2023-07-02 16:47:44 +02:00
< ? php
# request.php > request_confirm.php > upload.php > upload_confirm.php
require " /home/hpr/php/include.php " ;
if ( $_SERVER [ 'REQUEST_METHOD' ] !== 'GET' and empty ( $_SERVER [ " REMOTE_ADDR " ]) and count ( $_GET ) !== 1 ) {
call412 ( " 9a77e4ab24410cbf68a3a05ba97221e4 " );
if ( isset ( $_GET [ 'key' ] ) and strlen ( $_GET [ 'key' ] ) === 45 and strlen ( htmlspecialchars ( stripslashes ( strip_tags ( $_GET [ 'key' ] ) ) ) ) === 45 and ctype_xdigit ( $_GET [ 'key' ] ) ) {
$key = htmlspecialchars ( stripslashes ( strip_tags ( $_GET [ 'key' ] ) ) );
else {
if ( isset ( $_GET [ 'delete' ] ) and strlen ( $_GET [ 'delete' ] ) === 45 and strlen ( htmlspecialchars ( stripslashes ( strip_tags ( $_GET [ 'delete' ] ) ) ) ) === 45 and ctype_xdigit ( $_GET [ 'delete' ] ) ) {
$key = htmlspecialchars ( stripslashes ( strip_tags ( $_GET [ 'delete' ] ) ) );
else {
call412 ( " e8ac90fc2a8996e5fb7a83e73e636e80 " );
$ip = $_SERVER [ " REMOTE_ADDR " ];
$query = " select * FROM reservations WHERE reservations.ip = ' $ip ' AND reservations.key = ' $key ' " ;
$result = mysqli_query ( $connection , $query );
if ( $result === FALSE ) {
call412 ( " 91432866e3c9c36a9c4884345d578761 " );
$db = mysqli_fetch_array ( $result , MYSQLI_ASSOC );
if ( empty ( $db ) or empty ( $db [ 'timestamp' ] ) or empty ( $db [ 'key' ] ) or empty ( $db [ 'ep_num' ] ) or empty ( $db [ 'ep_date' ] ) or empty ( $db [ 'email' ] ) ) {
call412 ( " b019bd29c1fe5b756e4b620a5428f730 " );
else {
$db_timestamp = $db [ 'timestamp' ];
$db_key = $db [ 'key' ];
$email_padded = formatemail ( $db [ 'email' ]);
$email = unformatemail ( $db [ 'email' ]);
$ep_num = $db [ 'ep_num' ];
$ep_date = $db [ 'ep_date' ];
$db_ip = $db [ 'ip' ];
// User selects delete
if ( isset ( $_GET [ 'delete' ] ) ) {
$query = " DELETE FROM reservations WHERE reservations.ip = ' $ip ' AND reservations.key = ' $key ' " ;
$result = mysqli_query ( $connection , $query );
if ( $result === FALSE ) {
call412 ( " 35a7f4e80ecba8284049e9d6261ae523 " );
else {
header ( " Location: https:// " . $_SERVER [ 'SERVER_NAME' ] . " /calendar.php " ) ;
$dir_structure = " /home/hpr/upload/ " . strtotime ( $db_timestamp ) . " _ ${ ep_num}_${ep_date}_${db_key } / " ;
rrmdir ( " $dir_structure " );
exit ;
// Set the show to verified so that we can remove the temporary lock
$status = strtotime ( " now " ) . " .EMAIL_LINK_CLICKED. " . date ( 'Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z' );
$query = " UPDATE reservations SET `verified` = '1', `status` = 'EMAIL_LINK_CLICKED' WHERE `ip` = ' $db_ip ' AND `timestamp` = ' $db_timestamp ' AND `key` = ' $db_key ' " ;
$result = mysqli_query ( $connection , $query );
if ( ! isset ( $result )) {
naughty ( " c7405e79b54f582e8db46c69ec4b0f24 " );
// Display host information
$ip = $_SERVER [ " REMOTE_ADDR " ];
# TODO need to add the email for new hosts
$query = " SELECT * FROM hosts WHERE hosts.email = ' $email ' OR hosts.email = ' $email_padded ' " ;
$result = mysqli_query ( $connection , $query );
if ( $result === FALSE ) {
call412 ( " 5cb513b590ab5859bf7603b79402a5cb " );
$db = mysqli_fetch_array ( $result , MYSQLI_ASSOC );
if ( empty ( $db ) or empty ( $db [ 'hostid' ] ) or empty ( $db [ 'host' ] ) or empty ( $db [ 'email' ] ) ) {
$hostid = " 0 " ;
$host = " " ;
$profile = " " ;
$license = " CC-BY-SA " ;
$local_image = 0 ;
$status = " Please fill in some information about yourself. " ;
else {
$hostid = $db [ 'hostid' ];
$host = $db [ 'host' ];
$profile = $db [ 'profile' ];
$license = $db [ 'license' ];
$local_image = $db [ 'local_image' ];
$email_padded = formatemail ( $db [ 'email' ]);
$email = unformatemail ( $db [ 'email' ]);
$status = " Please confirm or change the following information about yourself. " ;
$image_url = " ./images/hosts/ ${ hostid } .png " ;
if ( ! file_exists ( $image_url )) {
$image_url = 'https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/' . md5 ( $email ) . '.png&d=404' ;
// Main
$body = " give " ;
include 'header.html' ;
< main id = " maincontent " >
< hr />
< ? php
if ( $ep_num == 9999 ) {
echo " <h1>Uploading to the Reserve Queue.</h1> \n " ;
else {
echo " <h1>Uploading hpr ${ ep_num } for release on ${ ep_date } </h1> \n " ;
< p >
You can fill in information about yourself and your show below . Please see the < a href = " request_a_slot.php " > help </ a > page for more information .
