From fb24e875cc39745425ec6fb3d0cd50479d42f2ea Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ken Fallon Date: Thu, 24 Aug 2023 16:14:37 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] 2023-08-24_14-14-37Z_Thursday database changed --- sql/hpr.sql | 13 ++++++++----- 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-) diff --git a/sql/hpr.sql b/sql/hpr.sql index dbeb282..f8ba0a8 100644 --- a/sql/hpr.sql +++ b/sql/hpr.sql @@ -20216,7 +20216,9 @@ INSERT INTO `eps` (`id`, `date`, `title`, `duration`, `summary`, `notes`, `hosti (3951,'2023-09-25','Cell Phone Screen Protectors',1720,'I talk about how I fail at Cell Phone Screen Protectors','

I talk about how I fail at Cell Phone Screen Protectors

\n',36,0,1,'CC-BY-SA','tech,phone repair,cell phones,Screen Protectors',0,0,1), (3932,'2023-08-29','Short introduction to inxi',437,'folky gives the show about inxi that Ken wished for','


\n\n',309,23,0,'CC-BY-SA','shell,inxi,forum',0,0,1), (3971,'2023-10-23','RERERE: How to make friends.',2164,'Sgoti and Mugs chat with friends about how to make friends on the internet.','

RERERE: How to make friends.


We could make a series of this?


I thought this was funny: How to Ask a\nFriend to Hang Out.

\n',391,0,1,'CC-BY-SA','making friends, Mugsup, group chat',0,0,1), -(3944,'2023-09-14','Race for the Galaxy',947,'tuturto explains very basics of card game called Race for the Galaxy','

Race for the galaxy


Race for the galaxy is a four player card game published by Rio\nGrande Games.


The goal of the game is to build a space imperium and the player with\nmost victory points wins.


There\'s also a computer version of the game, which saves you from\npacking up the game after playing.


Turn sequence


There are five phases in turn:


At the beginning of turn, every player selects one of these phases\nand selections are revealed simultaneously. Only selected phases will be\nplayed. Player who selected a phase gets a small bonus.












repeat until:




special rules


Examples of cards


Star nomad raiders


Terraforming robots


Public works




All expansions add new cards.


The gathering storm


Rebel vs. Imperium


Brink of War

- prestige
  • counts as VP in the end
  • \n
  • can be used to perform actions
  • \n

Alien Artifacts






In closing

- questions, comments, feedback?
\n',364,0,0,'CC-BY-SA','race for the galaxy, card game',0,0,1); +(3944,'2023-09-14','Race for the Galaxy',947,'tuturto explains very basics of card game called Race for the Galaxy','

Race for the galaxy


Race for the galaxy is a four player card game published by Rio\nGrande Games.


The goal of the game is to build a space imperium and the player with\nmost victory points wins.


There\'s also a computer version of the game, which saves you from\npacking up the game after playing.


Turn sequence


There are five phases in turn:


At the beginning of turn, every player selects one of these phases\nand selections are revealed simultaneously. Only selected phases will be\nplayed. Player who selected a phase gets a small bonus.












repeat until:




special rules


Examples of cards


Star nomad raiders


Terraforming robots


Public works




All expansions add new cards.


The gathering storm


Rebel vs. Imperium


Brink of War

- prestige
  • counts as VP in the end
  • \n
  • can be used to perform actions
  • \n

Alien Artifacts






In closing

- questions, comments, feedback?
\n',364,0,0,'CC-BY-SA','race for the galaxy, card game',0,0,1), +(3937,'2023-09-05','Adventures in Pi-Hole',497,'Noodlez recounts their experience getting a pi-hole server','

Adventures in Pi-Hole


Hi all! Today I\'m gonna be talking about my adventures in setting up\nPi-hole. This will be without screenshots, but instead in all text,\nsorry! Also this is all written as kind of an \"Aftermath\" story. This is\nbeing written after the fact, so this might be missing some details, but\nmost of it is there.


Intro: What is Pi-hole


Pi-hole is a DNS/DHCP server that\nallows for easy network-wide ad-blocking, along with all the nice\ncustomizations that come with being a DNS server, such as custom\ndomains.


