
210 lines
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# Configure the Perl DBI driver to allow the templates communicate
# with the database.
# dbi:<driver name [SQLite, CSV, ADO, mSQL, etc.]>:<database name>
# Configuration settings for SQLite
2023-05-30 07:13:01 +00:00
#database: sqlite
#driver: dbi:SQLite:hpr.db
#user: (not used - leave blank)
#password: (not used - leave blank)
# Configuration settings for MySQL
#database: mysql
#driver: dbi:mysql:database=hpr_hpr:hostname=localhost
#user: hpr-generator (Suggested user with read-only privileges)
#password: ********* (Password for user)
# Configure the location of the templates and the generated HTML
templates_path: ./templates
output_path: ./public_html
# Configure the root template page which pulls in the navigation and
# content templates used by each page. An optional baseurl property may
# be defined. This is useful when opening files directly from local
# filesystem to allow relative paths to work.
content: page.tpl.html
#baseurl: OPTIONAL [i.e. file://<full path to local website directory>]
2023-05-30 07:13:01 +00:00
baseurl: file:///home/roan/Development/hpr/website/hpr_generator/public_html/
2023-05-30 18:48:32 +00:00
hub_baseurl: http://hub.hackerpublicradio.com/
2022-10-21 03:23:00 +00:00
media_baseurl: https://archive.org/download/hpr$eps_id/
# Configure the navigation menu and the content templates for each page
# of the site:
# [page_name] REQUIRED
# navigation: REQUIRED <name of navigation template>
# content: REQUIRED <name of page content template>
# Configure filename if default name is not desired
# (Default is "ROOT/[page_name].html"):
# filename: OPTIONAL <relative path from ROOT -- optional>
# * <directory path> -- Must end in forward slash. File will be created
# in this path with the default naming scheme.
# * <file name> -- May include a relative path. Should include the file
# extension. May have [id] marker in path or name which
# will be substituted with a padded page id.
# Configure pages which use the same content template:
# multipage: OPTIONAL true | false (DEFAULT = false)
2022-07-02 02:07:06 +00:00
navigation: navigation-main.tpl.html
content: content-index.tpl.html
navigation: navigation-about.tpl.html
content: content-about.tpl.html
navigation: navigation-about.tpl.html
content: content-correspondents.tpl.html
filename: correspondents/index.html
navigation: navigation-about.tpl.html
content: content-contact.tpl.html
navigation: navigation-about.tpl.html
content: content-correspondent.tpl.html
multipage: true
filename: correspondents/[id].html
2022-08-03 01:57:56 +00:00
navigation: navigation-get-shows.tpl.html
content: content-series.tpl.html
filename: series/index.html
navigation: navigation-get-shows.tpl.html
content: content-series_episode.tpl.html
multipage: true
filename: series/[id].html
2022-08-05 21:44:58 +00:00
navigation: navigation-get-shows.tpl.html
content: content-episodes.tpl.html
filename: eps/index.html
2022-08-07 18:09:44 +00:00
navigation: navigation-get-shows.tpl.html
content: content-episode.tpl.html
multipage: true
filename: eps/hpr[id]/index.html
2022-08-08 03:47:40 +00:00
navigation: navigation-get-shows.tpl.html
content: content-syndication.tpl.html
2022-08-09 00:53:04 +00:00
navigation: navigation-give-shows.tpl.html
content: content-contribute.tpl.html
2022-08-09 01:07:34 +00:00
navigation: navigation-main.tpl.html
content: content-search.tpl.html
2022-08-09 02:00:24 +00:00
navigation: navigation-contribute.tpl.html
content: content-help_out.tpl.html
2022-08-09 23:06:06 +00:00
navigation: navigation-get-shows.tpl.html
content: content-download.tpl.html
2022-08-10 02:05:06 +00:00
navigation: navigation-give-shows.tpl.html
content: content-stuff_you_need_to_know.tpl.html
2022-08-10 02:06:37 +00:00
navigation: navigation-give-shows.tpl.html
content: content-theme.tpl.html
2022-08-11 02:08:38 +00:00
navigation: navigation-give-shows.tpl.html
content: content-requested_topics.tpl.html
2022-08-11 02:30:11 +00:00
navigation: navigation-give-shows.tpl.html
content: content-recording.tpl.html
2022-08-11 12:51:13 +00:00
navigation: navigation-give-shows.tpl.html
content: content-request_a_slot.tpl.html
2022-08-13 02:59:54 +00:00
navigation: navigation-contribute.tpl.html
content: content-podcatchers.tpl.html
2022-08-13 14:08:55 +00:00
navigation: navigation-about.tpl.html
content: content-promote.tpl.html
2022-08-13 17:12:45 +00:00
navigation: navigation-about.tpl.html
content: content-sitemap.tpl.html
navigation: navigation-main.tpl.html
content: content-tags.tpl.html
navigation: navigation-get-shows.tpl.html
content: content-twat_episode.tpl.html
multipage: true
filename: eps/twat[id]/index.html
2022-10-21 03:23:00 +00:00
media_baseurl: https://www.hackerpublicradio.org/eps/
2022-10-16 22:12:05 +00:00
navigation: navigation-about.tpl.html
content: content-mumble-howto.tpl.html
2023-02-25 01:42:01 +00:00
navigation: navigation-about.tpl.html
content: content-comments_viewer.tpl.html
root_template: rss.tpl.xml
content: rss-hpr.tpl.xml
filename: hpr_ogg.rss
media_file_extension: ogg
2022-08-17 21:56:56 +00:00
root_template: rss.tpl.xml
content: rss-hpr.tpl.xml
2022-08-17 21:56:56 +00:00
filename: hpr_mp3.rss
media_file_extension: mp3
audio_mime_type: mpeg
2022-08-17 22:08:45 +00:00
root_template: rss.tpl.xml
content: rss-hpr.tpl.xml
2022-08-17 22:08:45 +00:00
filename: hpr_spx.rss
media_file_extension: spx
root_template: rss.tpl.xml
content: rss-hpr_total.tpl.xml
filename: hpr_total_ogg.rss
media_file_extension: ogg
root_template: rss.tpl.xml
content: rss-hpr_total.tpl.xml
filename: hpr_total_mp3.rss
media_file_extension: mp3
audio_mime_type: mpeg
root_template: rss.tpl.xml
content: rss-hpr_total.tpl.xml
filename: hpr_total_spx.rss
media_file_extension: spx
2022-10-08 12:52:47 +00:00
root_template: rss-comments.tpl.xml
filename: comments.rss