$v) { ++$num_get_args; } if ( (strval(intval($id)) != strval($id)) OR ( intval($id) <= 0 ) OR ( intval($id) > $maxhost ) OR ( $num_get_args > 1 ) ){ problem( "ea860134910fecd136229e45262709d7" ); exit; } $query = "SELECT id FROM eps WHERE id = '$id'"; $result = @mysqli_query($connection, $query); if($result === FALSE) { problem( "dc5b8dae7ea2a7e70ac0b7ea65ce2d12" ); } else { $db = mysqli_fetch_array($result, MYSQLI_ASSOC); if ( empty($db["id"]) ) { problem( "2b6462ff2389405a796066dfc73ccf55" ); } } } else { problem( "ae1f3471af22d32d3bf2efc9130a00ae" ); exit; } $ep_retrieve = "SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(eps.date) AS timestamp, eps.title, eps.duration, eps.summary, hosts.host, eps.hostid, eps.series, eps.license, licenses.long_name, eps.explicit FROM eps LEFT JOIN hosts ON eps.hostid = hosts.hostid LEFT JOIN licenses ON licenses.short_name = eps.license WHERE hosts.valid = '1' AND eps.id = '$id'"; if ($result = mysqli_query($connection, $ep_retrieve)) { while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) { $date = $row['timestamp']; $title = $row['title']; $duration = $row['duration']; $summary = $row['summary']; $host = $row['host']; $hostid = $row['hostid']; $series = $row['series']; $license = $row['license']; $license_long_name = $row['long_name']; $explicit = $row['explicit']; $id = fixid($id); $host_retrieve = "SELECT host, espeak_name FROM hosts WHERE hostid = '$hostid'"; $result1 = mysqli_query($connection, $host_retrieve); $row1 = mysqli_fetch_array($result1); $espeak_name = $row1['espeak_name']; $epcountquery = "SELECT count( id ) AS total FROM eps WHERE hostid = '$hostid'"; $result2 = mysqli_query($connection, $epcountquery); $row2 = mysqli_fetch_array($result2); $total = $row2['total']; if ( $total == 1 ) { $host_notes = ". It is the first show by new host ${espeak_name}, "; } else if ($total % 10 == 0) { $host_notes = ". It is the ${total}th show of ${espeak_name}, "; } else { $host_notes = ". It is hosted by ${espeak_name}, "; } } } else { http_response_code(404); die(); } $synopsis = "This is Hacker Public Radio episode $id for " . date("l", $date) . " the " . date("jS", $date) . " of " . date("F Y", $date) . ". Todays show is entitled. ${title}."; if ($series > "0"){ $series_query = mysqli_query($connection, "SELECT name, description FROM miniseries WHERE id = '$series'"); $series_result = mysqli_fetch_array($series_query); $series_title = $series_result['name']; $desc = $series_result['description']; $synopsis = "${synopsis} It is part of the series \"$series_title\""; } $synopsis = "${synopsis} ${host_notes} and is about " . round($duration/60) . " minutes long. It carries "; if ($explicit == 0) { $synopsis = "${synopsis} a clean flag. "; $explicit = "Clean"; } else{ $synopsis = "${synopsis} an explicit flag. "; $explicit = "Explicit"; } if ( !empty( $summary ) ) { $synopsis = "${synopsis}. The summary is. $summary"; } if (strcmp($license, "CC-BY-SA" ) !== 0) { $synopsis = "${synopsis}. Todays show is licensed under a $license_long_name license."; } $synopsis = str_replace($host,$espeak_name,$synopsis); // -------------------------------------------- // Display the results $arr = array( 'genre' => "Podcast", 'album' => "Hacker Public Radio", 'track' => "$id", 'year' => date("Y", $date), 'date' => date("Y-m-d", $date), 'artist' => "${host}", 'hostid' => "${hostid}", 'title' => "${title}", 'duration' => "${duration}", 'license' => "${license}", 'explicit' => "${explicit}", 'summary' => "${summary}", 'comment' => "https://hackerpublicradio.org ${explicit}; $summary", 'synopsis' => "${synopsis}" ); header('Content-Type: application/json'); header("Content-disposition: inline; filename=hpr_stats.json"); echo json_encode($arr); mysqli_close($connection);