2023-07-02 16:47:44 +02:00
< ? php
// lisence
// filter by date
// if rss.php then use switches
// host out of eps
// explicit from db
$atomurl = $_SERVER [ 'PHP_SELF' ];
#${atomurl}?" . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']. "\" rel=\"
$feed = " tenday " ;
$mimetype = " audio/mpeg " ;
$format = " mp3 " ;
$limit = 10 ;
switch ( $atomurl ) {
case " /hpr_rss.php " :
$format = " mp3 " ;
$mimetype = " audio/mpeg " ;
$feed = " tenday " ;
break ;
case " /hpr_rss_mp3.php " :
$format = " mp3 " ;
$mimetype = " audio/mpeg " ;
$feed = " tenday " ;
break ;
case " /hpr_mp3_rss.php " :
$format = " mp3 " ;
$mimetype = " audio/mpeg " ;
$feed = " tenday " ;
break ;
case " /hpr_total_rss.php " :
$format = " mp3 " ;
$mimetype = " audio/mpeg " ;
$feed = " total " ;
break ;
2024-10-23 10:18:52 +02:00
case " /rss-future.php " :
$format = " mp3 " ;
$mimetype = " audio/mpeg " ;
$feed = " future " ;
2024-11-25 18:23:43 +01:00
$limit = 100 ;
2024-10-23 10:18:52 +02:00
break ;
2023-07-02 16:47:44 +02:00
case " /hpr_ogg_rss.php " :
$format = " ogg " ;
$mimetype = " audio/ogg " ;
$feed = " tenday " ;
break ;
case " /hpr_total_ogg_rss.php " :
$format = " ogg " ;
$mimetype = " audio/ogg " ;
$feed = " total " ;
break ;
case " /hpr_spx_rss.php " :
$format = " spx " ;
$mimetype = " audio/ogg " ;
$feed = " tenday " ;
break ;
case " /hpr_total_spx_rss.php " :
$format = " spx " ;
$mimetype = " audio/ogg " ;
$feed = " total " ;
break ;
case " /rss.php " :
$format = " mp3 " ;
$mimetype = " audio/mpeg " ;
$feed = " tenday " ;
break ;
require " /home/hpr/php/include.php " ;
$query = " SELECT hosts.host, eps.id, eps.series, eps.title, eps.notes, eps.date, hosts.email, eps.hostid, eps.explicit, eps.version, eps.valid, eps.duration, assets.size
FROM eps , hosts , assets
WHERE eps . valid = 1
AND eps . hostid = hosts . hostid
AND eps . id = assets . episode_id
AND eps . duration > 0 " ;
if ( isset ( $_GET [ 'format' ])) {
$this_format = $_GET [ 'format' ];
if ( $this_format === " mp3 " ) {
$format = " mp3 " ;
$mimetype = " audio/mpeg " ;
if ( $this_format === " ogg " ) {
$format = " ogg " ;
$mimetype = " audio/ogg " ;
if ( $this_format === " spx " ) {
$format = " spx " ;
$mimetype = " audio/ogg " ;
$query = " ${ query } \n AND assets.filename REGEXP \" ^hpr[0-9]+. $format\ " " ;
$query = " ${ query } \n AND assets.extension = ' $format ' " ;
$explicit = 1 ;
if ( isset ( $_GET [ 'explicit' ])) {
$explicit = $_GET [ 'explicit' ];
if ( $explicit === " 0 " ) {
$query = " ${ query } \n AND eps.explicit=0 " ;
$html = 1 ;
if ( isset ( $_GET [ 'html' ])) {
$html = $_GET [ 'html' ];
if ( $html === " 0 " ) {
$html = 0 ;
$full = " 0 " ;
if ( isset ( $_GET [ 'full' ])) {
$full = $_GET [ 'full' ];
if ( $full === " 1 " ) {
$feed = " total " ;
if ( $full === " 0 " ) {
$feed = " tenday " ;
2024-10-23 10:18:52 +02:00
if ( $feed === " future " ) {
$query = " ${ query } \n AND eps.date >= UTC_DATE() " ;
2023-07-02 16:47:44 +02:00
2024-10-23 10:18:52 +02:00
else {
$query = " ${ query } \n AND eps.date <= UTC_DATE() " ;
2023-07-02 16:47:44 +02:00
if ( isset ( $_GET [ 'hostid' ])) {
$hostid = $_GET [ 'hostid' ];
$hostid = intval ( $hostid );
if ( is_int ( intval ( $hostid ))) {
$query = " ${ query } \n AND hosts.hostid = ' $hostid ' " ;
if ( isset ( $_GET [ 'series' ])) {
$series = $_GET [ 'series' ];
$series = intval ( $series );
if ( is_int ( intval ( $series ))) {
$query = " ${ query } \n AND eps.series = ' $series ' " ;
$query = " $query\nORDER BY id DESC " ;