</ p >
< h2 >< ? php echo $status ?> </h2>
< form method = " POST " action = " upload_confirm.php " enctype = " multipart/form-data " >
< table >
< tr >
2024-02-29 16:10:34 +01:00
< td > Host Email ( < a href = " <?php echo " $ { baseurl } about . html #email"; ?>" target="_blank">?</a>):</td>
2023-07-02 16:47:44 +02:00
< td >< ? php echo $email ; ?> </td>
</ tr >
< tr >
2024-02-29 16:10:34 +01:00
< td style = " vertical-align:top; " > Image : ( < a href = " <?php echo " $ { baseurl } about . html #image"; ?>" target="_blank">?</a>)</td>
2023-07-02 16:47:44 +02:00
< td >
< ? php
echo " <img src= \" $image_url\ " alt = \ " host image \" /><br /><small><em> " ;
if ( $local_image === 1 ) {
echo " Image previously uploaded " ;
else {
echo " Image sourced from <a href= \" https://secure.gravatar.com \" >gravatar</a> " ;
</ em ></ small >< br />
Upload your photo / avatar here : < input type = " file " name = " host_photo " id = " photo " >
</ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
2024-02-29 16:10:34 +01:00
< td >< strong > Name / Handle : ( < a href = " <?php echo " $ { baseurl } about . html #Name_Handle"; ?>" target="_blank">?</a>)</strong></td>
2023-07-02 16:47:44 +02:00
< td >< input required type = " text " name = " host_name " size = " 40 " maxlength = " 40 " placeholder = " Enter the name you wish to be know as on HPR " value = " <?php echo $host ?> " ></ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
2024-02-29 16:10:34 +01:00
< td >< strong > Your Default license : ( < a href = " <?php echo " $ { baseurl } about . html #Default_license"; ?>" target="_blank">?</a>)</strong></td>
2023-07-02 16:47:44 +02:00
< td >
< select name = " host_license " >
< option value = " CC-0 " < ? php if ( $license == " CC-0 " ) echo " selected " ; ?> >CC-Zero/Public Domain (CC-0)
< option value = " CC-BY " < ? php if ( $license == " CC-BY " ) echo " selected " ; ?> >Attribution (CC-BY)
< option value = " CC-BY-SA " < ? php if ( $license == " CC-BY-SA " ) echo " selected " ; ?> >Attribution-ShareAlike (CC-BY-SA)
< option value = " CC-BY-ND " < ? php if ( $license == " CC-BY-ND " ) echo " selected " ; ?> >Attribution-NoDerivs (CC-BY-ND)
< option value = " CC-BY-NC " < ? php if ( $license == " CC-BY-NC " ) echo " selected " ; ?> >Attribution-NonCommercial (CC-BY-NC)
< option value = " CC-BY-NC-SA " < ? php if ( $license == " CC-BY-NC-SA " ) echo " selected " ; ?> >Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike (CC-BY-NC-SA)
< option value = " CC-BY-NC-ND " < ? php if ( $license == " CC-BY-NC-ND " ) echo " selected " ; ?> >Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs (CC-BY-NC-ND)
</ select >
</ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
2024-02-29 16:10:34 +01:00
< td style = " vertical-align:top; " > Profile : ( < a href = " <?php echo " $ { baseurl } about . html #Profile"; ?>" target="_blank">?</a>)</td>
2023-07-02 16:47:44 +02:00
<!-- TODO https :// xing . github . io / wysihtml5 / -->
< td >< textarea name = " host_profile " maxlength = " 2000 " rows = " 10 " cols = " 50 " placeholder = " Enter some text about yourself with links to your blog or other online presence. " >< ? php echo htmlspecialchars ( $profile ) ?> </textarea></td>
</ tr >
</ table >
< h2 > Please fill in some information about this episode </ h2 >
< table >
< tr >
2024-02-29 16:10:34 +01:00
< td >< strong > Title ( * ) ( < a href = " <?php echo " $ { baseurl } about . html #Title"; ?>" target="_blank">?</a>):</strong></td>
2023-07-02 16:47:44 +02:00
< td >< input required type = " text " name = " title " size = " 50 " maxlength = " 100 " placeholder = " Enter a short descriptive title for your show. " ></ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
2024-02-29 16:10:34 +01:00
