comment_confirm.php > eps.php require "/home/hpr/php/include.php"; $num_get_args = 0; foreach($_GET as $k => $v) { ++$num_get_args; } if ( $num_get_args > 0 ){ # they didn't supply any arguments naughty("9e756ee22b7cdcdb150a5baf167caa25 $num_get_args"); } if ( empty($_POST["anti_spam_question"]) ) { naughty("0601a23e358374c293b086bb75606cca"); } if ( strlen($_POST["anti_spam_question"]) !== 6 ) { naughty("6f51e6e7e6820b3fdda5d4ca0df14db1"); } if (strcasecmp('public', $_POST["anti_spam_question"]) !== 0) { naughty("6aef421ce05e3ac34f4cd91ae3248a45"); } $comment_directory = "/home/hpr/comments"; if ( ! file_exists( $comment_directory ) ) { # Looks like the comments directory has not been created naughty("d5342ea497f701656433e81fb5eed064"); } $unprocessed_comments = iterator_count(new FilesystemIterator("$comment_directory", FilesystemIterator::SKIP_DOTS)); if( $unprocessed_comments >= 10 ) { # There has to be at least one comment here as they are calling the script, and too many is suspicious naughty("093f42abee30e69e0e4d5125c70a0f7c"); } # This is to prevent anything except hits from the web form. # Anyone wanting to script uploads can do so via ftp if ( $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] !== 'POST' ) { naughty("87613fc139b251b673e1dd51e378e462"); } if ( empty($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]) ) { naughty("d7d0b6ab9689be244e1b6a8fbe6effba"); } else { $ip = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; } if (count($_POST) !== 8) { naughty("086fe155b0588de68fc5d9e4580254a8"); } // Basic POST Checks if ( empty($_POST["comment_author_name"]) or strlen($_POST["comment_author_name"]) > 40 or strtolower($_POST["comment_author_name"]) == "testdog" ) { naughty("294356cd36d3f9b75da4d8c0a6108881"); } $comment_author_name = $_POST["comment_author_name"]; $comment_author_name_json = json_encode( $_POST["comment_author_name"] ); if ( $comment_author_name === preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_ ]/', '', $comment_author_name) ) { $comment_author_name_ascii = "ASCII"; } else { $comment_author_name_ascii = "EXTENDED"; } if ( empty($_POST["comment_title"]) or strlen($_POST["comment_title"]) > 100 ) { naughty("a89efb428cfe36996a65b371d5f4e303"); } $comment_title = $_POST["comment_title"]; $comment_title_json = json_encode( $_POST["comment_title"] ); if ( $comment_title === preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_ ]/', '', $comment_title) ) { $comment_title_ascii = "ASCII"; } else { $comment_title_ascii = "EXTENDED"; } if ( empty($_POST["comment_text"]) or strlen($_POST["comment_text"]) > 2000 or strpos(strtolower($_POST["comment_text"]), "outlook.con") !== false ) { naughty("cd57ab4d7b77a131ed3deb441bd93dcd"); } $comment_text = $_POST["comment_text"]; $comment_text_json = json_encode( $_POST["comment_text"] ); if ( $comment_text === preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_ ]/', '', $comment_text) ) { $comment_text_ascii = "ASCII"; } else { $comment_text_ascii = "EXTENDED"; } if ( empty($_POST["spammer"]) or strcmp($_POST["spammer"], "No") !== 0 ) { naughty("b2ec68bd04cee0f64143ce4827a97e7c"); } # We check to see if the eps_id has been suplied, that it's a integer, and that it's in our range. if (isset($_POST['eps_id'])){ $eps_id = intval( $_POST['eps_id'] ); $query = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM eps WHERE id='$eps_id'"; $result = mysqli_query($connection, "$query"); $row = mysqli_fetch_array($result, MYSQLI_NUM); $total = $row[0]; if ( !isset($result) or ( $total != 1 ) ) { naughty("5348e3c2aee3644730c70d3f000bcb01"); } mysqli_free_result($result); $result = mysqli_query($connection, 'SELECT MAX(id) as max FROM eps;'); if (!isset($result)) { naughty("f00fb1f47affc3286aadc15038cfd5d7"); } while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) { $max_eps = $row['max']; } mysqli_free_result($result); } else { naughty("02c560adf1ff39b140fe8b7abe02fd31"); } if ( intval($eps_id) <= 0 ){ naughty("2903eeac51bb479edb428ae3c896671c"); } if ( intval($eps_id) > $max_eps ){ naughty("54aa65c12ba71f3dfc451ff5bc82c798"); } if ( intval($eps_id) === 0 ) { naughty("11fe1f9b76bf9f30e6a3a784832cb738"); } else { $eps_id = intval($eps_id); } # extra spam checks to see if they supplied the correct host id $query = "SELECT, eps.title, eps.summary,, eps.hostid, eps.series,, eps.explicit FROM eps, hosts, miniseries WHERE'$eps_id' AND eps.valid=1 AND eps.hostid = hosts.hostid AND eps.series ="; if ($result = mysqli_query($connection, $query)) { while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) { $host = $row['host']; $title = $row['title']; $summary = $row['summary']; $ep_date = $row['date']; $host_id = $row['hostid']; $series_id = $row['series']; $series_name = $row['name']; $explicit = $row['explicit']; } } else { naughty("c34561d684ad97241c95a1287688638b"); } mysqli_free_result($result); if ( empty($_POST["hostid"]) or intval($_POST["hostid"]) != $host_id ) { naughty("b4d71481b7055272728094292fd2a562"); } if ( empty($_POST["justification"]) or strlen($_POST["justification"]) > 200 or strlen($_POST["justification"]) < 20) { naughty("156d2d2d5780bd7f4a750f7c162b3394"); } # Checks to see how old the show is #$current_episode_number = GetLatestPublishedShow($connection); list ($current_episode_date, $current_episode_number) = GetLatestPublishedShow($connection); if ( ( $eps_id <= $current_episode_number ) and ( $eps_id >= ( $current_episode_number - 20 ) ) ) { if ( strcmp($_POST["justification"], "No justification is asked for or required.") !