop with Pentium 4. Then I learn about the bearded dude, and I loved what he is saying about GNU. So I started to feel like this whole Linux thing isn’t fake and is not lying to me. That is important. For example, I got made when I heard new ideas were formulated and High schools did not teach me these new things because they were not what we had been taught in the past… no flexibility, no courage and no respect for us to change the school books to reflect how history really looked or what led up to it. Or how we are animals ect. ect. You get the picture. So, now, after watching LAS and listening to other shows, I am interested in paying the data plan (for the first time) and getting a smart phone. So, I was really confused when I heard everyone talk about Android this and Android that. I don’t give a shit about a cheap knock-off of Linux, or something that runs Linux in the background, or how ever you say it. I wanted to stick with what I just learned… LINUX. Everyone was talking about how flexible and scalable Linux is, but I can’t have it on my phone? So, I moved on. I started to get interested in tablets… HOLLY SHIT, THOSE RUN THAT STUPID ANDROID, FAKE LINUX TOO. Remember, I am a newbie, so I don’t have a sense of where things in Linux came from or started, or how great Android is. Sorry if I don’t appreciate Android. But let\'s get real, The big company Google, didn\'t fit into my new found ideals. But, I want my Mint 11 on a tablet. Is that to much to ask for. I hate that I am not smart. I am just a geek-wanna-be. I hate that I can’t pick one device at a time, (phone or tablet) and make Mint 11 run on it, then upload an iso for everyone to use. So, when I heard Bryan say that about how we should not be relying on other OSs that can be pulled after 46 days… I am totally , totally totally, on board. I do have other skills, and maybe I can help in some way. Let’s get this BITCH rolling. When I used to daydream about this, I came up with naming the device that I was going to invent… wait for it… “L”. And after watching the LAS show, I came up with calling the distro, “GLD”, for GNU Linux Debian. PS,as I am about to hit share, I see a post below my,that says, \"Touchdroid, Android for HP Touchpad Project Started\". Why not Linux, for HP Touchpad project??????????????????????????\"','2017-09-09 07:41:22'), +(331,821,'2011-09-30 14:32:09','Sawyer','tablets are utilitarian toys','i get were you are coming from mr. g. IMHO: Tablets are just the new gadget with which to lure the money out of your wallet. I was fortunate in getting a $99 dollar hp touchpad. (I\'m a geek, i want a new gadget). It\'s a fun toy. WebOS is quiet good imo. The homebrew community has compiled new kernels, cli etc. I\'ve got it overclocked. Good stuff. Still they are just shiny toys. Even when i can install a proper linux distro, it will still be just a convienient coffee table device for quickly surfing to get tv listings or watching youtube vids. Oh lest i forget it is a great ereader, though a bit heavy. I\'m glad i have one, but i have better things to drop $500 on. One other thing. All these type devices are driven by the apps that consumers will buy. No apps no gadget goodness. Remember BeOS or OS2? Had them both at one time. Both stable and much better than Win3/95, but as a user there just wasnt much stuff beyond the os itself to do.\r\nI would like someone to make an argument that these tablets are more than consumer trinkets mostly (latest status/ego boost hotness), i\'d listen but i don\'t think it\'s going to happen.','2017-09-09 07:41:22'), +(332,829,'2011-10-06 17:29:42','marcoz','fantastic','That was really enjoyable to listen to. Science-y, a bit technical.\r\n\r\nI liked this one a lot. I\'ve now added jodcast.org to my collection.\r\n\r\n\r\n','2017-09-09 07:41:22'), +(333,829,'2011-10-08 23:32:48','klaatu','fantastic +1','Yeah, this one was really cool. Way over my head (so to speak) but really interesting. Plus that robot voice at the beginning is REALLY cool.','2017-09-09 07:41:22'), +(334,830,'2011-10-11 22:44:54','Alison Chaiken','Excellent show','Enjoyed the Jamie Sharp interview, too. I posted the links on Google Buzz and emailed to interested folks. It\'s only through the hard work of folks like Hutterer and the Canonical contributors (despite their problematic cooperation) that we have device support for the latest hardware in Linux. Thanks, marcoz, for this good news!','2017-09-09 07:41:22'), +(335,830,'2011-10-13 00:16:57','marcoz','thanks','for the kind words and I completely agree that it\'s only because people have rolled up their sleeves and gotten dirty that we are this far.\r\n\r\nIf you ever get a chance to attend XDS or XDC I highly recommend it. Lots of really smart people.','2017-09-09 07:41:22'), +(336,837,'2011-10-18 20:24:37','san','','\"Debford\" = Deptford, thx.','2017-09-09 07:41:22'), +(337,837,'2011-10-19 07:17:59','Ken Fallon','Corrected','Thanks - missed that one :)','2017-09-09 07:41:22'), +(338,838,'2011-10-19 21:02:43','Martin Peres','More links about what we talked about','Hey,\r\n\r\nJust wanted to give you some pointers to the things I talked about:\r\n\r\n- Arduide: https://mupuf.org/project/arduide/\r\n- Arduino music-player frontend: https://mupuf.org/blog/article/51/\r\n\r\nEditor\'s Note:\r\n--------------\r\nDue to site reorganisation the above links have changed to\r\n- https://mupuf.org/project/arduide.html\r\n- https://mupuf.org/blog/2011/06/14/an_arduino-based_frontend_to_my_audio-player_cmus/\r\n','2022-02-14 13:15:36'), +(339,845,'2011-10-28 14:05:08','klaatu','very informative!','very informative episode. all this fancy streaming stuff is still a mystery to me, something i\'ve really been meaning to mess around with. thanks for the very cool info, ideas, and leads on what i should be looking into!','2017-09-09 07:41:22'), (340,848,'2011-11-03 01:51:57','john','','I\'ve never heard Alan\'s voice before. He sounds remarkably like Eric Idle.','2017-09-09 07:41:22'), (341,850,'2011-11-09 03:35:08','klaatu','interesting and new informmations','nice work, inspector! this is mostly all new to me, i enjoyed hearing about these pioneers. thanks and keep \'casting.','2017-09-09 07:41:22'), (342,851,'2011-11-09 03:30:52','klaatu','welcome aboard!','welcome aboard seetee. where\'s all the other new hosts? and repeat offenders?! HPR is hungry.','2017-09-09 07:41:22'), @@ -986,15 +998,3 @@ (1322,1884,'2015-10-29 11:44:38','Dave Morriss','Regular expressions','I skimmed through that tutorial, and it looks very good. Thanks for the pointer.','2017-09-09 07:41:28'), (1323,1887,'2015-11-08 21:50:51','Bob Jonkman','Aerating boiling water','Hi JustMe: You mention that boiling the water will aerate it. Actually, just the opposite is true: Heating the water drives out the dissolved air, since gases are more soluble in cold liquid than hot liquid. Think of a carbonated soda, which is bubbly when it comes out of the fridge, but goes flat as it warms up.\r\n\r\nThe bubbles you see in water at a roiling boil is actually water vapour, the water itself turned to gas. If this gas cools it just becomes liquid water again. When you let boiled water cool down to drinking temperature it has a peculiar flat taste, which I think is because it has less dissolved air than fresh water from a mountain stream. If you vigorously stir previously boiled water with a whisk it\'ll re-aerate it, and remove some of that peculiar flat taste.\r\n\r\nThanx for the episode!\r\n\r\n--Bob, who needs to record his own HPR episode','2017-09-09 07:41:28'), (1324,1889,'2015-10-30 05:48:08','GNULinuxRTM','Execellent Episode.','Just listened while walking the Dog, on a cloudy, spooky night days before Halloween.\r\n\r\nLoved the delivery and working in all the HPR references.\r\n\r\nNow I gotta learn more about the meegopad T-02.','2017-09-09 07:41:28'), -(1325,1889,'2015-10-30 10:38:34','Jon Kulp ','Tremendous! ','Loved it! The HPR answer to Guy Noir, Private Eye. Looking forward to the follow-up. Nice work! ','2017-09-09 07:41:28'), -(1326,1889,'2015-10-30 12:35:52','Fin','Fantastic!','Fantastic production quality! More of the same please!','2017-09-09 07:41:28'), -(1327,1889,'2015-10-31 08:01:32','A Shadowy Figure','Like your work as well GNULinuxRTM',' Gotta admit, I\'ve never seen RTM without the other letter following the \"T\". \r\nThe Meegopad T-02 doesn\'t quit fulfill it\'s promises, but can be useful for limited purposes.\r\nI\'d wait to hear my follow up episode, before thinking seriously about owning one.\r\n\r\n Btw, I enjoy your delightfully cheesy transitions on your show.\r\nGood job over all. \r\n\r\n\r\n May stochasticity fall in your favor,\r\n\r\nA Shadowy Figure','2017-09-09 07:41:28'), -(1328,1889,'2015-11-02 23:37:03','A Shadowy Figure','Wow, Just Wow..',' I\'m humbled to be mentioned in the same breath as the mighty Guy Noir Private Eye, especially coming from one of HPR\'s heavy hitters. Thank you John.\r\nI was apprehensive about posting this episode being as the idea of background music wasnt well received, and I didn\'t want to ruffle any feathers among the listenership, or those I poked fun at.\r\nI just wanted to share something entertaining, and have fun doing it.\r\nPre-production on the follow-up episode has already begun. :-)\r\nExpect more of the same.\r\nIt ought to be fun.\r\nAnd thanks for all of your support.\r\nNow wear did I put my trench coat? (can\'t write noir without a fedora and trench coat, ya know.)\r\n','2017-09-09 07:41:28'), -(1329,1889,'2015-11-03 20:31:54','Anon','Ocean Club...','My name is Norman -- Lou Norman\r\nI\'ve been in this business for 15 years\r\nIf people have a problem and don\'t want to talk to the police\r\nThey want to talk to me....\r\n\r\nKeep up the good work. ','2017-09-09 07:41:28'), -(1330,1889,'2015-11-04 15:37:55','CPrompt^','Fantastic!','Loved loved loved this show! Very well put together. Certainly raised the bar on the level of shows.\r\n\r\nGreat job and please do more!!!','2017-09-09 07:41:28'), -(1331,1889,'2015-11-04 22:10:08','Frank','','As a both a mystery buff and a fan of OTR mystery shows, I found this absolutely delightful.\r\n\r\nIt was a cross between Barry Craig and Sam Spade.','2017-09-09 07:41:28'), -(1332,1889,'2015-11-05 02:38:33','David Whitman','Nice','Enjoyed this show. Thanks for the mention! ','2017-09-09 07:41:28'), -(1333,1889,'2015-11-05 03:30:41','Dennis Blanchard','Good job on mysterious technology.','Competition for A Prairie Home Companion - Guy Noir: Private Eye? Well done Mr. X. Whoda thunk that technology could be a mystery? I\'d write more but my Heathkit tubes have finally warmed up and I have a ham radio sked to meet.','2017-09-09 07:41:28'), -(1334,1889,'2015-11-05 23:05:43','(Mad Dog?) Dave Morriss','Brilliant!','You really had me laughing at the dramatisation. Very cleverly done. \r\n\r\nAnd there\'s a glossary of terms! Beautiful :-) ','2017-09-09 07:41:28'), -(1335,1889,'2015-11-08 22:42:33','REL','Mr','I think I just burst a valve...','2017-09-09 07:41:28'), -(1336,1889,'2015-11-09 09:35:41','A Shadowy Figure','Production has began on Pt.2','I really didn\'t take into consideration that this little project of mine would be so well received, so I was completely caught off guard when it came to creating Pt.2\r\nI was expecting to just do a straight run through on getting the T-02 up and running without even thinking about gathering more sound effects ect., then crafting something that resembles a coherent script.\r\nSo the follow up will take me about a weak or so to put together, then maybe another couple of days to tweak and edit. \r\nThe end result should be pretty cool. \r\nBut, I can see already the \"story\" is beginning to take precedence over the technical details of the Meegopad T-02, so it\'s likely there will be a Pt.3. (which will specifically address those details)\r\nIt ought to be worth it though.\r\n\r\nOh and as a heads up, every decent story requires a nemesis and/or villain or at least some sort of adversary as well as allies, so please don\'t take it personal if your nick get\'s cast as one of the \"bad guy\'s\".\r\nMore than likely, the cooler you are, the more despicable your character will be for absurditys sake.\r\nIt\'s all in fun, and no disrespect is intended.\r\n\r\n But generally speaking, the more shows you record, the more likely you are to find your nick in a smoky pool hall or horse racing track in a future episode or series I post.\r\n\r\n but I really want to hear, is what you\'ve got to share.\r\n\r\n Thank you all for your support, it is quite encouraging.\r\n\r\n You\'ll hear from me soon.\r\n\r\n A Shadowy Figure','2017-09-09 07:41:28'), diff --git a/sql/hpr-db-part-0e.sql b/sql/hpr-db-part-0e.sql index 48571cf..7295e41 100644 --- a/sql/hpr-db-part-0e.sql +++ b/sql/hpr-db-part-0e.sql @@ -1,3 +1,15 @@ +(1325,1889,'2015-10-30 10:38:34','Jon Kulp ','Tremendous! ','Loved it! The HPR answer to Guy Noir, Private Eye. Looking forward to the follow-up. Nice work! ','2017-09-09 07:41:28'), +(1326,1889,'2015-10-30 12:35:52','Fin','Fantastic!','Fantastic production quality! More of the same please!','2017-09-09 07:41:28'), +(1327,1889,'2015-10-31 08:01:32','A Shadowy Figure','Like your work as well GNULinuxRTM',' Gotta admit, I\'ve never seen RTM without the other letter following the \"T\". \r\nThe Meegopad T-02 doesn\'t quit fulfill it\'s promises, but can be useful for limited purposes.\r\nI\'d wait to hear my follow up episode, before thinking seriously about owning one.\r\n\r\n Btw, I enjoy your delightfully cheesy transitions on your show.\r\nGood job over all. \r\n\r\n\r\n May stochasticity fall in your favor,\r\n\r\nA Shadowy Figure','2017-09-09 07:41:28'), +(1328,1889,'2015-11-02 23:37:03','A Shadowy Figure','Wow, Just Wow..',' I\'m humbled to be mentioned in the same breath as the mighty Guy Noir Private Eye, especially coming from one of HPR\'s heavy hitters. Thank you John.\r\nI was apprehensive about posting this episode being as the idea of background music wasnt well received, and I didn\'t want to ruffle any feathers among the listenership, or those I poked fun at.\r\nI just wanted to share something entertaining, and have fun doing it.\r\nPre-production on the follow-up episode has already begun. :-)\r\nExpect more of the same.\r\nIt ought to be fun.\r\nAnd thanks for all of your support.\r\nNow wear did I put my trench coat? (can\'t write noir without a fedora and trench coat, ya know.)\r\n','2017-09-09 07:41:28'), +(1329,1889,'2015-11-03 20:31:54','Anon','Ocean Club...','My name is Norman -- Lou Norman\r\nI\'ve been in this business for 15 years\r\nIf people have a problem and don\'t want to talk to the police\r\nThey want to talk to me....\r\n\r\nKeep up the good work. ','2017-09-09 07:41:28'), +(1330,1889,'2015-11-04 15:37:55','CPrompt^','Fantastic!','Loved loved loved this show! Very well put together. Certainly raised the bar on the level of shows.\r\n\r\nGreat job and please do more!!!','2017-09-09 07:41:28'), +(1331,1889,'2015-11-04 22:10:08','Frank','','As a both a mystery buff and a fan of OTR mystery shows, I found this absolutely delightful.\r\n\r\nIt was a cross between Barry Craig and Sam Spade.','2017-09-09 07:41:28'), +(1332,1889,'2015-11-05 02:38:33','David Whitman','Nice','Enjoyed this show. Thanks for the mention! ','2017-09-09 07:41:28'), +(1333,1889,'2015-11-05 03:30:41','Dennis Blanchard','Good job on mysterious technology.','Competition for A Prairie Home Companion - Guy Noir: Private Eye? Well done Mr. X. Whoda thunk that technology could be a mystery? I\'d write more but my Heathkit tubes have finally warmed up and I have a ham radio sked to meet.','2017-09-09 07:41:28'), +(1334,1889,'2015-11-05 23:05:43','(Mad Dog?) Dave Morriss','Brilliant!','You really had me laughing at the dramatisation. Very cleverly done. \r\n\r\nAnd there\'s a glossary of terms! Beautiful :-) ','2017-09-09 07:41:28'), +(1335,1889,'2015-11-08 22:42:33','REL','Mr','I think I just burst a valve...','2017-09-09 07:41:28'), +(1336,1889,'2015-11-09 09:35:41','A Shadowy Figure','Production has began on Pt.2','I really didn\'t take into consideration that this little project of mine would be so well received, so I was completely caught off guard when it came to creating Pt.2\r\nI was expecting to just do a straight run through on getting the T-02 up and running without even thinking about gathering more sound effects ect., then crafting something that resembles a coherent script.\r\nSo the follow up will take me about a weak or so to put together, then maybe another couple of days to tweak and edit. \r\nThe end result should be pretty cool. \r\nBut, I can see already the \"story\" is beginning to take precedence over the technical details of the Meegopad T-02, so it\'s likely there will be a Pt.3. (which will specifically address those details)\r\nIt ought to be worth it though.\r\n\r\nOh and as a heads up, every decent story requires a nemesis and/or villain or at least some sort of adversary as well as allies, so please don\'t take it personal if your nick get\'s cast as one of the \"bad guy\'s\".\r\nMore than likely, the cooler you are, the more despicable your character will be for absurditys sake.\r\nIt\'s all in fun, and no disrespect is intended.\r\n\r\n But generally speaking, the more shows you record, the more likely you are to find your nick in a smoky pool hall or horse racing track in a future episode or series I post.\r\n\r\n but I really want to hear, is what you\'ve got to share.\r\n\r\n Thank you all for your support, it is quite encouraging.\r\n\r\n You\'ll hear from me soon.\r\n\r\n A Shadowy Figure','2017-09-09 07:41:28'), (1337,1890,'2015-10-30 13:27:58','Jon Kulp ','Up with the $2 lapel mic! ','Sound quality was terrific, Dave. so glad you recorded this show and also really glad that my recommendation of the $2 microphone was so useful to you. My son and I listened to this episode while I was driving him to school and we were both totally cracking up at your son. Very funny stuff!','2017-09-09 07:41:28'), (1338,1890,'2015-10-31 18:45:21','Mike Ray','Audio Quality','I can\'t agree with your comments about audio quality.\r\n\r\nThe \'anything is better than nothing\' mantra is quite correct IMHO.\r\n\r\nA requirement to strive for BBC quality is likely to discourage people. Even more so a suggestion to use some kind of online audio-enhancing service.\r\n\r\nIf you can\'t hear a podcast because you\'re driving a noisy car I suggest you listen to it when you aren\'t.\r\n\r\n','2017-09-09 07:41:28'), (1339,1890,'2015-11-03 11:52:57','Jon Kulp','Better is better','Sorry but I agree with Dave on this one. Audio quality shouldn\'t be a barrier to submission, but everyone should aspire to make recordings that are 1) clearly audible at normal playback volume and 2) are not distorted or clipping. These criteria do not exactly constitute BBC-level standards. I don\'t care that much in the end. If the audio quality doesn\'t meet my 2 (very basic) criteria, I just delete that episode and wait til the next day for another one. \r\n\r\nIncidentally Auphonic is an excellent tool that can help with this and requires no technical expertise. I\'m not advocating it necessarily, but it\'s one very easy way to improve audio. ','2017-09-09 07:41:28'), @@ -986,15 +998,3 @@ INSERT INTO `comments` (`id`, `eps_id`, `comment_timestamp`, `comment_author_nam (2322,2492,'2018-02-20 12:13:39','RWA','hpr2492 :: An Evening Subway Ride','I recently moved to Atlanta, GA USA and it had been years since I used the local subway. Here they call it MARTA - Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority. It is a combination of subways and buses. This past weekend I decided to give MARTA a try. The Toronto subway sounds just like the Atlanta subway and no I didn\'t fall asleep. I rode the subway for three hours and only saw one person asleep.','2018-02-20 12:42:29'), (2323,2492,'2018-02-20 12:36:07','MPardo','Screeching Steel Wheels','The Toronto subway trains have steel wheels. The Montreal subway trains have rubber tires.\r\n\r\nMore details here - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rubber-tyred_metro','2018-02-20 12:42:29'), (2324,2493,'2018-02-22 07:42:48','Hipstre','Entertained!','I can\'t wait to look into these youtube pages. So many interesting subjects. Thanks!','2018-02-22 08:01:20'), -(2325,2495,'2018-02-23 02:38:28','Clinton Roy','Wow','Congratulations! That is a milestone I can work towards.','2018-02-23 08:08:01'), -(2326,2492,'2018-02-23 16:56:39','Ken Fallon','Meta','Sitting in a train, listening to a podcast of someone in a train.','2018-02-23 17:29:11'), -(2327,2418,'2018-02-25 14:36:23','MrX','re great infos','Hi Klaatu, many thanks for the kind words, glad you found it enjoyable and sorry for taking so long to reply, I only just noticed the comment I really should check for comments more often.','2018-02-25 14:39:26'), -(2328,2507,'2018-02-26 01:05:36','clacke','typo','\"Larger than I thought*\"','2018-02-26 08:15:30'), -(2329,2496,'2018-02-26 16:19:42','b-yeezi','Directly into my toolbox','Thanks Dave. I have a half dozen Pi\'s myself. This script will go directly into my script toolbox. Your mind is a treasure trove. Please keep digging!','2018-02-26 16:24:02'), -(2330,2507,'2018-02-26 22:44:32','Dave Morriss','Re: typo','Oops, sorry I didn\'t notice the error when I processed your notes. I\'ll hand in my proof-reading badge...\r\n\r\nI have fixed the error. Feel free to contact HPR admins via admin at hackerpublicradio.org if this sort of thing ever happens in the future.','2018-02-26 22:46:38'), -(2331,2507,'2018-02-27 01:41:01','clacke','Re: typo','Alright, I made it a comment to spare you the work of correcting the original text and then you went and did it anyway. :-)\r\n\r\nSo I\'ll mail you the next time.','2018-02-27 08:07:32'), -(2332,2493,'2018-02-27 14:10:31','Dave Morriss','Enjoy!','I hope you enjoy some of the channels I mentioned.\r\n\r\nYou could contribute some of your own recommendations at some point. I\'m sure they\'d be appreciated :-)','2018-02-27 14:15:45'), -(2333,2496,'2018-02-27 14:13:33','Dave Morriss','Thanks b-yeezi','I hope you find the script useful. Suggestions for improvements and enhancements are welcome!','2018-02-27 14:15:45'), -(2334,2507,'2018-02-28 08:32:53','clacke','Re: that info.rkt for a node','Got word from Stewart (and he\'s https://twitter.com/sj_mackenzie btw , and Fractalide has an account at https://twitter.com/fractalide ) that I misspoke on something: A node won\'t have an info.rkt, it\'s one fractal, one package, and nodes are pointed out internally within that package.\r\n\r\nFor more on what all this means, what a fractal is and more, look forward to my interview with Stewart whenever we get that in order.','2018-02-28 09:11:28'), -(2335,2486,'2018-03-01 15:28:35','Dave Morriss','Quite a haul!','I envy your finds! I didn\'t know there were such events in this part of the world.','2018-03-01 15:30:39'), -(2336,2501,'2018-03-03 19:33:39','Ken Fallon','https://duidelijkautistisch.nl/','The link to the Dutch book is https://duidelijkautistisch.nl/','2022-02-14 13:25:06'), diff --git a/sql/hpr-db-part-0f.sql b/sql/hpr-db-part-0f.sql index 75dd73a..17deb2a 100644 --- a/sql/hpr-db-part-0f.sql +++ b/sql/hpr-db-part-0f.sql @@ -1,3 +1,15 @@ +(2325,2495,'2018-02-23 02:38:28','Clinton Roy','Wow','Congratulations! That is a milestone I can work towards.','2018-02-23 08:08:01'), +(2326,2492,'2018-02-23 16:56:39','Ken Fallon','Meta','Sitting in a train, listening to a podcast of someone in a train.','2018-02-23 17:29:11'), +(2327,2418,'2018-02-25 14:36:23','MrX','re great infos','Hi Klaatu, many thanks for the kind words, glad you found it enjoyable and sorry for taking so long to reply, I only just noticed the comment I really should check for comments more often.','2018-02-25 14:39:26'), +(2328,2507,'2018-02-26 01:05:36','clacke','typo','\"Larger than I thought*\"','2018-02-26 08:15:30'), +(2329,2496,'2018-02-26 16:19:42','b-yeezi','Directly into my toolbox','Thanks Dave. I have a half dozen Pi\'s myself. This script will go directly into my script toolbox. Your mind is a treasure trove. Please keep digging!','2018-02-26 16:24:02'), +(2330,2507,'2018-02-26 22:44:32','Dave Morriss','Re: typo','Oops, sorry I didn\'t notice the error when I processed your notes. I\'ll hand in my proof-reading badge...\r\n\r\nI have fixed the error. Feel free to contact HPR admins via admin at hackerpublicradio.org if this sort of thing ever happens in the future.','2018-02-26 22:46:38'), +(2331,2507,'2018-02-27 01:41:01','clacke','Re: typo','Alright, I made it a comment to spare you the work of correcting the original text and then you went and did it anyway. :-)\r\n\r\nSo I\'ll mail you the next time.','2018-02-27 08:07:32'), +(2332,2493,'2018-02-27 14:10:31','Dave Morriss','Enjoy!','I hope you enjoy some of the channels I mentioned.\r\n\r\nYou could contribute some of your own recommendations at some point. I\'m sure they\'d be appreciated :-)','2018-02-27 14:15:45'), +(2333,2496,'2018-02-27 14:13:33','Dave Morriss','Thanks b-yeezi','I hope you find the script useful. Suggestions for improvements and enhancements are welcome!','2018-02-27 14:15:45'), +(2334,2507,'2018-02-28 08:32:53','clacke','Re: that info.rkt for a node','Got word from Stewart (and he\'s https://twitter.com/sj_mackenzie btw , and Fractalide has an account at https://twitter.com/fractalide ) that I misspoke on something: A node won\'t have an info.rkt, it\'s one fractal, one package, and nodes are pointed out internally within that package.\r\n\r\nFor more on what all this means, what a fractal is and more, look forward to my interview with Stewart whenever we get that in order.','2018-02-28 09:11:28'), +(2335,2486,'2018-03-01 15:28:35','Dave Morriss','Quite a haul!','I envy your finds! I didn\'t know there were such events in this part of the world.','2018-03-01 15:30:39'), +(2336,2501,'2018-03-03 19:33:39','Ken Fallon','https://duidelijkautistisch.nl/','The link to the Dutch book is https://duidelijkautistisch.nl/','2022-02-14 13:25:06'), (2337,2501,'2018-03-03 19:38:19','Ken Fallon','Escape for pipe','& # 1 2 4 ; \r\n\r\nWill escape the | character !','2018-03-03 19:41:00'), (2338,2498,'2018-03-03 23:38:29','Draco Metallium','No more e-mails on my phone.','Thanks, I had not realize that I really don\'t need the gmail app.\r\n\r\nMost of the time it was just annoying, I am almost always in front of a computer, so I would have find out about the new email a few seconds later. And for some reason the spell checker does not work if you updated it.\r\n\r\nYou have just freed me and my ram.','2018-03-04 09:17:31'), (2339,2501,'2018-03-05 05:36:54','Clinton Roy','Thank you.','Tricky bastards...','2018-03-05 08:28:50'), @@ -986,15 +998,3 @@ (3322,3473,'2021-12-02 13:38:33','Trey','UGH! Correction.','I just glanced at my comment and realized I meant 2M (meter) bands instead of 10M (meter) bands.','2021-12-02 19:20:28'), (3323,3479,'2021-12-02 19:43:35','Trey','Thanks for sharing.','I have been managing versions of configuration files locally on my system, and you have inspired me to try to use GitHub instead.\r\n\r\nWe shall see how it goes.\r\n\r\nKeep up the awesome work.','2021-12-02 20:40:41'), (3324,3493,'2021-12-04 23:43:11','DNT','Great episode','Thanks for the podcast recommendation, great name for it too!','2021-12-05 21:24:43'), -(3325,3474,'2021-12-06 22:02:50','Operat0r','replace Ken Fallon with a script','\"Cannot be automated!!!?!??!\" Ooohhhhhh Shame !!! Alexa? Siri? Neural networks?? Everything can (and will....) be automated! I would start with detection of \"notes\" similar how singing autotune can make people almost sound like they can sing. Where the audio is checked for n length of music .. id it\'s near the beginning and matches the intro music by n% then they included the intro and if the notes don\'t match maybe it\'s some other \"music\" or \"singing\" ? Same for outro. \r\n\r\nTHE ONLY LIMIT IS YOURSELF!\r\n\r\nhttps://www.zombo.com/\r\n\r\n**Struck a nerve there** <3\r\n\r\nYou make a good point about messing with people\'s audio.\r\n\r\nI imagine a fully automated system that will manage at least 75% of uploads ;)\r\n\r\nWhat if you only had to answer one question?\r\n\r\nChoose an option:\r\n\r\n1) Let HPR edit your audio:\r\n- remove noise\r\n- detect presence intro\r\n- detect presence outro\r\n- ???\r\n\r\n2) do not edit my audio','2021-12-06 22:05:45'), -(3326,3474,'2021-12-07 12:19:28','Ken Fallon','Thanks for Volunteering','Hi Operat0r,\r\n\r\nThanks for volunteering to do this. Once we have the script up and running then we can announce it to the general population.\r\n\r\nKen','2021-12-07 20:52:53'), -(3327,3474,'2021-12-10 00:50:25','Operat0r','fun','Yah. I caught the Spanish episode and thought I could try a rough translation to English with the script I wrote to speech to text \"any\" media.\r\n\r\nhttps://github.com/freeload101/SCRIPTS/blob/master/Bash/Stream_to_Text_with_Keywords.sh\r\n\r\nDetection of standard HPR intro should be possible and if I\'m lucky I can detect any non standard like humming etc but I only ever done basic darknet training with images.','2021-12-10 20:42:47'), -(3328,3292,'2021-12-18 22:03:46','dodddummy','Where\'s the thumbs down button?','What are you talking about? You seem to think that if a distro removes an application they hate it can call them names. Part of making a distro is adjusting the curate application list.\r\n\r\nIt never occurred to me that HPR should have a thumbs down button until I listened to this piece of work.','2021-12-19 19:05:12'), -(3329,3394,'2021-12-22 18:54:26','dnt','I consulted this episode this week','When I listened to \"We need to talk about XML\", I nodded in agreement. Working in localization there\'s a lot of XLIFF, so I have learned to appreciate it. This week I had a chance to use xmlstarlet at work, so I came back and had another listen to this. There was some trouble figuring out the deal with XML namespaces, I found that in xmlstarlet you can use //_:node where the underscore stands for the default namespace. For now, this just worked, but I do need to learn more about namespaces. Thanks again!','2021-12-23 10:43:25'), -(3330,3495,'2021-12-24 14:31:31','Trey','Great recommendation','Thanks for the recommendation. I listened and it was a great dive into one of my favorite Christmas films of all time.','2021-12-24 22:42:23'), -(3331,3493,'2021-12-25 03:18:57','Oyente#1','Gracias','Muy bueno tu podcast y hablas español, perdón, castellano muy bien! \r\nSaludos desde Puerto Rico.','2021-12-25 23:21:01'), -(3332,3482,'2021-12-30 00:09:50','Windigo','Fascinating subject','This is a stellar first episode. Harvested electronic components, robotics on the cheap... made for the apocalypse, but fun beforehand as well!\r\n\r\nThank you for the additional video links; I\'m glad I was able to see these robots in action.\r\n\r\nI\'m looking forward to future shows in this series!','2021-12-30 13:16:53'), -(3333,3496,'2021-12-30 13:15:13','Dave Morriss','Great show','A very interesting approach to recording HPR shows. Not a method that ever occurred to me - but that\'s what HPR is all about :-)\r\n\r\nGreat to hear your comments about MrGadgets. He was an HPR stalwart for many years, and I for one miss his contributions. I was listening to some of his shows while working on the tag project and it was great to hear him.','2021-12-30 13:16:53'), -(3334,3504,'2022-01-06 21:50:00','dnt','Mission control','Great broadcast! \"That\'s the main engine I think, and that\'s the booster. Wow! And there it goes, goodness me!\" is one of those audio clips that we will hear for generations to come. And I suspect many of the same phrases were heard at mission control that day, such as \"I don\'t fully understand how [Lagrange point] works\" and \"You want to do that otherwise you end up with a rather wishy-washy bit of turkey, don\'t you?\"','2022-01-06 21:55:43'), -(3335,3485,'2022-01-07 12:44:28','wynaut','thanks great show','agree with prev comment, listener who just turned 51 :)','2022-01-07 20:22:37'), -(3336,3496,'2022-01-09 16:24:54','Reto','a good idea','Hi,\r\nThank you for this program and the introduction as a podcast.\r\n\r\nI just downloaded the .zip from GitLab and while trying the commands, I realize a section with dependencies is missing. I think pip is too large, so, I usually do run it in an virtualenv.\r\nIn other Phython projects like here: https://github.com/jonaswinkler/paperless-ng/blob/master/requirements.txt you find a requirements.txt. I was wondering if you add one too?\r\n\r\nBr,\r\nReto','2022-01-09 20:19:26'), diff --git a/sql/hpr-db-part-10.sql b/sql/hpr-db-part-10.sql index 9d5ba91..aaa2408 100644 --- a/sql/hpr-db-part-10.sql +++ b/sql/hpr-db-part-10.sql @@ -1,3 +1,15 @@ +(3325,3474,'2021-12-06 22:02:50','Operat0r','replace Ken Fallon with a script','\"Cannot be automated!!!?!??!\" Ooohhhhhh Shame !!! Alexa? Siri? Neural networks?? Everything can (and will....) be automated! I would start with detection of \"notes\" similar how singing autotune can make people almost sound like they can sing. Where the audio is checked for n length of music .. id it\'s near the beginning and matches the intro music by n% then they included the intro and if the notes don\'t match maybe it\'s some other \"music\" or \"singing\" ? Same for outro. \r\n\r\nTHE ONLY LIMIT IS YOURSELF!\r\n\r\nhttps://www.zombo.com/\r\n\r\n**Struck a nerve there** <3\r\n\r\nYou make a good point about messing with people\'s audio.\r\n\r\nI imagine a fully automated system that will manage at least 75% of uploads ;)\r\n\r\nWhat if you only had to answer one question?\r\n\r\nChoose an option:\r\n\r\n1) Let HPR edit your audio:\r\n- remove noise\r\n- detect presence intro\r\n- detect presence outro\r\n- ???\r\n\r\n2) do not edit my audio','2021-12-06 22:05:45'), +(3326,3474,'2021-12-07 12:19:28','Ken Fallon','Thanks for Volunteering','Hi Operat0r,\r\n\r\nThanks for volunteering to do this. Once we have the script up and running then we can announce it to the general population.\r\n\r\nKen','2021-12-07 20:52:53'), +(3327,3474,'2021-12-10 00:50:25','Operat0r','fun','Yah. I caught the Spanish episode and thought I could try a rough translation to English with the script I wrote to speech to text \"any\" media.\r\n\r\nhttps://github.com/freeload101/SCRIPTS/blob/master/Bash/Stream_to_Text_with_Keywords.sh\r\n\r\nDetection of standard HPR intro should be possible and if I\'m lucky I can detect any non standard like humming etc but I only ever done basic darknet training with images.','2021-12-10 20:42:47'), +(3328,3292,'2021-12-18 22:03:46','dodddummy','Where\'s the thumbs down button?','What are you talking about? You seem to think that if a distro removes an application they hate it can call them names. Part of making a distro is adjusting the curate application list.\r\n\r\nIt never occurred to me that HPR should have a thumbs down button until I listened to this piece of work.','2021-12-19 19:05:12'), +(3329,3394,'2021-12-22 18:54:26','dnt','I consulted this episode this week','When I listened to \"We need to talk about XML\", I nodded in agreement. Working in localization there\'s a lot of XLIFF, so I have learned to appreciate it. This week I had a chance to use xmlstarlet at work, so I came back and had another listen to this. There was some trouble figuring out the deal with XML namespaces, I found that in xmlstarlet you can use //_:node where the underscore stands for the default namespace. For now, this just worked, but I do need to learn more about namespaces. Thanks again!','2021-12-23 10:43:25'), +(3330,3495,'2021-12-24 14:31:31','Trey','Great recommendation','Thanks for the recommendation. I listened and it was a great dive into one of my favorite Christmas films of all time.','2021-12-24 22:42:23'), +(3331,3493,'2021-12-25 03:18:57','Oyente#1','Gracias','Muy bueno tu podcast y hablas español, perdón, castellano muy bien! \r\nSaludos desde Puerto Rico.','2021-12-25 23:21:01'), +(3332,3482,'2021-12-30 00:09:50','Windigo','Fascinating subject','This is a stellar first episode. Harvested electronic components, robotics on the cheap... made for the apocalypse, but fun beforehand as well!\r\n\r\nThank you for the additional video links; I\'m glad I was able to see these robots in action.\r\n\r\nI\'m looking forward to future shows in this series!','2021-12-30 13:16:53'), +(3333,3496,'2021-12-30 13:15:13','Dave Morriss','Great show','A very interesting approach to recording HPR shows. Not a method that ever occurred to me - but that\'s what HPR is all about :-)\r\n\r\nGreat to hear your comments about MrGadgets. He was an HPR stalwart for many years, and I for one miss his contributions. I was listening to some of his shows while working on the tag project and it was great to hear him.','2021-12-30 13:16:53'), +(3334,3504,'2022-01-06 21:50:00','dnt','Mission control','Great broadcast! \"That\'s the main engine I think, and that\'s the booster. Wow! And there it goes, goodness me!\" is one of those audio clips that we will hear for generations to come. And I suspect many of the same phrases were heard at mission control that day, such as \"I don\'t fully understand how [Lagrange point] works\" and \"You want to do that otherwise you end up with a rather wishy-washy bit of turkey, don\'t you?\"','2022-01-06 21:55:43'), +(3335,3485,'2022-01-07 12:44:28','wynaut','thanks great show','agree with prev comment, listener who just turned 51 :)','2022-01-07 20:22:37'), +(3336,3496,'2022-01-09 16:24:54','Reto','a good idea','Hi,\r\nThank you for this program and the introduction as a podcast.\r\n\r\nI just downloaded the .zip from GitLab and while trying the commands, I realize a section with dependencies is missing. I think pip is too large, so, I usually do run it in an virtualenv.\r\nIn other Phython projects like here: https://github.com/jonaswinkler/paperless-ng/blob/master/requirements.txt you find a requirements.txt. I was wondering if you add one too?\r\n\r\nBr,\r\nReto','2022-01-09 20:19:26'), (3337,3498,'2022-01-09 19:37:21','operat0r','Love this show','reminds me a little bit of udev random podcast. this one had a lot of laughs! You guys are my friends for now. Mine won\'t do anything.. Holidays are hard for some/most people. Shooting the shit and ranting are my fav podcast eps!\r\n\r\nTake care of yourselves! your the only U you have!','2022-01-09 20:19:26'), (3338,3505,'2022-01-11 04:02:01','baffled','Nice show!','Hi Ken and Beni: It was a great show thank you. Things have sure changed since I got my ticket. I\'m looking forward to future episodes in this series.','2022-01-11 20:31:52'), (3339,3510,'2022-01-17 07:59:16','tuturto','This brought some memories','This was fun to listen to and remember how my first PC was hand me down IBM 088 that I got from a local metal shop. It had whopping 640kb of memory and two floppy drives (no hard drive at all). There were no fancy graphical user interface or anything, all interaction was on text mode with keyboard.','2022-01-17 21:00:02'), @@ -986,15 +998,3 @@ INSERT INTO `eps` (`id`, `date`, `title`, `duration`, `summary`, `notes`, `hosti (451,'2009-09-23','Podcasting: From Mic to Audience',1328,'Finux talks about podcasting','Podcasting: From Mic to Audience finux talks all about podcasting',85,36,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','podcasting,Audacity,blog',0,2261,1), (452,'2009-09-24','Demo or Bust 2010 Part 4',6844,'SigFLUP talks about software rendering and then interviews blackpawn of xplsv','In this episode SigFLUP talks about software rendering and then interviews blackpawn of xplsv. Leave you feedback at +1-206-312-1618 or email pantsbutt@gmail.com',115,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Demo or Bust 2010',0,1683,1), (453,'2009-09-26','Talk Geek to me Ep 2',2044,'Deepgeek talks geek to his fans about HTML','Deepgeek discusses upgrading from old style HTML to Modern HTML. He uses, as a feature example, device independence between Cell Phone Micro Browsers and Desktop Browsers like Firefox.',73,34,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','HTML,css,stylesheets,micro browser,mobile browsing',0,1983,1), -(454,'2009-09-29','BruCon Interview',2663,'Finux interviewing Benny from BruCON','finux interviewing Benny from BruCON',85,78,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','BruCON,unconference,hacking',0,1938,1), -(455,'2009-09-30','Interview with Dann at OLF',805,'Pegwole interviews Dann at the Ohio Linux Fest','pegwole interviews Dann at OLF',120,78,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','OLF 2009,interview',0,1478,1), -(456,'2009-10-01','What is Free Software',1716,'Finux discusses what is free software','finux talks about what is free software.',85,36,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Free software,Open source software,history',0,1714,1), -(457,'2009-10-02','automatic car',829,'Ken Fallon talks about an automatic car, with a twist','ken fallon talks about an automatic car',30,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','automatic transmission,cars,linux',0,1629,1), -(458,'2009-10-02','Blender-Game-Engine-A-Short-Guide',1358,'GaryWhiton talks about Blender','GaryWhiton talks about Blender ',85,36,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Blender,gaming,game development,game engine',0,2077,1), -(459,'2009-10-06','Sine Nomine Interview',620,'Klaatu interviews David from Sine Nomine: Recapturing aging technology in new ways.','

