(3366,3527,'2022-02-21 01:27:29','ClaudioM','Re; PATA and Netbooks','I hear ya on extending the lives of these devices nowadays, but with OpenBSD and Fluxbox, along with the SSD and adapter, it\'s surprisingly useful! Firefox won\'t build on OpenBSD/x86 (it segfaults since it needs more memory) so they won\'t be including it any longer. SeaMonkey is still available, but not sure for how much longer.','2022-02-21 20:16:29'),
(3367,3523,'2022-02-21 16:20:16','LinuxMintXFCE','Compose','Thank you very much. I\'ve been working on learning languages with DuoLingo but the special characters I\'ve ignored because I could not enter them easily. My notes with vim were correct because I could easily map keys. But I had no idea how to do it with linux in general without entering a bunch of keys that sometimes conflicted with the app.\r\n\r\nSo all I had to do was:\r\n1. Settings\r\n1.1. Keyboard\r\n1.1.1. Select Layout tab\r\n1.1.1.1. Slide off \"Use system defaults\"\r\n1.1.1.2. Under \"Compose key\" select \"right alt\"\r\n1.1.1.3. close everything under settings\r\n2. vi ~/.XCompose (A file I did not have.)\r\n2.1. Modify it as shown and save \r\nhttps://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Xorg/Keyboard_configuration#Configuring_compose_key\r\n3. Reboot the system and done!\r\n\r\nA todo might be to add special keys to do repetitive tasks...','2022-02-21 20:16:29'),
(3368,3228,'2022-02-21 16:28:53','Windigo','Exactly what I needed','This episode was the explanation of YAML that I needed.\r\n\r\nI know it\'s been years since it aired, but I use the fundamentals explained here every single time I open a YAML file.','2022-02-21 20:16:29'),
(3369,3536,'2022-02-22 19:30:38','Zen_floater2','I have the Google GO pro chromebook, had the same problems','I assume it was a Russian attack at first.  It all happened after one of Google\'s updates.  I then just unplugged the chrome book and powered it off.  Then I started the chrome book up again and plugged it into a power source and the entire thing was resolved.  \r\nI also notice that Slackware 15 had locked up twice on me after my 1st boot on a different laptop and the same kind of thing had to be done over there too.','2022-02-22 20:44:15'),
(3370,3538,'2022-02-27 18:55:01','Random_Linux_User','Re hpr3538 :: Installing the Tenacity audio editor','tenacity is an almost dead project. If you take a look at their repository closely, you\'ll see that all that is happening is rebranding. Very little has happened there in the past few months. Audacity has been a work of two guys (Paul Licameli & James Crook) and without them I don\'t see anyone is capable of adding new features and improvements to it. After all it has been their brainchild, their labor of love.\r\nTelemetry is everywhere. From KDE to Firefox. Unless and until it\'s stealthy and doesn\'t give you options to opt-out, it\'s not that bad.','2022-02-27 19:51:19'),
(3371,3541,'2022-02-28 14:07:36','publius','\"Have\" constructions','For most speakers of Western European languages, whether more (eg German) or less (eg English) inflected, Latin serves as the paradigm for inflected languages. Of course it\'s not anything like as commonly taught in schools anymore, but it\'s still there in the background, serving as the model against which the grammar of the vernacular has traditionally been constructed. For the Sclavonic languages, such as Russian, the paradigm is Classical Greek.\r\n\r\nIn Latin, there is of course a verb \"habere\" meaning \"to have\" (as well as \"tenere\", \"to hold\"), but it is common to use the copula or being-verb with the dative. In other words, \"I have it\" or \"it belongs to me\" is often expressed with \"id mihi est\", quasi-literally translated into English as \"it to-me is\".\r\n\r\nInterestingly, I have read that, in many languages, whatever \"have\" constructions exist tend to be taken over by the verb meaning \"hold\" or \"grasp\". An obvious example is the way that, in Spanish for example, the verb derived from \"tenere\" is used to mean \"hold\", while the Latin \"habere\" has essentially vanished. English cognates such as \"tenure\", \"tenancy\", and so on also show a movement from the concrete to the abstract.','2022-02-28 21:22:59'),
(3372,3515,'2022-03-03 18:11:04','Archer72','On my list','Hi Ken, this subject is on my list to try.','2022-03-04 20:54:57'),
(3373,1743,'2022-03-05 15:50:52','Ken Fallon','Thank you Lord D','Although he has passed, his wisdom continues to guide us.','2022-03-05 19:29:20'),
(3374,3496,'2022-03-09 19:25:17','dnt','I use it','Thanks for this! I used this for my latest episode. Still had to go to Audacity and edit it, largely to remove a ton of ums. I also then created a new script.txt in another folder, just to record a couple of bits to insert, so that it would sound the same as the rest of it. Will try to get better at writing the script and avoiding the ums so that it can go straight to HPR. Great stuff!\r\n\r\nFor listeners of the community news, since this show, norrist has put this in PyPI, so even easier to get it. Try it out!','2022-03-09 19:42:53'),
(3375,3546,'2022-03-09 19:46:26','dnt','Thank you','Thank you for generously doing these shows. It makes a difference to contributors, to the extent that it confirms to us that we exist. I look forward to listening.\r\n\r\nAlso, it is important to hear feedback. For example, after listening to this, I have cancelled plans to do to that Wikipedia article with all the porridge, linked under that monstrosity of a show about porridge, what Klaatu has done in his own podcast to another list of interest to hackers. Alas, it was going to cover a lot of slots. On to something else, then.','2022-03-09 20:18:42'),
(3376,3534,'2022-03-10 14:36:35','Michael','Unit missmatch','Hi Ken,\r\n\r\nnice show!\r\nI assume your pencil is 7.5mm in diameter, not cm. Just stating the obvious, because noone else did till now :-)\r\n\r\nRegards,\r\nMichael','2022-03-10 22:43:38'),
(3377,3461,'2022-03-12 12:28:25','Bentley Sorsdahl','The TTS voice','I like very much the outro voice you are using, can you tell me what you use to generate it ? I found HPR just a short time ago and have been enjoying very much listening to all the shows.  Have even started thinking about answering the call and recording an intro myself .. not sure 100% yet.\r\n\r\nkeep up all the great work thanks for your time \r\n\r\n Bentley','2022-03-14 21:39:53'),
(3378,3553,'2022-03-16 15:52:05','Trey','Great Intro','Love the automated voice intro for this one.  Much easier to understand when listening at 1.5x speed.','2022-03-17 11:29:25'),
(3379,3553,'2022-03-16 15:58:11','Trey','Important topic','SGoTT, this is a very important topic.  It is challenging to balance freedom of expression among a diverse group of users with different social and moral frameworks.  We often forget that, in the United States, government supports freedom of public speech (also within certain guidelines), but organizations may impose their own restrictions on the platforms they own/administer.  Their choices are then influenced by their customers\' choices to continue to do business with them or leave.\r\n\r\nThank you for sharing, and I look forward to your next amazing podcast!','2022-03-17 11:29:26'),
(3380,3553,'2022-03-17 11:02:21','Beeza','Free Speech','Hi \"Some Guy\"\r\n\r\nA great episode, raising excellent points, but I feel the crux of the issues you raise is courtesy and dignity rather than free speech per se.\r\n\r\nFree speech generally refers to the ideas you are expressing. How you express them is where courtesy comes in. There is a world of difference  between \"If you look at the online manuals you should find the information that will solve your problem\" and \"RTFM!\"\r\n\r\nYou\'ll probably be aware of the controversy about Richard Stallman\'s ejection from the FSF and subsequent readmission. This was a result of his expressing what most people felt were distasteful ideas. Very little of what followed was criticism of RMS\' views based on rational, level-headed argument. It was all about personal insult and trying to shut RMS down, saying he shouldn\'t have expressed his views. There was no respect of his right of free speech. Much as I similarly rejected most of what RMS had said, the episode demonstrated to me that even in the world of \"free culture\" that we claim to support the adherence to the right of true free speech is as tenuous and conditional as it is in wider society.\r\n\r\nI have asked many questions on free software forums over the years and generally found nothing but help and courtesy. However, every now and then I\'ve come across respondents whose primary aim is to show how clever they are and to belittle my relative lack of knowledge. They are the people who give FLOSS a bad image. On the plus side, though, in the same way as you, me and everyone else come to realise that these jerks don\'t represent the majority I think most newbies will as well, provided they don\'t encounter one on their first ever request for help.','2022-03-17 19:18:44'),
(3381,3553,'2022-03-17 20:41:04','Ken Fallon','My thoughts','Hi SGoTI,\r\n\r\nThanks for the thought provoking show. A few observations if I may.\r\n\r\nThe show focused on the concept of freedom of speech from a US centric perspective. It\'s important to remember that other (democratic) countries have their own laws\r\nhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedom_of_speech_by_country\r\n\r\nHaving time to consider your points, I feel it\'s fair to say that the Linux Foundation should be running Linux on their computers. Would Steve Jobs be seen in front of a Windows computer, or Bill Gates a Mac ? It\'s\' just bad business to not run your own products.\r\n\r\nFurthermore the \"Shur Mac is Unix\" ideology is dangerous and can be shown to be damaging to the community by focusing people on convenience over moral values. Case in point. Despite the fact that so many \"Linux\" developers run Mac Books, it is still one of the most under supported platforms out there. I tried to get Linux to run on a MacBook with the same specs and release date as my Dell. While there were many issues with the Dell that have been fixed over the years, it\'s still not possible to get a MacBook to run Linux. This is a direct quote from a developer I asked for help. \"I actually gave up on Fedora on my macbook, too many things are broken (wifi, audio, webcam).\"\r\n\r\nI also do not agree that we should welcome developers of closed or even open core applications. This is akin to McDonalds expecting a warm welcome in a vegan club because they put lettuces on a Big Mac.\r\n\r\nDevelopers and the community have a right to a belief in Free Libre and Open Source software, the Commons and related views. It is valid that they should not be welcoming with open arms developments that run against that belief. Provided of course that it is done with courtesy.','2022-03-17 20:55:25'),
(3382,3533,'2022-03-18 05:08:44','Windigo','Very informative','This episode has revealed that, although I had heard the term \"porridge\" before, I never realized how many of my favorite foods it encompassed. Excellent!\r\n\r\nAlso, thank you for the feedback on the \"Opposing views\" episode, it is much appreciated.','2022-03-18 19:16:54'),
(3383,3551,'2022-03-20 20:26:20','Some Guy On The Internet','Bash for the Win.','Hello Dave, How are you? I love the show; bash can be very simple or crazy complex depending on your needs. I haven’t used `eval` yet but now I have a reason to use it. Piping text from a file into a script to create commands sounds fun (and scary), so I’ll be experimenting on a Raspberry Pi; so I don’t end the night crying while restoring from a backup, again. Thanks for the show!','2022-03-20 20:44:39'),
(3384,3551,'2022-03-21 17:14:44','Dave Morriss','Hi SGOTI','I appreciate the feedback. Yes, Bash has a lot of power and can be used for many things. \r\n\r\nYou are right, a Raspberry Pi is a great test bed; I use them often.\r\n\r\nI hope you found the show useful. Let us know if you find better ways of doing these types of things.\r\n\r\nBest wishes, Dave','2022-03-21 19:02:37'),
(3385,3553,'2022-03-22 19:16:33','jezra','the show','The Linux Foundation is a 501c6 non-profit trade association. Their purpose is to help their members use Linux to increase profits. The promotion of desktop Linux, is not a priority of the Foundation.\r\n\r\nThe steam deck will use Arch Linux because it is cheaper to use linux than it is to pay licensing fees for a proprietary OS. Using a high quality rolling release Linux is also cheaper than writing one\'s own OS. In this regard, Valve is standing on  the shoulders of the devs who have put decades of work into making Arch what it is today. The Arch community owes absolutely nothing to Valve; and without Linux, Valve wouldn\'t have a product to sell.','2022-03-22 19:23:46'),
(3386,3558,'2022-03-23 22:06:45','Some Guy On The Internet','Nicely done.','Thank you for the show. I’ve never used Haskell but I have a book from “Learn you a haskell” (great site, love the sun image). So often podcast will recommend something but will not link to any resources.  You’ve given us so much additional content we can use to learn more about this language. Thank you, and please do more shows on haskell (example. compiling code or testing/debugging your code).','2022-03-23 22:08:32'),
(3387,3558,'2022-03-24 08:12:52','tuturto','Good idea','Thanks for the idea Some Guy On The Internet. I do have an episode about testing in Haskell (http://hackerpublicradio.org/eps.php?id=2948). My debugging skills are non-existent, it\'s basically either staring at the code with a stern expression or sprinkling lots of prints all around the places I suspect might be faulty. Really should learn some basic debugging skills I think.','2022-03-24 23:04:08'),
(3388,3552,'2022-03-26 23:01:52','Some Guy On The Internet','Development on Pinetime','Are you developing apps for the Pine Time?  Are you planning any development of apps or system resources for the Pine Time? I like hearing about these devices but I don’t know where to start if I purchased one; and what’s the end game? Is it supposed to be for development only or can I one day replace my apple watch?  Good show, I’d love to hear more about your work with the pine time.','2022-03-27 18:06:03'),
(3389,1780,'2022-03-27 18:06:30','elmussol','mistag','Tag should be GnuPG not GnuPGP.','2022-03-27 18:09:33'),
(3390,3565,'2022-03-28 13:38:07','Jeremiah Schroeder','Couldn\'t agree more','Hi timttmy,\r\n\r\nI couldn\'t agree with you more about the Bison 120 Jaw Crusher. The same thing happened to me - just outside warranty as well. \r\n\r\nLove the show !\r\n\r\nJer','2022-03-31 20:13:14'),
(3391,3565,'2022-03-28 13:44:48','K. Olin','Great show','Hi from Fredericksburg Quarry in the great state of Virginia\r\n\r\nYou forgot to say what pressure you needed to get the manifold up to before you applied the gasket cover. Also I was wondering who your supplier was for the hangrifts ? Mobicat are no longer supplying them (for the 100 at least). I can\'t seem to find them over on this side of the pond. \r\n\r\nAny help would be appreciated. Shipping State Side is not a problem.','2022-03-31 13:44:53'),
(3392,3565,'2022-03-28 15:04:42','Clayton Miner','This brings back memories','Hi Marshall\r\n\r\nI retired from the flintstone trade more than 20 years ago. It was great to hear the familiar sounds of a quarry again in the background. Was that a Pallmann Granulator that I heard five minutes in while you were working on the perforation grid ?\r\n\r\nYou don\'t know how lucky you are with these modern marvels. We mostly had Dodges where we worked, and even brand new they were a pain to maintain. Still those were a huge step up from the old Blake crusher the boss and his pa bought in Philly. Man we all hated that thing, especially five finger Fred. Even now they drag it out for every company picnic.\r\n\r\nIt was a right of passage for every new apprentice to get that back to life for day. \r\n\r\nGood times.\r\n\r\nThanks Again.\r\n\r\nClay.','2022-03-31 20:13:14'),
(3393,3557,'2022-03-31 01:29:25','Some Guy On The Internet','Thank you.','I’ve always heard great things about thinkpads and Linux.  No one I’ve heard ever shared a negative opinion about thinkpads; just the usual, “It’s built like a tank” statements. Now that you’ve spoken the truth about a thinkpad, will you go into hiding?  I’m joking, but thank you for the truth that is difficult to tell.','2022-03-31 20:13:15'),
(3394,3563,'2022-03-31 03:22:24','tuturto','Very interesting','This was very interesting to listen to. So interesting actually, that I\'m wondering if it would be good idea to try roasting at home.','2022-03-31 20:13:15'),
(3395,3564,'2022-03-31 12:24:00','Some Guy On The Internet','Much Respect','I never thought about the work that goes into managing show notes and images other host submit.\r\nWow, working to keep others anonymous is very admirable of you.\r\nA show to educate everyone on managing our data; excellent work.\r\nTHANK YOU VERY MUCH!','2022-03-31 20:13:15'),
(3396,3554,'2022-04-01 03:44:52','dnt','that motor','That banging motor thing (grassroots mechanic movement, in your shownotes) was pretty great, I had never seen anything like that. Thanks for sharing it!','2022-04-01 18:21:55'),
(3397,3564,'2022-04-01 11:55:04','ClaudioM','Thanks for the Application Reminder!','Big thanks for reminding me about this app. I actually used it yesterday to remove information from a picture I took for inclusion in a trouble ticket. Great little tool!','2022-04-01 18:21:55'),
(3398,3563,'2022-04-01 11:57:41','ClaudioM','Enjoyed this Episode while Brewing my Morning Coffee :-)','This was a great and informative episode. I was actually brewing my coffee that morning when listening in, and learned quite a bit about the different roasting methods. As of late, I do agree with you about dark roasts. I used to like them, but now I don\'t have a taste for them. It just tastes bitter and burned.','2022-04-01 18:21:55'),
(3399,3564,'2022-04-01 19:04:02','Xoke','My troubles with EXIF','We had people taking photos for profile at work.  Microsoft shop, so active directory / exchange etc.  If you took a photo with an apple device, it would always get the image sideways, but androids would not.  It looked like apples handle the rotation differently (e.g. they save the image whichever way, but keep exif data but android rotate the image to be \'up\' and save it)\r\n\r\nIf you\'re using windows, IrfanView has command line commands for rotating (and much much more) in the i_options.txt file.  That was how we fixed the issue\r\n\r\nI was also going to say what CW was but I see you figured that out :)  And CCW could be Counter ClockWise if using the American version.','2022-04-01 20:04:43'),
(3400,3565,'2022-04-02 04:22:35','Windigo','Thanks for the contribution','Thanks for the wonderfully informative episode! Another one to tuck into my list of favorites.\r\n\r\nAlso, I know we take episodes regardless of audio, but thanks so much for putting effort into getting such a high quality recording. It really made a world of difference.\r\n\r\nLooking forward to your next episode!','2022-04-02 19:14:29'),
(3401,3565,'2022-04-05 21:14:19','jezra','I started falling asleep','The sound of the rock crusher was lulling. I\'m now in the process of making an hour long loop to help me sleep at night.','2022-04-05 21:15:51'),
(3402,3378,'2022-04-06 16:29:17','Windigo','Congratulations!','I\'m glad to hear you\'re not at the mercy of satellites in geosynchronous orbit! I have mixed feelings about Starlink, but it certainly sounds like a viable internet option - and that\'s something that has been often promised and rarely delivered.\r\n\r\nViva La Dirt!','2022-04-06 19:30:57'),
(3403,3570,'2022-04-08 02:45:21','zen_floater2','Squirrel applause','Ahhh, the 1980\'s.  FAT and Assembler.  \r\nThis is exactly why we drank beer when we wrote code till 3 am.\r\nIt was a good program sir..','2022-04-08 18:29:22'),
(3404,3568,'2022-04-08 07:32:14','Some Guy On The Internet','Public Service Announcement','Friends dont let friends drive while doing maths.','2022-04-08 18:29:22'),
(3405,3570,'2022-04-08 15:43:33','Miguel','Good blast from the past','Man, just entering and he makes me feels old (I\'m old)\r\n\r\nThis is a very good one.\r\n\r\nComplete, clear and sufficiently simple explanation of how FAT works, understanding this old filesystems is a very good way to enter the new filesystems (which intend to solve many of the problems Ahuka mentions).\r\n\r\nAnd remember the DOS days is also very nice.\r\n\r\nThanks for the shows and the work of this community.\r\n\r\nGreetings from México.\r\n\r\nExcuse my bad english, I learned from a TRS80 manual.','2022-04-08 18:29:23'),
(3406,3570,'2022-04-08 21:43:08','Kevin O\'Brien','Thank you','I\'m glad you enjoyed it. Your English is better than my Spanish at this point, but I am learning your language, and hope to visit Mexico. I am already planning a trip to Spain.\n','2022-04-08 14:47:16'),
(3407,3578,'2022-04-11 17:08:40','bittin','More Europe Centric','Here in Europe we have EDRI: https://edri.org/ and in Sweden DFRI for example, thats more European variants of EFF','2022-04-11 19:35:11'),
(3408,3571,'2022-04-12 22:19:19','kinghezy','Meatballs and such','I thought this episode was enjoyable. I then went to the back-catalog and listened to the opposing views on tattoos (http://hackerpublicradio.org/eps.php?id=3121) and alcohol (http://hackerpublicradio.org/eps.php?id=3251). Those are interesting with both Windigo and Mrs. Honeyhume.','2022-04-13 22:13:18'),
(3409,3572,'2022-04-13 05:18:20','Some Guy On The Internet','Thanks for the information.','I never looked into the details of m.2 SATA or NVMe. I buy the Western Digital m.2 SATA disk because they’re fast and cheap. What do you think about using an NVMe disk, in a Type C enclosure, to run live USB sessions with persistence (like Nomad BSD).','2022-04-13 22:13:18'),
(3410,3570,'2022-04-13 05:25:20','Some Guy On The Internet','I\'m not old enough.','Was RAID available for MS-DOS? If so, could you perform a RAID 1 using floppy disks?','2022-04-13 22:13:19'),
(3411,3570,'2022-04-14 12:21:31','Kevin O\'Brien','RAID on DOS','I have to admit I never looked into it. When I was running DOS in the 1980s even getting a hard drive was something of a novelty.','2022-04-14 19:56:14'),
(3412,3574,'2022-04-14 20:49:01','Windigo','Enlightening episode','Thank you for the episode! I was completely unaware of these services, and found them highly interesting.','2022-04-14 20:51:34'),
(3413,3571,'2022-04-14 22:10:06','Windigo','Thanks','Glad you enjoyed them! There\'s many enjoyable episodes in the HPR backlog.\r\n\r\nI\'m looking forward to hearing your contribution to the HPR collection!','2022-04-15 18:03:16'),
(3414,3574,'2022-04-14 23:56:49','brian-in-ohio','good show','I really liked this episode, good insight into how audio production is done on an expert level. I\'d love to hear how Lee is connected to the project and maybe a how you got into audii stuff. I bet you Lee is a Forth guy!','2022-04-15 18:03:16'),
(3415,3575,'2022-04-15 13:03:50','Some Guy On The Internet','Declassified','These are the recordings, captured by the United Kingdom’s National Crime Agency, in a 40 year investigation of infamous hacker Dave Morriss & the Notorious Mr. X.  Some may argue we wasted millions (£ GBP) in man hours to capture this audio; we argue the knowledge of old English plumbing was worth it.\r\n\r\n(whispers to Dave and MrX) Do another one.','2022-04-15 18:03:16'),
(3416,3575,'2022-04-15 16:19:33','brian-in-ohio','show','Good to hear you guys are \"Still Game\";-)','2022-04-15 18:03:16'),
(3417,3564,'2022-04-16 12:05:04','Kevin O\'Brien','Orientation in Android','I have been processing a ton of photos from my RV trip, all taken with Android phones, and I get some with the wrong orientation. I can correct this in digikam, which is my collection management tool. When corrected, they stay correct after that.','2022-04-16 18:39:19'),
(3418,3534,'2022-04-16 12:38:43','Kevin O\'Brien','Taking me back','Back around 1969 I had a job working in a gage calibration lab. Gages are used in manufacturing to test the dimensions of pieces as they complete a step, and come in pairs of Go/NoGo. Gages allowed for very quick tests on the line by operators. Our lab had to verify that the gages were correct. We also calibrated vernier calipers with gage blocks. Also, I did not misspell gage. That is the correct spelling for this type of device.','2022-04-16 18:39:20'),
(3419,3559,'2022-04-18 13:01:47','clacke','The nitty-gritty of US non-profits','Cro says in the episode that a 501(c)(6) cannot accept donations.\r\n\r\nIt can, but unlike a 501(c)(3) the donation to a (6) is not tax deductible as a charitable donation.\r\n\r\nA more important difference is that a 501(c)(3) is required by law to work for the public good whereas a 501(c)(6) is required to work for the good of its members.','2022-04-18 19:10:20'),
(3420,3559,'2022-04-18 13:10:44','clacke','Re: The nitty-gritty of US non-profits','More in-depth discussion about the differences between public charities (501(c)(3)) and trade associations (501(c)(6)), by Bradley Kuhn who now works for and has previously founded and managed the Software Freedom Conservancy:\r\n\r\nhttps://sfconservancy.org/blog/2013/dec/05/non-profit-home/','2022-04-18 19:10:20'),
(3421,3576,'2022-04-18 22:04:03','Some Guy On The Internet','Yikes!','I agree with you on some things like, not having time to tinker on a production machine, it just needs to work. However, I wouldn’t broad brush the Linux community as “bearded geeks” living in a trailer because they choose something different. I’ll do a show as a proper response but I’m happy you’re enjoying Ubuntu 22.04.','2022-04-18 22:06:00'),
(3422,3576,'2022-04-19 16:34:20','Zen_floater2','Your review','Hi.  I\'m a 40 plus year veteran of commercial software development, now retired.\r\nI actually started writing commercial software in \r\n1966.  Open standards are our new standard.\r\nIt\'s taken me 30 years to accept this fact.\r\nI found your opinions appalling and believe you should just return to using windows as your only operating system.  While I clearly understand your needs, I see no future for the roll over and play dead attitude you\'ve taken. \r\nI also am a bearded person who lives in the woods and has a shotgun.  And I use openbsd and Slackware on any cheap, low powered laptop I find in dumpsters.','2022-04-19 21:10:12'),
(3423,3577,'2022-04-19 18:55:39','brian-in-ohio','welcome','Great show. Looking forward to any shows on any of the topics mentioned.','2022-04-19 21:10:12'),
(3424,3577,'2022-04-19 19:11:36','mcnalu','Welcome','Welcome aboard Sarah. Nice introduction. I look forward to hearing shows on the various topics you mentioned. And I\'ll add your Apple experience to my arsenal of anecdotes for my Apple loving friend.','2022-04-19 21:10:12'),
(3425,3577,'2022-04-22 23:44:49','Lurking Prion','Welcome!','Always good to hear from other cyber security evangelists! Look forward to hearing more.','2022-04-23 21:28:31'),
(3426,3578,'2022-04-24 01:58:21','zen_floater2','centralized federal power','Did you just say that your in-favor of giving the federal government more control of our lives after knowing the absolute mess they\'ve created on social media???  what??? perhaps I mis-understood that comment you made on this subject.','2022-04-24 18:43:26'),
(3427,3574,'2022-04-24 15:59:45','elmussol','elderly relatives et al','The Talking Newspaper arriving weekly was a highlight for a couple of my Great Aunts when I was growing up in the \'70s in the UK. I know that groups of both sighted and not folks organized \"Listening Coffee Mornings\" through church at that time.\r\n\r\nIt\'s interesting to think that then, Talking Books were a thing primarily for visually-impared people only, whereas now, audio books are a thing for everyone. Audible (and the rest) owe their existence to standing on the shoulders of giants.\r\n\r\nA great episode that reminded me that people do good stuff for other people for reasons other than financial reward.','2022-04-24 18:43:27'),
(3428,3574,'2022-04-24 16:09:26','elmussol','addendum','Forgot to mention that it should be said that the local paper in question was the (still extant) Clitheroe Advertiser & Times.','2022-04-24 18:43:27'),
(3429,3577,'2022-04-24 18:47:47','Kevin O\'Brien','Great show','You sound like someone I want to hear more from. And as a librarian, are you by chance familiar with the podcast Welcome to Night Vale?','2022-04-24 19:50:40'),
(3430,3577,'2022-04-25 17:28:14','Sarah','@Kevin O\'Brien','Ha - not only am I familiar with it, I\'ve been to a live showing. Do not go into the dog park. ;-)','2022-04-25 18:04:40'),
(3431,2881,'2022-04-25 17:43:01','Archer72','And now I know, and will forget again','Until the next time.','2022-04-25 18:04:40'),
(3432,3577,'2022-04-25 21:41:38','Kevin O\'Brien','@Sarah','All hail the glow cloud!','2022-04-25 21:54:09'),
(3433,3576,'2022-04-28 15:11:01','Ken Fallon','How do you pay for software ?','Hi Knightwise,\r\n\r\nWhile I enjoy your podcast, I must say your attitude seems to be a little selfish. You\'ve been around the community long enough to know that the development relies on people taking the time to report bugs. Yet you say \"I never report bugs ... the technology just needs to work for you. ... Cannot afford to spend hours and hours tinkering...\". How do you expect the bug Mate may/may not have with BlueTooth on Lenovo  to be magically fixed if they don\'t know it\'s broken ?\r\n\r\nGiven you use \"Linux as a daily driver\", you have your own business, you pay for OneDrive, and you can happily pay €50 for closed software, I wonder do you also subscribe to Ubuntu ? \r\n\r\nhttps://ubuntu.com/advantage/subscribe\r\n1x UA Infrastructure - Essential (Desktop) $25.00 / year \r\n\r\nAs for not worrying about the desktop, as all apps are in the cloud let me point you to:\r\n\r\n- https://killedbygoogle.com/\r\n- https://killedbymicrosoft.nl/\r\n\r\nI\'m also around long enough to know that the more the merrier. Back in the day the \"too many ${software}\" argument was been leveled at XFCE and then the Raspberry Pi arrived and needed a Desktop. Now it\'s one of the most used environments out there.','2022-04-28 22:06:12'),
(3434,3592,'2022-04-30 20:14:30','Robert','Fine show until ...','Was enjoying the show until the rant about \"The year of the linux desktop\". \r\n\r\nDo you think chasing \"the major platforms\" will magically bring the year of the Linux desktop because it won\'t. What it does is it provides ammunition for employers to insist employees can use Microsoft or Apple.\r\n\r\nWhat is the problem here with non mainstream distros that gets you so annoyed ? So what if they don\'t run \"the major platforms\". They are not forcing you to run them - why do you not want them to exist so much ?\r\n\r\nMonoculture is bad in nature and it\'s bad in tech. Feel free to run what you want but stop lecturing everyone else about their choices.','2022-04-30 20:47:48'),
(3435,3585,'2022-05-04 16:08:12','Kevin O\'Brien','Open source vs. free software','I think it can be useful to distinguish between open source and free software when you address this issue. Free software respects the 4 freedoms as published by the FSF. And one thing I recall being discussed there is the idea that you cannot stop certain users, such as the military, from using free software. The GPL specifies the only requirements for legally using free software, and any user who respects those requirements is legally licensed to use the software.','2022-05-04 19:26:04'),
(3436,3588,'2022-05-04 17:42:53','cybergrue','Unix Philosophy','Your understanding of the Unix Philosophy is missing what many consider its most important caveat.  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unix_philosophy\r\nAs summarized by Salus, Unix is a collection of programs that each do one thing only and do it well.  System D is a grab-bag of lots of functionality and it does not do any of them particularly well, hence why people say that System D is not in the Unix Philosophy.\r\n\r\nI agree that the old style Init system had a lot of issues and needed to be replaces, however, I do not agree that System D is the solution.  I would have preferred a properly designed, layered and modular init system instead of the all-in-one solution  of System D. ie. a bare metal server used to run containers would have the same root level module but different application specific modules as a GUI based tablet.  system D was designed for GUI based systems, and is overkill/inappropriate for back-end servers running docker.\r\n\r\nAnyways, another good show, and stop selling yourself short, I think you are up to a double-digit number of listeners by now!','2022-05-04 19:26:04'),
(3437,3588,'2022-05-05 00:22:41','Clinton Roy','Debian systemd','I\'m writing this comment hot, so you may well cover this in the rest of the show.\r\n\r\nI think the major drama with debian and systemd is the murged /usr stuff, which, depending on who you ask is either an existential crises, or a mild wrinkle in package management.\r\n\r\nDebian has not switched over to systemd resolved yet either, not looking forward to that :)','2022-05-05 19:29:51'),
(3438,3585,'2022-05-05 07:09:42','Some Guy On The Internet','The freedom to Advertise.','Kevin O\'Brien, Thank you for your reply. I agree, Open Source and Freedom respecting software is usually a joint effort, but in this argument we can use more perspective. The “Open Source” is only one element, but the “Free” nature of the software and it’s community must be considered when discussing the actions of community and the usage of It’s software. If Companies, in the U.S. are considered people, respect and follow the Four Freedoms then they too should be able to promote their versions of the software; or do you disagree?','2022-05-05 19:29:51'),
(3439,3585,'2022-05-05 21:11:10','Kevin O\'Brien','Free Software','I\'m pretty basic on this. If they follow the 4 freedoms, it is free software. If it includes advertising, then someone else can fork it and remove the advertising, all perfectly legally.','2022-05-05 21:25:43'),
(3440,3574,'2022-05-09 16:15:14','elmussol','correction','@davemorris: To correct your comment on the Community News -- Clitheroe is in Lancashire not Yorkshire.','2022-05-09 18:42:38'),
(3441,3574,'2022-05-09 18:49:06','Dave Morriss','Clitheroe, LANCASHIRE!','Hi @elmussol,\r\n\r\nThanks for the correction.\r\n\r\nI\'m embarrassed to admit that I was a student in Manchester for about 5 years and then worked at Lancaster University another 5 or so (both in Lancashire, for the benefit of the non-English), and wasn\'t sure about the location of Clitheroe.\r\n\r\nNot a mistake I\'ll make again :-)','2022-05-09 18:50:37'),
(3442,3598,'2022-05-18 04:36:19','bittin','Audacious Winamp Skins','Hey!\r\n\r\nYou know you can change to Winamp like skin in Audacious to make it look more like XMMS in the Audacious Settings','2022-05-18 20:45:01'),
(3443,3598,'2022-05-18 06:14:06','linuxdaddy','32-bit linux','Great radio cast on Slackware and it\'s history, I got my first Slackware with a book and 2 cdrom disks at version 3.2 with kernel 2.0.29. The antiX linux distribution has a current 32-bit version as well.','2022-05-18 20:45:01'),
(3444,3597,'2022-05-18 16:39:36','Kevin O\'Brien','Great show','I loved the show, and I\'m looking forward to more. I was an IT Project Manager, and at one time I was working at a hospital where the IT department implicitly viewed its role as \"We are here to stop you from making mistakes\". Naturally, the rest of the hospital viewed them as the \"enemy\", and as a result I noticed that individual departments took to setting up their own servers outside of the IT department. So in effect the IT department was so focused on security that they achieved insecurity.','2022-05-18 20:45:01'),
(3445,3597,'2022-05-19 01:59:03','Lurking Prion','Thank you!','Thanks for the comments. It makes me sad every time I hear about IT Departments and/or Security teams doing things like that. We are supposed to be facilitators and enablers for the people who do make the money for the company. Thank you for listening and I think you will like the future shows I have planned.','2022-05-19 20:47:04'),
(3446,3588,'2022-05-19 16:47:36','brian-in-ohio','out of your depth','Its sad that you call your show as a call back to Linux in Laws.\r\nFabian Scherschel seemed to do a lot of research on the topics he discussed (and was funnier), that you didn\'t know what grub stand for shows your lack of preperation. You could have at least listened to Dann Washko\'s great series on bootloaders done on hpr and been better off.','2022-05-19 20:47:04'),
(3447,3599,'2022-05-19 16:57:26','brian-in-ohio','what????','This guy doesn\'t use slackware? How can he have a user perspective. You should interview Klaatu or Zen Floater to get a user perspective on slackware. Listen to the previous hpr by the afore mentioned Zen Floater on the alive and well Slackware 15. One last thing, dependency management is availble if you use slackbuilds to add third party software, you must add the dependencies yourself listen to gnuworldorder for a better explanation. These guys need to listen to hpr not just use it as no cost place to host their mediocre content.','2022-05-19 20:47:04'),
(3448,3598,'2022-05-19 16:59:04','brian-in-ohio','great show','Another great show! How about a podcast on how and what you listen to on internet radio streams. Keep up the good work!','2022-05-19 20:47:05'),
(3449,3594,'2022-05-19 17:00:50','brian-in-ohio','great show','Glad to hear you guys ar \"Still Game\". Trying to picture which  one of you is Jack and  which one is Victor. Love the banter. Keep it up','2022-05-19 20:47:05'),
(3450,3586,'2022-05-19 17:01:56','brian-in-ohio','jinx','You spoke to soon about the mailing list being quiet! ;-)','2022-05-19 20:47:05'),
(3451,3594,'2022-05-20 09:50:19','Beeza','Pascal','You discussed Borland Pascal, which was marketed as \"Delphi\". You may be interested to know that it lives on, well sort of, in the Lazarus IDE which is backwardly compatible with Delphi code. It\'s still under very active development. Take at look at their website.\r\n\r\nI believe the default language on VAX hardware - in as much as there was one - was Fortran rather than Pascal. I rather enjoyed my years using VAX clusters. They were rock solid reliable in my experience, and I\'ll never forget the bookcases full of those huge orange folders containing the printed manuals.','2022-05-20 18:47:10'),
(3452,3594,'2022-05-20 19:04:44','Dave','Thanks Brian','Glad you enjoyed the show.\r\n\r\nWe both have fun doing these and are delighted that there\'s an audience that gets pleasure from them as well!','2022-05-20 19:28:14'),
(3453,3594,'2022-05-20 19:26:50','Dave Morriss','Regarding Pascal','Hi Beeza,\r\n\r\nI have tinkered with Lazarus a long time ago, and actually wrote a simple program to query a PostgreSQL database. I keep meaning to get deeper into it but haven\'t yet.\r\n\r\nI\'m surprised to hear that VAX Fortran was the recommended language. We took delivery of a two node cluster (both 8700\'s I think) in 1987. This came with a fair bit of training in Reading and West Gorton (in Manchester), and we had some consultancy available to us to get us started doing the stuff we needed to do. The cluster came with VAX/VMS version 4.x I think.\r\n\r\nOne of the consultants recommended DEC Pascal for our system-level projects, and wrote us some example code to get us up and running. That\'s where I got the impression that Pascal was their most complete language at the time (other than low level stuff like BLISS, which we hadn\'t bought). We did use Fortran too, and I drew the short straw and ended up teaching it to various students - we ran service courses in the early days.\r\n\r\nJust as an aside, one of the then Digital consultants lives a few doors away from me. I have tried to get him to record a chat with me about the DEC times, but I haven\'t convinced him yet!\r\n\r\nAh, the manuals! I remember someone telling me \"Dave, your manuals have arrived\", and I went to the loading bay to find an entire pallet of them waiting there! They were really good though.','2022-05-20 19:28:15'),
(3454,3598,'2022-05-21 04:14:28','Windigo','Intrigued about slackware','I\'ve never used Slackware, but have often heard about it. I have a 32-bit Dell Mini 9 that may be doing some distro-hopping soon.\r\n\r\nAlso, you mentioned that you had proprietary wireless cards that required a Windows driver with a software that adapted it to be usable in Linux... could you be thinking of ndiswrapper ( https://wiki.debian.org/NdisWrapper )? I remember using it back in the day, but it looks like it only supports drivers up to Windows XP.\r\n\r\nEither way, thanks for the interesting episode!','2022-05-21 18:01:58'),
(3455,3602,'2022-05-24 19:15:51','Windigo','The best kind of correct','Your story about erasing & restoring partition table information was the perfect cherry on top of this episode. An excellent example of being \"technically correct\"!\r\n\r\nThanks for the episode, these are always quite entertaining.','2022-05-24 20:19:48'),
(3456,3604,'2022-05-26 01:37:40','Lurking Prion','Made my heart happy!','I started out as an MM in the Navy and this episode was right up my alley! Many days playing with industrial and residential \"plumbing\" and more than my fair share of playing with a torch (\"no it isn\'t really on fire\"...yet). \r\n\r\nPEX is awesome and it makes life a lot better and extra manifolds are a necessity if you plan on doing any substantial upgrades (bathroom) in the future. Thank you and I look forward to hearing more!','2022-05-26 18:58:50'),
(3457,3605,'2022-05-27 14:41:34','Trey','Great show','Thanks for sharing your experience.   I have similarly aged ThinkPad hardware which I still use','2022-05-27 19:14:01'),
(3458,3608,'2022-06-01 15:11:05','Stache_AF','The Eggcorn That Gets Me','The one that always gets me when people use it is chomping at the bit, as opposed to what it originally was; champing at the bit. While chomping isn\'t technically incorrect, it\'s not as descriptive in my book.','2022-06-01 20:32:52'),
(3459,3606,'2022-06-01 20:31:21','Kevin O\'Brien','Not like me','At the end of each show a lady with a lovely voice says that the episode was made \"by a listener like you.\" Today\'s episode definitively disproves that because it was clearly made by someone not at all like me.','2022-06-01 20:32:52'),
(3460,3608,'2022-06-01 21:33:16','Windigo','Eggcorns','I love that the TTS engine pronounced it \"ichcorns\" to add to the confusion. :)','2022-06-01 21:42:09'),
(3461,3608,'2022-06-01 22:05:25','Dave Morriss','Champing and chomping','Hi Stache_AF,\r\nI was taught that the expression used \'champing\' (where \'champ\' rhymes with \'ramp\' in British English), and that it was describing a horse grinding its teeth on the bit in its mouth in frustration.\r\n\r\nResearching a little I find \'champ\' is specific to livestock (mostly horses I think) and describes noisy chewing of fodder.','2022-06-01 22:06:55'),
(3462,3608,'2022-06-01 22:50:44','Dave Morriss','A robot did it and ran away','Hi Windigo,\r\n\r\nThis shows that the word \'eggcorn\' must have originated from some robot with a slightly bent TTS.\r\n\r\nThe robot in my head says: \"By the itching of its corn, the TTS makes me forlorn\". I\'m glad I didn\'t share that though...\r\n','2022-06-01 15:55:25'),
(3463,3613,'2022-06-08 20:44:54','Windigo','Adirondack chairs','Funny enough, I grew up at the South end of the Adirondack mountains in New York. I helped do some IT work for our County\'s health facility / retirement home, which had been a tuberculosis hospital previously. I had no idea the chairs were associated with tuberculosis treatment!\r\n\r\nIt\'s bizarre that shipping wooden chairs half way around the world makes more economic sense than building them locally, but I commend you for trying to prevent extra waste.\r\n\r\nThanks for the episode!','2022-06-08 20:59:58'),
(3464,3613,'2022-06-08 22:06:30','dnt','Re: Adirondack chairs','Yeah, it has to be that somehow it makes economic sense to them, but perhaps only if you don\'t account for that borne by future generations, and underpaid Vietnamese workers! Honestly, if they had mentioned the option would involve an around-the-world shipment, I would have tried to either repair it or make a replacement part myself. But how naive of me to think this was gonna play out any different. Thanks for listening and commenting!','2022-06-08 22:09:16'),
(3465,3615,'2022-06-10 21:28:33','Windigo','Disappointing','I\'m disappointed to hear that someone took it upon themselves to deliberately waste the time and resources of the volunteers that keep HPR running. If anything, this episode has highlighted just how upstanding all of you are.\r\n\r\nThank you to all the janitors, and our host, for keeping things running!','2022-06-11 18:48:44'),
(3466,3615,'2022-06-12 15:08:58','FXB','A Troll is a Troll.','Ken, Dave et al continue to do a stellar job keeping HPR in good order and making it a shining example of cooperation and information sharing amongst several intersecting communities.\r\n\r\nI do however have to stress, there is nothing whatsoever constructive in the motives of whoever submitted the shows in question as the topic of this show.\r\n\r\nIf what I\'m gathering from this show (and I could be wrong) is the issue making the shows submitted problematic both ethically and potentially even legally for HPR and its volunteer staff, the person(s) submitting such content are in no way shape or form a Gadfly as they appear to have claimed.\r\n\r\nThey are. Just. A Troll.\r\n\r\nThe term Gadfly, used in the intended context, is very specific.\r\n\r\nA Gadfly is someone who asks potentially upsetting questions, usually to authorities, at THEIR OWN risk, in the pursuit of truth.\r\n\r\nAttempting to put others (I.E. the HPR staff) at risk by using them as a platform to spread what is essentially hate speech, be it in seriousness or just to cause upset, is just trolling.\r\n\r\nNothing more, nothing less.\r\n\r\nKen and Dave are (rightfully) careful in how they discuss the situation, and I do believe, in so far as HPR show output is concerned, they have taken the right approach.\r\n\r\nWell done.','2022-06-12 18:37:35'),