== 0 ) { naughty("9357d78bf73b03ee2dd902a4c975f91d"); } else { $justification = "Current Comment"; $justification_json = json_encode("Current Comment"); } } else { if ( strcmp($_POST["justification"], "No justification is asked for or required.") === 0 ) { print ">" . $_POST["justification"] ."< eps_id: $eps_id, current_episode_number: $current_episode_number, "; naughty("df4af9bdd0302f672d6311c76bdc461a"); } else { $justification = $_POST["justification"]; $justification_json = json_encode( $_POST["justification"] ); } } if ( $justification === preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_ ]/', '', $justification) ) { $justification_ascii = "ASCII"; } else { $justification_ascii = "EXTENDED"; } if ( empty($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]) ) { naughty("611144d4c0d575fffbf8f3ef11f8ad68"); } else { $ip = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; } $comment_ip = json_encode( $ip ); // OK You convinced me. $key = uniqid(md5(rand())); $timestamp = time()+date("Z"); $timestamp = gmdate("Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z",$timestamp); $comment_file = "${comment_directory}/${timestamp}_${ip}_${key}.json"; $timestamp = $timestamp; $timestamp_json = json_encode($timestamp); $comment_key_json = json_encode( $key ); if ( file_exists( $comment_file ) ) { naughty("ef5d14b33b262bfbf5d40544fdeb9ec3"); } $comment_data = "{ \"eps_id\": $eps_id, \"ip\": \"$ip\", \"comment_timestamp\": $timestamp_json, \"comment_author_name\": $comment_author_name_json, \"comment_title\": $comment_title_json, \"comment_text\": $comment_text_json, \"justification\": $justification_json, \"key\": $comment_key_json }"; file_put_contents($comment_file, $comment_data ); if ( filesize( $comment_file ) > 4000 ) { naughty("56e00e793a27168511d1cfda11d3bc55"); } $user_agent = preg_replace('/ \(/', "\n", $_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"] ); $user_agent = preg_replace('/\) /', "\n", $user_agent ); // Mail the comment use PHPMailer\PHPMailer\PHPMailer; use PHPMailer\PHPMailer\Exception; use PHPMailer\PHPMailer\SMTP; require_once('/home/hpr/php/PHPMailer/Exception.php'); require_once('/home/hpr/php/PHPMailer/PHPMailer.php'); require_once('/home/hpr/php/PHPMailer/SMTP.php'); date_default_timezone_set('Etc/UTC'); $mailer = new PHPMailer(true); $mailer->isSMTP(); $mailer->Host = "$mailerHost"; $mailer->SMTPAuth = true; $mailer->SMTPSecure = "ssl"; $mailer->Port = "465"; $mailer->CharSet = 'UTF-8'; $mailer->Username = "$mailerUsername"; $mailer->Password = "$mailerPassword"; // Set up to, from, and the message body. The body doesn't have to be HTML; check the PHPMailer documentation for details. $mailer->Sender = ''; $mailer->addReplyTo('', 'HPR Admins'); $mailer->setFrom('', 'HPR Robot'); $mailer->addBCC(''); $mailer->addBCC(''); $mailer->AddAddress(''); $mailer->isHTML(false); $mailer->Subject = "New Comment for show hpr${eps_id} on ${ep_date} ${key}"; $mailer->MsgHTML("

hpr${eps_id} on ${ep_date} by ${host} with the title ${title} \"${summary}\"

See attachment for the json comment file.

Block, Delete, or Approve.

There are now " . ++$unprocessed_comments . " unprocessed comments.



Comment on eps_id: $eps_id,

comment_author_name ($comment_author_name_ascii): $comment_author_name,
comment_title ($comment_title_ascii): $comment_title,
comment_text ($comment_text_ascii):

justification ($justification_ascii):

comment_title_json: $comment_title_json,
comment_text_json: $comment_text_json,
justification_json: $justification_json,

" ); $mailer->AltBody = "hpr${eps_id} on ${ep_date} by ${host} with the title ${title} \"${summary}\"

See attachment for the json comment file. There are now ${unprocessed_comments} unprocessed comments. Thanks, HPR Bot $timestamp $ip $key $user_agent "; $mailer->addAttachment($comment_file, "${key}.json", "base64", "application/json"); //send the message, check for errors if (!$mailer->send()) { echo 'Mailer Error: ' . $mailer->ErrorInfo; } $body="give"; //$body="index_full"; include 'header.html'; ?>

Thank you

Thank you for your comment. A moderator will get to your comment at some point.
