#!/bin/bash - #=============================================================================== # # FILE: make_reports # # USAGE: ./make_reports # # DESCRIPTION: Script to generate all the feedWatcher reports needed for # conferences, etc # # OPTIONS: --- # REQUIREMENTS: --- # BUGS: --- # NOTES: --- # AUTHOR: Dave Morriss (djm), Dave.Morriss@gmail.com # VERSION: 0.0.3 # CREATED: 2023-01-09 17:07:23 # REVISION: 2023-01-28 14:10:48 # #=============================================================================== set -o nounset # Treat unset variables as an error # SCRIPT=${0##*/} # DIR=${0%/*} # # Paths # BASEDIR="$HOME/HPR/feed_watcher" cd "$BASEDIR" || { echo "Failed to cd to $BASEDIR"; exit 1; } FOSDEM23="$BASEDIR/Conferences/FOSDEM/2023" # # Files and sanity checks # FW="$BASEDIR/feedWatcher" [ -e "$FW" ] || { echo "Script $FW appears to be missing" exit 1 } FWTPL3="$BASEDIR/feedWatcher_3.tpl" [ -e "$FWTPL3" ] || { echo "Template $FWTPL3 appears to be missing" exit 1 } FWTPL4="$BASEDIR/feedWatcher_4.tpl" [ -e "$FWTPL4" ] || { echo "Template $FWTPL4 appears to be missing" exit 1 } FWHTML="$BASEDIR/feedWatcher.html" FWMKD="$BASEDIR/feedWatcher.mkd" FWPDF="$BASEDIR/feedWatcher.pdf" FDMKD4="$FOSDEM23/feedWatcher_4.mkd" FDODT="$FOSDEM23/fosdem_23.odt" FDODT_LIVE="$BASEDIR/fosdem_23.odt" # # Generate HTML, JSON and OPML reports. # The template defaults to 'feedWatcher.tpl', the JSON file to # 'feedWatcher.json' and the OPML file to 'feedWatcher.opml'. The script # reports information about this, except for the HTML. # $FW -template -json -opml -out="$FWHTML" if [[ -e "$FWHTML" ]]; then echo "HTML written to $FWHTML" else echo "$FWHTML doesn't seem to have been written" fi # # Generate Markdown # $FW -tem="$FWTPL3" -out="$FWMKD" if [[ -e "$FWMKD" ]]; then echo "Markdown written to $FWMKD" else echo "$FWMKD doesn't seem to have been written" fi # # Use the Makefile to create PDF # make all RES=$? [ $RES -ne 0 ] && { echo "Problem running 'make'; aborting!" exit $RES } if [[ -e "$FWPDF" ]]; then echo "PDF written to $FWPDF" else echo "$FWPDF doesn't seem to have been written" fi # # The ODF for FOSDEM. The template for Markdown first. The output is in the # directory Conferences/FOSDEM/2023/. Then pandoc to generate ODT from the # Markdown. We use a reference document (an older FOSDEM report) to set some # attributes. # $FW -tem="$FWTPL4" -out="$FDMKD4" if [[ -e "$FDMKD4" ]]; then echo "PDF written to $FDMKD4" pandoc -f markdown --standalone -t odt --reference-doc=reference.odt \ -o "$FDODT" "$FDMKD4" if [[ -e "$FDODT" ]]; then echo "Wrote the ODT file $FDODT" cp "$FDODT" "$FDODT_LIVE" echo "Copied ODT to $FDODT_LIVE" else echo "$FDODT doesn't seem to have been written" fi else echo "$FDMKD4 doesn't seem to have been written" echo "Can't run Pandoc" fi exit # vim: syntax=sh:ts=8:sw=4:ai:et:tw=78:fo=tcrqn21