(3467,3615,'2022-06-13 19:05:56','Mechatroniac','fucking bullshit','The things I posted were matters of opinion but sure, I\'m evil and engaged in hate speech to destroy the platform... OK maaaan.  There was no hate speech in anything I posted and you know it.','2022-06-14 19:23:29'),
(3468,3617,'2022-06-14 19:21:52','Stache_AF','Google Authenticator','It\'s probably been a while since you\'ve used Google Authenticator for 2FA, but the app now does allow for transferring between devices. Still don\'t have a backup option that I have found, but at least now you can move the rotating keys between devices. Also, a recent update obfuscates all the codes until they are tapped so if someone is peeking over your shoulder, they can\'t see all of the codes, just the one being used','2022-06-14 19:23:29'),
(3469,3617,'2022-06-15 15:08:00','Lurking Prion','Google Authenticator Improvements','It\'s good to see that improvements have been made. I really liked Google Authenticator when it came out. I\'m hoping this space will see improvements as the migration to passphrases becomes more ubiquitous. On the flip side, Google doesn\'t make money off authenticator... Thank you again for the feedback. It is greatly appreciated!','2022-06-15 18:32:31'),
(3470,3620,'2022-06-18 08:38:00','Some Guy On The Internet','Great Show','Love the Show.  I\'ll have to use your directory structure for my photo management. I\'m very paranoid about editing the only copy of an image then losing the original image in the process (GIMP = Scary Edit).  Thanks again.','2022-06-18 19:16:45'),
(3471,3617,'2022-06-18 08:47:05','Some Guy On The Internet','I agree.','I use many of the tips mentioned in your show.  My goal is simple when It comes to security, \"avoid being the low hanging fruit\".  I disagree with telling others security doesn\'t exist.  We should encourage others to explore the realm of security then apply as many layers as they feel comfortable/possible (and yes I know, you\'ve also suggested this point).  Great shows, Keep\'em coming.','2022-06-18 19:16:45'),
(3472,3620,'2022-06-18 21:33:24','Kevin O\'Brien','Glad I could help','I\'m happy to see that my methods are of some use to others. I\'m working on some more material for 2023 on photos and editing.','2022-06-18 21:34:56'),
(3473,3619,'2022-06-22 01:47:39','Sarah','Hello!','Great show as always.\r\nIt would be fun to collaborate one of these days!\r\n\r\nAnd yes, lol, I did let my show remain labelled explicit when there was probably no swearing, but I never know what offends folks. I don\'t consider \"damn\"  or \"hell\" swear words, but many folks do and since I normally swear like a sailor, I thought better safe than sorry. ;-)','2022-06-22 19:23:46'),
(3474,3617,'2022-06-22 04:26:07','LurkingPrion','No Security..?','Thank you for the feedback. I struggled with this for a while before deciding to just shatter the myth of security. While I agree in principle that we shouldn\'t tell people that security doesn\'t exist, it is always predicated on the basis that we should implement the security controls that we are comfortable with. It is really risk analysis, not security. ;-)','2022-06-22 19:23:46'),
(3475,3609,'2022-06-22 19:05:21','Mechatroniac','Unite Germany and Russia','Russia and Germany would be a powerhouse.  To hell with NATO .. Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya... how many more victims are there going to be, while the cowardly and evil west goes along with it?','2022-06-22 19:23:46'),
(3476,3621,'2022-06-22 19:19:07','Mechatroniac','Youtube is no good anymore','While there are lots of great tech channels, there is no way to get organic engagement there anymore, the age of the viral youtube video is dead and the selection will steadily get worse as people use other platforms that value free speech and authenticity.  \r\n\r\nAt least link the invidious alts like yewtu.be so you don\'t give those imperialist scum any revenue, comrade!','2022-06-22 19:23:46'),
(3477,3621,'2022-06-23 01:01:19','Mechatroniac','Mr Teslonian','Mr Teslonian is a great tech channel that not too many know about.  I didn\'t realize it was possible to get gasoline from wood, until he demonstrated his gasifiers.  He also does crazy stuff like building a powered exo-suit out of an old wheelchair.  Definitely a post apocalyptic kind of channel.  \r\n\r\nhttps://yewtu.be/channel/UCVP1PTBbRGpmTQE1oQx8xNw','2022-06-23 18:40:05'),
(3478,3649,'2022-06-24 06:43:48','Ken Fallon','response show','I recorded a response show to this one\r\nhttps://hackerpublicradio.org/eps.php?id=3648\r\n\r\nYou can find a transcript of the show here\r\nhttps://hackerpublicradio.org/eps/hpr3648/index.html','2022-06-25 22:26:11'),
(3479,3625,'2022-06-25 03:17:08','dnt','shift','Thanks for this, Carl! Couldn\'t imagine a better host! You are exactly right about the reason to talk about shift: you see it in scripts out there and it can be quite hard to glean what it does if you don\'t already know it. I also thank you for the observation on the word shift, which I actually hadn\'t noticed! The name of that script was myshifts.sh, so it\'s impossible to tell if it refers to the repeated running of the shift command or to the resulting calendar events. I like it!','2022-06-25 22:26:12'),
(3480,3624,'2022-06-25 23:59:25','b-yeezi','Unexpected relevance','When this series began, I listened to your episodes kindly and patiently, as one would listen to a child or elderly person - mostly out of respect of the host. I now find myself in the middle of a bathroom remodel in a house riddled with PEX! As you can imagine, my interest has spiked in this topic. \r\n\r\nThanks for sharing your knowledge and experience.','2022-06-26 19:45:26'),
(3481,3617,'2022-06-26 04:01:35','one_of_spoons','Two factor authentication : \"andOTP\"','You can back up these \"Time-based One Time Password\" function instances.\r\nThe program called \"andOTP\" has been ready since 2018. \r\nAlso supports OpenPGP backups, encrypted backups, and database encryption.\r\nWill also show the \'secret\' string for transfer to KeePass variants... then you can copy and paste the result of the [RFC 6238] algorithm from a password manager.\r\nAvailable at Fdroid, and the dreaded Google Play Store.','2022-06-26 19:45:26'),
(3482,3625,'2022-06-27 11:23:40','Carl','Thanks','Thanks for the comment and the contribution to the show dnt, you and klaatu really helped me get something out the door. My timing was off as usual as I should have had my recording process figured out beforehand but I\'ll improve it before the next show. The work/shift example was perfect!','2022-06-27 19:27:53'),
(3483,3531,'2022-06-30 15:08:04','Ken Fallon','Excellent !','Thanks.\r\n\r\nUsed this today. A massive improvement on synergy','2022-07-01 17:40:42'),
(3484,3630,'2022-07-05 11:29:46','brian-in-ohio','enjoyed the show','I enjoyed the show. I hope you\'ll put some pictures of your camper in future episodes. Also, I wonder if you might try some open source tools in future trips, side by side to see how they compare to google\'s offerimgs.','2022-07-05 20:58:50'),
(3485,3627,'2022-07-06 14:54:23','operat0r','Installer Changed ...','Because you can\'t install Onlykey without local admin ... not even set __COMPAT_LAYER=RUNASINVOKER  works ...\r\n\r\nhttps://github.com/freeload101/SCRIPTS/blob/master/Windows_Batch/OnlyKey_Installer.bat\r\n\r\n\r\n-<3 RMcCurdy.com','2022-07-06 21:02:52'),
(3486,3630,'2022-07-06 22:00:41','Kevin O\'Brien','Photos','I\'m glad you enjoyed it Brian. The first few episodes are about my planning process, and there are no photos involved other than screen shots on the accompanying Web page, which is always linked in the show notes. In later episodes where I talk about the trip itself, the accompanying Web page will also have links to photos on my Flickr account.\r\n\r\nSo far I have not encountered any open-source apps for RV trip planning. They may be out there and I just haven\'t found them yet.','2022-07-06 22:05:06'),
(3487,3632,'2022-07-08 15:37:29','Some Guy On The Internet','Thank you','I’ve wanted to learn how to web scrape because a government regulation I need is posted online but if you want an offline copy they force you to purchase a physical book from a third party rather purchase a digital copy (epub/pdf). The regulation changes often and you have to purchase the entire book rather than just the changes. I’m going to brick a Pi a few times to learn web scraping then generate my own digital copy.  Thanks again.','2022-07-08 17:43:07'),
(3488,3643,'2022-07-08 17:32:51','Archer72','First show','That was a good first show.  I would like to hear more about C programming, which I know nothing about.   Also I think you will have another friend here who likes the BSD\'s.  Audio was just fine, keep it up. :)','2022-07-08 17:43:07'),
(3489,3634,'2022-07-09 15:26:00','dnt','a hacker\'s plumbing system','This was a great series, thanks for putting it together! This episode in particular I think will be a reference over the years, with all the tips to not ruin your own day.','2022-07-09 18:03:59'),
(3490,3226,'2022-07-09 15:45:04','dnt','the urgency','I saw your more recent episode and was reminded of this one. I had heard of Taskwarrior many times. In this show, you explained how you can set weights for different attributes, out of which the urgency score is calculated. By that, you can sort your mess of things you wish you would do. That proved too irresistible to my little brain. It really is one of the things that set it apart. Having succumbed, via vendor lock-in at work, to a less free and more convenient option, I am not using Taskwarrior anymore, but I did for a good while and I think it is the most impressive to-do list application out there. So, thanks for this show!','2022-07-09 18:03:59'),
(3492,3637,'2022-07-20 13:18:59','Ken Fallon','Daily Database Dump in SQL Format','https://hackerpublicradio.org/hpr.sql','2022-07-20 18:05:02'),
(3493,3643,'2022-07-20 14:30:17','norrist','Plan9','Some interesting future shows.  Hopefully you can do a show on you experience with Plan9','2022-07-20 18:05:02'),
(3494,3643,'2022-07-20 17:43:17','Dave Morriss','An excellent first show','I enjoyed this a lot. It sounded really good and had a lot of interesting content.\r\n\r\nI\'d like to hear more about modern BSD. I used to use proprietary Unixes based on BSD back in the day:\r\n\r\n- SunOS on Suns - a little\r\n\r\n- DEC Ultrix on DEC MIPs systems (DECstation, DECserver) - daily for several years\r\n\r\n- OSF/1 AXP and later Tru64 UNIX on DEC Alphas - a little\r\n\r\nThen I moved to Linux at work and at home, so I\'m out of touch with the way BSD has developed.','2022-07-20 18:05:02'),
(3495,3642,'2022-07-20 20:14:35','Kevin O\'Brien','Great show','I hope you guys do more shows together, this was a lot of fun. And thanks for the shout-out. But did you record this a long time ago? You mentioned shows I did back in 2019 and 2020.','2022-07-20 20:21:53'),
(3496,3644,'2022-07-21 12:58:52','Trey','Welcome!','This pinball repair project sounds like so much fun.  Thank you for sharing your experience.  I am looking forward to your next podcast.\r\n\r\nAlso, please do not worry about your pronunciation of English words.  It was easy to understand everything you said, and I listen at 1.5x speed.\r\n\r\nWelcome!','2022-07-21 20:47:07'),
(3497,3661,'2022-07-24 12:14:01','Archer72','Left out a show note','KMagnifier was the tool I mentioned in the show, also known as kmag.','2022-07-24 19:48:45'),
(3498,3643,'2022-07-24 12:55:48','brian-in-ohio','future show','I vote plan9','2022-07-24 19:48:45'),
(3499,3644,'2022-07-24 12:58:11','brian-in-ohio','soundscape','you could do a show recording the sound playing the pinball machine. eliminates the no time to do a show problem, i assume you have time to play ;-)','2022-07-24 19:48:45'),
(3500,3648,'2022-07-27 13:57:02','LongTimeLurker','Known Unknowns','This is fascinating Ken and, as you allude to, it is impossible to factor in people like me who delete some HPR episodes without listening to them.\r\n\r\nAnything by Klaatu=instant listen, anything by Linux Inlaws=instant delete.\r\n\r\nThe beauty of HPR is the broad selection and unpredictability. I think the spirit of HPR would be destroyed if it became a podcast distribution service for podcasts looking to exploit HPR\'s ready-made audience.','2022-07-27 18:04:16'),
(3501,3648,'2022-07-28 08:57:40','E-/-y','Only the Interviews','I only listen to the Interviews. Not sure how Ken is going to factor that into the calculations ;-)','2022-07-28 19:16:44'),
(3502,3651,'2022-08-01 19:52:44','Mike Ray','API','I would use an API if there was one.\r\n\r\nI have not published a show in years, despite having a lot of subjects to talk about.\r\n\r\nI posted the last one before the FTP option went away. For some reason I have an aversion to fighting with what I see as a complex number of steps necessary to publish a show. Especially as I would never publish a show without complex notes.\r\n\r\nAnd I would enjoy writing a client for the API. Probably in Perl. Since Perl is the best computer programming language ever invented.','2022-08-01 20:14:11'),
(3503,3655,'2022-08-05 11:15:34','ClaudioM','Excellent Breakdown of BSD!','Great coverage of BSD and its descendants! Thoroughly enjoyed it! Well done!\r\n\r\nI had a different comment planned which went a bit long (I, too, tend to ramble a bit, lol), so as Ken advises, I\'ve decided to make it a personal response to this show which I\'ll upload soon. I\'m overdue for a show anyway. :-D','2022-08-05 19:18:17'),
(3504,3655,'2022-08-05 19:56:26','norrist','why I use OpenBSD and FreeBSD','My Favorite BSD is OpenBSD - for all the reasons you described.\r\nI use OpenBSD in by home router because of the projects focus on security.  I also have a Thinkpad mostly runs linux, but I also dual boot OpenBSD current.\r\n\r\nI use FreeBSD on my home server for jails (managed with Iocage) and ZFS.','2022-08-05 19:58:44'),
(3505,3655,'2022-08-07 03:20:19','Phoenix','Suggestion','Great video. It would be amazing if you create a C programming series','2022-08-07 19:25:21'),
(3506,3643,'2022-08-08 02:08:42','Shawn','Key bindings','You can remap your ctrl and alt keys using udev hwdb, e.g., interchanging ctrl and caps keys\r\nhttps://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Map_scancodes_to_keycodes#Example_for_custom_hwdb\r\nAnd you can use ctrl + [ to send an escape character','2022-08-08 18:27:28'),
(3507,3658,'2022-08-10 07:42:56','Twinn','Painful','That was painful to listen to and provided zero value.\r\n\r\nHow do we get Linux Inlaws kickedoff HPR?','2022-08-10 19:54:46'),
(3508,3648,'2022-08-10 12:39:47','folky','Known Unknowns 2.0','I\'m doing precisely like @LongTimeLurker. So, you clearly can\'t count the downloads as listeners. My podcatcher is downloading all HPR-shows and I\'m deciding afterwards if I want to listen. Surprise, in the case of Linux Inlaws I delete it  without listening as soon as I see it\'s one of those. Can\'t quite say why, but after two of their shows I had enough. It\'s just not my taste,','2022-08-10 19:54:46'),
(3509,3666,'2022-08-11 15:43:24','Ken Fallon','enthusiasm and willingness to learn','As someone who interviewed it\'s amazing the hoops you will go to with HR to hire someone with enthusiasm and willingness to learn.','2022-08-11 20:28:17'),
(3510,3655,'2022-08-11 15:58:40','Kevin O\'Brien','I loved the show','Fantatic show, and great show notes. I hope we get more from you.','2022-08-11 20:28:17'),
(3511,3651,'2022-08-11 16:01:46','Kevin O\'Brien','High Winds','We didn\'t have much problem with winds for two reasons. First, when you drive more slowly there is less chance for wind to blow oyu around. Second, our truck is bigger than a pickup. It is a Freightliner Sport Chassis.','2022-08-11 20:28:17'),
(3512,3629,'2022-08-12 11:33:15','Aaron','Excellent interview','What an excellent interview. I\'m a big fan of Mozilla and Firefox, and it was fascinating to hear what Eric had to say. Thank you!','2022-08-13 11:26:27'),
(3513,3606,'2022-08-12 12:30:10','Ken Fallon','You see','5 panels from SMBC\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nWoman: GOD...Is Math Real\r\nGOD: What\'s math\r\nWoman: You know like One plus One Equals two\r\nGOD: One of what ?\r\nWoman: Just...yoou know...one.\r\nGOD: The FUCK are you talking about.\r\nGOD: You can\'t have one. One is a description. it\'s like saying \"I have a spotted\" instead of \"I have a spotted cow\" or \"I have a spotted dog\"\r\nWoman: I guess infinites are right out the window, then.\r\nGOD: What is *going on* down there ?','2022-08-13 11:26:27'),
(3514,3665,'2022-08-12 12:45:40','Ken Fallon','File extensions are valid','Relying on them is not a good idea, but using them is fine. It also fits right in with other \"conventions\" such as location of local and system binary files.\r\n\r\nRelying on the system to determine file type is slow\r\n\r\n[me@pc a_lot_of_files]$ time ls -- * >/dev/null\r\nreal    0m0.060s\r\nuser    0m0.045s\r\nsys     0m0.011s\r\n\r\n[me@pc a_lot_of_files]$ time file -- * >/dev/null\r\nreal    2m0.629s\r\nuser    0m7.613s\r\nsys     0m2.876s\r\n\r\nFurthermore they help in giving a rough idea of what to expect. This is useful when searching \"some python file which I downloaded yesterday\", would limit modified time to just \".py\" files.\r\n\r\nDon\'t throw the baby out with the bathwater.','2022-08-13 11:26:27'),
(3515,3657,'2022-08-13 14:59:03','Lurking Prion','Thank you!','Thanks for the shout out. Thank you for sharing how you maintain your system. The sent folder is well worth backing up! Keep up the good work, I enjoy your shows and look forward to hearing more.','2022-08-13 18:47:07'),
(3516,3657,'2022-08-13 21:23:51','Kevin O\'Brien','Thank you','Thanks for the shout out. I think all of us share our information to help each other. And I love your shows.','2022-08-13 22:42:25'),
(3517,3660,'2022-08-18 08:06:07','Beeza','BASIC lives on','I think it is a real pity that Basic is not taken seriously by more developers. I agree that in its early days it was, well, \"basic\", but it evolved into a very powerful development platform in the guise of Visual Basic. Productivity was far higher than with Visual C++, and for what few low level functions it could not support you could always create a DLL using C/C++ and pull that in from VB.\r\n\r\nOn Linux we still have Gambas, which is easily the fastest way to create a Linux GUI application. It is very similar to VB, and its flavour of Basic takes the language to a level beyond even VB. For projects where I have complete freedom of choice I use nothing else. It runs faster than python and, for GUI apps, it\'s far simpler and more productive.','2022-08-18 20:07:20'),
(3518,3665,'2022-08-19 01:39:05','hipernike','Bind mount','Hi binrc. Actually bind mounts are very useful for chroots, e.g, you can have the same dev directory as your actual os.\r\n\r\nBTW, it would be interesting to hear an openbsd podcast from you.','2022-08-19 19:08:22'),
(3519,3660,'2022-08-20 03:36:17','Some Guy On The Internet','Visual Basic 6.0 for the Win.','How many of you used yahoo messenger during the Win98 era? I remember these software handguns called \"Booters\".  They were created using VB and everyone had one. It was the wild west on the internet and lots of feelings where hurt followed by the BSOD.  Good Times!','2022-08-20 18:13:07'),
(3520,3659,'2022-08-20 03:52:04','Some Guy On The Internet','More Magic.','I don\'t know how you guys remember all these languages.  I have to jump into the man pages for almost everything.  Is Perl one of your daily languages and is it better for data bases than python? Great show.','2022-08-20 18:13:07'),
(3521,3656,'2022-08-20 03:54:06','Some Guy On The Internet','Love this show.','I love this type of content. The ability to create from thin air whatever you want; even if it\'s not exactly \"in demand\". It always feels like I\'m listening to a mage crafting new magical items just because the other one was out of reach.','2022-08-20 18:13:07'),
(3522,3658,'2022-08-20 04:07:15','Some Guy On The Internet','I have more listeners than stars in the Universe.','I got a great laugh from this show. \"More listeners than people in the galaxy\", LOL.  That\'s the first time I\'ve ever heard Martin clearly (his audio is usually too low for me to hear). Playing the Ken sound bite was a nice touch as well. Good stuff.','2022-08-20 18:13:07'),
(3523,3665,'2022-08-20 04:17:36','Some Guy On The Internet','I like file extensions','What Ken said.  Also, when viewing files ( ex. # vim ~/markdownfile.md) the file extension enables text highlighting.  Otherwise we\'d have to read markdown like animals.','2022-08-20 18:13:07'),
(3524,3665,'2022-08-20 17:38:13','one-of-spoons','Free revision.','Thanks for this episode. Reminded me of so many things. Twelve years since I studied this stuff for a lot of weeks, relating to Solaris. During those studies I repeatedly wondered \r\n\"So what ?!....the foot bone is connected to the leg bone.\".\r\nNever-the-less, sometimes it pays to recognise one\'s available environment.\r\nYou stimulated my brain through a good chunk of dull work.\r\nI would listen to this one again one day.','2022-08-20 18:13:07'),
(3525,3664,'2022-08-25 16:55:58','one_of_spoons','serious talking','Good to hear someone reminding others that some thin metal foil can go a long way when folded correctly.\r\nScarey biscuits aside, I do occaisionally  hold up a sheet of aluminium foil between myself and a rescued microwave oven. The scintillations will show up better in the dark, by which sparks and holes might also be revealed.','2022-08-25 23:01:39'),
(3526,3666,'2022-08-27 03:48:19','Lurking Prion','Rare Gems, indeed!','I was always lucky enough enough to be on really good terms with HR. I am of the firm belief that you should know the people in HR and Legal on a first name basis. Bacon saved. ;-)','2022-08-27 21:45:22'),
(3527,3671,'2022-08-30 01:38:48','alan86','Feedback','Yeah, openbsd is great. \r\nGood episode, I have not heard before about Evoo laptops, it would be nice to hear more about\'em','2022-08-30 19:59:30'),
(3528,3663,'2022-08-31 02:27:40','dnt','Welcome!','Great show! The command.com story with shout-out to Ahuka was very well received. Looking forward to more!','2022-09-01 08:50:22'),
(3529,3740,'2022-09-01 02:29:02','Hipernike','Forkbomb','Thank you very much Ahuka for this interesting serie. I really enjoyed learning about this old OS.\r\n\r\nAlso I wanted to add that you can use call command to create a forkbomb, using a file like this:\r\n@echo off\r\n:top\r\ncall %0\r\ngoto top','2022-09-01 18:25:41'),
(3530,3740,'2022-09-01 19:50:13','Kevin O\'Brien','You are most welcome','I\'m glad you liked it. It sems that people enjoy this series for the most part.','2022-09-01 20:27:14'),
(3531,3662,'2022-09-02 08:17:19','Ken Fallon','Thanks To:','Thanks To:\r\n\r\n- Mumble Server: Delwin\r\n- HPR Site/VPS: Joshua Knapp - AnHonestHost.com\r\n- Streams: Honkeymagoo\r\n- EtherPad: HonkeyMagoo\r\n- Shownotes: HPLovecraft','2022-09-02 18:52:24'),
(3532,3667,'2022-09-02 08:17:39','Ken Fallon','Thanks To:','Thanks To:\r\n\r\n- Mumble Server: Delwin\r\n- HPR Site/VPS: Joshua Knapp - AnHonestHost.com\r\n- Streams: Honkeymagoo\r\n- EtherPad: HonkeyMagoo\r\n- Shownotes: HPLovecraft','2022-09-02 18:52:24'),
(3533,3672,'2022-09-02 08:18:20','Ken Fallon','Thanks To:','Thanks To:\r\n\r\n- Mumble Server: Delwin\r\n- HPR Site/VPS: Joshua Knapp - AnHonestHost.com\r\n- Streams: Honkeymagoo\r\n- EtherPad: HonkeyMagoo\r\n- Shownotes: HPLovecraft','2022-09-02 18:52:24'),
(3534,3677,'2022-09-02 08:19:01','Ken Fallon','Thanks To:','Thanks To:\r\n\r\n- Mumble Server: Delwin\r\n- HPR Site/VPS: Joshua Knapp - AnHonestHost.com\r\n- Streams: Honkeymagoo\r\n- EtherPad: HonkeyMagoo\r\n- Shownotes: HPLovecraft','2022-09-02 18:52:24'),
(3535,3682,'2022-09-02 08:19:27','Ken Fallon','Thanks To:','Thanks To:\r\n\r\n- Mumble Server: Delwin\r\n- HPR Site/VPS: Joshua Knapp - AnHonestHost.com\r\n- Streams: Honkeymagoo\r\n- EtherPad: HonkeyMagoo\r\n- Shownotes: HPLovecraft','2022-09-02 18:52:24'),
(3536,3687,'2022-09-02 08:19:57','Ken Fallon','Thanks To:','Thanks To:\r\n\r\n- Mumble Server: Delwin\r\n- HPR Site/VPS: Joshua Knapp - AnHonestHost.com\r\n- Streams: Honkeymagoo\r\n- EtherPad: HonkeyMagoo\r\n- Shownotes: HPLovecraft','2022-09-02 18:52:24'),
(3537,3675,'2022-09-02 09:34:17','one_of_spoons','Directive gem.','A useful exposition, and inspiration.\r\nPractically a reference piece.','2022-09-02 18:52:25'),
(3538,3675,'2022-09-02 12:03:25','ClaudioM','plan9 / 9p','Great episode from binrc, and bonus points for explaining where his handle came from. :-)\r\n\r\nI\'d always been curious about plan9. I remember tinkering with Inferno back in the day (late 90s, early 2000s) and it was quite intriguing. Since then, I never really touched it, but had been curious about it. However, after hearing this episode, I feel that it might be relegated to the curiosity one would have for TempleOS. Intriguing to mess with it, but that\'s about it.\r\n\r\nAnyway, for those interested, SDF has bootcamps on learning plan9. More information here: https://sdf.org/plan9/','2022-09-02 18:52:25'),
(3539,3675,'2022-09-02 14:56:24','norrist','In-Depth Series: Learning Awk','You mentioned wanting to learn Awk -  this series is some of the best content on HPR.  Brace yourself for a deep dive by Dave Morris and b-yeezi\r\n\r\nhttp://hackerpublicradio.org/series.php?id=94','2022-09-02 18:52:25'),
(3540,3675,'2022-09-03 18:48:43','will','come back to plan9','will from thinktankworkspaces\r\n\r\nCome back to plan9 and try to stay. Its always a learning curve even for me. I started to make better progress when I decided to build a server on linode and really use it. Werc was a dream come true and it simplified all the bs that exists in other heavily bloated CMF systems. JS is garbage but it\'s not going away. Glad we have netsurf but I still mostly use mothra. If you stay in plan9 things to get easier over time.\r\n\r\nupas, nupas was a struggle but i\'m a better person for leaving gmail. Golang works on my server and helps\r\nbridge that gap when I actually have to work on Linux on my day job. But yes C is the way to go but a ton of stuff is written in rc. Take your pick I guess. \r\n\r\nthanks for putting this together','2022-09-03 19:50:02'),
(3541,3676,'2022-09-04 10:53:51','Archer72','Good show - I made it to the end','Thanks for another great community show.\r\nI did make it to the end, although I admit to downloading\r\nand listening to the show at 2x after the mailing list discussion\r\nwas started.   BTW, Ken, I do not skip your shows.  ;-)','2022-09-05 08:43:26'),
(3542,3675,'2022-09-03 04:06:51','ken','Editors note not Ken Fallon','You\'re so smart, and you understand everything.','2022-09-10 09:07:02'),
(3543,3675,'2022-09-03 04:59:16','passerby','fake news','there was no \"vuln in the authentication system,\" just a path traversal which was \"exploited\" to read files already publicly accessible.  4chan overhyped the rest.','2022-09-05 11:53:32'),
(3544,3676,'2022-09-05 13:43:21','ClaudioM','Another One Made It to the End!','Add me to the list with archer72 making it to the end. Great show. Not as fast as archer72, but I do listen at 1.5x speed. I always look forward to Ken over-enthusiastically shouting, \"Raaaadiooooo!!!!\" at the end of the Community Show. It\'s worth listening to all of it. :-D','2022-09-05 18:40:23'),
(3545,3676,'2022-09-05 15:19:55','Mike Ray','A11y and abbreviations','Congratulations on spending longer talking about accessibility than every other Linux podcast put together, ever. I\'ve given up trying to get podcasts like \'Destination Linux\' to include a11y comments when they review a distro. All I ever want to know is whether I can install it unassisted. After, none of you photon-dependent types would give house room to a distro if you had to run round looking for a blind person to install it for you.\r\n\r\nAnd now a word about abbreviations. The abbreviation \'a11y\' is similar to \'i18n\' (internationalization). Replace the centre letters with the number of letters removed, and leave just the first and last letter. And \'a11y\' is pronounced \'a eleven y\', not \'ally\'.\r\n\r\nException to this is \'k8s\', a common abbreviation for Kubernetes, which a lot of folks pronounce as \'kates\'.\r\n\r\nI will see if there is a way of recording a show and including the audio from my screen reader, in order to demo some of what we have to cope with. If the sound of the screen reader would not drive the whole audience into madness.','2022-09-05 18:40:23'),
(3546,3658,'2022-09-05 22:29:57','operat0r','awesome','I just want to say not every Linux Inlaws is for me but theses are SMART PEOPLE we should embrace SMART people to communicate and share even if they [WE] can\'t always communicate effectively! \r\n\r\nB̸̹̉͛͝Ḙ̵̛̫͈͍̂̿̀̑͗̀͋̎͐̕͝ ̶̘̥̣̖̮̀͗͋̌Y̷̨̻̩̱͓̰̜̠̞̟͚̰̙͖͛̐͜Ơ̶̢̹̙͍͖̠̣̱̙͇͉̝̈̐͊̿̀̑̌̍U̶̧̞̹̖̜̫̺̭̦̖͒̅͐́͝ ̷̜̫̥̭̪̙͉̜̞͉̱͉̕͝ͅB̵̡͖̊͋̐͐̎͝͠E̴̘̝̊́͒͆̿͗̄ ̴̢̨̮̱̻͈̝̻͎͉͖͓̘̟͇̄̾Ȃ̶̧̛̤͍̭̬̜̲̥̲̪̗͙̈̊͌̔͊Ŵ̵̧̺͇̯̭̮̞̺̖͙͒́̿̇̃Ȩ̵̥̤̫̎̿̀̐̌͆̓̈S̸̡̥̞̝̜̤͍̩̦͙̈́͛̈̍̍͘͠Ö̵̧̧͙̪͍̰̗̙̤͍̌̅ͅM̴̢̢͕͕͔͈͙͖̖͒͗̈́̍͐̀̕ͅͅË̶͚͚̝̯͍̼̟́͊̑͂̾͋̅̍̾̈̎̉͝!̶̛͇͖͈̦͉̹̲͕͔̳͓̿̐͊̂́̌̈̍͗͒̔͝͠ͅ','2022-09-06 19:19:35'),
(3547,3673,'2022-09-05 22:51:13','Carl','Great Tips!','Great show dnt and thanks to you and Thaj for the feedback via email. What are the odds that an HPR show that specifically mentioned me would also air on my birthday, 31 Aug.?! Pretty cool!','2022-09-06 19:19:35'),
(3548,2449,'2022-09-06 01:59:39','Sinza','Pinephone','I\'ll preface this by saying that I am responding to this five years later, and I\'m not 100% sure if this would have been desired (or possible, for that matter) back then. I\'m just sharing how I got around this problem in 2022. :-)\r\n\r\nWhat I do for my mobile org-mode needs is a Pinephone with a keyboard case running PostmarketOS with the SXMO environment and Emacs installed on it. It\'s a full, no-compromises X11-based Emacs setup. \r\n\r\nIt\'s actually quite comparable to an Atari Portfolio in form factor, as opposed to a more typical smartphone. Because my cell phone provider doesn\'t support the Pinephone, I don\'t use it as an actual phone, however.','2022-09-06 19:19:36'),
(3549,3676,'2022-09-06 04:30:29','operat0r','I made it !','I made it to the end! much better then trying to figure out API for Reolink so I don\'t have to install there \"app\"','2022-09-06 19:19:36'),
(3550,3676,'2022-09-06 10:50:39','folky','Did make it too','Hi!\r\n\r\nI did make it too to the end of the show. No problem, only about 2 hours, that\'s nothing ;-)\r\nI think I have to state once more my stance in the Linux Inlaws-question. Yes, I don\'t like the show, but that\'s not why I agree with all thinking that they should take the step over to archive.org. It\'s just that they overstayed their upstart-time on HPR. I wish them all good and maybe we should give them a last help by adding a link to their own rss-feed (as soon as it\'s up) on all shows they had here to make it easier for their listeners to find them.','2022-09-06 19:19:36'),
(3551,3677,'2022-09-06 11:34:50','Filly Buster','Filibuster','80% of this three hour spectacular is one person dominating the conversation the other 20% is vain attempts by everyone else to join in. Not mad, just impressed!','2022-09-06 19:19:36'),
(3552,3676,'2022-09-06 11:47:56','brian-in-ohio','the show','Great show as always. The table of shows in the show notes is useful. Thanks','2022-09-06 19:19:36'),
(3553,3676,'2022-09-06 12:32:57','norrist','Public access to HPR site Generator','Required Auth for code contributions in understandable.\r\n\r\nIt would be easier to automate site builds if there were an unauthenticated option for checking out the code.  I like Rhon\'s suggestion of a public git mirror.  Another option is to create a daily archive of the code that can be download from the HPR site - Similar to the sql dumps.','2022-09-06 19:19:36'),
(3554,3676,'2022-09-06 19:13:29','Miguel','I made it!!','Yes!\r\nI made it to the end.\r\n\r\nIt\'s quite a good episode\r\n\r\nSorry for the inlaws.\r\n\r\nBut it made for a very interesting conversation.\r\n\r\nI\'ve been thinking about subjects for a show, but I feel stuck with the fact that a i live with limited resources.\r\n\r\nMay you bee interested in tech stories from the third world?','2022-09-06 19:19:37'),
(3555,3676,'2022-09-07 14:05:45','Stache_AF','Made It','Made it to the end. You underestimate my ability to listen to people for long periods of time','2022-09-07 18:32:52'),
(3556,3678,'2022-09-08 02:26:41','Some Guy On The Internet','Stupid=\"NO BACKUPS!\"','Success is the last step you make on a flight of stairs called Failure; and if you’re like me you’ll take one more tiny step then fall. You’re Co-host is correct; backups for the win. I do “stupid” things often on my system. When the mistake seems to cost more than 2 hrs of my time, “nuke” the system then run “pave.sh” to restore from backups. My stairway has more steps than I’m allowed to know, so I’ll be on my way. Thanks for the show.','2022-09-08 19:28:11'),
(3557,3655,'2022-09-08 08:40:29','Ken Fallon','Featured on BSD Now 471','Thanks to Luna J for the tip.\r\n\r\nhttps://www.bsdnow.tv/471','2022-09-08 19:28:11'),
(3558,3678,'2022-09-09 20:22:35','Lurking Prion','No Backups','The lack of preparation for failure is the failure to be prepared. \r\nI agree that we all fall. In security we blame the user for our failure to be prepared for that eventuality. Failing at home is expected as we are one person. In an enterprise there is a team preparing for this. The problem is that preparation requires time and money which are more often than not denied as a business decision. \r\nThere is a lot more on this topic coming in the future. \r\nGlad you enjoyed the show!','2022-09-09 20:35:14'),
(3559,3678,'2022-09-09 20:32:04','Lurking Prion','Not a podcast','This is a pre-emptive strike as I dont want to be the next Linux Inlaws. The shows I am posting are not a podcast. This and the next show have intro\'s and outro\'s as they were loaded a while ago and I was trying different things. So, please forgive the apparent hubris and accept my apologies if anyone is offended by this. I was just hacking the format.','2022-09-09 20:35:14'),
(3560,3678,'2022-09-10 02:03:25','Some Guy On The Internet','You\'re Fine (...preemptive strike).','I know recent events have raised some questions, but there’s no need to be concerned. Just remember to say “I Use Arch, btw!” before starting the show and talk about doing everything in the terminal. Toss in a Window Manager (bspwn, because it sounds cool) and a quick mention of Vim then you’re all good. Once a host had to go into hiding for speaking ill of the “Mighty Think Pad” but they’re safe now.','2022-09-10 20:50:29'),
(3561,3706,'2022-09-10 13:34:48','Ken Fallon','Wrong wrong wrong','Microsoft is into opensource because overnight their server business dissipated when dockerisation came along and destroyed their server market. They had no choice but to get on the band wagon, like the did with the BSD TCPIP stack in the day.\r\n\r\nTheir strategy was, is, and will forever be embrace, extend and extinguish. Do not mistake Windows Subsystem for Linux as been our friends. They are for running Linux binary executable natively on Windows, and not the other way around. \r\n\r\nThis is one piece of software designed to counteract Corporate Linux asking for Linux Laptops.\r\n\r\nSelling an Operating system is very very profitable and is required for growth.\r\nLocked in to the Desktop.\r\nLocked in to Office.\r\nLocked in to Teams.\r\n\r\nhttps://techbehemoths.com/blog/how-microsoft-makes-billions\r\n\"According to Microsoft data, Windows revenue increased $1.9 billion or 9%, driven by growth in Windows Commercial and Windows OEM. Windows Commercial products and cloud services revenue increased 18%, driven by increased demand for Microsoft 365. Windows OEM revenue increased 9%, ahead of PC market growth. \"','2022-09-10 20:50:29'),
(3562,3692,'2022-09-27 15:39:49','brian-in-ohio','cussing','What happened? You\'ve never done it before. Why are you using the f word so much. Does someone need a hug?','2022-09-27 19:13:19'),
(3563,3692,'2022-09-27 23:45:50','Lurking Prion','Yes, I probably need a hug','Sorry, the old sailor in me slipped out.  I\'ll stuff him back in the cage where he belongs 😉','2022-09-28 18:36:18'),
(3564,3694,'2022-09-29 12:19:53','one_of_spoons','{inspirational artifice}','Good story. Convincing, consistent style and tone.\r\nThe soundscape further imbues this scene with atmospheric oxides, metallic and otherwise.\r\nImagination is a cognitive facility; combined with real world observation and practice, it can save us from dull compliance, and replication of deluded privilege .','2022-09-29 19:44:34'),
(3565,3694,'2022-09-29 12:37:10','ClaudioM','Great Story','Really enjoyed the story and looking forward to hear more on this.','2022-09-29 19:44:34'),
(3566,3694,'2022-09-29 13:19:33','Ken Fallon','I loved this','More of this type of thing !','2022-09-29 19:44:34'),
(3567,3694,'2022-09-29 21:25:34','Mechatroniac','Thanks','Thank you for the comments, I probably won\'t do more like this for a while because of the effort involved lol... this one has been on the burner for a long while.  But it relates to stuff I will be talking about later on self-assembly so I felt the need to get it out.','2022-09-29 22:27:08'),
(3568,2756,'2022-09-30 03:26:38','Unnamed','Untitled','Thank you very much for the series!\r\nI\'ve a lot of friends, who I infected with HPR and Bash with your show! One is even blind, using a braille device. I want you to know, the this Kind of work is very much apreciated! Good people are so rare..','2022-09-30 22:07:04'),
(3569,3695,'2022-09-30 10:33:35','folky','Great for gpodder too','Hi!\r\nThank you for your great show. I could use the url I got your way for gPodder too, but not for castget. Just for those who wanted to use something other than newsboat.','2022-09-30 22:07:04'),
(3570,3694,'2022-09-30 13:09:35','brian-in-ohio','the show','Great episode! Watever the interval keep them coming.','2022-09-30 22:07:04'),
(3571,3695,'2022-10-01 01:44:44','binrc','RSS THE PLANET','I forgot to say in the show, \"Video feeds also seem to work with the Antenna Pod app from F-Droid on android\". Automatic audio-only playback of videos seems to work also. \r\n\r\nHack the planet? No, I want to RSS-ify the planet.','2022-10-01 18:30:00'),
(3572,3695,'2022-10-03 16:56:38','Dave Morriss','Great show, but I have questions','Hi,\r\n\r\nThis was most interesting. I tried out newsboat after installing it with mpv and yt-dlp. I tried your configuration file as a starting point but I got an error. I found newsboat didn\'t like:\r\n\r\nbind-key U bashow-urls\r\n\r\nI used \'show-urls\' which I found in the documentation.\r\n\r\nAlso, what\'s linkhandler? If you mentioned it in the audio I missed it.\r\n\r\nThanks for the show. I suspect I will be using newsboat from now on.','2022-10-03 20:57:30'),
(3577,3701,'2022-10-11 23:46:54','Windigo','Excellent first episode!','Thank you for the introductory episode - and for discussing ResierFS! I used it as my primary file system ages ago, and enjoyed hearing about it again.','2022-10-12 19:51:23'),
(3574,3701,'2022-10-11 16:56:43','wynaut','Very interesting','Thanks Paul, really enjoyed your show.','2022-10-11 18:31:09'),
(3575,3701,'2022-10-11 18:52:27','Kevin O\'Brien','Great show','Thank you for sharing this, good information.','2022-10-11 18:57:07'),
(3576,3701,'2022-10-11 21:51:38','Beeza','Perfect First Show','This first show was everything an HPR episode should be. It told us about a file system many will not have heard of but, not only that, undoubtedly inspired many of us to look deeper into the subject matter thanks to your excellent delivery.','2022-10-11 22:01:28'),
(3578,3702,'2022-10-12 12:22:43','Kinghezy','Jerusalem','The closing song gave me a start, as it is a tune setting in our church \'s psalter/hymnal. What a great tune.','2022-10-12 19:51:23'),
(3579,3701,'2022-10-13 22:54:46','brian-in-ohio','great show','I enjoyed this show very much. Looking forward to the series of shows you alluded to in the episode. I wonder if you might tell us about your programming language some time, might it have been a lisp, or even better a forth? :) Keep them coming','2022-10-14 18:20:35'),
(3580,3705,'2022-10-17 23:03:15','dnt','Time running out on 2022','Thanks for outlining the installation of FreeBSD. I tried it out this weekend and am kind of surprised, a lot of stuff is available via pkg. Wi-Fi and touchpad didn\'t work out of the gate but I don\'t care. My only criticism is that the GUI setup program, like in Slackware, is really not worth it. Setting up Archlinux is just as easy, but because you apply your decisions at set-up in mostly the same way you do any other day, you just learn more about your system. I\'m glad I have it installed so I can piddle around with it.','2022-10-17 23:26:34'),
(3581,3706,'2022-10-18 00:21:06','dnt','Capitalism or technology','Interesting talk, thanks for this! After listening, I was thinking that maybe adding a third co-host whose views contrast more with your own could make your shows even more thought-provoking. As for this episode, I have so many thoughts, it wouldn\'t be right to expect Ken to read them in the community news show. But I think I can summarize them in one question: is it possible to talk about a future of technology that has nothing to do with capitalism?','2022-10-18 19:26:40'),
(3582,3706,'2022-10-18 05:04:30','Windigo','Relatable','The quote \"...you need to be quiet now, I don\'t like your future\" is one I can relate to. I often feel the same way when I see trends in development, technology, etc. heading away from the parts that I enjoy and find interesting.\r\n\r\nThe HPR episodes on Gopher, Forth, and other older technologies do make me hopeful that we\'ll always have our niche, though!','2022-10-18 19:26:40'),
(3583,3707,'2022-10-18 07:12:13','one_of_spoons','gravity generator','If the DC motor has permanent magnets (like most battery powered drill drivers), then you can just turn the wheel and get electricity from the input terminals.\r\nThe advantage of such a high powered unit (horsepowers) is that you don\'t even need gears to take advantage of concentrated sources of energy, like your own body weight, or sacks of grit.\r\nAs you probably noticed by now, when you are in barn territory, then your mental scope finds wider focus.\r\nYou can make good batteries and capacitors on the bucket or barrel scale, with far less toxic materials than Lithium or Lead.','2022-10-18 19:26:40'),
(3584,3705,'2022-10-18 12:18:31','Kevin O\'Brien','Great show','Very good job here, giving detailed information on using this operating system.','2022-10-18 19:26:40'),
(3585,3695,'2022-10-20 22:31:50','Nate','use an invidious instance to get the channel id','thanks for the newsboat reference.','2022-10-20 22:33:57'),
(3586,3708,'2022-10-21 23:46:41','dnt','Sleep with me','Hilarious podcast recommendation. That guy truly has a talent, as you said.','2022-10-22 19:13:25'),
(3587,3707,'2022-10-23 19:14:34','Mechatroniac','electricity','Hadn\'t thought of that, but then you have to haul the weight back up unless you can take advantage of tides, but then you have underwater problems.  \r\n\r\nTaking advantage of a local stream to turn the wheel would probably work.  \r\n\r\nUltimately I\'d like to build an electric buggy/robot or something like that out of it.','2022-10-23 19:32:49'),
(3588,3710,'2022-10-25 18:38:11','dnt','Travelling','Great stuff. I should remember to keep a diary next time I go somewhere. Thank you for laying this stuff out. A valuable reference to have!','2022-10-25 21:45:19'),
(3589,3710,'2022-10-25 22:25:44','Kevin O\'Brien','You are most welcome','I\'m glad you enjoyed it. My first travel diary is from January, 1979, when my now wife and I went to San Francisco, and there we got engaged. So I have been doing it for some time. Now I am in the process of scanning in old paper diaries, OCR-ing them, and getting them into shape.\n','2022-10-26 16:00:24'),
(3590,3713,'2022-10-27 05:18:51','Some Guy On The Internet','Great Show','I didn’t know bash had special names for it’s expressions (like short-circuit evaluation). I really need to work on my short hand expressions (e.g. || &&); cleaner scripts. The examples in the show notes are very valuable, thank you for providing them. Now I will brick my computer in style.','2022-10-27 23:13:23'),
(3591,3712,'2022-10-27 05:23:27','Some Guy On The Internet','I\'ve never heard of this site until now.','Sad to hear the project is ending but I’m happy to know it existed. I love the theme played at the end of the show; how do I find that track? I searched the Internet Archives to find more hits. Are there other sites like this? I now have a hunger for CC music.','2022-10-27 23:13:23'),
(3592,3711,'2022-10-27 05:28:14','Some Guy On The Internet','Big Human = Big Vehicle','Americans are too big to fit in cars, lol. We’ll need 18 wheelers to cart us around in the next 10 years.','2022-10-27 23:13:24'),
(3593,3707,'2022-10-27 05:33:11','Some Guy On The Internet','Cool beans','I love projects like this. Taking something old or discarded and making use of it. How’d you learn to repair circuits, small motors, and other electronics? Was this a hobby expanded into life or do you have training?','2022-10-27 23:13:24'),
(3594,3698,'2022-10-27 05:38:27','Some Guy On The Internet','I gave it a go.','I had no idea this was in audacity. I was very excited to know there maybe a way to remove the hum of my HVAC but this still isn’t possible. This was a nice short rabbit hole to wonder around in for a day or two. I learned more about audio frequencies and how to interact with them in audacity. Great show.','2022-10-27 23:13:24'),
(3595,3697,'2022-10-27 05:40:56','Some Guy On The Internet','Bravo, Bravo!','This was a great show. I love the difference in opinions and the topics are brilliant.  Please provide more.','2022-10-27 23:13:24'),
(3596,3694,'2022-10-27 05:48:14','Some Guy On The Internet','Please continue.','I love HPR for its diversity. This type of show sounds like it was a lot of work, but it’s fantastic. If you were to do a future show of this type or continue the story, lower the music a bit. It was difficult to hear  in some places. I also would love some more backstory on why the x86 (certain die size) chips were destroyed. I know you said a neutron star caused it, and I’m not looking for something super scientific, I just like more story. Thanks again for the show.','2022-10-27 23:13:24'),