< td >< strong > Summary ( * ) ( < a href = " <?php echo " $ { baseurl } about . html #Short_Summary"; ?>" target="_blank">?</a>):</strong></td>
2023-07-02 16:47:44 +02:00
< td >< input required type = " text " name = " summary " size = " 70 " maxlength = " 100 " placeholder = " This is a short 100 character summary of what your show is about. " ></ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
2024-02-29 16:10:34 +01:00
< td style = " vertical-align:top; " >< strong > Theme : ( < a href = " <?php echo " $ { baseurl } about . html #Theme"; ?>" target="_blank">?</a>)</strong></td>
2023-07-02 16:47:44 +02:00
< td >
2024-02-29 16:10:34 +01:00
Please < strong > do not </ strong > add a theme to your show : < small > See < a href = " https://lists.hackerpublicradio.com/pipermail/hpr/2021-November/004328.html " > Policy Decision </ a > for more information .</ small >< br />
2023-07-02 16:47:44 +02:00
</ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
2024-02-29 16:10:34 +01:00
< td >< strong > Explicit : ( < a href = " <?php echo " $ { baseurl } about . html #Explicit"; ?>" target="_blank">?</a>)</strong></td>
2023-07-02 16:47:44 +02:00
< td >
Is the show < em > Explicit </ em > ? :
< input required type = " radio " name = " explicit " value = " Yes " > Yes
< input type = " radio " name = " explicit " value = " Clean " > No .
< small > If in doubt please select < strong > Yes </ strong >. See < a href = " https://www.apple.com/uk/itunes/podcasts/specs.html#submitting " > iTunes </ a > for more information .</ small >
</ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
2024-02-29 16:10:34 +01:00
< td >< strong > License : ( < a href = " <?php echo " $ { baseurl } about . html #License"; ?>" target="_blank">?</a>)</strong></td>
2023-07-02 16:47:44 +02:00
< td >
< select name = " license " >
< option value = " CC-BY-SA " selected > CC - BY - SA </ option >
< option value = " CC-BY-NC-SA " > CC - BY - NC - SA </ option >
< option value = " CC-BY-NC-ND " > CC - BY - NC - ND </ option >
< option value = " CC-0 " > CC - 0 </ option >
< option value = " CC-BY-NC " > CC - BY - NC </ option >
< option value = " CC-BY " > CC - BY </ option >
< option value = " Other " > Other </ option >
</ select >
< small > See < a href = " https://creativecommons.org/licenses/ " > https :// creativecommons . org / licenses /</ a > for more information .</ small >
</ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
2024-02-29 16:10:34 +01:00
< td >< strong > Notes ( * ) ( < a href = " <?php echo " $ { baseurl } about . html #show_notes"; ?>" target="_blank">?</a>):</strong></td>
2023-07-02 16:47:44 +02:00
< td >< textarea required name = " notes " maxlength = " 40000 " rows = " 20 " cols = " 70 " placeholder = " Please add your show notes here. " ></ textarea ></ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
2024-02-29 16:10:34 +01:00
< td > Format : ( < a href = " <?php echo " $ { baseurl } about . html #shownotes_format"; ?>" target="_blank">?</a>)</td>
2023-07-02 16:47:44 +02:00
< td >
< small > What format if any did you just use in the show notes above ? </ small >< br />
< select name = " shownotes_format " >
< option value = " plain_text " selected > Plain text </ option >
< option value = " html5 " > HTML5 ( Preferred ) </ option >
< option value = " Markdown_GitHub " > Markdown ( GitHub flavoured ) </ option >
< option value = " Markdown_Pandoc " > Markdown ( Pandoc flavoured ) </ option >
< option value = " restructured_text " > RestructuredText </ option >
< option value = " txt2tags " > txt2tags </ option >
</ select >
</ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
2024-02-29 16:10:34 +01:00
< td > Series : ( < a href = " <?php echo " $ { baseurl } about . html #series"; ?>" target="_blank">?</a>)</td>
2023-07-02 16:47:44 +02:00
< td >
< ? php
