/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Find all new hosts who joined in the last year (ignoring those with queued
 * shows in the future)
SELECT h.hostid,
       min(e.date) AS joindate,
       count(e.id) AS COUNT
FROM eps e
JOIN hosts h ON e.hostid = h.hostid
GROUP BY h.hostid
HAVING min(e.date) >= (curdate() - INTERVAL 364 DAY)
AND min(e.date) <= curdate()
ORDER BY min(e.date);

/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Total shows produced by the new hosts in the past year
SELECT sum(COUNT) AS total_shows
  (SELECT h.hostid,
          min(e.date) AS joindate,
                         count(e.id) AS COUNT
   FROM eps e
   JOIN hosts h ON e.hostid = h.hostid
   GROUP BY h.hostid
   HAVING min(e.date) >= (curdate() - INTERVAL 364 DAY)
   AND min(e.date) <= curdate()
   ORDER BY min(e.date)) src;