forked from HPR/hpr_generator
Dave Morriss e5b5aac104 A further fix to the free slot algorithm
templates/content-index.tpl.html: the `TT²` algorithm can be simplified
    because the new query returns less. We get the date of the show
    before the free slot, and can increment it differently depending on
    whether the previous show is on a Friday or not - catering for
    weekends in other words!

templates/queries-index-sqlite.tpl.html: using a 'find unused index
    numbers' query available in many places on the Internet, but
    modified to return the id number and date for the show *before* the
    next free slot.
2023-11-17 18:23:22 +00:00

87 lines
4.5 KiB

<!--% PROCESS 'shared-avatar.tpl.html' %-->
<!--% PROCESS 'shared-utils.tpl.html' %-->
<!--% PROCESS 'shared-listen-now.tpl.html' %-->
<!--% PROCESS 'shared-show-transcript.tpl.html' %-->
<!--% PROCESS 'shared-call_for_shows.tpl.html' %-->
<!--% INCLUDE 'content-index-announcement.tpl.html' %-->
<!--% PROCESS "queries-index-${constants.database}.tpl.html" %-->
<!--% MACRO tidy_notes(all_lines) BLOCK %-->
<!--% lines = all_lines %-->
<!--% after_html = all_lines %-->
<!--% img_re = '(?six)^(.*?)\<img ([^\>]+\>)(.+)$' %-->
<!--% lazy_re = '(?i)loading="lazy"' %-->
<!--% WHILE (matches = lines.match(img_re)) %-->
<!--% img_tag = matches.1 %-->
<!--% after_html = matches.2 %-->
<!--% matches.0 %-->
<!--% IF (img_tag.search(lazy_re)) %-->
<img <!--% img_tag %-->
<!--% ELSE %-->
<img loading="lazy" <!--% img_tag %-->
<!--% END %-->
<!--% lines = after_html %-->
<!--% END %-->
<!--% after_html %-->
<!--% END %-->
<h3>Welcome to HPR, the Community Podcast</h3>
<!--% days_till_next_episode = 0 %-->
<!--% USE DBI(constants.driver, constants.user, constants.password) %-->
<!--% USE date %-->
<!--% calc = date.calc %-->
<!--% episodes = DBI.query(query_next_available_episode).get_all() %-->
<!--% last_date = episodes.0.date.split('-') %-->
<!--% offset = (calc.Day_of_Week(last_date.0,last_date.1,last_date.2) == 5 ? 3 : 1) %-->
<!--% slot_date = calc.Add_Delta_Days(last_date.0,last_date.1,last_date.2,offset) %-->
<!--% now = calc.Today() %-->
<!--% days_till_next_episode = calc.Delta_Days(now.0,now.1,now.2,slot_date.0,slot_date.1,slot_date.2) %-->
<!--% delta = date.calc.N_Delta_YMD(2005,9,19, date.format(date.now, '%Y'),date.format(date.now, '%m'),date.format(date.now, '%d')) %-->
<p>We started producing shows as <a href="<!--% absolute_path(baseurl) %-->eps/index.html#twat_episodes"><em>Today with a Techie</em></a> on 2005-09-19, <!--% delta.0 %--> years, <!--% delta.1 %--> months, <!--% delta.2 %--> days ago. Our shows are produced by <a href="<!--% absolute_path(baseurl) %-->correspondents/index.html">listeners</a> like you and can be on any <a href="<!--% absolute_path(baseurl) %-->eps/index.html">topics</a> that <strong>"are of interest to <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/hacker_(hobbyist)">hackers</a>"</strong>. If you listen to HPR then please consider contributing one show a year. If you <a href="<!--% absolute_url(baseurl) %-->about.html#so_you_want_to_record_a_podcast">record</a> your show now it could be <a href="<!--% hub_baseurl %-->calendar.php">released</a> in <strong><!--% days_till_next_episode %--></strong> days.</p>
<!--% display_call_for_shows() %-->
<!--% PROCESS 'shared-episode-summary.tpl.html' %-->
<h1>Latest Shows</h1>
<!--% host_cnt = 0 %-->
<!--% FOREACH latest_episodes IN DBI.query(query_latest_episodes)
<h1><a href="<!--% absolute_path(baseurl) %-->eps/hpr<!--% zero_pad_left(latest_episodes.id) %-->/index.html">hpr<!--% latest_episodes.id %--> :: <!--% latest_episodes.title %--></a></h1>
<h3><!--% latest_episodes.summary%--></h3>
<p class="meta"$><!--% show_avatar(latest_episodes.hostid, latest_episodes.host, host_cnt) %-->
Hosted by <a href="<!--% absolute_path(baseurl) %-->correspondents/<!--% zero_pad_left(latest_episodes.hostid) %-->.html"><!--% latest_episodes.host %--></a> on <!--% latest_episodes.date %--> is flagged as <!--% display_explicit(latest_episodes.explicit) %--> and released under a <!--% latest_episodes.license %--> license. <br>
<!--% display_tags(latest_episodes.tags) %-->
<span><!--% show_series(latest_episodes.series, latest_episodes.seriesid) %--></span>
<span><label>Comments: </label><!--% display_comments_tally(latest_episodes.id, latest_episodes.eps_tally) %--></span><br>
<!--% listen_now(latest_episodes, "hpr", baseurl, media_baseurl) %-->
<!--% tidy_notes(latest_episodes.notes) %-->
<!--% show_transcript(latest_episodes, "hpr", baseurl, media_baseurl) %-->
<!--% host_cnt = host_cnt + 1 %-->
<!--% END %-->
<h1>Previous five weeks</h1>
<!--% FOREACH last_5_weeks_episodes IN DBI.query(query_last_5_weeks_episodes)
<!--% show_summary(last_5_weeks_episodes) %-->
<p class="listen-in"><!--% display_listen_in(last_5_weeks_episodes.id) %--></p>
<!--% END %-->
<h1>Older Shows</h1>
Get a <a href="<!--% absolute_path(baseurl) %-->eps/index.html">full list</a> of all our shows.