From 74d5a486a95b8c1e288f1d0471b6b4e52890b1f5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ken Fallon Date: Sun, 9 Jul 2023 09:45:26 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] database changed --- sql/hpr.sql | 4 ++-- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/sql/hpr.sql b/sql/hpr.sql index d2de319..1db9c48 100644 --- a/sql/hpr.sql +++ b/sql/hpr.sql @@ -19688,7 +19688,7 @@ INSERT INTO `eps` (`id`, `date`, `title`, `duration`, `summary`, `notes`, `hosti (3645,'2022-07-22','How to set up a small Linux Wireguard VPN',855,'I set up a small VPN and wrote a blog post about it. This is just an audiorecording of that','

The blogpost where I describe how to set up a Wireguard VPN network:

\n',369,61,0,'CC-BY-SA','wireguard,linux, vpn',0,0,1), (3648,'2022-07-27','A response to tomorrows show',1682,'Ken brings the DeLorean up to 141.6Kph to address monochromec\'s comment on stats','

\r\nCounter Point\r\n


\r\nThis show is a counter point to: hpr3649 :: Linux Inlaws S01E61: 20 years in review\r\n


There are three kinds of lies: Lies, damned lies, and statistics


In today\'s show we discover that Hacker Public Radio is not a Podcast Hosting Platform.


Each day your show will be heard by as many people as can squeeze into the main auditorium at FOSDEM, or between two and three Airbus A380-800. You know the big double decker passenger plane. Every month we have on average 33,584 downloads, that\'s about 40 fully loaded Airbus A380-800.




Podcast \"Hosting\" Sites, like Spotify, Apple Podcast or Google Podcasts, etc. do not host the media, they are essentially monetizing Hacker Public Radio content. And we are all absolutely fine with that because our shows are released under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported license.




Every one of those dots is a download that is not without cost, but is provided entirely free of charge to us by our kind hosting Provider and the volunteer project the Internet Archive. Both of which donates terabytes of storage and data transfer to us for free.


The people to thank are our own Josh Knapp over at, who provides the Hacker Public Radio web site.


And the Internet Archive which is an American digital library with the stated mission of \"universal access to all knowledge\", who provide hosting for the media.


\r\nFor more details, see the full show notes.\r\n

\r\n',30,0,1,'CC-BY-SA','statistics,syndication,reality',0,0,1), (3637,'2022-07-12','HPR feed to Sqlite',454,'First step in creating a static copy of HPR','\n

One interesting thing I read during the discussion is Ken said Every thing needed to recreate an HPR site is in the feed

git clone\ncd hprfeed2db/\npython3 -m venv venv\nsource venv/bin/activate\npip install feedparser peewee\npython\npython\nsqlite3 hpr.sqlite "select count(*) from episode"
\n',342,0,0,'CC-BY-SA','python, rss, sqlite',0,0,1), -(3916,'2023-08-07','HPR Community News for July 2023',0,'HPR Volunteers talk about shows released and comments posted in July 2023','\n\n

New hosts


\nWelcome to our new host:
\n\n HopperMCS.\n


Last Month\'s Shows

3891Mon2023-07-03HPR Community News for June 2023HPR Volunteers
3892Tue2023-07-04Emacs package curation, part 1dnt
3893Wed2023-07-05Game card design resourcesKlaatu
3894Thu2023-07-06The Page 42 Show: Ugly News Week, Show\'s Epoch!HopperMCS
3895Fri2023-07-07What\'s in my backpackStache_AF
3896Mon2023-07-10The Brochs of GlenelgAndrew Conway
3897Tue2023-07-11HPR AudioBook Club 22 - Murder at Avedon HillHPR_AudioBookClub
3898Wed2023-07-12The Oh No! News.Some Guy On The Internet
3899Thu2023-07-13Repair corrupt video files for free with untrucPaul Quirk
3900Fri2023-07-14Preparing Podcasts for ListeningAhuka
3901Mon2023-07-17Time Managmentoperat0r
3902Tue2023-07-18Introduction to a new series on FFMPEGMr. Young
3903Wed2023-07-19Why I don\'t love systemd (yet)deepgeek
3904Thu2023-07-20How to make friendsKlaatu
3905Fri2023-07-21Presenting Fred Blackfolky
3910Fri2023-07-28Playing Civilization IIAhuka

Comments this month


Note to Volunteers: Comments marked in green were read in the last\nCommunity News show and should be ignored in this one.

These are comments which have been made during the past month, either to shows released during the month or to past shows.\nThere are 2 comments in total.


Past shows


There is 1 comment on\n1 previous show:


Updated on 2023-07-07 23:49:28


This month\'s shows


There is 1 comment on 1 of this month\'s shows:


Mailing List discussions


\nPolicy decisions surrounding HPR are taken by the community as a whole. This\ndiscussion takes place on the Mail List which is open to all HPR listeners and\ncontributors. The discussions are open and available on the HPR server under\nMailman.\n


The threaded discussions this month can be found here:


Events Calendar


With the kind permission of we are linking to\nThe Community Calendar.


