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-- Dumping data for table `comments`
/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `comments` DISABLE KEYS */;
INSERTINTO`comments`(`id`,`eps_id`,`comment_timestamp`,`comment_author_name`,`comment_title`,`comment_text`,`last_changed`)VALUES(1,8,'2013-12-20 03:27:16','redanthrax','this is dumb','who even made this','2017-09-09 07:41:21'),
(2,8,'2013-12-21 01:08:02','Ken Fallon','Actually, no','Hi redanthrax,\r\n\r\nAnd the show was by Mubix and Redanthrax. If that is you then I assume you are being vicious. If not you are been less than constructive, for no other reason than someone is using the same handle as yourself. \r\n\r\nKen.','2017-09-09 07:41:21'),
(3,21,'2011-10-16 16:36:01','Ken Fallon','Found it !!!','After months of trawling through old episodes of lottalinuxlinks.com for Daves howto on festival. I found it here in our own back yard\r\n','2017-09-09 07:41:21'),
(4,23,'2011-08-25 19:41:48','jogos de motos','','To add the new PPA open the Ubuntu Program Middle, go to the Edit Menu, and select Program Sources. Access the Other Program Tab in the Program Sources Window and add the first of the PPAs shown below (outlined in red). The second PPA will be automatically added to your technique.\r\n\r\nHave you been wanting an simple way to set KeePass Password Safe two up on your Linux systems? Then get prepared to rejoice. Now you can get that KeePass goodness on your Ubuntu or Debian-Based Linux technique using a PPA, the Command Line, or manual installation files.','2017-09-09 07:41:21'),
(5,131,'2013-08-18 00:23:45','meager','sync apps','There are multiple apps available for CardDAV contact syncing. And I think there are also better alternatives to CardDAV-Sync, e.g. an app called ContactSync (its cheaper, has much more fettues, and so). Found it at the play store:\r\n https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.vcard.android','2017-09-09 07:41:21'),
(6,186,'2010-09-05 11:07:58','Sildenafil','','I read on the forums about klaatu and \"Vulgar Esperantist\"','2017-09-09 07:41:21'),
(7,186,'2011-02-03 10:53:06','Trey Smith','Trey Smith','Thanks for sharing the idea.\r\n\r\n','2017-09-09 07:41:21'),
(8,248,'2011-03-11 23:07:40','pokey','I miss your HPR shows.','They were some of my favorites. Can I send you an HPR window sticker to thank you for them?\r\nhttps://picasaweb.google.com/hackerpublicradio/HPRStickersInTheWild#','2017-09-09 07:41:21'),
(9,367,'2014-07-07 10:28:25','Georgi ','','Very nice song. There should be more songs like this in the hackers realm. Reminds me a bit of good old Richard Stallman\'ssongs:)','2017-09-0907:41:21'),
(10,502,'2010-12-21 16:21:23','KFive','Cheers','Just wanted to let you know that your discussion in this episode really hit home for me and so far remains my favorite HPR episode of all time. Keep up the great, great work.','2017-09-09 07:41:21'),
(11,560,'2010-08-10 22:16:33','rowinggolfer','I actually listened','unlike all the spambots above... I listened to this episode. \r\nFantastic insight.\r\nlostnbronx is my favourite podcaster of all time. I do hope he never quits.\r\n','2017-09-09 07:41:21'),
(12,562,'2010-08-13 22:22:08','rowinggolfer','great ep ken','Superb episode. good topic, length, and content. I look forward to the rest of this series.\r\n\r\nBTW - looks like the spammers have beaten the capchtas :(','2017-09-09 07:41:21'),
(13,564,'2010-09-26 22:45:25','klaatu','great ep ','I somehow missed this ep. Just listened to it though, very cool! Thanks!!\r\n\r\nSorry I left all my spam links at home. ','2017-09-09 07:41:21'),
(14,567,'2010-09-02 16:42:35','sigflup','','Yeah i know technically cray started in minnesota and ended in wisconsin. ','2017-09-09 07:41:21'),
(16,571,'2010-09-23 04:25:19','Sigflup','','Hack Radio Live iz 4 life!!!!','2017-09-09 07:41:21'),
(17,573,'2010-09-28 11:35:48','ClaudioM','Thoroughly Impressed! ;-)','Wow! Never thought my spot on Linux In The Ham Shack would have attracted so many spammers! Now I know who my groupies are. :-p','2017-09-09 07:41:21'),
(18,589,'2010-11-12 16:45:05','Fightmaster','Thanks for listening','We are very happy to have you listening to Song Fight, and appreciate the effort you took to listen to all those terrible terrible songs (and the good ones).\r\n\r\nAdditionally, thanks so much for sharing the songs you like with others. That\'swhywedoSongFight.\r\n\r\nWeherebyabsolveyouofguiltforspending8GBofourbandwidthindownloadingtheentirearchive.:)\r\n\r\nI\'ll enjoy listening for Song Fight songs at the end of your podcasts.','2017-09-09 07:41:21'),
(19,589,'2010-11-15 13:24:41','pokey','Thank you','Thank you, very much, Fightmaster. That\'squiteanendorsement.Andtheabsolutionismuchappreciatedwell.Ihaven\'t come close to listening to them all yet, but I\'vebeenthroughalltheartistswithnamesbeginningwitha,bandnumbersorspecialcharacters.I\'ve got 69 (no joke) songs on the thumbs up list so far, and that\'smorethanI\'ll probably ever be able to spend here. I\'veemailedmylisttowhoeverasksforit.I\'m not afraid of not finding any more. Thanks again.','2017-09-09 07:41:21'),
(20,589,'2010-12-04 11:55:44','Ken Fallon','HPR to the rescue','After listening to TLLT\'sinterviewwithNathanLowell,Isetaboutdownloadinghttps://www.podiobooks.com/title/captains-shareindividually.TheIrememberedthisepisodeandinstalledtheDownThemAllplugin.Itdoeswhatitsaysonthetin.Thanks\r\n\r\nNotetoselfthisisnotspam','2022-02-1413:15:29'),
(22,595,'2010-12-03 23:22:29','Buffalo Pete','Great work!','This is fantastic! What an original idea, and very well laid out in this first episode! I can\'twaitforthenextone!','2017-09-0907:41:21'),
(24,599,'2010-11-19 03:07:19','pokey','This episode was fascinating','I was completely riveted. It inspired me to call my ISP and ask to be a guinea pig, I mean early tester, for their ipv6 roll out. They seemed pretty enthusiastic to have a volunteer, and took my contact info. Tech support guy is also part-time sys admin guy, and he liked talking shop more than helping windows users find their WiFi. I got some pretty good info out of him. He mentioned docsis 3.0 as part of the roll out. He also implied that it was coming sooner, rather than later. Apparently, they just bought what they were told is their last allotment of ipv4 addresses, but they have only just begun to considering their ipv6 strategy. Timing is everything.','2017-09-09 07:41:21'),
(25,602,'2010-11-27 00:40:13','scap','thanks','klaatu thanks for this epiosde and I hope you do alot more on the subject. Cheers to you and the Hpr crew!','2017-09-09 07:41:21'),
(26,603,'2010-11-27 21:38:32','dave','Great Show','You got me interested in radio communication. :)','2017-09-09 07:41:21'),
(27,606,'2010-11-29 17:26:01','Frank','','Creative topic choice. I congratulate your creativity. \r\n\r\nI\'vebuiltstuffwithwoodsinceIwasakidandreadbooksaboutbeingHarryHomerepairmanandIlearnednewstuff.\r\n\r\nThanks.','2017-09-0907:41:21'),
(28,606,'2010-12-07 22:00:18','Chris','Chris\'Blog','Thiswasagreatpodcast.I\'m currently building a home bar and your tips have helped greatly.\r\n\r\nI also agree that hackers become makers, as I\'mgettingmoreandmoreintohardwarehacking.\r\n\r\nLookingforwardtoyournextsubmission.','2017-09-0907:41:21'),
(29,606,'2011-12-02 10:17:18','Bill','','As an ol\'\"out-to-pasture\"shopteacher,Iapproveoftheprecedingmessage.','2017-09-0907:41:21'),
(30,606,'2011-12-07 19:31:29','pokey','Thanks Bill','I appreciate the compliment. Thanks also for teaching me some of those tricks. The toothpick one at least was yours. Maybe more, but now I forget what\'sinthatshow.','2017-09-0907:41:21'),
(31,608,'2011-01-31 15:35:23','droops','','I love hearing these shows of how someone found the Linux light. My main desktop has not had a hardware upgrade since 2002, and it is still running Debian as well as did back when I built the box. \r\n\r\nDid I mention how great Debian is? ','2017-09-09 07:41:21'),
(32,609,'2010-12-02 23:51:09','pokey','This episode was a real pleasure.','I had similar reasons for coming to linux. Tom Merit is high on my list of influences as well. Also, I always love to meet other Christians in the Linux/technology sphere. I\'mnotaverygoodChristian,butI\'m trying, and it really helps me to know I\'mnotalone.MaybeyoucouldhelpmeconvincemypastortotryUbuntusomeday,soIcanstopfixinghisWindowsmachines.;)IuseLinuxatourchurchtodisplayHymnlyricsandDVDsonaprojectorscreen.I\'m also planning to migrate some of the CD audio to the Computer as well.\r\nThank you for the great episode. I hope it\'sonlythefirstofmany.\r\n\r\npokey','2017-09-0907:41:21'),
(33,609,'2010-12-05 15:04:19','klaatu','nice episode~','Nice episode! You sound like one of them professional voice actors or news anchors.\r\n\r\nAnd yeah ,spreading Linux is a good thing!','2017-09-09 07:41:21'),
(34,609,'2010-12-07 00:35:43','Curbuntu','Converting OS-Heathen Pastors','Hey, pokey! Thanks for the feedback. I understand what you mean about fixing your pastor\'sWindowsmachine.AfewyearsagoIwashelpingout(computer-wise)atalocalchurch.AccordingtoSpybotS&R,thesecretary\'s PC had over 24,000 (yes, 5 digits!) hits -- malware, tracking cookies, and various heaps of digital detritus, to say nothing of every system-tray doodad under the sun. That was well before my Linux days.\r\n\r\nBy and large, it seems that folks (pastors or otherwise) are reticent to trust techies (even well-intentioned ones) with changes that take the organization too far outside of comfortable parameters. There\'ssomewisdominthat.HowmanytimesI\'ve encountered a custom-made, one-off program (say, a database) written for a church; the creator has long since left (for whatever reason) and the organization is stuck with something they can\'tfix,alter,oruse.Afteranexperienceortwolikethat,youcanguesswhattheresponsewillbeto\"Hey, change to Linux!\"\r\n\r\nThatsaid,probablythesafestcourseofactionisgradualism.Linuxmaybetheultimategoal,butstartoffwithintroducingaFOSSalternativethatrunsinWindows.MSOfficemaybeanothersacredcow(strangethatChristianswouldhave\"sacred cows\"!),butthehardinessofFirefoxrunningNoScriptmightbethefirststepinthelongpathtothechangeover.BuildoneachsuccessbyintroducinganotherFOSSalternative.IcanpointtoarecentsuccessIdiscovered.ThissummerIhadtheprivilegeofvisitingaBiblecollegeoutinthe\"hoots and hollers\"ofKentucky.Iwasblownawaybytheserverroomthattwoofthegraduates-now-staffhadputtogether-- CentOS servers, FOSS phone system, Ubuntu servers. Wireless for the whole spawling campus, too. The college board went along with just about everything, because of the tremendous cost savings -- except the board just insisted on Windows 7 and MS Office 2007 in the student computer lab. Still, it amounted to tremendous inroads made by some really sophisticated, heads-up techies.\r\n\r\nI\'d like to communicate more at length. Admin/Ken Fallon has the e-mail address of my alter ego. Or you can combine what you learn in Psalm 81:16 and 147:14 and make a good Google guess about the name of our website and, from there, how to contact me directly.\r\n\r\nRegards,\r\n\r\nCurbuntu','2017-09-09 07:41:21'),
(35,609,'2010-12-07 01:11:42','Curbuntu','Encouragement from a veteran','klaatu,\r\n\r\nComing from someone with your podcasting experience, your words bolster my confidence. And your recent interviews have given me an idea for doing a multi-part interview of a geekette wannabe friend of mine, someone who, in her early 50s, is trying to make a complete career switch. Her struggles and successes might be of interest to others.','2017-09-09 07:41:21'),
(36,609,'2010-12-22 19:17:53','buffalo pete','great episode','This was a great one, thank you for sharing! And thank you for integrating your passion for technology into your ministry and your social work. Although I\'mnotaChristian,Ihaveagreatdealofrespectfortheworkthatclergyofallfaithsdo.Also,assomeonewhotriestobesociallyactiveandaforceforgoodinmyowncommunities,itheartensmetohearanotherperson\'s story of how their passion for free software helps them do that, as it certainly does me.\r\n\r\nOne final note: All the great HPR episodes lately, and especially since the public call for contributions, has really started the wheels turning for me about putting something together to contribute, so thank you also for that.\r\n\r\nGreat show, well done!\r\n\r\n-pete','2017-09-09 07:41:21'),
(37,609,'2011-01-08 22:00:07','RandyNose AKA TheNose100','w00t!','Hey, enjoyed this podcast. And the reasons for not using Windows still stand true today. - With about 3+ er, 4 years of playing with Linux and variations of Ubuntu, I too, don\'tseeareasontousesomethingelse.ThereareonlyafewprogramsouttherethatImightwishtousefromtimetotime,butthat\'s due to wanting to connect to others on a Windows Platform... \r\nI.E. Silverlight and Netfiks, and Webinar\'sthatuseGoToMeeting...\r\n\r\nRandy','2017-09-0907:41:21'),
(38,614,'2010-12-10 00:25:13','Curbuntu','Terminology for Dummies','I have the Audacity basics down, but your podcast finally shed some light on terminology I hear sound guys throwing around all the time. I have it queued up for a re-listen tomorrow, and will probably hit it one more time. I look forward to the coming installments.','2017-09-09 07:41:21'),
(39,614,'2010-12-15 13:25:25','arfab','Thanks','Hey, thanks for this. \r\nMaybe next time I make a podcast I\'lltakemorenoticeofwhatyou\'ve said here to save everyone the 20Mb download!\r\n\r\nIf you have any more tips, specifically about using Ardour, then that would be fantastic.\r\n\r\nCheers!','2017-09-09 07:41:21'),
(40,616,'2010-12-18 16:19:30','frater mus','useful episode, thanks','Reminded me how much I used to love lynx. I cranked up surfraw and played with it a bit. Set it to invoke lynx rather than chrome and it works great.\r\n\r\nAlso inspired me to compare lynx, elinks, and links. Went back to my first love, lynx.\r\n\r\nBTW, the captcha below is ludicrously illegible. I hate those things. ','2017-09-09 07:41:21'),
(41,616,'2010-12-20 06:51:11','Ken Fallon','captcha are gone','You have a point and given that the captcha don\'tworkanywayIgotridofthem.Let\'s see how the spammers react.','2017-09-09 07:41:21'),
(42,617,'2010-12-15 13:22:27','arfab','Interesting!','You made some really important points here.\r\nI would just like to add that IMHO, in an ideal world where music is all creative commons to some degree or another, the likelihood is that there would be an increase in attendance at live gigs because there you could see an artist give a unique performance of their work. More importantly it would mean that in order to obtain popularity and artist would actually need to be good at what they do, so the quality of popular music in general would go up, maybe at the cost of the typical manufactured group that are marketed for their looks rather than their talent as musicians.\r\n\r\nOn a side note, if there was greater demand for live musicians with high quality backing bands then I\'dbemakingamint!!:)','2017-09-0907:41:21'),
(43,617,'2010-12-15 20:25:43','klaatu','agreed','i agree with arfab\'scomment;ccmusicwouldabsolutelyincreaseattendance.I\'d LOVE to hear some of my favourite bands covering songs by other bands. Heck there are songs that I really like and just can\'tlistentobecauseIhatethewayitsauthorperformsthem.So,yeah,sharingwouldbegreat.Butalas,untilCCdominates,thiswillnothappen.','2017-09-0907:41:21'),
(44,620,'2010-12-17 14:15:29','arfab','','We need something like Tek Systems in the UK! :)','2017-09-09 07:41:21'),
(45,621,'2010-12-27 07:54:44','Brijesh','Ayn Rand and Movies','Talking of movies a B&W movie was made on the Fountainhead. The screenplay was by Ayn Rand herself. While not a bad movie it was a pale reflection of the book \"The Fountainhead\" Considering that even Ayn Rand herself could not make it more powerful I am very concerned about the movie. I agree with you guys that the movie should be in parts. Maybe a better idea would be an HBO original series.','2017-09-09 07:41:21'),
(46,621,'2010-12-27 08:01:27','Brijesh','Fantastic','... to hear you red Zen & the art of Motorcycle Maintenance after Atlas Shrugged. For me it was the other way around - I read Zen and the art of Motorcycle Maintenance after Atlas Shrugged. It was a heavy combo and surely influenced a lot of my thinking.','2017-09-09 07:41:21'),
(47,621,'2010-12-29 18:09:33','brother mouse','Shrugged','Man, I\'ve/tried/toreadA.S.afewtimesbutit\'s such an interminable deathmarch. I\'vehadpeoplerecommendthatIjustjumptothe(60pp?)Galtspeechanddothatifnothingelse.MaybeIwill.\r\n\r\nObjectivist/LibertariantypesmightalsoenjoyStephanMolineaux\'s FDR: \r\nhttps://www.freedomainradio.com/\r\nHe\'snotineitherofthosecampsbutIthinkthere\'s plenty of \"paint transfer\" from bumping up against them... ','2022-02-14 13:15:29'),
(48,621,'2011-01-29 00:13:39','Judas.PhD','Thank You','I think that \"Atlas Shrugged\" is one of the most important books ever written, and is well worth reading.\r\n\r\nI read \"Atlas Shrugged\" in the very early 1990s.\r\n\r\nI am a 46 year old philosophy major, and the anti-Rand sentiment is rampant in academic philosophers, graduate philosophy majors, and undergraduate philosophy majors.\r\n\r\nThank you for giving a positive review of this wonderful book.\r\n','2017-09-09 07:41:21'),