At the Ohio Linux Fest 2009, Klaatu talks to David from Sine Nomine about reviving old technology to create better new technology.

The ogg version provided by The Bad Apples Linux Oggcast.

\r\n',78,78,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','OLF 2009,interview',0,1437,1), -(460,'2009-10-08','TiT Radio Ep 10 - OLF',2677,'Monsterb and friends host TiT Radio','

Episode 010 - Warning - Bad Levels


Recorded on Oct 3rd, 2009. monsterb and the TiTs talk about Ohio Linux Fest, Leo Laporte,\r\nOpenShot Video Editor, gimp, seeing through walls, and so much more!


Please visit https://titradio.info/010.html for detailed shownotes.

\r\n',99,30,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','how I found Linux,Ohio Linux Fest,Twit network,ogg',0,1615,1), -(461,'2009-10-08','Mibbit',1062,'ThistleWeb discusses why you should have an embedded Mibbit client','

ThistleWeb discusses why you should have an embedded Mibbit client on your projects home page.

\r\n',106,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Mibbit,IRC,real-time language translation',0,1521,1), -(462,'2009-10-08','Talk Geek to me Ep 4',1767,'Deepgeek talks geek to his fans about \"Lyx,\" the document processor','The main feature of this episode is a software review of \"Lyx,\" the document processor. A \"not a word processor\" front end to the powerful Latex typesetting environment, and multiplatform too.\r\nDeepgeek also offers updates on his \"Beowulf cluster\" and \"Running Linux on Compact Flash\" episodes of HPR.\r\nClosing music is \"Sevish - Consciousness.\"',73,34,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','LyX,LaTeX,typesetting',0,2025,1), -(463,'2009-10-13','Finux Interviews Moxie Marlinspike about SSL',2279,'Finux talks to Moxie Marlinspike about a variety of vulnerabilities in SSL','

Finux talks to Moxie Marlinspike about a variety of vulnerabilities in most common implementations of SSL, such as hijacking the switch from http to https, universal wildcard certs, SSLsniff and more.\r\n


ogg version! ',85,78,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','interview,SSL,security',0,8295,1), -(464,'2009-10-14','Barefoot Running',1360,'How to run barefoot','Barefoot running resources\r\n

',7,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Barefoot running,Barefoot shoes,Chia seeds',0,2184,1), -(465,'2009-10-14','Failsafe security',971,'Tips on securing your Linux systems, see Episode 431','

WARNING: It\'s easy to lock yourself out of a system implementing these changes so make sure you have physical access to the console of the system you are securing.


To display all processes listening

  netstat -anp | grep -i listen\r\n
\r\n\r\nDeny all connections to any port from any external IP address\r\n
/etc/hosts.deny\r\n  all:all\r\n\r\n/etc/hosts.allow\r\n  sshd: # My other pc\r\n

IPTables Tutorial: https://iptables-tutorial.frozentux.net/


A good starting point to block all except ssh:\r\nhttps://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/linux-iptables-4-block-all-incoming-traffic-but-allow-ssh.html


Disable root login via ssh: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/linux/security-tip-disable-root-ssh-login-on-linux/


Setting up ssh keys and disabling password logins.



\r\n\r\n',30,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','security,netstat,hosts file,iptables,Firefox,noscript',0,1678,1), diff --git a/sql/hpr-db-part-11.sql b/sql/hpr-db-part-11.sql index 9649708..226f728 100644 --- a/sql/hpr-db-part-11.sql +++ b/sql/hpr-db-part-11.sql @@ -1,3 +1,15 @@ +(454,'2009-09-29','BruCon Interview',2663,'Finux interviewing Benny from BruCON','finux interviewing Benny from BruCON',85,78,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','BruCON,unconference,hacking',0,1938,1), +(455,'2009-09-30','Interview with Dann at OLF',805,'Pegwole interviews Dann at the Ohio Linux Fest','pegwole interviews Dann at OLF',120,78,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','OLF 2009,interview',0,1478,1), +(456,'2009-10-01','What is Free Software',1716,'Finux discusses what is free software','finux talks about what is free software.',85,36,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Free software,Open source software,history',0,1714,1), +(457,'2009-10-02','automatic car',829,'Ken Fallon talks about an automatic car, with a twist','ken fallon talks about an automatic car',30,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','automatic transmission,cars,linux',0,1629,1), +(458,'2009-10-02','Blender-Game-Engine-A-Short-Guide',1358,'GaryWhiton talks about Blender','GaryWhiton talks about Blender ',85,36,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Blender,gaming,game development,game engine',0,2077,1), +(459,'2009-10-06','Sine Nomine Interview',620,'Klaatu interviews David from Sine Nomine: Recapturing aging technology in new ways.','

At the Ohio Linux Fest 2009, Klaatu talks to David from Sine Nomine about reviving old technology to create better new technology.

The ogg version provided by The Bad Apples Linux Oggcast.

\r\n',78,78,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','OLF 2009,interview',0,1437,1), +(460,'2009-10-08','TiT Radio Ep 10 - OLF',2677,'Monsterb and friends host TiT Radio','

Episode 010 - Warning - Bad Levels


Recorded on Oct 3rd, 2009. monsterb and the TiTs talk about Ohio Linux Fest, Leo Laporte,\r\nOpenShot Video Editor, gimp, seeing through walls, and so much more!


Please visit https://titradio.info/010.html for detailed shownotes.

\r\n',99,30,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','how I found Linux,Ohio Linux Fest,Twit network,ogg',0,1615,1), +(461,'2009-10-08','Mibbit',1062,'ThistleWeb discusses why you should have an embedded Mibbit client','

ThistleWeb discusses why you should have an embedded Mibbit client on your projects home page.

\r\n',106,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Mibbit,IRC,real-time language translation',0,1521,1), +(462,'2009-10-08','Talk Geek to me Ep 4',1767,'Deepgeek talks geek to his fans about \"Lyx,\" the document processor','The main feature of this episode is a software review of \"Lyx,\" the document processor. A \"not a word processor\" front end to the powerful Latex typesetting environment, and multiplatform too.\r\nDeepgeek also offers updates on his \"Beowulf cluster\" and \"Running Linux on Compact Flash\" episodes of HPR.\r\nClosing music is \"Sevish - Consciousness.\"',73,34,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','LyX,LaTeX,typesetting',0,2025,1), +(463,'2009-10-13','Finux Interviews Moxie Marlinspike about SSL',2279,'Finux talks to Moxie Marlinspike about a variety of vulnerabilities in SSL','

Finux talks to Moxie Marlinspike about a variety of vulnerabilities in most common implementations of SSL, such as hijacking the switch from http to https, universal wildcard certs, SSLsniff and more.\r\n


ogg version! ',85,78,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','interview,SSL,security',0,8295,1), +(464,'2009-10-14','Barefoot Running',1360,'How to run barefoot','Barefoot running resources\r\n

',7,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Barefoot running,Barefoot shoes,Chia seeds',0,2184,1), +(465,'2009-10-14','Failsafe security',971,'Tips on securing your Linux systems, see Episode 431','

WARNING: It\'s easy to lock yourself out of a system implementing these changes so make sure you have physical access to the console of the system you are securing.


To display all processes listening

  netstat -anp | grep -i listen\r\n
\r\n\r\nDeny all connections to any port from any external IP address\r\n
/etc/hosts.deny\r\n  all:all\r\n\r\n/etc/hosts.allow\r\n  sshd: # My other pc\r\n

IPTables Tutorial: https://iptables-tutorial.frozentux.net/


A good starting point to block all except ssh:\r\nhttps://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/linux-iptables-4-block-all-incoming-traffic-but-allow-ssh.html


Disable root login via ssh: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/linux/security-tip-disable-root-ssh-login-on-linux/


Setting up ssh keys and disabling password logins.



\r\n\r\n',30,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','security,netstat,hosts file,iptables,Firefox,noscript',0,1678,1), (466,'2009-10-16','A technique for drum \'n\' bass',550,'In this show SigFLUP shares a program that can be used to make drum \'n\' bass songs.','In this show SigFLUP shares a program that can be used to make drum \'n\' bass songs. \r\nYou can download it at https://tmd.freeshell.org ',115,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','drum\'n\'bass,music,samples,freeshell',0,1794,1), (467,'2009-10-16','AutoNessus News',1624,'Finux and the author of AutoNessus talk about some upcoming news about this software','finux and the author of Autonessus talk about some upcoming news about this software',85,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','AutoNessus,Interview,security,scanner',0,1505,1), (468,'2009-10-19','Quvmoh\'s UTOS trip',411,'Quvmoh details his trip to the Utah Open Source Conference','\r\n',110,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Utah Open Source Conference,networking 101,z shell,Linux home servers,life without a GUI,ssh tips and tricks,openvpn,podcasting,ffmpeg,HDR photography',0,1394,1), @@ -986,15 +998,3 @@ INSERT INTO `eps` (`id`, `date`, `title`, `duration`, `summary`, `notes`, `hosti (1428,'2014-01-22','Coffee Stain Studios and the Sanctum games',757,'Will #Sanctum2 come to #Linux? Hear @ArminPosts\' answer in the latest #HPR!','

Do you know the Sanctum games? You should! Listen to Armin from Coffee Stain Studios on todays episode of Hacker Public Radio!


\"We\'re actually working on Linux support. *pause* I don\'t know if I\'m supposed to say that.\"
-- Armin


Coffee Stain Studios


In 2010 a few students from the University of Skövde created the Indie game developing company \"Coffee Stain Studios\". In 2011 they released the game \"Sanctum\" on Steam, and in May of 2013 they released \"Sanctum 2\". These games are most often described as a mix between First-person shooter and Tower defense. You find yourself in a futuristic setting, fighting aliens with a fair bit of humor. The player chooses how much resources to distribute on automatic towers or his or her own weapons. Both games featured the possibility to collaborate with your friends to beat the levels.


One of the founders, Armin Ibrisagic, was at DreamHack in November 2013, where I got a chance to talk to him.




