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2022-08-09 00:53:04 +00:00
<!--% PROCESS 'shared-utils.tpl.html' %-->
<!--% USE DBI(constants.driver, constants.user, constants.password) %-->
<!--% FOREACH correspondents IN DBI.query('
SELECT COUNT(hostid) AS \'tally\' FROM hosts;
') %-->
<h1>So you want to do a podcast ?</h1>
<p>Well you've come to the right place. Our goal here at HPR is to make it as easy as possible for you to get a podcast released. We take care of the hard bits so you don't need to. Recording your first show is always a daunting prospect but over <a href="<!--% absolute_path(baseurl) %-->correspondents/index.html"><!--% correspondents.tally %--></a> people like yourself have done it and so can you.
<!--% END %-->
<h2>1. Stuff you need to know</h2>
<li>HPR will stop as a project if there are not enough <a href="<!--% absolute_path(baseurl) %-->stuff_you_need_to_know.html#no_shows_no_hpr">Shows</a>.</li>
<li>We do not <a href="<!--% absolute_path(baseurl) %-->stuff_you_need_to_know.html#syndication">syndicate</a> shows not produced for HPR.</li>
<li>You are agreeing to <a href="<!--% absolute_path(baseurl) %-->stuff_you_need_to_know.html#license">license</a> your show CC BY-SA 4.0.</li>
<li>You have <a href="<!--% absolute_path(baseurl) %-->stuff_you_need_to_know.html#permission">permission</a> to redistribute your show in its entirety.</li>
<li>Your audio will <a href="<!--% absolute_path(baseurl) %-->stuff_you_need_to_know.html#not_moderated">not be moderated.</a></li>
<li>Your show will be signaled as containing <a href="<!--% absolute_path(baseurl) %-->stuff_you_need_to_know.html#explicit">explicit</a> content.</li>
<li>You determine where in the <a href="<!--% absolute_path(baseurl) %-->stuff_you_need_to_know.html#schedule">schedule</a> your show will be released.</li>
<li>We use <a href="<!--% absolute_path(baseurl) %-->stuff_you_need_to_know.html#utf8">UTF-8</a> end to end.</li>
<li>Your show will be heard by an <a href="<!--% absolute_path(baseurl) %-->stuff_you_need_to_know.html#international">International</a> Audience.</li>
<li>We also need <a href="<!--% absolute_path(baseurl) %-->stuff_you_need_to_know.html#emergency_queue">emergency</a> shows.</li>
<li>You will no longer be allowed to edit HPR pages on <a href="<!--% absolute_path(baseurl) %-->stuff_you_need_to_know.html#wikipedia">Wikipedia</a>.</li>
<a href="<!--% absolute_path(baseurl) %-->stuff_you_need_to_know.html">More information.</a>
<h2>2. Select a Topic</h2>
The first thing you will need to do is decide on a topic for your show. You might already have an idea but if not you can have a look at our <a href="<!--% absolute_path(baseurl) %-->eps/index.html">Archive</a> page for examples of shows people have recorded in the past. You can also look at our <a href="<!--% absolute_path(baseurl) %-->requested_topics.html">Requested Topics</a>, or our <a href="<!--% absolute_path(baseurl) %-->series/index.html">Series</a> page to see if you can add your knowledge to the pool.
If you are <a href="<!--% absolute_path(baseurl) %-->will-my-show-be-of-interest-to-hackers.html">worried that your show may not be of interest to Hackers then follow this link</a> to check if it is.
If you can't think of anything to talk about then please just record a show telling us <a href="<!--% absolute_path(baseurl) %-->series/0029.html">how you got into tech</a> as a way to introducing yourself to the community.