(49,622,'2010-12-22 12:39:36','rustic','cold water','you don\'tneeddrugstobehealthy.onthecontrary,thedrugsmakeyoulesshealthy,sothatyouneedmoreandmoredrugstostrugglewithconsequencesofthat,becausethedrugsundermineyourstaminaandreplaceyourimmunesystem.youbecomedependentonthemandcaughtinaviciouscircle.that\'s exactly what those pharmaceutical corporations want. that\'showtheymaketheirbillions.\r\n\r\nthebestwaytobehealthyistotakepreventativemeasures.ourweakimmunesystemistherootcause.now,recallwe\'re all children of the mother earth. she gives us everything we really need. she has no incentive to make profit on us. Nature provides us with cold water to deal with that problem. throw a bucket of cold water over yourself twice a day. yes, including your head. it\'sthatsimple.thecolderthewater,thebetter.\r\n\r\ndon\'t rely upon explanations or opinions. just do it and see for yourself.\r\n\r\nsome people might experience flare-ups. this is because your organism starts to fight against your diseases, both observed and hidden. don\'ttakeany\"medications\".\r\n\r\nijudgefrommyexperience.ihaveneverhadthefluorsomethingsincemyfirstbucketofcoldwater.\r\n\r\ngiveyourselfachance,becauseit\'s free and it works. you have nothing to lose but your proneness to illnesses.\r\n\r\ntake care','2017-09-09 07:41:21'),
(50,623,'2010-12-24 03:21:51','Frank','','Thanks for the background to nano.','2017-09-09 07:41:21'),
(52,624,'2010-12-24 15:10:36','brother mouse','love this series','The urban camping series is great. Thanks for sharing!\r\n\r\nI hope the economy doesn\'tgetsobadthatweallneedtheinfoyouprovide...','2017-09-0907:41:21'),
(53,624,'2010-12-26 08:04:59','Petey','','Why is it I can\'tgetenoughofthisseries.\r\n\r\nGoodStuff.','2017-09-0907:41:21'),
(54,625,'2010-12-29 18:01:25','brother mouse','Enjoyed the two-person show','I hope to not ever have to run eth in my house :-) but really enjoyed the format of this show. The combination of master/student made for good balance.','2017-09-09 07:41:21'),
(55,625,'2010-12-29 18:26:22','klaatu','never knew cables could be so fun','Very informative episode. Also, perhaps the largest file size for even an hour-long mp3 I\'veEVERseen.Goodgoin\' guys!','2017-09-09 07:41:21'),
(56,625,'2010-12-30 17:10:58','pokey','','brother mouse: Thanks. Your show was very good. I liked it too.\r\n\r\nklaatu: I release it at whatever bitrate the song is in when I get it. So that I don\'tdegradetheaudiotoomuch.ButthelargefilesizeisreallyjustneededtocontainalltheAWESOME!thatisresno.','2017-09-0907:41:21'),
(57,625,'2011-04-14 08:35:42','Sigg3','Considering an addendum','I\'mconsideringtorecordanaddendumtothis,asIwiredmyownhomeduringamajorreconstruction;e.g.thingstothinkaboutwhenyou\'re cabling from the beginning.\r\nI laid Cat 6A and RG-6 in star formation.','2017-09-09 07:41:21'),
(58,625,'2011-04-15 18:35:37','pokey','Cool! I\'dlovetohearthat.','Sigg3:Imostlyworkincommercialandindustrialspaces.Idon\'t do a lot of residential wiring other than my own, and friends. I\'dlovetohearwhatoptionsandfactorsyouconsideredbeforestarting.\r\n\r\nStartopologyistheonlyonethatactuallymakesanysenseforEthernetcabling.I\'ve never seen or heard of anyone doing it any differently.\r\n\r\nI love to have a ton of extra Ethernet, and RG-6 cabling. Remember with RG-6 to disconnect all of the spares from your feed, and cap all of your unused feeds at your multipliers (or use smaller multipliers with fewer outputs). Otherwise you you\'llgetsignaldegradation.Onlyleaveconnectedtheonesyou\'re actually using.\r\n\r\nI\'mlookingforwardtohearingyourepisode.\r\n','2017-09-0907:41:21'),
(59,625,'2011-05-09 06:23:11','diablomarcus','Would love to hear the followup','First one was really interesting, the second should be awesome too.\r\n\r\nThanks!','2017-09-09 07:41:21'),
(60,626,'2010-12-30 23:05:23','brother mouse','in-pack organization','I have a \"bug out bag\" pack for me and one for my wife. I find that bagging up gear (particularly tech gear) helps keep them clean and undamaged. \r\n\r\nI have an old impulse/heat sealer. I use it with those airfilled cushion things that companies use as packing peanuts. I cut the bag open on the end, drop the radio/batts/wires/whatever in the bag and reseal it. Tough, translucent, and free. ','2017-09-09 07:41:21'),
(61,627,'2010-12-28 20:51:48','klaatu','os_x','Nice episode! I also went from OS X to Linux, and I very much agree with the \"i don\'twantstealyoursoftwarebecauseidon\'t believe it\'sworthasmuchasyouthinkit\'s worth\" thing. Cool stuff.','2017-09-09 07:41:21'),
(62,627,'2010-12-29 20:47:41','brother mouse','Interesting journey','Interesting ep. I find I prefer to hear the opinions of people who, in the normal course of conversation, point out the distinction between the l-i-n-k-s and l-y-n-x clients. :-)\r\n\r\nI am currently exploring my own OS virtualization trollop dark side. I am unrepentant so far even though there are virtual HD files waist-deep across my actual HD...','2017-09-09 07:41:21'),
(63,627,'2011-01-03 12:53:10','arfab','Good show!','Hey, It was really interesting to hear this journey from the other perspective. It\'sprettyeasytoassumethatpeoplehavecomemovedfromWindowstofreesoftware,butforsomereasonIdon\'t imagine many people going from Apple to free software. Thanks for the insight! Oh, and I have an interest in virtualisation too so it was good to hear about that too.\r\n:)','2017-09-09 07:41:21'),
(64,628,'2011-01-19 20:16:06','brother mouse','my process','I had a backchannel email about the process used to record this show. I\'llpastemyresponsebelow.\r\n\r\n===begin,paste=====\r\nrecording:\r\nIusethe\"rec\"invocationofsox.Frommemory,somethinglike:\r\nrec-r44100${show}-raw.flac\r\nctrl-ctoquitrecording.\r\n\r\nediting:\r\naudacity\r\nsaveeditedfileas${show}-edited.flac\r\n\r\nencoding:\r\noggenc,noflags.Just\"oggenc ${show}-edited.flac\"\r\n\r\nfinalpreparationforupload:\r\nogginfoforcommenttaggingintheoggcontainer\r\nrenamefilesand.txtasrecommendedintheREADME:https://goo.gl/WEvQO\r\n===end,paste=====','2022-02-1413:15:29'),
(65,631,'2011-01-07 03:27:16','neddludd','','you should ask the Bastard sons of dialup TV (BSODTV) guy if he wants to make some episodes.','2017-09-09 07:41:21'),
(66,632,'2011-02-05 13:27:21','Nancy','great','Thanks for sharing your strategies for with HPR. I prescribe ADHD meds to kids, but I am always interested in ways that people with ADHD are able to deal with school. Your strategies are actually good for students without ADHD; it\'sjustgoodbasicorganizingskills.Iespeciallylikeyouruseofafountainpen.Iusefountainpenstooanditdoescutdownonmypenspinning.Refillingtheinkmakesmemoreorganizedtoo.','2017-09-0907:41:21'),
(67,634,'2011-01-07 03:15:49','neddludd','wow','controversional opinions! It brings much needed politicization to the geek thinking!\r\n\r\nCould part 6 discuss Squatting ?!\r\n\r\nSpace Invaders - Squat Documentary Part 1 \r\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b1LXe4BccGA\r\n\r\nKlaatu have you seen - \"we feed the world\"\r\nhttps://www.we-feed-the-world.at/en/film.htm\r\n\r\nor\r\n\"The Gleaners and I\"\r\nhttps://www.sensesofcinema.com/2002/feature-articles/gleaners/\r\n','2022-02-14 13:15:29'),
(68,634,'2011-01-08 17:14:10','klaatu','Squatting','Ep 6 cannot be on squatting because I\'veneverreallybeenasquatter,atleastnotinthecommonmeaningofthewordgoes.Thatistosay,I\'ve never been a part of the squatting scene; I\'veneverspentanextendedamountoftimesquatting.iknowthebenefitsandsomeofthethingsyouhavetolookoutforwhilstsquatting-- but only by way of little things I\'ve heard, here and there. Not from experience, and I don\'t like doing eps on things I have not actually had experience with -- it seems like such a mass media type of thing to do. So, no squatting eps from me until I\'ve lived it.\r\n\r\nBut, thanks for your comments and thanks for the links. The Squat doc sounds really cool, i\'ll check it out. And no i\'ve not seen \"feed the world\" but that sounds good too. I\'ll have to look at it.\r\n\r\nps- anyone out there who HAS been a squatter...feel free to do an ep about it!! ','2017-09-09 07:41:21'),
(69,634,'2011-01-12 05:00:37','Anarchocapitalist','Theft','Food and goods are still scarce goods and stealing is a violation of others property rights even corporations. Therefore is it just and right for me to steal other goods such as a car if my neighbor has two and I have one? Respect for each other and property is something that holds society together and doesn\'ttearitapart.checkoutMurrayrothbard,FAHayek,andLvonMises.','2017-09-0907:41:21'),
(70,634,'2011-02-01 23:22:06','Bucky','Perhaps an Urban Camping 5a?','Believe it or not, food actually DOES grow on trees! I don\'trememberhearinganythingaboutactuallygoingoutandpickingfruitfromtreestosupplementonesdiet.Youmaybeabletodothislegallybyaskinganoldpersontopicktheirfruitfortheminexchangeforalittlefruitforyourself.Maybeifyou\'re lucky and pick apples, you can return for some apple pie later.\r\n\r\nThere are also many edible plant leaves and flowers, such as Viola petals, Nasturtium leaves and flowers, mint, ornamental kale, etc.\r\n\r\nSome listed: https://whatscookingamerica.net/EdibleFlowers/EdibleFlowersMain.htm\r\n\r\nIn the woods you may find blackberries, wild strawberries, gooseberries, etc.\r\n\r\nJust be sure you know what you are picking before you try and eat something.','2022-02-14 13:15:30'),
(71,635,'2011-01-08 13:55:53','Zeist','They ARE making money','Google IS making money from users of gmail, google reader and the other \"free\" services... microsoft IS making money from hotmail users.\r\n\r\nJust because you don\'tpaythemdirectlydoesn\'t mean that they are not making money because you use the service.\r\n\r\nThe whole Web 2.0 business model seems to be to find a way to make money without charging users... and that is how and why the \"free\" services are likely to be around for a very long time.','2017-09-09 07:41:21'),
(72,636,'2011-01-22 21:42:04','BadCam','Enjoyed the show. PuddleTag...','Hi Pokey\r\n\r\nI too have a Sansa Clip+, but I also have a Clip V2, which to be ho, I prefer over the Clip+, purely because of the location of the volume control, earphone connector and that it has a physical Power switch. For me, it\'sjustmoreergonomicallycomfortable.\r\n\r\nIamaPodcastandAudiobookaddict.InmyquestfortheperfectmethodofgettingmyPodcastsontomyClip,IhavesettledupongPodderaspodcatcherandarecentnewcomerforMP3tagging,PuddleTag.I\'ve tried Kid3-Qt, but it just never took my fancy. So , I settled upon EasyTag, but that never had a good method for easily sorting files into my daily listening order. None of these Linux MP3 Taggers did. Until now. PuddleTag has been a revelation. It does everything the others do, plus allows me to rearrange my Podcast listening order, very easily any time I want. \r\n\r\nI don\'talwaysgetachancetolistentoallmydownloadedPodcaststhroughouttheday,andsomedaystherearealwaysafewnewones,thatI\'d like to listen to now and just give later track numbers to the existing ones. Reordering tracks in PuddleTag is simplicity in itself. Select the track(s) and press Ctrl-+ or Ctrl-- (You might have to go onto preferences shortcuts to get this set up, depending upon your keyboard).\r\n\r\nAnyway, something worth looking at:\r\n\r\nhttps://puddletag.sourceforge.net/\r\n\r\ngPodder\'sgreattooasIcansyncgPodderbetweendifferentPC\'s and if you have a network storage device, you can set a link on each PC to a gPodder folder on the storage device and your Podcasts won\'tbeduplicated,butyoucanconnectyourMP3playertoanymachinetogetyourlatestpodcasts.\r\n\r\nKindregards\r\n\r\nBadCam','2022-02-1413:15:30'),
(73,636,'2011-02-14 06:09:22','Buffalo Pete','Very nice!','Thanks for this rundown of kid3! I\'vebeenaKDEuserforalmostfouryearsnow,butI\'ve still been using Easytag as my id3 tag editor, so it was nice to hear an introduction to this piece of software. Thanks!','2017-09-09 07:41:21'),
(74,638,'2011-01-19 20:25:30','brother mouse','interesting and controversial','First off, thanks for putting together this string of shows. I am not in immediate danger of having to go camping but this is great preparedness info. I practice my camping skills (cooking, shelter building, fire for warmth, washing clothes) in my back yard. Wife thinks I\'mcrazy,butifiteverhitsthefanIwanttobettermychances.Shelostherjobsotheinspirationisalittleclearerinmyheadthesedays.\r\n\r\nIagreewithyouabouthowlivinga\"normal\"lifereallyinflatestheamountof$$$oneneeds.Ihavedaydreamsaboutlivingonmuchlessandwithmuchless.OneofthoseoldChinookmicroRVswouldbeneat.Oranoldbreadtruck...\r\n\r\nIwouldn\'t feel comfortable begging or misrepresenting my affllliation (ie, greenpeace). My workaround, perhaps feeble, would be to provide some service (picking up trash in that area? playing an instrument as you describe?) and putting out a hat for that. \r\n\r\nI will share that I really DETEST panhandling. Around my area panhandling is an excuse to get up close and size one up for robbery. I don\'tmindtrashpicking,though.Ihaveretrievedmanyusefulitemsfrombins.Ialwaystrytoleavetheareaneater,notmessedup.\r\n\r\nIoncereadatipaboutdivingforfood;saidtomakesureyoucouldtell/why/itwasthrownout:expired,damaged,etc.Iftherewasnocluetowhyitwasthrownoutthatexperiencedcampersaidpassitby.\r\n\r\n','2017-09-0907:41:21'),
(75,638,'2011-01-20 13:50:45','skirlet','well done !!','thanks for the show :D\r\ni really like how you break it down like all the things one can do to \"market\" one\'sskillset.awesomeawesomemini-series!!!righton.jusreallygoodthinkinoutoftheboxideas.LOVEIT','2017-09-0907:41:21'),
(76,638,'2011-01-20 13:59:31','klaatu','yup','Thanks for the comment, Brother Mouse. I agree with what you\'resayingallaround.Ireallydon\'t care for straight up panhandling, although I have to say, it does work in a pinch for a lot of people. \r\n\r\nAs for dumpster diving, I don\'tthinkit\'s a good idea to literally Dive into Dumpsters for anything. If it\'sfoodoneisafter,it\'s a much better idea to make friends with the employees of the place and just intercept the food before it gets to the dumpster, and also have that layer of \"Trust me dude, you don\'twantthisstuff\" protection.\r\n\r\nOh yeah, and I\'m really enjoying your episodes too, Brother Mouse! ','2017-09-09 07:41:21'),
(77,639,'2011-01-14 19:28:09','Tarnus','Haven\'tseenoneyetthatdoesthat.','IlistentoalotofPodcasts,butIcan\'t say I know a single Podcast that set\'sanexacttimetheshowhastorun.Allofthemtendtotalktilltheyaredoneandrathertendtocutstuff/letstuffoutwhentheyfeelitgoestolong,butI\'ve never seen the opposite.\r\n\r\nAre there really that many podcastmakers around that are so \"detemined\" to do that?\r\n\r\nGreetings,\r\n\r\nTarnus','2017-09-09 07:41:21'),
(78,639,'2011-01-26 22:14:12','sp0rus','','Enjoyed the talk, Droops. I haven\'tseentoomanypeopledoingfillerlately,butgranted,Ididtrimdownmypodcastlisteningquiteabit.\r\n\r\nInoticeitmorefromthemoreprofessionallydoneshows,wherethepeoplehaveabackgroundinradio,suchastheTWiTnetworkandsuch.\r\n\r\nIdoagreethatalotofthesimplyinformativepodcastsdoneedtocutthechitchat.Ifthepurposeistogetamessageacrossorteachsomething,doitandendit.I\'ll be thinking about this from now on when I\'mrecordingsomething.\r\n\r\nIthinkthemostpowerfulstatementyoumadewaswhenyoutalkedabouteveryminuteyouwasteispossibly1000minuteswastedaroundtheworldduetoallthepeople\'s minutes you just wasted. You said this very well, and I thank you for making the point.','2017-09-09 07:41:21'),
(79,639,'2011-01-31 15:29:29','droops','','Thanks for the replies guys. I am super guilty of doing this, but hopefully I learn from my mistakes.\r\n\r\nI was listening to a photography podcast with my wife the other day and it just went on and on with silly banter and no actual content. It was a bit on the extreme side, but I am not the only one. ','2017-09-09 07:41:21'),
(81,642,'2011-01-21 01:05:44','quvmoh','','great, now I have to talk the wife into letting me build a chicken tractor!','2017-09-09 07:41:21'),
(82,642,'2011-01-21 02:51:01','smartasstronaut','Another Great Episode','Thanks for another great and informative show. Keep up the good work. ps My wife is telling me i can\'thavechickens:-(','2017-09-0907:41:21'),
(83,642,'2011-04-14 08:32:35','Sigg3','Can\'twaittolistentothis..','..meandthemissushavebeentalkingaboutchickentsinthegarden.Can\'t wait to hear what\'sneededtodoso!Thanks!','2017-09-0907:41:21'),
(84,643,'2011-01-19 20:29:03','brother mouse','many similarities to my playlist','I sync all my \'caststoanandroidphoneratherthananmp3playerproper,butmanyoftheseareonmylistaswell:\r\n\r\nCommonSensewithDanCarlin\r\nDanCarlinsHardcoreHistoryFreakonomicsHackerPublicRadio\r\nNPR-PlanetMoney\r\nNPR-FreshAirRadiolab\r\n\r\nIfIcouldonlyhaveonepodcast(gasp!)IthinkitwouldhavetobePlanetMoney.Astoundinglygood.','2017-09-0907:41:21'),
(85,643,'2011-01-27 15:47:16','NYbill','Thanks!','With all the driving I do at work I\'malwayslookingformorepodcaststolistento.Ididn\'t know about half of these (I knew NPR stuff, Radiolab, and HPR. But, none of the others.) I pulled in all the Anonymous Audio last night and I\'mlisteningtothemtoday.Goodstuff.Thatoneisakeeper.I\'ll look into the others as well. Thanks Droops!','2017-09-09 07:41:21'),
