Picking a slot for your show

Any host can select any free slot a up to year in advance, by recording their show and uploading it to the desired slot. In exceptional circumstances it may be necessary to reserve a slot while not having the audio available, but this must be approved by the HPR mailing list in advance. Be sure to allow as much time as possible, and include a reason why you feel it is necessary to reserve the slot.

This is intended only for exceptional circumstances, such as a scheduled interview where we would like the audio to be released as soon after the event as possible, or to cover an important topical situation that has occurred. Due to the extended time now needed to post shows to external sites, the extra work this entails and the disruptive effect of reservations, we will no longer be allowing them except in very rare cases of the type mentioned above. [?]

You can post your show by going to the Calendar page. Once you have selected a date you will be redirected to the request page, where you will be asked to select your show and email address. We will send a link to where you can upload your show to this address and therefore it must be a valid working address that you can access quickly. We intend to use GPG to speed up the validation of hosts, so you may wish to use an email address that has an associated public key available on public key servers.

The audio of your show will not be moderated, however the information provided in the upload form may be moderated. All publicly facing material is managed by the HPR Community as a whole, and not just the host providing the show. The show hpr2210 :: On Freedom of Speech and Censorship describes the agreed approach to this topic.

Note: This email address will be published on the HPR website and will be given out in the feeds, so please use a public email address for this purpose. Where we publish it we pad it with dot nospam at-sign nospam dot.
i.e. hpr@example.com becomes hpr.nospam@nospam.example.com. If you do not want to have your email exposed, please contact the admin@hpr team to arrange a alias.

Once you press next, an email will be sent to your email address pointing to where you can upload the show. You need to open the link within 15 minutes or the temporary lock will be released. Once you open the link, you can fill in the information at your leisure. The upload form works on the assumption you will be posting one show at a time, from the same IP address. Once you have pressed submit you will not be able to edit any of the information.

Adding the Episode

The unique link sent by email will allow you to manage both the episode and information about yourself that is displayed on HPR. The following information will be requested:

Personal Information

Remember All information will be displayed publicly. The only exception is that your email address will be sent in the feed with some anti-spam additions.
For example hpr@example.com will become hpr.nospam@nospam.example.com

Your profile information is used on the website, in the RSS feeds, and on social media sites. You can change your profile information at any time, by submitting another show.

Episode Information

Press submit and your show will be sent to the HPR Volunteers to be processed. Keep an eye on the calendar for when it is posted. Your show information is used to process the media files, on the website, in the RSS feeds, and on social media sites.