if ( isset ( $_GET [ 'limit' ])) {
$this_limit = $_GET [ 'limit' ];
$this_limit = intval ( $this_limit );
if ( is_int ( intval ( $this_limit ))) {
$limit = $this_limit ;
if ( $feed !== " total " ) {
$query = " $query\nLIMIT $limit " ;
header ( " Content-type: application/xml " );
header ( " Pragma: public " );
header ( " Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0 " );
date_default_timezone_set ( 'UTC' );
print '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>' . " \n " ;
< rss version = " 2.0 " xmlns : googleplay = " http://www.google.com/schemas/play-podcasts/1.0 " xmlns : atom = " http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom " xmlns : itunes = " http://www.itunes.com/dtds/podcast-1.0.dtd " >
< channel >
< title > Hacker Public Radio </ title >
< link > https :// hackerpublicradio . org / about . html </ link >
< itunes : subtitle > A daily show hosted the community on topics that are of interest to hackers and hobbyists .</ itunes : subtitle >
< description > Hacker Public Radio is an podcast that releases shows every weekday Monday through Friday . Our shows are produced by the community ( you ) and can be on any topic that are of interest to hackers and hobbyists .</ description >
< language > en - us </ language >
< itunes : category text = " Technology " >
< itunes : category text = " Tech News " />
</ itunes : category >
< itunes : category text = " Education " >
< itunes : category text = " Training " />
</ itunes : category >
< itunes : image href = " http://hackerpublicradio.org/images/hpr_feed_itunes.png " />
< itunes : explicit > yes </ itunes : explicit >
< itunes : author > Hacker Public Radio </ itunes : author >
< itunes : keywords > Community Radio , Tech Interviews , Linux , Open , Hobby , Software Freedom </ itunes : keywords >
< copyright > Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike 4.0 International ( CC BY - SA 4.0 ) License </ copyright >
< managingEditor > feedback @ NOSPAM - hackerpublicradio . org ( HPR Feedback ) </ managingEditor >
< itunes : owner >
< itunes : name > HPR Volunteer </ itunes : name >
< itunes : email > admin @ hackerpublicradio . org </ itunes : email >
</ itunes : owner >
< webMaster > admin @ hackerpublicradio . org ( HPR Volunteer ) </ webMaster >
< generator > kate </ generator >
< docs > http :// www . rssboard . org / rss - specification </ docs >
2024-05-28 20:15:52 +02:00
< ttl > 720 </ ttl >
2023-07-02 16:47:44 +02:00
< skipDays >
< day > Saturday </ day >
< day > Sunday </ day >
</ skipDays >
< image >
< url > https :// hackerpublicradio . org / images / hpr_feed_small . png </ url >
< title > Hacker Public Radio </ title >
< link > https :// hackerpublicradio . org / about . html </ link >
< description > The Hacker Public Radio Old Microphone Logo </ description >
< height > 164 </ height >
< width > 144 </ width >
</ image >
< googleplay : author > HPR Volunteer </ googleplay : author >
< googleplay : description > Hacker Public Radio is an podcast that releases shows every weekday Monday through Friday . Our shows are produced by the community ( you ) and can be on any topic that are of interest to hackers and hobbyists .</ googleplay : description >
< googleplay : email > admin @ hackerpublicradio . org </ googleplay : email >
< googleplay : image href = " http://hackerpublicradio.org/images/hpr_feed_itunes.png " />
< googleplay : category text = " Technology " />
< ? php