(86,643,'2011-01-31 15:31:32','droops','','Did you know that NPR allows you to build queries of their content and get a podcast feed of shows that your feed finds. It is a great way to find new shows from them.\r\n\r\nhttps://www.npr.org/rss/podcast/podcast_directory.php\r\n\r\n','2022-02-14 13:15:30'),
(87,643,'2011-02-16 20:30:42','Ken Fallon','Upload your OPML feed','Hi Droops,\r\n\r\nCan you upload your OPML please,\r\n\r\nKen.\r\nhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OPML','2022-02-14 13:15:31'),
(88,643,'2011-02-17 03:35:16','droops','OPML','	droops Podcast Feeds\r\n	Thu, 17 Feb 2011 03:33:10 GMT\r\n	Thu, 17 Feb 2011 03:33:10 GMT\r\n','2017-09-09 07:41:21'),
(90,644,'2011-01-27 12:17:01','N50','Thanks','Hello Xoke,\r\n\r\nThank you for the support and feedback! I am so glad to see someone got something out of the episode. \r\n\r\nAs mentioned in the episode, there are probably dozens of ways out there to go about doing this, but I have found that this combination works well for me, and it has always \"just worked.\" \r\n\r\nThanks!\r\n\r\n','2017-09-09 07:41:21'),
(91,644,'2011-02-10 17:35:57','Aaronb','Faster installs - great Info','II have been booting distros from thumbdrives for years. I use multboot for some of it. \r\n\r\nBut for installing, your suggestions are great. So much faster. Many times it will fail to install from a CD on older equipment. Where it will be successful from a thumbdrive. This is the type of podcast I like. USEFUL!','2017-09-09 07:41:21'),
(92,644,'2011-02-26 19:29:20','Buffalo Pete','','Great tip and well timed! I\'mrehabilitatinganagingmachinetodayandrememberedhearingthisepisodeofHPRafewweeksback,soIlistenedtoitagainjustnowandamnowreadytoinstallArchLinuxonthemachine.Thanksalot!\r\n\r\n-BuffaloPete','2017-09-0907:41:21'),
(93,645,'2011-02-08 18:19:00','pokey','Another great episode','I keep meaning to decrypt your email address puzzle and contact you to chat for a bit. I keep forgetting.\r\n\r\nThis was a very fun show to listen to. I\'meagerlyawaitingthesequel.','2017-09-0907:41:21'),
(94,645,'2011-02-08 18:29:15','pokey','Figured it out.','hey, you were right. that wasn\'thardtofigureout.Igotitonthefirsttry.:D','2017-09-0907:41:21'),
(95,645,'2011-02-24 19:45:45','Buffalo Pete','A great start!','I really enjoyed this one. As someone who is sort of in the \"tech education\" field, I am always interested to hear about laypeople\'sexperiencesenteringtheworldoftechnology.Lookingforwardtothenextinstallment!\r\n\r\nBestwishes,\r\nPete','2017-09-0907:41:21'),
(96,646,'2011-01-24 12:41:07','brother mouse','G1 w/no data','This show hasn\'tcomeupinmypodcastrotationyet,butwantedtothrowinmy2c.\r\n\r\nIrunaTMOprepaidSIMinmyG1(Cyanogenmod6.1),butusesomethinglike15minsofphoneamonth.\r\n\r\nEverythingelseiswifi,automatedwithTasker.TheTMOsimhasanadvantagethatyoucangeta24hrdatadaypassfor$1.50ifyoufindyourselfsomewherewithnowifiandadesperateneedforconnectivity.Happenstomeaboutonceeverytwomonthsorso.','2017-09-0907:41:21'),
(97,646,'2011-02-02 14:51:00','brother mouse','more thoughts while listening','===podcasts\r\nI agree that podcasts are better for information than the normal media. I like the topic-centric nature of most \'casts.\r\n\r\n===callpatterns\r\nCallsfromhome/work:Ishift\"elective\"callssoIcanusealandline.Time-sensitivecallsgetmadeonthecell.IwasoriginallyonSprint,butwasannoyedthatIcouldn\'t swap phones when I wanted (GSM FTW!) and the smallest package I could get was 300mins/month for $30. Way, way more than I need.\r\n\r\n===Google voice\r\nwhat is the rationale for using a separate google account? Not arguing, I just don\'tunderstandthebenefit.\r\n\r\n===salesdroidsandnodataplan\r\nYes,salescritterswillgointoapoplexyifyoutalkaboutasmartphonew/outdataplan.It\'s like that movie _Scanners_.\r\n\r\n\r\n===unlocked phones\r\neBay ftw! Some of my favorite phones:\r\nWindoze: unlocked HTC dash $50, BB formfactor with great kb and hardkeys. Unlocked HTC Wizard (MDA) $50 PPC. Unlocked HTC Typhoon? SDA candybar, dedicated music buttons. \r\n\r\nAndroid: an old G1 would be fine, $100. LG Optimus-series, $150. \r\n\r\n===gps\r\nI wonder if we\'reconflating\"gps\"and\"navigation\"inthisepisode.TheGPSgetsalockjustfine.WouldbefasterwiththeaGPSdata-enabledtowerlookup,buttheGPSproperwillworkfinewithnodata.\r\n\r\nIusemaydroydofflinemaps(nonav)andgeobeagleforwaypointnavigation.I\'m looking at the Copilot site now, but haven\'tfigureditalloutyet.Ihaveanewer/better\'droid phone on the way, and may install copilot then.\r\n\r\n\r\n===Links\r\nhttps://www.mapdroyd.com/\r\nhttps://code.google.com/p/geobeagle/','2022-02-14 13:15:31'),
(98,647,'2011-01-27 19:01:34','ClaudioM','No Sound?','Pulled the episode down from gPodder and tried listening in VLC but no audio. This OS from the ogg feed. Might want to check the ogg file to make sure it plays fine next time.','2017-09-09 07:41:21'),
(99,647,'2011-01-28 06:53:24','Ken Fallon','I do test the files.','Hi ClaudioM,\r\n\r\nI check each file that I post before and after I post it using mplayer.\r\n$ mplayer https://hackerpublicradio.org/eps/hpr0647.mp3\r\nMPlayer 1.0rc4-4.4.5 (C) 2000-2010 MPlayer Team\r\n...\r\nPlaying https://hackerpublicradio.org/eps/hpr0647.mp3.\r\n...\r\nStarting playback...\r\nA: 4.1 (04.0) of 1628.2 (27:08.2) 0.1% 6% \r\n\r\nI\'vejustdownloadedallthreeversionsandtheyplayinmplayerbutnotinVLC.\r\n\r\nIopeneditinaudacityandIseethatthesamplerateissetto11025.I\'ve fixed it and will have a think about how to prevent this going forward. I\'mfixingthemnow.\r\n\r\nThanksforthefeedbackbutforissuesasurgentasthispleaseemailadminoverathpr.\r\n\r\nThanks\r\n\r\nKen.\r\n','2022-02-1413:15:31'),
(100,647,'2011-01-28 15:53:55','brother mouse','hmmm','Interesting. The source .wav was 44.1k; I can confirm the .ogg output from a vanilla \"eggenc source.wav\" style command was indeed 11.025:\r\n\r\nfile brother-mouse_How-I-Got-Into-Linux.ogg\r\nbrother-mouse_How-I-Got-Into-Linux.ogg: Ogg data, Vorbis audio, stereo, 11025 Hz, ~44600 bps, created by: Xiph.Org libVorbis I\r\n\r\nLooks like the default is to get aggressive with filesize based on aural content. Maybe I\'llpassflagstooggenctoforce22.05or44.1,orusemp3inthefuture.','2017-09-0907:41:21'),
(101,647,'2011-02-02 01:03:16','droops','Awesome','I super like these episodes, very interesting story and well told.\r\n\r\nAlso Debian is awseome.','2017-09-09 07:41:21'),
(102,649,'2011-01-31 05:04:34','tlkg','','you pay how much for insurance!? $150 for 6 months!?\r\n\r\nsweet jesus man.. where do you guys live?\r\n\r\nim in New Jersey (highest cost of insurance in the country). i pay at least $200 a MONTH for a 98 Wrangler. and thats minimum coverage. full coverage is pushing $300/month.','2017-09-09 07:41:21'),
(103,649,'2011-02-12 16:02:02','quvmoh','insurance','Idaho and were both in our 40\'ssonotsomuch.','2017-09-0907:41:21'),
(104,650,'2011-02-02 22:34:23','brother mouse','dived a bit','I found a PC one time; I gave it the hostname \"catpee\" and it was obvious why they threw it out. :-P I let it sit in the garage for about 6mos and the smell faded enough so I could stand to get near and clean it.\r\n\r\nMy favorite diving gear, in order of importance:\r\n\r\n1. a willingness to leave the dumpster area as clean or cleaner than I found it.\r\n\r\n2. One of those \"handy grabber\" things. I use a 48\" Nifty Nabber (froogle search --https://goo.gl/Jlg4i ). I also have a 36\" that I prefer for walking picks. The 48\" is a little long but perfect for those picks wa-a-a-a-y in the dumpster.\r\n\r\n3. A rubbermaid bin in my car stocked with: leather gloves for sharps, latex gloves for stickies. Messy stuff sits in the tub until I can get home and clean it out.\r\n\r\n4. air compressor with blower attachment, as you point out. Blow all that dust and crud out. ','2022-02-14 13:15:32'),
(105,650,'2011-02-08 18:06:54','pokey','bring a flashlight','I\'llonlydiveincomputerrecyclebins.It\'s much cleaner that way. I still consider it unsanitary, and treat it that for safety\'ssake,butitsdefinitelycleaner.\r\n\r\nIrecordallmyHPRsonamicthatIsalvaged,pluggedintoasoundcardthatIsalvaged,inacomputerthatIsalvaged,fullofsalvagedparts.SoIcanreallyrelatetothisepisode.Goodone,andthanks.','2017-09-0907:41:21'),
(106,651,'2011-01-31 16:26:05','Curbuntu','Telephone feedback','Ken,\r\nYou have a great idea in setting up the call-in option for episode submissions. But there\'sanotherideathatcanridedial-in\'s coattails -- audio responses to episodes. Yes, most comments will come via text; but it would be nice to *hear* a few responses in your first-of-month admin episodes. (Thanks for doing these, BTW.)','2017-09-09 07:41:21'),
(108,651,'2011-01-31 23:31:14','Code Cruncher','Competition questions','Ken,\r\n3 questions regarding the competition:\r\n- What\'sthedeadline?\r\n-Wheredowesenddesigns?\r\n-Whatformat(s)?(probably.aiandsomepicteg.jpg)\r\n','2017-09-0907:41:21'),
(109,651,'2011-02-01 06:29:15','Ken Fallon','Competition Answers','- Enough time to have them ready for oggcamp\r\n- admin at hpr\r\n- jpg and svg and then other formats\r\n\r\nKen.','2017-09-09 07:41:21'),
(110,651,'2011-02-06 00:12:07','brother mouse','LO','Heard the Linux Outlaws plug; it was a good one! They spent a good deal of time talking about HPR.\r\n\r\n','2017-09-09 07:41:21'),
(111,651,'2011-02-08 17:57:15','pokey','You called my mom out!?','Haha. When I told her I swear I could hear her blushing over the phone. I think she\'sgonna\' do one too. It should be fun.','2017-09-09 07:41:21'),
(112,652,'2011-02-02 01:01:49','droops','wrong host','please delete this comment\r\n\r\nyou clicked slick0 instead of sp0roius\r\n\r\nsomeone should have built your cms better','2017-09-09 07:41:21'),
(113,652,'2011-02-02 06:18:41','Ken Fallon','corrected','Someone should have learned how to use a drop down box.\r\n\r\nKen','2017-09-09 07:41:21'),
(114,652,'2011-02-02 14:02:23','gerryk','great stuff!','Hi Guys... I listen to the entire gamut of security podcasts, from Security Now to Exotic Liability and I found yours highly enjoyable and informative. I hope you\'reintendingoncontinuing.\r\nNiceone!!\r\nGerry','2017-09-0907:41:21'),
(115,652,'2011-02-03 21:58:46','Frank','','Thank you. Security is a topic that is usually overlooked until too late. I look forward to hearing more from you all.','2017-09-09 07:41:21'),
(116,652,'2011-02-05 06:35:05','droops','Great Show','In regards to my earlier comment, I made the crappy cms and I did not want that comment ','2017-09-09 07:41:21'),
(117,652,'2011-02-05 06:35:57','droops','Great Show','In regards to my earlier comment, I made the crappy cms.\r\n\r\nGreat show guys, I hope to hear many more from yall.','2017-09-09 07:41:21'),
(118,653,'2011-02-07 19:44:57','Brandon Garlock','That was a fun little podcast','I thought that was a nice podcast. It was light and I could do other work while listening.','2017-09-09 07:41:21'),
(119,654,'2011-02-03 10:18:03','arfab','Hey','Good show! I like the sound of this and will probably look into building something myself :)','2017-09-09 07:41:21'),
(120,654,'2011-02-04 07:20:32','Ken Fallon','Comments dont suck any more','Good show. \r\n\r\nComments are all approved now so the spammers have gone away.','2017-09-09 07:41:21'),
(121,654,'2011-02-15 04:37:35','M61','Hey Jbu92!','Well you know me as M61 and I know you as Teh Jimbo, but I liked the show for sure. I am currently putting little holes around my house for flash drives. Not kidding. Especially because my mom just up and bought a macbook pro the other day, without telling anyone of the $1000 that she possibly spent. I\'mprettysurethatIcanmakeherpaywithafewannoyingflashdrivetraps.','2017-09-0907:41:21'),
(122,655,'2011-02-09 23:19:33','diablomarcus','Love this series','The first episode was super interesting, and it was nice to hear the series of interesting quotations from a familiar book. The reddit connection is also great :)','2017-09-09 07:41:21'),
(123,656,'2011-02-08 17:38:08','pokey','Great Show!','Great show, thank you. The sound quality was very good, and content was top shelf also. I hope I never need to know all this, but I\'mgladIcanifIhaveto.Thanksforjoining\"the club.\"\r\n\r\nIthinkwespokeinircbefore.I\'m glad you joined in, and I hope it was fun enough to do another.','2017-09-09 07:41:21'),
(124,657,'2011-02-08 15:27:01','JBu92','','I definitely agree that screencasts or just straightup video podcasts would make some topics much easier to cover (for instance I\'mworkingrightnowonanintrotoWireShark,andthat\'s the sort of thing that would be much easier to do via a video). Possible limitations would be server costs (videos take up space), format/encoding/size consistency (all of which would be nice), and the fact that this is Hacker Public *Radio* ( SISTERSITE )','2017-09-09 07:41:21'),
(125,657,'2011-02-08 17:52:14','pokey','good show, but...','Now I want to hear one about model rockets.','2017-09-09 07:41:21'),
(126,657,'2011-02-08 19:31:02','Slacker','Response','\r\nThat would be GREAT. I just hope the files are not very large, or large ones can be broken into smaller ones.\r\n\r\n\r\n','2017-09-09 07:41:21'),
(127,657,'2011-02-09 14:46:26','droops','hrmm','Maybe I did not hit all the points I wanted to make.\r\n\r\nGo listen to real NPR, sometimes they say \"go see the video on our website\" that is what we are going to do.\r\n\r\nThere will be no downloading video in the RSS feed, so no need to split files, worry about encoding, bandwidth, storage issues, Vimeo can take care of all that.\r\n\r\nArchive.org can have all of the videos, if people want to actually download the episodes.','2017-09-09 07:41:21'),
(129,657,'2011-02-12 13:08:37','brother mouse','ahhhh','Thanks for the clarification about the vids being referred to rather than actually downloaded in the feed. That was worrying me. ','2017-09-09 07:41:21'),
(130,657,'2011-02-14 01:29:49','Badcam','I\'mallforit,ononecondition...','Pleasedon\'t put any video casts in with the Audio RSS feed. Separate RSS feeds please.','2017-09-09 07:41:21'),
(131,658,'2011-02-12 02:33:22','vdw','a foobar-clone...','...that\'sallLinuxneedsreallyandifyoudisagreethenyoudon\'t know anything about life :-)','2017-09-09 07:41:21'),
(132,658,'2011-02-12 02:36:46','pokey','I\'vebeeninneedofthisforawhile.','Thanksforyourshow.Youtwoaregreattogether.Ihopeyou\'ll be back for more. I\'vealwaysheardthatAmarokwasverygood,butI\'ve never been able to quite wrap my head around just what it wants me to do. You\'vegivenmeagoodreasontotryagain,andagoodplacetostart.ButI\'m even more excited to try out Guayadeque. It sounds like the almost perfect music player. I\'veneverevenheardofitbefore.Iinstalleditrightafterhearingyourshow.Ican\'t wait to get a bit of time to try it out. Thanks again for the great episode.','2017-09-09 07:41:21'),
(134,660,'2011-02-12 02:30:31','pokey','Very good show.','That was a lot of fun to listen to. There was some real cool stuff about old hardware that I never would have known otherwise. Like the Zaxxon thing... I loved that game! When you talked about people timing their moves in Mortal Combat to the frame, it made me think that I\'msureI\'ve played against some of them. Would you consider doing a series on retro computing, and maybe highlighting one machine or program each episode? That would be epic. Just think how much fun you would have doing prep for each show.','2017-09-09 07:41:21'),
(135,660,'2011-02-18 03:19:26','Trixter','Regular series','Thanks very much for the kind words. I have toyed with the idea of doing a regular podcast, definitely on retrocomputing, but it would be centered around the subject I know the most about, which would be old PC/DOS machines. There are some video podcasts that cover this, but not a regular audio one dedicated to the broad hobby itself (the video ones are game-centric), so I think I might actually give it more thought and pursue it. Thanks again.','2017-09-09 07:41:21'),
(136,660,'2013-04-08 15:47:42','John','Episode 2- An Argument For Emulators','Your stance is of course absolutely sound and I enjoyed listening to this podcast but as someone who loves emulators as much as original hardware it would be great to hear from the other side of the coin. You did go into it briefly but I think you would be very capable of being as equally verbose on the plus points of emulation and software preservation. It wouldn\'tbenewstomyearsbutI\'m sure there are many out there who would value such information in podcast form.','2017-09-09 07:41:21'),
(137,661,'2011-02-21 01:09:07','pokey','I don\'thaveasmartphone...yet','I\'ve always been pretty fascinated with war driving. It seems like a really fun thing to do, though I\'veneverunderstoodthepointofit.That\'s not to say I wouldn\'torhaven\'t done it, I just don\'tknowwhatuseitis.Ialsoliketoreadtheclevernamesthatpeoplegivetheirwirelessnetworks.\r\n\r\nWillthesoftwareyou\'re using find hidden networks? I remember back around the time I started using Linux (2007ish), Ubuntu would find hidden networks, but that later stopped happening for some reason.\r\n\r\nFor the record and your amusement; my SSID is freddy-n-eddy, even though I don\'tknowanyonebyeitherofthosenames.\r\n\r\nThanksfortheshow.','2017-09-0907:41:21'),