First Step: Get it running


The first step was getting Pi-hole running. I did this using Docker\nCompose on a \"NAS\" which is honestly a full on server at this point. A\nquick copy/paste from Pi-hole\'s\nREADME and I was up and running! I set a singular system to use this\nas a DNS server, and after that, I figured I was set and ready to\ngo.


Second Step: DHCP town


Of course, I wasn\'t satisfied just finishing there. I want automatic\nDNS setting for any device that connects to my network. Of course, I\ncould just set the DNS upstream in my OpenWRT router to use the IP address of\nmy server, but that isn\'t good enough for me. This means I\'d be missing\nout on automatic per-client information, since when setting a DNS server\nfor OpenWRT, it only sets itself to forward any DNS requests up to the\nDNS server, which means from Pi-hole\'s perspective, all the requests are\ncoming from the router and nowhere else. The solution is to set up\nPi-Hole as a DHCP server. Keep in mind this isn\'t a tutorial, so let\'s\ngo through what I did first. The first step was to turn on the DHCP\nserver in Pi-Hole. This was super easy, just a checkbox and click save.\nCool! Then I disabled the DHCP server in OpenWRT, and that was all set.\nA few restarting of network devices later, like my phone, and they\nautomatically connected to the Pi-Hole server, and worked like a charm.\nNext up, I set up Tailscale. I use Headscale, but the setup is\nessentially the same as if you were using Tailscale\'s UI. Set in the\nconfig to override local DNS, set the nameserver to the Tailscale IP\naddress of the server, and turn on magic DNS, et voila! Now to restart\nthe Tailscale nodes, and make sure that on the server, you set it to not\naccept the DNS from Tailscale. If you don\'t do that, it\'ll get in an\nendless loop of trying to use itself as the DNS server, and it\'s just no\ngood. Okay! It\'s all set, and I check the dashboard, and it\'s already\nblocking DNS requests. Perfect!


Third Step: Whoopsies!


This was fine and great, but when I went to reboot my server, which I\ndo weekly, something bad happened. The interface for the server didn\'t\ncome up. This is a problem, since it\'s the DHCP server for my network,\nso without that working, the network was dead in the water. It can\'t\ngive out IP addresses. What\'s going on? I go ahead and access my server\ndirectly. No matter how hard I try, it can\'t connect to the interface.\nWhat\'s the big deal? Well this is pretty simple, and a question popped\nin my head that go me there. \"How does this server even get its IP\naddress?\" You see when I set up pi-hole, it just kept using the IP\naddress that the router gave it, which it was more than happy to use,\nbut the moment the router didn\'t have a DHCP server, the NAS didn\'t have\na way to get an IP address anymore. So what do you do then? The answer\nis pretty simple. Give the server a static IP. Make sure in the DHCP\nserver of pi-hole, you set a reservation in it for the server, then in\nNetworkManager, which I use, set it to have a static IP, and set its DNS\nto point to localhost. Perfect! This works like a charm!


Fourth Step: Adlists


Okay, phew! Crisis averted. Just some missing networking knowledge.\nSo what\'s next up on the list? Hmmm... Let\'s see... The default adlist\nis kinda small, let\'s go see if we can find some new adlists. Apparently\nthis is more difficult than you\'d think. A quick search on DDG only came\nup with an equivalent search in GitHub. Not useful! I have no idea the\ntrustworthiness and stability of these adlists. Let\'s see. Another\nsearch leads to a Reddit article that then links to a different list.\nBingo! An Adlist list. Exactly what I\nneeded. I went ahead and looked into these lists, and added a few of\nthem. Perfect!


Fifth Step: Maintenance


docker compose pull && docker compose up -d
\nOf course, this isn\'t it. I actually use an a/b update scheme, but you\nget the gist. Updates are taken care of, and just make sure you try and\nkeep the server up as long as possible, and keep downtime to a\nminimum.


Sixth Step: Moving off the\nNAS.


After a while of running this, the necessity of having the NAS on the\nwhole time was starting to get frustrating. The answer there was to move\nit off the NAS. I did this by installing it on a Raspberry Pi 3B,\nrunning Arch Linux ARM. The setup was identical to before once I had\ngotten ALARM running.

