diff --git a/bin/hprtranscode.bash b/bin/hprtranscode.bash index 79aa1fc..239a5b4 100755 --- a/bin/hprtranscode.bash +++ b/bin/hprtranscode.bash @@ -46,18 +46,21 @@ function create_tts_summary { show_type="" if [[ -f "${1}" && -n "${2}" ]] then + echo "DEBUG: Show type is local" 1>&2 show_type="local" mediafile="${1}" media_dir="$( dirname "${mediafile}" )" ep_num="${2}" echo "The duration is \"$( \date -ud "1970-01-01 $( ffprobe -i "${mediafile}" 2>&1| awk -F ': |, ' '/Duration:/ { print $2 }' )" +%s )\"." else + echo "DEBUG: Show type is remote" 1>&2 show_type="remote" response=$( curl --silent --netrc-file ${HOME}/.netrc "https://hub.hackerpublicradio.org/cms/status.php" | \ grep 'SHOW_POSTED' | \ head -1 | \ sed 's/,/ /g' ) + echo "DEBUG: Getting server response" 1>&2 if [ -z "${response}" ] then echo "INFO: There appear to be no more shows with the status \"SHOW_POSTED\"." @@ -78,6 +81,7 @@ else media_dir="${processing_dir}/${timestamp_epoc}_${ep_num}_${ep_date}_${key}" fi +echo "DEBUG: Checking variables" 1>&2 if [ -z "${show_type}" ] then echo "sorry, variable \"show_type\" is not set."