(138,661,'2011-02-24 21:13:07','cobra2','point of wardriving','For people like me who have a smart phone and don\'thaveaserviceprovider.VoIPismymodeofcommunication.BymappingouttheopenAP\'s in my area, I know were I can walk around and still retain something similar to cell service. I also am able to spot the AP\'swithweakprotection(WEP,whichcanbebrokeninaboutamin).\r\nIt\'s also just another intresting way to get out of the house and walk around. It gives you a real reason to go down that dead-end street that you would not walk down if you were just going from point A to point B.','2017-09-09 07:41:21'),
(139,663,'2011-02-16 16:36:18','pokey','','WOOT! Another brother mouse episode. Sweet.\r\nThanks, brother mouse.','2017-09-09 07:41:21'),
(140,663,'2011-02-16 20:29:37','Ken Fallon','Upload your OPML feed','Hi BM,\r\n\r\nCan you upload your OPML feed please\r\n\r\nKen.\r\nhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OPML','2022-02-14 13:15:32'),
(141,663,'2011-02-17 03:17:25','Frank','Old Time Radio','It was nice hearing from another OTR fan.\r\n\r\nI\'mamysterybuff,andthishasbecomeoneofmyfavoriteOTRsites:\r\n\r\nhttps://www.mysteryshows.com/','2022-02-1413:15:32'),
(142,663,'2011-03-01 18:24:17','oem','Thanks And Recommendations','Thanks for the animal and science podcast recommendations. \r\n\r\nMuch of The Cato Institute and libertarian dogma fall apart when discussed by Thom Hartmann.\r\n\r\nThe Big Picture Thom Hartmann (Video):\r\nhttps://files.thomhartmann.com/tpadmin/podcasts.xml\r\n\r\nThom Hartmann Show (Audio) 7 day delay:\r\nhttps://feedity.com/rss.aspx/whiterosesociety-org/UlFUU1NR\r\n\r\nHarry Shearer Le Show(Audio)\r\nhttps://feeds.kcrw.com/kcrw/ls','2022-02-14 13:15:33'),
(143,664,'2011-02-19 19:06:05','hutch','uhhh... wtf?','Isn\'tthisreallyold?howcouldyoubeJUSTtalkingabout2.7beta1twodaysago?i\'ve been using a release version for a while.','2017-09-09 07:41:21'),
(144,664,'2011-02-20 11:31:10','Ken Fallon','Syndicated shows','Hi Hutch,\r\n\r\nThis is a syndicated show so the content is older than normal. \r\n\r\nKen.','2017-09-09 07:41:21'),
(145,665,'2011-02-19 03:59:25','Matt','Good episode!','I really enjoyed this episode. I always avoid the craps table because it looks so confusing. I think I\'mgoingtogiveitatry.\r\n\r\nCouldyoutalkabitaboutBaccarat?Howthegameworksandwhyit\'s so popular in James Bond and other films. Thanks!\r\n','2017-09-09 07:41:21'),
(146,665,'2011-02-20 00:35:41','Ayumi Yu','Good stuff','Thanks KFive, that was very informative and I enjoyed it a lot!\r\n\r\nCraps has been around for a while, right? I wonder why more people don\'tplaylikethis.Cananyonewho\'s played craps tables confirm that people indeed play the incorrect way?','2017-09-09 07:41:21'),
(148,666,'2011-02-24 00:46:19','Quvmoh','great show!','great to see more folks addicted to this stuff :-)','2017-09-09 07:41:21'),
(149,666,'2011-02-24 23:58:20','Matt','Brings back memories of camping','My Dad had a little Coleman stove that came in a metal cube storage case. The lid of the cube case was a pan for cooking, and the base was a pot for boiling water or soup. Very compact, practical and reliable. I wish I had one! Thanks for the episode!\r\n\r\n','2017-09-09 07:41:21'),
(150,666,'2013-04-25 13:16:00','pokey','Great episode!','So I finally got around to trying out me Coleman suitcase stove. I was inspired by your HPR to hunt one down. I found one at a yard sale for $2, but I had no cash on me and couldn\'tfindanATM,sothatonegotaway.AweeklaterIspottedonelyinginthegrassatthedump.Itwasalmostperfectlycamouflaged,sodon\'t ask me how I ever saw it. Anyway, I\'vehaditforalmostayearnow,andonlyjustlitit.Iwaslookingforwardtoworkingonthethingandtuningitup,soIwasalmostdisappointedwhenitfiredrightupandputoutperfectblueflames.Ihadonlylitittotestitout,butmy(12/yo)daughterwassoexcited,sheraninthehousetogetapanandsomeeggs,whichshefriedupforus.\r\n\r\nOnarelatedtopic,agoodfriendofminewas\"gifted\"withahalfadozenchickslatelastfall(Surprise,here\'s chickens!). Thanks to your HPR efforts, I was able to help him build a temporary coop, and plan the larger permanent coop. It was a good time spent with a good friend (which is rarer and rarer these days), and I thought you should know.\r\n\r\nAnyway thanks again for the inspiration and education.','2017-09-09 07:41:21'),
(151,667,'2011-02-24 22:20:29','Matt','A good reminder!','One of my favorite things at the library is historical photographs and aerial photographs of the local area. Many of these resources will not make it online, or it may take some time due to cost of conversion. \r\n\r\nThe library is also a good place to \"check out\" programming books before you decide to buy them.\r\n','2017-09-09 07:41:21'),
(152,670,'2011-03-01 12:57:14','ClaudioM','Fantastic!','I have to say that this was one of my favorite HPR episodes by far. Kudos to Tony Denton for putting it out there. Thoroughly enjoyed listening to it and I look forward to more from Tony. Plus, the jazz transitions were a nice touch. ;-)','2017-09-09 07:41:21'),
(154,671,'2011-02-28 13:52:51','dodddummy','Correction.','Looks like I\'mofftoagoodstartwiththeerrors.IfIdomoreshows,therewillsurelybemanymoretofollow.\r\n\r\n\'The Unix Programming Environment\'isbyBrianW.KernighanandRobPike,notRitchie.Oneofmyotherfavoritebooks,\'The C Programming Language\',isbyBrianKernighanandDennisRitchie.','2017-09-0907:41:21'),
(155,671,'2011-03-11 03:07:27','pokey','','Good show, thank you. I love the \"how I found Linux shows.\" It\'salmostlikegettingtoknowsomeone.IfoundLinuxbecauseIdidn\'t like Vista. If there were more to it than that, I would do a show too. Obviously your story is more interesting than mine. Thanks for telling it.','2017-09-09 07:41:21'),
(156,671,'2011-03-12 01:36:01','dodddummy','','I like them, too. For the same reason.','2017-09-09 07:41:21'),
(158,671,'2012-11-28 22:48:45','Ken Fallon','constructive remark','I personally found the show very interesting and would like to thank you for the comment as I got to enjoy it again.\r\n\r\nIf you would like to go into more detail as to where you think improvements could be made then feel free to submit a show yourself.','2017-09-09 07:41:21'),
(159,672,'2011-03-11 03:03:46','pokey','Nice!','Good show, and good idea for a series. I\'vejustbeenlookingatcomputercomponentsonneweggtoo,sothiswasniceandtimelyforme.Iwasn\'t really considering AMD, but I guess probably should.','2017-09-09 07:41:21'),
(160,672,'2011-03-11 17:27:48','Claudio Miranda','Thanks!','Thanks for the comment! Glad you enjoyed it. I hope that someone would be willing to take up the Intel side in a series like this as it would be an equally helpful series IMO. My next one will include some other sites I referred to for a motherboard. Hopefully that will come soon.','2017-09-09 07:41:21'),
(161,672,'2011-05-21 21:44:39','diablomarcus','Will be useful sooner than I thought','Seeing as my current laptop just blew up, I\'mgoingtobebuildingagamingcomputer.Goingbacktorelistentothese:)Thanks!','2017-09-0907:41:21'),
(162,675,'2011-03-11 03:01:26','pokey','','Wow. This was really well presented. I usually gloss over at code. I just have a hard time following, but not so much this time. Your show was really good, and I really enjoyed it. \r\n\r\n','2017-09-09 07:41:22'),
(163,675,'2011-03-15 13:07:40','Doug','Thanks!','Pokey,\r\nYeah, I was concerned about doing a programming podcast in audio only, I\'mgladitmadesense!\r\nThanksforthenicecomment!\r\nDoug','2017-09-0907:41:22'),
(164,676,'2011-03-08 03:53:18','code cruncher','CMS ... features of wordpress','... so you are trying to decide whether to keep this CMS or replace it with another one?\r\n\r\nYou mentioned wordpress. I know wordpress a little bit and here is what I like about it:\r\n- It is extendable. You can add anything you want. It\'sphp,mysqlandcss.\r\n-Itgetsupdated.Goodforsecurity!\r\n-Usermanagementistakencareof.Peoplecouldsignuptobecomepartofthecommunity(lessspamincomments).\r\n-Itcansendemailwhensomeonepostsacommenttoyourpostorrespondstoyourcommentetc.\r\n-ItissimplerthanmostotherCMS(eg,Drupal,Joomla,Typo3)toinstall,setup,getplugins,createthemes,...\r\n-Ithinkitcandowhatyoulisted.Itdoesprettynamesforposts;doingprettynamesforhostsmayrequiresomeprogramming.\r\n\r\nmy5cts...lookingforwardtootherinputandopinions...cc.\r\n','2017-09-0907:41:22'),
(166,676,'2011-03-15 02:09:38','pokey','Well done, Ken & thanks, brother mouse.','Ken, great job on the promo. People should know that it was your idea, and that I screwed up in writing the script with my mom in forgetting to also credit Finux for the UK call in number.\r\n\r\nbrother mouse, I think MrGadgets was encouraged to do episode 681, so you got your wish. Nice one!','2017-09-09 07:41:22'),
(167,677,'2011-03-10 22:39:41','MrsXoke','Thanks!','I really enjoyed this! Thank you for sharing your thoughts and encounters, and delivering them in a way that was easy to understand and pleasant to listen to. As a side note, I am going to be listening to Blue Heaven tonight once Xoke gets home, so he can hear it too. I am looking forward to it.','2017-09-09 07:41:22'),
(168,677,'2011-03-11 13:42:23','lostnbronx','Thanks So Much!','Glad you enjoyed it! Perhaps you could consider making your own production: maybe a dramtized version of \"The Adventures Of Captain Dramatic\"? Man, I would listen!','2017-09-09 07:41:22'),
(169,678,'2011-03-11 02:57:30','pokey','','Great show. Lots of fun. I can\'twaitforthenextone.','2017-09-0907:41:22'),
(170,678,'2011-03-12 01:34:12','dodddummy','','I always love the darwin award type stories.','2017-09-09 07:41:22'),
(171,681,'2011-03-15 02:19:46','pokey','Fun show. ','I enjoyed your episode twice today. It was definitely worth a re-listen. It was very cool to hear about the first multimedia computer. I know how exciting it is to upgrade my computer I can only imagine how cool it would have been to be one of the only guys to have ever done so on a home computer. That must have been pretty scary too. I\'dhavebeennervoustoscrewsomethingupanyway.\r\n\r\nCongratulationsonbeingthefirstHPRcallinshow!Itsoundedgood,Itwasfuntolistento,andIhopesomeothersareencouragedtofollowyourlead.Iseeyou\'ve got a few more shows in the queue. I can\'twaithearthemall.It\'s so tempting to go grab stuff ahead of time, but that just wouldn\'tbefair.','2017-09-0907:41:22'),
(172,681,'2011-03-21 06:41:13','brij','come issue in encoding','For some reason I got this episode in double speed. Currently am working on it in Audacity. I had to lower the speed by 80% for me to be able to hear the episode. The funny thing is that this only affected the actual episode and not the HPR intro at the beginning. In other words the first 40 seconds are fine. The feed I use is https://www.hackerpublicradio.org/hpr_rss.php if that helps.\r\n\r\nCheers for a good episode.','2022-02-14 13:15:33'),
(173,681,'2011-03-21 19:33:56','Ken Fallon','Entirely my fault','There seems to be a issue with the way I encoded this one. I\'mworkingontheissue.\r\n\r\nThanks.\r\n\r\nKen.','2017-09-0907:41:22'),
(174,681,'2011-03-21 20:23:09','Ken Fallon','iTunes issue','Hi All,\r\n\r\nThis appears to be a iTunes only issue (correct me if I\'mwrong).ThefilewasprocessedbyiTunesandIhavere-triggeredittofetchthelatestfile.Howeverthisisnotautomaticallydoneforpeoplethatalreadyhavethefile.Sopleasedownloadthefileagain.\r\n\r\nThisisourfirstdial-inepisodesotheworkflowisstillabitinflux.Sopleaseifyounoticeanyproblemswiththeaudiopleaseposthereoremailadminathpr.\r\n\r\nKen.','2017-09-0907:41:22'),
(175,681,'2011-04-01 05:53:16','brij','Not exclusive to iTunes','Hi Ken,\r\n\r\nSorry for delay in responding. I just wanted to say it is not an exclusive iTunes issue as I was on Ubuntu with gPodder. Having said that I have not heard the next two episodes by Mr. Gadget. I will check it out today and update you on how the encoding it is.','2017-09-09 07:41:22'),
(176,681,'2011-04-13 04:32:10','brij','Working fine','All the episodes are working fine now. A special thanks again to Mr. Gadget for a wonderful series.\r\nGreat job, Ken and team, in setting up this phone-in lines.','2017-09-09 07:41:22'),
(177,682,'2011-03-16 18:28:36','scriptmunkee','More the one online tax filing option','As pokey mentioned, there is https://www.taxact.com for online tax filling. But what he didn\'tmentionisthathttps://www.turbotax.comalsohasanonlinetaxfilingproduct.FrommyexperienceLinuxwithFirefoxissupportedbyTurboTax.\r\n\r\nOverall,usewhatworksbestforyou.\r\n','2022-02-1413:15:33'),
(178,682,'2011-03-21 00:26:24','pokey','Thanks scriptmonkee','I didn\'tknowthatturbotaxhadanonlineservice.Iappreciateyouaddingthattothecomments,andaddingtothegeneralknowledgebasehere.\r\n\r\nIheardofonemorethatseemedtobewelllikedafterIpostedtheshow,butIcan\'t seem to remember now what that was. If anyone else has more suggestions for getting taxes done with Linux, this is as good a place as any to post a link. ','2017-09-09 07:41:22'),
(179,684,'2011-03-17 17:58:54','Cillian de Róiste','GRMA','Maith thú a Ken! Nár laige Dia thú! Chuala mé an léacht seo cheana féin agus tá sé tau!\r\n\r\nLe meas,\r\ngoibhniu','2017-09-09 07:41:22'),
(180,684,'2011-03-20 21:42:51','Jonas','Normalized Cloud','This is of course a nice approach to the downside of facebook. I agree that someone else tracking by log is not ideal. How many of us only log onto the \"trusted\" networks with status.net service such as the old tllts status.net cloud? The techs there are far superior to many of us normal users and there were numerous problems getting access to the service even outside of many total outages. I would certainly rather have my posts scattered across many hosts rather than something central like facebook. That does obfuscate the logs and make it harder to gather all the users data easily. Even then, though, the isps would still have logs of the interconnected traffic. My point is this sytem would make more difficult what is very easy for google and facebook and twitter, but it still does not make coallating user usage impossible. This idea reminds me of TOR. TOR does not completely anonymize anyone, it just makes it really difficult to connect one endpoint to another for the purposes of prosecution or otherwise. A lot of people think they are fully anonymized with TOR, but I\'venotheardanyTORengineerclaimthat.\r\nAlso,let\'s say that anyone running their own social network peer wants to have advertising on their freedom box. To advertise the owner would need to share the log info with the ad company. Then we\'rebacktospyingincludedforfree,oratleastspyingforfreetotheownerofthebox.Nothingisfreefortheadvertiserofcourse.Yesitwouldtakeawhiletobuildthedatabase,butthatjusttranslatestomorecosttotheadvertiser.I\'m not arguing against doing this. I just want to point out that this just commutes the problem, it doesn\'treallysolvetheproblem.I\'ll be the first to buy a freedom box, but I won\'tdeludemyselfintothinking\"gee when everyone does this, we\'ll be truly free at last\".Lookintoit.It\'s cool. It\'sfreesoftware.It\'s fun. It\'sawesome.InthevoiceofJimCarey\"I like it a lot\".','2017-09-0907:41:22'),
(181,684,'2011-03-21 00:21:27','pokey','Wow! Brilliant!','Ken Thanks for the lovely intro to this show. It was a very nice St. Patrick\'sdaygift.Ihavenoideawhatyousaid,butIcanguess,andIenjoyeditalmostasmuchasifIdid.\r\n\r\nEbenMoglenisabrilliantspeaker.I\'m not always as interested in his talks, but this one really grabbed me. It is one of the best talks I\'veeverheardformanyspeaker.Itwasinformative,movingandunderstandable.EbenisoneofthemorelevelheadedandreasonableevangelistsintheFreesoftwarecommunity.IfeellikeIcanevensharethistalkwithsomeofmymoreacademic,andlesscomputersavvyfriends.\r\n\r\nGreatchoiceforasyndicatedshow!','2017-09-0907:41:22'),
(182,684,'2011-03-26 09:01:34','Dodgy Geezer','Great Episode.','Thanks for posting that episode. That was an awesome talk. I do have one gripe however, and that\'sthevolumelevels.IcanunderstandtherebeinggreatdifferencesbetweenPodcasts,butpleasenotwithinanepisode.','2017-09-0907:41:22'),
(183,684,'2011-03-27 13:21:14','Curbuntu','Kudos','Ken,\r\n\r\nI had not heard of Eben Moglen until this episode, but I thank you for introducing him to us. I\'mnotnormallyafanofoverlylongpodcasts,butIwasdisappointedwhenthisepisodecametoaclose-- because it seemed too short.','2017-09-09 07:41:22'),
(184,686,'2011-03-27 13:33:53','Curbuntu','Humor AND Banjos','MrsXoke,\r\nYour injections of humor into our intravenous drip of podcasts are appreciated. Equally appreciated is exposing us to the Heftone Banjo Orchestra, starting with your previous episode. My wife\'smusicalstastes,whiletheyleanheavilytowardsclassical,encompasssomeofthemoreeclecticandoffbeatinstruments,likebalaiakas,mandolins,harpsicords(specificallyScottJoplinplayedonharpsicord!),accordians,andtheglassarmonica(yes,that\'s spelled correctly). Judging by her initial reaction to an HBO piece (your first podcast sent me to the HBO website), I can envision a Heftone Banjo Orchestra CD under this year\'sChristmastree.Thanks!','2017-09-0907:41:22'),
(185,688,'2011-03-26 23:15:09','(Z)','Thanks','Really liked the book. \r\n','2017-09-09 07:41:22'),
