new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5d7da38
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+# Clone the repository
+If git is not installed on the operating system, please install it now
+(see the git documentation for [instructions on installing git](https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Getting-Started-Installing-Git)).
+To retrieve the code from the repository on anhonesthost.net (a username and
+password are required), run:
+`git clone https://repo.anhonesthost.net/rho_n/hpr_generator.git`
+To retrieve the code from the repository on gitlab.com, run:
+`git clone https://gitlab.com/roan.horning/hpr_generator.git`
+On success, an "hpr_generator" directory will be created in the folder from
+which the clone command was executed containing a local copy of the git repository.
+# Install required Perl modules
+Installing the Perl modules is the most finicky part of the installation process.
+The needed Perl modules can be found using the operating system's package
+manager or using the modules found in the
+[Comprehensive Perl Archive Network (CPAN)](https://www.cpan.org/).
+## Installing modules on Debian based Linux distributions
+Run command (tested on Debian 11):
+apt install libconfig-std-perl \
+ libtemplate-perl \
+ libtemplate-plugin-dbi-perl \
+ libdbd-sqlite3-perl libdate-calc-perl \
+ libtie-dbi-perl
+## Using CPAN to install the modules
+A cross platform method to install the needed modules is the Perl CPAN application.
+Make sure both the [make](https://www.gnu.org/software/make/manual/make.html)
+command and the [cpan](https://perldoc.perl.org/CPAN) command are available.
+Install them using the operating system's package manager, or from source.
+Run commands:
+cpan Config::Std
+cpan Template
+cpan Template::Plugin::DBI
+cpan DBD::SQLite
+cpan Date::Calc
+cpan Tie::DBI
+# Create the HPR database
+The hpr_generator relies on information from a database to generate many of the
+files for the website (for example: index.html, series/index.html,
+hpr_mp3.rss, etc). This data is available from a MySQL dump file found on
+hackerpublicradio.org at URL "https://www.hackerpublicradio.org/hpr.sql".
+The first step is to download the hpr.sql file. This can be done using your
+browser, or by running one of the following commands:
+`curl https://www.hackerpublicradio.org/hpr.sql --output ./hpr.sql`
+`wget --directory-prefix=./ https://www.hackerpublicradio.org/hpr.sql`
+## Creating an SQLite database file
+The SQL of the hpr.sql file must be converted from MySQL specific statements to
+SQLite specific statements. The mysql2sqlite script found in the utils directory
+is used for this conversion. First remove the lines from hpr.sql that
+mysql2sqlite can't handle:
+`sed '/^DELIMITER ;;/,/^DELIMITER ;/d' < ./hpr.sql > ./hpr-sqlite.sql`
+Next run the mysql2sqlite script piping its output into the sqlite3
+program which creates the hpr.db file:
+`./utils/mysql2sqlite ./hpr-sqlite.sql | sqlite3 ./hpr.db`
+For convenience, the update-sqlite-db.sh script in the utils directory
+automates the above steps (including downloading the hpr.sql file).
+From the root of the local hpr_generator repository run:
+# Configure the site-generator
+In your favorite text editor, open the site.cfg file found in the root of the
+"hpr_generator" folder. Full details about options for configuring the site.cfg
+file are found in the comments within the file.
+## Configuring the database connection
+Any database supported by the Perl:DBI and Perl::DBD modules can be used with
+the site-generator program. Currently the hpr_generator project works with
+a MySQL or SQLite database.
+Find the [DBI] section of the file. It should look like the following
+# Configuration settings for SQLite
+#database: sqlite
+#driver: dbi:SQLite:hpr.db
+#user: (not used - leave blank)
+#password: (not used - leave blank)
+# Configuration settings for MySQL
+#database: mysql
+#driver: dbi:mysql:database=hpr_hpr:hostname=localhost
+#user: hpr-generator (Suggested user with read-only privileges)
+#password: ********* (Password for user)
+### SQLite
+Remove the comment character from the start of the database and driver
+option lines:
+ ```
+# Configuration settings for SQLite
+database: sqlite
+driver: dbi:SQLite:hpr.db
+#user: (not used - leave blank)
+#password: (not used - leave blank)
+The hpr.db section of the driver option `dbi:SQLite:hpr.db` is the path
+to the sqlite file. The default assumes the hpr.db file is located in the same
+directory as the site-generator.
+### MySQL
+Remove the comment character from the start of the database, driver,
+user, and password option lines:
+ ```
+# Configuration settings for MySQL
+database: mysql
+driver: dbi:mysql:database=hpr_hpr:hostname=localhost
+user: hpr-generator
+password: *********
+This assumes that the MySQL database service is available at the localhost
+hostname, that the database name (hpr_hpr) is the database created from
+the hpr.sql dump file or manually created by you, that the user (hpr-generator)
+was added by you and has read rights to the hpr_hpr database, and that the
+password (replace ********* with the actual password) matches the password set
+for the hpr-generator database user.
+## Configuring the website for viewing locally
+For HTML links to work when viewing the files on your local machine using the
+"file://" protocal (i.e. using the "Open..." command in your browser, each HTML
+file must include a \