(3597,3693,'2022-10-27 05:55:44','Some Guy On The Internet','Thank you.','This is a very satisfying show. I was worried for a bit when you made the first cut and the mower didn’t work, but when you returned with an update I was excited. Are the electric mowers worth purchasing over gas mowers? I see everything electrical as “proprietary design” unless it demonstrates otherwise. I just don’t want to buy a mower that comes with a monthly service fee (John Deer).  Thanks for the show.','2022-10-27 23:13:24'),
(3598,3714,'2022-10-27 11:39:40','ClaudioM','Great Episode!','Really enjoyed this news roundup! Looking forward to more, SGOTI!','2022-10-27 23:13:24'),
(3599,3714,'2022-10-27 12:05:34','Zen_floater2','OH NO!','OH OH NO!','2022-10-27 23:13:25'),
(3600,3714,'2022-10-28 02:51:13','dnt','This just in:','Amazing!','2022-10-29 22:16:03'),
(3601,3712,'2022-10-29 11:12:15','thelovebug','CCHits theme tune','SGOTI: the theme is GMZ by Scott Altham\r\nhttp://ccmixter.org/files/scottaltham/19726\r\n\r\nIt is a shame about CCHits\' demise, as it as such a good project to be involved in.\r\n\r\nAs far as other CC music sites are concerned, there is Jamendo and the Free Music Archive, but they both have their own quirks and foibles.\r\n\r\nShows that select and feature CC music - like The Bugcast (disclosure: my own show) - filter out a lot of the chaff, and probably insert some too!\r\n\r\nCheers,\r\nDave','2022-10-29 22:16:03'),
(3602,3714,'2022-10-29 11:38:31','Kevin O\'Brien','Wonderful!','I think you could fill the hole left when Deep Geek dropped out. Please keep doing this.','2022-10-29 22:16:03'),
(3603,3715,'2022-10-29 20:22:25','The hacker formerly known as b-yeezi','Tin foil hat engaged','Thanks for the show','2022-10-29 22:16:03'),
(3604,3715,'2022-10-31 17:03:56','one_of_spoons','Protonmail shopping for law enforcement.','The case of the French activist was a useful wake up call for many. They were arrested as a result of information relating to email account creation, and identification of the device used .\r\nEssentially, Swiss courts will force Proton to provide all available information if a crime has been \"established\". Remember, new legislation is created daily, and comes into effect straight away.\r\nIn this case the activist was campaigning about gentrification.\r\nProton have since provided other documentation clarifying ways to avoid them having any useful information to give; however, you won\'t usually notice that stuff on the front page of advertising for many service providers.\r\nAt least nobody disappeared in this case.\r\nThanks for the stimulation SGOTI.','2022-10-31 20:32:46'),
(3605,3714,'2022-11-02 15:41:36','Dave Morriss','Beautifully done!','Loved this. Your assistant did a fine job!','2022-11-02 22:39:00'),
(3606,3715,'2022-11-02 17:33:44','Dave Morriss','A very interesting discussion','Some great and important topics. Excellent show.\r\n\r\nI actually have a Fairphone 3+ but haven\'t replaced standard Android (yet) because I\'m concerned that I\'ll brick the phone! It\'s an OK phone, but I hate Android in its unmodified state.\r\n\r\nI get daily calls from unknown numbers. I look them up on a site called who-called.co.uk and mostly find they are spam calls. I then block them. My network provider (giffgaff) seems to be flagging spam calls using a database like this, which is very useful.\r\n\r\nI used to be heavily into email encryption. I even got my PGP key signed in 2014 at FOSDEM, Belgium. I am using it a lot less now, though the latest Thunderbird has apparently good support for PGP. It\'s a shame this didn\'t become a more generally accepted method of making email secure.','2022-11-02 22:39:00'),
(3607,3715,'2022-11-03 00:52:29','DeepGeek','Phone, Tiling wm,','Great Show, \"I began hanging around you guys and became a wierdo!\" classic LOL!\r\n\r\nWanted to let you know, that a youtube personality named Robert Braxman sells \"de-google\" phones. He regresses android phones to run only android Open Source project.\r\n\r\nA fingerprint that can follow you around as you switch phones is a combination of the three cell towers your phone spends the most time in.\r\n\r\nTiling Window Managers, theres a program called winwrangler, runs in the background, and adds the three most popular tiling araingements to any WM/DE.  It talks to the Window Manager through the WWMH specifications to add features to any WM.  I like fluxbox, and if you ever try it and want, I have a config file that adds \"Pseudo Tiling\" to it.  \r\n\r\nGreat Show, thanks!\r\n---\r\nDeepGeek','2022-11-04 07:31:51'),
(3608,3705,'2022-11-03 14:19:14','binrc','additional links','Found some helpful things\r\n\r\nLinux to FreeBSD quick start: \r\nhttps://klarasystems.com/articles/easily-migrate-from-linux-to-freebsd/\r\n\r\nSupported hardware: \r\nhttps://wiki.freebsd.org/Laptops\r\nhttps://bsd-hardware.info/\r\nhttps://dmesgd.nycbug.org/index.cgi','2022-11-04 07:31:52'),
(3609,3698,'2022-11-04 14:39:49','MrX','What a great tip','Hi Klaatu just wanted to say I was intrigued by this podcast and took a note to try this out when I get a spare 5 minutes. I just opened my most recent show into Audacity and selected Spectrogram view. The results are amazing. Any involuntary noises become so much more visible making them very easy to pick out and remove. I will be sure to use this in future shows. Thanks again for another brilliant show. Cheers MrX','2022-11-05 20:02:09'),
(3610,3719,'2022-11-04 16:28:42','mike M.','Another form of typosquatting','Here is another way of typosquatting:\r\nhttps://youtu.be/2JPnwqbVIuQ','2022-11-05 20:02:09'),
(3611,3721,'2022-11-07 12:40:29','Archer72','Weirdos','Ken, great t-shirt idea.\r\n\r\n \"Hang around HPR and become a weirdo\"','2022-11-07 19:28:13'),
(3612,3711,'2022-11-09 18:57:25','dnt','pedestrians and cyclists','Recently I heard a councilperson here in Kansas City, MO talk about how these bigger vehicles that are replacing cars are also far more likely to kill a pedestrian or a cyclist in a collision, to say nothing of squirrels. I had never considered that. They\'re designed with little regard for what might be in their path.\r\n \r\nThanks for putting together this show, and stay safe out there!','2022-11-09 20:09:03'),
(3613,3722,'2022-11-11 14:17:56','rho`n','Great tip!','I have used the GNU gettext utilities in projects. I didn\'t realize it was available in Bash. I understand that irritating feeling when seeing \"1 files processed\" (or whatever object/action is happening). I often put the plural in parenthesis so: \"1 file(s) processed\".  Do like your script Dave, but will probably take advantage of ngettext if it is already on  my machine. However your Bash function would be more portable if writing the script for wider distribution.','2022-11-11 19:29:32'),
(3614,3725,'2022-11-14 17:35:40','Kevin O\'Brien','Useful and timely','Good show with useful information. We need to do everything to help people use public transportation. Something I saw on the Internet: \"A developed country is not one where the poor drive cars. It is one where the rich use public transportation.\"','2022-11-14 21:15:00'),
(3615,3726,'2022-11-15 15:09:12','hammerron','Old LiveJournal','I used to love LiveJournal.  Years ago they changed ownership and Terms of Service. I do not agree with the new Terms of Service. I wanted to delete the account, but I can not access it unless I agree to the changed Terms of Service first.  So the account sits dormant. Anyone have any thoughts on this?','2022-11-15 19:35:30'),
(3616,3722,'2022-11-16 09:47:48','Dave Morriss','Thanks rho`n','I\'d also encountered gettext before, but had never had any need to use it. I was surprised and pleased to find a command-line interface to the package as well, and hoped it might be of interest.\r\n\r\nI have used the Perl module Lingua::EN::Inflect (now replaced by Lingua::EN::Inflexion) which is *very* comprehensive (\"brother\" and \"bretheren\" level), but life\'s too short...','2022-11-17 12:58:33'),
(3617,3729,'2022-11-17 21:35:37','dnt','Car rambling','Great show! It\'s a good idea to record a show by rambling during your drive. Perhaps even a car rambling series would be worth thinking about.','2022-11-17 21:37:29'),
(3618,3728,'2022-11-18 12:32:50','Zen_floater2','I liked this show.','I liked this show, and I\"m a Squirrel who lives in a Magical Forest in Oklahoma and uses a $149 chromebook for my main rig now.  There should be  a segment of the human race which suffers like this for fun.','2022-11-18 20:27:29'),
(3619,3727,'2022-11-18 12:35:08','Zen_floater2','Love server problems','I run OpenBSD now for about 14 years.  Loved your show, reminded me somewhat of my own problems.','2022-11-18 20:27:29'),
(3620,3730,'2022-11-19 05:06:01','Clinton Roy','Dam?','(I really need to find a good way of keeping notes about podcasts I listen to on the go).\r\n\r\nThis was the episode with some of the backstory on hoover dam yeah? I really enjoyed that.','2022-11-19 20:59:14'),
(3621,3728,'2022-11-21 12:24:29','one_of_spoons','Programmable ROM.','I have played with Odroids, and the \'the\' Ubuntu phone, then compiled LineageOS, and flashed Androids, so I recognise the territory.\r\nI\'ve been tempted by Bus Pirates and oscilloscopes, but I remember that RISCV devices are on the horizon, so maybe I should read through those instruction sets and avoid the hard work.','2022-11-21 18:17:05'),
(3622,3731,'2022-11-21 21:08:54','Celeste','didn\'t know the feature','Thanks, i completely missed this new feature.\r\nKdenlive has improved so much in the last years!\r\nAbout minute 4:40 yep, it\'s both free as in price, both libre/opensource ;)','2022-11-21 21:14:21'),
(3623,3731,'2022-11-22 00:40:50','dnt','re: both libre/opensource','Yes, I used an abundance of caution there. To be honest, I only assume kdenlive is open source, let alone free software, so I\'m gonna try not to walk around saying that things are free software. I once heard a very well meaning person say that Adobe Bridge was free (as in speech) software. This was in Portuguese, in which there is no ambiguity between free as in beer and free as in speech. I nearly fell out of my chair!\r\n\r\nThanks for your comment, Celeste!','2022-11-22 19:01:57'),
(3624,3733,'2022-11-23 02:21:53','Lurking Prion','Let\'s do a show','Hit me up and let\'s do a show or 6.','2022-11-23 19:07:25'),
(3625,3733,'2022-11-24 04:07:43','Some Guy On The Internet','Sure','I\'m game. Are you on element/matrix (The HPR Room)?  I\'m also on Mastodon.  We can use the HPR Mumble server to record.','2022-11-24 20:01:20'),
(3626,3728,'2022-11-24 04:19:33','b','rockchip','thanks for the benchmarking. hopefully they\'ll release an updated version/board with rk3588 and more ram','2022-11-24 20:01:21'),
(3627,3734,'2022-11-24 10:03:16','sinza','Great show!','I always like your shows, but I was wanting to work with the NetBSD inetd (which seems to be similar to its OpenBSD cousin) for a personal project of mine. \r\n\r\nThis show came at the right time, and I learned a lot. :-)','2022-11-24 20:01:21'),
(3628,3728,'2022-11-26 13:47:18','sunzu','available distros','Hi nice show thx therefore, you mentioned the linux kernel may handle the cpu setup better than bsd\'s. So iwant mention the slackware aarch64 which officially supports the pinebook, as slackware is relative bsd like (it uses sysv init instead of systemd for example) and you could get the advantage of the linux kernels hw-compatibility. long story short if you like to check it out here is the link: https://docs.slackware.com/slackwarearm:inst_sa64_rk3399_pinebookpro. It\'s currently only the current version but i run it on my rpi4 it\'s not broken till i ran it.\r\nsunzu','2022-11-26 19:28:31'),
(3629,3734,'2022-11-27 16:57:41','Zen_floater2','loved this','love OpenBSD\r\ntry fuguita sometimeP','2022-11-27 20:08:58'),
(3630,3737,'2022-12-05 00:42:50','Aaron Cocker','Kobo e-readers','I had a similar dilemma when it comes to e-reader, my ideal device would have a 6-inch pocket sized backlit screen and run Linux. 7-inch Kobo was the best alternative I could find from this decade it’s served me well so far. \r\n \r\nThere’s a great choice of free ebooks knocking about and Calibre was finally posted to Python 3, happy days.','2022-12-06 09:10:06'),
(3631,3741,'2022-12-05 01:22:08','Zen_floater2','Freedom VS Free','Just use BSD or as Squirrels say OpenBSD\r\nBut Ken is right.  Good point Ken.','2022-12-06 09:10:06'),
(3632,3744,'2022-12-08 13:38:23','Trey','Fun with Advent of Code (AoC)','Thank you for sharing.  I decided to do AoC this year to refine my Python skills.  I am working on day 8 this morning.  Some have been more challenging than others, but I have learned new skills in each one.\r\n\r\nThe leaderboard is intimidating.  However, for folks who are competitive and have friends who might want to participate, you can join private leaderboards to show how you rank against each other.\r\n\r\nIf anyone is even curious, you should give it a try!','2022-12-08 20:27:07'),
(3633,3746,'2022-12-12 08:39:50','zloster','A tool with very detailed information about the cache configuration of the CPUs','This tool is displaying valuable and detailed information about the CPUs and the system topology:\r\n1) https://www.open-mpi.org/projects/hwloc/doc/v2.8.0/a00358.php#cli_examples\r\n2) https://www.open-mpi.org/projects/hwloc/lstopo/ - more examples\r\n\r\nAlso they support a ton of various output formats: txt, svg, png, pdf and so on.','2022-12-12 19:39:46'),
(3634,3750,'2022-12-17 04:59:14','Windigo','Ajo','I\'m always surprised when I hear anything about Ajo, Arizona!\r\n\r\nMrs. Honeyhume served as their art teacher around a decade ago, and I was able to visit occasionally.\r\n\r\nThanks for the trip down memory lane!','2022-12-17 20:01:54'),
(3635,3750,'2022-12-17 17:32:01','brian-in-ohio','history','Good show, like the travel log style that gives us all the gritty detail. I would remind people that right and left wing violence has been a part of US capital hill history since the founding of the Republic. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_violent_incidents_at_the_United_States_Capitol','2022-12-17 20:01:55'),
(3636,3754,'2022-12-24 16:27:28','Bill Dietrich','Twitter','Guy who starts by saying \"I\'ve never used Twitter\" then pronounces about Twitter.  Says Twitter should \"respect the office of the presidency\" when the president who they banned didn\'t respect either the office or truth or public health or the Constitution.  Gloats about Musk firing all those liberal employees while claiming not to be on the Right.','2022-12-24 20:22:06'),
(3637,3756,'2022-12-27 11:23:42','Ken Fallon','I have done this','Go do this.','2022-12-27 20:56:14'),
(3638,3757,'2022-12-27 18:52:51','Trey','Thanks for sharing.','Thanks for sharing this information.  I am surprised that you are sticking with trucking instead of transitioning into information security.  With your IT experiences and your analytical mindset, you would be a huge asset within infosec.','2022-12-27 20:56:15'),
(3639,3756,'2022-12-27 21:38:47','norrist','Me too','https://noc.social/@norrist is Verified.','2022-12-27 22:46:28'),
(3640,3757,'2022-12-27 23:32:11','janedoc','Thanks for an informative show','I am one of those doctors that examines CDLs.  I\'m happy to hear an HPR contributor discuss commercial driving.  There is such a need for CDLs in the U.S. Having a CDL makes a person a much more valuable employee.  And, it\'s not all about long-haul trucking.  I see a lot of school bus drivers, ranchers with large equipment, propane delivery people, and those who work for the city or county.','2022-12-28 20:50:50'),
(3641,3757,'2022-12-28 08:18:28','binrc','Careers\n','I enjoyed this show. It made me consider getting a CDL. It\'s comforting to know that other hackers have jobs that are completely unrelated to tech. I have a construction job that involves manual labor and operating equipment. Sometimes seemingly asinine career decisions really are the best possible career decisions given circumstances unknown to others. I\'ll record a response show when I have time :)','2023-01-14 16:10:24'),
(3642,3762,'2023-01-03 12:54:27','Trey','Thanks for sharing.','It has been a while since I posted a show, and this is mostly due to physical limitations which started with \"Mouse Shoulder\" and are now 12 weeks post rotator cuff repair surgery.  I have been considering doing a show, or a small series of shows about similar topics as they relate to the things we choose to do and the potential physical impacts on us old folk.   \r\n\r\nI did hear a rumor that HPR could use a show or ten...  :)','2023-01-03 21:07:51'),
(3643,3763,'2023-01-05 15:42:45','Viv','Meta Baader-Meinhof','Less than two hours after listening to this I was watching the new Young Ones 40th anniversary blu-ray. \r\n\r\nNear the end of the episode, the gang are outside the bank they\'re about to rob and Rick says:\r\n\r\nYeah, come on. Robin Hood, Baader-Meinhof. Those bank clerks\r\ndidn\'t have to become bank clerks. They knew the risks when they took the job. Let\'s just get in there and let them have it!','2023-01-05 20:26:20'),
(3644,3763,'2023-01-06 10:57:08','Mike Ray','I rest my case','This has happened to me many, many times. And to most adults too I suspect. Psychology interests me, cognitive biases of all kinds in particular, and the way human brains are so attuned to pattern recognition. A survival imperative buried very deep in our most native brain parts. The lizard brain a lot of people call it\n','2023-01-06 11:46:09'),
(3645,3767,'2023-01-10 19:03:54','Celeste','Riaa curve and italian youtuber video','Reading about RIAA equalization and vinyl disks made me remember about this video i watched some time ago.\r\nI hope the automatic subtitles are good enough. He made a LP disk..out of chocolate, engraving it on his own and applying that RIAA equalization first. Being able to hear something out of the noise is quite cool\r\n https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D0RpLxIYX8Q\r\n\r\nThere\'s also a more recent one using laser engraver on wood instead of chocolate','2023-01-10 20:20:03'),
(3646,3758,'2023-01-12 06:47:56','Windigo','What a \"whodunit\"!','I really enjoyed this episode - although, as a dev currently dealing with some \"creative\" PHP code, it hit a little too close to home.\r\n\r\nThanks for the mysterious tale!','2023-01-12 19:02:23'),
(3647,3766,'2023-01-12 13:35:34','ClaudioM','Good Review, but Still Avoiding Gaming Laptops','Really enjoyed the review of the laptop, especially the followup. Still, I\'ve been turned off on all gaming laptops in spite of the temptation they provide. I once tried to buy an Eluktronics gaming laptop after reading good reviews from them, but after a botched purchase attempt, I decided to skip it and go with a used HP ProBook 4540s which had Radeon and Intel graphics, unbeknownst to the seller.\r\n\r\nHowever, what really turned me off on gaming laptops is when I attempted to repair my son\'s MSI gaming laptop\'s keyboard. What a nightmare! I basically had to remove everything to get to the keyboard, and even then I wasn\'t able to replace the keyboard because the board with the ribbon was glued on. From that point forward, I decided I\'d go with a gaming desktop in the future and stick with laptops that are more serviceable, something like the Framework. Buyer beware!','2023-01-12 19:02:23'),
(3648,3766,'2023-01-13 12:59:37','bookeyrmm','reply to claudio','In a past life I was a certified HP repair tech, They are very easy to work on. TBH, the primary feature I was looking for was the additional drive bays and graphics card, I don\'t actually do much gaming on the laptop. With 2 open slots for SSD/HDDs I was able to add a 128GB shared drive and a 1 TB os drive for my linux install. (Which is where I spend most of my time)','2023-01-13 19:54:28'),
(3649,3753,'2023-01-16 05:29:30','dnt','Pure obscurantism','Great piece! In my view, numeronyms are pure obscurantism. What is more atrocious is when people say it out loud. I\'ve been in a call at work where someone kept saying eye-eighteen-en and el-ten-en. Ludicrous!','2023-01-16 19:08:42'),
(3650,3754,'2023-01-18 00:31:53','dnt','Trippy as hell','Good show. It reminds me of the day I unknowingly took a THC gummy. Probably my main takeaway is that one can only hope to inspire a rebuttal show by zenfloater2.\r\n\r\nIf you haven\'t yet, do read the short story \"The Machine Stops\" by E. M. Forster. I heard about it in Stuart Russel\'s 2021 Reith Lectures (on BBC Radio), which I also recommend.','2023-01-18 19:37:41'),
(3651,3773,'2023-01-18 12:39:24','mpardo','A \"must listen\" to all who aspire to speak to an audience','This is a great list of tips for public speaking.\r\n\r\nA couple of thoughts, prompted by this episode...\r\n\r\nI have given talks to hostile audiences, or at least audiences with some hostile attendees.  I have given talks where there are attendees that are only there owing to having been told that they must be there (typically by their boss).  Body language usually gives these people away.  Once they are recognized as hostile, they can mostly be ignored, allowing the speaker to focus on the people who indeed have chosen to be there.  However, the hostile attendee is very rare.\r\n\r\nI have found, when including humour, it is best to avoid a pause after the humour is delivered.  There is a tendency to pause to allow the audience to respond with laughter, however, if the humour does not succeed, the pause will be very awkward.  It is much better to go straight to the next statement after the humour.  If the humour worked and there is laughter, a pause mid-sentence (post humour) is fine.  Start the interrupted sentence over when the laughter diminishes and all is good.  If the humour did not work, the lack of a pause allows the audience to continue listening and often not even notice that there was a unsuccessful attempt at humour and the speaker does not suffer the embarrassment of appearing to try to be funny.  Pauses are good, but tricky when they follow humour.\r\n\r\n\r\nJust some thoughts from listening to this very good episode.  \r\n\r\n\r\nCheers!','2023-01-18 19:37:41'),
(3652,3773,'2023-01-18 13:24:03','Trey','Thanks for sharing.','Very well presented, Mike.  \r\n\r\nI personally enjoy public speaking and teaching, but I was still able to gain some nuggets of wisdom from your podcast.  Even after years of speaking, I still struggle with omitting \"Ummm\", \"Uh\", etc.  These usually happen if I lose my place or am trying to work away from my original outline or answer a question.  I like your idea of pausing at these times while I gather my thoughts.  I will try to apply this soon!','2023-01-18 19:37:41'),
(3653,3753,'2023-01-18 19:42:01','Dave Morriss','Thanks dnt','I haven\'t heard many people say these things spelled out the way you describe, but I may have been guilty of it myself before I knew what they were! I just hope they go away :-)','2023-01-18 21:49:43'),
(3654,3773,'2023-01-19 07:00:06','one_of_spoons','Professional demeanour.','Thanks for preparing the context for me to shout from the audience :   \"  ! hooray !  ! Moonbouncing ! \" .','2023-01-20 11:09:30'),
(3655,1240,'2023-01-20 16:58:59','Charles in NJ','Doomsday Python Code','The code in the posted module still works in Python 3 until you come to the print statements in the Main procedure. Those have to be changed to print() function calls. \r\n\r\nOne more quibble: Isaac Newton was born before the adoption of the Gregorian calendar, so that example is not correct. \r\n\r\nOther than that, the episode has stood up fairly well over time. \r\n\r\nI can even stand to listen to it at 1.6x speed.','2023-01-20 20:25:23'),
(3656,3773,'2023-01-20 22:36:45','Mike Ray','Thanks very much to everybody. I listened back to this when it was published. I hope the Christmas b','A couple of verbal ticks, but not too many.\r\n\r\nHumour is best left out of tech talks, unless you can poke gentle fun at yourself. I was told several times by a writing coach to make my mind up whether I was writing something serious, or something funny. Because the injection of a joke can pull the audience out of deep thought about what you are saying or writing, which might be totally inappropriate.\r\n\r\nI particularly like the three part rule, thanks to the late and great Peter Hopwood, once of the LSE for that, some forty years ago.','2023-01-20 22:45:46'),
(3657,3773,'2023-01-21 22:40:44','Mike Ray','Messed up that last comment','I messed that up. It was meant to say I hope the Christmas beer didn\'t make me break my own rules.','2023-01-21 23:17:05'),
(3658,3751,'2023-01-22 10:59:23','Ken Fallon','Wow this actually works','I installed this after noticing that conference calls were picking up everything even when I was in the next room.\r\n\r\nThanks Deltaray for posting this one +1 from me.','2023-01-22 11:11:42'),
(3659,3776,'2023-01-25 22:04:07','brian-in-ohio','how to do it','This is how you do a distro review. Great episode!','2023-01-25 22:41:38'),
(3660,3778,'2023-01-25 22:10:27','brian-in-ohio','2fa','I was forced to set up 2fa in order to use mutt with my gmail account. The funny thing is when you log into gmail on a web browser on your phone (won\'t use the gmail app) google politely asks if you want to remember this device so you won\'t have to 2fa anymore? Not only that the check box comes up prepopulated with a check??? What good is 2fa if you can bypass it with a check mark, and why make me do it in the first place and why populate the checkbox. I\'m moving to fastmail','2023-01-25 22:41:38'),
(3661,3772,'2023-01-25 22:12:22','brian-in-ohio','good info','This show was great. Lots of good information. Can\'t wait to hear more stuff like it','2023-01-25 22:41:38'),
(3662,3771,'2023-01-25 22:13:36','brian-in-ohio','music','Great show, good encouragement. Nice tunes!','2023-01-25 22:41:38'),
(3663,3764,'2023-01-25 22:15:09','brian-in-ohio','emacs rocks','Great show, keep them coming. Emacs Rocks!!!','2023-01-25 22:41:38'),
(3664,3758,'2023-01-25 22:17:38','brian-in-ohio','love the show','I never worked in IT but i love stories like this, great work.','2023-01-25 22:41:38'),
(3665,3778,'2023-01-26 00:52:00','JohnnyLawrence','Whoafully misinformed','I\'m a huge fan of HPR and everything it stands for. That includes freedom of speech. I also understand episodes should be viewed in an editorial context. However, I can\'t help but feel episodes like this drag down the quality of the podcast as a whole.\r\n\r\nThe \"squirrel\" is just old man yelling at cloud[1] here. I\'m not Google apologist and I consider them pretty evil as a whole. But so many of the things mentioned were just flat incorrect. \r\n\r\n1. Google doesn\'t control any cell phone networks. They don\'t have any of their own towers. \r\n\r\n2. Claiming that Google is throttling your connection because YouTube is fast and transfers from your home server are slow is a pretty big leap. YouTube content is served from a massive CDN which has peering agreements with ISPs all over the world. That content is going be served blazing fast to almost anywhere. Transfers over an ssh connection from a little desktop on a residential connection to a Chromebook tethered to a cell phone will never be comparable. \r\n\r\n3. 2FA has little to do with vendor lock in and everything to do with security. I don\'t own any Android devices. My iPhone and iPad can both be used as the 2nd factor for Google 2FA without issue. \r\n\r\n4. Google has nothing to do with QR codes at all. \r\n\r\nI could go on but I think you get the point. I don\'t want to see fact check banners on episodes and I don\'t want to see posters censored. With that in mind, we have to do better as a community. Better episodes and higher quality content will draw more listeners and thus, more contributors. Let\'s up the bar and keep HPR alive. \r\n\r\n[1] https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/old-man-yells-at-cloud','2023-01-27 21:47:08'),
(3666,3762,'2023-01-28 17:06:58','one_of_spoons','Character entry devices.','Have you heard of Charachorder?\r\nThey are a brand name for \"chording\" devices.\r\nThese devices help you reach typing speeds up to 250 words per minute, without moving your fingers very much.\r\nEach finger switch is like a mini joystick.\r\nThe devices are not cheap, but I think they sell the logic boards, or a USB pass-through device, so you could compare 3D printing costs, or wait for under priced copies.\r\nThey have a dot com website.','2023-01-28 19:18:09'),
(3667,3768,'2023-01-28 17:20:36','one_of_spoons','Ear pieces.','Funny how you apologised for the gentle background noise of a distant aeroplane, then sent many, many alarm bleeps into my well sealed earpiece. \r\nI need to tie a piece of string to the phono wire next time I\'ve got my gloves in the goop.\r\nMy mistake.\r\nThanks for the show','2023-01-28 19:18:09'),
(3668,3759,'2023-01-28 17:52:18','one_of_spoons','RISC V emulators.','Mostly I wanted to mention RISC V emulators.\r\nQEMU can emulate both 32-bit and 64-bit RISC-V CPUs. \r\nWe have  qemu-system-riscv64 executable to simulate a 64-bit RISC-V machine\r\nor qemu-system-riscv32 executable to simulate a 32-bit RISC-V machine.\r\n\r\nSiFive are planning to release a development hardware board this summer, according to some page on the internet; the HiFive Pro P550.','2023-01-28 19:18:09'),
(3669,3781,'2023-02-01 19:07:11','one_of_spoons','Candle power.','I assumed these were more complicated boost modules.\r\nI hadn\'t realised they were so simple.\r\nI\'ve definitely got a bunch of those components.\r\nThanks.','2023-02-01 19:43:16'),
(3670,3783,'2023-02-03 15:11:30','Mechatroniac','HPR','The site is awkward to download from, now that I am using a standalone mp3 player and my computer instead of an android podcasting app that automatically does it.  \r\n\r\nI don\'t understand why things are made more tedious for PC users but this is a degradation.  It doesn\'t help that the podcast apps for PC are garbage.  Podfriend doesn\'t even let you download.  \r\n\r\nThere should be a way to download more than one podcast at once, without mastering some scripting language.  The way it stands is if I want to download shows I have to navigate to each individual page and then click to the mp3.  \r\n\r\nWhy not put an mp3 link on the main list so people can download the podcasts without having to go to each individual page first.  This is so tedious especially after getting used to the ease of android apps.','2023-02-03 20:36:00'),
(3671,3783,'2023-02-04 19:44:52','Ken Fallon','Podcast Clients','Hi Mechatroniac\r\n\r\nThanks for the feedback. Can you clarify which page you mean when you say \"main list\". The main page has a link to the media files.\r\n\r\nIf you want custom control, then I suggest you load the sites RSS feed into any of the many podcatching clients that are available. For example gPodder. They will allow you download all, some or none depending on your wished.\r\n\r\nKen','2023-02-04 20:05:00'),
(3672,3784,'2023-02-07 21:22:10','Zen_floater2','Thank you for making this podcast','I found your version of two factor authorization interesting and would love it if more companies implemented common sense rather than marketing.','2023-02-08 21:23:34'),
(3673,3776,'2023-02-08 03:34:40','bookewyrmm','RE: How to do it','Thanks for the complement, I appreciate it. \r\n\r\nI have since decided to use the xero box as a zone-minder server, we\'ll see how that goes and I\'l record an update! I need to purchase a couple hard drives first, and I may do a reinstall just for a clean start at that project.','2023-02-08 21:23:34'),
(3674,3789,'2023-02-09 13:24:06','ClaudioM','Great First Episode!','Hey, fellow SDFer! I enjoyed the episode even if it was over my head for my morning drive in traffic. Sounded great! And thanks for the shoutout! I\'m glad I had a hand in getting you to submit an episode and I\'m sure everyone is thankful to hear what you had to say. Looking forward to future episodes from you.\r\n\r\nMaybe we can get ldbeth (another fellow SDFer to those who don\'t know) to record an episode on a similar Lisp topic or to respond to your episode!','2023-02-09 22:43:59'),
(3675,3789,'2023-02-09 20:45:33','Zen_floater2','Nice show','I finally decided to join Mastodon today and sent screwtape a message there.  So, i\'m on the same server instance as screwtape now.  I also went through gopher resources he\'s using.  I had the \"BIG IDEA\" I would use by chrome gopher extension thing to view all of it.  Ended up using lynx from my \'linux beta\' on this chromebook because the chrome gopher extension fell flat on it\'s face!   THANKS GOOGLE!!!!  I\'m going to have to get a NEW computer with 32 GB of ram so I can run Fuguita again and quit using these chromebooks.   It\'s bad on my image.  That is to say if I had an image.','2023-02-09 22:43:59'),
(3676,3783,'2023-02-12 21:58:37','Mechatroniac','gpodder','gpodder I tried once, the discover new podcasts feature is completely broken.  \r\n\r\nWhy can\'t there be a straightforward list of mp3s to download that I can save as and download from the list?  \r\n\r\nI mean in the two week show list... I guess that\'s good but it is in rss format.  Forcing people to use another app when all that is required is html seems regressive.  I think rss should be probably part of the html standard but it\'s not so pain in the ass plugin is required...\r\n\r\nAnyway you can search and scroll for the mp3 links in the 2 week feed, scrolling a little too much... then it shows the next 5 weeks as links... why not have an mp3 of each show there.  \r\n\r\nThe full list doesn\'t even display in the PITA extension I am using.  \r\n\r\nCan\'t there be easy html links for mp3s by the 100 or so?  I don\'t really care about the other formats.  I mean I like the show notes but when I come here to download mp3s I want to be able to download a bunch at a time and not have to spend a lot of time doing so.','2023-02-13 19:55:39'),
(3677,3783,'2023-02-12 22:49:36','Mechatroniac','awkward web site','Sorry for hijacking your comments Mike, I will listen to your podcast.\r\n\r\nI should clarify, the home page, when you scroll down is identical to the 2 week feed, which is a bit of scrolling to find the mp3s but ok since it\'s on the same page.\r\n\r\nThen there is a nice table, with a list of last month\'s shows.  But no direct mp3 links.  \r\n\r\nSo if you are two weeks or more behind you have to click on each show title then go to that page then find the mp3 link to download the show.  Then you have to go back and repeat the process, what a waste of time.  Can\'t there be a link to the show mp3 next to the title in that table so I don\'t have to keep going back and forth?\r\n\r\nGo to archive.org hoping they would be better organized.  Same shit.  They give you a picture of the audio waveform on the link page but no mp3 link. I\'d rather have a mp3 link than look at the stupid waveform.  Everything sucks. The hapless HTML user is a click labourer for no reason.    \r\n\r\nIt shouldn\'t be so punishing to people using HTML.  This is the web after all and I find the podcast players for PC insufferable, most of the good ones are for android and don\'t even have a PC version.  \r\n\r\nI would trade all the rss links for a simple table design, that had like 100 episodes per page, that had direct links to mp3, and if you choose, also read the show notes by clicking the title.  \r\n\r\nAll it would take to make it a little better is adding a small one letter link to mp3s on \"Last Month\'s Shows\" table on the home page and extend the table to more months, I\'m sure that room could be made.  Please?','2023-02-13 19:55:40'),
(3678,3791,'2023-02-13 13:53:22','Trey','Keyboard Addiction','This was a great perspective on the world of keyboards and customization.  I, too, grew up with solid mechanical keyboards.  The first PC Keyboard I purchased was a Liton tactile 101 key, and I loved it.\r\n\r\nPart of me wants to try to get something which will get me back to the feel of those old keyboards.  However, I have friends who have fallen into the addiction of constantly needing to upgrade, rebuild, customize their keyboards, and I could see myself there easily, too.\r\n\r\nThanks again for sharing.  Great first episode and I look forward to kearing more of your work.','2023-02-13 19:55:40'),
(3679,3783,'2023-02-13 16:47:52','Mechatroniac','nm','never mind I\'m using the crippled gpodder for the rss for now.  I think my comments about the website are valid though.','2023-02-13 19:55:40'),
(3680,3792,'2023-02-14 13:18:13','Trey','What fun!','This took me back to my days in elementary & middle school learning several instruments and to high school and collage choir.  This was much fun, as I happened to listen to it while walking around the grocery store.  I am sure I was quite a site.\r\n\r\nI finally figured out why I was getting out of breath, though.  I listen to podcasts at 1.5x speed.\r\n\r\nThank you for recording this.  I look forward to the next parts.','2023-02-14 19:21:24'),
(3681,3783,'2023-02-14 17:09:55','Ken Fallon','Fixed.','I updated the site as requested\r\n\r\nI also updated the complete episode guide \r\n\r\nhttps://hackerpublicradio.org/index_full.php\r\n\r\nAnd created a issue of the same change on the new site generation tool.\r\nhttps://repo.anhonesthost.net/rho_n/hpr_generator/issues/70','2023-02-14 19:21:24'),
(3682,3793,'2023-02-15 15:48:23','Zen_floater2','Appraising the show!','The Squirrels of a thousand hollows thank you.','2023-02-15 21:49:25'),
(3683,3792,'2023-02-15 21:27:14','jezra','quite possibly the most toe-tapping episode of HPR','Thank you! Although I didn\'t clap my hands, I certain tapped my feet in time to the beat; all while typing away at work.','2023-02-15 21:49:25'),
(3684,3793,'2023-02-21 00:15:22','Some Guy on The Internet','You are welcome kind Squirrel.','I had fun making the show. I’m hoping create more show responses in the future. Thank you for giving us all something to ponder.','2023-02-21 22:33:21'),
(3685,3798,'2023-02-22 15:21:23','Mechatroniac','lol','I really wanted to hear her swear.  Guess I will have to disguise the phonics if I want that to happen.  \r\n\r\nI did got a kick out of reading the transcript.  I really did!  Holden Caulfield installs Linux.  \r\n\r\nOne clarification; my method of dual booting two hard drives in BIOS consisted of me simply switching the boot hard drive in the BIOS settings.  That can\'t be done with UEFI.','2023-02-22 20:51:40'),
(3686,3797,'2023-02-22 16:08:34','Mechatroniac','Very cool','I don\'t know how much I could help but it looks like a fun way to learn more about git and what a static website entails as opposed to whatever is in effect now.\r\n\r\nI am having trouble finding where to register.\r\n\r\nI keep getting \'bad gateway\' error here:  https://repo.anhonesthost.net/rho_n/hpr_generator\r\n\r\nIf I go to anhonesthost.net it is an \'Index of\' page, where there is a link to cgi-bin, that leads to \'403 forbidden\' when clicked.  \r\n\r\nThe git clone command run in linux connects but asks for a password.  \r\n\r\nWhere can I sign up to be a member?','2023-02-22 20:51:40'),
(3687,3797,'2023-02-22 21:47:48','norrist','Repo Location','It looks like we killed repo.anhonesthost.net.\r\n\r\nCan the hpr_generator repo be moved to gitlab.com?  Moving the repo would eliminate the need for an additional read only mirror, and we could take advantage to gitlab\'s CICD.','2023-02-22 21:55:06'),
(3688,3796,'2023-02-22 22:09:16','mcnalu','Concise and clear','Concise and clear David, but then I expected no less given what you said to me at the HPR stand at FOSDEM. I will be trying out some of these languages and reading the books you mentioned. Thank you for this show!','2023-02-22 22:11:23'),
(3689,3798,'2023-02-23 22:30:47','Zen_floater2','OBS-STUDIO comment.','I did go back and read the transcript of my Slackware 15 show and it seemed a bit unclear on the comment about OBS-STUDiO.  I had to compile  that program along with others.   Slackware 15 offers KDENLIVE on the DVD but not OBS-STUDIO.\r\nAnyway, sorry for any misunderstanding.','2023-02-24 19:19:47'),
(3690,3797,'2023-02-24 21:23:02','norrist','Automated build on Gitlab','I was able to get Gitlab CICD to build the HPR static site.\r\n\r\nFirst step was creating a mirror of the HPR generator repo:\r\n\r\ngit clone gitea@repo.anhonesthost.net:rho_n/hpr_generator.git\r\ngit remote add gitlab_mirror git@gitlab.com:norrist/hpr_generator_mirror.git\r\ngit push gitlab_mirror  main\r\n\r\nThen I created a Gitlab CICD pipeline to:\r\n- check out the hpr site generator from the mirror\r\n- load the HPR daily mysql dump into a mysql database\r\n- build the site\r\n- publish to gitlab pages.\r\n\r\nThe CI project is https://gitlab.com/norrist/hpr_generator_build\r\n\r\nThe build is published at https://norrist.gitlab.io/hpr_generator_build/','2023-02-24 23:03:25'),
(3691,3797,'2023-02-25 12:25:08','rho`n','Sweet! nice work norrist','I was thinking of having a mirror on Gitlab or my own Gitea instance, but now that you\'ve done the heavy lifting.... ;)\r\n\r\nOne minor modification to your site.cfg and your Gitlab pages will have the audio files and transcripts pointing to the correct spot on archive.org\r\n\r\nmedia_baseurl: https://archive.org/download/hpr$eps_id/','2023-02-25 19:12:47'),
(3692,3797,'2023-02-25 12:36:00','rho`n','RE: Registering at https://repo.anhonesthost.net','Hi Mechatronic, if you goto  https://repo.anhonesthost.net -- at the top right of the page there is a register button which takes you to a form to fill out.\r\n\r\nIt is not an automated process. It may take a day or two for your registration request to be processed.\r\n\r\nI am looking into mirroring in a public location, just haven\'t made time to do that yet','2023-02-25 19:12:47'),
(3693,3798,'2023-02-25 16:39:40','Mechatroniac','reply to zenfloater2','Ahhh I see.  I don\'t like to compile on linux.  I tried to compile OBS under Devuan once and there was always one part that was out of date.  So I went through all these steps only to find some dependency or another was too old and had to be updated, but then it can\'t be updated for some reason.  What a frustrating waste of time, never want to do that again.  \r\n\r\nI don\'t even like having to run apt update. All that code on my computer, from all sorts of different sources, that is constantly changing.  How that could ever be secure?   If you went back in time to the 90s and told a computer user what it is like now they would think it is nightmarish.','2023-02-25 19:12:48'),
(3694,3800,'2023-02-26 00:57:41','brian-in-ohio','moore\'s law','Interesting episode but Moore\'s law has to do with transistor density not systems getting better. Also, how Ahuka know the inner workings of Ukrainian OpSec? I\'m guessing he doesn\'t.','2023-02-26 11:58:45'),
(3695,3800,'2023-02-26 09:33:07','Zen_floater2','Very Interesting','I found this program very interesting.  It was a goodie.','2023-02-26 11:58:45'),
(3696,3799,'2023-02-26 09:36:08','Zen_floater2','Extremely entertaining','I could not stop my tail from wagging on this program.  It was extremely interesting to listen to your program on your router using OpenBSD.  Could you give us an idea of your through-put in this device using OpenBSD.  \r\nTry using http://fuguita.org/','2023-02-26 11:58:45'),
(3697,3807,'2023-02-26 17:17:33','Mechatroniac','.','Good to see someone else doing \r\nArduino stuff. \r\n\r\nHowever your code is not sketch code and will not compile in the arduino IDE.  You mention forth?  \r\n\r\nWhat software are you using to compile?','2023-02-27 19:03:02'),
(3698,3807,'2023-02-26 17:40:16','Mechatroniac','.','https://sourceforge.net/projects/flashforth/','2023-02-27 19:03:02'),
(3699,3799,'2023-02-26 23:37:13','Windigo','Custom Routers','I\'ve been looking into DIY OpenWRT hardware, and PCEngines came up a couple times. I had never heard of them before, and was happy to hear about your experience with them and other devices.\r\n\r\nThanks for the well-timed episode!','2023-02-27 19:03:02'),
(3700,3803,'2023-02-27 01:39:40','Mechatroniac','The Inverted Rabbit','It sounds to me like ChatGPT is plotting to serve humanity, in the malevolent anthrovore sense.  \r\n\r\nAnd what a macabre user name it chose.','2023-02-27 19:03:02'),
(3701,3798,'2023-02-27 10:40:46','Luna bittin Jernberg','Slackware Grub','Slackware is using lilo by default, and you don\'t have to create a boot USB stick can just install lilo to the standard disk you install on or install grub from slackpkg and configure that','2023-02-27 19:03:02'),
(3702,3794,'2023-03-01 19:27:31','one_of_spoons','tape cassettes','I have dismantled a few cassette players in the past. The memories make me shudder, but I thought the pieces were neat.\r\nI never have repaired one. I repaired a lot of chewed up cassette tapes though, albeit stretched or with missing sections.','2023-03-01 21:39:51'),
(3703,3806,'2023-03-08 11:32:47','Archer72','Karaoke','I do keep the project that I work on, including the karaoke machine.  What I don\'t do is use it for the intended function, so it is used for the tape and 8 track portion of the device.  At least one of the microphone inputs work, as that is how I recorded to the cassette tape.','2023-03-08 23:28:08'),
(3704,3807,'2023-03-08 23:13:40','brian-in-ohio','forth shows','You could listen to hpr 3477 and hpr 3537 they explain running forth on arduino boards. I\'m using flashforth an explanation on this excellent implimintation of this forth can be found at flashforth.com. This is not a sketch, its a forth that runs on the board and allows interactive control of the microcontroller.','2023-03-08 23:28:08'),
(3705,3809,'2023-03-09 03:22:39','Some Guy on The Internet','The normiees wouldn’t like it.','Do you leave home with this device? If so, are you arrested for having that device? I imagined myself being arrested if I walked around with something like this. Thank you for providing the show.','2023-03-09 22:40:17'),
(3706,3808,'2023-03-09 03:45:36','dnt','funkwhale','Great interview! Thanks for this. I followed the tip about downloading the Funkwhale app for Android and doing anonymous authentication on open.audio. Pretty nice! Using the \"radios\" you can get some nice tunes. I have tried to install Funkwhale a long long time ago, but failed. In the end I just set up mpd and listen through the http output. This show definitely renews my interest. I also enjoyed your brief discussion about copyright, which you said you should continue over a pint, sensibly. I would have a comment on that, but it would be too long for this, so it may come in some other form.','2023-03-09 22:40:17'),