(186,691,'2011-03-29 13:01:35','mail junky','','Gosh that brings back memories. \r\n\r\nYes, the c64 used the same plug in modems as the vic 20. Talking about modems, I remember getting into ascii codes so I could use the c=64 to access the credit bureau via dial-up like I did with the printing terminal at work. (legally of course). There was one company that made a modem that was proprietary non-standard in a patent sort of way. it was faster than most of the 300 buad modems at the time. You had to use their software or not use the modem. We figured out how the software worked and applied the changes to the modem software everyone used. The Geohotz hack of the time. Never got sued though. Their software was crappy anyway with no up to date file transfer methods. I will never mention the modem company name. I remember writing my own modem software so you could do xmodem file transfers instead of ascii dumps. Eventually wrote my own bbs software. \r\n\r\nNo system could read another computer systems disks back then, so moving data was a pain. Not only was the disk formatting different in those days but the way data was represented in a file was also different. The letter \"a\" might be stored as a 65 on one system and another number on some other system. Once rs232 interfaces came out so computers could talk directly to each other without having to use a modem, we used ascii translators to send files between computers for when people were changing systems so the old files could still be used. In fact, I did quite a bit of that for people to move and use the old eight bit (Apple II, TRS-80, C=64, and etc) data files on the pc. \r\n\r\nFloppy trivia: There was a special gadget that cut slots out of the sides of soft floppies to make them flippies so you could get twice the storage. \r\n\r\nOne machine that is not talked about very much that was way ahead of it\'stimewasDatapoint.Datapointwasanoctalnotahexbasedmachine,whichmadethingsfun.Itwasnetworkableviaarcnet.infactthenetworkaddresseshadtobeconfiguredwithjumpersonthecards.Thatwouldneverworktoday.Theoswasmulti-userthoughjobshadtobesubmittedinbatchorder.Infact,myfirstrealcomputerjobwasamaintenanceprogrammerusingdatabusandrpgIIonthosesystems.Theyhadthesebulky5and10gigremovableharddisksthattook10to20minutestocomeuptospeedinthemorningbeforeyoucoulddoanywork.\r\n\r\n','2017-09-0907:41:22'),
(187,691,'2011-04-19 16:53:14','Buffalo Pete','Cheers!','Another great episode! (I\'mwaybehindonmyHPRepisodes,Ijustheardthisonelastnight.)Ienjoyyourphone-inshowsfromthecar!','2017-09-0907:41:22'),
(188,692,'2011-03-29 13:10:23','mail junky','','Makes me think of this: https://www.porcupine.org/satan/ (Security Administrator Tool for Analyzing Networks)','2022-02-14 13:15:33'),
(189,692,'2011-04-13 14:30:42','pokey','I remember this from the campaign','I ran several takes of him saying that through audacity myself back then to verify it. Funny.','2017-09-09 07:41:22'),
(190,696,'2011-04-05 20:35:35','(Z)','Something wrong...','This does not seam to be the last part, and Mr Gadgets also states that the next part will be \"the path towards linux\". Still a nice episode.','2017-09-09 07:41:22'),
(191,696,'2011-04-06 21:11:44','Claudio','Loving It!','I have been thoroughly enjoying MrGadgets\'submissions,andthisonealsodoesnotdisappoint.Afterhearingthisepisode,Ifeellikewe\'re kindred spirits. I also studied Sound Engineering and have always had a love for computers and music, and eventually that also led to synthesizers. Hearing MrGadgets sprinkle some talk of synths in his history of computers (and journey to Linux) really made my day. I have Mark Vail\'sVintageSynthsbookandspenthoursreadingthehistoryofsynthsfromtheanalogMoogsandARPstothedigitalDX\'s and Mirages, and evreything in between. MrGadgets, if you\'rereadingthis,Idefinitelylookforwardtoyoursegmentsonvintagesynths.Kudosonallofyoursegmentsthusfar.:-)','2017-09-0907:41:22'),
(193,696,'2011-04-13 14:28:29','pokey','','Some of the best, and most fun HPR episodes that we have. You always keep us wanting more, so keep them coming!','2017-09-09 07:41:22'),
(194,698,'2011-04-10 16:25:09','brother mouse','interesting show','I like hearing about technical problems other folks encounter, their approaches to figuring them out, and the resolution.\r\n\r\nKeep up the good work. ','2017-09-09 07:41:22'),
(195,698,'2011-04-13 14:25:09','pokey','Good episode. I loved it.','It was great to finally hear your voice on HPR after all the hard work you\'vedoneforthesite.\r\n\r\nTheMorsecodekeyboardLEDwasbrilliantandfun.','2017-09-0907:41:22'),
(196,699,'2011-04-13 14:20:29','pokey','','Awesome show from start to finish. The callers were mostly jerks. But what can you do? Capt\'nCrunchisafascenatingman,andtheinterviewer\'s questions were great. Thanks to our own SigFlUP for representing us the right way.','2017-09-09 07:41:22'),
(197,699,'2011-04-19 03:25:33','ClaudioM','','I\'mwithpokeyonthisone.Ithoroughlyenjoyedtheinterview,savefortheidiotsthatwerewastinghistimeandthehost\'s time. But thankfully there were some mature callers who asked some interesting questions. Also was cool hearing SigFLUP calling in. :-) Great episode overall.','2017-09-09 07:41:22'),
(198,699,'2013-02-10 09:28:22','Derp','Captain crunch ass','This interview was insightful, yet antiquated reminiscence. No fault to roxy, she was great but cpt. Crunch was so full of himself, (like al bundy reminiscing of the old high school football days), mixed with nerdy social awkwardness which apparently he never outgrew. \r\n\r\nTo cpt crunch:\r\nIn short talking non-stop of yourself, bloating your own inner ego of days gone by, answering your cell phone in the middle of an interview makes for one huge asshole of an interviewee.\r\n\r\nFor google search results \"captain crunch is an asshole hacker\"\r\n\r\nKeep that in your back pocket for future interviews...although i doubt there will be one.\r\n\r\nP.s. you sound like the father of skunkworks','2017-09-09 07:41:22'),
(199,702,'2011-04-13 14:37:24','pokey','Very compelling episode','I never knew any of this. I know it was just a computer reading Wikipedia, but I could feel my heart rate increase just a bit during this \"reading.\" Excellent selection. Thanks Ken.','2017-09-09 07:41:22'),
(200,702,'2011-04-23 16:39:41','klaatu','hoax','space travel is a hoax and doesn\'texist.isawitontv.','2017-09-0907:41:22'),
(201,702,'2011-04-25 16:24:44','Space Travel','On the contrairy ','I am very real, and you can\'tstopme.You\'re traveling through space right now, and you\'renoteventrying.\r\n\r\nKlaatu,ontheotherhand,doesnotexist.Heisarecursivefigmentofhisownimagination.','2017-09-0907:41:22'),
(202,702,'2011-05-18 19:25:05','Buffalo Pete','Unbelievable','Hearing Gagarin\'svoiceduringthatflightis...amazing.Truly,hewasspeakingfromthefrontier.Everyonewho\'s ever gone into space since, whether into orbit, to the ISS, or even to the moon, has in some way been following Yuri. But that day, he was truly going where no man had gone before.\r\n\r\nGreat show, Ken.','2017-09-09 07:41:22'),
(203,703,'2011-04-13 14:15:47','pokey','','Best pronunciation of GNU I\'veeverheard.','2017-09-0907:41:22'),
(204,703,'2011-05-11 17:30:23','Bob Evans','The digiac 3080 was a thrill','The https://home.att.net/~efelberbaum/digiac.htm web page dedicated to the digiac 3080 seems to be gone (except perhaps from the internet archive wayback machine.)\r\n\r\nViewing the picture in the show notes, the 3080 is completely contained within the desk in the foreground. The Selectric I/O writer and the switch/light panel atop the desk were two of the ways to load programs. There also was a paper tape reader and punch on the front side of the desk to the right of the man in the dark jacket. The 3080 I used also had a card reader but I do not see one in the picture.\r\n\r\nThe 3080 had 4096 words of memory, and each word contained 25 bits. There was no stack and program execution ran slowly, at about 1000 instructions per second. These machines were used for education; numerous hackers of my generation first got the thrill of a machine following our instructions on a digiac 3080.\r\n\r\nPS:\r\n I try to pronounce gnu with a silent G.','2022-02-14 13:15:34'),
(205,703,'2012-01-04 01:09:27','Bob Evans','Digiac 3080 info is online again','Ed Felberbaum has reestablished his Digiac 3080 Tribute page at Wordpress...\r\n \r\nhttps://digiac3080.wordpress.com/\r\n\r\nEd has avid interest in any surviving Digiac 3080 artifacts.','2022-02-14 13:15:34'),
(206,703,'2013-12-26 23:07:59','Frank S','I remember you, Bob!','We spent quite a few hours in that third-floor computer lab. Learned a lot about under-the-hood computing. (Still not sure that sign-magnitude was the best choice for a teaching computer.) Having spent some time in the employ of big Wall Street firms, I\'mstillimpressedwiththestock-tradinggameyoumanagedtoshoehorninto4K!Hopeyouarewell.','2017-09-0907:41:22'),
(207,705,'2011-04-16 12:34:12','pokey','Best of luck at LFNW','I wish you the best of luck at LFNW. Remember that you\'retheretohavefun,andtrynottostressoveranyofit.Therewillbetonsofcoolpeoplethere,andIwishIcouldbeoneofthem.\r\n\r\nThankyouforhelpingtogetHPRseen,heardandnoticed.Thankyouforpostingyourfirstepisode.\r\n\r\nYoushouldbegettingaboxfullofstuffforthefestinthemailanydaynow.Youguysaregreatfordoingthis.\r\n\r\n-pokey','2017-09-0907:41:22'),
(208,706,'2011-04-19 13:21:52','pokey','','This was great. Everybody should listen to this episode before being allowed to graduate high school. What a long way this would go to bridging the awkward gap that so many sighted people are afraid to cross on their own. Thank you.','2017-09-09 07:41:22'),
(209,706,'2011-04-27 20:46:44','Paul Ortyl','','Idea for another episode:\r\n* Please describe your hardware/software setup for everyday use\r\n* Hints for software developers to have in mind in order to develop accessible software \"by default\"\r\n* The same as above, but in context of mobile phone, smartphone ','2017-09-09 07:41:22'),
(211,707,'2011-04-19 13:13:35','pokey','I have to disagree on several points.','I do not think that Linux is dead on the desktop. If the desktop itself is dead, than that makes Linux all that much more viable as a desktop OS. Assuming that you are correct about people abandoning desktop and laptop computers; Which OS are they abandoning? I propose that most Linux users are Linux fans, and that Linux fans are not likely to abandon desktop computing. Therefor, assuming you\'rerightaboutdesktops;Windows\' market share should steadily decrease while Linux\'smarketsharesteadilyincreases,andoverallcomputerusagesteadilydecreases.\r\n\r\nIalsowillsaythatUbuntuwasmyfirstLinuxdistro,andthatIleftWindowstouseUbuntu.Iknowanotherguyofwhomthatisalsotrue.Iownedcomputersrunningwindowsfor11yearsbeforeIevertriedLinux.IhavetwootherfriendsforwhomIhavebuiltorboughtcomputers,andinstalled(exclusively)Linuxon.OneisrunningUbuntu,andoneisrunningMintDebian(adistrowhichwasfoundeduponUbuntu,buthasswitchedit\'s core out for Debian). Thus my argument here is that Ubuntu has done a good deal in my personal experience to switch people away from windows. \r\n\r\nAs far as your reasoning to migrate (and migrate our friends, etc...) from Ubuntu to Debian, I fully agree. Debian is very easy to use, modify and live with. It\'sonlyslightlyharderthanUbuntutoinstall,thoughit\'s a good deal more complicated to (full) upgrade. I have been slowly migrating my own computers, and others\'computersthatI\'m responsible for to Debian, or Debian based systems (like Mint and CrunchBang) for the past two years. I have been happier overall With Debian, and so have the people I administer computers for. I think that Debian as a desktop system is nearly perfect. Tools exclusive to Debian based systems like deborphan, localepurge and module-assistant only help to strengthen that opinion for me.\r\n\r\nI don\'tthinkthatIwouldagreethatweshouldbehelpingtomigratepeopletosmartphones.Atleasenottowhatarecurrentlydefinedassmartphones.IthinkweshouldencouragepeopletouseFreesoftwareapplications,andtosaveandstoretheirdatainFreeand\"open\"formats.Ithinkthecoreofthesystemislessimportantinthatregardthantheuserlevelapplications.I\'d rather see a loved one using free software applications like Firefox, and Libre Office on a Windows machine than Closed source and proprietary software on Android. At least that way they could retain their own data. Having a Free kernel does not offer as many tangible benefits to the lay-user as Free applications do. (Having both Free is obviously superior to either option)\r\n\r\nIf there were a Free smartphone OS that was as ready for the average user as Gnome, KDE, LXDE or XFCE (and perhaps others) are on the desktop, I\'dprobablyconcurifnotagreewithyouonthatpoint.AsitstandsIcannot.\r\n\r\nThankyouforcontributingsuchanaccessibleandthoughtprovokingshow.WhileIdisagreewithseveralofyoursupportingpoints,Ienjoyedhearingyourwholeshow,andIagreewithyouroverallpointofquestioning,ifnotabandoningUbuntu.Itwasagood,andfunepisode.Ihopeyoudecidetodomoreinthefuture.\r\n\r\nSorrytowriteabookinresponse,butlikeIsaid,itwasthoughtprovoking.:)\r\n\r\n-pokey','2017-09-0907:41:22'),
(212,707,'2011-04-27 01:12:37','Ice_Oz','nice webcast','excellent webcast! I agree with most of your points and think you need to put more webcasts out. thanks for all you do.','2017-09-09 07:41:22'),
(214,707,'2011-04-28 07:52:39','Steve','Ah, yeah sorta','Yep, you\'redefinitelyrightmostpeople(thegreatunwashedmasses)willbecontentinthefuturewithsimplyfanciersmartphones,andwhileI\'ll have one too of course (yeah, I\'manAndroidguy)Iwillalwaysalsohavealaptoptoo.Butyouknowmaybethat\'s not so bad... perhaps (true) computers will once again be the domain of the geeks. Now if we could just do something about Star Trek. :-)\r\n\r\n(loved the song that followed your talk, I was thinking cool that girl has a sound a lot like the chemical brothers... then I looked up the lyrics and sure enough, somehow this is the one chemical brothers song I\'vemissed)\r\n\r\nSeriouslythough,thatwasaninterestingandthoughtprovingtalk...keepitup.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nCan\'t say that I disagree with your astute observations, but I still think plain Debian is a little vanilla for me.\r\n\r\n','2017-09-09 07:41:22'),
(215,710,'2011-04-22 18:49:35','pokey','Great episode. Welcome to HPR.','Thanks for contributing such an interesting show. I liked hearing it, and I hope you guys do keep up a by-weekly schedule, because I\'mlookingforwardtoit.Yousaidyoudon\'t think anyone would listen, but it was good. \r\n\r\nYou\'dbesurprisedhowmanypeopleactuallylistentoHPR,andIsuspectmostlistenerswon\'t skip your show. It\'ssomethingwehaven\'t heard here before. Mexico\'scultureissomethinglotsofus(especiallyintheNorthernUS)knownothingatallabout.Mexico\'s hacking culture is even more interesting. I can\'twaitforyournextshow.\r\n\r\nPleasegetintouchwithmeonIRC,orontheHPRmailinglistsoIcansendyouguyssomeHPRstickers(Ifyouwantsome).badbit,I\'ll send you a few extra for your hacker space if you want. I haven\'tsentanytoMexicoyet,soitwouldbearealtreatformetoo.\r\n\r\nsikilpaake,thewordyouwerelookingforis\"doorway.\"Youhavedoorwayswithnodoorsinthem.That\'s pretty rough, man.','2017-09-09 07:41:22'),
(216,710,'2011-04-23 16:37:07','klaatu','Great Ep','Great episode. I had no idea what to expect but I\'mhooked.BASICbooksinespanolinPickn\' Save ... FTW.','2017-09-09 07:41:22'),
(217,710,'2011-04-23 22:28:51','Quvmoh','great show','cant wait to hear about the hacker space, scared me to death when one of you cleared your throat in my left ear while the music was playing :-) ','2017-09-09 07:41:22'),
(218,710,'2011-05-09 06:32:43','diablomarcus','Loved it!','This was a great show and I really enjoyed it.\r\n\r\nOne suggestion though:\r\nCould you mix the voices onto either Mono or to share the two voices on stereo (audacity can do either one)?\r\n\r\nI usually listen to podcasts on only my right earphone so for the first part of the episode I was only able to hear one half of the conversation.\r\n\r\nThanks!','2017-09-09 07:41:22'),
(219,710,'2011-05-12 10:59:13','pokey','LOL diablomarcus... me too','The same thing happened to me, but I wear my earbud in my left ear. So between the two of us, we got the whole show. ;) \r\n\r\nLuckily, I have rockbox on my clip+, and I was able to adjust it to output in mono, because this was a great episode.','2017-09-09 07:41:22'),
(220,710,'2011-05-13 05:04:59','Ken Fallon','sox to the rescue','I mix down all my podcasts with sox to\r\nmono using the \"remix -\" option. The tempo option speeds them up keeping the pitch.\r\n\r\nsox \"${FILE}\" \"${FILE}-faster-${SPEED}.ogg\" -V9 tempo ${SPEED} remix -\r\n','2017-09-09 07:41:22'),
(222,712,'2011-04-26 23:16:32','claudiom','Another Great One!','Another great episode! I thoroughly enjoyed this one just as I did the last one. I\'lldefinitelyconsiderthemicrophonesyou\'ve used as well as klaatu\'sAudacityconfigfile.Ialsoagreewithklaatuonthejazzseguesyou\'ve used. Was that you playing on them? Either way, it was fantastic. Oh, and thanks for the shout-out. I\'malsogladtohearthatyou\'re enjoying LinBasement. Cheers!','2017-09-09 07:41:22'),