print " <atom:link href= \" http://hackerpublicradio.org " . str_replace ( '&' , '&' , $_SERVER [ " REQUEST_URI " ]) . " \" rel= \" self \" type= \" application/rss+xml \" /> \n " ;
print " <pubDate> " . date ( DATE_RFC1123 , strtotime ( date ( 'Y-m-d' ))) . " </pubDate> \n " ;
if ( $result = mysqli_query ( $connection , $query )) {
2024-05-31 17:45:02 -07:00
$ep_count = 0 ;
2023-07-02 16:47:44 +02:00
while ( $row = mysqli_fetch_array ( $result )) {
$id = fixid ( stripslashes ( $row [ 'id' ]));
$version = $row [ 'version' ];
if ( $version === " 0 " ) {
$version = " " ;
else {
$version = " . ${ version } " ;
$episode_explicit = $row [ 'explicit' ];
if ( $episode_explicit == 0 ) {
$episode_explicit = " Clean " ;
else {
$episode_explicit = " Explicit " ;
2024-10-21 17:35:20 +02:00
$url = " https://hub.hackerpublicradio.org/ccdn.php?filename=/eps/hpr ${ id}/hpr${id}.${format } " ;
2023-07-02 16:47:44 +02:00
$itunes_summary = htmlspecialchars ( stripslashes ( strip_tags ( substr ( $row [ " notes " ], 0 , 4000 ))));
if ( $html == 1 ) {
2024-10-31 11:21:19 +01:00
$show_notes = " <p>This show has been flagged as $episode_explicit by the host.</p> \n " ;
$show_notes = $show_notes . $row [ " notes " ];
$show_notes = $show_notes . " <p><a href= \" https://hackerpublicradio.org/eps/hpr ${ id } /index.html#comments \" >Provide <strong>feedback</strong> on this episode</a>.</p> " ;
2023-07-02 16:47:44 +02:00
else {
2024-10-31 11:21:19 +01:00
$show_notes = " This show has been flagged as $episode_explicit by the host. \n " ;
$show_notes = $show_notes . htmlspecialchars ( stripslashes ( strip_tags ( $row [ " notes " ]))) ;
2023-07-02 16:47:44 +02:00
echo " <item> \n " ;
if ( $episode_explicit === " Clean " ) {
echo " <itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit> \n " ;
echo " <googleplay:explicit>No</googleplay:explicit> \n " ;
else {
echo " <itunes:explicit>yes</itunes:explicit> \n " ;
echo " <googleplay:explicit>Yes</googleplay:explicit> \n " ;
echo " <title>HPR $id : " . htmlspecialchars ( stripslashes ( strip_tags ( $row [ " title " ]))) . " </title> \n " ;
// echo "<description> " . ($row["title"]) . "</description>\n";
$email_padded = formatemail ( $row [ 'email' ]);
echo " <author> " . $email_padded . " ( " . htmlspecialchars ( stripslashes ( strip_tags ( $row [ " host " ]))) . " )</author> \n " ;
echo " <googleplay:author> " . $email_padded . " ( " . htmlspecialchars ( stripslashes ( strip_tags ( $row [ " host " ]))) . " )</googleplay:author> \n " ;
echo " <itunes:author> " . $email_padded . " ( " . htmlspecialchars ( stripslashes ( strip_tags ( $row [ " host " ]))) . " )</itunes:author> \n " ;
echo " <googleplay:image href= \" http://hackerpublicradio.org/images/hpr_feed_itunes.png \" /> \n " ;
echo " <link>https://hackerpublicradio.org/eps/hpr " . $id . " /index.html</link> \n " ;
2024-05-31 17:45:02 -07:00
if ( $feed === " total " && $ep_count >= 10 ) {
echo " <description></description> \n " ;
else {
echo " <description><![CDATA[ " . $show_notes . " ]]> \n </description> \n " ;
2023-07-02 16:47:44 +02:00
echo " <itunes:summary><![CDATA[ " . $itunes_summary . " ]]> \n </itunes:summary> \n " ;
echo " <pubDate> " . date ( DATE_RFC1123 , strtotime ( $row [ 'date' ])) . " </pubDate> \n " ;
$length = $row [ 'size' ];
echo " <enclosure url= \" $url\ " length = \ " $length\ " type = \ " $mimetype\ " /> \n " ;
echo " <guid> " . $url . " </guid> \n " ;
echo " </item> \n " ;
2024-05-31 17:45:02 -07:00
$ep_count ++ ;
2023-07-02 16:47:44 +02:00
mysqli_close ( $connection );
echo " </channel>
</ rss >
" ;