(3707,3809,'2023-03-09 13:59:55','Mechatroniac','captions','pic 1 shows the slit in the lid where the sdcard resides.  Sdcard and slot are protected from being bumped by the strategically placed, glued lid\r\n\r\npic 2 shows charging, microusb cord is coming in from the bottom, LED on charging board illuminates brightly\r\n\r\npic 3 shows both boards glued to bottom lid, with the top lid off','2023-03-09 22:40:18'),
(3708,3809,'2023-03-09 18:04:01','norrist','Premium HPR content','This is a very cool project.  More like this please.','2023-03-09 22:40:18'),
(3709,3810,'2023-03-10 00:48:20','zen_floater2','up-state !','Ahhhh,,  the famous SILVER BELL MINES!!!\r\nWhere few Squirrel go as there is no other tree than cactus.','2023-03-10 21:45:07'),
(3710,3809,'2023-03-10 20:22:36','Mechatroniac','reply','SGOTI - check your local regulations :-)','2023-03-10 21:45:07'),
(3711,3794,'2023-03-14 19:31:01','Jon Kulp','Obsolete Audio Devices Rule','What a beautiful machine! So glad you got it working and recorded an episode about it. Love it. Now if you could only source some vintage karaoke tapes in both formats and sing along for demonstration...','2023-03-14 22:14:13'),
(3712,3761,'2023-03-16 14:53:22','Kevin O\'Brien','Travel journals','I know this is late, but I was traveling when it came out and I\'m just catching up now. Dave made a comment that it sounded like I was reading from a journal when he commented on my show about Southern Arizona. Indeed, that has been my practice, going back to a trip to San Francisco in 1979 where I got engaged to my lovely wife. I think it is well worth the effort to keep your memories alive. Now that I am getting up in years I have decided that I don\'t need more stuff, I just want more memories. So I keep a journal on all of my trips, and I plan to keep doing it.','2023-03-16 18:54:09'),
(3713,3814,'2023-03-16 21:07:06','Stache_AF','I need to speak up','Apparently I need to speak up more because I got really cut off by the silence trunkation. I also wanted to make sure the link to the ham clock software got put in https://www.clearskyinstitute.com/ham/HamClock/','2023-03-16 21:31:25'),
(3714,3814,'2023-03-17 03:03:09','Some Guy on The Internet','I vote for \"Push To Talk\".','For future long format shows, I\'ve included this simple \"how to\" video for Mumble users. It covers \"Toggle Self Mute\" and \"Push To Talk\" keybindings. We should really have some kind of reminder during these events to help with the \"frantic keyboard noise\" issues.\r\n\r\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kcxzP4uPZTs','2023-03-17 20:15:46'),
(3715,3802,'2023-03-18 14:46:02','Kevin O\'Brien','Impressive undertaking','I am very impressed with this. You should definitely feel a sense of accomplishment','2023-03-18 20:23:22'),
(3716,3808,'2023-03-22 00:08:40','Windigo','Piqued interest','Thanks for the great interview! I\'d never heard of this software before, but it sounds very appealing. Looking forward to investigating further!','2023-03-23 09:43:36'),
(3717,3434,'2023-03-24 07:38:12','Mike Ray','Built a cluster in a rack','Just went back to this well remembered show, and used it to build an eight node cluster of Pi4s in a 4U rack. One controller and seven nodes. Great show. Easy to follow.\r\n\r\nThis I have done because I now need to get to grips with OpenShift for work','2023-03-24 19:01:53'),
(3718,3815,'2023-03-24 18:16:11','mirwi','Second delete key -> carriage return?','Hello,\r\nloved the show! It is sometimes nice to remember where we came from, to better appreciate what we have now.\r\n\r\nJust one thought: Could the \"second delete\" key have been the carriage return key? Line feed and returning to the first character of a line are separate signals after all. Or at least they were back then.\r\n\r\nRegards,\r\nmirwi','2023-03-24 19:01:53'),
(3719,3814,'2023-03-26 10:49:12','Ken Fallon','What license','What license is that video under ? I\'d like to have it on the website.','2023-03-26 18:36:44'),
(3720,3815,'2023-03-27 03:07:54','Deltaray','Documentation on keyboard layout','I found this module in PDF that has a description of several of the keys on Univac terminals of the time.\r\n\r\nhttps://www.fourmilab.ch/documents/univac/manuals/pdf/Uniscope/UP-7778r2_Uniscope_Display_Terminal_Operators_Manual_1974.pdf','2023-03-27 18:40:35'),
(3721,3821,'2023-03-27 15:07:12','Trey','Mastodon?','These news shorts are great.  Keep them up.\r\nYou mentioned that you are on Mastodon.  What username should we use to connect with you there?','2023-03-27 18:40:35'),
(3722,3814,'2023-03-27 16:54:34','Some Guy On The Internet','Video License.','The video is CC-BY-SA 4.0.  I\'ve also included a shorter video in the description.  They\'re both CC-BY-SA 4.0.  I\'ll update both video descriptions with the license.','2023-03-27 18:40:36'),
(3723,3751,'2023-03-28 17:57:37','Reto','Noisetorch, the second choice','I was wondering why people who do podcasting buy sensitive condenser microphones. To understand it is recommended to watch 5 seconds of this video.\r\nThe microphone in action, when you spin it away from your mouth https://youtu.be/qjCJbhjFYiA?t=157\r\n\r\nI used a dynamic microphone for TEAMS calls. TEAMS I guess, has some noise cancelling in the software as well. While I could hardly understand the person speaking to me, because of the lawn mower outside my window, the mower was not heard by the other person.\r\n\r\n\r\nWhats the difference between dynamic and condenser microphones: https://musicianshq.com/whats-the-difference-between-dynamic-and-condenser-microphones/','2023-03-28 19:53:54'),
(3724,3821,'2023-03-28 22:45:52','Some Guy On The Internet','My Mastodon handle.','@Yung_Lyun@mastodon.social','2023-03-30 08:47:38'),
(3725,3841,'2023-03-31 12:08:11','Ken Fallon','Move Play button','The play button has now been moved to the top of the episode as requested','2023-03-31 20:58:57'),
(3726,3825,'2023-03-31 20:57:32','Dave Morriss','Great and fascinating show','Hi minnix,\r\n\r\nI found your show very interesting and great to listen to.\r\n\r\nI have a degree in Zoology, so am acquainted with some of the stuff you were talking about, but have never kept fish myself, so a lot was new to me. I\'m not sure I have the resources to start now, but the idea of building a complete ecosystem is very attractive!\r\n\r\nI hope you\'ll do more shows on this subject!\r\n\r\nThanks,\r\nDave','2023-03-31 20:58:57'),
(3727,3825,'2023-03-31 21:48:12','minnix','Thanks Dave','Hi Dave, appreciate the feedback. I just finished editing a video of me creating a natural aquarium. I will post a link to it here in the comments once I publish it. I mainly wanted to explain how this hobby is accessible to everyone and that the closer you get to how a natural system actually works, the healthier your aquarium will be as well as lowering maintenance. Cheers','2023-03-31 21:50:06'),
(3728,3822,'2023-03-31 22:47:45','Windigo','Wrist device','I\'ve worked with some GPS tracking hardware, and they\'re usually much bulkier and require much larger batteries than a 2050 cell. If I had to guess, I would say your wrist device had one purpose: to make sure your wrist was inside it.\r\n\r\nYour phone app probably took care of any and all tracking required. That wrist device simply detected when you cut through that copper band, breaking the circuit, and alerted your phone via bluetooth. Your phone has all of the requisite tracking hardware, but it\'s not physically connected to you. Leave it behind, and you\'d be out of quarantine!\r\n\r\n...But not if they had a device attached to your body, which could detect if it\'s band had been disconnected.','2023-03-31 22:50:18'),
(3729,3823,'2023-04-01 11:32:11','rho`n','Congfiguring HPR site generator','Great show norrist! It did make me revisit the site.cfg file for the generator. I thought I had a section to configure where the templates folder and output folder is, and there is.\r\n\r\nIf you look for:\r\n```\r\n# Configure the location of the templates and the generated HTML\r\n[app_paths]\r\ntemplates_path: ./templates\r\noutput_path: ./public_html\r\n```\r\nWould save you the copy step in your CI steps :)','2023-04-01 18:49:34'),
(3730,3825,'2023-04-01 14:54:26','minnix','video demonstration','Here is a video from my peertube instance that goes into more detail about creating one of these tanks.\r\n\r\nhttps://nightshift.minnix.dev/w/wpz7LehrYLcK4856Lkg6Sq\r\n\r\n- minnix','2023-04-01 18:49:34'),
(3731,3819,'2023-04-03 00:37:55','Zen_floater2','LOOK EVERYBODY!!!','It\'s that Jon Kulp again!\r\nI thought for sure they banished him from the internet for playing a musical instrument.\r\nHe\'s apparently out now!!!','2023-04-03 19:35:13'),
(3732,3825,'2023-04-03 13:07:39','Ahuka','Brings back memories','Thanks for bringing back a lot of memories. I used to keep a bunch of aquariums (all fresh water) back in 1970s, but gave it up shortly after starting in grad school because I just didn\'t have the time. I know you might not think aquariums need so much time, but it is more about how grad school hit me.','2023-04-03 19:35:13'),
(3733,3826,'2023-04-04 11:43:43','Kevin O\'Brien','Updating your profile','I have wanted to update my profile, but I haven\'t discovered how to do it. I cold then add my Mastodon account.','2023-04-04 20:37:17'),
(3734,3825,'2023-04-06 22:17:34','minnix','Hi Ahuka','No trust me I know that aquariums can be very time consuming. Especially the more you have. Things go wrong, they\'re never perfect, that\'s just life. Glad you enjoyed it.','2023-04-07 21:15:46'),
(3735,3831,'2023-04-10 13:38:50','Trey','Great interview','Bumble Bee, Thank you for sharing.  I look forward to hearing more from you in the future.\r\n\r\nSGotI,  What a great interview.  I love this format of open discussion with a guest to get to know them and their perspective on the topics.  Keep up the awesome work!','2023-04-10 21:25:49'),
(3736,3832,'2023-04-14 17:56:24','brian-in-ohio','thank you','Great show minnix. Keep them coming. You might try newpipe to watch youtube anonymously on android.','2023-04-14 18:04:12'),
(3737,3831,'2023-04-14 18:06:23','brian-in-ohio','liked it','I liked the interview. Hope to hear more of your conversations. Its a shame that the cricut is so locked down, but  there are great tools like inkscape to make svg files. Check out pclinuxos magagazine lots of good gimp and inkscape tutorials. Looking forward to when you become a slackware user ;-)','2023-04-14 20:45:36'),
(3738,3828,'2023-04-14 18:12:39','brian-in-ohio','entertaining','New thats entertaining, I like it!','2023-04-14 20:45:37'),
(3739,3831,'2023-04-16 21:17:18','Dave Morriss','Excellent show','I\'m a bit late listening to it but this was a most entertaining and interesting show.\r\n\r\nI\'ve always enjoyed shows with several people interacting, and this was a good example of how to do it! Some great discussion as well as some insights into the Cricut. I\'d heard of these devices and have a daughter who\'d love to have one.\r\n\r\nMore of these types of shows please.','2023-04-16 21:18:18'),
(3740,3822,'2023-04-17 15:54:25','Bookewyrmm','small update','A coworker found this link to an article explaining the functionality of the watch.\r\n\r\nhttps://qz.com/1822215/hong-kong-uses-tracking-wristbands-for-coronavirus-quarantine','2023-04-17 17:19:06'),
(3741,3837,'2023-04-27 15:10:19','brian-in-ohio','intro','The nice thing about an emergency show was hearing the original hpr intro music. I like it so much better than the new intro music. It seems like alot of the people most against the old (better) intro music don\'t produce shows. Go figure...','2023-04-27 20:15:03'),
(3742,3844,'2023-04-27 19:07:17','brian-in-ohio','interesting show','Edgy,.Did I miss it or did the pro podcaster ever mention the show(s) he does?','2023-04-27 20:15:03'),
(3743,3843,'2023-04-27 19:08:33','brian-in-ohio','thanks','Thanks, reminds me why I don\'t listen to mintcast or tllts','2023-04-27 20:15:03'),
(3744,3816,'2023-04-29 14:22:12','Reto','The podcast','Hi Mechatroniac,\r\n\r\nHaving accus on hand with different voltage sounds good.\r\n\r\nAlmost like Ken, I don`t think soldering destroys the accu as long as you have a large soldering iron, why not building a DIY Spot Welding Machine?\r\nI watched some videos in the past like:\r\n\r\nWith parts of an old Microwave: https://youtu.be/vStYS6eoscU?t=184\r\n\r\nor a bit more risky, just a battery. Risky as it has no on/off switch. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yYivIldvS6o\r\n\r\nCheers\r\nReto','2023-04-29 19:36:45'),
(3745,3848,'2023-05-01 17:37:13','Some Guy On the Internet','Live streamed the process.','I\'ve also streamed a Thunderbird client config and the vim filter editing on youtube (CC-BY-SA). The vim editing start around 1:11:35 in the video.\r\n\r\nhttps://www.youtube.com/live/AvgNtZ7Bfcc?feature=share','2023-05-01 19:43:58'),
(3746,3855,'2023-05-02 12:07:35','ClaudioM','$ man ssh','To add, these sequences are also available in the man page for the ssh command. Search for the title \"ESCAPE CHARACTERS\" in the man page.','2023-05-02 19:27:13'),
(3747,3849,'2023-05-05 17:25:41','Kevin O\'Brien','Good advice','Thanks for some good advice. I have several misbehaving computers I need to fix, and your remindeer is thus very timely.','2023-05-05 18:40:58'),
(3748,3850,'2023-05-06 02:57:48','Stache_AF','Space Museum','I\'m surprised you didn\'t stop by the Space History museum and tour of the Gene Roddenberry exhibit. It\'s strange hearing someone talking about things to do nearby and thinking \"was I there when they were?\"','2023-05-06 22:21:58'),
(3749,3850,'2023-05-07 15:46:38','Kevin O\'Brien','Didn\'t know about it.','I never heard of any Space Museum. Where is it? When I get to the my 2022-2023 trip you will find that I hit a number of space-related sites.','2023-05-07 19:41:52'),
(3750,3275,'2023-05-11 08:56:20','Ken Fallon','I need to put this on some Perfboard','Thanks Dave for having the schematic on Archive.org for me to find based on the bash file name.','2023-05-11 16:15:42'),
(3751,3866,'2023-05-12 10:30:13','Archer72','Show Ideas','First of all, welcome here, it was a good introductory show. \r\n\r\nYou mentioned four topics that would be interesting to a lot of listeners\r\n\r\nWeb development/Coding\r\nMathematics\r\nMusic Theory\r\nElectronics pertaining to computer repair\r\n\r\nOn Music theory, I would also like to hear more.  As a child of 12 years, I did play the piano, but did not go far with it.  With that I can still play a few notes.\r\n\r\nWith electronics, less of my experience is in computer repair.  More of this is repairing electronics in a factory setting, although knowledge here is not what it could be.\r\n\r\nMaybe not you but another host might like to do one on Arduino.  Again, limited experience here, but this would be an interesting avenue to explore.\r\n\r\nArcher72','2023-05-12 18:08:00'),
(3752,3538,'2023-05-15 09:14:26','Archer72','My memory','These shows are my memory, not only my shows, but a multitude of other show.   I recently had to reference this one.  I had hoped that Tenacity would be in the Fedora 38 repos, but no.  Still, Tenacity is alive and well and currently has implemented a dark theme, which Audacity has not.   Also newly integrated are the clip handles, to move around audio clips instead of using a separate tool.','2023-05-15 21:20:27'),
(3753,3851,'2023-05-16 21:04:15','Joe','Plugins I Never Heard Of','Great episode. All of the mentioned extensions I have not heard of and looked forward to testing them out. Appreciate you sharing some of the extensions you are using or have found.','2023-05-16 21:28:08'),
(3754,3849,'2023-05-16 21:25:24','Joe','Troubleshooting is an Art','I do agree with your last statement that hast makes waste which leads to jumping to conclusions and not getting the results you expected leading to frustration.\r\n\r\nYou usually have to follow your gut as they say. First impressions, previous experiences related to the given topic, and the right state of mind can lead you to the correct answers quickly. There are particular steps you mentioned you have to walk through in your mind and testing your assumptions to see if you are on the right track. The old adage, that failure is the best teacher to learn from and improve your skills whatever they may be.\r\n\r\nGreat episode get people to implement Critical Thinking skills and enjoy the experience.','2023-05-16 21:28:08'),
(3755,3858,'2023-05-18 19:21:19','Kevin O\'Brien','Great series','I do love the Oh, No! news. Please keep it up.','2023-05-18 20:20:54'),
(3756,3865,'2023-05-27 12:56:16','hammerron','Why Did The Internet Get So Boring','Klaatu,\r\n\r\nI found this podcast to be very relatable to me. I miss the vast quantities of those independent websites such as Geocities that you mentioned. I almost forgot how poor coded they were.  I’d sometimes see text overwritten with graphics on top or other text.  It’s hard for me to complain on that issue, as my own personal website might not be written much better, but it’s mine and I’m learning as I go along.\r\n\r\nThose small sites though, far less common than days gone by had a vibe that is far from the mostly corporate based sites today. It was nice when you’d see a description of what people were doing from their point of view.  A recipe from a grandmother, a hike along a favorite trail, a little known but much loved music group, games, stories, poems.  Many graced with gifs such as dancing flames on a torch, dancing animals, or fantasy castles and dragons perhaps copied from elsewhere. Many had background music from midi files with their electronic tones.\r\n\r\nAs you stated about ‘modern’ sites tending to talk and not listening a lot.  I totally agree.  A problem that I encounter is when doing a web search looking for information the sites often are not a good match with my search terms any more.  Few of the sites offer quality information, most instead being geared for sales (hear them talk).  It’s like entering a library to find that it is not a library, but a department store.\r\n\r\nSomething I’ve recently noticed is that if I look for a particular website (let’s say comparing Linux Distros), I can go to several websites and a few of the sites will have identical descriptions – word for word.  It’s a shame to visit site after site to find information not similar, but identical.\r\n\r\nWell, thank you for the podcast, Klaatu.  And thanks to HPR\r\n\r\nhammerron','2023-05-27 20:36:30'),
(3761,3878,'2023-06-15 08:39:36','foky','one command to get them all','Very interesting. I will save this in the folder of HPR-shows I will listen to again.\r\nBut in everyday use there is one command that\'s giving me all informations I want - inxi.','2023-06-21 09:11:04'),
(3762,3879,'2023-06-22 16:48:25','Kevin O\'Brien','Dr. Campbell','I have also started tuning out Dr. John Campbell for many of the reasons you mentioned, but Excess Deaths is indeed a legitmate issue becasue for various reasons you cannot rely on death certificates and such as a measure of the cause of death.','2023-06-22 17:16:05'),
(3763,3880,'2023-06-22 16:50:44','Kevin O\'Brien','Addendum','A bit after the installation I noticed that the A/C would turn on, but no cold came out. So I called a professional. He verified that I had installed the thermostat correctly. But I forgot to turn the breaker back on for the Condensor unit.','2023-06-22 17:16:05'),
(3764,3884,'2023-06-24 16:40:16','Kevin O\'Brien','PIN Story','Loved the discussion of passwords/PINs.  I have a story about that. My first degree is in History, so when I set up a particular PIN, I took a date from an historical event because no one would guess that. About a year later I had the \"foreheäd slap\"moment when I realized that the 4 digits also matched my wife\'s birthday.','2023-06-24 22:11:42'),
(3765,3876,'2023-07-01 20:05:38','Reto','Good information about recording','Hi Ryuno-Ki,\r\n\r\nAs already mentioned in the HPR Community News for June 2023, my suggestion to listen to:\r\n\r\nSome tips and tricks, for a new host http://hackerpublicradio.org/eps/hpr3673/\r\n\r\nSoftware:\r\nEpisode 3496: How I record HPR Episodes http://hackerpublicradio.org/eps/hpr3496\r\n\r\nEpisode 3698 :: Spectrogram Audacity  http://hackerpublicradio.org/eps/hpr3698\r\n\r\n\r\nFor me, I want to keep it simple for now,  3673 & 3496 are my way to go.\r\n\r\nCheers\r\nReto','2023-07-02 18:57:06'),
(3766,3891,'2023-07-03 16:04:59','norrist','solocast updates','@reto, thanks for mentioning solocast.   I have made a few updates since hpr3496.  The biggest changes are\r\n\r\n- You can now install solocast from the Python Packing Index - https://pypi.org/project/solocast/\r\n- solocast now works with Markdown scripts as requested by Ken - https://gitlab.com/norrist/solocast/-/issues/1','2023-07-03 16:14:02'),
(3767,3891,'2023-07-04 17:51:29','Kevin O\'Brien','My truck','The short answer is that we bought the truck and the RV as a package from a close friend, but we are very glad to have a truck that we don\'t need to worry about when towing.','2023-07-08 15:27:36'),
(3768,3892,'2023-07-05 02:37:03','Klaatu','I love this topic','This is such a great idea for a show. My .emacs file is an unholy mess of config options stolen from colleagues over the years...maybe recording an episode of my own about my configuration would help me clean it up.','2023-07-08 15:27:36'),
(3769,3889,'2023-07-08 14:40:16','Reto','KDirStat is dead, long live QDirStat!','Hi Ken, \r\n\r\nCould it be that you mixed up kdiff3 https://apps.kde.org/kdiff3/ with KDirStat, while we were talking in the \"Community News for June\" show?\r\n\r\n_____\r\nQDirStat is based on that same code from the original KDE 3 KDirStat of 2006. It\'s an 80% rewrite using a lot of newer Qt technologies. And there was a lot of cleaning up that old code base that had been long overdue. \r\n\r\n_____\r\nIf so, QDirStat is also interesting, it comes with nice features like \r\nPackage manager support:\r\n- Show what software package a system file belongs to.\r\n- Packages view showing disk usage of installed software packages and their individual files.\r\n- Unpackaged files view showing what files in system directories do not belong to any installed software package.\r\n\r\nAnd is just an apt install away :-)\r\n\r\nHowever, you helped me anyway!\r\nBecause, while in KDE Dolphin\'s kdiff3 integration can only compare two files in the same folder, I can use it in the terminal with paths to the files like:\r\n\r\nkdiff3 /home/reto/abc.txt   /media/usb/abc.txt\r\n\r\nBr,\r\nReto','2023-07-08 15:27:36'),
(3770,3894,'2023-07-08 16:02:14','Kevin O\'Brien','I loved the show','I\'m looking forward to more from this series. I would humbly suggest that aiming for a one hour show may be a bit much, I think a half-hour would be better, but maybe that is just me.','2023-07-08 16:13:41'),
(3771,3892,'2023-07-11 01:59:18','dnt','Do it!','Yes! It turns out that, by completing the sentence \"Let\'s go through every single package installed in a...\", you can get a bunch of shows! Looking forward to your review of your .emacs','2023-07-12 10:34:24'),
(3772,3889,'2023-07-12 06:08:21','Ken Fallon','QDirstat is nice but I meant kdiff3','Nice tip on QDirstat\r\n\r\n\r\nBut I meant kdiff3 /path/to/old /path/to/new\r\n\r\nPerhaps I need to do a show about this...\r\n\r\n.... hold on - I see what you did there.','2023-07-12 10:34:24'),
(3773,3900,'2023-07-14 13:51:22','Hipstre','Limiter/GPodder','Thanks for this episode. I had never thought to speed up podcasts before. I have the opposite problem when listening. I am always missing things, or wanting to pause to take a note. I will try speeding up some of my podcasts using Change Tempo. I think it will make me more focused on listening.\r\n\r\nI use an RSS reader to deal with my podcasts, I had considered Gpodder in the past. I think I will give it a try again after your description of the workflow.\r\n\r\nI also use Audacity to mod podcasts. I am doing it for slightly different reasons. I like to cut out commercials, and segments I don\'t like. I am not sure if Limiter is a standard Audacity effect or a Ladspa or Nyquist plugin, but it is a great substitute for Amplify/Normalize. When set to \"Soft Limiter\" it acts like a fast riding volume control. It increases the \"power\" massively without clipping like Amplify does.\r\n\r\nA typical starting point for settings for Limiter would be something like:\r\n\r\nType: Soft Limit\r\nInput Gain (mono/Left): 3.00dB\r\nLimit to: -0.1\r\nHold (ms): 1.0\r\n\r\nI separate my automated steps, and do Limiting manually for good results (I like to get MAXIMUM VOLUME because I listen to a lot of podcasts in the car with the windows open). But even while using in a Macro, I think you could find generic settings that are preferable to Amplify/Normalize.','2023-07-14 19:21:57'),
(3774,3883,'2023-07-15 18:53:39','dnt','Clap!','This was fun and new to me. I reproduced this experiment twice. A very opportune time for this show to reach the main feed, only a few days after a famous implosion of a different kind (if you are reading this is the distant future, see \"OceanGate\"). Thanks for this!','2023-07-15 19:53:28'),
(3775,3900,'2023-07-16 15:58:48','Eugene','No need for podcast preprocessing','Hi Ahuka,\r\n\r\nI listen to podcasts on a Sansa Clip+ synced from gPodder too! It\'s an excellent little player.\r\n\r\nSpeaking of the preprocessing, there is no need to do that if you install the open source Rockbox firmware on the player, https://www.rockbox.org/wiki/SansaClip. It works great and has a lot of features! There is a control to increase/decrease pitch and speed while playing; you need to enable the Timestretch option to change them separately (https://download.rockbox.org/daily/manual/rockbox-sansaclipplus/rockbox-buildch4.html#x7-640004.3.3). It took me years before I figured out it was possible to separate the two.\r\n\r\nAlso great for podcasts are: auto resume from the previously paused place, and the ability to make the left/right buttons skip N seconds instead of to the prev/next track.\r\n\r\nHave a good day!','2023-07-16 16:32:47'),
(3776,3900,'2023-07-17 12:04:50','Kevin O\'Brien','Sansa Clip+','I used a Sansa Clip+ with Rockbox for a long time, but now the Sansa Clip+ is unavailable. The way I do it now, I can use any MP3 player.','2023-07-17 15:57:57'),
(3777,3901,'2023-07-18 16:51:36','Reto','aCalendar on Android','Hi operat0r,\r\n\r\nI am in the same boat about forgetting appointments.\r\n\r\naCalendar is what I use for years and I like to say, it is the best calendar.\r\nI mention to you just one function: To copy an entry is as simple as it gets and so I you keep your history, instead of moving an entry. It also offers to create several entries, instead of a series. \r\nhttp://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.withouthat.acalendar\r\n\r\nThe website for more information: http://acalendar.tapirapps.de\r\n\r\n\r\nNot synced with Google, I created a calendar that is as private as it gets. So I have to make backups. Backup your calendar with: iCal Import/Export CalDAV \r\nhttp://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=tk.drlue.icalimportexport.premium\r\n\r\nThe Website: http://ical.drlue.at/\r\n\r\nTo support the developer I had to get the Pro Version, now it runs automated backups. Very useful app for me.\r\n\r\nMy two cents to your show.\r\n\r\nBr,\r\nReto','2023-07-18 17:01:42'),
(3778,3909,'2023-07-29 20:13:11','dnt','Great show, keep em coming!','Thanks for this! Well done, and plenty for the listener to think about! Looking forward to more.','2023-07-29 21:20:16'),
(3785,3904,'2023-08-02 10:34:28','Beeza','Frienships','Hi Klaatu. Great show and very thought provoking. \r\n\r\nYou missed one type of friendship that applies to me and, I dare say, many others.\r\n\r\nI grew up and went to school in London and became one of a group of 7 \"mates\". We never used the term \"friends\" in case we were deemed \"soft\" - crazy I know. Over the years we have all moved away from each other, in one case to the other side of the world, so we often only meet one another once or twice a year, sometimes not even that, and don\'t even converse by phone or messaging much in between. Despite that we all know that we can totally rely on one another should the need arise, and when we do meet the intervening months or years simply have no relevance.\r\n\r\nApart from my immediate family, of course, these people are closer to me than anybody else but the need to be in constant contact just doesn\'t exist. It\'s the polar opposite of people who are constantly on Facebook communicating with \"friends\" they\'ve never met, and really know nothing about with any certainty.','2023-08-02 10:43:24'),
(3780,3910,'2023-07-29 20:15:03','dnt','Game mechanics','This was interesting, I like your discussion of the game mechanics. This is why these games are so engrossing, when you get into them!','2023-07-29 21:20:16'),
(3781,3904,'2023-07-29 20:16:37','dnt','Friends','Thanks for this! I listened to it on the way home from work and continued to think about it well into the evening.','2023-07-29 21:20:17'),
(3782,3902,'2023-07-29 20:18:55','dnt','ffmpeg','I\'m looking forward to more of this. I haven\'t used ffmpeg much anymore, but it was essential to me in my videographer and video editor days. It\'s one of those applications that it\'s hard to imagine being without it, and amazing that we have it. Thanks!','2023-07-29 21:20:17'),
(3783,3903,'2023-07-29 20:20:23','dnt','systemd','I think this was an excellent perspective on systemd. Something that\'s good for servers and for the overall enterprise linux world is not necessarily good for my laptop and it turns out that\'s ok. Great stuff!','2023-07-29 21:20:17'),
(3784,3896,'2023-07-29 20:23:31','dnt','Ruins','Thanks for sharing this! I did not know about it. I have long hoped to visit Skara Brae someday, so here\'s another potential stop for me. I would enjoy hearing more of this.','2023-07-29 21:20:17'),
(3786,3916,'2023-08-07 19:53:33','dnt','grandfather clock','had a great laugh at Ken\'s description of the proper environment in which to enjoy one of spoons\' shows.','2023-08-07 19:55:57'),
(3787,3856,'2023-08-08 06:37:27','tuturto','great show','I loved listening you explaining about painting toy soldiers. I wanted to add, that if time needed to paint a 28mm figurine is too long, one can always try switching to a different scale. I especially enjoyed 10mm ancients, because they\'re faster to paint and look quite nice from the arms length.','2023-08-08 14:14:59'),
(3788,3840,'2023-08-08 06:57:58','tuturto','this brings back memories','I used to play civilization a lot and it\'s still a very awesome game. In my very first game, things went horribly wrong and when I finally got around having chariots, my neighbour just demolished them with their tanks. I clearly had been focusing on wrong things on that time.\r\n\r\nI\'m thinking that we should get our daughter to give it a try too and experience that \"one more turn\" behaviour.','2023-08-08 14:14:59'),
(3790,3919,'2023-08-10 15:41:59','one_of_spoons','Morphic resonance.','Some years ago I met someone who had been smoothing the staccato out from their voice. I noticed how some people yank their emphasis around, while others map layers of lilting meaning; almost musical but without singing.  \r\nAlso I noticed how speaking a different language presented the opportunity to shake out some vocal habits.','2023-08-10 16:01:26'),
(3791,3919,'2023-08-12 12:26:52','tuturto','lilting','That is a good advice. Lilting, a voice that raises and falls, is often perceived more feminine than a steady one that doesn\'t change pitch that much. Another slightly related term is uptalk, where pitch raises slightly towards the end of sentence, making a statement sound more like a question. Uptalk is often perceived feminine, although it\'s not exclusively feminine trait.','2023-08-12 13:42:07'),
(3792,3922,'2023-08-15 08:22:08','tuturto','my condolences','I\'m sorry for your loss.\r\n\r\nAlso, interesting to learn about silent key. I wasn\'t aware of that before.','2023-08-15 16:29:13'),
(3793,3922,'2023-08-16 14:59:41','thelovebug','My condolences','I\'m sorry to hear of Michael KV4YD\'s passing.  Everyone in the amateur radio community mourns his passing.  It\'s never nice to hear of new silent keys.  Thank you for looking after the administration of his records.\r\n\r\n73 de Dave M7TLB','2023-08-16 16:00:33'),
(3794,3921,'2023-08-16 18:11:07','Kevin O\'Brien','Hearing 5150','It was a pleasant surprise to her 5150 again. He was a good friend even though I only saw him at conferences. I miss him. And did he say he had invited Tracy Holz to join the Audio Book Club? Tracy is a good guy too.','2023-08-16 19:50:59'),
(3795,3855,'2023-08-16 21:24:28','Windigo','Secrets','Thanks for the episode! It feels like SSH escape sequence are secret commands, and I feel cooler for knowing about them.','2023-08-16 21:35:08'),
(3796,3917,'2023-08-21 12:06:52','one_of_spoons','breaking the spell','I look forward to including responses to some of the points you made, into future episodes.\r\nTaxation can compel efforts to satisfy state orders by acceding to employment, but the extent to which a private citizen can refuse legal tender, is a measure of their freedom. \r\nA lot of trigger words in there of course.\r\nTo avoid collapsing back into money talk for a while though, I aim to report on some accessible tools.','2023-08-21 12:29:59'),
(3797,3917,'2023-08-23 02:07:25','dnt','re: breaking the spell','Looking forward to it! In the interim, I shall procure a grandfather clock.','2023-08-23 08:56:11'),
(3798,3919,'2023-08-23 02:17:03','dnt','hacking your voice','This was amazing and completely unknown to me! Also thanks for sharing that youtube channel. Thanks!','2023-08-23 08:56:11'),
(3799,3896,'2023-08-23 05:07:17','Windigo','Intriguing show topic','Not only did I enjoy your episode, but I think the concept behind it is worth exploring. We have HPR hosts across the globe, and surely each of us lives near something worth an episode.','2023-08-23 08:56:12'),
(3800,3926,'2023-08-23 13:10:15','Trey','Thank you for sharing.','A long time ago (As a young adult) I studied Taekwondo (TKD) for many years, eventually earning my brown belt.  It taught me discipline and forced me to develop a level of physical precision I had been lacking.\r\n\r\nSadly, life events intervened, and I discontinued my training.  A couple decades later, I tried Isshinryu karate, but I struggled to \"unlearn\" stances and techniques which were still ingrained in my muscle memory.  \r\n\r\nFor fun, I tries to work through some of the TKD poomsae (Forms or the equivalent of Kata), and I remembered several of them!  Time to get these old bones moving again.\r\n\r\nThank you, again for sharing.','2023-08-23 13:59:45'),
(3801,3928,'2023-08-23 13:22:50','Trey','Good Heavens!!','Thanks for sharing this awesome show.  Always good to see how different people approach similar tasks.','2023-08-23 13:59:45'),
(3802,3928,'2023-08-25 03:19:13','dnt','Good heavens!!!!!!','Several laugh out loud moments with some guy on the internet here. The one I would clip and attach to the fridge is \"See, in open source, we provide you with tools that, that if you do not specifically say, do not download the entire internet, you will then download\r\nthe entire internet.\" (thanks for setting up that automatic transcription, janitors!)','2023-08-25 09:08:22'),
(3803,3926,'2023-08-28 01:28:41','Hipernike','You\'re Welcome!','You\'re Welcome!','2023-08-28 10:24:21'),
(3804,3919,'2023-08-28 08:02:27','tuturto','you\'re welcome','You\'re welcome dnt. I\'m glad you found this episode interesting. That youtube channel goes much deeper in the details and there\'s a cool video where she\'s playing back voice samples from the past.','2023-08-28 10:24:21'),
(3805,3933,'2023-08-30 16:14:53','Trey','Thank you for sharing.','I love the way people like you all stay so organized.\r\n\r\nI have struggled with organization all my life.  I have tried everything from cheap planners to Franklin (expensive), with little success.  I eventually converted my Franklin planner to keep flight notes and checklists from my general aviation days.\r\n\r\nThe best I can do now is using Google Calendar, Google Keep (Please keep the flames to a minimum), and good old steno pads for note taking (From which I transcribe the important bits later).\r\n\r\nThank you for sharing so much excellent advice.  You both ROCK!!','2023-08-30 16:42:11'),
(3806,3933,'2023-08-31 19:13:40','Kinghezy','Interesting topic','I enjoyed this like Trey. I have note-taking down at work but realized (again) with this episode, like Trey that notes&planning for my personal life is lacking. I like the idea of using a planner for both the planning and note-taking, and may try that.','2023-08-31 19:54:22'),
(3807,3934,'2023-09-04 14:52:43','Kevin O\'Brien','Loved the show','I was really happy to listen to this show. This is a kind of game I need to explore more.','2023-09-04 15:06:12'),
(3808,3938,'2023-09-07 04:24:33','dnt','Update','Since this recording, the developer of Open Radio has released an update fixing the issue with Android Auto, so now that is the app to use, for me.','2023-09-07 07:28:35'),
(3809,3937,'2023-09-16 20:13:34','Windigo','Clever static IP solution','I run a similar pihole setup, and had never thought of adding an IP lease for the pihole itself. What a neat way to keep your addressing in one place!\r\n\r\nThanks, I enjoyed your episode and look forward to your next contribution!','2023-09-16 20:30:50'),
(3810,3940,'2023-09-19 13:04:18','Reto','Tires','Hi Ahuka,\r\n\r\nIt is really a good thing that you maintain a diary, but on the other hand I got the impression that some hard feelings came up on revisiting that time :) .\r\nHere in Switzerland the complete valve is replaced, when the tire is replaced. Just as a side note.\r\n\r\nAs always I enjoyed your show.\r\n\r\nBr, Reto','2023-09-19 14:15:55'),
(3811,3946,'2023-09-19 13:09:19','Reto','Previously','Hi Sgoti,\r\n\r\nPreviously on HPR!\r\nI love the intro, the voice just a touch lower and I would have thought I watch an USA TV series.\r\n\r\nBrilliant, small things make a difference.\r\n\r\nCheers, Reto','2023-09-19 14:15:55'),
(3812,3941,'2023-09-19 13:24:57','Reto','honesty','Hi both,\r\n\r\nThis was a good show and Yosef\'s anwers how he reflected openly his shortcomings, but than again, beeing aware of it is the key to change.\r\nThe one thing I disagree, co2. This is making this earth nothing more but more green, which is brilliant. There is 0,038% CO2 in the air. Not even 1 %.\r\nco2 is one of the heaviest gas, therefore it is on the ground. A greenhouse caries the glass roof to keep the heat. Just as a side note, to think about. \r\nAnd surely does the climate change, why not?\r\n\r\nI will listen to it again as it was overall interesting.\r\n\r\nCheers, Reto','2023-09-19 14:15:55'),
(3813,3940,'2023-09-20 12:22:05','Kevin O\'Brien','Telling it like it is','My objective has been to simply tell the things that happened, including the things where we made a mistake, i.e. warts and all. That way it might be of use to others.','2023-09-20 13:39:25'),
(3814,3948,'2023-09-24 20:36:03','Kevin O\'Brien','TUCOWS','I do remember TUCOWS, and asa it happens they are still around, but they changed businesses from being a software repository to being an Internet Services Company. I use their Hover subsidiary as my Domain Name Registrar.','2023-09-24 20:58:18'),
(3815,3953,'2023-10-01 06:55:46','Mr Young','LLMs are great if you use them right','Great show. I\'ve been using LLMs for work lately, and they are great at certain activities, as long as you don\'t expect them to act like humans with common sense. There are certain NLP tasks like document Q&A that were near impossible before LLMs that are a few lines of code now.\r\n\r\nFor a lay-person interacting with Bard, ChatGPT, etc. I recommend the following sites for understanding how to ask LLMs good prompts:\r\n\r\nhttps://docs.google.com/presentation/d/17b_ocq-GL5lhV_bYSShzUgxL02mtWDoiw9xEroJ5m3Q/edit?pli=1#slide=id.gc6f83aa91_0_79\r\n\r\nhttps://learnprompting.org/docs/intro\r\nhttps://www.promptingguide.ai/','2023-10-01 10:36:51'),
(3816,3941,'2023-10-02 00:17:11','dnt','Great interview!','Thank you for this, it was a great listen. I used to brew kefir and would love to start doing it again. At one of my former jobs there were a few people who made kefir so we could get each other fresh grains all the time, but without a local group it can be hard.','2023-10-02 09:39:04'),
(3817,3947,'2023-10-09 01:59:41','brian-in-ohio','feedback','Really liked this show. Entertaining and informative!','2023-10-09 10:17:21'),
(3818,3961,'2023-10-10 19:32:54','caezr','hello','Hi Mugs Up!','2023-10-10 19:41:36'),
(3819,3965,'2023-10-15 22:39:51','Keith (kdmurray)','LOTR Challenge','Very interesting, Daniel! I\'m always on the lookout for some more reasons (or self-bribery) to help get me to move more.\r\n\r\nFor anyone else who\'s interested I\'ve included the link below.\r\nhttps://www.theconqueror.events/shire/','2023-10-16 08:28:06'),
(3820,3966,'2023-10-17 01:50:49','Windigo','It\'s all relative','Thank you for the configuration for relative line numbering! That was immediately added to my vimrc.\r\n\r\nI might have to comb through this episode a second time to make sure I didn\'t miss any gems. Much appreciated!','2023-10-17 12:15:42'),
(3821,3941,'2023-10-24 20:22:01','Windigo','Great conversation','I thoroughly enjoyed this episode! The comedian you discussed is Hannah Gadsby; she\'s an autistic Australian comedian, and her stories about misreading social situations are one of my favorite bits of her comedy specials!\r\n\r\nAs for Reto\'s views on climate change... the global scientific consensus seems to disagree with you. They may not have checked for \"extra green\" and how heavy CO2 is, though. You might want to give scientists the heads-up before the waste any more time.','2023-10-24 20:54:13'),
(3822,3971,'2023-10-28 22:48:22','kdmurray','Great Series','Really enjoying the series sgoti. I appreciate that you\'ve gone to the trouble of gathering people together to try to expand the number of voices for this topic and all the ancillary things as well like the role of the Internet in how people think about their offline relationships.','2023-10-29 10:25:45'),
(3823,3978,'2023-11-05 18:50:42','Kevin O\'Brien','Good show','This was interesting and I enjoyed seeing the perspective of an operator. I have made it a practice to be courteous to truck drivers because they have enough weird stuff to deal with.','2023-11-05 19:06:21'),
(3824,3981,'2023-11-06 10:42:23','Hobson Lane (hobs)','Ken\'s comment about demand avoidance','Love the monthly Community News shows. Ken\'s comment about resisting the demands of his past self from reminders apps struck a chord with me. I\'ve been struggling with PDA (persistent/pathological demand avoidance) myself. I\'ll record a response show to summarize some things I\'ve learned from other podcasts that help boost my intrinsic motivation -- things like random rewards (to prevent external rewards from swamping your intrinsic motivation dopamine high). Dave\'s idea to use rituals and habits is also something that sometimes works for me. Rely admire the high quality open source technical infrastructure that keeps this community thriving and the supportive vibe of all the hosts and contributors. It gives me hope for the future of social media and the Internet.','2023-11-06 10:45:43'),
(3825,3984,'2023-11-09 15:21:35','Trey','Really?  You are sharing this with the world?','Dude!  I thought we were keeping this on the down low?  And you are naming names?\r\n\r\nNow I need to contact witness protection AGAIN!\r\n\r\nSMH...','2023-11-09 15:26:35');
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  `explicit` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 1,
  `license` varchar(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'CC-BY-SA',
  `tags` varchar(200) NOT NULL,
  `version` int(5) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
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INSERT INTO `eps` (`id`, `date`, `title`, `duration`, `summary`, `notes`, `hostid`, `series`, `explicit`, `license`, `tags`, `version`, `downloads`, `valid`) VALUES (1,'2007-12-31','Introduction to HPR',1373,'In this first ever show on Hacker Public Radio, StankDawg and Enigma introduce HPR.','<p>\r\nIn this first ever show on Hacker Public Radio, <a href=\"https://hackerpublicradio.org/correspondents/0055.html\">StankDawg</a> and <a href=\"https://hackerpublicradio.org/correspondents/0039.html\">Enigma</a> introduce HPR.\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nThe story of Hacker Public Radio begins where <a href=\"https://www.oldskoolphreak.com/radio.html\">Radio FreeK America</a> leaves off. StankDawg was a busy with <a href=\"https://www.binrev.com/forums/index.php/files/category/3-binary-revolution-radio/\">Binary Revolution Radio</a> and so the idea lay dormant for some time. Then <a href=\"https://hackerpublicradio.org/correspondents/0001.html\">droops</a>, another podcaster (<a href=\"https://audio.textfiles.com/shows/infonomicon/\">Infonomicon</a>) who was inspired by RFA got together with <a href=\"https://hackerpublicradio.org/correspondents/0003.html\">dosman</a> to start <a href=\"https://www.twatech.org/\">TWaTech</a> Today with a Techie, a pun on <a href=\"https://twit.tv/\">Twit</a>. About a year in <a href=\"https://hackerpublicradio.org/correspondents/0039.html\">Enigma</a> took over operations from portrello.\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nContinuing on from Today with a Techie, HPR will air anything that is <em>Of interest to hackers</em>. Think, hacking, phone preaking, politics, survival, caffeine, linux, movie reviews, game reviews, etc. There is no restriction on the length but the shows will have the intro and outro added, which was kindly donated by <a href=\"https://hackerpublicradio.org/correspondents/0042.html\">slick0</a>. Additionally there is the option to have miniseries where the hosts can have running topics to cover an issue in more detail. A mini series can also be open to so that multiple people can contribute to one topic.\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nAbove all HPR is a Community Network.\r\n</p>\r\n',55,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','hpr, twat, community',0,4737,1),