\"What is DreamHack?\" you ask? Only the world\'s largest computer festival, held multiple times a year in Jönköping, Sweden. According to Wikipedia \"It holds the world record (as recognized by the Guinness Book of Records and Twin Galaxies) for the world\'s largest LAN party and computer festival, and has held the record for the world\'s fastest Internet connection, and the record in most generated traffic.\"


I also got an interview with one of the organizers of DreamHack, but that you will hear another day. Today we focus on Sanctum, and how the market looks for smaller game developers.


Stuff referenced in the episode

\n \n

How to reach me


You should follow me and subscribe to All In IT Radio:

\n \n',192,0,0,'CC-BY-SA','dreamhack, coffee stain studios, sanctum, games, indie, interview',0,1611,1), (1422,'2014-01-14','Setting up and using SSH and SOCKS',1432,'Advice on setting up and using SSH and SOCKS proxy','

\r\nIn this episode I go through how I set up SSH and SOCKS. This is very useful when you need to feel a bit more secure in your internet traffic and need to keep out of prying eyes. I also go over some tools used to access your home network from a Windows computer.\r\n



\r\n\r\n',252,0,0,'CC-BY-SA','SSH,SOCKS proxy,DynDNS,DDClient,PuTTy',0,1588,1), (1445,'2014-02-14','22 - LibreOffice Writer Other Frame Styles',606,'This continues our look at frames by looking at frame styles for things other than text.','

\r\nThis continues our look at frames by looking at frame styles for things other than text.\r\n


LibreOffice Writer Other Frame Styles


In the previous tutorial we looked at using the frame style for text, which is not called the Text style, but the Frame style, which may be confusing. This is a very common use of frames, but there are others. To start the discussion, let’s get back to the basic concept of objects. LibreOffice is an object-oriented program and you should keep this in mind when dealing with this software.


A piece of text can be an object, and it can contain other objects (paragraphs, sentences, words, characters), or it can be contained within other objects (section, chapter, document). In the case we are looking at, a frame is an object, which contains other objects, and is in turn contained within larger objects (page, section, document). Depending on the objects being contained, the frame styles can be different, and that is what we need to look at now.


\r\nPlease see https://www.ahuka.com/?page_id=671 for the rest of the article\r\n

',198,70,0,'CC-BY-SA','LibreOffice, Writer, Word Processing, Page Layout',0,1312,1), -(1465,'2014-03-14','24 - LibreOffice Writer A Brochure Project',1572,'This concludes our look at page layout by showing these techniques at use in creating a Tri-fold bro','

\r\nThe written version of this show can be found at https://www.ahuka.com/?page_id=676\r\nThe European version of the brochure.\r\nThe American version of the brochure.\r\n

',198,70,0,'CC-BY-SA','LibreOffice, Writer, Word Processing, Page Layout',0,1339,1), -(1475,'2014-03-28','25 - LibreOffice Calc What Is A Spreadsheet',820,'The origins and history of the spreadsheet','

LibreOffice Calc: What is a Spreadsheet?


There are different ways to answer this question. Functionally, spreadsheets are a tool for mathematical calculations, but have branched out into related areas like data analysis. Some people even use them as a quick-and-dirty database tool. If you are in a financial profession of some kind you probably live in spreadsheets all day.


Spreadsheets are original “killer app”. Early examples were implemented on mainframe computers in the 1960s, but the big step was the creation of VisiCalc for the Apple II in 1979, which was then ported to the IBM PC in 1981. VisiCalc set the conventions that guided all subsequent spreadsheets, and the essential methods have not changed since then. VisiCalc was called the first killer app because people would buy the computer just to run the program, and the usefulness of spreadsheets is what promoted the initial entry of personal computers into the corporate world, with all of the change that has caused.


\r\nFor the remainder of this article please see https://www.ahuka.com/?page_id=699\r\n

',198,70,0,'CC-BY-SA','LibreOffice, Calc, Spreadsheet',0,1454,1), -(1455,'2014-02-28','23 - LibreOffice Writer Other Page Layout Options',952,'This continues our look at page layout by looking at ways to do this other than by using frames.','

Other Page Layout Options


As we mentioned in beginning our look at Page Layout, you have some options other than just Page Styles and Frame Styles, useful though they are. So let’s spend a few moments looking at these other options and see how they work.




Tables can be a useful tool for more than just displaying tabular data. You can place different object in each cell of a table and so have some control over how things are laid out on the page. You could, for instance, place your sub-heads in a left-hand column, and the associated text in an adjoining column, which gives you the same effect as using the Marginalia style. And you can add pictures, charts, and other objects as well. You can even insert a table into a cell of another table to get more fine-grained control. In fact, in the days before Cascading Style Sheets and Javascript, tables were the primary way of laying out Web pages, though these days that is frowned upon, and in any case most Web pages are now created using some kind of CMS software like WordPress, or Drupal. The idea of using tables was more attractive when we realized you could turn-off the cell borders and make them invisible. Of course, in Writer documents that only works when they are printed. When opened on a computer the table borders are still visible, as indeed they would have to be for you to edit the document.


\r\nFor the remainder of this article please see https://www.ahuka.com/?page_id=676\r\n

',198,70,0,'CC-BY-SA','LibreOffice, Writer, Word Processing, Page Layout',0,1325,1), -(1485,'2014-04-11','26 - LibreOffice Calc Cells',1275,'This episode looks at the fundamental unit of a spreadsheet, the cell, and introduces addressing and','

LibreOffice Calc: Cells


All spreadsheets have the same basic structure, a table of rows and columns. Columns are headed up A, B, C, and so on. After Z, the next column is AA, then AB, AC, AD, and so on. The maximum number of columns is 1024. Rows are numbered 1,2,3 and so on, and the maximum number of rows is 1024*1024, or 1,048,576. At this time I am not aware of any plans to increase these numbers, though that could change if competitive pressures make it necessary.


Where a row and column intersect, there is a cell, which is given the address of the column followed by the row, e.g. A1, but never 1A. This is very useful since you can use the contents of a cell in a calculation by simply using the cell address. For example, to add the value of cell B4 to the value in cell C3 and store it, you would write “=B4+C3″ in the cell where you want to store the sum. Learning to use cell addresses is extremely important, so get in the habit of doing this at every opportunity.


\r\nFor the rest of this article see https://www.ahuka.com/?page_id=706\r\n

',198,70,0,'CC-BY-SA','LibreOffice, Calc, Spreadsheet',0,1389,1), -(1424,'2014-01-16','ohmroep hpr live mini, 03-08-2013, Censorship and Hacking in the Netherlands',2620,'ohmroep hpr live mini, 03-08-2013, Censorship and Hacking in the netherlands','

Nido Media invades the Early Morning Show hosted by colleague host Brenno de Winter to talk about his talk on Censorship and Hacking in the Netherlands.


We discuss the situation of Alberto Stegeman, who proved the lack of security on Schiphol by touching the plane of the Queen.


Brenno\'s own adventures with the Dutch transportation card.


Henk Krol showed a medical system\'s security, a system considered to be \"Top Notch Security\", hinged on a (shared) password consisting of 5 numbers.


He also talks about the Dutch Responsible Disclosure procedure and what is wrong with it, including examples such as Hans Scheuder who found a flaw in Habbo Hotel.


Ilyam saw his little brother and sister taken away by the Child Protection Services by accident and decided to film it and go public with it.


Indigo - system for registering people immigrating to the netherlands. Contains markers like \"You are ready to be removed\".


Russian Activist fled to the Netherlands after he was let out of jail. Here he got cought in a system named \'Indigo\' which is used by the immigration service. One of the flags this system can set on people is \'you are ready to be removed\'.

',214,0,1,'CC-BY-SA','OHMRoep HPR Live',0,1354,1), -(1426,'2014-01-20','A Visit to Reglue',971,'Reglue gives free Linux computers to under privileged children and their families','

\r\nRecycled Electronics and Gnu/Linux Used for Education. Reglue, in a nutshell, gives free Linux computers to under privileged children and their families. From their website:\r\n

\r\nAccording to our estimates and those of the Austin Independent School District, there are over 5000 Austin students who cannot afford a computer or Internet access. Reglue wants to reduce that number by as much as we can. Since 2005 we have provided 1102 disadvantaged Austin-area kids and their families a computer. These kids cannot grow and compete with their peers unless they have a computer and Reglue focuses on giving these kids the tools they need. \r\n



\r\nTo find out more about Ken Starks - Find him on Google+\r\n


\r\nKen\'s Blog https://linuxlock.blogspot.com/2009/08/let-their-eyes-be-opened.html\r\n

',209,0,1,'CC-BY-SA','Linux, BBQ, Ken Starks, Taylor Texas, Helios Project, yummy',0,1397,1), -(1427,'2014-01-21','Decoding HPR1216 the easy way and a bit more',1450,'An alternative method of decoding audio containing Morse Code into text','

\r\nThis Episode is kind of a direct response to HPR1343 by Laindir, where he explains his awesome way to decode the morse code in HPR1216. For the fun of it, I start right out by digressing into a memory of mine. It is about how I tried to decode morse code telemetry from the AO-21 amateur radio satellite some 20 years ago by using a CBM-8032 computer. \r\n


\r\nAfter that I reveal the easy way to decode HPR1216 by using the CW mode of the program FLDIGI. Along the way, I mention the use of \"monitors\" in pulse audio, which are selectable in pavucontrol as input sources for audio applications. This is an easy way to loop back sound output from other applications. This method also combines nicely with WEBSDR, web accessible software defined receivers, all over the world. These may be used if you want to throw some real world signals at FLDIGI to play with the different modes. For listening to amateur radio communication I recommend to start out with one of these modes: CW (morse telegraphy), PSK > BPSK31 (very common, narrow band tele type mode) and RTTY > RTTY-45 (\"original\" radio tele type). For the typing modes you might want to check also \"View>Waterfall>Docked scope\" or activate \"View>View/Hide Channels\".\r\n


\r\nFinally I add a tip about using OSS-wrappers like aoss, from alsa-oss, and padsp from the pulseaudio-utils package, to run old OSS applications. I use this primarily for siggen, a suit of command line / curses applications for generating audio signals like sine wave, rectangle and so on. \r\n


\r\nNOTE: There is one stumbling block with pavucontrol, which I forgot to mention in the recording. Applications will only show up as playback sources or recording sinks when they actively use the interface. That is, the alsa player source will only be visible while playing, in the same way as an audacity sink can only be seen while the recording is going on. \r\n



\r\n\r\n\r\n',271,0,0,'CC-BY-SA','fldigi,PulseAudio,OSS-wrapper,padsp,aoss',0,1345,1), -(1429,'2014-01-23','Debian sources.list',2499,'Personalize your Debian distro through the sources.list file','

\r\nHonkeymagoo and Kevin Wisher discuss the Debian GNU Linux sources.list file, and the many ways\r\nit can be used to personalize your Debian distro\r\n


\r\nThe site that gives most of the information about the sources.list file:\r\nhttps://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-archive.html\r\n


\r\nMirror sites list:\r\nhttps://www.debian.org/mirror/list\r\n


\r\nA site that can help you make a sources.list file:\r\nhttps://debgen.simplylinux.ch/\r\n


\r\n2 good sites to learn about apt-pinning:\r\nhttps://jaqque.sbih.org/kplug/apt-pinning.html\r\nhttps://www.howtoforge.com/a-short-introduction-to-apt-pinning\r\n


\r\nThe Debian multimedia repository: https://www.deb-multimedia.org/\r\n


\r\nDefault sources.list file for US:\r\n

\r\ndeb https://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/ wheezy main\r\ndeb-src https://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/ wheezy main\r\n\r\ndeb https://security.debian.org/ wheezy/updates main\r\ndeb-src https://security.debian.org/ wheezy/updates main\r\n\r\ndeb https://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/ wheezy-updates main\r\ndeb-src https://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/ wheezy-updates main \r\n
',269,0,0,'CC-BY-SA','Debian,sources.list,apt-pinning',0,1584,1), -(1431,'2014-01-27','Talking Twenty Fourteen',2260,'New Year predictions from Jezra and NYbill','

\r\nIn what has become an annual thing, Jezra and NYbill talk about their New Years predictions past and future. Better late then never, I guess...\r\n

',235,0,1,'CC-BY-SA','New Year,2014,prediction',0,1465,1), -(1432,'2014-01-28','Fahrenheit 212',1148,'A discussion of temperature systems: Fahrenheit, Celsius (Centigrade) and Kelvin','

Please consider recording an episode for Hacker Public Radio. We are a you-contribute podcast. :)


Ken requests an episode on Fahrenheit, which really requires discussion of the two temperature systems, and how they are quantified.




Centigrade: old fashioned term for Celsius
Kelvin (K): less common measurement of temperature used for Science
Thermal Equilibrium: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thermodynamic_equilibrium
Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zeroth_law_of_thermodynamics
Absolute zero: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Absolute_zero


My personal preference is Celsius. Less numbers to deal with in everyday use.
Really Cold – Temperatures below 0°C
Really Hot – Temperatures above 30°C
The \"American\" thinking is temperatures go in 20\'s, 30\'s, 40\'s...etc. more work!
Obligatory gun discussion
Indirect conversation about PV = nRT formula
Correction: the absence of pressure (vacuum) causes water to boil.
Celsius and Fahrenheit are \"measured\" by the states of water boiling/freezing.

\r\nCelsius\r\nfreezes at 0°\r\nboils at 100°\r\n\r\nFahrenheit\r\nfreezes at 32\r\nboils 212°\r\n\r\n1 (K) Kelvin = -273.15°C\r\n
',272,0,0,'CC-BY-SA','Science, temperature',0,1432,1), -(1433,'2014-01-29','Ubuntu Quickly Ebook Template',660,'The Quickly Ubuntu eBook Template allows the user to create and manage eBooks','

\r\nIn this episode Mike Hingley talks about his Ubuntu Quickly Ebook Template project. Whilst it is still in development, it allows authors the ability to publish epub style books through the ubuntu packaging system.\r\n

\r\n',185,0,0,'CC-BY-SA','content packaging,Ebook ',0,1441,1), -(1434,'2014-01-30','Why I made an account free android ',568,'Account Free Android Tablet: minimal Google/Ads without Rooting','

\r\nWhy I built an Account Free Google tablet. Including links of what was done. Some basic criteria. No accounts created for downloading, installing or configuring except for mail accounts. No rooting. No pirated apps. Something that can be easy for a user to do including installing and updating apps. One ad supported app installed, but hope to find an alternative. \r\n



',273,0,1,'CC-BY-SA','Android,tablet,F-Droid,OwnCloud',0,1638,1), diff --git a/sql/hpr-db-part-12.sql b/sql/hpr-db-part-12.sql index b2b4d80..b8eeed2 100644 --- a/sql/hpr-db-part-12.sql +++ b/sql/hpr-db-part-12.sql @@ -1,3 +1,15 @@ +(1465,'2014-03-14','24 - LibreOffice Writer A Brochure Project',1572,'This concludes our look at page layout by showing these techniques at use in creating a Tri-fold bro','

\r\nThe written version of this show can be found at https://www.ahuka.com/?page_id=676\r\nThe European version of the brochure.\r\nThe American version of the brochure.\r\n

',198,70,0,'CC-BY-SA','LibreOffice, Writer, Word Processing, Page Layout',0,1339,1), +(1475,'2014-03-28','25 - LibreOffice Calc What Is A Spreadsheet',820,'The origins and history of the spreadsheet','

LibreOffice Calc: What is a Spreadsheet?


There are different ways to answer this question. Functionally, spreadsheets are a tool for mathematical calculations, but have branched out into related areas like data analysis. Some people even use them as a quick-and-dirty database tool. If you are in a financial profession of some kind you probably live in spreadsheets all day.


Spreadsheets are original “killer app”. Early examples were implemented on mainframe computers in the 1960s, but the big step was the creation of VisiCalc for the Apple II in 1979, which was then ported to the IBM PC in 1981. VisiCalc set the conventions that guided all subsequent spreadsheets, and the essential methods have not changed since then. VisiCalc was called the first killer app because people would buy the computer just to run the program, and the usefulness of spreadsheets is what promoted the initial entry of personal computers into the corporate world, with all of the change that has caused.


\r\nFor the remainder of this article please see https://www.ahuka.com/?page_id=699\r\n

',198,70,0,'CC-BY-SA','LibreOffice, Calc, Spreadsheet',0,1454,1), +(1455,'2014-02-28','23 - LibreOffice Writer Other Page Layout Options',952,'This continues our look at page layout by looking at ways to do this other than by using frames.','

Other Page Layout Options


As we mentioned in beginning our look at Page Layout, you have some options other than just Page Styles and Frame Styles, useful though they are. So let’s spend a few moments looking at these other options and see how they work.




Tables can be a useful tool for more than just displaying tabular data. You can place different object in each cell of a table and so have some control over how things are laid out on the page. You could, for instance, place your sub-heads in a left-hand column, and the associated text in an adjoining column, which gives you the same effect as using the Marginalia style. And you can add pictures, charts, and other objects as well. You can even insert a table into a cell of another table to get more fine-grained control. In fact, in the days before Cascading Style Sheets and Javascript, tables were the primary way of laying out Web pages, though these days that is frowned upon, and in any case most Web pages are now created using some kind of CMS software like WordPress, or Drupal. The idea of using tables was more attractive when we realized you could turn-off the cell borders and make them invisible. Of course, in Writer documents that only works when they are printed. When opened on a computer the table borders are still visible, as indeed they would have to be for you to edit the document.


\r\nFor the remainder of this article please see https://www.ahuka.com/?page_id=676\r\n

',198,70,0,'CC-BY-SA','LibreOffice, Writer, Word Processing, Page Layout',0,1325,1), +(1485,'2014-04-11','26 - LibreOffice Calc Cells',1275,'This episode looks at the fundamental unit of a spreadsheet, the cell, and introduces addressing and','

LibreOffice Calc: Cells


All spreadsheets have the same basic structure, a table of rows and columns. Columns are headed up A, B, C, and so on. After Z, the next column is AA, then AB, AC, AD, and so on. The maximum number of columns is 1024. Rows are numbered 1,2,3 and so on, and the maximum number of rows is 1024*1024, or 1,048,576. At this time I am not aware of any plans to increase these numbers, though that could change if competitive pressures make it necessary.


Where a row and column intersect, there is a cell, which is given the address of the column followed by the row, e.g. A1, but never 1A. This is very useful since you can use the contents of a cell in a calculation by simply using the cell address. For example, to add the value of cell B4 to the value in cell C3 and store it, you would write “=B4+C3″ in the cell where you want to store the sum. Learning to use cell addresses is extremely important, so get in the habit of doing this at every opportunity.


\r\nFor the rest of this article see https://www.ahuka.com/?page_id=706\r\n

',198,70,0,'CC-BY-SA','LibreOffice, Calc, Spreadsheet',0,1389,1), +(1424,'2014-01-16','ohmroep hpr live mini, 03-08-2013, Censorship and Hacking in the Netherlands',2620,'ohmroep hpr live mini, 03-08-2013, Censorship and Hacking in the netherlands','

Nido Media invades the Early Morning Show hosted by colleague host Brenno de Winter to talk about his talk on Censorship and Hacking in the Netherlands.


We discuss the situation of Alberto Stegeman, who proved the lack of security on Schiphol by touching the plane of the Queen.


Brenno\'s own adventures with the Dutch transportation card.


Henk Krol showed a medical system\'s security, a system considered to be \"Top Notch Security\", hinged on a (shared) password consisting of 5 numbers.


He also talks about the Dutch Responsible Disclosure procedure and what is wrong with it, including examples such as Hans Scheuder who found a flaw in Habbo Hotel.


Ilyam saw his little brother and sister taken away by the Child Protection Services by accident and decided to film it and go public with it.


Indigo - system for registering people immigrating to the netherlands. Contains markers like \"You are ready to be removed\".


Russian Activist fled to the Netherlands after he was let out of jail. Here he got cought in a system named \'Indigo\' which is used by the immigration service. One of the flags this system can set on people is \'you are ready to be removed\'.

',214,0,1,'CC-BY-SA','OHMRoep HPR Live',0,1354,1), +(1426,'2014-01-20','A Visit to Reglue',971,'Reglue gives free Linux computers to under privileged children and their families','

\r\nRecycled Electronics and Gnu/Linux Used for Education. Reglue, in a nutshell, gives free Linux computers to under privileged children and their families. From their website:\r\n

\r\nAccording to our estimates and those of the Austin Independent School District, there are over 5000 Austin students who cannot afford a computer or Internet access. Reglue wants to reduce that number by as much as we can. Since 2005 we have provided 1102 disadvantaged Austin-area kids and their families a computer. These kids cannot grow and compete with their peers unless they have a computer and Reglue focuses on giving these kids the tools they need. \r\n



\r\nTo find out more about Ken Starks - Find him on Google+\r\n


\r\nKen\'s Blog https://linuxlock.blogspot.com/2009/08/let-their-eyes-be-opened.html\r\n

',209,0,1,'CC-BY-SA','Linux, BBQ, Ken Starks, Taylor Texas, Helios Project, yummy',0,1397,1), +(1427,'2014-01-21','Decoding HPR1216 the easy way and a bit more',1450,'An alternative method of decoding audio containing Morse Code into text','

\r\nThis Episode is kind of a direct response to HPR1343 by Laindir, where he explains his awesome way to decode the morse code in HPR1216. For the fun of it, I start right out by digressing into a memory of mine. It is about how I tried to decode morse code telemetry from the AO-21 amateur radio satellite some 20 years ago by using a CBM-8032 computer. \r\n


\r\nAfter that I reveal the easy way to decode HPR1216 by using the CW mode of the program FLDIGI. Along the way, I mention the use of \"monitors\" in pulse audio, which are selectable in pavucontrol as input sources for audio applications. This is an easy way to loop back sound output from other applications. This method also combines nicely with WEBSDR, web accessible software defined receivers, all over the world. These may be used if you want to throw some real world signals at FLDIGI to play with the different modes. For listening to amateur radio communication I recommend to start out with one of these modes: CW (morse telegraphy), PSK > BPSK31 (very common, narrow band tele type mode) and RTTY > RTTY-45 (\"original\" radio tele type). For the typing modes you might want to check also \"View>Waterfall>Docked scope\" or activate \"View>View/Hide Channels\".\r\n


\r\nFinally I add a tip about using OSS-wrappers like aoss, from alsa-oss, and padsp from the pulseaudio-utils package, to run old OSS applications. I use this primarily for siggen, a suit of command line / curses applications for generating audio signals like sine wave, rectangle and so on. \r\n


\r\nNOTE: There is one stumbling block with pavucontrol, which I forgot to mention in the recording. Applications will only show up as playback sources or recording sinks when they actively use the interface. That is, the alsa player source will only be visible while playing, in the same way as an audacity sink can only be seen while the recording is going on. \r\n



\r\n\r\n\r\n',271,0,0,'CC-BY-SA','fldigi,PulseAudio,OSS-wrapper,padsp,aoss',0,1345,1), +(1429,'2014-01-23','Debian sources.list',2499,'Personalize your Debian distro through the sources.list file','

\r\nHonkeymagoo and Kevin Wisher discuss the Debian GNU Linux sources.list file, and the many ways\r\nit can be used to personalize your Debian distro\r\n


\r\nThe site that gives most of the information about the sources.list file:\r\nhttps://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-archive.html\r\n


\r\nMirror sites list:\r\nhttps://www.debian.org/mirror/list\r\n


\r\nA site that can help you make a sources.list file:\r\nhttps://debgen.simplylinux.ch/\r\n


\r\n2 good sites to learn about apt-pinning:\r\nhttps://jaqque.sbih.org/kplug/apt-pinning.html\r\nhttps://www.howtoforge.com/a-short-introduction-to-apt-pinning\r\n


\r\nThe Debian multimedia repository: https://www.deb-multimedia.org/\r\n


\r\nDefault sources.list file for US:\r\n

\r\ndeb https://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/ wheezy main\r\ndeb-src https://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/ wheezy main\r\n\r\ndeb https://security.debian.org/ wheezy/updates main\r\ndeb-src https://security.debian.org/ wheezy/updates main\r\n\r\ndeb https://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/ wheezy-updates main\r\ndeb-src https://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/ wheezy-updates main \r\n
',269,0,0,'CC-BY-SA','Debian,sources.list,apt-pinning',0,1584,1), +(1431,'2014-01-27','Talking Twenty Fourteen',2260,'New Year predictions from Jezra and NYbill','

\r\nIn what has become an annual thing, Jezra and NYbill talk about their New Years predictions past and future. Better late then never, I guess...\r\n

',235,0,1,'CC-BY-SA','New Year,2014,prediction',0,1465,1), +(1432,'2014-01-28','Fahrenheit 212',1148,'A discussion of temperature systems: Fahrenheit, Celsius (Centigrade) and Kelvin','

Please consider recording an episode for Hacker Public Radio. We are a you-contribute podcast. :)


Ken requests an episode on Fahrenheit, which really requires discussion of the two temperature systems, and how they are quantified.




Centigrade: old fashioned term for Celsius
Kelvin (K): less common measurement of temperature used for Science
Thermal Equilibrium: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thermodynamic_equilibrium
Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zeroth_law_of_thermodynamics
Absolute zero: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Absolute_zero


My personal preference is Celsius. Less numbers to deal with in everyday use.
Really Cold – Temperatures below 0°C
Really Hot – Temperatures above 30°C
The \"American\" thinking is temperatures go in 20\'s, 30\'s, 40\'s...etc. more work!
Obligatory gun discussion
Indirect conversation about PV = nRT formula
Correction: the absence of pressure (vacuum) causes water to boil.
Celsius and Fahrenheit are \"measured\" by the states of water boiling/freezing.