<h2>3. Record your show</h2>
Please select <a href="<!--% absolute_path(baseurl) %-->recording.html">more detailed information on how to record a show</a>:
<!-- <li>Recording with the <a href="<!--% absolute_path(baseurl) %-->recording.html#callin_numbers">telephone</a>.</li> -->
<li><a href="<!--% absolute_path(baseurl) %-->recording.html#portable_media_player">Recording with a portable media player</a>.</li>
<li><a href="<!--% absolute_path(baseurl) %-->recording.html#smart_phone">Recording with a smart phone</a>.</li>
<li><a href="<!--% absolute_path(baseurl) %-->recording.html#editing">Recording/Editing using your Computer</a>.</li>
<li><a href="<!--% absolute_path(baseurl) %-->recording.html#phone_interviews">Recording Interviews with the Phone</a>.</li>
<li><a href="<!--% absolute_path(baseurl) %-->recording.html#round_table">Recording round table discussions</a>.</li>
<li><a href="<!--% absolute_path(baseurl) %-->recording.html#background_music">Avoid Bedding/background music</a>.</li>
<li><a href="<!--% absolute_path(baseurl) %-->recording.html#encoding">We mix down to Mono</a>.</li>
<li><a href="<!--% absolute_path(baseurl) %-->recording.html#no_metadata">No need to add Metadata</a> to the file.</li>
<p>Don't forget to <strong>introduce yourself</strong> in your show.</p>
<h2>4. Upload your show</h2>
Once you have your audio ready you can post your show by going to the <a href="<!--% hub_baseurl %-->calendar.php">Calendar</a> page or press the <strong><a href="<!--% hub_baseurl %-->calendar.php">⇧Upload⇧</strong></a> button.
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After you have selected a date you will be redirected to the <a href="https://www.hackerpublicradio.org/request.php">request page</a>, where you will be asked to select your show and email address. We will send a link to where you can upload your show to this address and so it must be a valid working address that you can access quickly. We intend to use <a href="https://www.gnupg.org/">GPG</a> to speed up the validation of hosts, so you may wish to use an email address that has an associated public key available on public key servers.
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<a href="<!--% absolute_path(baseurl) %-->request_a_slot.html">More Information</a>.
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<h2>Questions ?</h2>
Got any questions not covered here, then just email <strong>"admin" at "www.hackerpublicradio.org"</strong>, and well get in touch with you with all you need to know about getting your show published.<br />
You can chat with other podcasters using IRC in the <strong>#oggcastplanet</strong> channel on the <a href="https://web.libera.chat/gamja/?channels=oggcastplanet">freenode.net</a> network. Follow us on <a href="https://identi.ca/group/hpr">identi.ca</a> (use the tag <strong>!hpr</strong>) and on <a href="https://twitter.com/hpr">Twitter</a> (use the tag <strong>#hpr</strong>). We have a <a href="https://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_130169220378872">Facebook</a> and <a href="https://www.linkedin.com/groups?mostPopular=&amp;gid=3737302">LinkedIn</a> group, so please join and spread the word.</p>
<h2>Still Nervous</h2>
Fellow listeners like yourself contribute the shows and so we all know how hard it is to do that first show. You're probably worried that we won't like the topic. Well don't be, have a look at our <a href="<!--% absolute_path(baseurl) %-->eps/index.html">archive</a> to see how diverse the contributions have been. You're probably worried about the quality of your audio, that you sound funny, that English isn't your native language, that you suffer from a speech impediment, that your show has loads of ummms and awws in it, well don't be. We have plenty of hosts that fall into all these categories but continue to produce great shows.
At the end of the day the show is about the content and not the quality of the audio. That's not to say we won't help you with ways to improve the audio if you wish, or narrate your script if you can't or won't record it yourself. Drop into the IRC channel <a href="https://web.libera.chat/gamja/?channels=oggcastplanet">#oggcastplanet</a> where there are people who will help.<br />
<h2 id="motto">Our Mottos</h2>
<blockquote>Any audio is better than no audio.</blockquote>
<blockquote>Any topic of intrest to hackers.</blockquote>
<blockquote>It ain't a show unless it's on the server.</blockquote>
<blockquote>If you tell us you are doing a show, then you owe us a show.</blockquote>
<p>You don't need anyones permission to upload a show, but if you have any questions then drop into the <a href="https://web.libera.chat/gamja/?channels=oggcastplanet">#oggcastplanet</a> channel on freenode and chat with a live person 24/7.