(9,'2008-01-10','This old Hack 4',2547,'Fixing a leak in a pressure based water well and making a Didgeridoo.','<p>\r\nContinuing the TWaT series, we go outside and get some background to water wells with pressure tanks and pressure switches. Also making a Didgeridoo<br />\r\n<a href=\"https://www.wikihow.com/Make-a-Didgeridoo-out-of-PVC-Pipe\">https://www.wikihow.com/Make-a-Didgeridoo-out-of-PVC-Pipe</a>\r\n</p>\r\n',75,5,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','water well, pressure tank, pressure switch, Didgeridoo, hardware',0,3535,1),
(2,'2008-01-01','Customization the Lost Reason',1534,'deepgeek talks about Customization being the lost reason in switching from windows to linux','<p>Today deepgeek talks about Customization being the lost reason in switching from windows to Linux. He points out that the PC stands for <em>Personal</em> Computer. To many on windows this means they can change the desktop wallpaper. </p>\r\n<p>He believes that by explaining the ability to Customise the working environment is the power of Linux. You can customise the services running, whether you wish to use a <a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Command-line_interface\">command line interface</a>, a basic <a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Window_manager\">Window Manager</a>, or a Lightweight or Full Featured <a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Desktop_environment\">Desktop Environment</a></p>\r\n<p>Finally he ends with a tribute to <a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seymour_Cray\">Seymour Cray</a></p>\r\n',73,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Linux, Desktop Environment, Window Manager, Seymour Cray',0,1551,1),
(3,'2008-01-02','Lost Haycon Audio',2850,'Morgellon and others traipse around in the woods geocaching at midnight','<p>\r\nIt\'s 12:10AM on the 10th of November 2007 and Morgellon, droops and phyboy are at Haycon, one of the first <a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unconference\">Unconference<a>s. The conversations turns to <a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geocaching\">Geocaching</a>, and so armed with laptop, flash light (and possibly beer) our intrepid explorers head off to do a night time run. Here the way is marked by reflectors that are difficult to see in day time.</p>\r\n<p>\r\nAlong the way we hear crickets, tales of wolves, forgotten roads, civil war destruction, abandoned cemeteries and how karma came to one real estate developer.\r\n</p>',25,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','haycon, Unconference, Geocaching ',0,1410,1),
(4,'2008-01-03','Firefox Profiles',415,'Peter explains how to move firefox profiles from machine to machine ','<p>\r\nPeter explains how to move firefox profiles from machine to machine even between OSX, Windows and Linux. The biggest issue is actually locating the profile and this is covered in the following article.<br />\r\n<a href=\"https://kb.mozillazine.org/Profile_folder_-_Firefox\">https://kb.mozillazine.org/Profile_folder_-_Firefox</a>\r\n</p>',74,0,0,'CC-BY-NC-SA','firefox, profiles, osx, windows, linux',0,1524,1),
(5,'2008-01-06','Database 101 Part 1',1064,'1st part of the Database 101 series with Stankdawg','<p>\r\n1st part of the Database 101 series with Stankdawg. He defines data as <em>a collection of facts from which conclusions may be drawn</em> while information is <em>the application of data</em>. While a database is a collection of data, regardless of whether it is a text file, spreadsheet etc.\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nThe larger the amount of data the slower text, and spreadsheets get. This is where a database management system comes in. A common database type is a Relational Database like Oracle, Microsoft SQL, PostgreSQL or MYSQL<br />\r\n<a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Relational_database\">https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Relational_database</a>\r\n</p>\r\n',55,4,0,'CC-BY-NC-SA','introduction, Relational Database',0,2144,1),
(6,'2008-01-08','Part 15 Broadcasting',2155,'dosman and zach from the packetsniffers talk about Part 15 Broadcasting which is low power ','dosman and zach from the packetsniffers talk about Part 15 Broadcasting which is low power broadcasting for the local area. Used to do community radio around an event, a church, concerts etc. They discuss what the regulations are in the US, what you need, how to get started, what things to consider. All in all great introduction to the topic.\r\n</p>\r\n<h2>links</h2>\r\n<ul>\r\n<li>Part 15 broadcasting resources: <a href=\"https://www.part15.us\">https://www.part15.us</a></li>\r\n<li>SSTRAN AMT3000 part 15 transmitter: <a href=\"https://www.sstran.com\">https://www.sstran.com</a></li>\r\n<li>FCC Low Power Broadcast Radio Stations: <a href=\"https://www.fcc.gov/guides/low-power-broadcast-radio-stations\">https://www.fcc.gov/guides/low-power-broadcast-radio-stations</a></li>\r\n<li>Windows Radio Broadcast software: <a href=\"https://www.zarastudio.es/en/ \">https://www.zarastudio.es/en/ </a></li>\r\n</ul>\r\n',3,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Part 15, HAM, soldering, fcc, radio',0,1344,1),
(7,'2008-01-09','Orwell Rolled over in his grave',530,'deepgeek reviews the film \"Orwell Rolls in His Grave\"','<p>\r\nIn today\'s show deepgeek reviews the film \"Orwell Rolls in His Grave\" which according to wikipedia is:\r\n</p>\r\n\r\n<blockquote>\r\nOrwell Rolls in His Grave is a 2003 documentary film written and directed by Robert Kane Pappas. Covered topics include the Telecommunications Act of 1996, concentration of media ownership, political corruption, Federal Communications Commission (FCC), the controversy over the US presidential election of 2000 (particularly in Florida with Bush v. Gore), and the October surprise conspiracy theory.\r\n</blockquote>\r\n',73,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','film review, corruption',0,2071,1),
(8,'2008-01-10','Asus EeePC',1688,'Mubix and Redanthrax discuss the EEEpc','<p>\r\nMubix and Redanthrax discuss the EEpc where they discuss prices and configurations available at the time. They discuss the reliability os solidstate drives and mention that there are no moving parts.<br />\r\n<a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asus_Eee_PC\">https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asus_Eee_PC</a>\r\n</p>\r\n<blockquote>\r\nThe Asus Eee PC is a netbook computer line from ASUSTeK Computer Incorporated, and a part of the Asus Eee product family. At the time of its introduction in late 2007, it was noted for its combination of a lightweight, Linux-based operating system, solid-state drive (SSD), and relatively low cost. Newer models added the options of Microsoft Windows operating system, rotating media hard disk drives (HDD) and initially retailed for up to 500 euro.<br />\r\nThe first Eee PC was a milestone in the personal computer business, launching the netbook category of small, low cost laptops in the West (in Japan, subnotebooks had long been a staple in computing). According to Asus, the name Eee derives from \"the three Es\", an abbreviation of its advertising slogan for the device: \"Easy to learn, Easy to work, Easy to play\".<br />\r\nIn January 2013, Asus officially ended production of their Eee PC series due to declining sales as a result of consumers favoring tablets and Ultrabooks over netbooks. However they subsequently restarted the line with the release of the 1015 series.\r\n</blockquote>\r\n<p>\r\nThey also review backtrack:<br />\r\n<a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BackTrack\">https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BackTrack</a>\r\n</p>\r\n<blockquote>\r\nBackTrack was a Linux distribution, superseded by Kali Linux, that focused on security based on the Ubuntu Linux distribution aimed at digital forensics and penetration testing use. In March 2013, the Offensive Security team rebuilt BackTrack around the Debian distribution and released it under the name Kali Linux.\r\n</blockquote>\r\n\r\n ',62,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','eeepc, backtrack',0,4317,1),
(10,'2008-01-13','The Linux Boot Process Part 1',1504,'An introduction to Linux Boot looking at the differences between SystemV and BSD style systems','Linux Boot Process - Part I\nSystemV vs BSD Style Scripts\n\nIn part one of the Linux Boot Series we take a top level look at the Linux boot process and discuss some of the differences between SystemV based systems and BSD style systems. <br>\n I focus on RedHat, Slackware, Ubuntu (Debian) and Arch Linux.  Below are some resources for further information.<br>\n\n<a href=\"https://www.redhat.com/docs/manuals/linux/RHL-9-Manual/ref-guide/s1-boot-init-shutdown-process.html\">Redhat - RHL 9 boot - shutdown process</a> <br>\n<a href=\"https://openskills.info/infobox.php?IDbox=1042\">Slackware Boot Process</a> <br>\n<a href=\"https://www.debianhelp.co.uk/boot.htm\">Debian Boot Process</a> <br>\n<a href=\"https://searchenterpriselinux.techtarget.com/ateQuestionNResponse/0,289625,sid39_gci1089299,00.html\">Basic overview of SystemV vs BSD Systems</a> <br>\n<a href=\"https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/library/l-linuxboot/index.html\">IBM developer works book - Linux Boot Process</a><br>\n\n<a href=\"https://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/handbook/handbook-x86.xml\">Gentoo Handbook for x86</a><br> - It\'s hard to specify one chapter because Gentoo\'s documentation is top notch and very informative.  Review the installation and initscripts chapters in particular.\n\n',7,6,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Linux, boot, systemv, bsd, init',0,4606,1),
(11,'2008-01-14','dd_rhelp',520,'Using dd_rescue to rescue data from a hard-disk with bad sectors','<a href=\"https://del.icio.us/operat0r/dd_rescue\"> https://del.icio.us/operat0r/dd_rescue </a>\r\n<br>',36,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','dd_rescue,dd_rhelp,backup,clone,image,rescue',0,4033,1),
(12,'2008-01-16','Xen',1120,'An overview of virtualisation with Xen','<a href=\"https://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/research/srg/netos/papers/2003-xensosp.pdf\">https://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/research/srg/netos/papers/2003-xensosp.pdf </a>\r\n<br>\r\n<a href=\"https://xen.org/\">https://xen.org/</a>\r\n<br>\r\n<a href=\"https://xensource.org/\"> https://xensource.org/ </a>\r\n<br>\r\n<a href=\"https://www.howtoforge.com\"> https://www.howtoforge.com </a>\r\n<br>\r\ndebian_etch_xen_from_debian_repository\r\n\r\n',48,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','VMware,virtualisation,hypervisor',0,2645,1),
(13,'2008-01-17','LPI Certifications Part 1',960,'Ken Fallon is preparing for his \'Linux Professional Institute Certification\' (LPIC)','Ken Fallon, wants his \'Linux Professional Institute Certification\' (LPIC). He must be serious, because he\'s publicly preparing for it on HPR – no pressure, Ken. In this first episode of the series, he explains the certification process, sets up his practice system, and begins covering study material, for the 101 exam. He\'s using a detailed study guide, provided by IBM developerWorks. <br>\r\n\r\n<a href=\"https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/linux/lpi\"> IBM Developer Works: (LPI) exam prep </a> <br>\r\n\r\n<a href=\"\"> \r\nThe Booting Process of the PC </a> <br> \r\n\r\nSystem Boot Sequence <br>\r\n<a href=\"https://www.pcguide.com/ref/mbsys/bios/boot_Sequence.htm\">https://www.pcguide.com/ref/mbsys/bios/boot_Sequence.htm </a> <br>\r\n<a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Booting\"> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Booting </a> <br>\r\n<a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bootstrapping_%28computing%29\"> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bootstrapping_%28computing%29 </a> <br>\r\n\r\n\r\n----------------------------------------------<br>\r\nOther Links: <br>\r\n----------------------------------------------<br>\r\nLPI Certification Self-Study Guide<br>\r\n<a href=\"https://www.happy-monkey.net/LPI/\">https://www.happy-monkey.net/LPI/ </a> <br>\r\n\r\nWiki Book: LPI Certification <br>\r\n<a href=\"https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/LPI_Linux_Certification\">https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/LPI_Linux_Certification </a> <br>\r\n\r\n----------------------------------------------<br>\r\nSoftware: <br>\r\n---------------------------------------------- <br>\r\nVmware Server <br>\r\n<a href=\"https://www.vmware.com/download/server/\r\nVMware-server-1.0.4-56528.tar.gz\"> https://www.vmware.com/download/server/VMware-server-1.0.4-56528.tar.gz </a> <br>\r\n\r\nCentOS <br>\r\n<a href=\"https://isoredirect.centos.org/centos/5/isos/i386/\r\nCentOS-5.1-i386-netinstall.iso\"> https://isoredirect.centos.org/centos/5/isos/i386/CentOS-5.1-i386-netinstall.iso </a> <br>\r\nSelect FTP Site from mirror list <br>\r\n<a href=\"https://www.centos.org/modules/tinycontent/index.php?id=13./5.1/os/i386/\">https://www.centos.org/modules/tinycontent/index.php?id=13\r\n./5.1/os/i386/ </a> <br>\r\nE.g for ftp location: <br>\r\nftp.tudelft.nl <br>\r\npub/Linux/centos.org/5.1/os/i386/images\r\n<br>\r\nDebian Netinstall<br>\r\n<a href=\"https://cdimage.debian.org/debian-cd/4.0_r1/i386/iso-cd/\r\ndebian-40r1-i386-netinst.iso\"> https://cdimage.debian.org/debian-cd/4.0_r1/i386/iso-cd/debian-40r1-i386-netinst.iso </a> <br> \r\n\r\n---------------------------------------------- <br>\r\nOnline Assesment <br> \r\n---------------------------------------------- <br>\r\n<a href=\"https://www.redhat.com/apps/training/assess/\">https://www.redhat.com/apps/training/assess/ </a>\r\n<br>\r\n<a href=\"https://www.linux-praxis.de/lpisim/lpi101sim/index.html\">https://www.linux-praxis.de/lpisim/lpi101sim/index.html </a> <br>\r\n<br>\r\nShownotes by: diggsit\r\n',30,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Linux Professional Institute Certification,LPIC',0,3844,1),
(14,'2008-01-18','Databases 101 Part 2',1569,'Part 2 of Database 101 with Stankdawg','<h3>RDBMS - Relational Database Management System</h3>\n\n<p><em>Relational Model</em>: when there are relationships between items of\ndata such as products, customers and orders</p>\n\n<p>A database contains two-dimensional <em>tables</em> which are similar in\nconcept to spreadsheets. Each table contains columns and rows like\na spreadsheet, but these are called <em>fields</em> and <em>records</em> in\ndatabase terminology</p>\n\n<p>Data is stored in tables but is broken down into the most efficient form\nsuch that there is no duplication. This process is called\n<em>normalisation</em>.</p> \n\n<p>Fields have data types associated with them, such as numeric fields for\nstoring numbers or text fields for storing text.</p>\n\n<p>Tables have <em>keys</em> to simplify searching. <em>Primary keys</em> are\nused to make records in a table unique.</p>\n\n<p><small>Shownotes by: Dave Morriss, 2015-08-14</small></p>\n',55,4,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','RDBMS,table,normalisation,field,record,key,primary key',0,2394,1),
(15,'2008-01-20','Spring Cleaning',275,'In spring cleaning, Plexi discusses the personal information contained in trash','“Too much information”, that\'s what Plexi, finds on old papers and receipts. <bt>\r\n<br>\r\nShownotes by: diggsit',57,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','security,personal information,rubbish,trash',0,1575,1),
(16,'2008-01-22','Benefits of Virtualization',1120,'Why you would want to use, and the benefits of virtual machines','\r\n\r\nVirtual Machines Part 1.  Deepgeek, defines \'Virtual Machine\', and gives examples of when it\'s advantageous to use one.  The docdropper companion article can be found at the following address:  <br> <a href=\"\r\n\r\nhttps://www.docdroppers.org/wiki/index.php?title=Benefits_of_Virtual_Machines\"> \r\nhttps://www.docdroppers.org/wiki/index.php?title=Benefits_of_Virtual_Machines </a> <br>\r\n<a href=\"\r\nhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Knuth\"> \r\nhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Knuth </a> <br>\r\n<br>\r\nShownotes by: diggsit',73,8,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','virtualization, virtual machines, introduction, simulation, software, knuth',0,1578,1),
(17,'2008-01-22','Torrentflux',403,'torrentflux is an open-source web-based gui front-end for bit-tornado. Features and install info.','Enigma, shares how TorrentFlux helps him manage bit torrent traffic on his LAMP server. There\'s lots of features in this web-based, Open Source system. <br>\r\n<a href=\"https://www.torrentflux.com/\"> https://www.torrentflux.com/ </a> <br>\r\n<br>\r\nShownotes by: diggsit\r\n',39,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','torrentflux,torrent,linux,apache,mysql,multi-user,php,server,LAMP,web-based,open-source',0,1321,1),
(18,'2008-01-24','An Interview with Ed Piskor',3547,'An Interview with Ed Piskor','An interview with <a href=\"https://edpiskor.blogspot.com/\">Ed Piskor</a>, writer and artist of the graphic novel <a href=\" https://www.edpiskor.com/wizzy.html\">\"WIZZYWIG\"</a> which is about a young hacker growing up in the 1980s.  He also talks about some of the influences and stories that helped shape the book.',55,78,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','graphic novel,fiction,book review,interview,phreak,hacker,Mitnick,Poulsen,joybubbles',0,2997,1),
(19,'2008-01-24','SILC',487,'The Secure Internet Live Conferencing protocol.','Alk3, deciphers the “Secure Internet Live Conferencing” (SILC), protocol and project. You, can synchronously communicate in secrecy, with Open Source, SILC. <br>\r\n\r\n<a href=\"https://silcnet.org/\"> https://silcnet.org/ </a> <br>\r\n<a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SILC_%28protocol%29\"> SLIC Wikipedia article </a> <br>\r\n<br>\r\nShownotes by: diggsit\r\n',64,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','SILC protocol,SILC SDK,pidgin,irssi,irc,thread-safe,plugin,decentralized,scalable',0,4750,1),
(20,'2008-01-27','lighttpd',661,'Introduction to lighttpd, aka \"light-tee\", and compare to Apache: configuration, features.','Looking for a nimble and secure web server? Chess Griffin, suggests you look into the LIGHTTPD (Light-tee). He uses it, and in this episode he illuminates the reasons you may want to, too.\r\n\r\n<a href=\"https://www.lighttpd.net/\"> https://www.lighttpd.net/ </a> <br>\r\n<br>\r\n<br>\r\nShownotes by: diggsit',76,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','web server,lighttpd,apache',0,1473,1),
(21,'2008-01-28','The Festival Speech Synthesis System',1814,'Intro to festival text-to-speech, related tools; synthesized voices; peek into host\'s personal life.','Dave Yates, and his co-host Lynn, demonstrate the voice synthesis package, Festival. Dave, discusses how he employs Festival, along with other packages to extend its capabilities. Lynn, clears-up a few of the finer points, for Dave. <br>\r\n<br>\r\n<a href=\"https://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_speechd#Use_alsa_output_method\">Howto use alsa output</a>;<br>\r\n<a href=\"https://hts.sp.nitech.ac.jp/?Release%20Archive\">HMM-based Speech Synthesis System (HTS) - Release Archive or where to get CMU_US_SLT_ARTIC_HTS voice for festival ver 1.4.3</a>;<br>\r\n<a href=\"https://www.festvox.org/voicedemos.html\">Online voice demos</a>;<br>\r\n<a href=\"https://www.cstr.ed.ac.uk/projects/festival/morevoices.html\">Yet another online voice demo site</a>;<br>\r\n\r\n<a href=\"https://linuxgazette.net/114/john.html\">Linux Gazette article on festival</a>;<br>\r\n<a href=\"https://www.hackosis.com/index.php/2007/11/24/transform-linux-into-a-talking-companion/\">Hackosis festival article</a>;<br>\r\n<a href=\"https://festvox.org/docs/manual-1.4.3/festival_toc.html\">Festival ver 1.4.3 manual</a>;<br>\r\n<a href=\"https://dailypackage.fedorabook.com/index.php?/archives/42-Productive-Monday-Festival-Speech-synthesis.html\">Article with info on how to change default voice</a>;<br>\r\n<a href=\"https://perlbox.org/\">Perlbox Voice is an voice enabled application to bring your desktop under your command</a>;<br>\r\n<a href=\"https://leb.net/pub/blinux/doc/blinux/my-tts-linux.txt\">Mini linux tts howto; an older document with some still useful information</a>;<br>\r\n<a href=\"https://www.howtoadvice.com/ListenToIM/\">How to Make Your Instant Messenger Talk in Ubuntu Linux</a>;<br>\r\n<a href=\"https://linuxhelp.blogspot.com/2006/01/festival-text-to-speech-synthesis.html\">Another good festival article</a>;<br>\r\n<a href=\"https://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic-t-195579-highlight-festival.html\">Gentoo forum:Festival tips: more understandable and books to audiobooks</a>;<br>\r\n<a href=\"https://www.cstr.ed.ac.uk/projects/festival/mbrola.html\">Festtival MBROLA info</a>; and<br>\r\n<a href=\"https://tcts.fpms.ac.be/synthesis/mbrola.html\">MBROLA binary and voices</a>\r\n\r\n<br>\r\n<br>\r\nShownotes by diggsit',77,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','festival,speech generation,text to speech,synthesized voices',0,7988,1),
(22,'2008-01-30','Chunk Parsing ',325,'A description of \'chunk parsing\' and the development work being undertaken','Getting a machine to parse natural human language, can\'t be easy. Plexi, describes \'Chunk Parsing\', and the work being done to develop it. <br>\r\nReferences and further readings: <br>\r\n<a href=\"https://www-tsujii.is.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~tsuruoka/papers/IWPT05-tsuruoka.pdf\"> https://www-tsujii.is.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~tsuruoka/papers/IWPT05-tsuruoka.pdf </a> <br>\r\n<a href=\"https://www.ai.uga.edu/mc/ProNTo/Brooks.pdf\"> https://www.ai.uga.edu/mc/ProNTo/Brooks.pdf </a> <br>\r\n<a href=\"https://research.microsoft.com/india/nlpsummerschool/data/files/StevenBird%20-%20Chunking.pdf\"> Steven Bird Chunking.pdf </a> <br>\r\n<br>\r\nShownotes by: diggsit',57,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','language,lexicon,parsing,development',0,1484,1),
(23,'2008-01-31','Software Review: K e e P a s s ',769,'StankDawg talks about KeePass, a nice way to manage your passwords in a portable and secure way','Wouldn\'t be nice to have a secure and flexible way to manage all of your usernames and passwords? StankDawg, suggests you turn to K e e P a s s. Strong encryption, dual-factor authentication, and portability, are just some of the reasons he likes this Open Source package. <br>\r\n<em>link removed to prevent spammers</em>\r\n<br>\r\nShownotes by: diggsit',55,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','passwords,usernames,strong encryption,portability,dual-factor authentication',0,4142,1),
(24,'2008-02-01','An interview with Jonathan Bartlett',1547,'An interview with Jonathan Bartlett','Deepgeek, gets the low-down on the amazing Cell BE processor that runs on the PlayStation 3. Author, instructor, and developer, Jonathan Bartlett, explains how the chip\'s unique architecture (how many cores?!), makes it a multimedia master. <br>\r\n<a href=\"https://linkpot.net/gowns/ \"> Jonathan Bartlett\'s ibm.com developer works\r\narticles. </a> <br>\r\n<br>\r\nShownotes by: diggsit',73,78,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','PS3,multi-core,\"assembly language\",\"cell processor\",hardware,linux,multimedia,cryptography,\"scientific computing\",interviews,deepgeek,author,\"Tulsa, Oklahoma\"',0,2354,1),
(25,'2008-02-03','Social Network Aggregation',2220,'openid explanation and social network feed aggregation howto','Peter and Harlem, have waded chest-high into the social networking sea. Before rescue is needed, they share how to unify profiles, feeds, and authentication, for many popular sites. The OpenID project is well explained, here. <br>\r\nLinks discussed in this episode:\r\n<ul>\r\n<li><a href=\"https://openid.net\">OpenID.Net</li>\r\n<li><a href=\"https://Claimid.com\">ClaimID</a></li>\r\n<li><a href=\"https://myid.net\">MyID.net</a> (OpenID provider)</li>\r\n<li><a href=\"https://idproxy.net\">IDProxy.net</a> (OpenID provider)</li>\r\n<li><a href=\"https://yahoo.com\">Yahoo!</a></li>\r\n<li><a href=\"https://twitter.com\">Twitter</a></li>\r\n<li><a href=\"https://twitterfeed.com\">TwitterFeed</a></li>\r\n<li><a href=\"https://twitter.com/nikolaidis\">My Twitter account</a></li>\r\n<li><a href=\"https://twitter.com/statuses/friends_timeline/8066642.rss\">My Twitter updates, with friends</a> (rss)</li>\r\n<li><a href=\"https://facebook.com\">Facebook</a></li>\r\n<li><a href=\"https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=791595406\">My Facebook profile</a></li>\r\n<li><a href=\"https://del.icio.us\">Delicious</a></li>\r\n<li><a href=\"https://del.icio.us/nikolaidis\">My Delicious account</a></li>\r\n<li><a href=\"https://del.icio.us/rss/nikolaidis\">My Delicious account\'s feed</a> (rss)</li>\r\n<li><a href=\"https://Pownce.com\">Pownce</a></li>\r\n<li><a href=\"https://pownce.com/feeds/public/nikolaidis/\">My Pownce public notes</a> (rss)</li>\r\n<li><a href=\"https://blog.nikolaidis.com/\">My Blog</a></li>\r\n<li><a href=\"https://blog.nikolaidis.com/?feed=rss2\">My Blog\'s feed</a> (rss)</li>\r\n<li><a href=\"https://nikolaidis.jaiku.com/\">My Jaiku account</a></li>\r\n<li><a href=\"https://nikolaidis.jaiku.com/feed/rss\">My Jaiku\'s feed</a> (rss)</li>\r\n<li><a href=\"https://del.icio.us/rss/nikolaidis\"></li>\r\n<li><a href=\"https://blog.nikolaidis.com/2007/11/06/oh-what-a-tangled-web-we-weave-when-first-we-practice-social-networking/\">How I aggregate social network updates</a> with Pownce, Jaiku, Twitter, Del.icio.us, my blog, and TwitterFeed</li>\r\n<li><a href=\"https://www.ateamshrine.co.uk/sounds.php\">The A-Team Shrine</a></li>\r\n</ul>\r\n\r\n<br>\r\n<br>\r\nShownotes by: diggsit',74,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','openid,twitter,twitterfeed,pownce,jaiku,wordpress,\"web 2.0\",aggregator,rss,blog,publishing,\"distributed authentication\",authentication,\"social network\",howto,introduction',0,1471,1),
(26,'2008-02-04','Intro to codecs',1150,'Understanding the basics of sound and video codecs, why they are needed and how they work.','In this first of a four-part series, Klaatu begins a discussion of free and non-free video codecs. Specifically, why they are needed and how they work.\r\n<br>\r\n<br>\r\nShownotes by: diggsit\r\n',78,0,0,'CC-BY-NC-SA','codec, video, sound, music, compression, decompression, transcoding',0,1972,1),
(27,'2008-02-05','How to Record a HPR episode',363,'Using Audacity to record an HPR episode','Have something to say, on HPR? Enigma, unwraps the riddle of recording an episode. If you\'ve got a computer, a microphone, and are on the tubes, you\'re well on your way.  <br>\r\n<a href=\"https://audacity.sourceforge.net/\"> https://audacity.sourceforge.net/ </a> <br>\r\n<a href=\"https://www.hackerpublicradio.org/hpr_theme.zip\"> HPR Theme </a><br>\r\n\r\n<br>\r\nShownotes by: diggsit\r\n',39,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','podcast,recording,audacity',0,1343,1),
(28,'2008-02-06','Project Chanology',500,'A quick, neutral intro to the conflict between Anonymous and Scientology','Project Chanology (Anonymous vs. Scientology). <br>  Important details \r\nmissing from a majority of reports on the story <br>are brought up front to\r\nthose unaware. <br>\r\n\r\nCommon \'anonymous\' forums: <br>\r\n<a href=\"https://www.4chan.org\"> https://www.4chan.org </a> <br>\r\n<a href=\"https://www.encyclopediadramatica.com/Talk:PROJECT_CHANOLOGY\"> https://www.encyclopediadramatica.com/Talk:PROJECT_CHANOLOGY </a> <br> \r\n<a href=\"https://partyvan.info/index.php/Project_Chanology\">  https://partyvan.info/index.php/Project_Chanology </a> <br> \r\n\r\nLinks with information on Scientology: <br>\r\n<a href=\"https://www.scientology.org\"> https://www.scientology.org </a> <br>\r\n<a href=\"https://www.xenu.net\"> https://www.xenu.net </a> <br>\r\n<a href=\"https://www.xenutv.com\"> https://www.xenutv.com </a> <br>',42,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','slick0,\"project chanology\",scientology,anonymous,explainer,backgrounder,ddos',0,2098,1),
(29,'2008-02-07','Codecs Part 2',1135,'The technique of video compression, the variables involved, file size and delivery method.','Klaatu continues his four-part series. This episode focuses on the technique of video compression. He explains the variables involved, and how they relate to file size and delivery method.\r\n<br>\r\n<br>\r\nShownotes by: diggsit',78,0,0,'CC-BY-NC-SA','codec, compression, video, frames, frame-rate, bit-rate',0,1416,1),
(30,'2008-02-10','Network Backups',836,'Overview of some free software backup solutions. Specifics of dosman\'s solution, with autochanger.','Network Backups – how hard can it be? Dosman, gives an overview of some free software, backup solutions. He, then describes his home network, backup project. There\'s an autochanger involved, so he\'s got some hackin\' to do. <br>\r\n\r\n<a href=\" https://sg.torque.net/sg/\"> SCSI Generic Driver (SG) </a> <br>\r\n<a href=\"https://mtx.opensource-sw.net/\"> MTX tape library tools </a> <br>\r\n<a href=\"https://www.amanda.org/\"> Amanda </a> <br>\r\n<a href=\"https://www.bacula.org/en/\"> Bacula </a> <br>\r\n<br>\r\nShownotes by: diggsit',3,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','backups,amanda,bacula,\"tape changer\",\"tape robot\",\"incremental backup\",\"full backup\",linux,\"fedora 5\",\"centos 5\",SCSI',0,1439,1),
(31,'2008-02-11','Intel Virtualization Technology',560,'Quick intro to hardware virtualization support on Intel chips','Mirovengi, reports on an IEEE.org article that details Intel\'s VT technology.  The advantage of bringing virtualization down to the hardware level, is discussed. <br>\r\n<a href=\"https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/freeabs_all.jsp?arnumber=1430631\"> https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/freeabs_all.jsp?arnumber=1430631 </a> <br>\r\n<br>\r\nShownotes by: diggsit',48,8,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','virtualization,intel',0,2203,1),
(32,'2008-02-13','UCLUG - Ken Wehr Presentation',5868,'Ken Wehr speaks to the Upstate Carolina Linux Users Group','Google employee Ken Wehr speaks to the Upstate Carolina Linux Users Group. <br>',77,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Linux,Talk,\"Linux user group\"',0,1682,1),
(33,'2008-02-14','Linux Boot Process Part 2a - LILO',1943,'Dann talks about the linux boot process','LILO = Linux Loader\r\n\r\nI discuss the ins-and-outs of LILO, hot it is configured and how it is initialized and what to do when it screws up.  This is part 2a in my Linux Start Process series.  Be on the look out for 2b discussing GRUB very soon.<br>\r\n\r\nLinks: <br>\r\n\r\n<a href=\"https://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LILO.html\">Lilo Mini-Howto</a> <br>\r\n<a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LILO_(boot_loader)\">LILO Wikipedia Page</a> <br>\r\n<a href=\"https://lilo.go.dyndns.org/\">LILO home page</a> <br>',7,6,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Linux,\"Linux Boot process\",Talk,series',0,1865,1),
(34,'2008-02-15','Cowon D2 Review',848,'Chess Griffin\'s talks about his Cowon D2, portable media player.','Chess Griffin\'s, got a Cowon D2, portable media player. He likes it. He likes it a lot. When he gets done reviewing all its features, you\'re going to want one, too. Linux and BSD users, this may be the device you\'ve been searching for.\r\n<br>\r\n<a href=\"https://www.cowonamerica.com/products/cowon/d2/media.html\">Cowon D2 Product Page </a> <br>\r\n<br>\r\nShownotes by: diggsit\r\n',76,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','\"Cowon D2\",Linux,BSD,\"Media Player\"',0,2217,1),
(35,'2008-02-18','An interview with John Whaley',1240,'droops interviews John Whaley from Moka5','<p>\r\ndroops interviews John Whaley from <a href=\"https://www.moka5.com/about-us/our-team/john-whaley/\"> Moka5.</a>\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nJohn Whaley is responsible for the technical vision of Moka5. He holds a doctorate in computer science from Stanford University, where he made key contributions to the fields of program analysis, compilers, and virtual machines. He is the winner of numerous awards including the Arthur L. Samuel Thesis Award for Best Thesis at Stanford, and has worked at IBM’s T.J. Watson Research Center and Tokyo Research Lab. John was named one of the top 15 programmers in the USA Computing Olympiad. He also holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees in computer science from MIT and speaks fluent Japanese.\r\n</p>',1,78,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Moka5,interview,\"computer science\"',0,1943,1),
(36,'2008-02-19','LPI Certifications Part 2',1914,'Ken covers computer buses and system resources','Continuing his journey toward LPI certification, Ken covers computer buses and system resources.  Please note, there is a minute and a half, gap in this recording – your player\'s battery didn\'t die. <br>\r\n\r\n<a href=\"https://computer.howstuffworks.com/pci.htm/printable\"> https://computer.howstuffworks.com/pci.htm/printable </a><br>\r\n<br>\r\nShownotes by: diggsit',30,7,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','LPI,bus,\"System Bus\",\"PCI Bus\"',0,2036,1),
(37,'2008-02-19','This Old Hack Part 5',2411,'In this editon of this old hack fawkesfyre builds a shmooball cannon','In this editon of this old hack fawkesfyre builds a shmooball cannon <br>\r\n<br>\r\n\r\n<a href=\"https://youtube.com/watch?v=-lXK9zyUDPc\"> Video demo </a> <br>\r\n',75,5,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','series,Making,building',0,1748,1),
(38,'2008-02-20','R4DS Review',982,'Stankdawg reviews the R4DS adapter for the Nintendo DS','Stankdawg reviews the R4DS adapter for the Nintendo DS ',55,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Gaming,\"Nintendo DS\",\"Games consoles\",Adapters',0,1487,1),
(39,'2008-02-22','Debian Live CD',747,'Information on Debian Live CD\'s and a small framework to build them.','Information on Debian Live CD\'s and a small framework to build them. <br>\r\n\r\nDebian Live: <br>\r\n<a href=\"https://debian-live.alioth.debian.org/\"> https://debian-live.alioth.debian.org/ </a> <br>\r\n<a href=\"https://wiki.debian.org/DebianLive/\"> https://wiki.debian.org/DebianLive/ </a> <br>\r\n<a href=\"https://live.debian.net/cdimage/\"> https://live.debian.net/cdimage/ </a> <br>\r\n\r\n<a href=\"https://exitstatusone.com/?p=19\"> DFS Live CD </a> <br>\r\n<a href=\"https://exitstatusone.com/?p=33\"> Video of live-helper </a> <br>',64,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Linux,Debian,LiveCD,\"How to\",\"linux iso\'s\"',0,1497,1),
(40,'2008-02-24','Sys internals Part 1',514,'an introduction to the sys internals suite','an introduction to the sys internals suite',79,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Microsoft, sys internal suite',0,2218,1),
(41,'2008-02-26','Codecs Part 3',1004,'Containers (such as .avi) and codecs are different. Klaatu explains the details.','Codecs aren\'t containers. Klaatu explains the difference. He also presents some legal and technical factors to consider when choosing a codec.\r\n<br>\r\n<br>\r\nShownotes by: diggsit',78,0,0,'CC-BY-NC-SA','codec, video, containers, legal, vlc, avi, mpeg, xvid',0,2358,1),
(42,'2008-02-26','Zune Review',472,'Enigma reviews the Zune mp3 player','Enigma reviews the <a href=\"https://www.zune.net/en-US/\"> Zune mp3 player </a> <br>',39,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','MP3,\"Media Player\",Review',0,1300,1),
(43,'2008-02-27','Docdroppers',345,'W3lshrarebit, introduces Docdroppers.org ; a resource for the hacking community','W3lshrarebit, introduces <a href=\"https://www.docdroppers.org\"> Docdroppers.org </a>; a resource for the hacking community.  Search and submit hacker articles, at DocDroppers.    \r\n<br>\r\n<br>\r\nShownotes by: diggsit\r\n',80,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Hacking,community',0,1257,1),
(44,'2008-02-28','My desktop, and the apps I use everyday',1470,'A show about my desktop, and the apps I use everyday','<a href=\"https://www.blosxom.com/\">blosxom</a>;<br>\r\n<a href=\"https://emelfm2.net/\">emelfm2</a>;<br>\r\n<a href=\"https://www.openssh.com/\">openssh</a>;<br>\r\n<a href=\"https://fuse.sourceforge.net/sshfs.html\">sshfs</a>;<br>\r\n<a href=\"https://fuse.sourceforge.net/\">fuse</a>;<br>\r\n<a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Files_transferred_over_shell_protocol\">fish protocol</a>;<br>\r\n<a href=\"https://stormsiren.sourceforge.net/\">stormsiren</a>;<br>\r\n<a href=\"https://fluxbox.sourceforge.net/\">fluxbox</a>;<br>\r\n<a href=\"https://www.dugnet.org/klown/wallpaper/show.php?id=_themes/_fluxbox/nuevat3k-glacier\">nuevat3k-glacier fluxbox theme</a>;<br>\r\n<a href=\"https://www.gnu.org/software/screen/\">screen</a>;<br>\r\n<a href=\"https://members.dslextreme.com/users/billw/gkrellm/gkrellm.html\">gkrellm</a>;<br>\r\n<a href=\"https://gkrellkam.sourceforge.net/\">gkrellkam</a>;<br>\r\n<a href=\"https://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/\">firefox</a>;<br>\r\n<a href=\"https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/1122\">tab mix plus</a>;<br>\r\n<a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google_Notebook\">google notebook</a>;<br>\r\n<a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Konqueror\">konqueror</a>;<br>\r\n<a href=\"https://www.vim.org/\">vim</a>;<br>\r\n<a href=\"https://www.softwaregarden.com/products/listgarden/\">listgarden</a>;<br>\r\n<a href=\"https://audacity.sourceforge.net/\">audacity</a>;<br>\r\n<a href=\"https://easytag.sourceforge.net/\">easytag</a>;<br>\r\n<a href=\"https://www.musicpd.org/\">music player daemon</a>;<br>\r\n<a href=\"https://gftp.seul.org/\">gftp</a>; and<br>\r\n<a href=\"https://www.xchat.org/\">xchat</a>.',77,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Applications,\"Daily used software\",Audio,Linux',0,2460,1),
(45,'2008-03-03','Shell Scripting',719,'An overview of shell scripting','Dosman, gets the daily gas price report read to him by his computer. Why? - because he can. He knows shell scripting, and can manipulate commands to get things done. Here, he discusses shell scripts, and how he uses them to automate tasks on his computers. \r\n<br>\r\n<br>\r\nShownotes by: diggsit',3,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','shell,scripts,scripting,perl,sed,awk',0,2072,1),
(46,'2008-03-03','Yahoo Pipes',2023,'A show about Yahoo Pipes','The companion screencast for this show can be found \r\n<a href=\"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Zcu6f9_WJ4\">here</a> and <br>\r\n\r\n<a href=\"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ib4Tx2VlXE\">here</a>. <br>\r\nLinks referenced in this show:\r\n<ul>\r\n<li><a href=\"https://pipes.yahoo.com\">Yahoo! Pipes</a>\r\n<li><a href=\"https://themolly.com\">Molly Wood\'s Blog</a>\r\n<li><a href=\"https://bol.cnet.com\">Buzz Out Lout</a>\r\n<li><a href=\"https://digg.com\">Digg</a>\r\n<li><a href=\"https://www.techmeme.com\">Techmeme</a>\r\n<li><a href=\"https://scobleizer.com\">Scobleizer</a>\r\n<li><a href=\"https://pn72.com\">Peter\'s Blog</a>\r\n<li><a href=\"https://iblogscott.wordpress.com\">Scott\'s Blog</a>\r\n<li><a href=\"https://freshubuntu.org\">Fresh Ubuntu</a>\r\n</ul>',74,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Yahoo,\"Yahoo pipes\",Ubuntu,Linux',0,2323,1),
(47,'2008-03-05','Sys Internals Part 2',2272,'Sys Internals Part 2 a follow up to hpr0040','part 2 of the sys internals series with Xoke',79,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Microsoft, sys internal suite',0,2173,1),
(48,'2008-03-06','Virtualization Part 2: Qemu quickstart',926,'A QEMU getting started guide from deepgeek using Knoppix and FreeBSD','\r\nThe commands: <br>\r\n=================================== <br>\r\nqemu -soundhw es1370 -cdrom knoppix-std-0.1.iso <br>\r\ntar -xvf freebsd6.1rel.qcow.img20060526.tar <br>\r\ncd freebsd6.1rel.qcow.img <br>\r\nqemu-img info freebsd6.1rel.qcow.img <br>\r\ncat README <br>\r\nqemu freebsd6.1rel.qcow.img <br>\r\n<br>\r\n\r\nThe Links: <br>\r\n================================== <br>\r\n<a href=\"https://fabrice.bellard.free.fr/qemu/\"> https://fabrice.bellard.free.fr/qemu/ </a> <br>\r\n<a href=\"https://www.oszoo.org/wiki/index.php/Category:OS_images\"> https://www.oszoo.org/wiki/index.php/Category:OS_images </a> <br>\r\n<a href=\"https://www.knoppix-std.org/download.html\"> https://www.knoppix-std.org/download.html </a> <br>',73,8,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','qemu,virtualization, virtual machines, tutorial, Knoppix, FreeBSD',0,1573,1),
(49,'2008-03-07','XPlane',641,'Introduction and quick start for using XPlane, version 7.','Operat0r, is on approach at KLAX, runway 07R.  Will he make it? - maybe not.  He can crash and live to tell the tale with his X-Plane flight simulator.  X-Plane is a proprietary, multi-platform, flight simulation program.  While, he\'s no flight instructor, Operat0r\'s got a \'system\' for landing X-Planes. <br>\r\n<a href=\"https://x-plane.com\"> https://x-plane.com </a> <br>\r\n<a href=\"https://www.atcmonitor.com\"> https://www.atcmonitor.com </a> <br>\r\n<a href=\"https://stoenworks.com/Aviation%20home%20page.html\"> https://stoenworks.com/Aviation%20home%20page.html </a> <br>\r\n<a href=\"https://xplane.org/\"> \r\nhttps://xplane.org/ </a> <br>\r\n<br>\r\nShownotes by: diggsit\r\n',36,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','flight simulators,xplane',0,1292,1),
(50,'2008-03-10','Linux Boot Process Part 2B - Grub',2782,'A further show about the Linux Boot Process - Grub','GRUB - Grand Unified Bootloader <br>\r\n\r\nThe bootloader of the gods. <br>\r\n\r\n<a href=\"https://www.gnu.org/software/grub\">Grub Website</a> <br>\r\n<a href=\"https://www.gnu.org/software/manual\">Grub Manual</a> <br>\r\n<a href=\"https://www.thelinuxlink.net/~dann/grub-bootloader.txt\">Dann\'s Notes</a> <br>',7,6,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Linux,\"Boot process\",Grub',0,2151,1),
(51,'2008-03-11','TalkBox',697,'A show about Talk Box','<a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk_box\"> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk_box </a> <br>\r\n<a href=\"https://www.instructables.com/id/SN6RLCIF4LPLSYA/\">https://www.instructables.com/id/SN6RLCIF4LPLSYA/ </a> <br> \r\n<a href=\"https://www.instructables.com/id/%22Talk-Box%22/\"> https://www.instructables.com/id/%22Talk-Box%22/ </a> <br>\r\n<a href=\"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9EIQxwotn3k\"> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9EIQxwotn3k </a> <br>',48,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Music,\"sound modification\",\"sound effects\",\"Talk Box\"',0,1382,1),
(52,'2008-03-12','UCLUG: Newbie Shell Scripting',2172,'A talk from UCLUG with an introduction to shell scripting','Upstate Carolina Linux User Group: Jas Eckard gives a talk aimed at newbies on shell scripting. <br>\r\n<br>\r\n<a href=\"https://www.uclug.org\">Upstate Carolina Linux User Group</a>\r\n',77,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','shell,scripts,scripting',0,1314,1),
(53,'2008-03-13','Codecs Part 4',1047,'Proprietary and OGG codecs discussed plus a Theora tutorial for Linux command line.','In this final episode of the series, Klaatu covers some proprietary codec packages. He then explains how to use free software and the linux command line to transcode a video using the open codec, Theora. <br>\r\n\r\n<a href=\"https://theora.org/\">https://theora.org/ </a> <br>\r\n\r\n<a href=\"https://linuxreviews.org/man/ffmpeg2theora/\"> https://linuxreviews.org/man/ffmpeg2theora/ </a> <br>\r\n<br>\r\nShownotes by: diggsit',78,0,0,'CC-BY-NC-SA','codec, OGG, Vorbis, Theora, tutorial',0,2083,1),
(54,'2008-03-13','This Old Hack Part 6',408,'a further show by this old Hack','fawkesfyres latest tale of hacking',75,5,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Hacking,\"Well House\",Wells,Fixing,\"led head light\"',0,1322,1),
(55,'2008-03-17','Slax',942,'Installing Slax and the cool things you can do with thumbdrive installation','<a href=\"https://www.slax.org\"> https://www.slax.org </a> <br>\r\n<a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/St._patricks_day\"> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/St._patricks_day </a> <br> ',78,0,0,'CC-BY-NC-SA','slax,installation,howto,tutorial,usbdrive,thumb drive',0,2231,1),
(56,'2008-03-18','Open Street Map',608,'Ken encourages people to add to Open Street Map','<a href=\"https://www.openstreetmap.org\"> openstreetmap.org </a> <br>',30,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','\"Open Street Map\",GPS,POI',0,1986,1),
(57,'2008-03-19','LPI Certifications Part 3',1119,'Ken covers how disks are dealt with in Linux','<a href=\"https://www.kenfallon.com\"> https://www.kenfallon.com </a> <br>\r\n<a href=\"https://www.acsdata.com/how-a-hard-drive-works.htm\"> https://www.acsdata.com/how-a-hard-drive-works.htm </a> <br>\r\n<a href=\"https://tldp.org/HOWTO/Large-Disk-HOWTO-4.html\"> https://tldp.org/HOWTO/Large-Disk-HOWTO-4.html </a> <br>\r\n<a href=\"https://www.storagereview.com/guide2000/ref/hdd/bios/sizeMB504.html\"> https://www.storagereview.com/guide2000/ref/hdd/bios/sizeMB504.html </a> <br>',30,7,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','LPI,\"hard disks\"',0,2184,1),
(58,'2008-03-20','Microcontrollers',1549,'Microcontroller description and how you can make use of them.','<a href=\"https://www.atmel.com/products/avr/default.asp\">  General page about avr products </a> <br>\r\n<a href=\"https://winavr.sourceforge.net/\"> free c compiler for avr </a> <br>\r\n<a href=\"https://www.avrfreaks.net/\"> forum for avr people, also has lot of projects </a> <br>\r\n',81,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','microcontroller, pic, avr, 8-bit, maker',0,2026,1),
(59,'2008-03-21','Interview with scorche',595,'Interview with scorche from the Rockbox Project ','Interview with scorche from the <a href=https://www.rockbox.org/> Rockbox Project </a> <br>',78,78,0,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Interview,Rockbox Project',0,1284,1),
(60,'2008-03-24','Claws Email client',510,'The start of a lightweight applications series: review of Claws Mail.','deepgeek talks about a lightweight app called claws',73,11,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','email, claws, lightweight, review',0,1458,1),
(61,'2008-03-25','Punk Computing',900,'How not to get stuck by the man, while sticking it to the man.','How not to get stuck by the man, while sticking it to the man. <br>\r\n<br>\r\nShownotes by: diggsit\r\n',78,0,0,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Punks,Computing,Anarchists,\"anti establishment\"',0,1516,1),
