# Clone the repository If git is not installed on the operating system, please install it now (see the git documentation for [instructions on installing git](https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Getting-Started-Installing-Git)). To retrieve the code from the repository on anhonesthost.net, run: `clone https://repo.anhonesthost.net/rho_n/hpr_generator.git` To retrieve the code from the repository on gitlab.com, run: `https://gitlab.com/roan.horning/hpr_generator.git` On success, an "hpr_generator" directory will be created in the folder from which the clone command was executed containing a local copy of the git repository. # Install required Perl modules Installing the Perl modules is the most finicky part of the installation process. The needed Perl modules can be found using the operating systems's package manager or using the modules found in the [Comprehensive Perl Archive Network (CPAN)](https://www.cpan.org/). ## Installing modules on Debian based Linux distributions Run command (tested on Debian 11): ``` apt install libconfig-std-perl \ libtemplate-perl \ libtemplate-plugin-dbi-perl \ libdbd-sqlite3-perl libdate-calc-perl \ libtie-dbi-perl ``` ## Using CPAN to install the modules A cross platform method to install the needed modules is Perl CPAN application. Make sure both the [make](https://www.gnu.org/software/make/manual/make.html) command and the [cpan](https://perldoc.perl.org/CPAN) command are available. Install them using the operating system's package manager, or from source. Run commands: ``` cpan Config::Std cpan Template cpan Template::Plugin::DBI cpan DBD::SQLite cpan Date::Calc cpan Tie::DBI ``` # Configure site-generator # Run site-generator