(223,715,'2011-04-29 18:19:29','droops','You forgot several very important people','Which will happen, I am sure I am forgetting people too.\r\n\r\nThe first is Dosman, he and I were on the phone and decided to record our conversation and put it up as the first TwaTech episode. We really thought it would be 10 episodes. \r\n\r\nThe second is J-Hood, he was the first guy to submit a community episode (#4), how cool is that?\r\n\r\nThe third, in no order, is p0trill0, he was the first real admin of this idea, he was in high school and we had no idea who he really was, but he is the first hard core guy that convinced us to make it daily for real.\r\n\r\nThanks guys and gals for all the help, this is the coolest show on the internets. ','2017-09-09 07:41:22'),
(224,715,'2011-04-30 08:38:29','Bariman','Thanks for a very informative discussion','I was unaware of the BinRev Forums until I listened to this episode. I have registered and would hope more HPR contributors do so.\r\nThanks to StankDawg for his support and contributions.\r\n','2017-09-09 07:41:22'),
(225,716,'2011-05-05 03:43:43','ponyboy','Stickers','Are there still stickers available? I\'dlovetoshowmysupportforHPR.','2017-09-0907:41:22'),
(226,716,'2011-05-06 18:02:38','Ken Fallon','Stickers','Hi Ponyboy,\r\n\r\nJust email admin at hpr with your mailing address and we\'llsendyousomestickers.\r\n\r\nKen.','2017-09-0907:41:22'),
(227,716,'2011-05-16 00:15:53','Badcam','Skype Call Recorder....','Hey Guys. Love the shows. In this episode there was mention that Skype Call Recorder only recorded one side of the conversation. It actually can record both. You just have to move the slider in the Preferences under File Format. Make sure Save to Stereo is ticked and adjust the slider. If it\'sinthemiddle,you\'ll get both conversations. Better yet, you should be able to start two instances of Skype Call Recorder and have one slider set to the left to record only on channel and the other instances slider moved all the way to the right, so you can record the other channel separately. Even better, get both parties to run an instance of SCR and save only your own side of the conversation and mix them together later on for a really good quality MP3. Better listening for us :)\r\n\r\nKeep it up guys. Loving it.','2017-09-09 07:41:22'),
(228,716,'2011-05-17 04:52:58','Ken Fallon','Skype Call Recorder','Thanks Badcam,\r\n\r\nIt turns out that Skype Call Recorder can handle both sides. On the popup it showed that only one of the conference participants was been recorded but when we listened to the recording both were on one track. \r\n\r\nKen.','2017-09-09 07:41:22'),
(229,717,'2011-05-03 22:47:30','pokey','Another great first time contributor','Thank you, Slurry. This episode was awesome. I found myself smiling throughout the whole thing. Your delivery was first rate. Either you nailed this in one take, or you are a pro at editing, and you have to do an episode to tell us how to edit as well as you did. \r\n\r\nIt\'sgreattohearanother\"geek\"helpingoutatchurch,too.\r\n\r\nIcouldn\'t agree more about how Linux makes me feel when using it, especially compared to windows. I also love knowing that I can share that feeling with anyone who\'sinterested.YousaidthatyouwereamazedbyyourfirstliveCD.Howaboutthefirsttimeyousawgparteddoanon-destructivepartitionedit,orheardthatext3didn\'t need to be defragmented?\r\n\r\nI LOVE that you popped the CD drive open with a pen to avoid ever booting windows. If I ever buy a new laptop, I\'mdoingexactlythat.\r\n\r\nIfyoudecidetodomoreshows,I\'d love to hear how you taught yourself python. Learning python is on my long list.\r\n\r\nThanks for a fantastic show.\r\n\r\n--\r\npokey','2017-09-09 07:41:22'),
(230,717,'2011-05-04 17:47:45','slurry','Bluhing','Blushing a bit from pokey\'scomments.Thiswasdoneinonetakewithsomeminorediting.Thanksfortheepisodesuggestiononediting.I\'m an amateur at it, but I\'dbegladtosharewhatseemedtoworkforme.\r\n\r\nThanksforthekindwordspokey.','2017-09-0907:41:22'),
(231,717,'2011-05-10 15:57:28','Yogotiss','The Power of Linux','I am really proud of how the fast the Linux community is growing. I have a friend with a similar story as yours. The only difference is I suggested Linux as an alternative for her and she uses it primarily. I love this episode and your willingness to try Linux. I\'mgoingtoplaythisepisodeagainforothers.','2017-09-0907:41:22'),
(232,717,'2011-05-12 18:29:58','pokey','','I was looking at your response to lostnbronx\'sshow# 721. If you write an AD, and you really do want HPR folks to read... I\'m in if you want me.','2017-09-09 07:41:22'),
(233,719,'2011-05-07 03:57:05','JBu92','','wait... W. as the current president? how long ago was this recorded?','2017-09-09 07:41:22'),
(234,719,'2011-05-21 04:22:05','Lonnie','music','I had to stop the episode a short way into it due to the music being so loud and the voice at a level that was almost silent. I use in ear headphones and it was painful, please adjust. I want to listen to this podcast if you put another one out.','2017-09-09 07:41:22'),
(235,721,'2011-05-09 20:38:00','Slurry','More please','This was really good. Great encouragement to strike out deeper into the waters of audio drama ...etc. I\'vhadabookideafloatingaroundinmyheadforyears,butneverconsidereddoingitasaudio.Hmmm...MightbeabletocastsomeHPRregularsforparts.Definitelygotmethinking.Thanks!','2017-09-0907:41:22'),
(236,721,'2011-05-10 05:25:17','lostnbronx','Do It! Do It Now!','Thanks for the kind words. I\'mtellingyou,ifIcanrecordthisstuff,absolutelyanyonecan.Andyourideajustmightsitaroundforever,gatheringmentaldust,ifyoudon\'t take a stab. AD (audio drama) is an unbelievably versatile art form, which can be molded to, essentially, any vision you have in your head. And you\'lllikeit.Trustme:Ihaveanhonestface.','2017-09-0907:41:22'),
(237,721,'2011-09-25 20:36:32','Tim Francisco','Great Show!','Thanks for the great HPR show. I have enjoyed listening to OTR for some time. Now you have given us some great new information on new dramas as well as OTR links.\r\n','2017-09-09 07:41:22'),
(238,722,'2011-05-10 19:26:04','pokey','Always love to hear from Mr. Montalban','Pretty cool stuff. I\'dneverthinktodosomuchresearchonamobo,butit\'s good to know that it\'soutthere.Ilistenedtothisoneatwork,andithelpedmeignoresomeprettyannoyingcustomers.ThanksClaudio.\r\n\r\nP.S.I\'m thinking of making my own PC case out of fine Corinthian leather. Interested in Beta testing it for me? It\'salmostflameretardant.','2017-09-0907:41:22'),
(239,722,'2011-05-11 23:14:07','claudiom','LOL!','Hahaha, yeah I\'llbetatestitforyou,butithastobeFINECorinthianleather,otherwiseI\'m out. :-p\r\n\r\nGlad you\'reenjoyingtheseries.Ihavetostress,however,thatit\'s the methodology that\'simportantinthisseries,notsomuchthehardwareIchose.I\'ll recap why this is in the next episode.','2017-09-09 07:41:22'),
(240,723,'2011-05-15 14:39:45','JBu92','Re:SSH forwarding','to pipe your data through SSH, it\'dbemuchbettertodoarealtunnel(ssh-d8080server)andpipeyourbrowser\'s traffic through localhost:8080 (or whatever port you want to use). it\'smuchlessbandwidth-intensivethanusingremoteapps,andit\'s easier to do from windows (just need putty, not putty and xming)','2017-09-09 07:41:22'),
(241,723,'2011-05-28 00:11:10','t13one','Re:SSH forwarding','2 additions to JBu92\'scomment:1.)ThetypeofproxyrunningonthisdynamicportshouldbeSOCKS5.2.)YoushouldalsomakesureyourbrowseristunellingallDNSrequeststhroughthisconnection.InFirefox\'s about:config page, \"network.proxy.socks_remote_dns\" should be true.','2017-09-09 07:41:22'),
(242,726,'2011-05-23 15:38:52','z','correction','SCSI is Small Computer System Interface. ','2017-09-09 07:41:22'),
(243,727,'2011-05-18 16:57:46','thegreatgazoo','','Some info for flashing the Moto cliq in particular.\r\n\r\nrooting: find and download z4root.\r\n install it on your phone like any other app\r\n open program, press the root button\r\n u r now rooted\r\n\r\nrecovery: go to the market and install RomManager (this is clockworkmod)\r\n open rommanager, press the install recovery button.\r\n done.\r\n\r\nDownload rom: find a compatible rom for your phone. The cliq is old and not very well supported so rommanager did not find a rom for me. I found this port of cyanogen for the cliq. https://www.simply-android.com/discussion/1150/rom-cm4morrison-2.3-rev.-2-cyanogenmod-7-220411\r\n copy it to the root of your sd card\r\nInstall rom: open rommanager, select \"install rom from sd card\"\r\n pick the rom\r\n check all the boxes\r\n rommanager will do the reboot into recovery and install the rom for you. Ten it will reboot for you into the new OS.\r\n\r\nKlatuu kinda did it the hard way.\r\non most phones, rooting is the hard part\r\nafter that rommmanager does most of the work for you, including finding and downloading the new rom, and installing it for you.','2022-02-14 13:15:34'),
(244,727,'2011-05-18 17:23:22','thegreatgazoo','','More info on rooting\r\n\r\nz4root will root many phones running android 2.1 and below. it is the easiest way to root because no computer is needed. just install the app and run. Just as klatuu mentioned, this will just sit there looking like its doing nothing. just wait and it will reboot when its done rooting. \r\n\r\nget it here:https://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=833953\r\n\r\nFor just about all other phones (with a few exemptions) superoneclick will root your phone. They tell you to download the development kit but you do not have to. Klatuu did not have to either.\r\nAll you really need is the \"ADB\" program, and phone device driver.\r\nOn Linux, your golden, it will recognize your phone. On Windows, just search around for your phones driver. You can sometimes get the drivers from the manufacturers website, or from google. you can download the driver pack from google without downloading the SDK. just search around.\r\nThere is no need to download 300MB worth of software just to get a small program and driver.\r\n\r\n3rd party drivers:\r\nhttps://developer.android.com/sdk/oem-usb.html\r\nGoogle driver pack:https://www.fileserve.com/file/5bgRBX5\r\n\r\nThere are some newer phones that have something called \"s lock\". these are harder but not impossible.\r\nThese have to be rooted kinda like klatuu did it. manually pushing files over, then some terminal kung-fu on the phone. after that, its clockwork mod to the rescue.\r\n\r\nall these programs have detailed forums/faq/comments on what devices do and dont work. please read and make sure you are performing the correct procedure for your specific phone.','2022-02-14 13:15:35'),
(245,727,'2011-05-19 15:46:37','klaatu','thanks for the infos','Thanks for the info, thegreatgazoo. I figured I did it the hard way but amazingly that was kind of the only way I figured out how to do it. Sounds like z4root is the way to go. I just *knew* there had to be an easier way by now...','2017-09-09 07:41:22'),
(247,728,'2011-07-22 03:48:09','Alison Chaiken','Thought-provoking first effort','Best episode of HPR I\'veheardinawhiledespiteofteninscrutableaudioquality.Iwillhavetogobackandfindthe\"Spics in Tech\"orwhateverthatepisodewascallednow.Yourlittlemini-debateaboutwhethersocialmediaAPIsorcheaphardwarewillbemoreimportantforattractinganewaudienceforFLOSSwasparticularlyinsightful.','2017-09-0907:41:22'),
(248,730,'2011-05-21 15:09:52','Cillian de Róiste','Great interviews','Just wanted to say that I really enjoy your podcasts code.cruncher. Very relaxed and informative. Thanks!','2017-09-09 07:41:22'),
(249,731,'2011-05-28 13:52:25','brother mouse','another approach','Since you like bash:\r\nalias rm=\"rm -i\"','2017-09-09 07:41:22'),
(250,732,'2011-05-29 20:29:53','BadCam','Great shows guys.','You\'realaughaminute.Ilikeit.You\'re the two funniest people in Linux podcasting.','2017-09-09 07:41:22'),
(251,732,'2011-05-31 23:53:00','claudiom','Audio Recording','It\'sobviousthatthisalongwiththepreviousepisodehadsomegoodcontentandIwaseagertolistentothem.However,itwasverydifficultformetolistentothelast2episodesbecauseoftheextremepanningdoneonthevoices.Thisdoesn\'t work very well with voice recordings because we don\'tnaturallyhearconversationssplitthatwayinreallife.Unfortunately,thismeantthatIhadtoskipthesetwoepisodes.\r\n\r\nIIRC,SkypeCallRecorderdoesendupdoingthistotherecording(IremembergoingthroughthiswithLinuxBasement).ThesolutionformewastoimporttheaudiotoAudacity(youcanuseanyaudioeditor,ofcourse),splitthechannels,andthenpanthemaccordinglysotheywereonlyslightlypannedfromoneanother.Ikindlyaskthatyoupleaseconsiderthisinyourfutureepisodes.Thequalityoftheaudioisn\'t much of an issue as it\'sobviousthecontentisgood,buttheextremepanningbecomesadistractionfromthegoodcontent.\r\n\r\nThanks!','2017-09-0907:41:22'),
(252,733,'2011-05-25 18:43:38','Cillian de Róiste','You missed one! :D','Nice podcast! I do agree and (although you alluded to it) I think you didn\'texplicitlymentionhowreally*everyapplication*andprogramminglanguagealsohasit\'s very own package manager (Firefox, LibreOffice, Perl, Ruby etc.).\r\n\r\nI\'verunafairvarietyofdistrosinmytimetooandthisisaproblemthatalsobuggedme.That,andthefactthatpackagingsystemsoftenmakelifedifficult.Youmayneedtowaitmonthsforthenextreleaseuntilyoucaninstallthelatestversionofanapplication,orbeforcedtorunanentirelyunstableversionofyourdistroeventhoughyouonlycareaboutoneoftwoapplications.Also,ifsomethinggoeswrong,youcan\'t easily jump back to a working system.\r\n\r\nWhile I agree that there are already too many packaging systems out there which do roughly the same thing I\'vefoundasystemwhichtrulyfixesalotofproblemsformeanditusesaverydifferentandradicalpackagemanager.Amazingly,youdidn\'t mention it in your comprehensive listing, but it\'snotsurprisingreally.Ithinkpeoplearefeelingthesamefatigueyoupresentandjustaren\'t interested in yet another system.\r\n\r\nI ','2017-09-09 07:41:22'),
(253,733,'2011-05-27 07:03:24','Kyashii','','This is kind of the \"fashionable\" thing to complain about today. Much like people believing that everyone runs either Gnome, (Unity,) KDE, XFCE or LXDE and that no other desktops matter.\r\n\r\nFirst of all I would say that GUI frontends aren\'treallyapartofthepackagemanager,henceIthinkthosedon\'t really matter in this discussion, and I think it is a bit unfair to count those alongside package managers.\r\n\r\nThe problem with saying that there are too many package managers is that it is like saying there are too many Linux distros.\r\n\r\nBecause of file system layout differences, differences in init scripts, differences in how current the distros want to stay, differences in if the want to do source or binary packages, differences in if they think it is the role of the package manager to handle dependencies, differences in if they want to do rolling release or separate release versions... and so on every distro would still need to have it\'sownsetofrepositorieswhichwouldnegatealotofthebenefitsofhavingasinglepackagemanagersincepackageswouldstillnotbecross-compatible.\r\n\r\nThismeansthataslongasthereisdistrochoiceitseemsimpossibletoevermakepackagesfullycross-compatibletothepointwhereausercouldinstallapackageonanydistro.Alotofpackageswouldworkifyouputinalotofuser-interactionforwherethingsareonyourcomputerandyoudopackaginglikesta.liwhereeverythingisstaticallylinkedsotherearenodependencies...butitwouldn\'t work anyway if the package relies on a certain version of the kernel, X11 or a driver etc as statically linking those wouldn\'treallymakesense.\r\n\r\nSincethereisnoonewaytostructureaLinuxfilesystem,aLinuxinitsystemoraLinuxreleasescheduleyouwillneverreallyfixthatissueifyoudonotwanttocutLinuxdowntoonesingledistro.','2017-09-0907:41:22'),
(254,733,'2011-05-30 22:19:35','Cillian de Róiste','NixOS','My comment seems to have been chopped off. I mentioned NixOS which has a very radical approach to package and configuration management and (Nix) can comfortably co-exist on systems which use other package managers.','2017-09-09 07:41:22'),
(255,733,'2011-05-31 03:02:29','marcoz','at least one...','Cillian,\r\n I think I missed a bunch. :)\r\n\r\nOnly so many hours in the day. \r\nYou\'reright,Ididn\'t talk about firefox, perl, python, ... having their own way of installing stuff. I rambled enough as it is, I\'dhatetoimaginehowmuchmoreIwouldhavehadIbroughtthoseup.yaourt(pacmanalternativeforarchlinux)hasthatabilityandebuildalsocandothatwithperl.It\'d be really cool if that was a more standard thing. Thanks for listening and the comment!\r\n\r\nKyashii,\r\n There\'snothingfashionableaboutitfrommyperspective.I\'ve heard almost noone complain of package system proliferation, in any of the forums, chatrooms, mailing lists or news aggretators that I visit regularly. In fact, I hear exactly the opposite on a fairly regular basis. Someone excited about their project, a new package manager that either fixes a certain problem in another one or a fun project they have been \'kickingaroundandhavebeenworkingonforthelast6months\' Possibly we hang out in different areas though.\r\n\r\n I don\'tseepackagingassimilartothe\'everyone runs GNOME, KDE, .... argument. Those are about choice. Please refer to my comments about \'thingsabletorunonthesamesystem\'\r\n\r\n I don\'tbelievethefilesystemheirarchyordynamicvsstaticlibsorsysteminitscriptsasunscalablewalls.Aretheredifferencestobefiguredout?Ofcourse,butafilethatliesonlibcups.so.1.2orlibcups.areliesonthatlibraryregardlessofwhereitlives.(use/etc/ld.so.conf)THingslikehowthedaemongetsstarted,obviouslydependsontheparticularsystem,buttosaythatthingslikethismakeitimpossibletohaveonepackagingsystembutstillallowmultipledistrosissomethingthatIdon\'t believe. Thanks for listening and commenting.','2017-09-09 07:41:22'),