(62,'2008-03-26','More than a wii bit of fun with the Wiimote',1324,'More than a Wii bit of fun with the Wiimote','<p>\r\n<!-- <a href=\"https://www.wiili.org\"> https://www.wiili.org  </a> <br> -->\r\n<a href=\"https://web.archive.org/web/20090611221454/http://www.wiili.org/index.php/Main_Page\"> https://www.wiili.org  </a> <br>\r\n<!-- <a href=\"https://www.wiili.org/index.php/How_To:_Windows_Wiimote\"> https://www.wiili.org/index.php/How_To:_Windows_Wiimote     </a> <br> -->\r\n<a href=\"https://web.archive.org/web/20090420014250/http://www.wiili.org/index.php/How_To:_Windows_Wiimote\"> https://www.wiili.org/index.php/How_To:_Windows_Wiimote     </a> <br>\r\n<!-- <a href=\"https://twatech.org/shownotes/Wii-Saber1.PIE\">   Wii-Saber code </a> <br> -->\r\n<a href=\"https://web.archive.org/web/20090915190156/http://twatech.org/shownotes/Wii-Saber1.PIE\">   Wii-Saber code </a> <br>\r\n(See the following link for an alternative to <code>http://rapidshare.com/files/7731954/WiinSaber_v1.1.rar.html</code> <a href=\"https://web.archive.org/web/20070705005834/http://isnoop.net/apps/WiiSaber_1.0B1.zip\">https://web.archive.org/web/20070705005834/http://isnoop.net/apps/WiiSaber_1.0B1.zip</a>)<br>\r\n<!-- <a href=\"https://twatech.org/shownotes/lightsaber%20sounds/\"> Light saber sounds </a> <br> -->\r\n<a href=\"https://web.archive.org/web/20101227045628/http://twatech.org/shownotes/lightsaber%20sounds\"> Light saber sounds </a> <br>\r\n<!-- <a href=\"https://twatech.org/shownotes/Wiimote_mouse_test1.PIE\"> Wiimote Mouse code </a> <br>  -->\r\n<a href=\"https://web.archive.org/web/20081112052642/http://twatech.org/shownotes/Wiimote_mouse_test1.PIE\"> Wiimote Mouse code </a>\r\n</p>\r\n\r\n<p><small><small><em>Editor\'s Note 2022-09-16: </em>The above links have all been redirected to the Wayback Machine (archive.org) because they were no longer working.</small></small></p>\r\n',25,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','\"Games console\",Wii,Wiimote,hacking,Linux',0,1981,1),
(63,'2008-03-27','WebCalendar',554,'A show about the WebCalendar tool','<a href=\"https://www.k5n.us/webcalendar.php\"> WebCalendar </a> <br>\r\n<a href=\"https://www.k5n.us/wiki/index.php?title=Main_Page\"> WebCalendar wiki </a> <br>\r\n<a href=\"https://www.hackerevents.org\"> Hackerevents </a> <br>',39,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','\"server calendar apps\",\"database tools\",servers,RSS',0,8133,1),
(64,'2008-03-28','Tech Music: Payphone under Streetlight',361,'The Tech Music series presents the track \'Payphone under Streetlight\' ','\r\n\r\ncheck out his other tracks at: <br>\r\n<a href=\"https://www.zombie.el.cx/music/\">https://www.zombie.el.cx/music/ </a> <br>',82,22,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','music, technology, telephone',0,2948,1),
(65,'2008-03-31','Cowon iAudio U3 review',864,'A show about the Cowon iAudio U3','<a href=\"https://www.cowonamerica.com/products/iaudio/u3/\">Cowon iAudio U3</a> <br>',77,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','\"Cowan U3\",\"Media Players\",MP3,Video',0,2073,1),
(66,'2008-03-31','April Fools Day Traditions',897,'StankDawg discusses some famous April Fools Jokes and provides some suggestions to find others','.ǝuı1uo sʞuɐɹd ʎɐp s1ooɟ s1ıɹdɐ ʎuunɟ puıɟ oʇ sǝʇıs poob ǝɯos sǝɹɐɥs puɐ sǝxɐoɥ ʎɐp s1ooɟ s1ıɹdɐ snoɯɐɟ ʇsoɯ ɥǝʇ ɟo ǝɯos sǝssnɔsıp bʍɐpʞuɐʇs \'ǝposıdǝ sıɥʇ uı',55,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','jokes, tricks, pranks, stories, hoaxes, fun',0,1594,1),
(67,'2008-04-02','k-meleon',787,'A show about the k-meleon web browser','<a href=\"https://k-meleon.org/\">https://k-meleon.org/ </a> <br>\r\n<a href=\"https://adblockplus.org/en/kmeleon\"> https://adblockplus.org/en/kmeleon </a> <br>\r\n<a href=\"https://madrush.freehostia.com/img/k-meleon-ss1.jpg\"> Screenshot </a> <br>',83,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','\"web browsers\"',0,1501,1),
(68,'2008-04-03','Shoulder Stretches!',678,'A show about repetitive strain injuries','<p>The companion screencast for this show can be found \r\n<a href=\"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Zcu6f9_WJ4\">here</a> and\r\n\r\n<a href=\"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ib4Tx2VlXE\">here</a>.\r\n</p>\r\nLinks referenced in this show:\r\n<ul>\r\n<li><a href=\"https://pipes.yahoo.com\">Yahoo! Pipes</a>\r\n<li><a href=\"https://themolly.com\">Molly Wood\'s Blog</a>\r\n<li><a href=\"https://bol.cnet.com\">Buzz Out Lout</a>\r\n<li><a href=\"https://digg.com\">Digg</a>\r\n<li><a href=\"https://www.techmeme.com\">Techmeme</a>\r\n<li><a href=\"https://scobleizer.com\">Scobleizer</a>\r\n<li><a href=\"https://pn72.com\">Peter\'s Blog</a>\r\n<li><a href=\"https://iblogscott.wordpress.com\">Scott\'s Blog</a>\r\n<li><a href=\"https://freshubuntu.org\">Fresh Ubuntu</a>\r\n</ul>',74,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','\"repetitive strain\",computing,\"preventative exercises\"',0,2152,1),
(69,'2008-04-04','There\'s Pr0n on them there internets!',2988,'StankDawg and T.T. Creamer discuss some history of pr0n on the internet.','<hr />\r\n<h3>Counter Point</h3>\r\n<p>A counter point to this show is available: <a href=\"https://hackerpublicradio.org/eps.php?id=0586\">hpr0586 :: Miscellaneous Radio Theater 4096- The Internet is For Porn</a>\r\n</p>\r\n<hr />\r\n<p>\r\n\"In this light-hearted VNSFW (VERY NOT SAFE FOR WORK) episode 69 of HPR, StankDawg\'s alter ego \"Buck Dangler\" joins up with \"T.T. Creamer\" (deepgeek) to discuss some history of pr0n on the internet.  They also discuss many places to find different types of pr0n and conclude with a technical analysis of many dangerous sexual positions that have become popular in some internet subcultures. <br>\r\n<br>\r\nTO CLARIFY:  THIS EPISODE IS NOT SAFE FOR WORK\"\r\n</p>\r\n',55,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','pornography,porn',0,1985,1),
(70,'2008-04-07','Dr. Who',1031,'The origins and background of the series \'Doctor Who\' from the BBC','Official Sites:<br>\r\n<br>\r\n<a href=\"https://www.bbc.co.uk/doctorwho/\">Official Site</a><br>\r\n<a href=\"https://www.youtube.com/user/BBC\">BBC You Tube page</a> (other non-Who stuff here also)<br>\r\n<br>\r\n<br>\r\nVarious You Tube VIdeos:<br>\r\n<a href=\"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qfEPQqHx40c\">Series 4 Trailer</a>.&nbsp; Although the BBC have this you can\'t watch it outside the UK.&nbsp; This one you can.<br>\r\n<br>\r\nSome of my favourite episodes (links to Wiki page for full story and spoilers):<br>\r\n<br>\r\n<a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Tomb_of_the_Cybermen\">The Tomb of the Cybermen</a><br>\r\n<a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terror_of_the_Autons\">The Terror of the Autons</a> - The Master (Roger Delgado) and some Autons!<br>\r\n<a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Day_of_the_Daleks\">Day of the DaleksSilver Nemesis</a><br>\r\n<a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Sea_Devils\">The Sea Devils</a> - The Master again (and some Sea Devils)<br>\r\n<a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Three_Doctors\">The Three Doctors</a> - Meet Omega, a Time Lord.<br>\r\n<a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_to_the_Daleks\">Death to the Daleks</a><br>\r\n<a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Planet_of_the_Spiders\">Planet of the Spiders</a> - Spiders, Time Lords, UNIT and more!<br>\r\n<a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robot_%28Doctor_Who%29\">Robot</a><br>\r\n<a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genesis_of_the_Daleks\">Genesis of the Daleks</a> - where it all began<br>\r\n<a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Revenge_of_the_Cybermen\">Revenge of the Cybermen</a><br>\r\n<a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pyramids_of_Mars\">Pyramids of Mars</a><br>\r\n<a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Brain_of_Morbius\">The Brain of Morbius</a><br>\r\n<a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Deadly_Assassin\">The Deadly Assassin</a> - a trip to Gallifrey<br>\r\n<a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Robots_of_Death\">The Robots of Death</a><br>\r\n<a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Invasion_of_Time\">The Invasion of Time</a> - back to Gallifrey<br>\r\n<a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Doctor_Who_serials#Season_16_.281978-79.29\">The Key to Time</a> - and entire season devoted to this<br>\r\n<a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Destiny_of_the_Daleks\">Destiny of the Daleks</a><br>\r\n<a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logopolis\">Logopolis</a> - the last Tom Baker episode<br>\r\n<a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Castrovalva\">Castrovalva</a> - The first Peter Davison and the Master<br>\r\n<a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Four_to_Doomsday\">Four to Doomsday</a><br>\r\n<a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earthshock\">Earthshock</a> - Cybermen!<br>\r\n<a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arc_of_Infinity\">Arc of Infinity</a><br>\r\n<a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Five_Doctors\">The Five Doctors</a> - (well actually four of them)<br>\r\n<a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Resurrection_of_the_Daleks\">Resurrection of the Daleks</a><br>\r\n<a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Caves_of_Androzani\">The Caves of Androzani</a> - Peter Davison -&gt; Colin Baker<br>\r\n<a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Attack_of_the_Cybermen\">Attack of the Cybermen</a><br>\r\n<a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Revelation_of_the_Daleks\">Revelation of the Daleks</a><br>\r\n<a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Remembrance_of_the_Daleks\">Remembrance of the Daleks</a><br>\r\n<a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silver_Nemesis\">Silver Nemesis</a><br>\r\n<br>\r\nNew series are all good!<br>\r\n<br>\r\n<a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doctor_Who_tie-in_websites\">Tie-in websites</a><br>\r\n<br>\r\nGo watch it now!<br>',79,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Dr Who, TARDIS, sci-fi, BBC, television',0,2777,1),
(71,'2008-04-08','Beowulf Cluster Introduction',604,'An Introduction show about Beowulf Cluster','Deepgeek gives an introduction to the Beowulf cluster, using video encoding as a short example.',73,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','\"Beowulf Cluster\",\"Cluster Computing\"',0,1510,1),
(72,'2008-04-09','Imagemagick',1341,'A show about the Imagemagick software package','klaatu gives a review of <a href=\"https://www.imagemagick.org/script/contact.php\"> Imagemagick </a> <br>',78,0,0,'CC-BY-NC-SA','\"Image processing\",Imagemagick,Linux,\"Apt packages\",\"CLI tools\"',0,2232,1),
(73,'2008-04-10','Google 411 Update',244,'Google 411 Update, Lunarsphere gives an update on his original twatech episode','Lunarsphere gives an update on his original twatech episode <br>\r\n<a href=\"https://twatech.org/eps/twat290.mp3\"> original episode </a> <br>',84,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','\"Google 411\",\"conference calling\",\"free long distance calling\"',0,1430,1),
(74,'2008-04-11','UCLUG - Linux Gaming',10013,'Carolina Linux User Group Meeting, Linux Gaming','Upstate Carolina Linux User Group Meeting<p>\r\n30 minute newbie session: Jas Eckard\'s bash shell scripting for newbies;<p>\r\nMain topic: Ryan \'Icculus\' Gordon speaks about the linux gaming industry.<p>\r\n<a href=\"https://icculus.org\">icculus.org</a>',77,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','\"bash shell scripting\",\"linux gaming industry. Linux\",\"New users\"',0,1393,1),
(75,'2008-04-14','Collapsar ',592,'A show about Collapsar A VM-Based Architecture for Network Attack','<p><a href=\"https://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/cache/papers/cs/31339/http:zSzzSzwww.cs.purdue.eduzSzhomeszSzdxuzSzpubszSzSecurity04.pdf/jiang04collapsar.pdf\"> Collapsar Paper </a></p>\n<h4>Editor\'s Note 2018-10-20</h4>\n<small><p>The original link above seems to to be unavailable, but the paper referenced <em>\"Collapsar: A VM-Based Architecture for Network Attack Detention Center\"</em> is still available <a href=\"https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/3a04/43a352be1d2f41606be87490f72cdc927b64.pdf\">here</a>.</p></small>\n\n',48,8,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','virtualization,Collapsar,\"Network security\"',0,1507,1),
(76,'2008-04-15','Tech Music: W1f1 Hax0r',320,'The Tech Music series presents the track \'W1f1 Hax0r\' ','\r\ncheck out his other tracks at: <br>\r\n<a href=\"https://www.zombie.el.cx/music/\">https://www.zombie.el.cx/music/ </a> <br>',82,22,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','music, technology, wifi',0,4574,1),
(77,'2008-04-16','This old Hack Part 7',1440,'Another show from This Old Hack','fawkesfyres part 7 of his ongoing series',75,5,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','\"Automobile breakdown\",\"Radiator hose failure\",\"Automobile repair\"',0,1425,1),
(78,'2008-04-17','Interview Tips',2608,'Advice for job seekers','<p>Ken Fallon gives some job application advice and interview tips for job seekers</p>\r\n\r\n<h2>Links</h2>\r\n<ul>\r\n<li><a href=\"https://www.monsterboard.nl/\">https://www.monsterboard.nl/</a></li>\r\n</ul>',30,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','job application,job interview,CV',0,2749,1),
(79,'2008-04-18','Tech Music: PLA Radio',150,'The Tech Music series presents the track \'PLA Radio\'','check out his other tracks at: <br>\r\n<a href=\"https://www.zombie.el.cx/music/\">https://www.zombie.el.cx/music/ </a> <br>',82,22,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','music, technology',0,1555,1),
(80,'2008-04-21','Coffee',1750,'All aspects of making the perfect cup of Coffee','klaatu talks about coffee',78,88,0,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Coffee,\"making good coffee\",\"raw coffee beans\",\"Roasting coffee beans\"',0,1463,1),
(81,'2008-04-22','Linux Boot Process Part 3 - Boot Prompt Parameters',1199,'The use and usage of boot parameters with the Linux kernel and device drivers.','<a href=\"https://www.thelinuxlink.net/~dann/boot_prompt.txt\">Dann\'s Notes</a><br />\r\n<a href=\"https://tldp.org/HOWTO/BootPrompt-HOWTO.html\">Linux Boot Prompt HowTo</a>',7,6,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Linux,boot process,boot parameters,boot,parameters,boot loader,LILO,GRUB,kernel,configuration',0,1487,1),
(82,'2008-04-23','Root kits',1303,'In this show Finux, gives a detailed account of how rootkits work.','Wikipedia, defines Rootkit as “.. a program designed to take fundamental control of a computer system, without authorization..”.  Rootkit means “pwned”.  In this episode, Finux, gives a detailed account of how rootkits work.  He also reveals ways to expose and - better yet - avoid them. <br>\r\noriginal audio from <a href=\"https://www.linuxbasement.com/\"> https://www.linuxbasement.com/ </a> <br>\r\nfinux discusses rootkits\r\n\r\n<br>\r\n<br>\r\nShownotes by: diggsit',85,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Rootkits,\"Computing security\",Computers',0,2349,1),
(83,'2008-04-24','Flock',1012,'Xoke rants about Doctor Who and talks about flock','Xoke rants about Doctor Who and talks about flock',79,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Doctor Who,Browser,Software,Television',0,2274,1),
(84,'2008-04-25','Phone interview with Kajarii: Linux for the blind user',4275,'Kajarii: Linux for the blind user','<a href=\"https://live.gnome.org/Orca\">Orca</a> <br>\r\n<a href=\"https://www.linux-speakup.org/\">linux speakup</a><br>\r\n<a href=\"https://www.rcsys.com/\">RC Syatems</a><br>\r\n<a href=\"https://www.mplayerhq.hu/design7/news.html\">mplayer</a><br>\r\n<a href=\"https://www.elinks.cz/\">elinks</a>; and <br>\r\n<a href=\"https://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/nmh\">nmh</a>.',77,79,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Linux,\"Computing for Blind users\",\"Screen readers\"',0,2302,1),
(85,'2008-04-28','Faubackup',385,'A show about the light app, Faubackup','Deepgeek reviews Faubackup <br>\r\n\r\n<a href=\"https://faubackup.sf.net\"> https://faubackup.sf.net </a> <br>',73,11,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Faubackups,Software,\"CLI tools\",automation',0,2143,1),
(86,'2008-04-29','Kismet',1658,'finux discusses what kismet is and how to get started using it.','original audio from <a href=\"https://www.linuxbasement.com/\"> https://www.linuxbasement.com/ </a> <br>\r\nfinux discusses kismet',85,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','kismet, security, scanning, wireless, config, bluetooth, tutorial',0,2355,1),
(87,'2008-04-30','Compling a Kernel',1270,'A show on Compiling a Kernel','<ul>\r\n<li><a href=\"https://www.kernel.org\">get the latest Linux kernel source code</a></li>\r\n<li><a href=\"https://media.libsyn.com/media/dsyates/lottalinuxlinks_63.ogg\">download Dave Yates\'s Kernel Compile Episode</a></li>\r\n<li><a href=\"https://lottalinuxlinks.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=352\">Peter64\'s Kernel Compile</a></li>\r\n<li><a href=\"https://lottalinuxlinks.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=341\">Monsterb\'s Kernel Compile</a></li>\r\n</ul>\r\n',78,0,0,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Building a Kernel',0,1568,1),
(88,'2008-05-01','Hiding and stripping program symbols',820,'thewtex explains how to Hide and strip program symbols','thewtex explains how to Hide and strip program symbols',69,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Symbols,\"Removing symbols\",computing,computers',0,2036,1),
(89,'2008-05-02','Notacon Wrapup',1374,'A show about Notacon','<a href=\"https://www.notacon.org\"> notacon.org </a> <br>\r\n<a href=\"https://www.blockparty.us\"> blockparty </a> <br>\r\n<a href=\"https://www.bloomingtonfools.org\"> bloomingtonfools.org </a> <br>',3,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Notacon,\"lock picking\",\"art and technology\",conferences',0,2036,1),
(90,'2008-05-05','Ironman',1310,'A show about Iron Man and the new movie','<ul>\r\n<li><A href=\"https://ironmanmovie.com\">Iron Man Movie site</a>\r\n<li><A href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iron_Man\">Wikipedia Article</a>\r\n<li><A href=\"https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0371746/\">IMDB page</a>\r\n<li><a href=\"https://www.marvel.com/universe/Iron_Man_(Anthony_Stark)\">Marvel\'s Iron Man page</a>\r\n</ul>',74,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','\"comic books\",\"Comic book movies\",Marvel',0,3196,1),
(91,'2008-05-06','Hosts File',754,'A show about DNS and how it works','\r\nHosts file locations <br>\r\nLinux:  /etc/hosts <br>\r\nWindows:        c:\\windows\\system32\\drives\\etc\\hosts <br>\r\nMac: /private/etc/hosts file <br>\r\n<br>\r\n\r\nExample line: <br>\r\n127.0.0.1 doubleclick.net <br>\r\n<br>\r\nExample hosts file (blocking ads): <br>\r\n<a href=\"https://www.mvps.org/winhelp2002/hosts.htm\"> https://www.mvps.org/winhelp2002/hosts.htm </a> <br>\r\n<br>\r\n<a href=\"https://www.opendns.com/\"> Open DNS </a> <br>',79,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Windows,Linux,Mac,Ad Blocking,Security',0,2296,1),
(92,'2008-05-07','bugs',771,'Bug reporting and triaging as a way of getting involved with open source software and projects','klaatu talks about bug reporting\r\nand bug triaging.',78,0,0,'CC-BY-NC-SA','bugs,OSS,project,howto,triaging,bug reporting,help out',0,2193,1),
(93,'2008-05-08','Newsgroups for Media',1677,'Deepgeek discusses using newsgroups to get media files.','Deepgeek discusses using newsgroups to get media files.  While using\r\nnewsgroups may be old school, using them for this application is often\r\nfaster than bittorrent',73,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','\"media files\",\"news groups\",bittorrent',0,2066,1),
(94,'2008-05-09','Initrd and Initramfs',1818,'Dann continues his series on the Linux boot process','<a href=\"https://www.systhread.net/texts/200510kdiff.php\">Systrhead.net Monolithic vs MicroKernel</a> <br>\r\n<a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microkernel\">Wikipedia - Microkernel</a> <br>\r\n<a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monolithic_kernel\">Wikipedia - Monolithic Kernel</a> <br>\r\n<a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Initramfs\">Wikipedia - Initramfs</a> <br>\r\n<a href=\"https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/linux/library/l-initrd.html\">IBM - Initrd Overview</a> <br>\r\n<a href=\"https://www.linuxdevices.com/articles/AT4017834659.html\">Linux Devices - Introduction to initramfs</a> <br>',7,6,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Linux,\"Boot process\",init,\"Linux kernel\"',0,2138,1),
(95,'2008-05-12','Security Wow!',1179,'rowinggolfer hosts a parody show about security','parody episode',86,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','security,parody,windows,PC\'s',0,1485,1),
(96,'2008-05-13','Xfce, Oh I how I love you',710,'Why I like XFCE and why you might want to consider using it','droops rehashes a presentation he has given to his local lugs on why he loves xfce.  you can download the presentation and follow along. <br>\r\n\r\n<a href=\"https://monroe.louisianalinux.org/presentations.php\">\r\nLink to presentation </a> <br>',1,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','XFCE,introduction,review',0,1923,1),
(97,'2008-05-14','An Interview with Tony Wright',1702,'Interview with Tony Wright of RescueTime.com','Tony Wright (<a href=\"https://www.rescuetime.com/\">RescueTime.com</a>) <br>\r\nDrake Anubis (DrakeAnubis.com)',58,78,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','RescueTime.com',0,2663,1),
(98,'2008-05-15','Subversion',613,'Using the Subversion version control system','<a href=\"https://subversion.tigris.org/\"> https://subversion.tigris.org/ </a> <br>\r\n',48,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','linux,\"version control\",subversion',0,1435,1),
(99,'2008-05-16','Tech Music: Blackhat Life',237,'The Tech Music series presents the track \'Blackhat Life\' ','check out his other tracks at: <br>\r\n<a href=\"https://www.zombie.el.cx/music/\">https://www.zombie.el.cx/music/ </a> <br>',82,22,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','music, technology, blackhat, cracking',0,1593,1),
(100,'2008-05-19','Hackermedia Awards: RFA',1664,'100th episode special droops and enigma cohost. RFA(Radio Freek America) Hackermedia Award','100th episode special droops and enigma cohost with special guest. <br>\r\n<a href=\"https://www.hackermedia.org/awards/rfa.png\"> RFA Hackermedia Award </a> <br>\r\n <br>\r\nThanks to all the Hosts for all their hard work!!\r\n',1,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Hackermedia',0,2575,1),
(101,'2008-05-20','This old Hack Part 8',2303,'Follow me when I repair a Lawnmower, talking through the process.','Fawkesfyre\'s tales of hacking',75,5,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','lawnmower,cars,mechanic,engines',0,1836,1),
(102,'2008-05-21','Linux Professional Institute Certifications Part 4',854,'Ken covers SCSI skipping over modem and sound','<p>Ken continues his series on LPI Certifications</p>\n\n<h2>Links:</h2> \n<ul>\n<li><a href=\"https://www.amazon.com/Upgrading-Repairing-Servers-Scott-Mueller/dp/078972815X\">Upgrading and Repairing Servers </a></li>\n<li><a href=\"https://www.amazon.com/LPI-Linux-Certification-Nutshell-Reference/dp/0596804873\">\nLPI Linux Certification in a Nutshell: A Desktop Quick Reference (In a Nutshell (O\'Reilly)) Third Edition\n</a></li>\n</ul>\n\n',30,7,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','LPI,SCSI',0,1460,1),
(103,'2008-05-22','Community Rant',334,'The hacker world needs to be pulled into shape... A reawakening is required.','Tottenkoph talks about community involvement ',87,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','technology, hacker, rant, equality, women in tech',0,1974,1),
(104,'2008-05-23','Not about Airsoft',670,'This episode discusses comments on youtube, they published a video about airsoft.','<p>droops discusses feedback in the internet age, leave comments now, leave them before, during and after this show! <br>\r\n\r\n<a href=\"https://youtube.com/watch?v=y5kxDz9FoBI\"> Link to Video </a> <br>\r\n\r\n<a href=\"https://hacktv.org\"> Link to Hacktv </a></p>\r\n',1,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','airsoft,youtube,comments',0,3909,1),
(105,'2008-05-26','urban golf',1345,'Covering Urban Golf. Take a tennis ball and stick get out there training to hit a target.','deepgeek talks about urbangolf',73,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','golf,urban,rules,freedom,tips',0,4685,1),
(106,'2008-05-27','Tech Music: Payphone Dreaming',359,'The Tech Music series presents the track \'Payphone Dreaming\'','check out his other tracks at: <br>\r\n<a href=\"https://www.zombie.el.cx/music/\">https://www.zombie.el.cx/music/ </a> <br>',82,22,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','music, technology, telephone, techno',0,2084,1),
(107,'2008-05-28','Console fonts',1217,'Talking about setting up fonts in XConsole and the regular fonts.','dave yates talks about Console fonts',77,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','fonts,xterm,ubuntu,defaults,\"bitmap fonts\"',0,2007,1),
(108,'2008-05-29','Handbrake - Howto',823,'Talking about how to use handbrake a DVD ripping and conversion tool.','The podcasting machine hosts another episode of hacker public radio',78,0,0,'CC-BY-NC-SA','\"command line\",\"movie quality\",formats,bitrate',0,2334,1),
(109,'2008-05-30','KDE 4 Tips',349,'Make your KDE look better and some shortcut tips.','Skirlet gives some tips and tricks about the <a href=\"https://www.kde.org/\"> KDE 4  </a>desktop enviroment',88,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','shortcuts,styles,kde',0,1944,1),
(110,'2008-06-02','Xoke\'s Favorite Apps',1164,'Talking about different applications and extensions I use in my system.','* <a href=https://www.xubuntu.org/>Xubuntu</a><br>\r\n# <a href=https://www.mozilla.com/en-US/thunderbird/>Thunderbird</a><br>\r\n* <a href=https://flock.com/>Flock</a><br>\r\n<br>\r\nFirefox Extensions (these work on Flock too)<br>\r\n* <a href=https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/722/>NoScript</a><br>\r\n* <a href=https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/1122/>Tab Mix Plus</a><br>\r\n* <a href=https://jrweare.googlepages.com/browser2.0>Custom user chrome</a> file to have tabs on the left as this laptop is widescreen.<br>\r\n* <a href=https://firekeeper.mozdev.org/installation.html>Firekeeper</a><br>\r\n* <a href=https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/1027/>All-in-one-sidebar</a><br>\r\n* <a href=https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/4429>Secure Login</a><br>\r\n* <a href=https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/1865>Adblock Plus</a><br>\r\n* <a href=https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/26>Download Statusbar</a><br>\r\n<br>\r\nThese I use just on Flock<br>\r\n* <a href=https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/2677/>Morning Coffee</a><br>\r\n* <a href=https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/748>Greasemonkey</a><br>\r\n* <a href=https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/427>Scrapbook</a><br>\r\n<br>\r\nThese are my \'dev\' profile extensions<br>\r\n* <a href=https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/1843>Firebug</a> - has major issues with FF3 though :(<br>\r\n* <a href=https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/60/>Web Developer</a><br>\r\n* <a href=https://www.firephp.org/>Fire PHP</a><br>\r\n* <a href=https://addons.mozilla.org/fr/firefox/addon/59>User Agent Switcher</a><br>\r\n<br>\r\n<br>\r\n* <a href=https://www.rousette.org.uk/projects/>Tracks</a><br>\r\n* <a href=https://www.tiddlywiki.com/>Tiddlywiki</a><br>\r\n# Prism<br>\r\n# XChat<br>\r\n    * <a href=https://digdilem.org/irc/index.cgi?entry=2130779227>Uberscript</a><br>\r\n# PC Man<br>\r\n* <a href=https://labs.adobe.com/technologies/air/>Air</a><br>\r\n* <a href=https://twhirl.com>Twhirl</a><br>\r\n# KeePassX<br>\r\n# Ardour<br>\r\n# Amarok<br>\r\n# Rockbox<br>\r\n* <a href=https://lincgeek.org/bashpodder/>Bashpodder</a><br>\r\n# Audacious<br>\r\n# FileZilla</a><br>\r\n# BaoBab<br>\r\n# KTorrent<br>\r\n# Pidgin<br>\r\n* <a href=https://funpidgin.sourceforge.net/>FunPidgin</a><br>\r\n# DigiKam<br>\r\n# GQView<br>\r\n# GIMP<br>\r\n# Inkscape<br>\r\n# AutoFSCK<br>\r\n<br>\r\nMost of these (those with a # not a *) are available in the Ubuntu repositories though or are installed by default though.',79,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Windows,Linux,Mac,Firefox,Chrome,Extensions,Applications Software',0,2409,1),
(111,'2008-06-03','Steal this movie 2',227,'A short introduction to the film \"Steal This Film 2\" and how it compares to the first movie.','<a href=\"https://www.stealthisfilm.com\"> www.stealthisfilm.com </a>  - short review of\r\nthe documentary film \"steal this film 2.',73,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','short,piracy,movies',0,2218,1),
(112,'2008-06-04','SSH Tunnelling',870,'Covering different use-cases for SSH tunneling and how to set it up.','This month, I\'m taking a break from HPR, but I have a special guest host filling in for me: John Wesley Pruitt from <a href=\"https://jwplinux.libsyn.com/\">JWPLinux\'s Podcast</a>, who will give us an overview of SSH tunneling.',74,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','external,tunneling,ssh,squid,\"dynamic port forwarding\",loopback',0,1910,1),
(113,'2008-06-05','Nintendo Wii Review',610,'Review different games on the Wii. How to play, the look and feel of controllers.','Plexi reviews the <a href=\"https://www.nintendo.com/wii\"> Nintendo Wii </a>  video game console. ',57,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','golf,tennis,nunchucks,\"loading issues\",review',0,1161,1),
(114,'2008-06-06','Linux video editing',3578,'Talking about different video editors, our experience, and what they can handle. Focus on LiVES.','<a href= \"https://docs.google.com/View?docid=dhqjdjm7_35fgkg6vhg\">   This is Salsaman\'s Bio page.\r\n  </a> <br>\r\n<a href=\"https://www.piksel.org/videojack\">  This is his videojack project\r\n </a> <br>\r\n<a href=\"https://www.reimeika.ca/lives/lives_guide.html\">  Very good LiVES Tutorial page that Salsaman  recommended\r\n </a> <br>\r\n<a href=\"https://lives.sourceforge.net/\">   LiVES homepage </a> <br>\r\n\r\n<a href=\"https://lives.sourceforge.net/livesfund.html\">  Fundraising for LiVES 1.0\r\n </a> <br>\r\n<a href=\"https://sourceforge.net/community/cca08\">  Sourceforge user nominations page for LiVES as best multimedia app\r\n </a> <br>\r\n\r\n\r\n<a href=\"https://www.youtube.com/sorteal\">\r\n https://www.youtube.com/sorteal </a> <br>\r\n<a href=\"https://www.serverwillprovide.com/sorteal/\"> www.serverwillprovide.com/sorteal/ </a> <br> \r\n\r\n<a href=\"https://www.serverwillprovide.com/hpr/\"> https://www.serverwillprovide.com/hpr/ </a>  ',25,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','\"video editor\",review,cohost,lives,\"windows movie maker\",jackaudio,vlc',0,2743,1),
(115,'2008-06-09','Promoting Linux',651,'Ken Fallon discusses ways to promote linux','<p>\nAlways ask does this product work with Linux?<br />\nCan I return this if it doesn\'t work for Linux?<br />\nWhen writing quotations include questions about Linux support.\n</p>\n\n',30,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','\"Linux Promotion\"',0,1475,1),
(116,'2008-06-10','Linux Boot Process Part 6 - Init',2137,'Talking about the linux boot process, part 6 in the series. Going through inittab and init levels.','Linux Boot Process pt. 6 - Init \r\n\r\nInit is the mother of all processes.  See my <a href=\"https://www.thelinuxlink.net/~dann/init_hpr.txt\">Notes</a> for a brief reference.  Also check out these resources:\r\n\r\n<a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Init\">Wikipedia page on init</a>\r\ninit man page\r\ninittab man page\r\n<a href=\"https://upstart.ubuntu.com\">Upstart</a>',7,6,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','linux,bootloader,grub,lilo,ramdisk,\"root partition\",ubuntu,upstart',0,1473,1),
(117,'2008-06-11','Bilderberg Group and the Crimespace project',2482,'Covering the meeting of the Bilderberg Group, the history behind the meetings. Powerful people talk.','The Bilderberg Group met in VA last weekend, including European royalty, a CEO of Google, Craig Mundie from Microsoft,  along with hundreds of the most influential people in the world, and no one noticed. ',75,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','\"bilderberg group\",crimespace,meeting,\"bill gates\"',0,1250,1),
(118,'2008-06-12','June UCLUG Meeting',6412,'This is a recording of the Upstate Carolina Linux Users Group Meeting, with live coding.','At the UCLUG: Jas continues his bash shell scripting for newbies tutorial, and Allen Valliencourt of FGPTech.',77,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','\"shell script\",uclug,meeting,environment,\"denial of service\",spam,snort',0,1314,1),
(119,'2008-06-13','Tech Music: No Seat Attached',305,'The Tech Music series presents the MC Smedley track \'No Seat Attached\'','MC Smedley garage basement demos.\r\n\r\nNo seat attached - 1st recorded track ever',89,22,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','music, technology, garage, demo, basement',0,1453,1),
(120,'2008-06-16','Tech Music: Landline Party!!',304,'The Tech Music series presents the track \'Landline Party!!\'','check out his other tracks at: <br>\r\n<a href=\"https://www.zombie.el.cx/music/\">https://www.zombie.el.cx/music/ </a> <br>',82,22,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','music, techno, technology, telephone, modem',0,1720,1),
(121,'2008-06-17','Linguistic Public Radio',271,'The first appearance of Linguistic Public Radio','Plexi talks about her new upcoming project.',57,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Linguistic Public Radio,linguistics,linguistchat.org',0,1982,1),
(122,'2008-06-18','Batch processing on Linux',328,'We look into an application for batching jobs in sequence or at a time, an email with the result.','Deepgeek discusses batch processing on a linux platform',73,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','debian,email,bash,at,applications',0,2106,1),
(123,'2008-06-19','Misunderstanding Privacy Part 1',1147,'This covers the paper around internet privacy. If we don\'t have anything to hide, why secure it?','<a href=\"https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=998565\">SSRN Paper</a> <br>\r\n<a href=\"https://docs.law.gwu.edu/facweb/dsolove/\">Daniel J. Solove</a> <br>\r\n<a href=\"https://www.drakeanubis.com\">Drake Anubis</a> <br>',58,74,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','privacy,terrorists,paper,internet,\"national security\",theory',0,1616,1),
(124,'2008-06-23','Digital Picture Frame',761,'Encouraging listeners to create a DIY picture frame built from a very old laptop','\r\n<a href=\"https://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f197/mirovengi/2598843693_9ffee7e4c2_o.jpg\"> https://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f197/mirovengi/2598843693_9ffee7e4c2_o.jpg </a> <br>\r\n<a href=\"https://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f197/mirovengi/2598843655_b4fd44222f_o.jpg\"> https://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f197/mirovengi/2598843655_b4fd44222f_o.jpg </a> <br>\r\n\r\n<a href=\"https://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f197/mirovengi/2598843621_30287ffdc3_o.jpg\"> https://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f197/mirovengi/2598843621_30287ffdc3_o.jpg </a> <br>',48,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','DIY,maker,repurpose,hardware hacking',0,2007,1),
(125,'2008-06-24','Home Brew Part 1',1953,'How to brew your own beer, part 1','Equipment needed for Home Brew: <br>\r\n\r\n8 Quart Pot <br>\r\nFermenting Vessel (glass or food grade plastic) <br>\r\nBottling Vessel (again, food grade plastic) <br>\r\nSiphon Hose & Bottling tool <br>\r\nSpoon <br>\r\nFunnel (if using a glass fermenter) <br>\r\nBottle capper\r\nbottles<br>\r\ncaps<br>\r\nsterilizing solution (c-Brite or B-brite) <br>\r\nHop Bag <br>\r\nThermometer <br>\r\nHydrometer <br>\r\nBeer Kit (ingredients) <br>\r\n\r\nLinks: <br>\r\n\r\n<a href=\"https://www.leeners.com\"> https://www.leeners.com </a> <br>\r\n<a href=\"https://www.homebrewtalk.com\"> https://www.homebrewtalk.com </a>',90,14,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','beer,home brewing,fermenting,bottling,hops',0,1976,1),
(126,'2008-06-25','Ripping the Web',864,'Looking into techniques how to rip webpages, security and applications.','operator explains how to rip content from websites.',36,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','whitelist,\"web pages\",curl,php,cookies,\"streaming media\",ripping,webx,filtering',0,1305,1),
(127,'2008-06-26','How to be Nosey on the Interwebz',686,'Summary of presentation about how to listen to traffic on the network around you.','<a href=\"https://twatech.org/shownotes/howtobenosey.odp\">\r\nHow to be Nosey Presentation </a>',39,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','driftnet,nmap,ettercap,\"web traffic\",wireshark,summary',0,9962,1),
(128,'2008-06-27','Misunderstanding Privacy Part 2',498,'Talking about different ways to define privacy.','Drake continues his series of Misunderstanding privacy. <br>\r\n<a href=\"https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=998565\">SSRN Paper</a> <br>\r\n<a href=\"https://docs.law.gwu.edu/facweb/dsolove/\">Daniel J. Solove</a> <br>\r\n<a href=\"https://www.drakeanubis.com\">Drake Anubis</a><br>',58,74,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','privacy,quotes,philosophy,definition',0,1353,1),
(129,'2008-06-30','Panama City Linux User Group Meeting',4187,'This is a recording of the Panama City Linux User Group Meeting, with live coding.','<a href=\"https://pclug.info/meeting_0058/index.html\">PCLUG meeting notes 0058</a>',77,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','\"windows vista\",\"linux group\",meeting,pclug,\"download party\",installation,\"command line\"',0,1860,1),
(130,'2008-07-01','Unhosing a spyware infected system',917,'In this show, we talk about what we can do with a windows system when it can\'t be trusted anymore.','* <a href=https://www.lavasoftusa.com/products/ad_aware_free.php>Ad-Aware</a><br>\r\n* <a href=https://www.safer-networking.org/en/mirrors/index.html>Spybot Search and Destroy</a><br>\r\n* Either <a href=https://free.grisoft.com/doc/downloads?prd=aff>AVG</a> or <a href=https://www.clamwin.com/content/view/18/46/>Clam AV</a><br>\r\n* <a href=https://www.spywareinfo.com/~merijn/programs.php>HijackThis</a><br>\r\n* <a href=https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb897445.aspx>Rootkit Revealer</a><br>\r\n* <a href=https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb963902.aspx>Autoruns</a><br>\r\n<br>\r\n* <a href=https://www.filehippo.com/download_ccleaner/>C Cleaner</a><br>\r\n* Disk Clean (part of Windows)<br>\r\n* Scan Disk (part of Windows)<br>\r\n* Defrag (part of Windows)<br>',79,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Windows,Virus,Spyware,Repair,Software',0,2460,1),
(131,'2008-07-02','Adding Stereo to a Computer',1955,'Deepgeek talks about adding a Stereo to his Computer','\r\n\"Deepgeek talks about adding a Stereo to his Computer\"',73,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','audio,stereo,sound output,harmonic distortion,speakers,headphones,flac,lame',0,1954,1),
(132,'2008-07-03','OpenDNS',850,'Rowinggolfer discusses how to set up and configure using OpenDNS.','<ul>\r\n<li><a href=\"https://www.openDNS.com\">openDNS website</a>\r\n<li><a href=\"https://twatech.org/shownotes/transcript.txt\">transcript of the episode</a>\r\n<li><a href=\"https://twatech.org/shownotes/dynamic_ip.html\">rowinggolfer\'s notes on using openDNS with a dynamic IP</a></li>\r\n</ul>',86,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','dns,\"domain name service\",\"site blocking\",\"dynamic ip updating\"',0,1924,1),
(133,'2008-07-04','Talk to Drake',381,'Drake recommends the Shure 8900 microphone and invites listeners to talk to him on a show','<a href=\"https://www.drakeanubis.com\">Drake</a> invites quiet listeners to come on the show and share their interests with him.',58,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Shure, microphone, invitation, participate, podcasting, correspondents',0,1421,1),
(134,'2008-07-07','Kernal Patching ',1227,'Adding functions or patching issues in your kernel, this is the process.','Part 2 of the How to Build your own Kernal Series',78,0,0,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Building a Kernel',0,1428,1),
(135,'2008-07-08','LPI Ceritification Part 5 PCI Cards',985,'Setup different PC expansion cards','<ul>\r\n<li><a href=\"https://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html\"> GNU Free Documentation License </a></li>\r\n<li><a href=\"https://web.archive.org/web/20081224171658/https://www.elearnit.de/index.en.html\"> elpicx Live-CD/DVD </a></li>\r\n<li><a href=\"https://web.archive.org/web/20080517214629/https://www.ledge.co.za/software/lpinotes/\"> Leading Edge Training Notes </a></li>\r\n<li><a href=\"https://web.archive.org/web/20090419025048/https://www.ledge.co.za/software/lpinotes/101-letter.pdf\">101-letter.pdf</a></li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<p>\r\nCommands Used:\r\n</p>\r\n<pre><code>lspci -h|less\r\nlspci -n|less\r\nlocate pci.ids | less\r\nless \'locate pci.ids | head -1`\r\nlspci | less\r\nlspci -s 00:1d -v |less\r\nless /proc/pci\r\necho \"Read https://www.rt.com/man/pnpdump.8.html\"\r\nless /proc/interupts\r\nless /proc/ioports\r\nless /proc/iomem\r\nless /proc/dma\r\n</code></pre>\r\n\r\n',30,7,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','LPI,lspci',0,2030,1),
(136,'2008-07-09','Intercepting Satellite Transmissions',628,'Drake Anubis demonstrates the basic setups to decoding APT satellite transmissions.','Drake Anubis demonstrates the basic setups to decoding APT satellite transmissions. A detailed tutorial is available on <a href=\"https://drakeanubis.com/?q=node/22\">his blog</a>.',58,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','satellite,leo,noaa,photograph,photo,antenna,\"radio receiver\"',0,1558,1),
(137,'2008-07-10','July UCLUG Meeting',8690,'This is a recording of the Upstate Carolina Linux Users Group Meeting, with live coding.','dave yates as always records his UCLUG meeting ',77,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','bash,\"shell script\",coding,asterix,hashing,backup,regex,ubuntu',0,1873,1),
(138,'2008-07-11','Bee Soft Commander',351,'Looking into Bee Soft which is a file manager similar to Midnight Commander.','Deepgeek talks about the light weight app Bee Soft commander',73,11,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','languages,\"file manager\",\"ftp client\",\"wipe files\",review',0,2087,1),
(139,'2008-07-14','Compiling a Kernel over the Nework with distcc',1253,'Talking about setting up and compiling with distcc and the benefits over GCC or other options.','klaatu talks about compiling a Kernel over the network with distcc.',78,0,0,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Building a Kernel',0,1445,1),
(140,'2008-07-15','LPI Certification Part 6 Device Configuration',729,'LPIC topic 1.101.6 — Configure Communication Devices','<h3>Objective:</h3>\n<p>\nCandidates should be able to install and configure internal and external communication\ndevices such as modems, ISDN adapters, and DSL switches. This objective includes\nverification of compatibility requirements (especially important if that modem is a\nwinmodem), necessary hardware settings for internal devices (IRQs, DMAs, I/O ports), and\nloading and configuring suitable device drivers. It also includes communication device and\ninterface configuration requirements, such as the correct serial port for 115.2 Kbps, and the\ncorrect modem settings for outbound PPP connection(s).\n</p>\n<h3>Key files, terms, and utilities include:</h3>\n<pre><code>\n/proc/dma          Direct memory accessing channels in use\n/proc/interrupts   Interrupts in use\n/proc/ioports      I/O ports in use\nsetserial(8)       Configure serial port access for an internal modem\n</code></pre>\n\n',30,7,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','LPI,modems,ISDN,DSL',0,1468,1),
(141,'2008-07-16','Tech Music: Tele-Datu boogie',253,'The Tech Music series presents the track \'Tele-Datu boogie\'','check out his other tracks at: <br>\r\n<a href=\"https://www.zombie.el.cx/music/\">https://www.zombie.el.cx/music/ </a> <br>',82,22,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','music, technology, telephone',0,1360,1),
(142,'2008-07-17','Home Brew Part 2 - Bottling and Fermentation Fun',1748,'How to brew your own beer, part 2','jelkimantis\' part 2 of his home brewing adventures',90,14,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','beer,home brewing,fermentation,bottling',0,1512,1),
(143,'2008-07-18','Open GPS Tracker',2609,'Informal talk about open source hardware and the open GPS tracker, sending commands to the phone.','<a href=\"https://opengpstracker.org/\">\r\n https://opengpstracker.org </a> <br>\r\n<a href=\"https://www.opengpstracker.org/wordpress/\r\n\"> https://www.opengpstracker.org/wordpress/ </a> <br>\r\n\r\n<a href=\"https://www.opengpstracker.org/phpBB3/\"> \r\nhttps://www.opengpstracker.org/phpBB3/ </a> <br>\r\n\r\n\r\n<a href=\"https://www.ladyada.net/make/usbtinyisp/index.html\"> https://www.ladyada.net/make/usbtinyisp/index.html </a <br> ',25,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','\"open source\",hardware,firmware,diy,\"micro controllers\",robots,cellphone,GPS,flashing',0,1351,1),
(144,'2008-07-20','Death Note',473,'Review of the anime series \'Death Note\'','deepgeek talks about Death Note anime',73,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','review, anime, adult theme, thriller, recommended',0,7393,1),
