forked from HPR/hpr-tools
Show_Submission/ Added the subtitle field taken from the JSON into the YAML Show_Submission/do_pandoc_assets: New script to process Markdown assets files. Not in use.
115 lines
3.2 KiB
Executable File
115 lines
3.2 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# USAGE: ./ JSON_file YAML_file
# DESCRIPTION: Reads the JSON file generated as a new HPR show is uploaded
# via the submission form. Converts certain elements to a YAML
# structure which is written to a file for use by Pandoc when it
# generates a version of the notes used for local proof-reading.
# This function has been performed by 'jq' in the past, but with
# mixed success. Also 'yq' has been used experimentally with
# little success because of the wide variety of the input JSON
# data. This script has been written to try and achieve parsing,
# data extraction and YAML generation in a more controllable
# way.
# OPTIONS: ---
# BUGS: ---
# NOTES: 2024-10-18 Modified the YAML to include the field Pandoc is
# looking for: 'subtitle', This adds another header to the full
# notes, which allows another check to be carried out. Also
# using Pandoc template 'hpr_dev.html' which omits the '<base>'
# tag.
# AUTHOR: Dave Morriss (djm),
# VERSION: 0.0.3
# CREATED: 2023-10-13 22:37:36
# REVISION: 2024-10-18 16:17:14
use v5.16;
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature qw{ postderef say signatures state try };
no warnings
qw{ experimental::postderef experimental::signatures experimental::try };
use JSON;
use YAML::Tiny;
use Data::Dumper;
# Version number (Incremented by Vim)
our $VERSION = '0.0.3';
# Script and directory names
( my $PROG = $0 ) =~ s|.*/||mx;
( my $DIR = $0 ) =~ s|/?[^/]*$||mx;
$DIR = '.' unless $DIR;
# Declarations
# Constants and other declarations
my $basedir = "$ENV{HOME}/HPR/Show_Submission";
# Enable Unicode mode
binmode STDOUT, ":encoding(UTF-8)";
binmode STDERR, ":encoding(UTF-8)";
# Check arguments
die "Usage: $PROG JSON_file YAML_file\n" if ( scalar(@ARGV) != 2 );
my $json_file = shift;
my $yaml_file = shift;
die "Unable to find $json_file\n" unless ( -e $json_file );
# Read and parse the JSON
my $json = JSON->new->utf8;
open( my $jfile, "<:encoding(UTF-8)", $json_file )
or die "Unable to open $json_file\n";
my $json_text = <$jfile>;
my $content = decode_json($json_text);
# Construct the YAML (is 'subtitle' better?)
my $yaml = YAML::Tiny->new(
{ author => $content->{host}->{Host_Name},
title => $content->{episode}->{Title},
subtitle => $content->{episode}->{Summary},
summary => $content->{episode}->{Summary},
#say Dumper(\$yaml);
# Output the YAML
unless ( $yaml->write($yaml_file) ) {
warn "Problem writing the YAML to $yaml_file\n";
# vim: syntax=perl:ts=8:sw=4:et:ai:tw=78:fo=tcrqn21:fdm=marker