\r\nCelsius\r\nfreezes at 0°\r\nboils at 100°\r\n\r\nFahrenheit\r\nfreezes at 32\r\nboils 212°\r\n\r\n1 (K) Kelvin = -273.15°C\r\n
',272,0,0,'CC-BY-SA','Science, temperature',0,1432,1), +(1433,'2014-01-29','Ubuntu Quickly Ebook Template',660,'The Quickly Ubuntu eBook Template allows the user to create and manage eBooks','

\r\nIn this episode Mike Hingley talks about his Ubuntu Quickly Ebook Template project. Whilst it is still in development, it allows authors the ability to publish epub style books through the ubuntu packaging system.\r\n

\r\n',185,0,0,'CC-BY-SA','content packaging,Ebook ',0,1441,1), +(1434,'2014-01-30','Why I made an account free android ',568,'Account Free Android Tablet: minimal Google/Ads without Rooting','

\r\nWhy I built an Account Free Google tablet. Including links of what was done. Some basic criteria. No accounts created for downloading, installing or configuring except for mail accounts. No rooting. No pirated apps. Something that can be easy for a user to do including installing and updating apps. One ad supported app installed, but hope to find an alternative. \r\n



',273,0,1,'CC-BY-SA','Android,tablet,F-Droid,OwnCloud',0,1638,1), (1436,'2014-02-03','2013-2014 HPR New Year Show 2013-2014 After Show 1 of 4',12207,'After show part 1/4 following the 2013-2014 New Year Show','

\r\nFollowing on from the end of the \"official\" recorded session, the HPR community were not talked out and continued on for another 26 hours.\r\n

',159,121,1,'CC-BY-SA','New Year,2014',0,1386,1), (1437,'2014-02-04','2013-2014 HPR New Year Show 2013-2014 After Show 2 of 4',13762,'After show part 2/4 following the 2013-2014 New Year Show','

\r\nFollowing on from the end of the \"official\" recorded session, the HPR community were not talked out and continued on for another 26 hours. \r\n

',159,121,1,'CC-BY-SA','New Year,2014',0,1325,1), (1438,'2014-02-05','2013-2014 HPR New Year Show 2013-2014 After Show 3 of 4',14029,'After show part 3/4 following the 2013-2014 New Year Show','

\r\nFollowing on from the end of the \"official\" recorded session, the HPR community were not talked out and continued on for another 26 hours. \r\n

',159,121,1,'CC-BY-SA','New Year,2014',0,1298,1), @@ -986,15 +998,3 @@ INSERT INTO `eps` (`id`, `date`, `title`, `duration`, `summary`, `notes`, `hosti (2433,'2017-11-29','You were right, I was wrong',519,'Ken eats humble pie','

\r\nKen puts the record straight after inaccurate comments during hpr2416 :: HPR Community News for October 2017 about \r\n hpr2406 :: Putting Ends onto CAT6 Ethernet Cables by Shane Shennan.



\r\n\r\n',30,0,0,'CC-BY-SA','Correction',0,0,1), (2432,'2017-11-28','Living with the Nokia 6 – an update to HPR 2405',316,'An update to my show on the Nokia 6 phone','

Living with the Nokia 6 – an update to HPR 2405


I’ve now been using the Nokia 6 for about 2 months and just wanted to update listeners to my thoughts on the phone.


First a response to Dave who said on the Community News that as he had a OnePlus 1 he was surprised I found it inadequate. The One+1 is a great phone, my problem with it was it does not support O2’s 4G network although it supports EE’s and 3’s 4G networks here in the UK, as I use GiffGaff which runs on the O2 network I have not been able to benefit from their 4G offer and I don’t want to change provider. Also the One+1 was stuck on CyanogenMod 13.1 (Android 6) and no longer got updates, so this was the reason for the new phone purchase. I’ve now flashed Lineage OS onto the One+1 and have a secure backup phone or one I can pass on to my Wife at some stage.


Back to the Nokia, now I’ve lived with the phone for a few weeks I can say I am more than happy with it, and some of the issues with battery life I have found are unfounded once you configure some of the settings to be more battery friendly, such as restricting background access to the net for most aps the battery life is well over a day\'s use. At night in stand by mode over 8 hours battery use is less than 1% so even with moderate to heavy use I can get a day out of the phone without any risk of running out. Also if the official charger and cable are used a 1 hour charge gives about a 30-40% battery capacity, so not as slow as the reviews I’ve read. Would I still buy it having used it for 2 months, I would say yes to that, and I also have no issues with recommending it as a large format phone at a budget price.

',338,57,0,'CC-BY-SA','Android, Nokia 6, Phones, New Kit, OnePlus1',0,0,1), (2437,'2017-12-05','Interface Zero Play-through Part 3',2543,'Klaatu, Lobath, and Thaj play the Interface Zero RPG','

\r\nKlaatu, Lobath, and Thaj continue their play-through of the Interface Zero RPG, using the Job InSecurity adventure.\r\n


\r\nLyphrygerator composed by William Kenlon, used with permission.\r\n


\r\nAll other music by Klaatu.\r\n


Some sounds from freesound.org used for texture. Obligatory credits will appear in final episode.\r\n

',78,95,1,'CC-BY-SA','Interface Zero,cyberpunk,rpg,game',0,0,1), -(2428,'2017-11-22','git Blobs',1982,'Klaatu talks about git-media and git-annex','

How do you manage large binary blobs, like pictures or video or sounds, when using git?


In this episode, Klaatu explains two popular options:


Thanks to CapsLok at freesound.org for the sound effect.

\r\n',78,81,0,'CC-BY-SA','git',0,0,1), -(2444,'2017-12-14','Interface Zero Play-through Part 4',1927,'Klaatu, Lobath, and Thaj play the Interface Zero RPG','

The investigation continues!


Guest voice in this and episode 3 by Gort.

',78,95,0,'CC-BY-SA','Interface Zero,rpg,game,play,pathfinder,dnd',0,0,1), -(2438,'2017-12-06','Gnu Awk - Part 8',1239,'More about loops','

Gnu Awk - Part 8




This is the eighth episode of the "Learning Awk" series that\r\nb-yeezi and I are doing.


Recap of the last episode


These types of loops were demonstrated by examples in the last episode.


Note that the example for \'do while\' was an infinite loop (perhaps as a test of the alertness of the audience!):

#!/usr/bin/awk -f\r\nBEGIN {\r\n\r\n    i=2;\r\n    do {\r\n        print "The square of ", i, " is ", i*i;\r\n        i = i + 1\r\n    }\r\n    while (i != 2)\r\n\r\nexit;\r\n}

The condition in the while is always true:

The square of  2  is  4\r\nThe square of  3  is  9\r\nThe square of  4  is  16\r\nThe square of  5  is  25\r\nThe square of  6  is  36\r\nThe square of  7  is  49\r\nThe square of  8  is  64\r\nThe square of  9  is  81\r\nThe square of  10  is  100\r\n...\r\nThe square of  1269630  is  1611960336900\r\nThe square of  1269631  is  1611962876161\r\nThe square of  1269632  is  1611965415424\r\nThe square of  1269633  is  1611967954689\r\nThe square of  1269634  is  1611970493956\r\n...

The variable i is set to 2, the print is executed, then i is set to 3. The test "i != 2" is true and will be ad infinitum.


Some more statements


We will come back to loops later in this episode, but first this seems like a good point to describe another statement: the switch statement.


Long notes


The notes for rest of this episode are available here.



\r\n\r\n',225,94,1,'CC-BY-SA','Awk utility,Awk language,gawk,loops',0,0,1), -(2442,'2017-12-12','The sound of Woodbrook Quaker Study centre in the Spring',937,'I recorded the sound of bird song at Woodbrook Quaker study Centre in Birmingham UK in April 2017','

This is a recording I made at Woodbrook Quaker Study Centre in Birmingham UK while I was there in April 2017.


I got the idea to release it as a show after listening to hpr2354 :: Night Sounds in Rural Tennessee hosted by Jon Kulp so here it is all 15 minutes of it.


The centre is right by the busy A38 trunk road so hence the constant hum of traffic noise in the background.



\r\n',338,101,0,'CC-BY-SA','birdsong',0,0,1), -(2443,'2017-12-13','pdmenu',927,'I have been using this menu tool over the past year, and I really like it','





Pdmenu is a tool written by Joey Hess which allows the creation of a simple menu in a terminal (console) window. It is in his list of less active projects, and the latest version is dated 2014, but it seems to be quite complete and useful as it is.


I like simple menus. As a Sysadmin in my last job I used one on OpenVMS which helped me run the various periodic tasks I needed to run - especially the less frequent ones - without having to remember all of the details.


I do the same on my various Linux systems, and find that pdmenu is ideal for the task.




I found pdmenu in the Debian repositories (I run Debian Testing), and it was very easily installed. The C source is available as a tarfile, though I\r\n haven\'t tried building it myself.


Running pdmenu


Simply typing pdmenu at a command prompt will invoke the utility. It uses the file /etc/pdmenurc as its default configuration file, and this generates a menu with a demonstration of some of its features.


This is not particularly useful but it can be overridden by creating your own configuration, which by default is in ~/.pdmenurc. The pdmenu command itself takes a configuration file as an argument, so there is plenty of flexibility.


Full notes and examples


The full notes which describe the use of pdmenu with examples can be found here.



\r\n\r\n',225,0,1,'CC-BY-SA','command line,menu,pdmenu,.pdmenurc',0,0,1), -(2451,'2017-12-25','Server Basics 105 OpenVPN Client',1931,'Klaatu walks you through installing and configuring an OpenVPN client','

In the previous episode of this series, you set up an OpenVPN server. In this episode, Klaatu walks you through:

  1. \r\nInstalling OpenVPN on a client machine.\r\n

  2. \r\n
  3. \r\nGenerating a key and certificate request.\r\n

  4. \r\n
  5. \r\nSigning a client cert from the server.\r\n

  6. \r\n
  7. \r\nConfiguring the client.conf file.\r\n

  8. \r\n
  9. \r\nConfiguring the client routing table to use the VPN subnet.\r\n

  10. \r\n
  11. \r\nPinging the server over VPN!!!\r\n

  12. \r\n

Where to go from here? \r\n


Your next steps should be to investigate how your org wants to use VPN, how your clients actually want to join the VPN (Network Manager has some nice features that makes joining a VPN fairly transparent). Have fun!

',78,0,0,'CC-BY-SA','server,vpn,sys admin',0,0,1), -(2447,'2017-12-19','Server Basics 104 OpenVPN Server',2595,'Klaatu walks you through installing and configuring OpenVPN Server','

In this episode, Klaatu demonstrates how to:\r\n

  1. \r\nInstall OpenVPN\r\n

  2. \r\n
  3. \r\nGenerate certificates for your OpenVPN server\r\n

  4. \r\n
  5. \r\nGenerate a private key for your OpenVPN server\r\n

  6. \r\n
  7. \r\nConfigure the /etc/openvpn/server.conf file\r\n

  8. \r\n
  9. \r\nStart the OpenVPN daemon\r\n

  10. \r\n

In case it is not clear, you can follow along with Klaatu, using the exact same options and configuration values as he is using for a successful install. You do not need to change


In the next episode, he will demonstrate how to do all of the above for OpenVPN clients.


\r\nVPN is a big topic that warrants a whole miniseries unto itself, so this and the next episode concentrate on getting a VPN up and running, with clients connected and pinging back to the server on a dedicated subnet. Additional config options based on your specific use-case are left for you to explore on your own.\r\n

',78,0,0,'CC-BY-SA','server,vpn,sys admin',0,0,1), -(2448,'2017-12-20','Useful Bash functions - part 3',2033,'A few more possibly useful Bash functions are discussed','

Useful Bash functions - part 3




This is the third show about Bash functions. These are a little more advanced than in the earlier shows, and I thought I\'d share them in case they are useful to anyone.


As before it would be interesting to receive feedback on these functions and would be great if other Bash users contributed ideas of their own.


Full Notes


Since the notes explaining this subject are long, they have been placed here.



\r\n',225,42,1,'CC-BY-SA','coding,Bash,script,function',0,0,1), -(2439,'2017-12-07','Internal Logic of Stories',1152,'Lostnbronx talks about stories and story consistency.','

Lostnbronx rambles on about the structure of stories, and how their internal logic can make or break them.

\r\n',107,105,0,'CC-BY-SA','stories,storytelling,gaming,rpg,movies,writing,star trek,stardrifter,warp,starjump,lostnbronx',0,0,1), -(2446,'2017-12-18','Git server and git hooks',2430,'Klaatu talks about running git on a server, and explains git hooks.','

A sample post-receive git hook:

\r\n#!/usr/bin/tcsh\r\n\r\nforeach arg ( $< )\r\n  set argv = ( $arg )\r\n  set refname = $1\r\nend\r\n\r\nset branch = `git rev-parse --symbolic --abbrev-ref $refname`\r\necho $branch\r\n\r\n    if ( \"$branch\" == \"master\" ) then\r\n      echo \"Branch detected: master\"\r\n      echo \"Do some stuff here.\"\r\n    else if ( \"$branch\" == \"dev\" ) then\r\n      echo \"Branch detected: dev\"\r\n      echo \"Do something else here.\"\r\n      else\r\n        echo \"Do something entirely different here.\"\r\n    endif\r\n
\r\n',78,81,0,'CC-BY-SA','git',0,0,1), -(2440,'2017-12-08','How to save bad beans or the French press',57,'how to hash tag coffee?','



\r\nWe take some time to remember our good friend and fellow host Lord Drachenblut who passed away one year ago yesterday.
\r\nNow may be a good time to re listen to hpr2201 :: Matthew \"Lord Drachenblut\" Williams HPR Community members remember the digital dragon.\r\n




I was driving in a place where I had no signal, so I recorded an episode about the first thing that popped into my mind.


Recorded with lineageos recorder app through monster isport bluetooth headphones. I\'m amazed at the sound quality. I\'ll do this more. I promise


(no I won\'t, I\'m lazy)

',126,88,1,'CC-BY-SA','driving, coffee',0,0,1), -(2445,'2017-12-15','Information Underground: Backwards Capitalism',2896,'Klaatu, Deepgeek, and Lostnbronx talk about markets, innovation, and opportunity.','

\r\nThe Info-Underground guys consider why capitalism does (or maybe doesn\'t) work, why people use it as a tool for a better life (or maybe don\'t), and what the source of ambition, commercial aspiration, and greed truly is (or maybe isn\'t).\r\n

',107,99,0,'CC-BY-SA','information underground,capitalism,klaatu,deepgeek,lostnbronx',0,0,1), diff --git a/sql/hpr-db-part-13.sql b/sql/hpr-db-part-13.sql index 6c53f3a..4b3fc89 100644 --- a/sql/hpr-db-part-13.sql +++ b/sql/hpr-db-part-13.sql @@ -1,3 +1,15 @@ +(2428,'2017-11-22','git Blobs',1982,'Klaatu talks about git-media and git-annex','

How do you manage large binary blobs, like pictures or video or sounds, when using git?


In this episode, Klaatu explains two popular options:


Thanks to CapsLok at freesound.org for the sound effect.

\r\n',78,81,0,'CC-BY-SA','git',0,0,1), +(2444,'2017-12-14','Interface Zero Play-through Part 4',1927,'Klaatu, Lobath, and Thaj play the Interface Zero RPG','

The investigation continues!


Guest voice in this and episode 3 by Gort.

',78,95,0,'CC-BY-SA','Interface Zero,rpg,game,play,pathfinder,dnd',0,0,1), +(2438,'2017-12-06','Gnu Awk - Part 8',1239,'More about loops','

Gnu Awk - Part 8




This is the eighth episode of the "Learning Awk" series that\r\nb-yeezi and I are doing.


Recap of the last episode


These types of loops were demonstrated by examples in the last episode.


Note that the example for \'do while\' was an infinite loop (perhaps as a test of the alertness of the audience!):

#!/usr/bin/awk -f\r\nBEGIN {\r\n\r\n    i=2;\r\n    do {\r\n        print "The square of ", i, " is ", i*i;\r\n        i = i + 1\r\n    }\r\n    while (i != 2)\r\n\r\nexit;\r\n}

The condition in the while is always true:

The square of  2  is  4\r\nThe square of  3  is  9\r\nThe square of  4  is  16\r\nThe square of  5  is  25\r\nThe square of  6  is  36\r\nThe square of  7  is  49\r\nThe square of  8  is  64\r\nThe square of  9  is  81\r\nThe square of  10  is  100\r\n...\r\nThe square of  1269630  is  1611960336900\r\nThe square of  1269631  is  1611962876161\r\nThe square of  1269632  is  1611965415424\r\nThe square of  1269633  is  1611967954689\r\nThe square of  1269634  is  1611970493956\r\n...

The variable i is set to 2, the print is executed, then i is set to 3. The test "i != 2" is true and will be ad infinitum.


Some more statements


We will come back to loops later in this episode, but first this seems like a good point to describe another statement: the switch statement.


Long notes


The notes for rest of this episode are available here.



\r\n\r\n',225,94,1,'CC-BY-SA','Awk utility,Awk language,gawk,loops',0,0,1), +(2442,'2017-12-12','The sound of Woodbrook Quaker Study centre in the Spring',937,'I recorded the sound of bird song at Woodbrook Quaker study Centre in Birmingham UK in April 2017','

This is a recording I made at Woodbrook Quaker Study Centre in Birmingham UK while I was there in April 2017.


I got the idea to release it as a show after listening to hpr2354 :: Night Sounds in Rural Tennessee hosted by Jon Kulp so here it is all 15 minutes of it.


The centre is right by the busy A38 trunk road so hence the constant hum of traffic noise in the background.



\r\n',338,101,0,'CC-BY-SA','birdsong',0,0,1), +(2443,'2017-12-13','pdmenu',927,'I have been using this menu tool over the past year, and I really like it','





Pdmenu is a tool written by Joey Hess which allows the creation of a simple menu in a terminal (console) window. It is in his list of less active projects, and the latest version is dated 2014, but it seems to be quite complete and useful as it is.


I like simple menus. As a Sysadmin in my last job I used one on OpenVMS which helped me run the various periodic tasks I needed to run - especially the less frequent ones - without having to remember all of the details.


I do the same on my various Linux systems, and find that pdmenu is ideal for the task.




I found pdmenu in the Debian repositories (I run Debian Testing), and it was very easily installed. The C source is available as a tarfile, though I\r\n haven\'t tried building it myself.


Running pdmenu


Simply typing pdmenu at a command prompt will invoke the utility. It uses the file /etc/pdmenurc as its default configuration file, and this generates a menu with a demonstration of some of its features.


This is not particularly useful but it can be overridden by creating your own configuration, which by default is in ~/.pdmenurc. The pdmenu command itself takes a configuration file as an argument, so there is plenty of flexibility.


Full notes and examples


The full notes which describe the use of pdmenu with examples can be found here.



\r\n\r\n',225,0,1,'CC-BY-SA','command line,menu,pdmenu,.pdmenurc',0,0,1), +(2451,'2017-12-25','Server Basics 105 OpenVPN Client',1931,'Klaatu walks you through installing and configuring an OpenVPN client','

In the previous episode of this series, you set up an OpenVPN server. In this episode, Klaatu walks you through:

  1. \r\nInstalling OpenVPN on a client machine.\r\n

  2. \r\n
  3. \r\nGenerating a key and certificate request.\r\n

  4. \r\n
  5. \r\nSigning a client cert from the server.\r\n

  6. \r\n
  7. \r\nConfiguring the client.conf file.\r\n

  8. \r\n
  9. \r\nConfiguring the client routing table to use the VPN subnet.\r\n

  10. \r\n
  11. \r\nPinging the server over VPN!!!\r\n

  12. \r\n

Where to go from here? \r\n


Your next steps should be to investigate how your org wants to use VPN, how your clients actually want to join the VPN (Network Manager has some nice features that makes joining a VPN fairly transparent). Have fun!

',78,0,0,'CC-BY-SA','server,vpn,sys admin',0,0,1), +(2447,'2017-12-19','Server Basics 104 OpenVPN Server',2595,'Klaatu walks you through installing and configuring OpenVPN Server','

In this episode, Klaatu demonstrates how to:\r\n

  1. \r\nInstall OpenVPN\r\n

  2. \r\n
  3. \r\nGenerate certificates for your OpenVPN server\r\n

  4. \r\n
  5. \r\nGenerate a private key for your OpenVPN server\r\n

  6. \r\n
  7. \r\nConfigure the /etc/openvpn/server.conf file\r\n

  8. \r\n
  9. \r\nStart the OpenVPN daemon\r\n

  10. \r\n

In case it is not clear, you can follow along with Klaatu, using the exact same options and configuration values as he is using for a successful install. You do not need to change


In the next episode, he will demonstrate how to do all of the above for OpenVPN clients.


\r\nVPN is a big topic that warrants a whole miniseries unto itself, so this and the next episode concentrate on getting a VPN up and running, with clients connected and pinging back to the server on a dedicated subnet. Additional config options based on your specific use-case are left for you to explore on your own.\r\n

',78,0,0,'CC-BY-SA','server,vpn,sys admin',0,0,1), +(2448,'2017-12-20','Useful Bash functions - part 3',2033,'A few more possibly useful Bash functions are discussed','

Useful Bash functions - part 3




This is the third show about Bash functions. These are a little more advanced than in the earlier shows, and I thought I\'d share them in case they are useful to anyone.


As before it would be interesting to receive feedback on these functions and would be great if other Bash users contributed ideas of their own.


Full Notes


Since the notes explaining this subject are long, they have been placed here.



\r\n',225,42,1,'CC-BY-SA','coding,Bash,script,function',0,0,1), +(2439,'2017-12-07','Internal Logic of Stories',1152,'Lostnbronx talks about stories and story consistency.','

Lostnbronx rambles on about the structure of stories, and how their internal logic can make or break them.

\r\n',107,105,0,'CC-BY-SA','stories,storytelling,gaming,rpg,movies,writing,star trek,stardrifter,warp,starjump,lostnbronx',0,0,1), +(2446,'2017-12-18','Git server and git hooks',2430,'Klaatu talks about running git on a server, and explains git hooks.','

A sample post-receive git hook:

\r\n#!/usr/bin/tcsh\r\n\r\nforeach arg ( $< )\r\n  set argv = ( $arg )\r\n  set refname = $1\r\nend\r\n\r\nset branch = `git rev-parse --symbolic --abbrev-ref $refname`\r\necho $branch\r\n\r\n    if ( \"$branch\" == \"master\" ) then\r\n      echo \"Branch detected: master\"\r\n      echo \"Do some stuff here.\"\r\n    else if ( \"$branch\" == \"dev\" ) then\r\n      echo \"Branch detected: dev\"\r\n      echo \"Do something else here.\"\r\n      else\r\n        echo \"Do something entirely different here.\"\r\n    endif\r\n
\r\n',78,81,0,'CC-BY-SA','git',0,0,1), +(2440,'2017-12-08','How to save bad beans or the French press',57,'how to hash tag coffee?','



\r\nWe take some time to remember our good friend and fellow host Lord Drachenblut who passed away one year ago yesterday.
\r\nNow may be a good time to re listen to hpr2201 :: Matthew \"Lord Drachenblut\" Williams HPR Community members remember the digital dragon.\r\n




I was driving in a place where I had no signal, so I recorded an episode about the first thing that popped into my mind.


Recorded with lineageos recorder app through monster isport bluetooth headphones. I\'m amazed at the sound quality. I\'ll do this more. I promise


(no I won\'t, I\'m lazy)

',126,88,1,'CC-BY-SA','driving, coffee',0,0,1), +(2445,'2017-12-15','Information Underground: Backwards Capitalism',2896,'Klaatu, Deepgeek, and Lostnbronx talk about markets, innovation, and opportunity.','

\r\nThe Info-Underground guys consider why capitalism does (or maybe doesn\'t) work, why people use it as a tool for a better life (or maybe don\'t), and what the source of ambition, commercial aspiration, and greed truly is (or maybe isn\'t).\r\n

',107,99,0,'CC-BY-SA','information underground,capitalism,klaatu,deepgeek,lostnbronx',0,0,1), (2453,'2017-12-27','The power of GNU Readline - part 2',1165,'Various ways of deleting and undeleting on the command line with GNU Readline','

The power of GNU Readline - part 2


In part 1 we looked at some Control key and Meta key sequences as well as the Backspace and DEL keys in the context of GNU Readline.


The full-length notes (available here) contain a brief summary of what we covered and introduce cutting and pasting the GNU Readline way, with some examples.



\r\n',225,102,1,'CC-BY-SA','command line,cli,GNU Readline',0,0,1), (2449,'2017-12-21','Org-mode mobile solution',578,'My search for taking org mode on the road','

brief introduction




Hi, I\'m Brian in Ohio


inspiration for show


I wanted to tell a little about my trials and tribulations of finding a solution to taking org mode on the road. What\'s org mode? Listen to my last episode or do a duckduckgo to find out.




After switching from using a bullet journal to using emacs-org-mode as my organizing device I immediately saw that lugging a laptop everywhere was not going to work for me. I wanted to be able to access org-mode, especially the agenda view, anywhere I might be. Laptops with limited battery life and a large physical presence were not going to work for me.


mobile-org app


The first solution I tried, and the most obvious, was the mobile-org app. Its available for android or ios. I can only attest to the android version. Its an easy from the play store. This solution didn\'t work for me for a number of reasons. First, the documentation for the setup is terrible, and I became frustrated by the workflow and could not get useful results using the app. Mobile-org seems to be built around using dropox. In order to get around that I tried various methods of syncing my org files using onboard storage. Seeing this wasn\'t going to work I bit the bullet setup a dropbox account installed the clients, one on my slackware laptop and the other on my phone only to find dropbox doesn\'t support this application anymore. A little digging around and it seems the API used by mobile-org isn\'t up to snuff any more so, fail. I cut my loses and moved on to another possible solution.




My next crack at solving the portable org mode problem was getting a pitop laptop https://pi-top.com/. Pitop is a laptop based on a raspberrypi. I won\'t go into the details of the device here but I\'ll say my idea for using this device was its advertised 8+ hour battery life. My old linux laptops rarely give me 2 hours of life So even though the pitop was physically larger than I wanted I gave it a whirl. Lets just say the battery does last 8+ hours, it just can\'t survive many recharges. 2 battery packs later I gave up on the pitop and went looking for something else.