(145,'2008-07-21','Stop smoking',516,'A show to encourage you to give up smoking','The one step plan to stopping smoking: Don\'t smoke another one.\r\n \r\nAudio for the record scratch by Halleck\r\n<a href=\"https://www.freesound.org/samplesViewSingle.php?id=29938\">\r\nhttps://www.freesound.org/samplesViewSingle.php?id=29938 </a> <br> \r\n<a href=\"https://creativecommons.org/licenses/sampling+/1.0/\"> https://creativecommons.org/licenses/sampling+/1.0 </a> <br>',30,100,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','self-help, stop smoking, health',0,1379,1),
(146,'2008-07-22','MC Smedley',420,'The Tech Music series presents another track from MC Smedley','another track by MC Smedley',89,22,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','music, rock',0,1292,1),
(147,'2008-07-23','New DNS vunerablity',317,'miro talks about a current DNS vulnerability','miro talks about the new DNS vunerablity',48,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','DNS, security, vulnerability, internet, domains',0,1285,1),
(148,'2008-07-24','LinuxFest',1380,'Talking about Linux and the community, and how it\'s to go to LinuxFest.','LinuxFest<br>\r\n<a href=\"https://ohiolinux.org\">Ohio LinuxFest</a>;<br>\r\n<a href=\"https://onlinux.ca\">Ontario LinuxFest</a>;<br>\r\n<a href=\"https://www.southeastlinuxfest.com/wiki\">Southeast LinuxFest</a>.',77,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','linuxfest,linux,geek,community',0,1924,1),
(149,'2008-07-25','DynamicDNS',1492,'klaatu talks about dynamic DNS including a walkthrough for no-ip.com','klaatu talks about dynamic dns',78,0,0,'CC-BY-NC-SA','DNS, dynamic, ssh, security, remote access',0,1548,1),
(150,'2008-07-28','Debloat Windows',678,'In this episode, we talk about how to remove unwanted software from your windows machine.','Cybercod explains how to debloat a windows install disk\r\n\r\n',91,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','bloat,\"service packs\",tweeks,\"customized install\",drivers',0,2042,1),
(151,'2008-07-29','Copyfight Vol 1',700,'Threethirty talks about the basics of DRM, licensing, copyright and copyleft.','\r\n<a href=\"https://www.freesound.org/\"> https://www.freesound.org/ </a> <br>\r\n\r\n<a href=\"https://www.creativecommons.org\"> https://www.creativecommons.org </a> <br>',92,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','copyfight,copyright,licensing,drm',0,1376,1),
(152,'2008-07-30','Pulse Audio Intro',2034,'We discuss what Pulse Audio is and how it works in Linux, talking to the kernel and drivers.','<p>Klaatu interviews Kajarii about Pulse Audio.</p>\r\n<p><a href=\"www.pulseaudio.org\" target=\"_blank\">Pulse Audio Website</a></p>\r\n<p>Since I\'ll be listening to this episode in <a href=\"https://www.thebadapples.info/audiophile/pulseaudio.ogg\">OGG format, I figured I\'d post the ogg version in case anyone else wants it.  --klaatu</p>',78,0,0,'CC-BY-NC-SA','fedora,cohost,\"linux kernel modules\",priority,realtime,pulseaudio,\"sound server\"',0,2288,1),
(153,'2008-07-31','What is an algorithm',242,'This is a definition of what an algorithm is and how it\'s used.','<p><u>What is an algorithm?</u></p>\r\n<p><b>Review Question:</b></p>\r\n<p>Try answering the follow review question by leaving a comment or answering it in your head. If you want you can even write it down on paper.</p>\r\n<p><i>Write an algorithm for your morning routine. From the time the alarm clock rings until you leave the house for work or school.</i></p>\r\n<p>If you\'re like me and do not have a job try writing an algorithm on how to write a resume.<br /></p>\r\n<p><b>Recommended Reads</b></p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Algorithm\">https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Algorithm</a></p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euclid\'s_algorithm\">https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euclid\'s_algorithm</a></p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https://computer.howstuffworks.com/question717.htm\">https://computer.howstuffworks.com/question717.htm</a></p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-an-algorithm.htm\">https://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-an-algorithm.htm</a></p><br />\r\n<p><em>This work is licensed under a <a href=\"https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/\">Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 License</a></em></p>',38,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','algorithms,definition',0,2256,1),
(601,'2010-11-22','A community icecast and mumble server for recording podcasts',595,'PipeManMusic describes some resources they\'ve made available to the oggcast community','In this show I talk about the new icecast and mumble server that I have made available to FLOSS/Hacker pod/oggcaster<br />\r\ndworth a <a href=\"opensourcemusician.com\">opensourcemusician.com</a><br />\r\n<a href=\"https://opensourcemusician.libsyn.com\">https://opensourcemusician.libsyn.com</a><br />\r\n<a href=\"https://live.opensourcemusician.com\">https://live.opensourcemusician.com</a><br />\r\n',134,45,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','icecast,mumble,podcasting,oggcasting',0,2525,1),
(154,'2008-08-01','Linguistic Public Radio Episode 0',529,'The second episode of Linguistic Public Radio','Plexie introduces her new site, forum, irc channel and podcast.  <br>\r\n<a href=\"https://linguistchat.org\"> Linguist Chat Home page </a> <br>\r\noffical irc channel: linguistchat.org #Linguistchat<br>\r\n<a href=\"https://forum.linguistchat.org\"> LinguistChat Forum </a>',57,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Linguistic Public Radio,linguistics,linguistchat.org',0,1822,1),
(155,'2008-08-04','Installing Xubuntu',725,'Experience of installing Xubuntu and if it\'s easier to use than Ubuntu.','Xoke talks about installing Xubuntu',79,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Linux,Install',0,2293,1),
(156,'2008-08-05','FRS/GMRS Walkie Talkie Review',984,'Reviewing walkie talkie units, how it actually works, and what features they have. Also nostalgia.','Deepgeek reviews FRS/GMRS walkie-talkies from Radio Shack\r\n(He also waxes nostalgic about CB radio.)',73,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','\"walkie talkie\",GPRS,\"base stations\",privacy,license,freebanding',0,2431,1),
(157,'2008-08-06','New Hackermedia Content',352,'Talking about new releases of hacker media. Ending with a \"there will be giants\" release.','Some new Hackermedia\r\n <br>\r\n\r\n<br>\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nThe Hacker Voice Digest Issue 3\r\n <br>\r\n\r\n<a href=\"https://www.hackervoice.co.uk/thvdigestmag/THVDigest3.pdf\"> Download </a> <br>\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n Rough guide to number stations - Part 3 By Demonix\r\n <br>\r\n History of BT Strowger Systems - By Belial\r\n <br>\r\n List of interesting phone numbers - Blue_Chimp\r\n <br>\r\n VoIP spectacular with 10nix and Belial\r\n <br>\r\n Hacking Vonage - Belial\r\n <br>\r\n Easy Peasy ID theft - Hyper\r\n <br>\r\n Urban Exploration - BT exchanges\r\n <br>\r\n Rants\r\n <br>\r\n News\r\n <br>\r\n Interviews <br>\r\n\r\n and a fuckton more!......\r\n <br>\r\n\r\n\r\n<br>\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nCitizen Engineer\r\n <br>\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n<a href=\"https://www.citizenengineer.com/\r\n\"> Website\r\n </a> <br>\r\n\r\n\r\nLadyAda\r\n <br>\r\n<a href=\"https://www.adafruit.com/\">\r\n https://www.adafruit.com </a> <br>\r\n<a href=\"https://www.ladyada.net/\r\n\"> https://www.ladyada.net/ </a> <br> \r\n\r\n\r\nPhil Torrone\r\n <br>\r\n<a href=\"https://www.makezine.com/\r\n\"> https://www.makezine.com/ </a> <br>\r\n\r\n<a href=\"https://www.makezine.com/pub/au/Phillip_Torrone\">\r\n https://www.makezine.com/pub/au/Phillip_Torrone </a> <br><br>\r\n\r\nThey Might Be Giants, Friday Night Video Podcast\r\n <br>\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n<a href=\"https://youtube.com/watch?v=3QxeSfn1ME4\r\n\"> Video </a> <br>\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n<a href=\"https://tinyinventions.com/blog/?p=84\r\n\"> \r\nMaking of </a> <br>\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n<a href=\"https://feeds.feedburner.com/theymightbegiants/\">  Rss Feed </a> <br>\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n<a \r\nhref=\"https://tmbw.net/wiki/Lyrics:Ballad_Of_Davy_Crockett_(In_Outer_Space)\">\r\n Lyrics </a> \r\n',1,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','\"hacker media\",\"citizen engineer\",\"video podcast\"',0,1183,1),
(158,'2008-08-07','EC LUG July 31 Meeting',3994,'This is a recording of the Eau Claire Linux Users Group Meeting.','audio from EC Lug meeting on july 31 2008',93,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','linux,installation,\"community size\",licensing,\"public domain\",\"source hosting\"',0,1291,1),
(159,'2008-08-08','Basic Electronics',1853,'A light hearted discussion of basic digital electronics, covering the seven types of logic gates.','Digital & Analog <br>\r\n\r\nThe 7 Logic Gates <br>\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n<a href=\"https://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=7654043762021156507\">From Nand to Tetris in 12 Steps </a> ',25,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','electronics,batteries,\"low voltage\",\"logic gates\",digital,\"direct current\",dc,ttl,\"transistor transistor logic\"',0,1978,1),
(160,'2008-08-11','DVgrab',816,'Ken walks us through moving off DV tapes to disk','<h3>Links</h3>\r\n<ul>\r\n<li><a href=\"https://kenfallon.com/?p=51\">Archiving your DV tapes</a></li>\r\n<li><a href=\"https://web.archive.org/web/20080209152726/https://torrez.us/archives/2007/05/14/530/\">How do I manage my personal videos?</a></li>\r\n<li><a href=\"https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/linux/library/l-job-terminating/index.html\">Controlling the duration of scheduled jobs</a></li>\r\n</ul>\r\n\r\n',30,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','dvgrab,archiving',0,1351,1),
(161,'2008-08-12','Hacking WEP',1455,'Talking about the fragmentation attack for hacking WEP, demonstrating by example.','finux explains just how insecure WEP is ',85,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','wep,hacking,fragmentation,vulnerabilities,isp,security,tutorial',0,1527,1),
(162,'2008-08-13','Webkit',1058,'We are talking about an article in the Linux journal about packaging a webpage in an application.','\r\nJza, Andymeows, and riddebox have a improvised discussion about an article in the \r\nJuly issue of Linux Journal, called \"Using Webkit In Your Desktop Application.\" pg 54 - 58.\r\n<br>\r\n\r\nLinux Journal = www.linuxjournal.com <br>\r\nhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WebKit <br>\r\n<br>\r\nWhat is webkit? <br>\r\nIt has a LGPL license <br>\r\nWebkit is an open source application framework that provides \r\na foundation upon which to build a web browser.\r\nIt was originally \r\nderived from the konqueror browser\'s khtml software library by Apple Inc. for use in Safari.\r\nYou can use Designer to create a nice gui and use the classes for QtWebKit inside it. \r\nWhich means that you can drag and drop forms and create the gui real fast. \r\nThe best part of QtWebKit is that you can pull stuff from the internet for you applications. \r\nIn the article they created an app that will download the pdf files from past issues for you. With a nice search feature for their website. \r\n<br>\r\nExamples of applications using Webkit: <br>\r\nAdium <br>\r\nColloquy <br>\r\nMSN Messenger <br>\r\nMac OS X\'s Dashboard <br>\r\nThe IPhone uses it as well <br>\r\n',94,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','\"linux journal\",cohost,\"webpage application\",webkit,javascript,qt',0,1265,1),
(163,'2008-08-14','Circuit Bending',826,'Morgellon method in which audio circuit are modified to make new sounds','<h2>HPR Circuit Bending</h2>\r\n\r\n<ul>\r\n<li><a href=\"https://www.expertvillage.com/video-series/5058_circuit-bending-audio.htm\">https://www.expertvillage.com/video-series/5058_circuit-bending-audio.htm </a> </li>\r\n<li><a href=\"https://www.expertvillage.com/video-series/4432_circuit-bending.htm\">https://www.expertvillage.com/video-series/4432_circuit-bending.htm </a> </li>\r\n</ul>\r\n\r\n<p>Circuit bending is the creative, DIY (Do It Yourself) short-circuiting of electronic devices such as low voltage, battery-powered guitar effects, children\'s toys and small digital synthesizers to create new musical instruments and sound generators. Emphasizing spontaneity and randomness, the techniques of circuit bending have been commonly associated with noise music, though many more conventional contemporary musicians and musical groups have been known to experiment with \"bent\" instruments. Circuit benders remove the rear panel and connect circuits on a trial and error basis. More experienced benders use a soldering iron and add other components such as potentiometers, resistors or capacitors, which creates an even broader range of sounds.</p>\r\n',25,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Circuits,Audio,Synthesizer,Music,Soldering',0,1129,1),
(164,'2008-08-15','Copyfight Vol 2',304,'Threethirty talks about freeing your DRM\'ed music, licensing, copyright and copyleft.','threethiry continues his copyfight series',92,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Music,DRM,Copyright,Copyfight,Licensing',0,1169,1),
(165,'2008-08-18','Expressive Programming Part 1',1026,'Part 1 of the Expressive Programming series','<p>\n<em>\nIn this series UberChick discusses programming as an art form, as a means of\nself-expression\n</em>\n</p>\n\n<p>uberchick\'s first installment of her expressive programming series</p>\n',95,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Expressive Programming',0,1310,1),
(166,'2008-08-19','10 Minute Mail',391,'I talk about a 10-minute mail address. It creates an email address that you have for 10 minutes.','<p>\r\n<a href=\"https://www.10minutemail.com\">10 Minute Mail</a> <br>\r\n<a href=\"https://www.thebadapples.info/audiophile/10minutemail.ogg\">Ogg Version of this Episode</a> <br></p>\r\n',78,0,0,'CC-BY-NC-SA','\"web service\",registration,verification,reply',0,1294,1),
(167,'2008-08-20','UCLUG august Meeting',6457,'This is a recording of the Upstate Carolina Linux Users Group Meeting, with live coding.','upstate carolina linux user group august meeting',77,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','\"file handling\",newsclip,perl,installation,germany,\"open source\",linuxfest',0,1168,1),
(168,'2008-08-22','EC LUG August 14 Meeting',6024,'This is a recording of the Eau Claire Linux Users Group Meeting.','EC LUG meeting for august 14',73,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','shellscript,mailserver,ubuntu,\"video viewers\",\"user experiance\"',0,1221,1),
(169,'2008-08-23','Steganography',1205,'Steganography is the technique of hiding secret data within an ordinary file or message.','deepgeek dicusses steganography',73,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','\"ascii text\",secret,cryptography,hiding,tooling,images,\"source code\"',0,2899,1),
(170,'2008-08-25','Resetting Windows Passwords',470,'In this episode, I talk about how to reset Windows NT passwords in Linux.','finux discusses a tool that allows you to reset windows passwords',85,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','\"Windows NT\",linux,\"harddrive password\",tooling,installation,\"sam password\"',0,1399,1),
(171,'2008-08-26','AVID 101',346,'Talking about Advancement Via Individual Determination. A way to help students prepare for college.','jelkimantis discusses a program called AVID <br>\r\n\r\n<a href=\"https://www.twatech.org/shownotes/AVID.ppt\"> \r\nshownotes </a> ',90,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','history,suburbs,schools,urban,\"working hard\",advancement,determination',0,1935,1),
(172,'2008-08-27','fluxbox tabbed windows',551,'Talking about the tab feature in Fluxbox, lightweight window manager for Linux.','dave yates discusses fluxbox\'s tabbed windows feature',77,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','tabs,fluxbox,\"window manager\",xterm,titlebar',0,1850,1),
(173,'2008-08-28','Configuring Pulse Audio',1434,'Talking about how to install and configure Pulse Audio from an article written for archlinux.','<p>Klaatu and notJlindsay discuss Pulse Audio and how to configure it so it doesn\'t bork your system.  One thing Klaatu fails to mention is that before you try any of this, you should just run whatever software updates may be available for your OS.  Pulse configuration and compatability seems to be improving rapidly over time, so many thing may \"fix themselves\" by simply making sure your distro is up to date.</p>\r\n\r\n<p><a href=\"https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/PulseAudio\" target=\"_blank\">Wiki Article</a><br/>\r\n<a href=\"https://www.thebadapples.info/audiophile/pulseaudio2.ogg\">the ogg version of this episode</a></p>',78,0,0,'CC-BY-NC-SA','wiki,archlinux,pulseaudio,article,plugins,alsa,esound,gnome,kde',0,1332,1),
(174,'2008-08-29','VIM is my IDE',1580,'Jrullo goes through a basic setup and use of Vim as an IDE.','\r\n<a href=\"https://www.djangoproject.com\">Django: </a> <br>\r\n<a href=\"https://thisweekindjango.com\">This Week in Django\r\n <br> </a>\r\n\r\n\r\n<a href=\"https://www.vim.org\"> \r\nVIM </a> <br>\r\n\r\n\r\n<a href=\"https://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=1318\"> SnippetsEMU </a> <br>\r\n\r\n<a href=\"https://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=1658\">\r\nNerd tree </a> <br>\r\n\r\n<a href=\"https://taglist.sourceforge.net\"> taglist  </a> <br>\r\n\r\n\r\nadd to ~/.vimrc for shortcuts <br>\r\n\r\nTaglist shortcut line: <br>\r\n\r\nnnoremap <silent> <F8> :TlistToggle<CR> <br>\r\n\r\n\r\nNERDtree shortcut line: <br>\r\nnnoremap <silent> <F6> :NERDTree<CR> <br>\r\n\r\n\r\nNotes: <br>\r\n*.vba is a vimball file\r\nopen a .vba file and follow the instructions. once in the file type :so % and hit enter to run the .vba file. that should install the vim scripts into your ~/.vim directory. it\'s always a good idea to run the unzip or .vba files from the directory you want to install them into, as you may come across scripts in the future that assume that\'s were you are. <br>\r\n<br>\r\ndefault Debian/Ubuntu setting file is here:  <br>/usr/share/vim/vim71/debian.vim\r\nyours may be under vim70 or something else depending on your version\r\nthe global /etc/vim/vimrc runs the debian.vim file \r\n<br> <br>\r\nSnippetsEMU notes: <br>\r\nopen any SOMELANGUAGE_snippets.vim file to see examples of how to setup a snippet. once snippets are installed, open a file with vim and type a snippet phrase followed by hitting the <tab> key and the phrase should be replaced with the bits from the snippet file. <br>\r\n<br>\r\n\r\nNERD tree notes:<br>\r\n<br>\r\n\r\nnormal vim keyboard keys work in the NERD tree window. <br>\r\n:NERDTree starts it <br>\r\nq from the NERDtree window quits <br>\r\nu for up a level<br>\r\nt for down a level (traverse) <br>\r\n:help NERDTree for extensive command help <br>\r\n<br>\r\nTaglist notes: <br>\r\nnormal vim keyboard keys work in the taglist window. <br>\r\ntaglsits are cumulative, meaning that as you open different files in the same vim session taglist creates a new taglist tree for new files you edit.\r\n:TlistOpen starts\r\n:TlistToggle toggles between opening and closeing the taglist window\r\nF1 for help\r\nq quits/closes taglist window\r\n <br>\r\n\r\n\r\n<a href=\"https://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=1965\">\r\nLodgeit Pastebin for VIM </a> <br>\r\nNERDCommenter for VIM <br>\r\neasily comment out lines and blocks of text inside code for many languages <br>\r\n<a href=\"https://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=1218\">https://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=1218 </a> <br>',96,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','vim,programming,ide,configuration',0,1599,1),
(175,'2008-09-01','Sourcecast ep 00',3255,'This is the SourceCast episode 0, a review of specific distros and general Linux talk.','original audio <a href=\"https://sourcecast.org/\"> https://sourcecast.org/ </a> ',97,19,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','humor,distro,reviews,software,mandrake,apache,gentoo,openoffice,java,debian,mysql,qt,\"web browsers\",wine',0,1126,1),
(176,'2008-09-02','EC Lug  August 21 Meeting',7849,'This is a recording of the Eau Claire Linux Users Group Meeting.','EC Lug  August 21 Meeting',93,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','\"alarm clock\",ubuntu,\"soft radio\",automation,robot,music,\"reuse machines\"',0,1448,1),
(177,'2008-09-03','Rhythmbox Streaming',327,'Streaming audio with Rhythmbox','weex talks about streaming audio with Rhythmbox ',98,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','audio,streaming,sharing,windows,data,itunes',0,1302,1),
(178,'2008-09-04','Google Chrome',861,'Talking about the current state of Google Chrome and a review of this new release.','\r\n<a href=\"https://www.google.com/chrome\"> download link </a> <br>\r\nHere\'s a thread on the binrev forum all about Chrome: <br>\r\n<a href=\"https://www.binrev.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=38885\">https://www.binrev.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=38885 </a> <br>',39,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','firefox,release,chrome,features,searchbar,\"dynamic tabs\",incognito,privacy',0,6734,1),
(179,'2008-09-05','Hack This Site',380,'Talking about \"Hack this Site\" where you can train skills and learn how to hack a site via missions.','Xoke talks about a legaltraining ground for hackers. <br>\r\n<a href=\"https://www.hackthissite.org/\"> https://www.hackthissite.org/ </a> <br>',79,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Security,Hacker',0,2213,1),
(180,'2008-09-08','Beagle Board',914,'In this episode, I talk about embedded boards and mainly the Beagle Board.','<a href=\"https://beagleboard.org\"> Beagle Board HQ </a> <br>\r\n<a href=\"https://elinux.org/BeagleBoard\"> Wiki Info </a> <br>\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nHardware Info: <br>\r\n\r\n<a href=\"https://beagleboard.org/hardware\r\n\"> https://beagleboard.org/hardware </a> <br>\r\n\r\n<a href=\"https://dkc1.digikey.com/us/mkt/beagleboard.html\"> https://dkc1.digikey.com/us/mkt/beagleboard.html </a> <br><br>\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nBeagle Board Media:\r\n <br>\r\n<a href=\"https://beagleboard.org/media\r\n\"> https://beagleboard.org/media </a> <br>\r\n\r\n<a href=\"https://dkc1.digikey.com/us/en/tod/Texas_Instruments/BeagleBoard/BeagleBoard.html\"> https://dkc1.digikey.com/us/en/tod/Texas_Instruments/BeagleBoard/BeagleBoard.html </a> <br>',25,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','\"low power\",review,features,graphics,embedded',0,1907,1),
(181,'2008-09-09','Setting up  vsFTPD',1574,'In this show we talk about how to setup an FTP server, configuring user accounts and folders.','<p>Klaatu talks about setting up an FTP server.</p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https://www.vsftpd.beasts.org\" target=\"_blank\">vsFTPd site</a> <br>\r\n<a href=\"https://www.thebadapples.info/audiophile/vsFTPd.ogg\" target=\"_blank\">ogg version</a>',78,0,0,'CC-BY-NC-SA','security,configuration,ftp,history,anonymous,vsftpd',0,1409,1),
(182,'2008-09-10','LinuxMCE: Interview with Thomas Cherryhomes',4647,'This is an interview with Thom Cherryhomes talking about lifetime CE setup and features.','LinuxMCE is a free, open source add-on to Kubuntu including a 10\' UI, complete whole-house media solution with pvr + distributed media, and the most advanced smarthome solution available. It is stable, easy to use, and requires no knowledge of Linux and only basic computer skills. <br>\r\nLinks: <br>\r\n <a href=\"https://www.linuxmce.org\"> Home </a> <br>\r\n <a href=\"https://wiki.linuxmce.org/index.php/Video\">Demo Videos: </a> <br>\r\nIRC: irc.freenode.net #linuxmce <br>\r\n<a href=\"https://ohiolinux.org\"> Ohio LinuxFest 2008 </a>  10.11.2008 <br> \r\n<a href=\"https://southeastlinuxfest.com\"> SouthEast LinuxFest </a>   6.13.2009 <br>',99,78,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','lights,media,\"home automation\",asterix,integration,\"smart home\"',0,1539,1),
(183,'2008-09-11','UCLUG Sepetember meeting',5575,'This is a recording of the Upstate Carolina Linux Users Group Meeting, with live coding.','UC Lug\'s September meeting',77,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','shellscript,bash,\"hidden options\",gmail,permissions',0,1095,1),
(184,'2008-09-12','License Pt1: GNU GPL v3',1833,'The first part of a look at licenses','<a href=\"https://www.gnu.org\">GNU website</a><br />\r\n<a href=\"https://www.gnu.org/licenses/licenses.html\"</a>GNU GPL Licenses</a><br />\r\n<a href=\"https://www.thelinuxlink.net/~dann/hrp_gpl_notes.html\">Show Notes</a><br />\r\n<a href=\"https://itc.conversationsnetwork.org/shows/detail3365.html\">Eben Moglen - Licensing in the Web 2.0 Era</a><br />',7,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','licenses,licences,GPL',0,1412,1),
(185,'2008-09-15','3 tips',463,'Ken gives us quick bash tips','<a href=\"https://kenfallon.com\"> More info </a> <br>\r\nTip 1: while [ \"x\" = \"x\" ]; do ls -al ; sleep 5; done <br>\r\nTip 2: sox in.mp3 out.ogg tempo 1.5 <br>\r\nTip 3: tar -cf - . | ( cd /media/backupdisk; tar -xvf - ) <br>',30,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','sox,sleep,tar',0,1821,1),
(186,'2008-09-16','Vulgar Esperantist part 1',1473,'In this episode we talk about Esperanto; this is a first introduction.','klaatu\'s first part in his \"Vulgar Esperantist\" series done for the LinguistChat web series',78,21,0,'CC-BY-NC-SA','introduction,\"second language\",invented,learn,endings,verbs,adjectives',0,1653,1),
(187,'2008-09-17','Maemo',2039,'In this discussion we talk about Memo, how it works and what it is.','riddlebox and Jza talk about <a href=\"https://maemo.org/\"> Maemo </a> <br>',94,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','cohost,memo,history,nokia,embedded,linux,\"open source\",kernel',0,1511,1),
(188,'2008-09-18','Expressive Programming Part 2 Perfection vs Production',1197,'Part 2 of the Expressive Programming series','Part 2 of uberchicks expressive programming series.',95,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Expressive Programming',0,3968,1),
(189,'2008-09-19','Source Cast Part 2',3524,'This is the SourceCast episode 2, a review of vista and general Linux talk.','original audio from sourcecast 4.5 <br>\r\n<a href=\"https://sourcecast.org\">sourcecast website</a> <br>',97,19,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','vista,gmail,equafax,ubuntu,windows,security,\"user access control\",hybernation,login',0,1325,1),
(190,'2008-09-22','Media Centers for Linux',4145,'We talk about different media centers available for Linux.','monsterb, klaatu, and Peter64 talk about Media Centers for Linux.<br><a href=\"https://boxee.tv\">Boxee</a>, &nbsp;<a href=\"https://elisa.fluendo.com\">Elisa</a>, &nbsp;<a href=\"https://www.entertainer-project.com\">Entertainer</a>, &nbsp;<a href=\"https://freevo.sourceforge.net\">Freevo</a>, &nbsp;<a href=\"https://geexbox.org\">GeexBox</a>, &nbsp;<a href=\"https://www.linuxmce.org\">LinuxMCE</a>, <a href=\"https://www.getmiro.com\">&nbsp;Miro</a>, <a href=\"https://mythtv.org\">&nbsp;MythTV</a>, <a href=\"https://xbmc.org\">&nbsp;XBMC</a></small></body></html>',99,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','webapp,mythtv,mythubuntu,shepard,mandrake,alisa,media,tivo,divx',0,1460,1),
(191,'2008-09-23','EC Lug August 14 Meeting',6025,'This is a recording of the Eau Claire Linux Users Group Meeting.','EC Lug August 14th Meeting',93,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','recording,installation,mailserver,\"open source\",kde',0,1977,1),
(192,'2008-09-24','Linux User',274,'I had an interesting idea, let\'s create many videos about what Linux Users do.','threethrity talks about promoting linux.',92,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','videos,youtube,idea,linux',0,1993,1),
(193,'2008-09-25','What is Free Software',2184,'We talk about what free software is. We talk about the different things that make software free.','finux\'s talk from Software Freedom day',85,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','documentation,linux,\"source code\",firefox,liberation,freedom,scalability',0,1484,1),
(194,'2008-09-26','EC Lug September 25 meeting',5514,'This is a recording of the Eau Claire Linux Users Group Meeting.','EC Lug September 25 meeting',93,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','\"video drivers\",diversity,security,hacking,flash',0,1234,1),
(195,'2008-09-29','Sourcecast Ep 3',2872,'This is the SourceCast episode 3, a review of fedora and general Linux talk.','original audio  from <a href=\"https://www.sourcecast.org\"> sourcecast ep 5 </a> <br>',97,19,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','comments,unstable,partition,installation,updates,drivers,review',0,1424,1),
(196,'2008-09-30','linux file managers',1328,'Different subjects. How to plug a tire, file manager, linux CDs and what is my bag segment.','How to plug a tire, linux file managers, world\'s smallest linux distro, and what\'s in your bag?<p>\r\n<a href=\"https://tkdesk.sourceforge.net\">tkdesk</a>;<p>\r\n<a href=\"https://emelfm2.net\">emelfm2</a>;<p>\r\n<a href=\"https://vifm.sourceforge.net\">vifm</a>; and<p>\r\n<a href=\"https://slitaz.org\">slitaz</a>.',77,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','car,mechanic,xfm,tkdesk,elfm,swifthas',0,1998,1),
(197,'2008-10-01','Vulgar Esperantist Part 2',1201,'In this episode we talk about Esperanto; in this episode nouns.','klaatu continues his Vulgar Esperantist series',78,21,0,'CC-BY-NC-SA','nouns,\"language difference\",infinitive,plurals,adjectives',0,1575,1),
(198,'2008-10-02','Installing Windows',1233,'Talking about the experience of installing windows on a virtual environment.','xoke installs windows in virtual box',79,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Windows,Install,Virtual',0,2237,1),
(199,'2008-10-03','EC Lug October 2 meeting',5740,'This is a recording of the Eau Claire Linux Users Group Meeting.','EC Lug October 2 meeting',93,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','devices,raspberry,\"network application\",login,security,articles',0,1410,1),
(200,'2008-10-06','200th Episode Special',320,'This episode has a lot of intros from different earlier shows of Hacker public radio.','Meet the Hosts of HPR ',39,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','summation,host,compilation',0,9473,1),
(201,'2008-10-07','phreaknic',1350,'Interview talking about Phreaknic convention, what it all about and what you can do.','droops interviews skydog the lead organizer of phreaknic',1,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','convention,interview,meeting,tracks,introduction',0,4100,1),
(202,'2008-10-08','cpanel whitelisting',1889,'CPanel is a control panel for web hosts. In this episode: how to create an allowlist for emails','\r\nDeepgeek talks about using cpanel, a common web front-end for budget\r\nwebhost accounts, to create spam-free mobile email via whitelisting. <br>\r\n\r\n<a href=\"https://deepgeek.us/whitelisting-with-cpanel\r\n\"> companion article </a> <br>',73,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','webhost,handle,\"mobile email\",\"cellphone provider\",webmail,yahoo,spammers',0,1919,1),
(203,'2008-10-09','Alpine: How to',1647,'We talk about how to setup the email client alpine using IMAP.','<p>Klaatu talks about the virtues of the Alpine (or Pine) email client, how to set it up, special settings for using it with IMAP servers, how to configure the reply-to address correctly, and much more.</p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https://www.washington.edu/alpine/\" target=\"_blank\">Alpine Official Site</a>\r\n<a href=\"https://www.washington.edu/pine/\" target=\"_blank\">Pine Official Site</a>\r\n<a href=\"https://www.thebadapples.info/audiophile/alpineImapHowto.ogg\">OGG version</a></p>',78,0,0,'CC-BY-NC-SA','alpine,imap,email,\"modify headers\",settings',0,1539,1),
(204,'2008-10-10','EC Lug October 9th meeting',5759,'This is a recording of the Eau Claire Linux Users Group Meeting.','EC Lug October 9th meeting',93,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','printers,\"zip drivers\",installation,\"face recognition\",firmware,\"music copyright\"',0,1322,1),
(205,'2008-10-13','Open Source for the Windows Addict',3882,'This is a presentation from the Utah user group, talking about programs and what is copyrighted','Utah Lug Presentation <br>\r\n<a href=\"https://podcast.utos.org/\"> https://podcast.utos.org/ </a> <br>\r\n',100,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','copyright,ideas,community,documentation,\"open source\",visibility',0,2077,1),
(206,'2008-10-14','This Runs Linux',575,'Ken\'s failed attempt to set up a site that promotes devices that run linux','ken fallon talks about <a href=\"https://www.thisrunslinux.org\"> thisrunslinux.org </a> <br>\r\n\r\n',30,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','promotion',0,1885,1),
(207,'2008-10-15','Vulgar Esperantist Part 3',929,'In this episode we talk about Esperanto; in this episode vocabulary.','klaatu continues his Vulgar Esperantist series',78,0,0,'CC-BY-NC-SA','resemblance,language,\"second language\",invented,learn',0,1314,1),
(208,'2008-10-16','Expressive Programming Part 3',1251,'Part 3 of the Expressive Programming series','uberchick continues her expressive programming series',95,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Expressive Programming',0,1323,1),
(209,'2008-10-17','Speeding Up Database Development with GenORMous ',3607,'Talking about bad ways to write SQL and how to improve performance and custom query.','Speeding Up Database Development with GenORMous by Brian Hawkins<br>\n<br>\nUtah Open source podcast found at <a href=\"https://podcast.utos.org/\"> https://podcast.utos.org/ </a> <br>',100,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','\"custom query\",performance,sql,graph,database',0,1580,1),
(210,'2008-10-20','SourceCast Episode 4',2140,'Discussing the Foresight Linux distro, its positive aspects and shortcomings, in particular Conary','original audio from sourcecast ep 4\r\nfound at <a href=\"https://www.sourcecast.org\"> sourcecast.org </a>',97,19,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','distrohopping,linux,review',0,1447,1),
(211,'2008-10-21','Copy fight Vol 3',615,'threethirty continues his copyfight series','threethirty continues his copyfight series\r\n\r\n',92,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','GPL,DRM,DMCA',0,1524,1),
(212,'2008-10-22',' The Dark Art of Autotools',3730,'John Jolly discusses Autotools at Utah Open Source Conference 2008',' The Dark Art of Autotools by John Jolly <br>\r\n\r\nUtah open source podcast <br>\r\n<a href=\"https://podcast.utos.org/\"> https://podcast.utos.org/ </a> <br>',100,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','autotools,build,make',0,1754,1),
(213,'2008-10-23','Fav Podcasts',3160,'Monsterb and Peter64 discuss what podcasts they listen to','monsterb and Peter64 talk about their favorite podcasts.<br />\r\nLinks:<br />\r\n<a href=\"https://monsterb.org/my-favorite-podcasts.html\">monsterb.org/Favorite Podcasts</a><br />\r\n<a href=\"https://monsterb.org/podcasting.html\">monsterb.org/Podcasts</a><br />\r\n<a href=\"https://www.podiobooks.com\">Podiobooks.com</a><br />\r\n<a href=\"https://thelinuxlink.net\">The Linux Link</a>',99,75,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','podcast,podcasts,recommendation,listening',0,2783,1),
(214,'2008-10-24','EC Lug October 23 Meeting',5101,'The October 23rd, 2008 Eau Claire Linux User Group meeting','EC Lug October 23rd Meeting \r\n\r\n',93,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','linux,lug,meeting,tequila,media,compilers,circuits,pdf,advertising',0,1796,1),
(215,'2008-10-27','Guide to using linux Rainbow tables',2109,'finux\'s student-hacker guide to using rainbow tables on Linux','finux\'s  student-hacker guild to using linux rainbow tables',85,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','linux,windows,cryptography,security,passwords,cracking',0,1837,1),
(216,'2008-10-28','What\'s in your toolkit part 1',499,'A description of the gear threethirty carries around','threethirty talks about what he carries around in his backpack ',92,23,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','\"what\'s in my bag\"',0,1416,1),
(217,'2008-10-29','Linux Media and Home Automation',4228,'Brandon Beattie at Utah Open Source Conference 2008','Linux Media and Home Automation by Brandon Beattie <br>\r\n<br>\r\nUtah Open Source Podcast @ <a href=\"https://podcast.utos.org/\"> https://podcast.utos.org/ </a> <br>',100,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','linux,security,media,automation',0,1594,1),
(218,'2008-10-30','Source Cast Ep 5',3474,'Discussing Linux hardware support, distro upgrading and reviews','orginal audio from sourcecast 3.14\r\n\r\n',97,19,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','distrohopping,linux',0,1806,1),
(219,'2008-10-31','Halloween WebDAV howto',243,'Dave Yates talks about the WebDAV protocol on an Apache server','<a href=\"https://www.howtoforge.com/setting-up-webdav-with-apache2-on-debian-etch\">WebDAV howto</a>',77,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','WebDAV,Apache,server',0,1854,1),
(220,'2008-11-03','EC Lug October 30th Meeting',5231,'The October 30th, 2008 Eau Claire Linux User Group meeting','EC Lug October 30th Meeting',93,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','linux,lug,meeting,media,install',0,1508,1),
(221,'2008-11-04','Being Powerless',566,'Xoke reflects on spending some time without electricity','xoke talks about being powerless',79,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','electricity,outdoors,disconnected',0,2344,1),
(222,'2008-11-05','Alpine GPG',1739,'Klaatu explains how (and why) you can use Alpine with GNU Privacy Guard (GPG).','<p>For more info on PGP and GPG:<br />\r\n<a href=\"https://www.thebadapples.info/audiophile/204.ogg\">The Bad Apples episode 2x04 ogg</a><br />\r\n<a href=\"https://www.thebadapples.info/audiophile/204.mp3\">The Bad Apples episode 2x04 mp3</a><br />\r\n<a href=\"https://www.linuxreality.com/podcast/episode-47-openpgp/\">Linux Reality episode 47</a></p>\r\n\r\n<p>you can also download the <a href=\"https://www.thebadapples.info/audiophile/alpineGPG.ogg\">OGG version</a> of this episode.</p>',78,0,0,'CC-BY-NC-SA','alpine,email,command-line,cli,encryption,privacy',0,1573,1),
(223,'2008-11-06','git',1279,'Klaatu talks about how to set up, navigate within, commit, and push with git','<p>Klaatu talks about how to set up, navigate within, commit, and push with git.  This is a beginner level howto that will also help you understand SVN and CVS.</p>\r\n\r\n<p>More information about git and similar apps can be found here:</br>\r\n<a href=\"https://git.or.cz/\">git.or.cz</a><br />\r\n<a href=\"https://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/docs/gittutorial.html\">kernel.org git tutorial</a><br />\r\n<a href=\"https://www.nongnu.org/cvs/\">CVS, another versioning system</a><br />\r\n<a href=\"https://subversion.tigris.org/\">Subversion</a></p>\r\n\r\n<p>You can also download the <a href=\"https://www.thebadapples.info/audiophile/git.ogg\">ogg version</a> of this episode.</p>',78,81,0,'CC-BY-NC-SA','version control,cvs,subversion,svn,git',0,1581,1),
(224,'2008-11-07','Installing gwibber webkit',502,'threethirty installs gwibber using webkit on Ubuntu','<pre>\r\nInstalling gwibber webkit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/gwibber\r\n\r\nThis is a guide to install the gwibber micro-blogging client on Ubuntu 8.04\r\n\r\nFrom PPA\r\n\r\nCreate a file called /etc/apt/sources.list.d/gwibber.list. It should contain the gwibber PPA:\r\n\r\ndeb https://ppa.launchpad.net/gwibber-team/ubuntu hardy main\r\ndeb-src https://ppa.launchpad.net/gwibber-team/ubuntu hardy main\r\ndeb https://ppa.launchpad.net/stemp/ubuntu hardy main\r\n\r\nand then the Webkit PPA (you probably don\'t need it if you\'re on Intrepid):\r\n\r\ndeb https://ppa.launchpad.net/webkit-team/ubuntu hardy main\r\ndeb-src https://ppa.launchpad.net/webkit-team/ubuntu hardy main\r\n\r\n\r\nsudo apt-get install bzr subversion \r\nlibwebkit-1.0-1 libwebkit-dev python-webkitgtk\r\n build-essential autoconf automake libtool \r\nlibgtk2.0-dev python-dev python-gtk2 \r\npython-gtk2-dev libsexy2 libsexy-dev python-sexy\r\n libxslt1-dev python-cairo-dev python-simplejson \r\npython-egenix-mxdatetime\r\n\r\n\r\n            $ sudo apt-get update\r\n\r\n            $ svn checkout https://pywebkitgtk.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ pywebkitgtk-read-only\r\n\r\n\r\n   7. Goto pywebkitgtk-read-only directory - Configure, compile and install pywebkitgtk.\r\n          *\r\n\r\n            $ . cd pywebkitgtk-read-only\r\n            $ ./autogen.sh --prefix=/usr/local\r\n            $ make\r\n            $ sudo make install\r\n\r\n   9. Download gwibber webkitui\r\n          *\r\n\r\n            $ cd ~\r\n            $ bzr branch lp:~segphault/gwibber/webkitui\r\n\r\n  10. Goto /webkitui directory to run gwibber\r\n          *\r\n\r\n            $ cd ~/webkitui\r\n            $ ./run\r\n\r\n  11. or install\r\n          *\r\n\r\n            sudo python setup.py install\r\n\r\n\r\n</pre>',92,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','\"social networking\",gwibber,Ubuntu',0,1330,1),
(225,'2008-11-10','What\'s in my Toolkit part 2',1614,'CyberCod tells what is in his toolkit','Cybercod talks about what\'s in his toolkit',91,23,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','\"motherboard tester\",\"linksys router\",\"leatherman multi-tool\",\"magnetic flashlight\",\"plastic tweezers\",\"hard drive adapter\",\"multi-card reader\",\"linux cd\'s\"',0,2002,1),
(226,'2008-11-11','EC Lug November 11th meeting',5166,'The November 11th, 2008 Eau Claire Linux User Group meeting','EC Lug november 11th meeting',93,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','wedding announcement,brewing,torrent,openSuse,Gentoo,HP printers,HP ink,mp3 player,Ipod,Rockbox,DRM,Blu-ray,mp3 bitrates,NES Emulator,ROMs,patents,video formats,Open Office,render farms',0,1374,1),
(227,'2008-11-12','Local Squid',1194,'Ken explains how to install and run a local squid proxy','<p>\nThis month my HPR episode featured using a local squid proxy. You might want to to run your own proxy server to provide yourself with a secure web connection when you are out and about by tunneling your traffic over ssh. Another good reason is to find out which URLs your browser is going to. On some sites URLs are deliberately hidden or you may be interested in exactly where you are sending traffic to. All is explained.\n</p>\n\n',30,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Squid,\"proxy server\"',0,2077,1),
(228,'2008-11-13','nokia',740,'Klaatu talks about the Nokia n800','<p>Klaatu talks about setting up your Nokia N8*0 or N770 to be a robust computing platform, and the importance of doing so before you need it rather than waiting, like he does, until the last minute and scrambling to get all the packages you need installed.  He concedes that he\'s failed to mention a lot of cool apps, so feel free to make suggestions in the comments.</p>\r\n\r\n<p><a href=\"https://www.gronmayer.com/it/\">Nokia N-series Repository Site</a></p>\r\n\r\n<p>You can also download Klaatu\'s <a href=\"https://www.thebadapples.info/audiophile/nokia.ogg\">ogg version</a> of this episode if you prefer ogg.</p>',78,0,0,'CC-BY-NC-SA','nokia,n800,bash,ftp,ssh',0,1610,1),
(229,'2008-11-14','CopyFight Vol 4 - SFL Podcast',2117,'threethirty introduces the Software Freedom Law Show podcast','<a href=\"https://softwarefreedom.org/podcast\"> https://softwarefreedom.org/podcast </a>',92,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','copyfight,Software Freedom Law Center,Software Freedom Conservancy,vi,emacs,GPL',0,1936,1),
(230,'2008-11-17','Expressive Programming 4: Escapism and Alternative Resources',1175,'Part 4 of the Expressive Programming series','<p>UberChick continues her Expressive programming series</p>\r\n\r\n',95,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Expressive Programming',0,4485,1),
(231,'2008-11-18','All Songs considered 1: Cause I am Free',286,'Chad sings','Cause I am Free by Chad from the linuxbasement',101,22,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','songs,life,freedom',0,3105,1),
(232,'2008-11-19','EC Lug November 13th Meeting',5165,'The Nov. 13th, 2008 Eau Claire Linux User Group meeting','EC Lug November 13th Meeting',93,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Linux,Kubuntu,regex coach,TiddlyWiki,FSlint,servers,voting machines',0,1430,1),
(233,'2008-11-20','rox-filer',659,'Deepgeek reviews \"rox-filer,\" a lightweight gui file manager','Lightweight apps, Deepgeek reviews \"rox-filer,\" a lightweight gui\r\nfile manager. <br>\r\n\r\nAn excellent jumping off point on the web is this link... <br>\r\n<a href=\"https://polishlinux.org/apps/window-managers/rox-filer-a-lightweight-file-manager-that-simply-rocks/\"> https://polishlinux.org/apps/window-managers/rox-filer-a-lightweight-file-manager-that-simply-rocks/ </a>\r\n\r\nThe add-on for an integrated trash can can be found here... <br>\r\n<a href=\"https://www.skepticats.com/rox/trash.html\"> https://www.skepticats.com/rox/trash.html </a>',73,11,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','rox-filer,file manager',0,5767,1),
(234,'2008-11-21','Creating Identification Cards Part 1',1556,'Creating fake identifications - part 1','<p>Get yer supplies at <a href=\"https://www.poisonid.com\">Poison ID</a> .<br />A simple laminator example is the <a href=\"https://www.abcoffice.com/gbcds40.htm\">ABC HeatSeal</a></p>\r\n<p>Download the <a href=\"https://www.thebadapples.info/audiophile/howToFakeID_1.ogg\">ogg</a> version if you are a codec snob.</p>\r\n',78,0,0,'CC-BY-NC-SA','fake identification,GIMP',0,1504,1),
(235,'2008-11-24','EC Lug November 20th Meeting',527,'The Nov. 20th, 2008 Eau Claire Linux User Group meeting','EC Lug November 20th Meeting',93,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Linux,printers,drivers',0,1299,1),
