diff --git a/site-generator b/site-generator
index a984089..d98a501 100755
--- a/site-generator
+++ b/site-generator
@@ -11,7 +11,8 @@ siteGenerator - HPR Site Generator
 	-v, --verbose  use verbose mode
 	--help         print this help message
-	Where I<PAGE> is a file name of a web page.
+	Where I<PAGE> is a file name of a web page 
+	or the special ALL (to generate all pages).
@@ -51,12 +52,36 @@ sub main {
     pod2usage(1) unless @ARGV;
     my (@pages) = @ARGV;
+	# Set flag indicating whether or not to generate all pages.
+	# The flag is set to true if the special argument ALL is 
+	# passed into the generator
+	my $ALL = grep { $_ eq 'ALL' } @pages;
 	# Load config file
 	read_config "site.cfg" => my %config;
 	my $tt = get_template_html($config{DBI});
-	generate_page($tt, $config{root_template}{content}, $config{correspondents}{navigation}, $config{correspondents}{content});
+	if ($ALL) {
+		@pages = keys %config;
+		# Remove non page sections of the configuration file
+		# from the generated list of pages.
+		@pages= grep { $_ ne 'DBI' } @pages;
+		@pages= grep { $_ ne 'root_template' } @pages;
+	};
+	foreach my $page (@pages) {
+		if (exists($config{$page})) {
+			verbose ($verbose, "Generating page: $page");
+			generate_page($tt, $config{root_template}{content}, $config{$page}{navigation}, $config{$page}{content});
+		}
+		else {
+			verbose (1, "\nWarning: Page $page is not defined in the configuration file.");
+		}
+	}
+    verbose (1, "\nFinished processing the files.");
 	return 0;
@@ -91,3 +116,12 @@ sub generate_page  {
+sub verbose {
+	my ($verbose, $message) = @_;
+	if ($verbose) {
+		print "$message\n";
+	}
+	else {
+		print ".";
+	};