\n',423,0,0,'CC-BY-SA','pi-hole,linux,networking,self-hosting',0,0,0), +(3939,'2023-09-07','How I got into tech and hacking',1238,'Getting interested in tech can start in both odd and familiar places. This is Trixter\'s story.','

In the show, I mention that leaving Mark Williams Company was \"a\nstory for another time\", but the short answer is that Linux crushed\nthem. Coherent Unix had to make a choice to compete with either Windows,\nSCO Unix, or Linux, and had enough budget to add either X Windows or\nTCP/IP networking. They chose X11, and IMO that killed any chance of\nCoherent Unix being useful in a world of Linux and FreeBSD.

\n',149,29,0,'CC-BY-SA','demoscene, hacking, programming, assembly, gaming',0,0,0); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `eps` ENABLE KEYS */; UNLOCK TABLES; @@ -20238,7 +20240,7 @@ CREATE TABLE `hosts` ( `valid` int(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, `espeak_name` text DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Version of the host name for use with espeak', PRIMARY KEY (`hostid`) -) ENGINE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=423 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb3 COLLATE=utf8mb3_unicode_ci; +) ENGINE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=424 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb3 COLLATE=utf8mb3_unicode_ci; /*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */; -- @@ -20343,7 +20345,7 @@ INSERT INTO `hosts` (`hostid`, `host`, `email`, `profile`, `license`, `local_ima (146,'JBu92','','','CC-BY-NC-SA',0,'',1,'JBu92'), (147,'Sven','','','CC-BY-SA',0,'',1,'Sven'), (148,'Mark Katerberg and Courtney Schauer','','','CC-BY-SA',0,'',1,'Mark Katerberg and Courtney Schauer'), -(149,'Trixter','','','CC-BY-SA',0,'',1,'Trixter'), +(149,'Trixter','','

I am a child of the early 1980s, defined by the personal computer explosion, new wave music, and post-modern artistic style of that era. Co-founded MobyGames. I\'m an assembly programmer, demoscener, unix systems engineer, husband, and father. I sometimes write things of dubious value at

','CC-BY-SA',0,'',1,'Trixter'), (150,'Bariman','','','CC-BY-SA',0,'',1,'Bariman'), (151,'dodddummy','','','CC-BY-SA',0,'',1,'D O D D Dummy'), (152,'Claudio Miranda','','Mastodon:\r\nE-mail:','CC-BY-SA',0,'',1,'Claudio Miranda'), @@ -20646,7 +20648,8 @@ INSERT INTO `hosts` (`hostid`, `host`, `email`, `profile`, `license`, `local_ima (417,'StarshipTux','','Linux Enthusiast, Podcast Addict','CC-BY-SA',0,'',1,'Star ship Tux'), (418,'David Thrane Christiansen','','

\r\nI love programming languages and their implementations, and I especially love exploring new paradigms of writing programs. I\'m online at\r\n

','CC-BY',0,'',1,'David Thrane Christiansen'), (419,'Ryuno-Ki','','Web-Developer and Consultant as a freelancer since 2023.\r\n\r\nHomepage:\r\nProfessional email:','CC-BY-SA',0,'',1,'Ryuno-Ki'), -(422,'Fred Black','','','CC-BY-SA',0,'',1,'Fred Black'); +(422,'Fred Black','','','CC-BY-SA',0,'',1,'Fred Black'), +(423,'Noodlez','','Hello all! I\'m Noodlez, an HPR listener and now contributor. I like anything to do with Linux and Linux-adjacent (Like other Unixes), and programming, and other random things like retro gaming.','CC-BY-SA',0,'',1,'Noodlez'); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `hosts` ENABLE KEYS */; UNLOCK TABLES; @@ -21137,4 +21140,4 @@ UNLOCK TABLES; /*!40014 SET UNIQUE_CHECKS=@OLD_UNIQUE_CHECKS */; /*!40111 SET SQL_NOTES=@OLD_SQL_NOTES */; --- Dump completed on 2023-08-24 7:44:45 +-- Dump completed on 2023-08-24 14:11:39