(256,736,'2011-05-30 19:58:00','AngerFish','\"whining\"','\r\nPeople have been giving deserved criticism to Ubuntu and Shuttleworth for the design choices made, and for you to characterize this as \"whining\" is the height of cuntitude. People are invested in Ubuntu both in install base and possibly support contracts, and they have every right to criticize the distro, should they choose to, without you belittling their opinions as \"whining\". \r\nI find it hilarious that you seem to think that Canonical is doing what they do out of the goodness of their hearts, while they continue to leech on open source projects, trying to turn them proprietary at every turn.\r\n','2017-09-09 07:41:22'),
(257,736,'2011-06-01 17:36:23','Morgauxo','What bills?','Ubuntu\'sdirectionscaresme...NotbecauseofUnitybutbecauseofWayland.Irespectpeople\'s right to run Unity if they want to, or Gnome or KDE or FVWM if that\'stheirchoice.ButrunitunderX!\r\n\r\nThewaylanddevelopershavebeenveryclearaboutnotbeinginterestedinsupportingnetworktransparency.Iwouldsaytothepointofarrogance.Theyareverydismissiveoverpeople\'s concerns about that feature. That particular feature of X is one of my favorite things about the current typical Linux environment.\r\n\r\nI don\'tuseUbuntu.Ihaven\'t cared for Gnome since all the preferences started moving into the registry. That\'soneofmyleastfavoritefeaturesofWindows,Isurelydon\'t want it in Linux. I care about the direction Ubuntu takes because they are the leader right now. There seems to be way more hype around Ubuntu then the other distros combined. I fear that where they go the others will follow. I don\'twanttoseeadaywhenthenewapplicationsareallwrittenforWayland.\r\n\r\nSowhatbillsdoCanonicalpay?DotheysubsidizeGnomedevelopment?NoteveryLinuxuserusesGnome.GnomeexistedalongtimebeforeCanonicaldidanyway.Actually,prettymuchallofGNU/LinuxexistedbeforeCanonical.ItcanexistwithoutCanonical.\r\n\r\nOpensourceproveditcanexistandthrivewithoutcorporatesponsorshipalongtimeago.CouldCanonicalexistwithoutopensource?Idon\'t think so.\r\n\r\n\r\n','2017-09-09 07:41:22'),
(258,738,'2011-06-09 17:30:03','g','','Great show, Joel. I don\'tknowmuchaboutHAMradio,butyourshowmademewanttolookintoit.I\'m looking forward to the other episodes.','2017-09-09 07:41:22'),
(259,742,'2011-06-07 16:56:19','z','unbearable quality','Sorry, but this one make such bad cracking sounds that its a pain to listen to.\r\n','2017-09-09 07:41:22'),
(260,742,'2011-06-08 05:02:52','Ken Fallon','Bad but Audible ','Hi Z,\r\n\r\nSorry about the audio quality which I\'llacceptresponsibilityfor.Thiswasourfirsttimeusingmumbleandtherewereafewteethingissues.ImmediatelyafterrecordingthisshowwerecordedHPR0741wherewehad(some)oftheissuesresolved.\r\n\r\nGoingforwardwehopetointroducesomeguidelinesforgettinggoodaudioqualityfromamumblerecordingbutthatwasnoreasonnottousetheinterview.Soapologiesforthepooraudioqualitybutourfocusisoncontentandiftheshowisaudiblewe\'ll put it out.\r\n\r\nOn a related note we have only 8 shows in the queue so if you would like to record an audio segment give me a shout.\r\n\r\nKen.','2017-09-09 07:41:22'),
(261,745,'2011-06-10 22:01:50','mail junky','','Gosh that brings back a few memories. I used to work in a computer software store back in the middle 1980\'s.','2017-09-0907:41:22'),
(262,745,'2011-06-23 16:31:11','gatton','','Apparently the application was Informix Wingz? I had a hard time when googling for it since the show title says \"Wings\". Interesting topic. Thanks for sharing!','2017-09-09 07:41:22'),
(263,748,'2011-06-27 14:43:57','brother mouse','Enjoyed the list','... and I totally agree about Babbage.','2017-09-09 07:41:22'),
(264,750,'2011-06-19 00:18:03','Daniel Jonsson','','I have only been using Linux as my main OS for about half a year now, but I have also ended up with Arch. :)\r\nI have tried Ubuntu, Kubuntu and Linux Mint, but they didn\'treallyfeellikeOSesthatfittedme.','2017-09-0907:41:22'),
(265,750,'2011-06-22 08:07:29','brother mouse','Enjoyed your show','Looking forward to your next ep.','2017-09-09 07:41:22'),
(266,751,'2011-06-20 18:17:21','Stephen','','Aaaugh! Talking over each other so much! (But the still listenable content was good.)','2017-09-09 07:41:22'),
(267,751,'2011-06-21 08:28:11','Lord drachenblut','','We apologize for this. This was a first attempt at recording this way. Hopefully the next one will be much better','2017-09-09 07:41:22'),
(268,751,'2011-06-24 07:01:36','monsterb','great show','Besides talking over each other.. I thought the sound quality and content was great. I\'mlookingforwardtofutureepisodes.','2017-09-0907:41:22'),
(269,751,'2011-07-29 12:18:43','Buffalo Pete','Interesting!','I second the comments about \"talking over each other,\" but I did want to say that I found the subject matter really interesting, and I look forward to hearing more!','2017-09-09 07:41:22'),
(270,754,'2011-06-25 05:35:13','Dodgy Geezer','You already have a Universal Lnguage.','English. Esperanto is a dream, a failure and could never realistically succeed. If there\'sanylanguagethathasachancetoactuallywork,itwillonlybeareallanguage,notsomeairyfairyhotchpotchconglomerateofwords.','2017-09-0907:41:22'),
(271,754,'2011-07-29 12:16:37','Buffalo Pete','Thanks!','I\'vereallyenjoyedthisseries,thanksfortakingthetimetoputtheseepisodestogether!I\'m sorry to see it come to an end, but you wrapped it up really well. I hope to hear from you again!','2017-09-09 07:41:22'),
(272,755,'2011-06-28 01:14:57','demi','','now this is someone i could listen to! :)\r\n\r\nreally interesting stuff, and i could listen to you all day; feels like i\'msmarteralready!:)','2017-09-0907:41:22'),
(274,756,'2011-06-28 00:09:53','demi','','dude, what the hell, why do you sound so nervous? \r\n\r\nthis one sounded really ill-prepared, your stammering and breathing were really annoying to listen to, no offense, but you should probably plan your podcasts in future, and speak with more conviction.\r\n\r\nthanks for the effort though.','2017-09-09 07:41:22'),
(275,756,'2011-06-30 18:17:30','Ken Fallon','Loved the show.','Hi Joel,\r\n\r\nThanks for doing this show (for me). I had never considered that radio was just another form of light but it seems so obvious. \r\n\r\nYou\'vejoinedmyspecialclubof\"recording while out of breath\"trail-blazedbymyselfinhpr0078butatleastyouweretryingtoproveapoint.Asdroopssaidtomebackthenwhenpeoplecomplained,HPRisaboutqualityofcontentandnot(necessarily)aboutqualityofaudio.Youcoveredaverydifficulttopicverywell.IwouldlovetohearaHPRepisodecarriedoutovertheradio.Thatwouldgiveusarealsenseofwhattheaudioqualitywouldbelike.\r\n\r\nIgotalotoutoftheepisodeanIhopeyoucontinuetoproducemoreepisodesinthisseries.\r\n\r\nKen.','2017-09-0907:41:22'),
(276,756,'2011-07-04 16:53:09','Billy','VROOM','Hey Joel, ThanVROOMks for contributingVROOM to Hacker Public Radio.VROOM One note though. A lot ofVROOM people listen while driving. I happened toVROOM listen to yours whileVROOM bicycling. More than a few times. I nearlyVROOM swerved into a ditch because I heard a semi-truckVROOM coming up from behindVROOM to hit me. Then I realized it wasVROOM on the recording, and IVROOM tuned it out, and almost DIDVROOM get hit because some silly driverVROOM had the gall to make the samVROOMe noise that wasVROOM perforating your episode.VROOM','2017-09-09 07:41:22'),
(277,756,'2011-07-09 05:09:40','BadCam','Great Show.','I didn\'tmindtheaudioqualityatall.ItfeltlikeIwaswalkingwithyou.Forme,itwasasound-scape.Ienjoyedtheshowandthesoundeffectsjustmadeitmoreinteresting.\r\n\r\n(Idoissuewiththeaudioquality,butit\'s ONLY about the levels of the Intro and Outro\'smatchingthepodcastitself.Ourearsarepreciousandespeciallyifyou\'re wearing earpieces. It\'smoreamatterofsafetyforme,notquality.)','2017-09-0907:41:22'),
(278,757,'2011-06-28 12:18:25','pokey','BRAVO!!!!','This is awesome. You had me loling all the way to work. The drivers next to me at the stop lights were quite concerned. \r\n\r\nI\'mnotfinishedwiththeepisodeyet,butIjusthadtopostacommentwhileI\'m near a computer today. \r\n\r\nPlease keep this up. A monthly show like this would be great.\r\n\r\nbtw; I have about a half a dozen HPR stickers left. I couldn\'tlivewithmyselfifyoudidn\'t get one of them after this episode. Please shoot me an email so I can send one out to you.','2017-09-09 07:41:22'),
(279,757,'2011-06-28 19:47:59','dismal science','Great Show','Thanks for taking the time and effort.\r\n\r\nYou have a good sense of humor, and your product review was helpful.\r\n\r\nI look forward to your next production.\r\n\r\nConsumer oriented content is always interesting; trying to dissect why companies do the things they do, and why consumers do the things they do.\r\n\r\nI will probably publish a show on a similar topic. ','2017-09-09 07:41:22'),
(280,757,'2011-06-29 14:22:10','max','great podcast','\"Dell you suck!\" thanks, that made my day :)','2017-09-09 07:41:22'),
(281,757,'2011-06-30 03:30:20','Epicanis','Thanks very much for the feedback!','I honestly had no idea how this would be received, so it\'sgoodtoknowsomebodylikesit.\r\n\r\nAndI\'ll something to say about \"consumers\" in the next episode...','2017-09-09 07:41:22'),
(282,757,'2011-07-06 17:03:07','Jared','laptop battery life','how is your experience with battery life on the new linux laptop?\r\n\r\ngreat episode, btw\r\n\r\n--Jared\r\n','2017-09-09 07:41:22'),
(283,757,'2012-09-12 23:01:17','Epicanis','Crap, sorry I missed your question a year ago...','Sorry, Jared - I\'llactuallyaddressyourquestionintheover-a-year-overdueEpisode01,whichIHOPEwillactuallyfinallygetrecordedandoutverysoonnow.','2017-09-0907:41:22'),
(284,759,'2011-07-27 23:23:31','stefodestructo','A major correction.','Bash is most definitively NOT built into the kernel. Case in point, by default in every distro I\'veused,therootuser\'s shell is set to sh not bash.','2017-09-09 07:41:22'),
(285,762,'2011-07-07 19:57:25','Timttmy','Theatre of the imagination','Just had to say I do enjoy listening to this season. I do love a good audio book or radio play.\r\nKeep \'emcoming.\r\n\r\nMarshall.','2017-09-0907:41:22'),
(286,763,'2011-07-29 04:12:36','Frank','','I am sorry to say that you are in error.\r\n\r\nThe worst movie ever made was Killdozer, starring Clink Walker and a bulldozer possessed by an alien rock. Neither the bulldozer nor Clint Walker was capable of acting.\r\n\r\nSecond is Terror Is a Man, sort of based on the Island of Dr. Moreau, but without direction, action, writing, cinematography, or creativity or any sort.','2017-09-09 07:41:22'),
(287,766,'2011-07-11 06:15:41','0x0','','I am getting sick of these Linux cherry popping podcasts... who the fuck cares how you first encountered Linux. We need more Klaatu!!!!!!!!!!\n','2020-05-19 09:15:15'),
(288,766,'2011-07-12 05:20:37','Ken Fallon','Contributing','Hi 0x0,\r\n\r\nPlease see The GNU World Order, July 8, 2011: Episode 6x14 (https://www.thebadapples.info/audiophile/gnuWorldOrder_6x14.ogg) as to why that unfortunately won\'tbehappeningasmuchasweallwouldlike.\r\n\r\nFortunatelythereisaneasywaytoresolvetheissueoftoomanypodcastsonaparticulartopicandthatistocontributetoHPRandtogetmorepeopletocontributetoHPR.IfyouclickonthelinkContribute,youcanfindalistofthemanywaysyouyourselfcanhelp.Ifyoudon\'t want to record a show your self, you can send us ideas on what you do want to hear about. Had you put that in your comments we might have been able to convince klaatu to do a show about it.\r\n\r\nhttps://hackerpublicradio.org/contribute.php','2022-02-14 13:15:35'),
(290,766,'2011-07-14 19:36:53','Ken Fallon','The views expressed are not necessarily those of hpr ...\n','Hi Brother Mouse,\r\n\r\nWe are just the administrators of the site not the censors of it. We don\'tapplyanyrestrictionsontheshowcontentnorshouldweonthecomments.\r\n\r\nNeedlesstosay0x0\'s comments do not necessaries those of hpr ... That said, it gave me greater pleasure pressing approve on your comments than that of 0x0.\r\n\r\nKen.','2020-05-19 09:16:59'),
(291,767,'2011-07-12 21:06:45','Mightyanonymouse','','That set up sounds like something that came right out of Larry Ellison\'smouthtalkingaboutsuperterminalsforhomeandbiz.Asfortheplan,someoneislookingthroughrosecoloredglasses.Soundsgoodintheorytillyougetintotherealworld.TheywillhavetopryawaymyfreestandingcomputerfrommydyingarmsbeforeIwouldletsomeonetakeoverallmyinformation.','2017-09-0907:41:22'),
(292,773,'2011-07-26 18:20:34','pokey','Great interview.','I loved this interview, every minute of it. I\'dbeencontemplatingswitchingtoDuckDuckGoforawhilenow,butthisepisodeconvincedmetogoforit.I\'ve been loving DDG since this interview posted. Thank you both for doing this show.','2017-09-09 07:41:22'),
(293,774,'2011-08-19 20:10:01','aaron b','Great instrutions','A very logical and methodical set of instructions. I listen to alot of podcast, and resent the type were people just sit and talk.\r\n\r\nFor people that have no order in their work like me, thanks.','2017-09-09 07:41:22'),
(294,776,'2011-07-26 14:17:29','mail junkie','','Bravo! Bravo! By the way RS has promised to be more tinkerer friendly. I know they expanded the parts section of the RS near me. I like to build a robot from scratch with an an old pc. Long live the \"Robot builder\'sBonanza\" book! \r\n','2017-09-09 07:41:22'),
(295,777,'2011-07-26 14:13:24','mail junky','','After listening to a couple of minutes of the first expert, I got tired of listening to that crock of crap. ','2017-09-09 07:41:22'),
(296,777,'2011-07-27 17:59:12','mail junky','details.','Maybe I should explain myself. There was a time when \"systems analysis\" was used. You evaluate the needs to solve a problem. If you have a web application where you only have a limited number of users and storage size is not a priority, why set up a high availability zillion multi-node servers for such a project. I.e. student testing lab at a college. Everything is in degrees. Secondly. the notion that a single server especially a linux box could not be secure is ludicrous. Sounds like someone who is inept at linux and wants to make excuses. Reminds me of some MSWindows administrators I used to know. Be that is at it may, considering how the highly touted Amazon services have had so many security issues, I definitely would not consider it a stellar example of a robust system at any level. Do not get me wrong I was a Novell, Linux, and MSWindows administrator for over ten years, so I feel I might have a clue about all this. If you pay me enough, I will use any OS.\r\nBy the way, you actually can go from a single server to a multi node set up without taking anything down. The best way is to set up the original server ahead of time with the capabilities, so it is a matter of plug and play. Guess that is all part of the systems analysis to tie it all together.','2017-09-09 07:41:22'),
(297,777,'2011-07-28 14:41:42','Meh','I disagree','I listened to the entire episode and I thought the general idea was that cloud makes a lot of things easier and safer. I didn\'tgetanyvibeofasinglesystembeingimpossibletosecure.Iagreethatasinglemachineisthesolutionformostusers(likemyself)withasinglesite,butIdon\'t think you got the point of the show. They overall theme, as I heard it, was to think of the good but also the bad of going to a cloud option.','2017-09-09 07:41:22'),
(298,783,'2011-08-12 23:31:10','hoovra','Lbertarianism is for children','When you want to talk about living in Somalia or Iraq, the current Libertarian countries it will be informative. Hope you get the capital for the electric infrastructure to work IT. ','2017-09-09 07:41:22'),
(300,785,'2011-08-17 05:37:41','Ken Fallon','Loved the show.','I had it sped up as well as having it converted to mono but I went back and listened to it properly and it was excellent. I had never heard Biaural Recording before and I must say was very impressed. ','2017-09-09 07:41:22'),
(301,787,'2011-08-26 17:01:18','Krayon','Another way (in BASH)','Another way you can do this would be use the special $\'string\' expansion which is treated specially and expands string with backslash-escaped characters replaced as specified by the ANSI C standard (see under QUOTING of the bash(1) man page for more info).\r\n\r\nYou could therefore do something like this:\r\n grep \"first\"$\'\\t\'\"second\" file.txt\r\n\r\nThis is also REALLY useful for weird characters (it supports \\nnn, \\U (unicode)) etc and the like.','2017-09-09 07:41:22'),