$result = mysqli_query ( $connection , " SELECT id, name FROM miniseries WHERE private=0 ORDER BY name ASC " );
echo " <select name= \" series \" ><option value= \" 0 \" selected>none</option> " ;
while ( $row = mysqli_fetch_array ( $result , MYSQLI_ASSOC )) {
printf ( " <option value= \" { $row [ 'id' ] } \" > { $row [ 'name' ] } </option> " );
mysqli_free_result ( $result );
</ select >
</ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
2024-02-29 16:10:34 +01:00
< td > Tags : ( < a href = " <?php echo " $ { baseurl } about . html #tags"; ?>" target="_blank">?</a>)</td>
2023-07-02 16:47:44 +02:00
< td >< input required type = " text " name = " tags " size = " 70 " maxlength = " 100 " placeholder = " Add a list of comma separated tags. " />< br />
Add a list of < strong > comma separated </ strong > tags .< br />
If you can provide tags for your show that would be appreciated ; you are certainly the best judge of what makes good tags , but if not then a volunteer will add them later .
</ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
2024-02-29 16:10:34 +01:00
< td style = " vertical-align:top; " >< strong > Upload Method : ( < a href = " <?php echo " $ { baseurl } about . html #upload_method"; ?>" target="_blank">?</a>)</strong></td>
2023-07-02 16:47:44 +02:00
< td >
< em > You have the choice of the following upload options :</ em > < br />
< p >
2024-02-29 16:10:34 +01:00
< strong > 1. Upload now </ strong > via this browser : ( < a href = " <?php echo " $ { baseurl } about . html #browser"; ?>" target="_blank">?</a>)<br />
2023-07-02 16:47:44 +02:00
< input type = " file " multiple = " multiple " name = " media_files[] " title = " select if using the http upload option " />
</ p >
< p >
2024-02-29 16:10:34 +01:00
< strong > 2. Provide a url </ strong > we we can directly download it from : ( < a href = " <?php echo " $ { baseurl } about . html #url"; ?>" target="_blank">?</a>)<br />
This must be accessable using a curl or wget command .< br />
Please avoid services that require login or downloading via a browser .< br />
2023-07-02 16:47:44 +02:00
< input type = " url " size = " 30 " name = " url " placeholder = " https://example.com/hpr9999.flac " >
</ p >
< p >
< strong > 3. Upload via an alternative method </ strong >:
If you wish to send a show using another method then please discuss it with the HPR Volunteer at admin @ hackerpublicradio . org .
</ p >
< p >
< strong > 4. Reserve a slot </ strong >:
Leave upload option 1 and 2 empty if you have received prior approval for a reservation from the Community via the < a href = " /mailman/listinfo/hpr_hackerpublicradio.org " > HPR Mailing List </ a > to either :
</ p >
< ul >
< li > Reserve the show now and upload media later .</ li >
< li > Send physical media by the postal service or deliver in person .< br />
< em > Make sure you plan in enough time to deliver your media .</ em ></ li >
</ ul >
</ td >
</ tr >
</ table >
< ? php echo " <input type= \" hidden \" name= \" hostid \" value= \" $hostid\ " > " ; ?>
< ? php echo " <input type= \" hidden \" name= \" key \" value= \" $key\ " > " ; ?>
< br />
< input type = " submit " name = " submit_edit " value = " Submit " > This will take a < strong > long time </ strong > , leave the browser running . You will get an email once the upload is complete .
< ? php
if ( $ep_num == 9999 ) {
echo " <p> \n <em><a href= \" https:// " . $_SERVER [ 'SERVER_NAME' ] . $_SERVER [ 'SCRIPT_NAME' ] . " ?delete= $key\ " > Delete this reservation for the Reserve Queue </ a >.</ em > \n </ p > \n " ;
else {
echo " <p> \n <em><a href= \" https:// " . $_SERVER [ 'SERVER_NAME' ] . $_SERVER [ 'SCRIPT_NAME' ] . " ?delete= $key\ " > Delete this reservation for hpr $ { ep_num } on $ { ep_date } </ a >.</ em > \n </ p > \n " ;
</ form >
</ main >
< ? php
include 'footer.html' ;