Quoting the site:

This is the community event calendar, where we track\nevents of interest to people using and developing Linux and free software.\nClicking on individual events will take you to the appropriate web\npage.

Any other business


Relocation of the HPR site



\n\n\n',159,47,1,'CC-BY-SA','Community News',0,0,1), +(3916,'2023-08-07','HPR Community News for July 2023',0,'HPR Volunteers talk about shows released and comments posted in July 2023','\n\n

New hosts


\nWelcome to our new host:
\n\n HopperMCS.\n


Last Month\'s Shows

3891Mon2023-07-03HPR Community News for June 2023HPR Volunteers
3892Tue2023-07-04Emacs package curation, part 1dnt
3893Wed2023-07-05Game card design resourcesKlaatu
3894Thu2023-07-06The Page 42 Show: Ugly News Week, Show\'s Epoch!HopperMCS
3895Fri2023-07-07What\'s in my backpackStache_AF
3896Mon2023-07-10The Brochs of GlenelgAndrew Conway
3897Tue2023-07-11HPR AudioBook Club 22 - Murder at Avedon HillHPR_AudioBookClub
3898Wed2023-07-12The Oh No! News.Some Guy On The Internet
3899Thu2023-07-13Repair corrupt video files for free with untrucPaul Quirk
3900Fri2023-07-14Preparing Podcasts for ListeningAhuka
3901Mon2023-07-17Time Managmentoperat0r
3902Tue2023-07-18Introduction to a new series on FFMPEGMr. Young
3903Wed2023-07-19Why I don\'t love systemd (yet)deepgeek
3904Thu2023-07-20How to make friendsKlaatu
3905Fri2023-07-21Presenting Fred Blackfolky
3906Mon2023-07-24The Oh No! News.Some Guy On The Internet
3910Fri2023-07-28Playing Civilization IIAhuka

Comments this month


Note to Volunteers: Comments marked in green were read in the last\nCommunity News show and should be ignored in this one.

These are comments which have been made during the past month, either to shows released during the month or to past shows.\nThere are 6 comments in total.


Past shows


There are 2 comments on\n2 previous shows:


Updated on 2023-07-08 23:45:58


This month\'s shows


There are 4 comments on 3 of this month\'s shows:


Mailing List discussions


\nPolicy decisions surrounding HPR are taken by the community as a whole. This\ndiscussion takes place on the Mail List which is open to all HPR listeners and\ncontributors. The discussions are open and available on the HPR server under\nMailman.\n


The threaded discussions this month can be found here:


Events Calendar


With the kind permission of we are linking to\nThe Community Calendar.


Quoting the site:

This is the community event calendar, where we track\nevents of interest to people using and developing Linux and free software.\nClicking on individual events will take you to the appropriate web\npage.

Any other business


Relocation of the HPR site



\n\n\n',159,47,1,'CC-BY-SA','Community News',0,0,1), (3643,'2022-07-20','My computing history and the software I use',3345,'Rambling about my computing history and tech stack. ','

I introduce myself by describing my computing history and tech stack. Disjointed rambling and tangentially related thoughts ensue.

\n',406,0,1,'CC-BY-SA','UNIX, Linux, first show, BSD, Android',0,0,1), (3658,'2022-08-10','Linux Inlaws S01E62: HPR\'s inner workings',1975,'An overview of HPRs inner workings and stats based on a ludicrous claim by the Inlaws','

In this episode our two ageing heroes explore the inner workings of a podcast (or podcast hosting platform depending on your perspective) called Hacker Public Radio. Yes, the platform that the Inlaws have been using since the very inception of this rapidly growing FLOSS podcast content. Wondering what the heck this episode is all about, why exactly Martin and Chris are talking about this now and the importance of statistics, lies and damned lies? Then just listen to this episode. You may also find out the difference between mere caching and content syndication. Never mind HPR\'s inner workings.



\n\n',384,111,1,'CC-BY-SA','Lies, damned lies, stats, projections, CDNs, Ford, Ferrari, Monsters, Books',0,0,1), (3679,'2022-09-08','Linux Inlaws S01E64: Non-profits in the US: A closer look at 501(c)s',2177,'The Ins and Outs of 501(c)s','

In this episode, Martin and Chris shed more light on the riveting subject of non-profit\nand not-for-profit organisations especially in the US with a special focus on the all-\nimportant topic of tax implications. Warning: Due to the fast-paced and gripping never\nmind explicit nature of this topic, people with sleeping disabilities or who are easily startled\n/ offended by graphic content should consult a member of the medical profession to ensure\nthat they are capable of handling this episode. You have been warned.



\n\n',384,111,1,'CC-BY-SA','501(c)3, 501(c)6, non-profits, not-for-profits, Church of Emacs, RMS, Serviettenknödel',0,0,1), @@ -20869,4 +20869,4 @@ UNLOCK TABLES; /*!40014 SET UNIQUE_CHECKS=@OLD_UNIQUE_CHECKS */; /*!40111 SET SQL_NOTES=@OLD_SQL_NOTES */; --- Dump completed on 2023-07-08 19:55:28 +-- Dump completed on 2023-07-09 7:43:38