I heard klaatu mention a device called a pocketchip on his gnuworld order podcast https://gnuworldorder.info/. I looked into it and here I thought might be a device that could work. Pocketchip https://getchip.com/pages/pocketchip is a handheld linux computer. After ordering the device I began setting it up for my use case. There are plenty of tutorials on the pocketchip website on how to extend the usefulness of this product. The size of the device was good and the battery life was ok. Some people complain about the chicklet keyboard but I actually did not mind it to much. It took some fiddling to get the emacs keybindings I use to work on the odd keyboard layout, but its a linux computer so there\'s plenty of information out there. I used a thumb drive as a repository for my org files, wrote a couple of scripts to sync up the files with whatever device the drive was plugged into and wala a mobile org solution! Alas, the pocketchips demise was its build quality. The heart of the pocketchip, the system board\'s usb mini plug fell off, and then one system tweak later I bricked the device. I\'ll recover it eventually, you can program it through the gpio pins, but this was a quest for portable-org-mode, not fixing pocketchips, so onward.


raspberry pi tablet


I saw a build of a raspberry pi tablet that looked very nice https://www.stefanv.com/electronics/a-compact-home-made-raspberry-pi-tablet.html. Always up for a challenge, I cobbled together a prototype and tried it out. The reason I eventually dropped this solution because the virtual keyboard didn\'t work well and I couldn\'t get the official raspberrypi lcd to rotate from portrait to landscape dynamically. Still a fun project and I\'ll get some use out of it sometime.


android phone


Well here\'s the solution I came up with. I was searching around on the internet and found a link telling about running emacs on an android phone. https://endlessparentheses.com/running-emacs-on-android.html. It involves installing the termux app, the hackers keyboard, both available in the google play store and apt-get installing emacs on the phone. After that I had full emacs running, all be it in a terminal so its slightly different then running on the desktop, and with emacs you get, drum roll please, org-mode. With this i have the device I always take with running org-mode. I sink my org files between my laptop and phone using the afore mentioned drop box account. The hackers keyboard works flawlessly and can digest any emacs keybinding I need. I also have a logitech bluetoothkeyboard that I can use if I have a lot of typing to do in org-mode on my phone, such as these shownotes!




I find org-mode so useful that I want it available any where I go. And over the course of the last 8 months I went on a journey trying to find a solution to that desire. In the end, the solution was pretty obvious, these portable computers we carry around are amazing and thanks to the developers of termux and the hackers keyboard my phone is now infinitely more useful to me. Thanks for listening.

\r\n',326,0,0,'CC-BY-SA','emacs,org-mode,mobile,mobile-org app,pi-top,pocketchip,Android',0,0,1), (2450,'2017-12-22','Android Audio with viper 4 android and magisk',609,'I go over some ways to help manage audio with android','',36,0,1,'CC-BY-SA','audio,android',0,0,1), @@ -986,15 +998,3 @@ INSERT INTO `eps` (`id`, `date`, `title`, `duration`, `summary`, `notes`, `hosti (3402,'2021-08-17','Reading a manifesto: Declaration of Digital Autonomy',877,'Reading and brief commentary and background on Molly DeBlanc\'s and Karen Sandler\'s techautonomy.org','

This episode, as its source material, is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license.




Free Software Timeline


Further sources for timeline:




Molly DeBlanc




Karen Sandler








Declaration of Digital Autonomy (draft 0.1)


We demand a world in which technology is created to protect and empower the people who use it. Our technology must respect the rights and freedoms of those users. We need to take control for the purpose of collectively building a better world in which technology works in service to the good of human kind, protecting our rights and digital autonomy as individuals.


We have become more reliant than ever on technology that we intertwine into every aspect of our lives. That technology is currently made not for us, those using it. Rather, it is for the companies who intend to monetize its use and whoever owns the associated copyrights and patents. Services are run via networked software on computers we never directly interact with. Our devices are designed to only function while broadcasting our intimate information regardless of whether the transmission of that information is necessary functionality. We generate data that we do not have access to, that is bought, sold, and traded between corporations and governments. Technologies we\'re increasingly being forced to use reinforce and amplify social inequalities. As schools and jobs go online, high speed computing, centralized services and Internet become inescapably necessary. Technology is designed and implemented to oppress, often with sexist, classist, and racist implications. Rather than being served by these tools, we are instead in service to them. These gatekeepers of our technology are not individual people or public organizations who think about the wellbeing of others, but instead are corporations, governments and others with agendas that do not include our best interests. Our technology has become the basic infrastructure on which our society functions, and yet the individuals who use it have no say or control over its function.


It\'s time to change our digital destiny.


We believe it is necessary for technology to provide opportunity for: informed consent of use; transparent development and operation; privacy and security from bad actors; interaction without fear of surveillance; technology to work primarily on the terms of the people using it; functionality inside and outside of connected networks; use with other services and other software, repair; and connection, and not alienation, from the technology itself and that which is created from it.


We therefore call for the adoption of the following principles for ethical technology:


We, as individuals, collectives, cultures, and societies, are making this call in the rapidly changing face of technology and its deepening integration into our lives. Technology must support us as we forge our own digital destinies as our connectivity to digital networks and one another changes in ways we anticipate and in ways we have yet to imagine. Technology makers and those who use this technology can form the partnerships necessary to build the equitable, hopeful future we dream of.


We\'d love to hear what you think! Let us know by emailing thoughts@ this domain.


The Declaration of Digital Autonomy is (c) Molly de Blanc and Karen M. Sandler, 2020, licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International.

\r\n',311,0,1,'CC-BY-SA','manifesto, community, free software, open source, politics, philosophy, digital autonomy',0,0,1), (3398,'2021-08-11','Anacron',949,'Put down that crontab and get started with anacron','


\r\n$ mkdir -p ~/.local/etc/cron.daily ~/.var/spool/anacron\r\n

Create a file called anacrontab:

\r\n$ touch /.local/etc/anacrontab\r\n

Set it up to trigger scripts in your cron.daily folder:\r\n

\r\nSHELL=/bin/sh\r\nPATH=/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin\r\n1  0  cron.daily   run-parts $HOME/.local/etc/cron.daily/\r\n

\r\nValidate your anacrontab:\r\n

\r\n$ anacron -T -t ~/.local/etc/anacrontab -S ~/.var/spool/anacron\r\n

Start anacron in a file that gets triggered at login, such as ~/.profile:\r\n

\r\nanacron -t $HOME/.local/etc/anacrontab -S $HOME/.var/spool/anacron\r\n



Now that everything is set up, just put scripts you want to run regularly in cron.daily, and make them executable.\r\n


You can set up a weekly directory, too. Just set the time interval in your anacrontab to:\r\n

\r\nSHELL=/bin/sh\r\nPATH=/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin\r\n7  0  cron.weekly   run-parts $HOME/.local/etc/cron.weekly/\r\n
',78,0,0,'CC-BY-SA','cron, linux, service, automation',0,0,1), (3411,'2021-08-30','Dominion card game',1673,'Klaatu talks about the Dominion card game','

Dominion is a card game. Lots of fun. You should try it.


You can even play online for free at dominion.games\r\n

',78,95,0,'CC-BY-SA','card, game',0,0,1), -(3409,'2021-08-26','Linux Inlaws S01E37: All about Hacker Public Radio',5738,'An interview with Ken Fallon, Janitor at Hacker Public Radio','

\r\n In this episode of our beloved open source podcast rapidly approaching its\r\n zenith of popularity (with hopefully not an equally rapid decline afterwards)\r\n our two elderly heroes pay tribute to Hacker Public Radio in general and\r\n Ken Fallon in particular. Plus: a never-heard-of-before peek into Martin\'s\r\n very own private life (we lift the veil and reveal it all - don\'t miss this!)\r\n



\r\n\r\n',384,111,1,'CC-BY-SA','HPR, cleaning, janitoring, having a good time, Richard M. Stallman, stats',0,0,1), -(3417,'2021-09-07','Ceph cluster hardware',729,'Looking into the hardware behind my ceph cluster ','

In this video I talk about 4 different computers that could be used in a ceph cluster and what I use and what could be good solutions. If you want to have a visual aid I\'ve created a youtube video talking about the same thing.

\r\n\r\n',382,0,0,'CC-BY-SA','ceph, cluster, hardware',0,0,1), -(3437,'2021-10-05','The HTML document format',402,'Talking about my favorite document format.','

Klaatu asked us what document format we like and why, so this is a response to his podcast. In this podcast I talk about HTML and the importance of good document structure.

',382,0,0,'CC-BY-SA','html, document, css, javascript',0,0,1), -(3408,'2021-08-25','Composting',336,'Inspired by episode 3157, Rho`n describes his experience of learning to compost','



Welcome to another episode of Hacker Public Radio. This episode is inspired by HPR episode 3157 entitled Compost by Klaatu. During the early 2000\'s, I lived in a single family home which had a number of oak trees around it. Between the trees, other foliage, and grass, there was a large amount of yard waste. While my city (Baltimore, MD in the US) will pick up your yard waste if you put it in bags by the curb [1], I would use the oak leaves as mulch, and did have a mulch pile of leaves and other yard waste. At that time, I thought about composting food waste, but there is a big issue with rats in Baltimore, and I didn\'t look into ways to compost. I just knew I couldn\'t randomly mix it into my mulch pile.


I am currently living in a different house, without any oak trees, and not as much yard waste (particularly since we hire someone to mow the grass every couple weeks). After listening to the Compost episode, I was inspired to look into the best way to do it given my current living situation. The first thing I did was to look and see if there are any laws against composting in Baltimore City. The rat problem is big enough that the City purchased and distributed a large green plastic trash bin to every physical mailing address in the city. This is the bin you are required to use when putting out your trash. Given the situation, I wasn\'t sure it would be legal to do composting in your back yard. Much to my surprise, it is not only legal, but the city website has a web page on how to compost [2] and just recently started a pilot program for food scrap drop off with seven locations around the city [3].


Kitchen Compost Bin


After determining I wasn\'t going to be a scofflaw, I went to the Internet to see what kind of bins are available for purchase. While Klaatu gives great suggestions for low cost composting bins, I wanted something that would look nice sitting out on a shelf for the small inside bin. I found the Utopia Kitchen Compost Bin [4]. The bin is made of stainless steel and has a volume of 1.3 gallons (4.9 liters). The lid is rounded and has a series of holes around the top. The inside of the lid holds a circular shaped charcoal filter. The combination of holes and charcoal filter capture any odors generated by the food scraps. It works amazingly well and even with onion scraps you need to stick your nose to the holes and inhale deep to smell anything when the lid is closed. It holds three to seven days worth of food scraps, most of which end up being coffee grinds. We have had this bin for 10 months, and the charcoal filter is still effective. There are replacement filters available for this bin, but you could also cut other charcoal filters to fit inside the lid.


Outside Compost Bin


Given the potential rat and other small critter issues, I wanted the main, outside composter to be fully enclosed, and preferably not sitting directly on the ground. A quick search brings up a number of options, both composters that sit on the ground and ones that are tumbler style, which hang on a frame. I went with a tumbler style compost bin. This provided the desired feature of not being on the ground, and has the added advantage of making it easy to turn the compost every second or third day by just rotating the bin slowly for three or four full turns. I purchased the FCMP Outdoor IM4000 Tumbling Composter [5]. The composter is octagonal shaped column with two chambers inside it. This allows you to fill one chamber while the other side is finishing the composting process. There are also aeration holes for each chamber which can be open to different levels to moderate the amount of moisture. The combined volume of the two chambers is approximately 37 gallons (140 liters).


My Composting Experience


So far I have been very happy with this combination. I just emptied a chamber for the third time. I do have a bit of an issue with the compost being overly damp. I have mixed some drier yard waste in from time to time and that does help, but have had times when parts of it get a little slimy. I have also run into issues with flies and other bugs living in the chamber for a while, but generally I don\'t see them outside of the composter, just when I open the door to add more material. Not ideal, but not so bad that I did anything about it. I have also found certain things do take extra time to compost, and usually need some manual help to break down. Pits of mangoes and avocados in particular along with corn cobs take a long time to break down. They do start to compost, and are easy to crumble in your hands, but keep their basic shape for a long while. Egg shells don\'t really break down, as Klaatu mentioned, but they do become very brittle and I crumble them up manually along with the pits and corn cobs. Another issue I have found with damper compost, particularly in cooler months, it doesn\'t heat up enough to decompose the seeds of some plants. This ended up being a pleasant surprise this summer after mixing in the first batch of compost in our little herb garden during the spring. We now have a combination of plumb and medium sized tomato plants and some kind of squash plant growing in it. If you don\'t want random plants growing in your yard or flower beds, do be careful when composting plants with seeds [6].




While it takes a little extra effort, composting does reduce the amount of garbage you are sending to the dump, and does reduce the smell of your kitchen trash bin. It also gives a rewarding feeling as you watch the material break down into a rich dirt, and then mix it into your garden or yard. I recommend giving it a try, and posting your experience as another episode of Hacker Public Radio.



  1. Baltimore City Department of Public Works-Yard Waste
  2. \r\n
  3. Baltimore City Department of Public Works-Source Reduction
  4. \r\n
  5. Baltimore City Department of Public Works-Food Scrap Drop-Off Pilot Program
  6. \r\n
  7. Utopia Kitchen Compost Bin
  8. \r\n
  9. FCMP Outdoor IM4000 Tumbling Composter
  10. \r\n
  11. Composting Tomato Plants: When To Compost Tomatoes
  12. \r\n
\r\n',293,0,0,'CC-BY-SA','food,rubbish,landfill,gardening,compost,composting',0,0,1), -(3414,'2021-09-02','Critical Thinking may make You Critical of the Covid Crisis',645,'Some Science YOU can observe about covid fallacies, and some preventative medicine.','

Counter Point


Counter points to this show are available:

  1. hpr3442 :: What is this thing called science
  2. \r\n
  3. hpr3445 :: True critical thinking seems to be the key
  4. \r\n


The homeless weren\'t affected as much as other segments of the population. This Radiolab episode suggests that healthy vitamin D3 levels from being out in the sun often may be the reason.




A hospital in Spain did a double blind study, solid science. In this study, before any vaccines were available for covid, vitamin D3 made the difference between a 7.6% death rate due to covid, and a 0% death rate with vitamin D3. This YouTube video gets very technical, but tells the story.




Back in the 60s, body temperature\'s effect on fighting viruses was known, that knowledge was lost for a time because of scientists who spoke out, not knowing the whole story, but in 2003, in the aftermath of the previous covid outbreak, a doctor from China documented the need for body heat to fight off covid. Even so, medical professionals in New York set up a covid triage in Central Park during a season when the daytime temperature was in the 50s, and night time temperature was much colder. Just having a PhD behind your name doesn\'t make you right.



\r\n',395,0,1,'CC-BY-SA','covid, vitamin D3, masks, viruses, lawyers',0,0,1), -(3404,'2021-08-19','Suse 15.3 Leap',652,'A short review of Suse 15.3','

Short review of Suse 15.3

\r\n',129,0,0,'CC-BY-SA','linux, suse, leap, vnc',0,0,1), -(3412,'2021-08-31','Reading a license: Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 Unported',2098,'We are using this license but we didn\'t publish it on HPR ... until now!','

This show and its notes are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/


The original work is by Creative Commons and has been slightly modified during reading. The text\r\nreproductions below have been modified for formatting, but not intentionally for content.\r\nMisspellings are from the original.


Creative Commons License Deed


Original: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/


Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0)


This is a human-readable summary of (and not a substitute for) the license.




This deed highlights only some of the key features and terms of the actual license. It is not a\r\nlicense and has no legal value. You should carefully review all of the terms and conditions of the actual\r\nlicense before using the licensed material.


Creative Commons is not a law firm and does not provide legal services. Distributing, displaying,\r\nor linking to this deed or the license that it summarizes does not create a lawyer-client or any other\r\nrelationship.


You are free to:


Under the following terms:




You do not have to comply with the license for elements of the material in the public domain or\r\nwhere your use is permitted by an applicable\r\nexception or limitation.


No warranties are given. The license may not give you all of the permissions necessary for your\r\nintended use. For example, other rights such as\r\npublicity, privacy, or moral rights\r\nmay limit how you use the material.


Creative Commons Legal Code


Original: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/legalcode


For the rest of the text please see: https://hackerpublicradio.org/eps/hpr3412/

\r\n',311,0,0,'CC-BY','license, creative commons, recital, reading, legal',0,0,1), -(3407,'2021-08-24','Software Freedom Podcast',3407,'A sample episode of the Free Software Foundation Europe Podcast','

\r\nThe Free Software Foundation Europe have a podcast, and this is a sample episode.\r\n

  1. Web page: https://fsfe.org/news/podcast.en.html
  2. \r\n
  3. Opus Feed: feed://fsfe.org/news/podcast-opus.en.rss
  4. \r\n
  5. MP3 Feed: feed://fsfe.org/news/podcast.en.rss
  6. \r\n
  7. Free Culture Podcasts: https://freeculturepodcasts.org/
  8. \r\n
',30,75,0,'CC-BY-SA','FSFE,Podcast,freeculturepodcasts',0,0,1), -(3419,'2021-09-09','Linux Inlaws S01E38: Tiny kernels',3748,'All you ever wanted to hear and more about micro kernels and other operating system war stories','

This episode is dedicated to tiny kernels driving operating systems also\r\n known as micro-kernels. While discussing the last 100 years of operating\r\n system design and implementation, our two aging heroes also shed some\r\n light on operating systems in general and their recent history (like fifty\r\n years). Unless you\'re a true OS nerd, you find the episode mildly\r\n refreshing and educational on the layers of software underneath your\r\n beloved applications controlling the hardware and other shenanigans. If\r\n you\'re an OS nerd, this episode may have the potential of closing your few\r\n remaining knowledge gaps (or something like this). A fun show for\r\n children of all ages and beyond.



\r\n\r\n',384,111,1,'CC-BY-SA','Operating systems, kernels, Usenet wars, Linus Torvalds, Andrew Tanenbaum, Minix, trainspotting',0,0,1), -(3421,'2021-09-13','BlacKernel\'s Journey Into Technology: Episode 1',967,'Learning about Assembly and Social Engineering before I could read','',396,0,0,'CC-BY-SA','technology, childhood, stories',0,0,1), -(3413,'2021-09-01','Bash snippet - using coproc with SQLite',2738,'Sending multiple queries to a running instance of sqlite3','



I am in the process of rewriting some scripts I use to manage Magnatune albums. I’m a lifetime Magnatune member and have access to the whole music collection. I wrote a script for downloading albums and placing them in my ~/Music directory which I talked about in 2013 (show 1204). The original scripts are still available on GitLab and I know of one other person who made use of them!


Since 2013 I have written a few other support scripts, for example one to manage a queue of albums I want to buy and download, and one which summarises the state of this queue.


It’s this \'show_queue\' script I am currently updating (called show_queue_orig, and available in the resources to this show). The original version of this script took Magnatune album URLs from a file (acting as a queue of stuff I wanted to buy), parsed out a piece of the URL and used it to grep a pre-prepared summary in another file. This file of summaries had been made from a master XML file provided by Magnatune (see update_albums on GitLab).


Magnatune has moved away from this master XML file to a SQLite database in recent years, so I want to perform a database lookup for each URL to list its details.


The first version of the new script wasn’t difficult to write: just extract the search data as before and run a query on the database using this data. I have included this script which I call show_queue_db_1 amongst the resources for this episode, so you can see what I’m talking about – and what I want to improve on. It felt bad to be performing multiple calls on the sqlite3 command in a loop, so I looked around for an alternative way.


In April 2019 clacke did a show (number 2793) about the Bash coproc command.


This command creates a subshell running a command or group of commands which is connected to the calling (parent) process through two file descriptors (FDs). It’s possible for the calling shell to write to the input descriptor and read from the output one and thereby communicate with whatever is running in the subshell.


I was vaguely aware of coproc at the time of clacke’s show but hadn’t looked into it. I found the show fascinating but didn’t have a use for the feature at the time.


To solve my need to show my Magnatune queue of future purchases, it looked as if a sqlite3 instance running in a subshell could be given queries one after the other and return the answers I needed. My journey to a Bash script using coproc then followed.


Long notes


Follow this link to read the detailed notes associated with this episode.



\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n',225,42,1,'CC-BY-SA','Bash,coproc,subshell,coprocess,pipe,file descriptor',0,0,1), -(3431,'2021-09-27','Living in the Terminal',2763,'BlacKernel shows you some programs you\'ll need for living life without X org','

Talking Points






My .bashrc:

export EDITOR=nvim\r\nexport PAGER=most\r\nexport BROWSER=lynx\r\n\r\nexport XDG_DATA_HOME="$HOME/.local/share"\r\nexport XDG_CONFIG_HOME="$HOME/.config"\r\n

PS1: user@hostname:~ (git_branch) $

if [[ $EUID == 0 ]]; then\r\n    export PS1="\\[e[1;31m\\]\\u\\[\\e[m\\]@\\[\\e[0;32m\\]\\h\\[\\e[m\\]:\\w\\$(__git_ps1) # "\r\nelse\r\n    export PS1="\\[e[1;34m\\]\\u\\[\\e[m\\]@\\[\\e[0;32m\\]\\h\\[\\e[m\\]:\\w\\$(__git_ps1) $ "\r\nfi\r\n

Productivity (\"Window Manager\"): tmux


Music: cmus


Pictures: fim


Radio/Video/single audio files: mpv


Podcasts/RSS: newsboat/podboat


Runner Up: podfox


Text Editing/Word Processing: neovim/GitX Flavored Markdown/pandoc


Audio Recording/Post-Processing: ffmpeg

function atrim() {\r\n    if [ $1 ]; then\r\n        local in="$1"\r\n    else\r\n        local in="-"\r\n    fi\r\n\r\n    if [ $2 ]; then\r\n        local out="$2"\r\n    else\r\n        local out="-f nut -"\r\n    fi\r\n\r\n    if [[ $# > 2 ]]; then\r\n        echo "atrim: requires 2 or fewer arguments"\r\n        return 1\r\n    fi\r\n\r\n    if [ $2 ]; then echo "atrim: silencing $in and saving to $out..."; fi\r\n    ffmpeg -i $in -af silenceremove=start_periods=1:stop_periods=-1:start_threshold=-50dB:stop_threshold=-50dB:stop_duration=0.75 $out \\\r\n        2>/dev/null \\\r\n        #1>/dev/null\r\n    if [ $2 ]; then echo "atrim: done"; fi\r\n}\r\n
function top-tail() {\r\n    local top="$HOME/project/hpr-notes/template/intro-music-slick0-cc0.flac"\r\n    local tail="$HOME/project/hpr-notes/template/outro-mixed-slick0-manon_fallon-cc0.flac"\r\n\r\n    if [ $1 ]; then\r\n        local in="$1"\r\n    else\r\n        local in="-"\r\n    fi\r\n\r\n    if [ $2 ]; then\r\n        local out="$2"\r\n    else\r\n        local out="-f nut -"\r\n    fi\r\n\r\n    if [[ $# > 2 ]]; then\r\n        echo "hpr-top-tail: requres 2 or fewer arguments"\r\n        return 1\r\n    fi\r\n\r\n    if [ $2 ]; then echo "hpr-top-tail: Topping $in with $top and tailing with $tail..."; fi\r\n    ffmpeg -i "$top" -i $in -i "$tail" -vn -filter_complex "\r\n    [0][1]acrossfade=d=1:c1=tri:c2=tri[a01];\r\n    [a01][2]acrossfade=d=1:c1=tri:c2=tri" \\\r\n    $out \\\r\n        2> /dev/null \\\r\n        #1> /dev/null\r\n    if [ $2 ]; then echo "hpr-top-tail: done"; fi\r\n}\r\n
function anorm() {\r\n    if [ $1 ]; then\r\n        local in="$1"\r\n    else\r\n        local in="-"\r\n    fi\r\n\r\n    if [ $2 ]; then\r\n        local out="$2"\r\n    else\r\n        local out="-f nut -"\r\n    fi\r\n\r\n    if [[ $# > 2 ]]; then\r\n        echo "anorm: requires 2 or fewer arguments"\r\n        return 1\r\n    fi\r\n\r\n    if [ $2 ]; then echo "anorm: normalizing audio $in and saving to $out..."; fi\r\n    ffmpeg -i $in $(ffmpeg-lh $in) $out \\\r\n        #2> /dev/null \\\r\n        1> /dev/null\r\n    if [ $2 ]; then echo "anorm: done"; fi\r\n\r\n}\r\n

Web Browsing: lynx


Email: mutt*


Show Notes


Important Links:



Contact Me
\r\n\r\n',396,11,1,'CC-BY-SA','cli, terminal, nox, linux, technology, tty',0,0,1), diff --git a/sql/hpr-db-part-14.sql b/sql/hpr-db-part-14.sql index 0a7ed20..803210e 100644 --- a/sql/hpr-db-part-14.sql +++ b/sql/hpr-db-part-14.sql @@ -1,3 +1,15 @@ +(3409,'2021-08-26','Linux Inlaws S01E37: All about Hacker Public Radio',5738,'An interview with Ken Fallon, Janitor at Hacker Public Radio','

\r\n In this episode of our beloved open source podcast rapidly approaching its\r\n zenith of popularity (with hopefully not an equally rapid decline afterwards)\r\n our two elderly heroes pay tribute to Hacker Public Radio in general and\r\n Ken Fallon in particular. Plus: a never-heard-of-before peek into Martin\'s\r\n very own private life (we lift the veil and reveal it all - don\'t miss this!)\r\n



\r\n\r\n',384,111,1,'CC-BY-SA','HPR, cleaning, janitoring, having a good time, Richard M. Stallman, stats',0,0,1), +(3417,'2021-09-07','Ceph cluster hardware',729,'Looking into the hardware behind my ceph cluster ','

In this video I talk about 4 different computers that could be used in a ceph cluster and what I use and what could be good solutions. If you want to have a visual aid I\'ve created a youtube video talking about the same thing.

\r\n\r\n',382,0,0,'CC-BY-SA','ceph, cluster, hardware',0,0,1), +(3437,'2021-10-05','The HTML document format',402,'Talking about my favorite document format.','

Klaatu asked us what document format we like and why, so this is a response to his podcast. In this podcast I talk about HTML and the importance of good document structure.

