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2024-10-29 14:25:10 +01:00
[% TAGS html %]
<!--# feedWatcher_2.tpl 2020-01-26 -->
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<img src="./logo.svg" alt="[logo]">
<h1><span>Free Culture</span> Podcasts</h1>
The finest selection of Free Culture Podcasts spanning
the genres of Discussion, Drama, Education, Music, and beyond.
<!-- IF feeds.size > 0 -->
<!-- i = 0 -->
<!-- WHILE i < feeds.size -->
<!-- IF feeds.$i.urls_title.length > 0 -->
<dt><a href="<!-- feeds.$i.urls_link -->"><!-- feeds.$i.urls_title FILTER html_entity --></a> (<a href="<!-- feeds.$i.urls_url -->">feed</a>)</dt>
<!-- ELSE -->
<dt><a href="<!-- feeds.$i.urls_link -->"><em>No title</em></a> (<a href="<!-- feeds.$i.urls_url -->">feed</a>)</dt>
<!-- END -->
<!-- IF feeds.$i.urls_description.length > 0 -->
<dd><!-- feeds.$i.urls_description FILTER html_entity --></dd>
<!-- ELSE -->
<dd><em>No description</em></dd>
<!-- END -->
<!-- i = i + 1 -->
<!-- END -->
<!-- END -->
<p>and many <a href="https://gpodder.net/directory/">more</a> ...</p>
<img src="./cc.svg" alt="[Creative Commons]">
<img src="./attribution.svg" alt="[Attribution]">
<img src="./share_alike.svg" alt="[Share Alike]">
<img src="./remix.svg" alt="[Remix]">
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