(302,788,'2011-08-10 02:39:01','Stephen','Re: ep 788 on Bitcoin','Enjoyed episode 788 on further research into Bitcoin. Nice and calmly presented. Would have been even better with the research all prepared beforehand rather than having spots where it\'sclearlygoingonduringtherecording:-),butstilltherewassomegoodinfopresentedbeyondwhatwe\'ve already heard. I was particularly interested in the part early on about U.S. legal aspects of money transmittal (which I think shouldn\'tproperlyapplytoBitcoin,butwhichIexpectthegov\'t to try to use anyhow to assert control over it).','2017-09-09 07:41:22'),
(303,790,'2011-08-15 07:06:35','rowinggolfer','Thanks for the heads up.','wow.. why had I never heard of this? it\'sawesome.guakeisgoingtoimprovemyproductivitynoend.\r\n\r\nmanythanks.','2017-09-0907:41:22'),
(304,792,'2011-08-16 19:01:36','Quvmoh \"coovmoh\" :-)','Thanks for the mention','Shucks here I had a real audio dude listen to my recordings and he did it at double speed, any chance you could give it a listen and tell me how it sounded? My friends and family usually just humor me :-) Love your spots! Quvmoh.','2017-09-09 07:41:22'),
(305,798,'2011-08-24 05:47:15','virtualdirt','','I found one of these keyboards at a goodwill store and used it gleefully for a couple of years.\r\nIts ruggedness was a stark contrast to the throw away keyboards made nowadays. It felt like an IBM Selectric, (if you every used one)\r\n\r\nIt was a flashback to High School and College... \r\n\r\nI was heart broken when my wife allowed my toddler to remove the keycaps and put them in his huge lego pile! She hated the clickity click of the keyboard. \r\n\r\nTo this day, I think it was a passive aggressive act of sabotage. \r\n\r\nI\'mdivorcednow,andmykidsarebeyondlegos.\r\n\r\nIhaven\'t listened to the podcast , but already I\'mshoppingforanotherone.\r\n','2017-09-0907:41:22'),
(306,798,'2011-08-25 19:05:21','jogos de motos','jogos de motos','i Love IDM download manager this is too fast ','2017-09-09 07:41:22'),
(307,798,'2011-08-25 20:16:54','Curbuntu','...and the old Northgate keyboards','Germ,\r\nYou\'reabsolutelyright.TheIBMModel-Mkeyboardwasamazing.IwasgladwhenNorthgatepickedupthedesignandcontinuedtoselltheirversionofit(late\'80s). While listening to your episode, my fingers experienced a wave of nostalgia. I wonder -- does anyone make an ergonomic keyboard using the same key mechanism?\r\nCurbuntu','2017-09-09 07:41:22'),
(308,798,'2011-08-26 02:00:54','Quvmoh','Love the model m','The guys at my lug scrounged me up one and I cant imagine going back..','2017-09-09 07:41:22'),
(309,798,'2011-08-30 01:46:53','z','','What John Lydon record is that in the background?','2017-09-09 07:41:22'),
(310,800,'2011-08-28 01:18:23','AG','','My apologies for the poor audio. Road noise caused by old vehicle and very sensitive bluetooth headset ;-) Nonetheless, I enjoyed the opportunity and welcome any feedback.','2017-09-09 07:41:22'),
(311,800,'2011-08-29 05:37:24','Ken Fallon','Podcasting is a learning experience','Hi AG,\r\n\r\nDon\'tworryaboutit,wewereabletohearyourcontent.Youalreadyknowwhytherewassomuchroadnoise,sonowallyouneedtodoisfigureouthowtoimproveit.IsuggestgoingbackandlisteningtoD.S.YatesLottaLinuxLinkspodcaststohearhowhegotaroundit.\r\n\r\nKen.','2017-09-0907:41:22'),
(312,808,'2011-09-07 13:39:30','Broam','Error in interview notes','The LUG mentioned is incorrectly listed in the transcription notes. It should be \"UCLUG\" - the Upstate Carolina Linux user group.\r\n\r\nTheir website is www.uclug.org.','2017-09-09 07:41:22'),
(313,810,'2011-09-09 19:01:30','Quvmoh','Arch show','Will be great to hear an Arch install show, Thanks!','2017-09-09 07:41:22'),
(314,812,'2011-09-26 13:21:05','Klaatu','Angry','They\'reallpatenttrolls.\r\n\r\nIfcorporateamericajustifiesitselfbysayingthatcompetitionbreedsexcellence,thenpatentsquellthat.\r\n\r\nIfyoujustthinkthattechnologyshouldkeepadvancingandgettingbetter,thenpatentshinderthataswell.\r\n\r\nTheonlythingpatentsseemtobegoodforistoensurethatsomeonemakesalotofdoughoffsomethingthatprobablywasn\'t even invented or developed in a vacuum.\r\n\r\nGreat show, Mr. Gadgets. I sometimes wish you had a video cast, where you dressed up in wacky pseudo-scientist outfits and did fun experiments that we could all try at home. But until you get that television deal, I\'llsettleforyourveryfineHPRaudioshows.','2017-09-0907:41:22'),
(315,816,'2011-09-26 12:38:50','Klaatu','great information thanks','Great episode! Recipes sound delicious, although not having a kitchen I probably won\'tbetryingthemanytimesoon.\r\n\r\nButyeahbudgetliving,orlivingminimally,isgreat.It\'s amazing how few bills you can have it you just simplify...and the fewer bills, the less work you have to do, which in the end leaves more time for haxooring.','2017-09-09 07:41:22'),
(316,816,'2011-09-28 08:49:06','neddludd','Practical','Thanks Tracy for the useful information, I appreciated the re thinking of the survivalism term to include a whole lot more than stockpiling guns and ammo for the \"coming armageddon\"\r\n\r\nregards','2017-09-09 07:41:22'),
(317,818,'2011-09-26 12:26:15','klaatu','Agreed','I agree, the sansa devices make great little recording devices. I don\'thaveaClip,butIdohavethefuze,andIuseditatOLFtodointerviews.Thestoragecapicity,aslongasyouplanaheadandleavespacefortherecording,isgreat,thebatterylastedtheentiredayandfordaysthereafter,andthemicandsoundqualitywasfine.AsmuchasIlovemytablet(nokian800),nothingbutthestorageisreallyanywherenearthequalitythatthefuzeprovidedme.\r\n\r\nOntheotherhand,theFuzeasamediaplayer(evenwithRockbox)leavesalittletobedesired...','2017-09-0907:41:22'),
(318,818,'2011-09-30 05:18:06','sgtron','','I bought a clip+ based on this podcast that I picked up on ebay for about $35 for a refurbished 8GB model, but unfortunately I didn\'tlikerockboxonit.Ifoundtherockboxnavigationtobeabitflakeyandthefmradiopoppedunlessyouexitedtheplayscreen.Idofindthestockfirmwarefineforrecordingeventhoughyoucan\'t monitor the sidetone.','2017-09-09 07:41:22'),
(319,818,'2011-10-02 18:03:49','Fragilematter','Workarounds','Hey guys/Pokey! Sorry for joining the party so late, but I\'vebeenbehindonmypodcastslately.\r\nI\'ll get down to the subject, and that can be resumed in one acronim: R(F)TM. Rockbox is a complex piece of software and a lot of its functionality isn\'tobvious.\r\nForinstance,tolockthekeysontheclipyouneedtopressboththemiddlebutton(select)andhomeatthesametime,whileyouareplayingasong(rockboxdevsnamethattheWPS-whileplayingscreen).Also,ifyouaresomewhereinthemenusandyouwanttoreturntothewpsyouusethesamekeycombo-home+select.\r\nAlso,atleastonmySansae200,youcanhaveitchargefromacomputerwithoutaccessingthediskbyholdingselectwhileyouplugintheusbcable.Idon\'t know if it\'sthesamefortheClipPlus.\r\nAsaclosingnote,ifIrecallcorrectly,theClipPlusisstillunderdevelopment,especiallytheusbsideofthings,soyoucanexpectimprovementswitheachnewrelease(unlessyou\'re using the current build, like I do).\r\n\r\nHere\'shopingyouhaveaniceday,\r\nFragilematter','2017-09-0907:41:22'),
(320,818,'2011-10-03 05:52:49','sgtron','Thanks','Fragilematter, thanks for the reply and I\'lltrythecurrentreleasetoseewhatIthinkofthattoo..Iseetherockboxstablebuildsarereleasedquarterlyandthecurrentonewasjustlastmonth,somonthstogobeforenextrelease.','2017-09-0907:41:22'),
(321,818,'2011-10-10 16:13:26','lostnbronx','Your Idea Works','Pokey, a few years ago, I glued two paint-stirrers together to make a handle; cut the handle to size, sanded it down, and painted it. Then I put Velcro on one end and Velcro on the acrylic case that I have my Fuze in, and stuck it on. I hold the earbud cable to the handle with an elastic. The Fuze has has never fallen off by accident. \r\n\r\nThis is perfect for recording, and even general use, and the Velcro/handle combo helps to cut down on handling noise. The only change I\'dmakenowisthatIshouldhavestainedthehandleinsteadofpaintingit,asthepaintbegantowearbadlyalmostimmediately.','2017-09-0907:41:22'),
(322,818,'2011-10-26 15:13:39','pokey','Thanks for the feedback guys','Those are all great suggestions. I may need to use the velcro one, as i broke the clip off of my clip. \r\n\r\nThe lock screen function is a new one to me. I\'llhavetotryit.\r\n\r\nYesyoucanchargetheClipwithoutitbootingintothestockfirmwareifit\'s powered on in Rockbox. That\'showIchargeit.','2017-09-0907:41:22'),
(323,820,'2011-09-24 03:50:08','DeepGeek','A Big-Name server you may not have considered','Hi, Klaatu,\r\nLoved the podcast. Your idea of urging listeners to try different servers was great, but your choices of nginx, apache, and lighttpd seemed to indicate an interest in \"big name\" webservers.\r\nI thought you might want to consider something else \"big name.\" Did you know that the webserver that powers AOL, aolserver4, is an open-source project? Check out aolserver.com. They boast not of some obscure benchmark, but rather of extreme scalability and a huge number of languages embedded and multiple API\'s,andmultipledatabaseplatformsupport.\r\nIhaven\'t tired it myself, but I thought you\'dliketoknow...\r\n---\r\nDeepGeek','2017-09-0907:41:22'),
(324,820,'2011-09-26 02:43:53','klaatu','aolserver','well let\'swaitforAOLtoprovethemselvesbeforewegojumpingtoadopttheirserver.I\'ve personally not heard of them but I\'llkeepaneyeout.','2017-09-0907:41:22'),
(325,820,'2011-10-04 12:34:23','klaatu','ADDENDUM','It was brought to my attention that I say something like \"it\'sbettertohaveyourserverdoingthingslikeDHCPthantoletyourrouterhandleit\"\r\n\r\nWhat I meant to say was...\r\n\"it\'s better FOR ME to have my server to DHCP and stuff than to let some little under-powered router do it\" -- but of course your network will be different from mine, with different needs and different loads and all that...so for you, it might make sense for you to just let your router handle DHCP.\r\n\r\nIf you have questions of course you can always email me and I\'llanswerwhateverIcan.klaatu-at-goListenToGnuWorldOrderOggcastForMyEmailAddress.com','2017-09-0907:41:22'),
(326,820,'2011-10-05 21:14:50','Philip Durbin','sites-enabled, sites-available','Being a Red Hat guy, I hadn\'theardofDebian\'s sites-enabled, sites-available convention, but I found some more about it here: https://www.control-escape.com/web/configuring-apache2-debian.html\r\n\r\nOn Red Hat systems, you could keep your VirtualHost config in /etc/httpd/conf.d/com_mysite_www.conf and disable it by changing the name to /etc/httpd/conf.d/com_mysite_www.conf.disabled. *.conf files in /etc/httpd/conf.d are included by default, as described here: https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/howto-disable-apache-modules-under-linux-unix/','2022-02-14 13:15:35'),
(327,820,'2011-10-06 13:07:52','klaatu','nice tip','Thanks for the tip. It has just so happened that I haven\'treallyrunthatmanywebserversonRHELorFedora.I\'d like to do more but as long as I keep inheriting powerPC boxen I imagine it will continue to be Debian-based servers (thank you Debian!)\r\n\r\nBut I like this tip, so thanks.\r\n\r\nBTW if anyone is messing around with Drupal on a Fedora server, there\'saniftyrpm,ithinkcalleddrupal7,whichcentralizesthecoredrupalstuffinto/usr/shared/andallowsyoutosymlinkstuffin/var/wwwtopointtothedrupalsites.Reallyfunstuff.\r\n\r\n\r\n','2017-09-0907:41:22'),
(328,821,'2011-09-26 21:16:28','TheL0grus','','This has to be one of the worst reviews I have ever heard. I am typing this on my Acre a500 tablet. I spent a lot of time researching the tablet I wanted before I purchased one which the reviewer clearly didn\'tdo.Myfirstchoiceisthisone','2017-09-0907:41:22'),
(330,821,'2011-09-29 02:09:27','John','I agree... ','This is a copy of a post I made a while back about Android stuff...\r\nJohn Zimm - Aug 22, 2011 - Limited\r\n\"This is my response to Bryan on LAS and his ideas on HP and Linux ect.. I am a newbie to Linux. I have completely switched over to it. So, here I am enjoying my old HP desktop with Pentium 4. Then I learn about the bearded dude, and I loved what he is saying about GNU. So I started to feel like this whole Linux thing isn’t fake and is not lying to me. That is important. For example, I got made when I heard new ideas were formulated and High schools did not teach me these new things because they were not what we had been taught in the past… no flexibility, no courage and no respect for us to change the school books to reflect how history really looked or what led up to it. Or how we are animals ect. ect. You get the picture. So, now, after watching LAS and listening to other shows, I am interested in paying the data plan (for the first time) and getting a smart phone. So, I was really confused when I heard everyone talk about Android this and Android that. I don’t give a shit about a cheap knock-off of Linux, or something that runs Linux in the background, or how ever you say it. I wanted to stick with what I just learned… LINUX. Everyone was talking about how flexible and scalable Linux is, but I can’t have it on my phone? So, I moved on. I started to get interested in tablets… HOLLY SHIT, THOSE RUN THAT STUPID ANDROID, FAKE LINUX TOO. Remember, I am a newbie, so I don’t have a sense of where things in Linux came from or started, or how great Android is. Sorry if I don’t appreciate Android. But let\'sgetreal,ThebigcompanyGoogle,didn\'t fit into my new found ideals. But, I want my Mint 11 on a tablet. Is that to much to ask for. I hate that I am not smart. I am just a geek-wanna-be. I hate that I can’t pick one device at a time, (phone or tablet) and make Mint 11 run on it, then upload an iso for everyone to use. So, when I heard Bryan say that about how we should not be relying on other OSs that can be pulled after 46 days… I am totally , totally totally, on board. I do have other skills, and maybe I can help in some way. Let’s get this BITCH rolling. When I used to daydream about this, I came up with naming the device that I was going to invent… wait for it… “L”. And after watching the LAS show, I came up with calling the distro, “GLD”, for GNU Linux Debian. PS,as I am about to hit share, I see a post below my,that says, \"Touchdroid, Android for HP Touchpad Project Started\". Why not Linux, for HP Touchpad project??????????????????????????\"','2017-09-09 07:41:22'),
(331,821,'2011-09-30 14:32:09','Sawyer','tablets are utilitarian toys','i get were you are coming from mr. g. IMHO: Tablets are just the new gadget with which to lure the money out of your wallet. I was fortunate in getting a $99 dollar hp touchpad. (I\'mageek,iwantanewgadget).It\'s a fun toy. WebOS is quiet good imo. The homebrew community has compiled new kernels, cli etc. I\'vegotitoverclocked.Goodstuff.Stilltheyarejustshinytoys.Evenwhenicaninstallaproperlinuxdistro,itwillstillbejustaconvienientcoffeetabledeviceforquicklysurfingtogettvlistingsorwatchingyoutubevids.Ohlestiforgetitisagreatereader,thoughabitheavy.I\'m glad i have one, but i have better things to drop $500 on. One other thing. All these type devices are driven by the apps that consumers will buy. No apps no gadget goodness. Remember BeOS or OS2? Had them both at one time. Both stable and much better than Win3/95, but as a user there just wasnt much stuff beyond the os itself to do.\r\nI would like someone to make an argument that these tablets are more than consumer trinkets mostly (latest status/ego boost hotness), i\'dlistenbutidon\'t think it\'sgoingtohappen.','2017-09-0907:41:22'),
(332,829,'2011-10-06 17:29:42','marcoz','fantastic','That was really enjoyable to listen to. Science-y, a bit technical.\r\n\r\nI liked this one a lot. I\'venowaddedjodcast.orgtomycollection.\r\n\r\n\r\n','2017-09-0907:41:22'),
(333,829,'2011-10-08 23:32:48','klaatu','fantastic +1','Yeah, this one was really cool. Way over my head (so to speak) but really interesting. Plus that robot voice at the beginning is REALLY cool.','2017-09-09 07:41:22'),
(334,830,'2011-10-11 22:44:54','Alison Chaiken','Excellent show','Enjoyed the Jamie Sharp interview, too. I posted the links on Google Buzz and emailed to interested folks. It\'sonlythroughthehardworkoffolkslikeHuttererandtheCanonicalcontributors(despitetheirproblematiccooperation)thatwehavedevicesupportforthelatesthardwareinLinux.Thanks,marcoz,forthisgoodnews!','2017-09-0907:41:22'),
(335,830,'2011-10-13 00:16:57','marcoz','thanks','for the kind words and I completely agree that it\'sonlybecausepeoplehaverolleduptheirsleevesandgottendirtythatwearethisfar.\r\n\r\nIfyouevergetachancetoattendXDSorXDCIhighlyrecommendit.Lotsofreallysmartpeople.','2017-09-0907:41:22'),
(337,837,'2011-10-19 07:17:59','Ken Fallon','Corrected','Thanks - missed that one :)','2017-09-09 07:41:22'),
(338,838,'2011-10-19 21:02:43','Martin Peres','More links about what we talked about','Hey,\r\n\r\nJust wanted to give you some pointers to the things I talked about:\r\n\r\n- Arduide: https://mupuf.org/project/arduide/\r\n- Arduino music-player frontend: https://mupuf.org/blog/article/51/\r\n\r\nEditor\'sNote:\r\n--------------\r\nDuetositereorganisationtheabovelinkshavechangedto\r\n-https://mupuf.org/project/arduide.html\r\n-https://mupuf.org/blog/2011/06/14/an_arduino-based_frontend_to_my_audio-player_cmus/\r\n','2022-02-1413:15:36'),
(339,845,'2011-10-28 14:05:08','klaatu','very informative!','very informative episode. all this fancy streaming stuff is still a mystery to me, something i\'vereallybeenmeaningtomessaroundwith.thanksfortheverycoolinfo,ideas,andleadsonwhatishouldbelookinginto!','2017-09-0907:41:22'),