',382,0,0,'CC-BY-SA','html, document, css, javascript',0,0,1), +(3408,'2021-08-25','Composting',336,'Inspired by episode 3157, Rho`n describes his experience of learning to compost','



Welcome to another episode of Hacker Public Radio. This episode is inspired by HPR episode 3157 entitled Compost by Klaatu. During the early 2000\'s, I lived in a single family home which had a number of oak trees around it. Between the trees, other foliage, and grass, there was a large amount of yard waste. While my city (Baltimore, MD in the US) will pick up your yard waste if you put it in bags by the curb [1], I would use the oak leaves as mulch, and did have a mulch pile of leaves and other yard waste. At that time, I thought about composting food waste, but there is a big issue with rats in Baltimore, and I didn\'t look into ways to compost. I just knew I couldn\'t randomly mix it into my mulch pile.


I am currently living in a different house, without any oak trees, and not as much yard waste (particularly since we hire someone to mow the grass every couple weeks). After listening to the Compost episode, I was inspired to look into the best way to do it given my current living situation. The first thing I did was to look and see if there are any laws against composting in Baltimore City. The rat problem is big enough that the City purchased and distributed a large green plastic trash bin to every physical mailing address in the city. This is the bin you are required to use when putting out your trash. Given the situation, I wasn\'t sure it would be legal to do composting in your back yard. Much to my surprise, it is not only legal, but the city website has a web page on how to compost [2] and just recently started a pilot program for food scrap drop off with seven locations around the city [3].


Kitchen Compost Bin


After determining I wasn\'t going to be a scofflaw, I went to the Internet to see what kind of bins are available for purchase. While Klaatu gives great suggestions for low cost composting bins, I wanted something that would look nice sitting out on a shelf for the small inside bin. I found the Utopia Kitchen Compost Bin [4]. The bin is made of stainless steel and has a volume of 1.3 gallons (4.9 liters). The lid is rounded and has a series of holes around the top. The inside of the lid holds a circular shaped charcoal filter. The combination of holes and charcoal filter capture any odors generated by the food scraps. It works amazingly well and even with onion scraps you need to stick your nose to the holes and inhale deep to smell anything when the lid is closed. It holds three to seven days worth of food scraps, most of which end up being coffee grinds. We have had this bin for 10 months, and the charcoal filter is still effective. There are replacement filters available for this bin, but you could also cut other charcoal filters to fit inside the lid.


Outside Compost Bin


Given the potential rat and other small critter issues, I wanted the main, outside composter to be fully enclosed, and preferably not sitting directly on the ground. A quick search brings up a number of options, both composters that sit on the ground and ones that are tumbler style, which hang on a frame. I went with a tumbler style compost bin. This provided the desired feature of not being on the ground, and has the added advantage of making it easy to turn the compost every second or third day by just rotating the bin slowly for three or four full turns. I purchased the FCMP Outdoor IM4000 Tumbling Composter [5]. The composter is octagonal shaped column with two chambers inside it. This allows you to fill one chamber while the other side is finishing the composting process. There are also aeration holes for each chamber which can be open to different levels to moderate the amount of moisture. The combined volume of the two chambers is approximately 37 gallons (140 liters).


My Composting Experience


So far I have been very happy with this combination. I just emptied a chamber for the third time. I do have a bit of an issue with the compost being overly damp. I have mixed some drier yard waste in from time to time and that does help, but have had times when parts of it get a little slimy. I have also run into issues with flies and other bugs living in the chamber for a while, but generally I don\'t see them outside of the composter, just when I open the door to add more material. Not ideal, but not so bad that I did anything about it. I have also found certain things do take extra time to compost, and usually need some manual help to break down. Pits of mangoes and avocados in particular along with corn cobs take a long time to break down. They do start to compost, and are easy to crumble in your hands, but keep their basic shape for a long while. Egg shells don\'t really break down, as Klaatu mentioned, but they do become very brittle and I crumble them up manually along with the pits and corn cobs. Another issue I have found with damper compost, particularly in cooler months, it doesn\'t heat up enough to decompose the seeds of some plants. This ended up being a pleasant surprise this summer after mixing in the first batch of compost in our little herb garden during the spring. We now have a combination of plumb and medium sized tomato plants and some kind of squash plant growing in it. If you don\'t want random plants growing in your yard or flower beds, do be careful when composting plants with seeds [6].




While it takes a little extra effort, composting does reduce the amount of garbage you are sending to the dump, and does reduce the smell of your kitchen trash bin. It also gives a rewarding feeling as you watch the material break down into a rich dirt, and then mix it into your garden or yard. I recommend giving it a try, and posting your experience as another episode of Hacker Public Radio.



  1. Baltimore City Department of Public Works-Yard Waste
  2. \r\n
  3. Baltimore City Department of Public Works-Source Reduction
  4. \r\n
  5. Baltimore City Department of Public Works-Food Scrap Drop-Off Pilot Program
  6. \r\n
  7. Utopia Kitchen Compost Bin
  8. \r\n
  9. FCMP Outdoor IM4000 Tumbling Composter
  10. \r\n
  11. Composting Tomato Plants: When To Compost Tomatoes
  12. \r\n
\r\n',293,0,0,'CC-BY-SA','food,rubbish,landfill,gardening,compost,composting',0,0,1), +(3414,'2021-09-02','Critical Thinking may make You Critical of the Covid Crisis',645,'Some Science YOU can observe about covid fallacies, and some preventative medicine.','

Counter Point


Counter points to this show are available:

  1. hpr3442 :: What is this thing called science
  2. \r\n
  3. hpr3445 :: True critical thinking seems to be the key
  4. \r\n


The homeless weren\'t affected as much as other segments of the population. This Radiolab episode suggests that healthy vitamin D3 levels from being out in the sun often may be the reason.




A hospital in Spain did a double blind study, solid science. In this study, before any vaccines were available for covid, vitamin D3 made the difference between a 7.6% death rate due to covid, and a 0% death rate with vitamin D3. This YouTube video gets very technical, but tells the story.




Back in the 60s, body temperature\'s effect on fighting viruses was known, that knowledge was lost for a time because of scientists who spoke out, not knowing the whole story, but in 2003, in the aftermath of the previous covid outbreak, a doctor from China documented the need for body heat to fight off covid. Even so, medical professionals in New York set up a covid triage in Central Park during a season when the daytime temperature was in the 50s, and night time temperature was much colder. Just having a PhD behind your name doesn\'t make you right.



\r\n',395,0,1,'CC-BY-SA','covid, vitamin D3, masks, viruses, lawyers',0,0,1), +(3404,'2021-08-19','Suse 15.3 Leap',652,'A short review of Suse 15.3','

Short review of Suse 15.3

\r\n',129,0,0,'CC-BY-SA','linux, suse, leap, vnc',0,0,1), +(3412,'2021-08-31','Reading a license: Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 Unported',2098,'We are using this license but we didn\'t publish it on HPR ... until now!','

This show and its notes are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/


The original work is by Creative Commons and has been slightly modified during reading. The text\r\nreproductions below have been modified for formatting, but not intentionally for content.\r\nMisspellings are from the original.


Creative Commons License Deed


Original: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/


Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0)


This is a human-readable summary of (and not a substitute for) the license.




This deed highlights only some of the key features and terms of the actual license. It is not a\r\nlicense and has no legal value. You should carefully review all of the terms and conditions of the actual\r\nlicense before using the licensed material.


Creative Commons is not a law firm and does not provide legal services. Distributing, displaying,\r\nor linking to this deed or the license that it summarizes does not create a lawyer-client or any other\r\nrelationship.


You are free to:


Under the following terms:




You do not have to comply with the license for elements of the material in the public domain or\r\nwhere your use is permitted by an applicable\r\nexception or limitation.


No warranties are given. The license may not give you all of the permissions necessary for your\r\nintended use. For example, other rights such as\r\npublicity, privacy, or moral rights\r\nmay limit how you use the material.


Creative Commons Legal Code


Original: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/legalcode


For the rest of the text please see: https://hackerpublicradio.org/eps/hpr3412/

\r\n',311,0,0,'CC-BY','license, creative commons, recital, reading, legal',0,0,1), +(3407,'2021-08-24','Software Freedom Podcast',3407,'A sample episode of the Free Software Foundation Europe Podcast','

\r\nThe Free Software Foundation Europe have a podcast, and this is a sample episode.\r\n

  1. Web page: https://fsfe.org/news/podcast.en.html
  2. \r\n
  3. Opus Feed: feed://fsfe.org/news/podcast-opus.en.rss
  4. \r\n
  5. MP3 Feed: feed://fsfe.org/news/podcast.en.rss
  6. \r\n
  7. Free Culture Podcasts: https://freeculturepodcasts.org/
  8. \r\n
',30,75,0,'CC-BY-SA','FSFE,Podcast,freeculturepodcasts',0,0,1), +(3419,'2021-09-09','Linux Inlaws S01E38: Tiny kernels',3748,'All you ever wanted to hear and more about micro kernels and other operating system war stories','

This episode is dedicated to tiny kernels driving operating systems also\r\n known as micro-kernels. While discussing the last 100 years of operating\r\n system design and implementation, our two aging heroes also shed some\r\n light on operating systems in general and their recent history (like fifty\r\n years). Unless you\'re a true OS nerd, you find the episode mildly\r\n refreshing and educational on the layers of software underneath your\r\n beloved applications controlling the hardware and other shenanigans. If\r\n you\'re an OS nerd, this episode may have the potential of closing your few\r\n remaining knowledge gaps (or something like this). A fun show for\r\n children of all ages and beyond.



\r\n\r\n',384,111,1,'CC-BY-SA','Operating systems, kernels, Usenet wars, Linus Torvalds, Andrew Tanenbaum, Minix, trainspotting',0,0,1), +(3421,'2021-09-13','BlacKernel\'s Journey Into Technology: Episode 1',967,'Learning about Assembly and Social Engineering before I could read','',396,0,0,'CC-BY-SA','technology, childhood, stories',0,0,1), +(3413,'2021-09-01','Bash snippet - using coproc with SQLite',2738,'Sending multiple queries to a running instance of sqlite3','



I am in the process of rewriting some scripts I use to manage Magnatune albums. I’m a lifetime Magnatune member and have access to the whole music collection. I wrote a script for downloading albums and placing them in my ~/Music directory which I talked about in 2013 (show 1204). The original scripts are still available on GitLab and I know of one other person who made use of them!


Since 2013 I have written a few other support scripts, for example one to manage a queue of albums I want to buy and download, and one which summarises the state of this queue.


It’s this \'show_queue\' script I am currently updating (called show_queue_orig, and available in the resources to this show). The original version of this script took Magnatune album URLs from a file (acting as a queue of stuff I wanted to buy), parsed out a piece of the URL and used it to grep a pre-prepared summary in another file. This file of summaries had been made from a master XML file provided by Magnatune (see update_albums on GitLab).


Magnatune has moved away from this master XML file to a SQLite database in recent years, so I want to perform a database lookup for each URL to list its details.


The first version of the new script wasn’t difficult to write: just extract the search data as before and run a query on the database using this data. I have included this script which I call show_queue_db_1 amongst the resources for this episode, so you can see what I’m talking about – and what I want to improve on. It felt bad to be performing multiple calls on the sqlite3 command in a loop, so I looked around for an alternative way.


In April 2019 clacke did a show (number 2793) about the Bash coproc command.


This command creates a subshell running a command or group of commands which is connected to the calling (parent) process through two file descriptors (FDs). It’s possible for the calling shell to write to the input descriptor and read from the output one and thereby communicate with whatever is running in the subshell.


I was vaguely aware of coproc at the time of clacke’s show but hadn’t looked into it. I found the show fascinating but didn’t have a use for the feature at the time.


To solve my need to show my Magnatune queue of future purchases, it looked as if a sqlite3 instance running in a subshell could be given queries one after the other and return the answers I needed. My journey to a Bash script using coproc then followed.


Long notes


Follow this link to read the detailed notes associated with this episode.



\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n',225,42,1,'CC-BY-SA','Bash,coproc,subshell,coprocess,pipe,file descriptor',0,0,1), +(3431,'2021-09-27','Living in the Terminal',2763,'BlacKernel shows you some programs you\'ll need for living life without X org','

Talking Points






My .bashrc:

export EDITOR=nvim\r\nexport PAGER=most\r\nexport BROWSER=lynx\r\n\r\nexport XDG_DATA_HOME="$HOME/.local/share"\r\nexport XDG_CONFIG_HOME="$HOME/.config"\r\n

PS1: user@hostname:~ (git_branch) $

if [[ $EUID == 0 ]]; then\r\n    export PS1="\\[e[1;31m\\]\\u\\[\\e[m\\]@\\[\\e[0;32m\\]\\h\\[\\e[m\\]:\\w\\$(__git_ps1) # "\r\nelse\r\n    export PS1="\\[e[1;34m\\]\\u\\[\\e[m\\]@\\[\\e[0;32m\\]\\h\\[\\e[m\\]:\\w\\$(__git_ps1) $ "\r\nfi\r\n

Productivity (\"Window Manager\"): tmux


Music: cmus


Pictures: fim


Radio/Video/single audio files: mpv


Podcasts/RSS: newsboat/podboat


Runner Up: podfox


Text Editing/Word Processing: neovim/GitX Flavored Markdown/pandoc


Audio Recording/Post-Processing: ffmpeg

function atrim() {\r\n    if [ $1 ]; then\r\n        local in="$1"\r\n    else\r\n        local in="-"\r\n    fi\r\n\r\n    if [ $2 ]; then\r\n        local out="$2"\r\n    else\r\n        local out="-f nut -"\r\n    fi\r\n\r\n    if [[ $# > 2 ]]; then\r\n        echo "atrim: requires 2 or fewer arguments"\r\n        return 1\r\n    fi\r\n\r\n    if [ $2 ]; then echo "atrim: silencing $in and saving to $out..."; fi\r\n    ffmpeg -i $in -af silenceremove=start_periods=1:stop_periods=-1:start_threshold=-50dB:stop_threshold=-50dB:stop_duration=0.75 $out \\\r\n        2>/dev/null \\\r\n        #1>/dev/null\r\n    if [ $2 ]; then echo "atrim: done"; fi\r\n}\r\n
function top-tail() {\r\n    local top="$HOME/project/hpr-notes/template/intro-music-slick0-cc0.flac"\r\n    local tail="$HOME/project/hpr-notes/template/outro-mixed-slick0-manon_fallon-cc0.flac"\r\n\r\n    if [ $1 ]; then\r\n        local in="$1"\r\n    else\r\n        local in="-"\r\n    fi\r\n\r\n    if [ $2 ]; then\r\n        local out="$2"\r\n    else\r\n        local out="-f nut -"\r\n    fi\r\n\r\n    if [[ $# > 2 ]]; then\r\n        echo "hpr-top-tail: requres 2 or fewer arguments"\r\n        return 1\r\n    fi\r\n\r\n    if [ $2 ]; then echo "hpr-top-tail: Topping $in with $top and tailing with $tail..."; fi\r\n    ffmpeg -i "$top" -i $in -i "$tail" -vn -filter_complex "\r\n    [0][1]acrossfade=d=1:c1=tri:c2=tri[a01];\r\n    [a01][2]acrossfade=d=1:c1=tri:c2=tri" \\\r\n    $out \\\r\n        2> /dev/null \\\r\n        #1> /dev/null\r\n    if [ $2 ]; then echo "hpr-top-tail: done"; fi\r\n}\r\n
function anorm() {\r\n    if [ $1 ]; then\r\n        local in="$1"\r\n    else\r\n        local in="-"\r\n    fi\r\n\r\n    if [ $2 ]; then\r\n        local out="$2"\r\n    else\r\n        local out="-f nut -"\r\n    fi\r\n\r\n    if [[ $# > 2 ]]; then\r\n        echo "anorm: requires 2 or fewer arguments"\r\n        return 1\r\n    fi\r\n\r\n    if [ $2 ]; then echo "anorm: normalizing audio $in and saving to $out..."; fi\r\n    ffmpeg -i $in $(ffmpeg-lh $in) $out \\\r\n        #2> /dev/null \\\r\n        1> /dev/null\r\n    if [ $2 ]; then echo "anorm: done"; fi\r\n\r\n}\r\n

Web Browsing: lynx


Email: mutt*


Show Notes


Important Links:



Contact Me
\r\n\r\n',396,11,1,'CC-BY-SA','cli, terminal, nox, linux, technology, tty',0,0,1), (3426,'2021-09-20','Rust 101: Episode 0 - What in Tarnishing?',1348,'BlacKernel teaches you what rust is and how it is different from Python or C.','

Talking Points


Show Notes


Strict Typing

fn main() {\r\n\r\n    // Type declared with var: <T> syntax\r\n    let penguin_one: &str = "gentoo";\r\n    \r\n    // Type &str is inherited from "gentoo"\r\n    let penguin_two = "gentoo";\r\n    \r\n    // Will not panic if they are the same\r\n    assert_eq!(penguin_one, penguin_two);\r\n}

Reference Pointers


Wrong Way:

fn print_u8_vector(vec: Vec<u8>) {\r\n    println!("{:?}", vec);\r\n}\r\n\r\nfn main() {\r\n    let penguin_ages: Vec<u8> = vec!(2, 4, 6);\r\n    print_u8_vector(penguin_ages);\r\n    \r\n    // This line will throw an error\r\n    println!("{}", penguin_ages[0]);\r\n}

Correct Way:

fn print_u8_vector(vec: &Vec<u8>) {\r\n    println!("{:?}", vec);\r\n}\r\n\r\nfn main() {\r\n    let penguin_ages: Vec<u8> = vec!(2, 4, 6);\r\n    print_u8_vector(&penguin_ages);\r\n    \r\n    // This line will print '2'\r\n    println!("{}", penguin_ages[0]);\r\n}

Immutable By Default


Wrong Way:

fn main() {\r\n    let my_num = 2;\r\n    \r\n    // This line will throw an error\r\n    my_num = my_num + 1;\r\n    println!("{}", my_num);\r\n}

Correct Way:

fn main() {\r\n    let mut my_num = 2;\r\n    my_num = my_num + 1;\r\n    \r\n    // This line will print '3'\r\n    println!("{}", my_num);\r\n}

Unsafe Code


Hello World Program in C in Rust:

extern "C" {\r\n    fn printf(input: &str);\r\n}\r\n\r\nfn main() {\r\n    unsafe {\r\n        printf("Hello, World!");\r\n    }\r\n}

Contact Me


Email: izzyleibowitz at pm dot me


Mastodon: at blackernel at nixnet dot social

',396,25,0,'CC-BY-SA','rust, programming, raii, python, c',0,0,1), (3418,'2021-09-08','My gEeeky Experiment - Part 2',648,'Claudio talks about how he installed Haiku on an Asus Eee PC 900a received from a friend.','\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n',152,0,0,'CC-BY-SA','asus,eeepc,haiku,beos,starmax,bebox,motorola,be',0,0,1), (3423,'2021-09-15','\"upg.sh\" my \"dump.txt\" to \"note.md\"',2278,'I upgraded my scripts.','

upg.sh my dump.txt to note.md


SYNOPSIS: upg.sh

#!/bin/bash\r\n# upg.sh\r\n\r\nFILENAME=sys-upgrade$(date +%m-%d-%Y).md\r\nDIRECTORY="${HOME}/Documents/"\r\n\r\n# step 1: formatting.\r\necho -e "# **System Upgrade:** $(date)\\n" \\\r\n    | tee -a ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}\r\necho -e "**Command:** \\`sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade --yes\\`\\n" \\\r\n    | tee -a ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}\r\necho -e "**Command Breakdown:**" \\\r\n    | tee -a ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}\r\necho -e "- \\`sudo\\`, Admin Privilages." \\\r\n    | tee -a ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}\r\necho -e "- \\`apt-get\\`, Package Manager." \\\r\n    | tee -a ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}\r\necho -e "- \\`update;\\`, Package Manager's task; update the system software repositories." \\\r\n    | tee -a ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}\r\necho -e "- \\`sudo apt-get upgrade\\`, Perform system upgrade with updated repositories." \\\r\n    | tee -a ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}\r\necho -e "- \\`--yes\\`, Answers yes to the prompt." \\\r\n    | tee -a ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}\r\n\r\n# step 2: run commands with formatting.\r\necho -e "\\n**Command std-output:**\\n" \\\r\n    | tee -a ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}\r\necho -e "\\`\\`\\`" \\\r\n    | tee -a ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}\r\n    echo $(date) \\\r\n    | tee -a ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}\r\n\r\nsudo apt-get update \\\r\n    | tee -a ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}\r\necho -e "\\n# System update completed.\\n" \\\r\n    | tee -a ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}\r\n\r\nsudo apt-get upgrade --yes \\\r\n    | tee -a ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}\r\necho -e "\\n# System upgrade completed.\\n" \\\r\n    | tee -a ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}\r\necho -e "\\`\\`\\`\\n" \\\r\n    | tee -a ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}\r\n\r\n# step 3: additional details with more formatting.\r\necho -e "**Upgraded Package Details:**\\n" \\\r\n    | tee -a ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}\r\necho -e "\\`\\`\\`" \\\r\n    | tee -a ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}\r\n\r\nPKGLIST=$(sed -n "/The following packages will be upgraded:/,/^.. upgraded/p" ${FILENAME} \\\r\n    | sed '1d;$d' | xargs -n 1 | sed '/:i386$/d') \\\r\n\r\nPKGCACHE=$(echo -e "${PKGLIST}\\n" \\\r\n    | xargs -n1 -I _ apt-cache search _)\r\necho "${PKGCACHE}" > ${DIRECTORY}delete.txt\r\n\r\necho "${PKGLIST}" \\\r\n    | xargs -n 1 -I _ echo "sed -n '/^_ /p'" "${DIRECTORY}delete.txt" \\\r\n    | bash | tee -a ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME};\r\n\r\necho -e "\\`\\`\\`" \\\r\n    | tee -a ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}\r\n\r\nrm -v ${DIRECTORY}delete.txt;\r\nPKGLIST=\r\nPKGCACHE=\r\n\r\n# step 4: place EOF (end of file).\r\n    sed -i '/EOF/d' ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}\r\necho "EOF" >> ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}\r\n#EOF\r\n

Script breakdown: upg.sh

FILENAME=sys-upgrade$(date +%m-%d-%Y).md\r\nDIRECTORY="${HOME}/Documents/"\r\n
echo -e "# **System Upgrade:** $(date)\\n" \\                                                    <-- formatting: label with date.\r\n    | tee -a ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}                                                           <-- path/to/file\r\necho -e "**Command:** \\`sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade --yes\\`\\n" \\                 <-- formatting: command label.\r\n    | tee -a ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}                                                           <-- path/to/file\r\necho -e "**Command Breakdown:**" \\                                                             <-- formatting: label.\r\n    | tee -a ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}                                                           <-- path/to/file\r\necho -e "- \\`sudo\\`, Admin Privilages." \\                                                      <-- formatting: label.\r\n    | tee -a ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}                                                           <-- path/to/file\r\necho -e "- \\`apt-get\\`, Package Manager." \\                                                    <-- formatting: label.\r\n    | tee -a ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}                                                           <-- path/to/file\r\necho -e "- \\`update;\\`, Package Manager's task; update the system software repositories." \\    <-- formatting: label.\r\n    | tee -a ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}                                                           <-- path/to/file\r\necho -e "- \\`sudo apt-get upgrade\\`, Perform system upgrade with updated repositories." \\      <-- formatting: label.\r\n    | tee -a ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}                                                           <-- path/to/file\r\necho -e "- \\`--yes\\`, Answers yes to the prompt." \\                                            <-- formatting: label.\r\n    | tee -a ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}                                                           <-- path/to/file\r\n
echo -e "\\n**Command std-output:**\\n" \\                                                        <-- formatting: label.\r\n    | tee -a ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}\r\necho -e "\\`\\`\\`" \\                                                                             <-- formatting: markdown.\r\n    | tee -a ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}\r\n    echo $(date) \\                                                                             <-- command: date.\r\n    | tee -a ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}\r\n\r\nsudo apt-get update \\                                                                          <-- command: update.\r\n    | tee -a ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}\r\necho -e "\\n# System update completed.\\n" \\                                                     <-- formatting: label.\r\n    | tee -a ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}\r\n\r\nsudo apt-get upgrade --yes \\                                                                   <-- command: upgrade with "--yes" option.\r\n    | tee -a ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}\r\necho -e "\\n# System upgrade completed.\\n" \\                                                    <-- formatting: label.\r\n    | tee -a ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}\r\necho -e "\\`\\`\\`\\n" \\                                                                           <-- formatting: markdown.\r\n    | tee -a ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}\r\n
echo -e "**Upgraded Package Details:**\\n" \\                                                    <-- formatting: label.\r\n    | tee -a ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}\r\necho -e "\\`\\`\\`" \\                                                                             <-- formatting: markdown.\r\n    | tee -a ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}\r\n\r\nPKGLIST=$(sed -n "/The following packages will be upgraded:/,/^.. upgraded/p" ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME} \\  <--| variable with list of packages within it.\r\n    | sed '1d;$d' | xargs -n 1 | sed '/:i386$/d') \\                                            <--| sed: filter the first and last lines then remove the :i386 duplicate packages.\r\n\r\nPKGCACHE=$(echo -e "${PKGLIST}\\n" \\                                                            <--| variable with massive apt-cache search results.\r\n    | xargs -n1 -I _ apt-cache search _)                                                       <--| xargs runs the PKGLIST (the _ is the value of PKGLIST) into the apt-cache search.\r\necho "${PKGCACHE}" > ${DIRECTORY}delete.txt                                                    <--| I had to put the PKGCACHE in a file. I couldn't get sed to filter a variable (yet).\r\n\r\necho "${PKGLIST}" \\                                                                            <--| use that PKGLIST to create a few sed commands to filter the file called "delete.txt".\r\n    | xargs -n 1 -I _ echo "sed -n '/^_ /p'" "${DIRECTORY}delete.txt" \\                        ^--| xargs is used to create the sed commands.\r\n    | bash | tee -a ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME};                                                   <--| run the sed commands through bash then store them.\r\n\r\necho -e "\\`\\`\\`" \\\r\n    | tee -a ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}\r\n\r\nrm -v ${DIRECTORY}delete.txt;                                                                  <--| use rm to delete the file called "delete.txt" it has the apt-cache search results in it.\r\nPKGLIST=                                                                                       <--| empty the variable. why? why not!\r\nPKGCACHE=                                                                                      <--| empty the variable. why? why not!\r\n
    sed -i '/EOF/d' ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}                                                    <--| search for EOF then remove it. we don't want multiple EOF if we run the script multiple times in the same day.\r\necho "EOF" >> ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}                                                          ^--| adds the EOF (End Of File) at the end of the file.  I read it was a nice thing to do.\r\n#EOF                                                                                           <--| Yep. it's there.\r\n\r\n

