 * ia_db.sql
 * =========
 * Schema for SQLite database 'ia.db' used to hold IA upload information
 * Last updated: 2024-07-15

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Table: episodes
 * id                   show number from HPR
 * rdate                release date from HPR
 * title                title from HPR
 * summary              summary from HPR
 * uploaded             Boolean (0,1) showing if an episode has been uploaded
 * has_files            Boolean (0,1) showing that there are assets for this
 *                      show
 * with_files           Boolean (0,1) showing that the assets have been uploaded
 * with_derived         Boolean (0,1) true if we did our own "deriving" of audio
 *                      (*.spx, *.opus, etc), preserving the tags, and these are
 *                      on the IA rather than having been derived by the IA
 *                      software (and having had their tags removed!)
 * archive_date         date uploaded to the IA
 * item_last_updated    epoch date of last update (from the IA software)
 * IA_URL               URL of the uploaded show
 * notes                any notes about the upload
CREATE TABLE episodes (
    id                  integer PRIMARY KEY,
    rdate               date NOT NULL,
    title               varchar(100) NOT NULL,
    summary             varchar(100) NOT NULL,
    uploaded            integer default 0,
    has_files           integer default 0,
    with_files          integer default 0,
    with_derived        integer default 0,
    with_source         integer default 0,
    archive_date        date,
    item_last_updated   integer default 0,
    IA_URL              text,
    notes               text

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Table: assets
 * id                   primary key
 * episode_id           link to episodes.id (show number the link was found in)
 * URL                  URL of the asset
 * filename             filename (or path) component (after percent decoding)
 * uploaded             Boolean (0,1) showing if an asset has been uploaded
    id                  integer PRIMARY KEY,
    episode_id          integer REFERENCES episodes(id),
    URL                 text NOT NULL,
    filename            text NOT NULL,
    uploaded            integer default 0

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Index: assets_filename_idx
 * Attempt to constrain duplicates in the assets table
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX assets_filename_idx ON assets (episode_id, filename);

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Table: dirlist
 * id                   primary key
 * filename             filename or path under directory 'eps'
CREATE TABLE dirlist (
    id                  integer PRIMARY KEY,
    filename            text NOT NULL

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Table: hpr_repairs
 * episode_id           Primary key, foreign key for 'episodes'
 * repaired             Boolean showing whether the show has been repaired
 * repair_date          Date of repair
 * notes                Notes about any anomalies
 * asset_count          Number of assets (after ignoring transcripts, etc)
CREATE TABLE hpr_repairs (
    episode_id integer PRIMARY KEY REFERENCES episodes(id),
    repaired integer default 0,
    repair_date integer default 0,
    notes text default null,
    asset_count integer default 0


/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Table: ia_repairs
 * episode_id           Primary key, foreign key for 'episodes'
 * repaired             Boolean showing whether the show has been repaired
 * repair_date          Date of repair
 * notes                Notes about any anomalies
CREATE TABLE ia_repairs (
    episode_id integer PRIMARY KEY REFERENCES episodes(id),
    repaired integer default 0,
    repair_date integer default 0,
    notes text default null

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Table: show_host_xref
 * episode_id           Foreign key for 'episodes'
 * hostid               Host number from MySQL database
 * hostname             Host name from MySQL database
CREATE TABLE "show_host_xref" (
    "episode_id"    integer,
    "hostid"        integer,
    "hostname"      text DEFAULT null,
    FOREIGN KEY("episode_id") REFERENCES "episodes"("id")

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Index: show_host_xref_idx
 * Attempt to constrain duplicates in the show_host_xref table
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "show_host_xref_idx" ON "show_host_xref" (
    "episode_id"    ASC

 * View: episodes_view
 DROP VIEW IF EXISTS episodes_view;
 CREATE VIEW episodes_view AS
        CASE e.item_last_updated
        WHEN 0 THEN null
        ELSE datetime(e.item_last_updated,'unixepoch') END AS item_last_updated,
        count(a.url) AS asset_count,
        group_concat(a.filename) AS assets
    FROM episodes e
    LEFT JOIN assets a ON e.id = a.episode_id
    GROUP BY e.id
    ORDER BY e.id;

 * View: episodes_this_month (based on episodes_view)
 DROP VIEW IF EXISTS episodes_this_month;
 CREATE VIEW episodes_this_month AS
    FROM episodes_view
    WHERE rdate between date('now','start of month')
    AND date('now','start of month','+1 month','-1 day');

 * View: episodes_last_month
 * Selects the rows from 'episodes_view' for the previous month
 DROP VIEW IF EXISTS episodes_last_month;
 CREATE VIEW episodes_last_month AS
        FROM episodes_view
        WHERE rdate between date('now','start of month','-1 month')
        AND date('now','start of month','-1 day');

 * View: episodes_next_month
 * Selects the rows from 'episodes_view2' for the next month
 DROP VIEW IF EXISTS episodes_next_month;
 CREATE VIEW episodes_next_month AS
        FROM episodes_view
        WHERE rdate between date('now','start of month','+1 month')
        AND date('now','start of month','+2 month','-1 day');

 * View: re_upload
 * Selects the rows from 'episodes_view' which need to be re-uploaded. Shows the
 * last 5 upolads to give context.
 CREATE VIEW re_upload AS
        FROM episodes_view
        WHERE id
            (SELECT min(id)-5
                    FROM episodes_view
                    WHERE id BETWEEN 871 AND 2429
                        AND uploaded = 1
                        AND with_derived = 0
                    GROUP BY id)
        AND 2429;

 *  CREATE VIEW re_upload AS
 *         SELECT
 *             *
 *         FROM episodes_view
 *         WHERE id BETWEEN 871 AND 2429
 *         AND uploaded = 1
 *         AND with_derived = 0;

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