SYNOPSIS: note.sh \"command\" \"filename\"

#!/bin/bash\r\n# note.sh "command" "filename" no extentions.\r\n\r\n# variables\r\nFILENAME=$2$(date +%m-%d-%Y).md\r\nDIRECTORY="${HOME}/Documents/"\r\n\r\n# step 1: create file with formatting.\r\necho -e "# **Command:** \\` $1 \\`\\n" \\\r\n    | tee -a ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}\r\necho -e "**Command Breakdown:**" \\\r\n    | tee -a ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}\r\necho "$1" | tr " " '\\n' \\\r\n    | awk '{ print "- `" $0 "`, info." }' \\\r\n    | tee -a ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}\r\n\r\n# step 2: run command with more formatting.\r\necho -e "\\n**Command std-output:**" \\\r\n    | tee -a ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}\r\necho -e "\\`\\`\\`\\n$(date)" \\\r\n    | tee -a ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}\r\n\r\necho $1 | bash \\\r\n    | tee -a ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}\r\n\r\necho -e "\\`\\`\\`" \\\r\n    | tee -a ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}\r\n\r\necho -ne "\\n${FILENAME} has been updated $(date)."\r\n\r\n# step 3: insert EOF (End Of File).\r\nsed -i '/EOF/d' ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}\r\necho EOF >> ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}\r\n

Script breakdown: upg.sh

FILENAME=$2$(date +%m-%d-%Y).md                                                                <--| the "$2" is the second user input (file name) from the commandline.\r\nDIRECTORY="${HOME}/Documents/"\r\n
echo -e "# **Command:** \\` $1 \\`\\n" \\                                                          <--| the "$1" is the first user input (the command) from the commandline.\r\n    | tee -a ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}\r\necho -e "**Command Breakdown:**" \\\r\n    | tee -a ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}\r\necho "$1" | tr " " '\\n' \\                                                                      <--| This just breaks the command into parts then adds some markdown formatting for use to add -\r\n    | awk '{ print "- `" $0 "`, info." }' \\                                                    ^--| details to later. I just added the word info so you know to provide info about the command. -\r\n    | tee -a ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}                                                           ^--| the formatting gets a bit crazy if you use something like: awk {' print $1 $2 $3 '} path/to/file;  each space becomes a newline with the markdown formatting.\r\n
echo -e "\\n**Command std-output:**" \\\r\n    | tee -a ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}\r\necho -e "\\`\\`\\`\\n$(date)" \\\r\n    | tee -a ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}\r\n\r\necho $1 | bash \\\r\n    | tee -a ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}\r\n\r\necho -e "\\`\\`\\`" \\\r\n    | tee -a ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}\r\n\r\necho -ne "\\n${FILENAME} has been updated $(date)."\r\n
sed -i '/EOF/d' ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}\r\necho EOF >> ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}\r\n

Correspondent: Some Guy On The Internet.
\r\nHost ID: 391
\r\nE-mail: Lyunpaw.nospam@nospam.gmail.com

\r\n\r\n',391,0,0,'CC-BY-SA','Bash Scripting, sed, awk, xargs, markdown, notes',0,0,1), @@ -550,8 +562,8 @@ INSERT INTO `eps` (`id`, `date`, `title`, `duration`, `summary`, `notes`, `hosti (3995,'2023-11-24','Creating Your Own Internet Radio Streaming Device',570,'Claudio talks about a couple of streaming radio solutions to make your own internet radio device.','

aNONradio: https://anonradio.net
\nTildeRadio: https://tilderadio.org


Volumio: https://volumio.com/
\nmoOde Audio: https://moodeaudio.org/

\n',152,0,0,'CC-BY-SA','moode,raspberrypi,audio,internetradio,streamingradio,multimedia,volumio,anonradio,tilderadio',0,0,1), (3996,'2023-11-27','Holiday Challenges Series - Ep 1 - Advent of Code',221,'Discussing challenges to help you enjoy the holiday season','

Holiday\nChallenges Series - Ep 1 - Advent of Code


Since some of the information you are about to hear is time specific,\nI want to let you know that I am recording this near the end of November\nin 2023.


Whichever holidays you celebrate this time of year, life generally\ngets busy and stressful.


It could be shopping
\nor cooking
\nor cleaning
\nor school activities
\nor buying, assembling, wrapping, and delivering gifts
\nor planning time with family
\nor dealing with visiting family
\nor scheduling time off from work
\nor managing extra work while others have scheduled time off
\nor a whole plethora of other things.
\nThis time of year can be stressful.


A few years ago, I discovered a fun activity, which challenged my\nmind and helped me focus and detach from the stress for a little while\neach day, through the month of December. It helped me manage the stress\nin an enjoyable way.


Since then, I have found and tried several other similar activities,\nso I wanted to share a little about them with you for the next few\nepisodes so you can see what might work for you.


The first I would like to share is called the Advent of Code\nChallenge (https://adventofcode.com/). In HPR episodes 2973 (https://hackerpublicradio.org/eps/hpr2973/index.html)\nand 3744 (https://hackerpublicradio.org/eps/hpr3744/index.html),\nDaniel Perrson shared some great details about this challenge. I\nencourage you to go review his episodes.


But the TLDR (Or maybe the TLDL -- Too Long Didn\'t Listen?) for\nAdvent of Code is that it is a 25 day challenge which begins on December\n1. Once you register at adventofcode.com, Each day, you will be\npresented with a problem to solve and some sample data to use for\nverification that your program works. You can choose to use any\nprogramming language or application you desire produce the answer. Last\nyear, I used this to brush up on my Python skills. Others use Visual\nBasic, C (and all its variants), Rust, Go, etc. I have seen people use\nCobol, Fortran, and Pascal, or even Microsoft Excel. It is really up to\nyou. You are then presented a dataset which is unique to your login, and\nagainst which you run your code. When complete, you submit the answer\ncame up with on the adventofcode.com web site and they will tell you if\nyou are correct or not.


If you are competitive (And REALLY GOOD) there is a Global\nLeaderboard. If you want to compete with a group of friends, you can\nbuild your own leaderboard and invite others to take part with you.


There are tons of resources online, from youtube channels to reddit\n(https://www.reddit.com/r/adventofcode/), to Discord (https://discord.gg/tXJh262)


So, if you are looking for a way to challenge your mind and detach\nfrom holiday stress, Advent of Code may be something you might try.


If this is not your cup of tea, I will be sharing several other\noptions for holiday challenges in future episodes.

\n',394,0,0,'CC-BY-SA','Advent of Code, holiday, challenge',0,0,1), (3999,'2023-11-30','Holiday Challenges Series Ep 02 TryHackMe Advent of Cyber Challenge',183,'Discussing the TryHackMe Advent of Cyber challenge to help you enjoy the holiday season','Holiday\nChallenges Series - Ep 2 - TryHackMe Advent of Cyber Challenge\n

Since some of the information you are about to hear is time specific,\nI want to let you know that I am recording this near the end of November\nin 2023.


If you missed the first episode, which introduces this series, you\ncan go back and listen to HPR3996


I have been using TryHackMe for several years, and I recommend it to\nall of my students. It is a great environment where people can get hands\non experience with technology that relates to cyber security, all from\nthe comfort of their browser and free year-round.


The TryHackMe Advent of Cyber challenge is a free gamified\nenvironment which focuses on penetration testing, security\noperations/engineering, forensics/incident response, malware analysis,\nmachine learning, and more!


This year\'s challenge opens on December 1, 2023 (Which is the reason\nwhy I am posting twice this week). Typically, the Advent of Cyber\nchallenge includes daily beginner-friendly exercises for people new to\ncybersecurity. These can consist of walkthroughs, video tutorials, and\nchallenges. There are also prizes available based on random drawings and\non participant success.


Infosec personalities like John Hammond, Gerald Auger, InsiderPHD,\nand InfoSec Pat are featured in this year\'s challenge.


You can play with last year\'s Advent of Cyber challenge by visiting\nhttps://tryhackme.com/room/adventofcyber4. It outlines\nthe overall story and shows all of the tasks last year\'s participants\nexperienced, including both offensive and defensive topics like: log\nanalysis, OSINT, scanning, brute force attacks, email analysis,\nCyberChef, blockchain smart contracts, malware analysis, memory\nforensics, packet analysis, web application hacking, and more!


Everything can be done with a free account from within a browser.


If you want to learn more about cybersecurity, transition your career\ninto infosec, or just have fun playing with cyber challenges, you can\ngive it a try by visiting tryhackme.com or https://tryhackme.com/r/christmas


Please note: I am not affiliated with TryHackMe in any way, other\nthan having been a paying member for many years. Students and others who\nhave participated in previous year\'s Advent of Cyber challenges have\ntold me how much they enjoyed it and learned from it. Even though I have\nbeen an infosec practitioner for more years than I would like to admit,\nI also have enjoyed taking part in this challenge.


If this is not for you, I will be sharing another option for a\nholiday challenge in my next episode.

\n',394,0,0,'CC-BY-SA','Advent of Cyber, TryHackMe, Hands on, cyber, cybersecurity, infosec, holiday, challenge',0,0,1), -(4006,'2023-12-11','Holiday Challenges Ep 3 SANS Holiday Hack Challenge & KringleCon',160,'Discussing the SANS Holiday Hack Challenge & KringleCon to help you enjoy the holiday season','Holiday\nChallenges Series - Ep 3 - SANS Holiday Hack Challenge with\nKringleCon\n

Since some of the information you are about to hear is time specific,\nI want to let you know that I am recording this near the end of November\nin 2023.


If you missed the first episode, which introduces this series, you\ncan go back and listen to HPR3996


The SANS Holiday Hack Challenge is an interactive online technology\nand hacking game combined with a virtual security conference, beginning\nin the second week of December. By the time this episode drops, it may\nalready be live. You can tour the North Pole conference facilities,\nmeeting people, interactive non-player characters (NPC), and maybe even\nsome villains from Holiday Hack Challenges past, as you solve problems\nand gather clues which you use to help save Christmas.


Everything can be done from within the browser, and did I mention\nthere is a virtual security conference, called KringleCon? Some of the\nbiggest rock stars (and most humble and brilliant people) in\nCyberSecurity speak each year at KringleCon. Many of their talks also\nprovide clues to solving game challenges.


Ed Skoudis and his team (The same people who build SANS NetWars) work\ntirelessly year after year to create the most amazing experience,\ncomplete with custom music! This has become one of my favorite holiday\ntraditions each year. You can learn more about the 2023 challenge by\nwatching Ed\'s Inside SANS Holiday Hack Challenge 2023 YouTube video at\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X9Gmdr_CxzQ


You can access this year\'s challenge by visiting sans.org/holidayhack\nor https://www.sans.org/mlp/holiday-hack-challenge-2023/


There, you will learn more about all things Holiday Hack before the\ngame opens in the second week of December. If you want to play now, or\njust get a feel for it, you can access three of the previous years\'\nchallenges right now at the same site.


I am not associated with SANS or the Holiday Hack Challenge in any\nway, other than to have participated for several years now, and I have\nwatched other people learn and grow by taking part in it.


I hope that you have enjoyed this short series. If there are other\nonline challenges you find interesting or informative, I encourage you\nto record a show about them.


Have a wonderful day.

\n',394,0,0,'CC-BY-SA','SANS, KringleCon, holiday, challenge',0,0,0), -(3997,'2023-11-28','The Oh No! News.',875,'Sgoti talks about Malware distributed via Google\'s Dynamic Ads and more.','

The Oh No! news.


Oh No! News is Good\nNews.


Threat analysis;\nyour attack surface.


InfoSec; the language\nof security.

\n\n',391,74,0,'CC-BY-SA','Oh No News, Threat analysis, InfoSec, Google Dynamic Search Ads',0,0,0); +(4006,'2023-12-11','Holiday Challenges Ep 3 SANS Holiday Hack Challenge & KringleCon',160,'Discussing the SANS Holiday Hack Challenge & KringleCon to help you enjoy the holiday season','Holiday\nChallenges Series - Ep 3 - SANS Holiday Hack Challenge with\nKringleCon\n

Since some of the information you are about to hear is time specific,\nI want to let you know that I am recording this near the end of November\nin 2023.


If you missed the first episode, which introduces this series, you\ncan go back and listen to HPR3996


The SANS Holiday Hack Challenge is an interactive online technology\nand hacking game combined with a virtual security conference, beginning\nin the second week of December. By the time this episode drops, it may\nalready be live. You can tour the North Pole conference facilities,\nmeeting people, interactive non-player characters (NPC), and maybe even\nsome villains from Holiday Hack Challenges past, as you solve problems\nand gather clues which you use to help save Christmas.


Everything can be done from within the browser, and did I mention\nthere is a virtual security conference, called KringleCon? Some of the\nbiggest rock stars (and most humble and brilliant people) in\nCyberSecurity speak each year at KringleCon. Many of their talks also\nprovide clues to solving game challenges.


Ed Skoudis and his team (The same people who build SANS NetWars) work\ntirelessly year after year to create the most amazing experience,\ncomplete with custom music! This has become one of my favorite holiday\ntraditions each year. You can learn more about the 2023 challenge by\nwatching Ed\'s Inside SANS Holiday Hack Challenge 2023 YouTube video at\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X9Gmdr_CxzQ


You can access this year\'s challenge by visiting sans.org/holidayhack\nor https://www.sans.org/mlp/holiday-hack-challenge-2023/


There, you will learn more about all things Holiday Hack before the\ngame opens in the second week of December. If you want to play now, or\njust get a feel for it, you can access three of the previous years\'\nchallenges right now at the same site.


I am not associated with SANS or the Holiday Hack Challenge in any\nway, other than to have participated for several years now, and I have\nwatched other people learn and grow by taking part in it.


I hope that you have enjoyed this short series. If there are other\nonline challenges you find interesting or informative, I encourage you\nto record a show about them.


Have a wonderful day.

\n',394,0,0,'CC-BY-SA','SANS, KringleCon, holiday, challenge',0,0,1), +(3997,'2023-11-28','The Oh No! News.',875,'Sgoti talks about Malware distributed via Google\'s Dynamic Ads and more.','

The Oh No! news.


Oh No! News is Good\nNews.

  • TAGS: Oh No, News, Threat analysis, InfoSec, Google\nDynamic Search Ads
  • \n

Threat analysis;\nyour attack surface.

  • Source: Former\nNHS secretary found guilty of illegally accessing medical\nrecords

    • A former NHS employee has been found guilty and fined for illegally\naccessing the medical records of over 150 people.
    • \n
    • Loretta Alborghetti, from Redditch, worked as a medical secretary\nwithin the Ophthalmology department at Worcestershire Acute Hospitals\nNHS Trust when she illegally accessed the records.
    • \n
  • \n
  • Supporting Source: Open\nStreet Map link to Redditch Worcestershire.

  • \n
  • Source: NetSupport\nRAT Infections on the Rise. Targeting Government and Business\nSectors

    • While NetSupport Manager started off as a legitimate remote\nadministration tool for technical assistance and support, malicious\nactors have misappropriated the tool to their own advantage, using it as\na beachhead for subsequent attacks.
    • \n
  • \n
  • Source: Beware:\nMalicious Google Ads Trick WinSCP Users into Installing\nMalware

    • The threat actors are believed to leverage Google\'s Dynamic Search\nAds (DSAs), which automatically generates ads based on a site\'s content\nto serve the malicious ads that take the victims to the infected\nsite.
    • \n
  • \n
  • Source: Trojanized\nPyCharm Software Version Delivered via Google Search Ads.

    • Victims who clicked on the ad were taken to a hacked web page with a\nlink to download the application, which turned out to install over a\ndozen different pieces of malware instead.
    • \n
  • \n

InfoSec; the language\nof security.

  • Source: Why\nDefenders Should Embrace a Hacker Mindset
  • \n
  • Additional Information.\n
    • What is a \"Data\nBreach\"? A data breach is a security violation, in which sensitive,\nprotected or confidential data is copied, transmitted, viewed, stolen,\naltered or used by an individual unauthorized to do so.
    • \n
    • What is \"Malware\"?\nMalware (a portmanteau for\nmalicious software) is any software intentionally designed to cause\ndisruption to a computer, server, client, or computer network, leak\nprivate information, gain unauthorized access to information or systems,\ndeprive access to information, or which unknowingly interferes with the\nuser\'s computer security and privacy.
    • \n
    • What is a \"Payload\"?\nIn the context of a computer virus or worm, the payload is the portion\nof the malware which performs malicious action; deleting data, sending\nspam or encrypting data. In addition to the payload, such malware also\ntypically has overhead code aimed at simply spreading itself, or\navoiding detection.
    • \n
    • What is \"Phishing\"?\nPhishing is a form of social engineering\nwhere attackers deceive people into revealing sensitive information or\ninstalling malware such as ransomware. Phishing\nattacks have become increasingly sophisticated and often transparently\nmirror the site being targeted, allowing the attacker to observe\neverything while the victim is navigating the site, and transverse any\nadditional security boundaries with the victim.
    • \n
    • Social\nengineering (security) In the context of information security,\nsocial engineering is the psychological\nmanipulation of people into performing actions or divulging\nconfidential information. A type of confidence trick for the purpose of\ninformation gathering, fraud, or system access, it differs from a\ntraditional \"con\" in that it is often one of many steps in a more\ncomplex fraud scheme.
    • \n
    • What is \"Information\nSecurity\" (InfoSec)? Information security, sometimes shortened to\nInfoSec, is the practice of protecting information by mitigating information risks. It\nis part of information risk\nmanagement.\n
      • Information Security Attributes: Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability (C.I.A.).\nInformation Systems are composed in three main portions, hardware,\nsoftware and communications with the purpose to help identify and apply\ninformation security industry standards, as mechanisms of protection and\nprevention, at three levels or layers: physical, personal and\norganizational. Essentially, procedures or policies are implemented to\ntell administrators, users and operators how to use products to ensure\ninformation security within the organizations.
      • \n
    • \n
    • What is \"Risk\nmanagement\"? Risk management is the identification, evaluation, and\nprioritization of risks followed by coordinated and economical\napplication of resources to minimize, monitor, and control the\nprobability or impact of unfortunate events or to maximize the\nrealization of opportunities.
    • \n
    • What is a \"Vulnerability\"\n(computing)? Vulnerabilities are flaws in a computer system that\nweaken the overall security of the device/system. Vulnerabilities can be\nweaknesses in either the hardware itself, or the software that runs on\nthe hardware.
    • \n
    • What is an \"Attack\nSurface\"? The attack surface of a software environment is the sum of\nthe different points (for \"attack vectors\") where an unauthorized user\n(the \"attacker\") can try to enter data to or extract data from an\nenvironment. Keeping the attack surface as small as possible is a basic\nsecurity measure.
    • \n
    • What is an \"Attack\nVector\"? In computer security, an attack vector is a specific path,\nmethod, or scenario that can be exploited to break into an IT system,\nthus compromising its security. The term was derived from the\ncorresponding notion of vector in biology. An attack vector may be\nexploited manually, automatically, or through a combination of manual\nand automatic activity.
    • \n
    • What is\n\"Standardization\"? Standardization is the process of implementing\nand developing technical standards based on the consensus of different\nparties that include firms, users, interest groups, standards\norganizations and governments. Standardization can help maximize\ncompatibility, interoperability, safety, repeatability, or quality. It\ncan also facilitate a normalization of formerly custom processes.\n
    • \n
    • What is a \"Replay\nattack\"? A replay attack is a form of network attack in which valid\ndata transmission is maliciously or fraudulently repeated or delayed.\nAnother way of describing such an attack is: \"an attack on a security\nprotocol using a replay of messages from a different context into the\nintended (or original and expected) context, thereby fooling the honest\nparticipant(s) into thinking they have successfully completed the\nprotocol run.\"
    • \n
    • What is a\n\"Man-in-the-middle attack\"? In cryptography and computer security, a\nman-in-the-middle, ..., attack is a cyberattack where the attacker\nsecretly relays and possibly alters the communications between two\nparties who believe that they are directly communicating with each\nother, as the attacker has inserted themselves between the two\nparties.
    • \n
    • What is \"Transport Layer\nSecurity\" (TLS)? Transport Layer Security (TLS) is a cryptographic\nprotocol designed to provide communications security over a computer\nnetwork. The protocol is widely used in applications such as email,\ninstant messaging, and voice over IP, but its use in securing HTTPS\nremains the most publicly visible.
    • \n
    • What is a \"Handshake\"\n(computing)?. In computing, a handshake is a signal between two\ndevices or programs, used to, e.g., authenticate, coordinate. An example\nis the handshaking between a hypervisor and an application in a guest\nvirtual machine.
    • \n
    • What is Security\ntheater? The practice of taking security measures that are\nconsidered to provide the feeling of improved security while doing\nlittle or nothing to achieve it.
    • \n
  • \n
\n\n',391,74,0,'CC-BY-SA','Oh No News, Threat analysis, InfoSec, Google Dynamic Search Ads',0,0,1); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `eps` ENABLE KEYS */; UNLOCK TABLES; @@ -986,15 +998,3 @@ INSERT INTO `hosts` (`hostid`, `host`, `email`, `profile`, `license`, `local_ima (422,'Fred Black','fredrik.nospam@nospam.svenskaa.net','','CC-BY-SA',0,'',1,'Fred Black'), (423,'Noodlez','contact.nospam@nospam.nathanielbarragan.xyz','Hello all! I\'m Noodlez, an HPR listener and now contributor. I like anything to do with Linux and Linux-adjacent (Like other Unixes), and programming, and other random things like retro gaming.','CC-BY-SA',0,'',1,'Noodlez'); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `hosts` ENABLE KEYS */; -UNLOCK TABLES; - --- --- Table structure for table `licenses` --- - -DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `licenses`; -/*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */; -/*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */; -CREATE TABLE `licenses` ( - `id` int(5) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, - `short_name` varchar(11) NOT NULL, diff --git a/sql/hpr-db-part-15.sql b/sql/hpr-db-part-15.sql index c3a3b62..c6509f2 100644 --- a/sql/hpr-db-part-15.sql +++ b/sql/hpr-db-part-15.sql @@ -1,3 +1,15 @@ +UNLOCK TABLES; + +-- +-- Table structure for table `licenses` +-- + +DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `licenses`; +/*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */; +/*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */; +CREATE TABLE `licenses` ( + `id` int(5) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, + `short_name` varchar(11) NOT NULL, `long_name` varchar(40) NOT NULL, `url` varchar(80) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) @@ -475,4 +487,4 @@ UNLOCK TABLES; /*!40014 SET UNIQUE_CHECKS=@OLD_UNIQUE_CHECKS */; /*!40111 SET SQL_NOTES=@OLD_SQL_NOTES */; --- Dump completed on 2023-11-20 19:46:37 +-- Dump completed on 2023-11-21 3:52:48 diff --git a/sql/hpr.sql b/sql/hpr.sql index 88012b1..4871ccf 100644 --- a/sql/hpr.sql +++ b/sql/hpr.sql @@ -12629,7 +12629,19 @@ INSERT INTO `assets` (`episode_id`, `filename`, `extension`, `size`, `sha1sum`, (3999,'hpr3999.spx','spx',998244,'fd170d3f69a391ab96ebcd4012af61d61af14a16','audio/ogg; charset=binary','setgid Ogg data, Speex audio'), (3999,'hpr3999.flac','flac',20631551,'3fbc3f2d14e0abf98cb6f2756585e429a650c87f','audio/flac; charset=binary','setgid FLAC audio bitstream data, 16 bit, mono, 192 kHz, 50730889 samples'), (3999,'hpr3999.opus','opus',2379291,'b4e12a7e01edb587e1be6a9af9210a799e820365','audio/ogg; charset=binary','setgid Ogg data, Opus audio,'), -(3999,'hpr3999.wav','wav',101461880,'3adb969b52365135d5952141c0cb75a7a8a04fe1','audio/x-wav; charset=binary','setgid RIFF (little-endian) data, WAVE audio, mono 192000 Hz'); +(3999,'hpr3999.wav','wav',101461880,'3adb969b52365135d5952141c0cb75a7a8a04fe1','audio/x-wav; charset=binary','setgid RIFF (little-endian) data, WAVE audio, mono 192000 Hz'), +(3997,'hpr3997.mp3','mp3',7652012,'16035ee2eefac5f0feac94fcdaa4834f4b8b3d5e','audio/mpeg; charset=binary','setgid Audio file with ID3 version 2.4.0, contains:MPEG ADTS, layer III, v1, 64 kbps, 48 kHz, Monaural'), +(3997,'hpr3997.ogg','ogg',8867957,'e313db70664abec085561fa8a884acb595d6c1bd','audio/ogg; charset=binary','setgid Ogg data, Opus audio,'), +(3997,'hpr3997.spx','spx',3612678,'5d672e1ea90e4a529d25d2854c810664326c5bff','audio/ogg; charset=binary','setgid Ogg data, Speex audio'), +(3997,'hpr3997.flac','flac',73752966,'d20092d4e32bec8f936d37ba5a5f71684b5d3dab','audio/flac; charset=binary','setgid FLAC audio bitstream data, 16 bit, mono, 192 kHz, 183634330 samples'), +(3997,'hpr3997.opus','opus',8867957,'6e96833c0a3e95ff64a652cdd09cba9a2fa3a24c','audio/ogg; charset=binary','setgid Ogg data, Opus audio,'), +(3997,'hpr3997.wav','wav',367268762,'788f3f37165781108ff9e26b6281ca1b0f926a23','audio/x-wav; charset=binary','setgid RIFF (little-endian) data, WAVE audio, mono 192000 Hz'), +(4006,'hpr4006.mp3','mp3',1927340,'8d070a5f04131e2cfd519462045abfa0047c553a','audio/mpeg; charset=binary','setgid Audio file with ID3 version 2.4.0, contains:MPEG ADTS, layer III, v1, 64 kbps, 48 kHz, Monaural'), +(4006,'hpr4006.ogg','ogg',2124972,'487c50745f0c617f7248aebe906f524c682c0a33','audio/ogg; charset=binary','setgid Ogg data, Opus audio,'), +(4006,'hpr4006.spx','spx',909921,'3a61ab30e756ce5d1c33970eced6169cde9ee8c5','audio/ogg; charset=binary','setgid Ogg data, Speex audio'), +(4006,'hpr4006.flac','flac',19101167,'64b13a3f4060e4dec63b6b7f7fee8be0ca0e2fd1','audio/flac; charset=binary','setgid FLAC audio bitstream data, 16 bit, mono, 192 kHz, 46243858 samples'), +(4006,'hpr4006.opus','opus',2124972,'817c11021caf97869d3fa6e778168ca7a4d97071','audio/ogg; charset=binary','setgid Ogg data, Opus audio,'), +(4006,'hpr4006.wav','wav',92487818,'d457cc79a14ceaa1fdf818603e729bd182f4563a','audio/x-wav; charset=binary','setgid RIFF (little-endian) data, WAVE audio, mono 192000 Hz'); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `assets` ENABLE KEYS */; UNLOCK TABLES; @@ -20550,8 +20562,8 @@ INSERT INTO `eps` (`id`, `date`, `title`, `duration`, `summary`, `notes`, `hosti (3995,'2023-11-24','Creating Your Own Internet Radio Streaming Device',570,'Claudio talks about a couple of streaming radio solutions to make your own internet radio device.','

aNONradio: https://anonradio.net
\nTildeRadio: https://tilderadio.org


Volumio: https://volumio.com/
\nmoOde Audio: https://moodeaudio.org/

\n',152,0,0,'CC-BY-SA','moode,raspberrypi,audio,internetradio,streamingradio,multimedia,volumio,anonradio,tilderadio',0,0,1), (3996,'2023-11-27','Holiday Challenges Series - Ep 1 - Advent of Code',221,'Discussing challenges to help you enjoy the holiday season','

Holiday\nChallenges Series - Ep 1 - Advent of Code


Since some of the information you are about to hear is time specific,\nI want to let you know that I am recording this near the end of November\nin 2023.


Whichever holidays you celebrate this time of year, life generally\ngets busy and stressful.


It could be shopping
\nor cooking
\nor cleaning
\nor school activities
\nor buying, assembling, wrapping, and delivering gifts
\nor planning time with family
\nor dealing with visiting family
\nor scheduling time off from work
\nor managing extra work while others have scheduled time off
\nor a whole plethora of other things.
\nThis time of year can be stressful.


A few years ago, I discovered a fun activity, which challenged my\nmind and helped me focus and detach from the stress for a little while\neach day, through the month of December. It helped me manage the stress\nin an enjoyable way.


Since then, I have found and tried several other similar activities,\nso I wanted to share a little about them with you for the next few\nepisodes so you can see what might work for you.


The first I would like to share is called the Advent of Code\nChallenge (https://adventofcode.com/). In HPR episodes 2973 (https://hackerpublicradio.org/eps/hpr2973/index.html)\nand 3744 (https://hackerpublicradio.org/eps/hpr3744/index.html),\nDaniel Perrson shared some great details about this challenge. I\nencourage you to go review his episodes.


But the TLDR (Or maybe the TLDL -- Too Long Didn\'t Listen?) for\nAdvent of Code is that it is a 25 day challenge which begins on December\n1. Once you register at adventofcode.com, Each day, you will be\npresented with a problem to solve and some sample data to use for\nverification that your program works. You can choose to use any\nprogramming language or application you desire produce the answer. Last\nyear, I used this to brush up on my Python skills. Others use Visual\nBasic, C (and all its variants), Rust, Go, etc. I have seen people use\nCobol, Fortran, and Pascal, or even Microsoft Excel. It is really up to\nyou. You are then presented a dataset which is unique to your login, and\nagainst which you run your code. When complete, you submit the answer\ncame up with on the adventofcode.com web site and they will tell you if\nyou are correct or not.


If you are competitive (And REALLY GOOD) there is a Global\nLeaderboard. If you want to compete with a group of friends, you can\nbuild your own leaderboard and invite others to take part with you.


There are tons of resources online, from youtube channels to reddit\n(https://www.reddit.com/r/adventofcode/), to Discord (https://discord.gg/tXJh262)


So, if you are looking for a way to challenge your mind and detach\nfrom holiday stress, Advent of Code may be something you might try.


If this is not your cup of tea, I will be sharing several other\noptions for holiday challenges in future episodes.

\n',394,0,0,'CC-BY-SA','Advent of Code, holiday, challenge',0,0,1), (3999,'2023-11-30','Holiday Challenges Series Ep 02 TryHackMe Advent of Cyber Challenge',183,'Discussing the TryHackMe Advent of Cyber challenge to help you enjoy the holiday season','Holiday\nChallenges Series - Ep 2 - TryHackMe Advent of Cyber Challenge\n

Since some of the information you are about to hear is time specific,\nI want to let you know that I am recording this near the end of November\nin 2023.


If you missed the first episode, which introduces this series, you\ncan go back and listen to HPR3996


I have been using TryHackMe for several years, and I recommend it to\nall of my students. It is a great environment where people can get hands\non experience with technology that relates to cyber security, all from\nthe comfort of their browser and free year-round.


The TryHackMe Advent of Cyber challenge is a free gamified\nenvironment which focuses on penetration testing, security\noperations/engineering, forensics/incident response, malware analysis,\nmachine learning, and more!


This year\'s challenge opens on December 1, 2023 (Which is the reason\nwhy I am posting twice this week). Typically, the Advent of Cyber\nchallenge includes daily beginner-friendly exercises for people new to\ncybersecurity. These can consist of walkthroughs, video tutorials, and\nchallenges. There are also prizes available based on random drawings and\non participant success.


Infosec personalities like John Hammond, Gerald Auger, InsiderPHD,\nand InfoSec Pat are featured in this year\'s challenge.


You can play with last year\'s Advent of Cyber challenge by visiting\nhttps://tryhackme.com/room/adventofcyber4. It outlines\nthe overall story and shows all of the tasks last year\'s participants\nexperienced, including both offensive and defensive topics like: log\nanalysis, OSINT, scanning, brute force attacks, email analysis,\nCyberChef, blockchain smart contracts, malware analysis, memory\nforensics, packet analysis, web application hacking, and more!


Everything can be done with a free account from within a browser.


If you want to learn more about cybersecurity, transition your career\ninto infosec, or just have fun playing with cyber challenges, you can\ngive it a try by visiting tryhackme.com or https://tryhackme.com/r/christmas


Please note: I am not affiliated with TryHackMe in any way, other\nthan having been a paying member for many years. Students and others who\nhave participated in previous year\'s Advent of Cyber challenges have\ntold me how much they enjoyed it and learned from it. Even though I have\nbeen an infosec practitioner for more years than I would like to admit,\nI also have enjoyed taking part in this challenge.


If this is not for you, I will be sharing another option for a\nholiday challenge in my next episode.

\n',394,0,0,'CC-BY-SA','Advent of Cyber, TryHackMe, Hands on, cyber, cybersecurity, infosec, holiday, challenge',0,0,1), -(4006,'2023-12-11','Holiday Challenges Ep 3 SANS Holiday Hack Challenge & KringleCon',160,'Discussing the SANS Holiday Hack Challenge & KringleCon to help you enjoy the holiday season','Holiday\nChallenges Series - Ep 3 - SANS Holiday Hack Challenge with\nKringleCon\n

Since some of the information you are about to hear is time specific,\nI want to let you know that I am recording this near the end of November\nin 2023.


If you missed the first episode, which introduces this series, you\ncan go back and listen to HPR3996


The SANS Holiday Hack Challenge is an interactive online technology\nand hacking game combined with a virtual security conference, beginning\nin the second week of December. By the time this episode drops, it may\nalready be live. You can tour the North Pole conference facilities,\nmeeting people, interactive non-player characters (NPC), and maybe even\nsome villains from Holiday Hack Challenges past, as you solve problems\nand gather clues which you use to help save Christmas.


Everything can be done from within the browser, and did I mention\nthere is a virtual security conference, called KringleCon? Some of the\nbiggest rock stars (and most humble and brilliant people) in\nCyberSecurity speak each year at KringleCon. Many of their talks also\nprovide clues to solving game challenges.


Ed Skoudis and his team (The same people who build SANS NetWars) work\ntirelessly year after year to create the most amazing experience,\ncomplete with custom music! This has become one of my favorite holiday\ntraditions each year. You can learn more about the 2023 challenge by\nwatching Ed\'s Inside SANS Holiday Hack Challenge 2023 YouTube video at\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X9Gmdr_CxzQ


You can access this year\'s challenge by visiting sans.org/holidayhack\nor https://www.sans.org/mlp/holiday-hack-challenge-2023/


There, you will learn more about all things Holiday Hack before the\ngame opens in the second week of December. If you want to play now, or\njust get a feel for it, you can access three of the previous years\'\nchallenges right now at the same site.


I am not associated with SANS or the Holiday Hack Challenge in any\nway, other than to have participated for several years now, and I have\nwatched other people learn and grow by taking part in it.


I hope that you have enjoyed this short series. If there are other\nonline challenges you find interesting or informative, I encourage you\nto record a show about them.


Have a wonderful day.

\n',394,0,0,'CC-BY-SA','SANS, KringleCon, holiday, challenge',0,0,0), -(3997,'2023-11-28','The Oh No! News.',875,'Sgoti talks about Malware distributed via Google\'s Dynamic Ads and more.','

The Oh No! news.


Oh No! News is Good\nNews.

  • TAGS: Oh No, News, Threat analysis, InfoSec, Google\nDynamic Search Ads
  • \n

Threat analysis;\nyour attack surface.

  • Source: Former\nNHS secretary found guilty of illegally accessing medical\nrecords

    • A former NHS employee has been found guilty and fined for illegally\naccessing the medical records of over 150 people.
    • \n
    • Loretta Alborghetti, from Redditch, worked as a medical secretary\nwithin the Ophthalmology department at Worcestershire Acute Hospitals\nNHS Trust when she illegally accessed the records.
    • \n
  • \n
  • Supporting Source: Open\nStreet Map link to Redditch Worcestershire.

  • \n
  • Source: NetSupport\nRAT Infections on the Rise. Targeting Government and Business\nSectors

    • While NetSupport Manager started off as a legitimate remote\nadministration tool for technical assistance and support, malicious\nactors have misappropriated the tool to their own advantage, using it as\na beachhead for subsequent attacks.
    • \n
  • \n
  • Source: Beware:\nMalicious Google Ads Trick WinSCP Users into Installing\nMalware

    • The threat actors are believed to leverage Google\'s Dynamic Search\nAds (DSAs), which automatically generates ads based on a site\'s content\nto serve the malicious ads that take the victims to the infected\nsite.
    • \n
  • \n
  • Source: Trojanized\nPyCharm Software Version Delivered via Google Search Ads.

    • Victims who clicked on the ad were taken to a hacked web page with a\nlink to download the application, which turned out to install over a\ndozen different pieces of malware instead.
    • \n
  • \n

InfoSec; the language\nof security.

  • Source: Why\nDefenders Should Embrace a Hacker Mindset
  • \n
  • Additional Information.\n
    • What is a \"Data\nBreach\"? A data breach is a security violation, in which sensitive,\nprotected or confidential data is copied, transmitted, viewed, stolen,\naltered or used by an individual unauthorized to do so.
    • \n
    • What is \"Malware\"?\nMalware (a portmanteau for\nmalicious software) is any software intentionally designed to cause\ndisruption to a computer, server, client, or computer network, leak\nprivate information, gain unauthorized access to information or systems,\ndeprive access to information, or which unknowingly interferes with the\nuser\'s computer security and privacy.
    • \n
    • What is a \"Payload\"?\nIn the context of a computer virus or worm, the payload is the portion\nof the malware which performs malicious action; deleting data, sending\nspam or encrypting data. In addition to the payload, such malware also\ntypically has overhead code aimed at simply spreading itself, or\navoiding detection.
    • \n
    • What is \"Phishing\"?\nPhishing is a form of social engineering\nwhere attackers deceive people into revealing sensitive information or\ninstalling malware such as ransomware. Phishing\nattacks have become increasingly sophisticated and often transparently\nmirror the site being targeted, allowing the attacker to observe\neverything while the victim is navigating the site, and transverse any\nadditional security boundaries with the victim.
    • \n
    • Social\nengineering (security) In the context of information security,\nsocial engineering is the psychological\nmanipulation of people into performing actions or divulging\nconfidential information. A type of confidence trick for the purpose of\ninformation gathering, fraud, or system access, it differs from a\ntraditional \"con\" in that it is often one of many steps in a more\ncomplex fraud scheme.
    • \n
    • What is \"Information\nSecurity\" (InfoSec)? Information security, sometimes shortened to\nInfoSec, is the practice of protecting information by mitigating information risks. It\nis part of information risk\nmanagement.\n
      • Information Security Attributes: Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability (C.I.A.).\nInformation Systems are composed in three main portions, hardware,\nsoftware and communications with the purpose to help identify and apply\ninformation security industry standards, as mechanisms of protection and\nprevention, at three levels or layers: physical, personal and\norganizational. Essentially, procedures or policies are implemented to\ntell administrators, users and operators how to use products to ensure\ninformation security within the organizations.
      • \n
    • \n
    • What is \"Risk\nmanagement\"? Risk management is the identification, evaluation, and\nprioritization of risks followed by coordinated and economical\napplication of resources to minimize, monitor, and control the\nprobability or impact of unfortunate events or to maximize the\nrealization of opportunities.
    • \n
    • What is a \"Vulnerability\"\n(computing)? Vulnerabilities are flaws in a computer system that\nweaken the overall security of the device/system. Vulnerabilities can be\nweaknesses in either the hardware itself, or the software that runs on\nthe hardware.
    • \n
    • What is an \"Attack\nSurface\"? The attack surface of a software environment is the sum of\nthe different points (for \"attack vectors\") where an unauthorized user\n(the \"attacker\") can try to enter data to or extract data from an\nenvironment. Keeping the attack surface as small as possible is a basic\nsecurity measure.
    • \n
    • What is an \"Attack\nVector\"? In computer security, an attack vector is a specific path,\nmethod, or scenario that can be exploited to break into an IT system,\nthus compromising its security. The term was derived from the\ncorresponding notion of vector in biology. An attack vector may be\nexploited manually, automatically, or through a combination of manual\nand automatic activity.
    • \n
    • What is\n\"Standardization\"? Standardization is the process of implementing\nand developing technical standards based on the consensus of different\nparties that include firms, users, interest groups, standards\norganizations and governments. Standardization can help maximize\ncompatibility, interoperability, safety, repeatability, or quality. It\ncan also facilitate a normalization of formerly custom processes.\n
    • \n
    • What is a \"Replay\nattack\"? A replay attack is a form of network attack in which valid\ndata transmission is maliciously or fraudulently repeated or delayed.\nAnother way of describing such an attack is: \"an attack on a security\nprotocol using a replay of messages from a different context into the\nintended (or original and expected) context, thereby fooling the honest\nparticipant(s) into thinking they have successfully completed the\nprotocol run.\"
    • \n
    • What is a\n\"Man-in-the-middle attack\"? In cryptography and computer security, a\nman-in-the-middle, ..., attack is a cyberattack where the attacker\nsecretly relays and possibly alters the communications between two\nparties who believe that they are directly communicating with each\nother, as the attacker has inserted themselves between the two\nparties.
    • \n
    • What is \"Transport Layer\nSecurity\" (TLS)? Transport Layer Security (TLS) is a cryptographic\nprotocol designed to provide communications security over a computer\nnetwork. The protocol is widely used in applications such as email,\ninstant messaging, and voice over IP, but its use in securing HTTPS\nremains the most publicly visible.
    • \n
    • What is a \"Handshake\"\n(computing)?. In computing, a handshake is a signal between two\ndevices or programs, used to, e.g., authenticate, coordinate. An example\nis the handshaking between a hypervisor and an application in a guest\nvirtual machine.
    • \n
    • What is Security\ntheater? The practice of taking security measures that are\nconsidered to provide the feeling of improved security while doing\nlittle or nothing to achieve it.
    • \n
  • \n
\n\n',391,74,0,'CC-BY-SA','Oh No News, Threat analysis, InfoSec, Google Dynamic Search Ads',0,0,0); +(4006,'2023-12-11','Holiday Challenges Ep 3 SANS Holiday Hack Challenge & KringleCon',160,'Discussing the SANS Holiday Hack Challenge & KringleCon to help you enjoy the holiday season','Holiday\nChallenges Series - Ep 3 - SANS Holiday Hack Challenge with\nKringleCon\n

Since some of the information you are about to hear is time specific,\nI want to let you know that I am recording this near the end of November\nin 2023.


If you missed the first episode, which introduces this series, you\ncan go back and listen to HPR3996


The SANS Holiday Hack Challenge is an interactive online technology\nand hacking game combined with a virtual security conference, beginning\nin the second week of December. By the time this episode drops, it may\nalready be live. You can tour the North Pole conference facilities,\nmeeting people, interactive non-player characters (NPC), and maybe even\nsome villains from Holiday Hack Challenges past, as you solve problems\nand gather clues which you use to help save Christmas.


Everything can be done from within the browser, and did I mention\nthere is a virtual security conference, called KringleCon? Some of the\nbiggest rock stars (and most humble and brilliant people) in\nCyberSecurity speak each year at KringleCon. Many of their talks also\nprovide clues to solving game challenges.


Ed Skoudis and his team (The same people who build SANS NetWars) work\ntirelessly year after year to create the most amazing experience,\ncomplete with custom music! This has become one of my favorite holiday\ntraditions each year. You can learn more about the 2023 challenge by\nwatching Ed\'s Inside SANS Holiday Hack Challenge 2023 YouTube video at\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X9Gmdr_CxzQ


You can access this year\'s challenge by visiting sans.org/holidayhack\nor https://www.sans.org/mlp/holiday-hack-challenge-2023/


There, you will learn more about all things Holiday Hack before the\ngame opens in the second week of December. If you want to play now, or\njust get a feel for it, you can access three of the previous years\'\nchallenges right now at the same site.


I am not associated with SANS or the Holiday Hack Challenge in any\nway, other than to have participated for several years now, and I have\nwatched other people learn and grow by taking part in it.


I hope that you have enjoyed this short series. If there are other\nonline challenges you find interesting or informative, I encourage you\nto record a show about them.


Have a wonderful day.

\n',394,0,0,'CC-BY-SA','SANS, KringleCon, holiday, challenge',0,0,1), +(3997,'2023-11-28','The Oh No! News.',875,'Sgoti talks about Malware distributed via Google\'s Dynamic Ads and more.','

The Oh No! news.


Oh No! News is Good\nNews.

  • TAGS: Oh No, News, Threat analysis, InfoSec, Google\nDynamic Search Ads
  • \n

Threat analysis;\nyour attack surface.

  • Source: Former\nNHS secretary found guilty of illegally accessing medical\nrecords

    • A former NHS employee has been found guilty and fined for illegally\naccessing the medical records of over 150 people.
    • \n
    • Loretta Alborghetti, from Redditch, worked as a medical secretary\nwithin the Ophthalmology department at Worcestershire Acute Hospitals\nNHS Trust when she illegally accessed the records.
    • \n
  • \n
  • Supporting Source: Open\nStreet Map link to Redditch Worcestershire.

  • \n
  • Source: NetSupport\nRAT Infections on the Rise. Targeting Government and Business\nSectors

    • While NetSupport Manager started off as a legitimate remote\nadministration tool for technical assistance and support, malicious\nactors have misappropriated the tool to their own advantage, using it as\na beachhead for subsequent attacks.
    • \n
  • \n
  • Source: Beware:\nMalicious Google Ads Trick WinSCP Users into Installing\nMalware

    • The threat actors are believed to leverage Google\'s Dynamic Search\nAds (DSAs), which automatically generates ads based on a site\'s content\nto serve the malicious ads that take the victims to the infected\nsite.
    • \n
  • \n
  • Source: Trojanized\nPyCharm Software Version Delivered via Google Search Ads.

    • Victims who clicked on the ad were taken to a hacked web page with a\nlink to download the application, which turned out to install over a\ndozen different pieces of malware instead.
    • \n
  • \n

InfoSec; the language\nof security.

  • Source: Why\nDefenders Should Embrace a Hacker Mindset
  • \n
  • Additional Information.\n
    • What is a \"Data\nBreach\"? A data breach is a security violation, in which sensitive,\nprotected or confidential data is copied, transmitted, viewed, stolen,\naltered or used by an individual unauthorized to do so.
    • \n
    • What is \"Malware\"?\nMalware (a portmanteau for\nmalicious software) is any software intentionally designed to cause\ndisruption to a computer, server, client, or computer network, leak\nprivate information, gain unauthorized access to information or systems,\ndeprive access to information, or which unknowingly interferes with the\nuser\'s computer security and privacy.
    • \n
    • What is a \"Payload\"?\nIn the context of a computer virus or worm, the payload is the portion\nof the malware which performs malicious action; deleting data, sending\nspam or encrypting data. In addition to the payload, such malware also\ntypically has overhead code aimed at simply spreading itself, or\navoiding detection.
    • \n
    • What is \"Phishing\"?\nPhishing is a form of social engineering\nwhere attackers deceive people into revealing sensitive information or\ninstalling malware such as ransomware. Phishing\nattacks have become increasingly sophisticated and often transparently\nmirror the site being targeted, allowing the attacker to observe\neverything while the victim is navigating the site, and transverse any\nadditional security boundaries with the victim.
    • \n
    • Social\nengineering (security) In the context of information security,\nsocial engineering is the psychological\nmanipulation of people into performing actions or divulging\nconfidential information. A type of confidence trick for the purpose of\ninformation gathering, fraud, or system access, it differs from a\ntraditional \"con\" in that it is often one of many steps in a more\ncomplex fraud scheme.
    • \n
    • What is \"Information\nSecurity\" (InfoSec)? Information security, sometimes shortened to\nInfoSec, is the practice of protecting information by mitigating information risks. It\nis part of information risk\nmanagement.\n
      • Information Security Attributes: Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability (C.I.A.).\nInformation Systems are composed in three main portions, hardware,\nsoftware and communications with the purpose to help identify and apply\ninformation security industry standards, as mechanisms of protection and\nprevention, at three levels or layers: physical, personal and\norganizational. Essentially, procedures or policies are implemented to\ntell administrators, users and operators how to use products to ensure\ninformation security within the organizations.
      • \n
    • \n
    • What is \"Risk\nmanagement\"? Risk management is the identification, evaluation, and\nprioritization of risks followed by coordinated and economical\napplication of resources to minimize, monitor, and control the\nprobability or impact of unfortunate events or to maximize the\nrealization of opportunities.
    • \n
    • What is a \"Vulnerability\"\n(computing)? Vulnerabilities are flaws in a computer system that\nweaken the overall security of the device/system. Vulnerabilities can be\nweaknesses in either the hardware itself, or the software that runs on\nthe hardware.
    • \n
    • What is an \"Attack\nSurface\"? The attack surface of a software environment is the sum of\nthe different points (for \"attack vectors\") where an unauthorized user\n(the \"attacker\") can try to enter data to or extract data from an\nenvironment. Keeping the attack surface as small as possible is a basic\nsecurity measure.
    • \n
    • What is an \"Attack\nVector\"? In computer security, an attack vector is a specific path,\nmethod, or scenario that can be exploited to break into an IT system,\nthus compromising its security. The term was derived from the\ncorresponding notion of vector in biology. An attack vector may be\nexploited manually, automatically, or through a combination of manual\nand automatic activity.
    • \n
    • What is\n\"Standardization\"? Standardization is the process of implementing\nand developing technical standards based on the consensus of different\nparties that include firms, users, interest groups, standards\norganizations and governments. Standardization can help maximize\ncompatibility, interoperability, safety, repeatability, or quality. It\ncan also facilitate a normalization of formerly custom processes.\n
    • \n
    • What is a \"Replay\nattack\"? A replay attack is a form of network attack in which valid\ndata transmission is maliciously or fraudulently repeated or delayed.\nAnother way of describing such an attack is: \"an attack on a security\nprotocol using a replay of messages from a different context into the\nintended (or original and expected) context, thereby fooling the honest\nparticipant(s) into thinking they have successfully completed the\nprotocol run.\"
    • \n
    • What is a\n\"Man-in-the-middle attack\"? In cryptography and computer security, a\nman-in-the-middle, ..., attack is a cyberattack where the attacker\nsecretly relays and possibly alters the communications between two\nparties who believe that they are directly communicating with each\nother, as the attacker has inserted themselves between the two\nparties.
    • \n
    • What is \"Transport Layer\nSecurity\" (TLS)? Transport Layer Security (TLS) is a cryptographic\nprotocol designed to provide communications security over a computer\nnetwork. The protocol is widely used in applications such as email,\ninstant messaging, and voice over IP, but its use in securing HTTPS\nremains the most publicly visible.
    • \n
    • What is a \"Handshake\"\n(computing)?. In computing, a handshake is a signal between two\ndevices or programs, used to, e.g., authenticate, coordinate. An example\nis the handshaking between a hypervisor and an application in a guest\nvirtual machine.
    • \n
    • What is Security\ntheater? The practice of taking security measures that are\nconsidered to provide the feeling of improved security while doing\nlittle or nothing to achieve it.
    • \n
  • \n
\n\n',391,74,0,'CC-BY-SA','Oh No News, Threat analysis, InfoSec, Google Dynamic Search Ads',0,0,1); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `eps` ENABLE KEYS */; UNLOCK TABLES; @@ -21475,4 +21487,4 @@ UNLOCK TABLES; /*!40014 SET UNIQUE_CHECKS=@OLD_UNIQUE_CHECKS */; /*!40111 SET SQL_NOTES=@OLD_SQL_NOTES */; --- Dump completed on 2023-11-20 19:46:37 +-- Dump completed on 2023-11-21 3:52:48