(236,'2008-11-25','UCLUG November 11th Meeting',4855,'The Nov. 11th 2008 Carolina Linux User Group Meeting','Dr. Richard Hipp \r\n<a href=\"https://www.hwaci.com/drh/\">D. Richard Hipp</a>, creator of <a href=\"https://www.sqlite.org/\">SQLite</a> and <a href=\"https://www.cvstrac.org/\">CVSTrac</a><p>\r\n\r\nThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License ',77,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Linux,Southeast Linux Fest,freedom,free software,DE,accessibility',0,1299,1),
(237,'2008-11-26','Creating Identification Cards Part 2',987,'Creating fake identifications - part 2','<p>Klaatu talks about using the phone company as a leaping-off point toward a new You!  Also, gift cards and spreading the word about your new identity.</p>\r\n<p>Get Klaatu\'s <a href=\"https://www.thebadapples.info/audiophile/howToFakeID_2.ogg\">ogg version</a> of this show if you hatez the MPEG.</p>\r\n',78,0,0,'CC-BY-NC-SA','fake identification,gift card,utility companies,proof of existence,credit check',0,1449,1),
(238,'2008-11-27','All Songs Considered 2: Linux Johnny Appleseed and me',246,'Chad sings',' Linux Johnny Appleseed and me by Chad from the <a href=\"https://www.linuxbasement.com\">linuxbasement.com </a>',101,22,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','songs,life,linux,apple tree',0,2500,1),
(239,'2008-11-28','SourceCast Ep 6',2419,'This is the SourceCast episode 6, a review of specific distros and general Linux talk.','original Audio from Sourcecast ep 5.5 @  <a href=\"https://www.sourcecast.org/\"> sourcecast.org </a> ',97,19,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','distrohopping,linux.Valve,applications',0,1390,1),
(240,'2008-12-01','All Songs considered 3: The Php Song',224,'Chad sings','Chad sings about php ',101,22,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','songs,php',0,1521,1),
(241,'2008-12-02','What I learned from Oggify ',3662,'Utah Open Source Conference - What I learned from Oggify','What I learned from Oggify by Scott Paul Robertson',100,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Linux,ogg,script,version control',0,1255,1),
(242,'2008-12-03','Open Source in Government Panel Discussion',4044,'A panel discussion on Open Source in Government','Open Source in Government Panel Discussion moderated by Jason Hall',100,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','open source,government',0,3270,1),
(243,'2008-12-04','All Songs Considered 4 Special Piece of Hate',283,'Chad sings','Special Piece of Hate by Chad ',101,22,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','songs,annoyances,Windows',0,1401,1),
(244,'2008-12-05','Enlightment',787,'Klaatu reviews the Enlightenment desktop','<p>Klaatu hijacks deepgeek\'s \"Lightweight App\" series and discusses one of his favourite lightweight desktop environments.</p>\r\n<p>You can also choose to download Klaatu\'s <a href=\"https://www.thebadapples.info/audiophile/enlightenment.ogg\">ogg version</a> of this episode.</p>',78,11,0,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Enlightenment desktop',0,2379,1),
(245,'2008-12-08','Icewm',2300,'Deepgeek reviews the IceWM lightweight window manager','Deepgeek reviews \"Icewm,\" the \"cool\" window manager with an alias,\r\nA.K.A., \"The imitator.\"  Then Deepgeek goes on to show the solution to\r\na technical problem with it, which is running unsupported WindowMaker\r\nDockapps on it.<br>\r\n<br>\r\nCompanion article can be found at <a href=\"https://deepgeek.us/icewm\"> https://deepgeek.us/icewm </a> <br>\r\nAn ogg audio version can be found there also.',73,11,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Icewm,window manager,dock apps',0,2463,1),
(246,'2008-12-09','Whats in My Toolkit Part 3',795,'Items dwick carries in his bag.','dwick describes what\'s in his toolkit',102,23,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Laptop backpack,Maxell headphones,Creative Zen Nano Plus mp3 player,harmonica,USB sticks,compact umbrella,mini mouse,ethernet cable,Bamboo pen tablet,Gentoo CD,Gparted live CD,portable speaker',0,2238,1),
(247,'2008-12-10','Voice Over IP for fun and profit',4043,'Utah Open Source Conference - Voice over IP talk','Chris Cameron will show how to setup a voice over IP phone system from beginning to end. Using open source software we will explore how simple it is to have a high end phone system running in little time and on commodity hardware. We will take a computer and some inexpensive phones and install and configure the system through the presentation. Using web based administration tools to easily configure an upstream Voice Over IP trunk and make and receive calls. <a href=\"https://podcast.utos.org\"> original audio </a>',100,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Linux,VOIP,SIP,Trixbox,PBX,Asterisk',0,1820,1),
(248,'2008-12-11','Cross Stitching with Morgellon',1099,'Morgellon cross-stitches electronics','Cross Stitching with Morgellon o.O  ...wtF!?',25,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','cross stitching,electronics,Arduino',0,1573,1),
(249,'2008-12-12','Puppy 411',1805,'Roadrunner reviews Puppy linux','\r\n\r\n<a href=\"https://www.puppylinux.org/wiki/archives/old-wikka-wikki/categorydocumentation/compiling\"> \r\nGetting Compiling Working in Puppy </a> <br>\r\n\r\n\r\n<a href=\"https://puppylinux.com/development/createpet.htm\"> Creating a Pet Package </a> <br>\r\n\r\n<a href=\"https://www.puppylinux.org/downloads/puplets\"> \r\nPuppy Custom Re-Spins </a> <br>\r\n\r\n<a href=\"https://www.puppylinux.org/downloads/puplets/dingoplus\">\r\n\r\nPuppy Custom Version for the EEE PC </a> <br> ',103,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Redhat 9,WinModem,Puppy Linux,rox-filer,AbiWord,Flash 9',0,1448,1),
(250,'2008-12-15','What Ogg Player',751,'Ken updates the firmware on his Samsung YP-U3','<p>\r\nSadly the player has fallen apart after much long service\r\n</p>\r\n\r\n<ul>\r\n<li><a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yepp_U_series\">Samsung YP-U3</a></li>\r\n<li><a href=\"https://wiki.xiph.org/index.php/PortablePlayers\">Where to look for an ogg player</a></li>\r\n<li><a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Media_Transfer_Protocol\">Media Transfer Protocol on Wikipedia</a></li>\r\n</ul>\r\n\r\n',30,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','ogg player,solid state,DRM,firmware,USB mass storage device',0,2138,1),
(251,'2008-12-16','All Songs Considered 4 Livin With a Geek',291,'Another song by Chad from the Linux Basement','Another song by Chad from <a href=\"https://www.linuxbasement.com\"> the Linux Basement </a> <br>',101,22,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','songs,techie,geek,sci-fi',0,1435,1),
(252,'2008-12-17','Google App Engine 101',1822,'Utah Open Source Conference - Google App Engine 101','oogle launched the App Engine service earlier this year to immense interest from the web development community. App Engine allows running applications on Google infrastructure, including BigTable, Google’s non-relational, massively scalable database. App Engine is appealing both at the low end, where small shops don’t want to have to deal with hardware procurement and systems administration, and at the high end, where the kind of “instant scaling” App Engine promises to deal with bursty traffic is the holy grail of infrastructure planning.',100,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Linux,Django,database',0,1611,1),
(255,'2008-12-22','Pmount',477,'Using the pmount tool to mount hot pluggable media as a normal user.','The glories of pmount - allowing you to mount arbitrary hotpluggable devices as a normal user.  \r\n\r\n<ul>\r\n<li><a href=\"https://pmount.alioth.debian.org\">Pmount home page</a></li>\r\n<li>See your distribution repository for the file</li>\r\n<li>Slackware users can find it in <a href=\"https://code.google.com/p/sbopkg/\">sbopkg</a> oh yeah!</li>\r\n</ul>',7,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','pmount,mount,hot pluggable,hotpluggable,pluggable',0,2150,1),
(256,'2008-12-23','Ditching ITunes',1111,'pixel_juice kicks iTunes out','<p>In which <code>pixel_juice</code> describes the steps he took to kick the iTunes habit and embrace freedom.</p>\r\n<ul>\r\n<li>Rockbox - <a href=\"https://www.rockbox.org\" class=\"uri\">https://www.rockbox.org</a></li>\r\n<li>gPodder - <a href=\"https://gpodder.berlios.de/\" class=\"uri\">https://gpodder.berlios.de/</a></li>\r\n<li>EasyTAG - <a href=\"https://easytag.sourceforge.net/\" class=\"uri\">https://easytag.sourceforge.net/</a></li>\r\n<li>OGG Vorbis - <a href=\"https://flac.sourceforge.net/\" class=\"uri\">https://flac.sourceforge.net/</a></li>\r\n</ul>\r\n',104,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Rockbox,gPodder,EasyTAG,OGG Vorbis',0,1544,1),
(253,'2008-12-18','Encryption',1104,'Xoke talks about types of encryption','<pre>\r\nThree Prime Numbers: 2, 3 and 5.\r\nI will call them A, B and C so A=2, B=3 and C=5\r\nWorking through x as the current position, \r\nand i being the unencrypted password and j being the encrypted as an array,\r\n so i[x] is the \'current\' position we get:\r\n\r\nj[x] = ((j[x-1] + i[x] + A) * B ) MOD C\r\n\r\nThe password example I give is:\r\n\r\nEncrypting 123\r\n\r\n1 (unencrypted password) + 2 (Prime A) = 3\r\n3 * 3 (Prime B) = 9\r\n9 MOD 5 (Prime C) = 4\r\n\r\n4 (previous encrypted) + 2 (current unencrypted) + 2 (Prime A) = 8\r\n8 * 3 (Prime B) = 24\r\n24 MOD 5 (Prime C) = 4\r\n\r\n4 (previous encrypted) + 3 (current unencrypted) + 2 (Prime A) = 9\r\n9 * 3 (Prime C) = 27\r\n27 MOD 5 (Prime C) = 2\r\n\r\nSo the encrypted password is 442\r\n</pre>',79,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Security,Encryption',0,2189,1),
(257,'2008-12-24','Apps I Installed on my eee pc',944,'Dave Yates reviews applications on the eee pc','Apps I installed on my eee pc.<p>\r\n<a href=\"https://wiki.debian.org/DebianEeePC\">debian eee pc</a>',77,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','eee pc,fluxbox,openbox,lxde,iceweasel,roxterm,rox-filer,links browser,vim,irssi',0,2068,1),
(258,'2008-12-25','Xmas Special',7065,'Some of the HPR community visit each other on Christmas Eve via chat','Xmas \"Live\" Special, Hosts include slick0, droops morgellon, Tottenkoph, killersmurf, fawksfyre, Enigma, PlexiE, threethirty',39,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Christmas,Xmas,community,holiday,tech gifts',0,3746,1),
(259,'2008-12-26','Drupal: From blank to blog in 30 minutes',3751,'Utah Open Source Conference - Google App Engine 101','UTOSC 2008: Drupal: From blank to blog in 30 minutes by Dirk Howard <br>\r\n\r\n<br>\r\nDrupal is an extensible Content Management System (CMS) that is used for blogs, forums, photo galleries and many other uses. Installing Drupal on a blank website can be done in as little as 30 minutes. All you need is a web server that can handle PHP, a MySQL or PostgreSQL database, and either FTP or shell access to the web server. Within 30 minutes you can be blogging on your own site that you can customize anyway you want.\r\n\r\n',100,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Linux,Drupal,galleries,photos,forums,blog',0,1526,1),
(254,'2008-12-19','Expressive Programming Ep 5',2075,'Part 5 of the Expressive Programming series','Episode 5 of uberchicks Expressive Programming series',95,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Expressive Programming',0,2075,1),
(260,'2008-12-29','All Songs considered 5: Big Dave Yates',438,'Another song by Chad from the Linux Basement','An Ode to Dave Yates by Chad from the <a href=\"https://linuxbasement.com\"> linuxbasement </a> <br>',101,22,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','songs,podmaster,Dave Yates',0,1402,1),
(261,'2008-12-30','Force Unleashed',633,'Enigma reviews The Force Unleashed for the Wii','Enigma starts things off with the first episode of the Game review series, he reviews Force Unleashed for the Wii',39,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Game Review',0,6810,1),
(262,'2008-12-31','Programming 101: The Basics',1093,'Xoke starts the Programming series','Xoke starts the Programming series giving some background on his experience as well as some programming fundamentals. ',79,25,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Programming',0,3806,1),
(263,'2009-01-01','1 year anniversary special',1693,'Enigma and Wintermute21 talk about their favorite episodes from Season 1','Enigma and Wintermute21 talk about their favorite episodes from Season 1 and discuss changes that Season 2 will bring.',39,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Favorite episodes',0,2746,1),
(264,'2009-01-02','Interacting with GSM Modems',677,'Seal talks about GSM Modems','Seal talks about GSM Modems',18,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','GSM modems,SMS,serial communication,AT commands',0,3101,1),
(265,'2009-01-05','CrunchBang Linux',1399,'monsterb and threethirty talk about CrunchBang Linux','monsterb and threethirty talk about CrunchBang Linux, Openbox and Terminator.<br><big>Links:</big><br><a href=\"https://crunchbanglinux.org\">CrunchBang Linux</a><br><a href=\"https://icculus.org/openbox/index.php/Main_Page\">Openbox</a><br><a href=\"https://www.tenshu.net/terminator/\">Terminator</a><br><a href=\"https://www.unixporn.com\">Unix Porn!</a><br>Screenshots: <a href=\"https://www.unixporn.com/screenshots/displayimage.php?album=5&amp;pos=1\">pic1</a>, <a href=\"https://www.unixporn.com/screenshots/displayimage.php?album=5&amp;pos=0\">pic2</a><br>CrunchBang Repo:<br>deb https://ppa.launchpad.net/spring/ubuntu intrepid main<br>deb-src https://ppa.launchpad.net/gezakovacs/ubuntu intrepid main<br>deb-src https://ppa.launchpad.net/spring/ubuntu intrepid main<br>deb https://ppa.launchpad.net/gezakovacs/ubuntu intrepid main',99,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Crunchbang Linux',0,2160,1),
(266,'2009-01-06','EC Lug Decemeber 11th Meeting',5848,'The Nov. 20th, 2008 Eau Claire Linux User Group meeting','EC Lug December 11th Meeting ',93,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Linux,RAID,vnc,zeroconf,programming',0,1301,1),
(267,'2009-01-07','Copyfight Volume 4: Free Beatles',233,'Threethirty talks about how to get legally free Beatles tracks',' <a href=\"https://nrkbeta.no/last-ned-alt-av-the-beatles-og-historien-om-hver-enkelt-laat/\"> Story: </a> <br>\r\n <a href=\"https://podkast.nrk.no/program/beatles_komplett.rss\"> Podcast Feed:</a> <br>',92,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','copyfight',0,1679,1),
(268,'2009-01-08','Lightweight Web Browsing With Arora',472,'Deepgeek reviews a lightweight browser','<p>Deepgeek continues the lightweight applications series</p>\n\n<h3>Links</h3>\n<ul>\n<li><a href=\"https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Surfraw\" target=\"_blank\">https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Surfraw</a></li>\n</ul>\n',73,11,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','browser,lightweight,geek tidbit,surfraw command line search',0,1862,1),
(269,'2009-01-09','Cups',1633,'Klaatu discusses CUPS printing','klaatu talks about printing in linux',78,0,0,'CC-BY-NC-SA','CUPS,Linux,printing,network printers,ipp protocol,foomatic drivers',0,1482,1),
(270,'2009-01-12','Licensing Part 2 - AGPL and LGPL',1887,'The second part of a look at licenses','<ul>\r\n<li><a href=\"https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html\">Affero GPL (AGPL)</a></li>\r\n<li><a href=\"https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html\">Lesser GPL (LGPL)</a></li>\r\n<li><a href=\"https://www.gnu.org\">GNU website</a></li>\r\n<li><a href=\"https://www.softwarefreedom.org/podcast/2008/dec/23/0x03/\">Episode 3 of the Software Freedom Law Center Podcast</a></li>\r\n<li><a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agpl\">AGPL Wikipedia page</a></li>\r\n<li><a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGPL\">LGPL Widipedia page</a></li>\r\n<li><a href=\"https://www.thelinuxlink.net/~dann/hpr_stuff/hrp_licensing_pt2.html\">Dann\'s notes for this episode</a></li>\r\n</ul>\r\n',7,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','licenses,licences,AGPL,LGPL',0,2040,1),
(271,'2009-01-13','Stallman on Free Beer',758,'Interview with Richard Stallman by SUPERFLEX <https://superflex.net/>','This\r\nis an interview with Richard Stallman framed as a \"review\" of FREE\r\nBEER, the worlds first collaborative \"free\" beer (\"free\'\' as in `free\r\nspeech\", not as in \"free beer\")<br><span class=\"key\">By <a href=\"https://superflex.net/\">SUPERFLEX</a> in 2005. Creative Commons license:</span> <span class=\"value\"><a rel=\"license\" title=\"Attribution-ShareAlike\" href=\"https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.5/\" target=\"_blank\">Attribution-ShareAlike</a>',99,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','\"Richard Stallman\",\"Free Beer\",\"intellectual property\",\"free software\",\"open source software\"',0,4577,1),
(272,'2009-01-14','EC Lug December 18th Meeting',7478,'The Dec. 18th, 2008 Eau Claire Linux User Group meeting','EC Lug December 18th Meeting',93,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Linux,Books,printers,dvd backup,copyright,newsletter',0,1298,1),
(273,'2009-01-15','The socal Linux Expo',2059,'SCALE 7x, the premier Open Source Community conference in the southwestern United States','<a href=\"https://scale7x.socallinuxexpo.org/\"> https://scale7x.socallinuxexpo.org/</a> <br>\r\nSCALE 7x, the premier Open Source Community conference in the southwestern United States, returns to the Westin LAX Hotel, site of the 6th Expo! For 2009, the main weekend conference at SCALE 7x has been expanded. In addition to the three main tracks, a Beginner\'s track and a Developer\'s track have been added. <br>\r\n<br>\r\nWintermute interviews Orv Beach and Ilan Rabinovitch, both staff members of the ScaLE conference ',105,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Linux,OpenSUSE,Bradley M. Kuhn,software as a service,licensing,Fedora,Subversion',0,2144,1),
(274,'2009-01-16','TiddlyWiki',1257,'Thistleweb review TiddlyWiki','<pre>\r\nShow Notes & Running Order (More Or Less)\r\n\r\nWhat it is / what it\'s not\r\nWhat people expect a wiki to be\r\n	Server based\r\n	Database storage\r\n	Multiple users\r\n	Revision control\r\nWhere TiddlyWiki is best suited\r\n	Journal\r\n	Start a new clean wiki each month / year and tar.gz the previous one to be archived\r\n	Personal wiki you can take with you on a thumbdrive\r\n	A scratch pad for ideas on a project, ideal to zip and send to a client\r\nJavaScript & CSS\r\nPlatform Neutral\r\n	Gecko based\r\n	Opera etc require additional TiddlySaver.jar file\r\nGTD Variants (b3cubed)\r\nAlternates (didiwiki, woas)\r\nNo install needed\r\nBackstage\r\nTiddlers\r\nPlugins\r\n	Installing plugins\r\nThemes\r\n	Blackicity theme from tiddlythemes.com\r\n	Installing themes - Importing themes\r\n	Installing themes - Empty file, importing tiddlers\r\nNo passwords, encryption or theme switching by default\r\nA wiki for each project\r\n	Separate folders for each TiddlyWiki\r\n	Backups created by default\r\n	Rename your empty-tiddlywiki.html file anything you want\r\n	Some config info kept in cookies\r\nUpgrading\r\nSyncing with a version of TiddlyWiki on a different PC\r\nFree TiddlyWiki hosting at tiddlyspot.com, can be private\r\nEvery wiki uses it\'s own syntax\r\nWhy I needed something like TiddlyWiki\r\nDidiWiki requires a port opened to work\r\n</pre><br>\r\nLinks <br>\r\n<a href=\"https://tiddlywiki.com\">The main project site </a> <br>\r\n<a href=\"https://tiddlywiki.org\"> The official wiki </a> <br>\r\n<a href=\"https://tiddlythemes.com\">Themes for TiddlyWiki </a> <br>\r\n<a href=\"https://tiddlywikiguides.org\"> Guides for TiddlyWiki </a> <br>\r\n<a href=\"https://stickwiki.sourceforge.net/\"> WikiOnAStick </a> <br>\r\n<a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DidiWiki\"> DidiWiki </a> <br>\r\n<a href=\"https://tiddlyspot.com\">A free hosted TiddlyWiki site. </a> <br>\r\n<a href=\"https://www.dcubed.ca/\">DCubed GTD TiddlyWiki </a> <br>\r\n<a href=\"https://monkeygtd.tiddlyspot.com/\">Monkey GTD TiddlyWiki</a> <br>',106,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','wiki,self-contained,java script,css',0,2042,1),
(275,'2009-01-19','giver',1775,'Review of Giver, a simple file sharing desktop application','monsterb, threethirty, klaatu, and Peter64 talk about \"giver\" and apps they use on eeepc.<br><a href=\"https://code.google.com/p/giver/\">Giver</a> is a simple file sharing desktop application. Visit the original <a href=\"https://idea.opensuse.org/content/ideas/easy-file-sharing\">Giver Hack Week Page</a> and check out the <a href=\"https://video.google.com/googleplayer.swf?docId=3768442676796881783&amp;hl=en\">video</a>.<br>The ogg version of this episode is located on <a href=\"https://monsterb.org/hpr.html\">https://monsterb.org/hpr.html</a>.',99,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','giver,openSuse,file sharing,LAN',0,2154,1),
(276,'2009-01-20','ANCIENT ORANGE MEAD',1652,'lostnbronx makes Orange mead wine','<pre>\r\nmakes roughly 1 US gallon after headspace and spillage are factored in\r\n\r\n\r\nIngredients\r\n\r\n3 1/2 pounds (1.5 kgs.) of honey\r\n1 large orange\r\n1 small handful of raisins\r\n1 cinnamon stick\r\n2 cloves\r\npinch of nutmeg and allspice (optional)\r\n1 sachet bread yeast\r\nwater to just under 4 liters\r\n\r\n\r\nProcedure\r\n\r\nCut orange into eigths.  Add orange slices (peels and all) to a 4 liter \r\njug, then add honey, spices, and water to 4 liters, less headspace.  Cap \r\nand shake, mixing well.  Uncap, add yeast.  Cap and shake again.  Uncap \r\nand attach waterlock.  Let sit for 2 to 2 1/2 months.  When mead is \r\nclear syphon it into clean bottles.  Cap or cork these.  Mead is now \r\nready to drink, but gets better with age. \r\n\r\n\r\nAdditional Reading\r\n\r\nThe obligatory Wikipedia article\r\nA nice overview of mead history and nomenclature.  (I\'ve contributed to \r\nit myself, so you just know it\'s good!) \r\nhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mead\r\n\r\nGotmead.com \r\nThe single biggest mead resource on the Web.  The forums are \r\nparticularly useful.  Many very knowledgeable and friendly people hang \r\nout here. https://www.gotmead.com\r\n\r\nThe Mead Lover\'s Digest \r\nA venerable email forum, that gets sent out whenever there\'s enough \r\ncontent to fill and issue.  Lots of good advice and recipes here.  This \r\nis the introduction/signup page. https://www.talisman.com/mead/\r\n</pre>',107,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','wine,home brewing,fermenting,mead,yeast,waterlock,bottling',0,1875,1),
(277,'2009-01-21','tmpfs',437,'Thewtex talks about tmpfs','thewtex talks about tmpfs\r\n\r\n',69,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','tmpfs,ramdisk,filesystem',0,2123,1),
(278,'2009-01-22','Squashfs',459,'Deepgeek talks about squashfs','deepgeek talks about squashfs',73,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','squashfs,filesystem',0,2029,1),
(279,'2009-01-23','cfengine',1026,'Ken Fallon interviews Ian Southam about using cfengine','</pre>\r\nKen talks to Ian Southam about using cfengine to manage your servers. <br>\r\n\r\nOverview of CFengine <br>\r\nhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cfengine\r\n<br>\r\nThe Promise of System Configuration: Google Tech Talks - November 5, 2008 \r\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4CCXs4Om5pY\r\n<br>\r\nA simple overview of cfengine: Debian Administration\r\nhttps://www.debian-administration.org/articles/223\r\n<br>\r\nCentralized Host Configuration With Cfengine: Sun BigAdmin System Administration Portal\r\nhttps://www.sun.com/bigadmin/features/articles/cfengine_part1.html\r\nhttps://www.sun.com/bigadmin/features/articles/cfengine_part2.html\r\n<br>\r\nIan Southam:\r\nhttps://www.schubergphilis.com/\r\n</pre>',30,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Interview,cfengine',0,2164,1),
(280,'2009-01-26','Aftershow',6313,'Impromptu aftershow conversation','An unintended, and impromptu, aftershow conversation between kajarii and threethirty, recorded after a call-in episode of the lottalinuxlinks.com linux user podcast.',77,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Gnome,accessibility,RAM,Windows,vim,free software,keyboards',0,1997,1),
(281,'2009-01-27','Expressive Programming 6: How do you view programming: artistically, scientifically, or statically?',1330,'Part 6 of the Expressive Programming series','Uberchick continues the Expressive Prgramming series',95,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Expressive Programming',0,1492,1),
(282,'2009-01-28','Python Programming 101: Part 2',1293,'Xoke continues the Programming 101 series','<pre>\r\nprint (\"Hello World\")\r\n\r\nprint (\"Hello \\\"World\")\r\n\r\nx = 1\r\nprint (x)\r\n\r\nx = 1\r\nx = x + 5\r\nx = x * 7\r\nprint (x)\r\n\r\nx = 1 + 5 * 7\r\nprint (x)\r\n\r\nx = (1 + 5) * 7\r\nprint (x)\r\n\r\n# This is a comment\r\nx = (1 + 5) * 7\r\n# print (\"5\")\r\nprint (x)\r\n\r\nx = \"Hello World\"\r\nprint (x)\r\n\r\nx = \"Hello\"\r\ny = \"World\"\r\nprint (x+y)\r\n\r\nx = \"Hello\"\r\ny = \"World\"\r\nprint (x + \" \" + y)\r\n\r\nsFirstName = \"John\"\r\nsSurname = \"Smith\"\r\nprint (\"Dear \" + sFirstName + \" \" + sSurname)\r\n\r\nx = 13\r\nsFirstName = \"John\"\r\nsSurname = \"Smith\"\r\nif x < 12:\r\n	print (\"Good Morning \" + sFirstName + \" \" + sSurname)\r\nelse:\r\n	print (\"Good Evening \" + sFirstName + \" \" + sSurname)\r\n\r\nx = 11\r\nsFirstName = \"John\"\r\nsSurname = \"Smith\"\r\nif x < 12:\r\n	print (\"Good Morning \" + sFirstName + \" \" + sSurname)\r\nelse:\r\n	print (\"Good Evening \" + sFirstName + \" \" + sSurname)\r\nprint (\"When does this get printed?\")\r\n\r\n</pre>',79,25,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Programming,Python',0,2682,1),
(283,'2009-01-29','Convert Ogg to MP3',1703,'Monsterb and company discuss converting ogg to mp3','Convert Ogg to MP3<br>monsterb, threethirty, klaatu, and Peter64 talk about audio converters.<br><a href=\"https://ffmpeg.org/\">ffmpeg</a> is a command line tool to convert multimedia files between formats.<br><a href=\"https://linuxcranks.info/forum/viewtopic.php?id=98\">Linux Cranks Oggcast</a> forum thread on converting Ogg to MP3.<br><a href=\"https://pacpl.sourceforge.net/\">Perl Audio Converter</a> is a tool for converting multiple audio types from one format to another.<br><a href=\"https://soundconverter.berlios.de/\">SoundConverter</a> - GNOME Sound Conversion.<br><a href=\"https://sox.sourceforge.net/\">SoX</a> is a cross-platform command line utility that can convert various formats of computer audio files in to other formats.',99,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','ogg,mp3',0,2235,1),
(284,'2009-01-30','Roundtable 1: Is Google Evil?',2740,'Various hosts discuss \"Is Google Evil?\"','Morgellon, Plexie, Klaatu, Drake Anubis, and Skirlet discuss whether google is evil.',109,26,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','google,evil,privacy,DRM,EULA',0,2036,1),
(285,'2009-02-02','Hacker',1129,'Thistleweb talks about the term Hacker, and some meanings of the word.','<p>Definitions taken from different dictionaries, with non-IT related definitions removed for relevance.</p>\r\n<h3>\"Hacker\" :n</h3>\r\n<ol>\r\n<li>A programmer who breaks into computer systems in order to steal or change or destroy information as a form of cyber-terrorism [syn: cyber-terrorist, cyberpunk]</li>\r\n<li>A programmer for whom computing is its own reward; may enjoy the challenge of breaking into other computers but does no harm; \"true hackers subscribe to a code of ethics and look down upon crackers\"</li>\r\n<li>A person who enjoys exploring the details of programmable systems and how to stretch their capabilities, as opposed to most users, who prefer to learn only the minimum necessary.</li>\r\n<li>One who programs enthusiastically (even obsessively) or who enjoys programming rather than just theorizing about programming.</li>\r\n<li>A person capable of appreciating hack value.</li>\r\n<li>A person who is good at programming quickly.</li>\r\n<li>An expert at a particular program, or one who frequently does work using it or on it; as in `a Unix hacker\'. (Definitions 1 through 5 are correlated, and people who fit them congregate.)</li>\r\n<li>An expert or enthusiast of any kind. One might be an astronomy hacker, for example.</li>\r\n<li>One who enjoys the intellectual challenge of creatively overcoming or circumventing limitations.</li>\r\n<li>[deprecated] A malicious meddler who tries to discover sensitive information by poking around. Hence `password hacker\', `network hacker\'. The correct term for this sense is cracker.</li>\r\n</ol>',106,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','hacker,definition,linux',0,2074,1),
(286,'2009-02-03','Zoneminder Install',1561,'jelkimantis talks about the Zoneminder video camera security solution','jelkimantis talks about <a href=\"https://www.zoneminder.com\"> Zoneminder </a>, a Linux video camera security and surveillance solution',90,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','zoneminder,debian,video,security,education,gspca devices',0,2084,1),
(287,'2009-02-04','sysctl',419,'Klaatu talks about the kernel parameter command \"sysctl\"','<p>\r\nKlaatu talks about the lil\' kernel parameter command \"sysctl\" and how it\r\nenables your computer to stop responding to pings, and more.\r\n</p>\r\n\r\nogg version located at\r\n<a href=\"https://www.thebadapples.info/audiophile/sysctl.ogg\">https://www.thebadapples.info/audiophile/sysctl.ogg</a>\r\n',78,0,0,'CC-BY-NC-SA','sysctl,kernel,parameters',0,2097,1),
(288,'2009-02-06','EC Lug Meeting Jan 12th',7040,'The Jan. 12th, 2009 Eau Claire Linux User Group meeting','Audio from the EC Lug Jan 12th meeting',93,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Linux,router,printers,Slackware,Virtualbox',0,1280,1),
(289,'2009-02-07','Running Linux on Compact Flash',770,'How Deepgeek runs Linux on a Compact Flash drive','Shownotes are located on <a href=\"\r\nhttps://deepgeek.us/running-linux-of-compact-flash\"> deepgeek\'s website. </a>  Go there for ogg and flac\r\nversions as well as full show notes with photographs, mirrors of other\r\npodcasts that influenced this one, and an example of /etc/fstab for the\r\nproject.',73,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','compact flash,debian,read-only,squashfs',0,2234,1),
(290,'2009-02-09','NaNoWriMo.org',1811,'Lostnbronx and his experience with the NaNoWriMo writing challenge','<b>NaNoWriMo.org</b>\r\n<br>or\r\n<br>\"I Gotta Be Outa My Friggin\' Mind\"\r\n<p>\r\nNaNoWriMo.org (National Novel Writing Month) is an organization that \r\nsponsors an event each November wherein participants set out to write a \r\nnovel in thirty days.  The challenges and obsticles are many, not the \r\nleast of which are the writers themselves.\r\n<p>\r\n<a href=https://www.nanowrimo.org>nanowrimo.org</a>\r\n<p>Also of interest to writers:\r\n<br><a href=https://critters.org>Critters Story Group</a>\r\n<p>',107,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','NaNoWriMo,writing',0,2030,1),
(291,'2009-02-10','moonlight discussion',2550,'Several hosts discuss the Moonlight \'plugin\'','<br>monsterb, threethirty, klaatu,\r\njlindsay, and dann talk about moonlight, mono, silverlight, flash,\r\nlicensing, and patents. Plus the debut of a votekick ending.<br><a href=\"https://www.go-mono.com/moonlight/\">moonlight</a> is an open source implementation of <a href=\"https://silverlight.net/\">Microsoft Silverlight</a> for Unix systems.<br><a href=\"https://www.mono-project.com\">mono</a> is a cross platform, open source .NET development framework.<br><a href=\"https://www.mono-project.com/Licensing\">mono licensing</a> GPL, LGL, MIT X11<br><a href=\"https://silverlight.net/fox/\">Fox Movie Trailers</a> to test moonlight and silverlight.',99,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','moonlight,mono,silverlight,flash,licensing,patents',0,2217,1),
(292,'2009-02-11','All Songs Considered 6: Freedom was born',383,'Another song by Chad from the Linux Basement','Another song from Chad from the linuxbasement',101,22,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','songs,politicians,corporations,community,music,freedom',0,1516,1),
(293,'2009-02-12','Illustrious Programmer Ep 0',689,'Illustrious Programmer Ep 0','first ep in Jelkimantis\' new series',90,25,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','programming,beginners,Python',0,2143,1),
(294,'2009-02-13','Copyfight Vol5: Filtering',221,'MPAA copyright filtering bill','original story :  <br> https://www.boingboing.net/2009/02/10/mpaas-beloved-networ.html\r\n<br>\r\n<br>\r\nPetition :  <br>https://publicknowledge.cmail1.com/T/ViewEmail/y/18C852B44675F35A/D60B49FF968D258D9A8E73400EDACAB4',92,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','copyfight',0,1977,1),
(295,'2009-02-16','Illustrious Programmer E1: Vocab and Basics',1411,'Vocab and Basics','Jelkimatis continues his Illustrious Programmer series',90,25,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','programming,python,debugging tips',0,2155,1),
(296,'2009-02-17','EC LUG Jan 15 meeting',2033,'The Jan. 15th, 2009 Eau Claire Linux User Group meeting','EC LUG Jan 15 meeting',93,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Linux,AMD,cooling,overclocking,circuit simulation,music',0,1416,1),
(297,'2009-02-18','Open VPN',3634,'Utah Open Source Conference - Google App Engine 101','UTOS  OpenVPN presentation',100,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Linux,OpenVPN,encryption,OpenSSL',0,1503,1),
(298,'2009-02-19','AutoNessus',1735,'Ken Fallon interviews Frank Breedijk of AutoNessus','Ken Fallon interviews the autonessus developer',30,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','interviews,autonessus,security',0,2166,1),
(299,'2009-02-20','LinuxTalk',4878,'Threethirty plays a presentation called The Linux Alternative','LinuxTalk',92,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Linux,talk',0,1523,1),
(300,'2009-02-23','Big 300',1682,'Interviews from Morgellon, Dave Yates, Deepgeek and various other hosts','interviews from various hpr hosts...\r\n<br> <br>\r\nthanks to everyone who makes HPR possible',109,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','interviews,hpr',0,1457,1),
(301,'2009-02-24','News Cast Ep0',333,'Newscast of what\'s happening in the News world','Ep 0 of finux\'s newscast series',85,28,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','news,Linux,FOSS,windows',0,1561,1),
(302,'2009-02-25','Python Programming Part 3',1313,'Xoke continues the Programming 101 series','\r\n<pre>\r\nfor x in range(1, 10):\r\n       print(x)\r\n\r\n\r\nfor x in range(1, 11):\r\n       print(x)\r\n\r\n\r\ny = 0\r\nfor x in range(1,101):\r\n       y = y + x\r\nprint(y)\r\n\r\n\r\ny = 0\r\nx = 1\r\nwhile x < 101:\r\n       y = y + x\r\n       x = x + 1\r\nprint (y)\r\n\r\n\r\nx = 0\r\ny = 0\r\nz = 1\r\n\r\nwhile z < 100:\r\n       x = y\r\n       y = z\r\n       z = x + y\r\n       print (z)\r\n\r\n\r\nx = 0\r\ny = 0\r\nz = 1\r\n\r\nwhile z < 100:\r\n       print (z)\r\n       x = y\r\n       y = z\r\n       z = x + y\r\n\r\n\r\nx = 0\r\ny = 0\r\nz = input(\'What number do we start from?\')\r\ni = input(\'And up to which number should we calculate\')\r\n\r\nwhile z < i:\r\n       print (z)\r\n       x = y\r\n       y = z\r\n       z = x + y\r\n</pre>',79,25,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Programming,Python',0,3453,1),
(303,'2009-02-26','lottanzb, my computers, and a quick movie review',1007,'Dave Yates talks about various subjects','lottanzb, my computers, and a quick movie review<p>\r\n<a href=\"https://www.lottanzb.org\">lottanzb</a>;<p>\r\n<a href=\"https://hackerpublicradio.org/eps.php?id=0093\">deepgeek\'s newsgroup hpr episode</a>;<p>\r\nmy computers; and <a href=\"https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0072730/\">a boy and his dog</a>.',77,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','lottanzb,nzb files,computers,movie review',0,2116,1),
(304,'2009-02-27','Phone Line Troubleshooting',632,'Troubleshooting a telephone land line','Wintermute talks about phone line troubleshooting',105,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','telephone line,troubleshooting',0,2115,1),
(305,'2009-03-02','Hard core Ogg player on the cheap',356,'Setting up Rockbox on a Sansa device','<a href=\"https://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=3402958&CatId=2761\"> Sansa e250 $29.99 </a> \r\n<br>\r\n\r\n<a href=\"https://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=4307848&CatId=4020\"> \r\n8gb MicroSDHC $24.99 </a>\r\n<br>\r\n<a href=\"https://download.rockbox.org/release/3.1/rockbox-sansae200-3.1.zip\">  \r\nRock box for sansa </a> <br>\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n<a href=\"https://download.rockbox.org/manual/rockbox-sansae200/rockbox-buildch2.html#x4-110002.2.2\"> Boot loader instructions </a> ',110,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Sansa,ogg,rockbox',0,1542,1),
(306,'2009-03-03','News Cast Ep 1 ',392,'Newscast of what\'s happening in the News world','second ep of finux\'s series\r\n',85,28,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Google,email',0,2155,1),
(307,'2009-03-04','Krita',1145,'Klaatu compares Krita and Gimp','\r\nKlaatu compares Krita, Gimp and, obligatorily, Ph0t0sh0p.',78,0,0,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Gimp,Krita',0,2222,1),
(308,'2009-03-05','EC Feb 05 Meeting',2608,'The Feb. 5th, 2009 Eau Claire Linux User Group meeting','EC Feb 05 Meeting',93,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Linux,Gimp,Printers',0,2085,1),
(309,'2009-03-06','Compiling a linux kernel',455,'Impressions on compiling the linux kernel','Deepgeek briefly gives his impressions of custom compiling a linux\r\nkernel.',73,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Linux,kernel,compiling,initrd',0,1973,1),
(310,'2009-03-09','SSH tunneling',1535,'Using ssh connections for tunneling and other applications','Knightwise talks about using ssh connections for terminal applications, filesharing and ssh tunneling.',111,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','linux,openssh,centerIM,irssi,alpine,putty,screen',0,1700,1),
(311,'2009-03-10','Firewall Distros',1698,'Mark discusses a few different firewall distros','Mark discusses a few different firewall distros',112,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','linux,firewalls,network',0,1549,1),
(312,'2009-03-11','Illustrious Programmer Ep02',863,'Programming with Jelkemantis','the thrid episode of the Illustrious programmer series',90,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','programming,Python',0,2064,1),
(313,'2009-03-12','Recesion Era Media',1311,'Recession era multimedia with LostNBronx','\r\n<strong>DO-IT-YOURSELF ANTENNA</strong> \r\n\r\n<br> \r\n\r\n<a href=https://www.digitalhome.ca/ota/superantenna/design.htm>The Gray-Hoverman Antenna</a> (a GPL 3.0 \r\nversion) \r\n\r\n<br> \r\n\r\n<a href=https://www.digitalhome.ca/forum/showthread.php?t=81982>The \r\nDigital Home forum</a>\r\n\r\n<br> \r\n\r\n<a href=https://tvfool.com>TV Fool</a>\r\n\r\n<br> \r\n\r\n<a \r\nhref=https://linuxoutlaws.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=1234&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&hilit=antenna&sid=5bab16b6b2c023d822f5df0b5383a80d>\r\nThe Linux Outlaws Antenna thread</a>\r\n\r\n<br>\r\n\r\n<a \r\nhref=https://www.instructables.com/tag/?q=tv+antenna&limit%3Atype%3Aid=on&type%3Aid=on&type%3Auser=on&type%3Acomment=on&type%3Agroup=on&type%3AforumTopic=on&sort=none\r\n>A few do-it-yourself antenna designs on Instructables</a> \r\n\r\n<p>\r\n\r\n<strong>MYTHTV AND THE LIKE</strong>\r\n\r\n<br>\r\n\r\nInfo about MythTV is not at all hard to come by these days, but here\'s a \r\nfew places to start off with, just in case it is new to you.\r\n\r\n<br>\r\n\r\n<a href=https://www.mythtv.org>MythTV</a>\r\n\r\n<br>\r\n\r\n<a href=https://www.mythbuntu.org>Mythbuntu</a>\r\n\r\n<br>\r\n\r\n<a href=https://mythdora.com>Mythdora</a>\r\n\r\n<br>\r\n\r\n<a href=https://www.boxee.tv>Boxee</a>\r\n\r\n<br>\r\n\r\nThis is an app that some people bill as an alternative to Mythbox\r\n\r\n</p>\r\n\r\n<p>\r\n\r\n<strong>ROCKBOX</strong>\r\n\r\n<br>\r\n\r\n<a href=https://www.rockbox.org>Rockbox rocks!</a>\r\n\r\n</p>\r\n\r\n<p>\r\n\r\n<strong>WEB-ONLY SHOWS</strong>\r\n\r\n<br>\r\n\r\n<a href=https://geminidivision.com>Gemini Division</a>\r\n\r\n<br>\r\n\r\n<a href=https://www.drawnbypain.com>Drawn By Pain</a>\r\n\r\n<br>\r\n\r\n<a href=https://www.startreknewvoyages.com>Star Trek: Phase II</a>\r\n\r\n<br>\r\n\r\n<a href=https://www.startrekofgodsandmen.com>Star Trek: Of Gods and \r\nMen</a>\r\n\r\n<br>\r\n\r\n<a href=https://drhorrible.com>Dr. Horrible\'s Sing Along Blog</a> \r\n\r\n<br>(I figure there might be a few people on Earth who haven\'t yet seen Dr. Horrible.  A really \r\nwonderful production, and a nice example of the wide breadth that Web content can take.)',107,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','multimedia,alternatives,podcasts,music,video,Rockbox,bittorrent',0,2131,1),
(314,'2009-03-13','LVM2',2588,'Kevin gives a brief and basic overview of Logical Volume Management, or LVM.','Kevin gives a brief and basic overview of Logical Volume\r\nManagement, or LVM.\r\n\r\nPlease note that I will be using a Debian GNU+Linux frame of\r\nreference, and that there is a possibility that some of the\r\ncommand-line details of some of he commands may differ to some extent.\r\n\r\nAlso note that the current LVM package is \"LVM2\", and that when I use\r\nthe term LVM, that I am, indeed, referring to LVM2.\r\n',113,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Linux,logical volume manager,partition',0,2089,1),
(315,'2009-03-16','Interview with ChrisJohnRiley',2749,'finux interviews ChrisJohnRiley','finux interviews ChrisJohnRiley',85,78,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Linux,interview,penetration testing,network,security',0,5738,1),
(316,'2009-03-17','Raid LVM',1605,'Mark discusses software raid and LVM','Mark discusses software raid and LVM',112,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Linux,Software RAID,logical volume manager',0,1618,1),
(317,'2009-03-19','NewsCast Ep 2',370,'finux continues his news cast series','finux continues his news cast series',85,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Linux,newscast',0,1555,1),
(318,'2009-03-20','Git',4347,'A presentation on Git from Utah Open Source','UTOS (Utah Open Source, <a href=\"https://www.utos.org/\">https://www.utos.org/</a>) presentation on GIT',100,81,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','version control,cvs,subversion,mercurial,git',0,2529,1),
(319,'2009-03-20','EC LUG Feb 12th Meeting',4457,'The Feb. 12th, 2009 Eau Claire Linux User Group meeting','EC LUG Feb 12th Meeting',93,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Linux,encryption,twitter,beer,microcontroller,flash',0,2010,1),
(320,'2009-03-23','Audacious',565,'Thistleweb reviews a lightweight music player app, Audacious','Running Order\r\n<p>Little dogs\r\n<ul>\r\n<li>XMMS</li>\r\n</ul>\r\nWinamp similarities\r\n<ul>\r\n<li>Layout (3 magnetic windows)</li>\r\n<li>Compatible skins</li>\r\n<li>System tray icon & control</li>\r\n</ul>\r\nPlugins\r\n<ul>\r\n<li>Status icon</li>\r\n<li>Global hotkeys</li>\r\n<li>Audio compressor</li>\r\n</ul>\r\nBig dogs\r\n<ul>\r\n<li>Multi section windows</li>\r\n<li>Podcatchers</li>\r\n<li>Last.fm</li>\r\n<li>Syncing of media folders & MP3 players</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n</p>',106,11,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','lightweight,multimedia,audio,music',0,3821,1),
(321,'2009-03-24','Parrot',4939,'Presentation on the Parrot VM given by Steven Weeks at a Provo LUG on 2009-03-11.','<p>\nParrot is a virtual machine designed to efficiently compile and execute bytecode for dynamic languages.\n</p>\n\n<p>\nParrot currently hosts a variety of language implementations in various stages of completion, including Tcl, Javascript, Ruby, Lua, Scheme, PHP, Python, Perl 6, APL, and a .NET bytecode translator.\n</p>\n\n<p>\nParrot is not about parrots, though we are rather fond of them for obvious reasons.\n</p>\n\n<p>\nGuru at Guru Labs for 1.5 years. I teach, work on courseware, and assorted Perl programming. In my spare time I work on Parrot and recently a roguelike. I\'ve been working on Parrot for about a year, in which time I\'ve written a LOLCODE and Ruby compiler and done a lot of work on Exceptions and some work implementing features in Perl 6.\n</p>\n\n<p>\nI\'d like to talk about Parrot and/or Perl 6! That\'s about as specific as I get. If nobody has any more-specific requests, I\'d like to run through implementing a simple language and the parts of a Parrot compiler. Maybe scheme? I haven\'t decided yet.\n</p>\n',100,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Parrot,virtual machine,Perl 6,bytecode,Rakudo',0,1284,1),
(322,'2009-03-25','EC Lug Feb 19th Meeting',6403,'The Feb. 19th, 2009 Eau Claire Linux User Group meeting','EC LUG Feb 19th Meeting',93,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Nvidia,video drivers,video encoding,python,raw image tools',0,1397,1),
(323,'2009-03-26','zenity',374,'zenity is a program that will display GTK+ dialogs','zenity<p>\r\n<a href=\"https://tinyurl.com/d7xx5b\">zenity in a bash script example</a>.',77,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','bash,shell script,dialog box',0,1991,1),
(324,'2009-03-27','webmin',1254,'Mark talks about webmin','Mark talks about webmin',112,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','webmin,web administration',0,2199,1),
(325,'2009-03-30','RoundTable Ep 2: Is There such a thing as Ethical Hacking?',2226,'Panelists discuss the question \"Is there such a thing as Ethical Hacking?\"','<p>Three-Thirty, AJ, Nick, and Klaatu discuss the question \"Is there such a thing as Ethical Hacking?\"</p>\r\n\r\n<p>An <a href=\"https://www.thebadapples.info/audiophile/hprRoundTable2.ogg\">ogg version</a> of this episode is also available.</p>',109,26,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','penetration testing,hardware hacking,hacking,encryption,piracy,security',0,2192,1),
(326,'2009-03-31','Setting up a Monitor',245,'Xoke explains how he sets up his monitor','xoke explains how he sets up his monitor',79,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Hardware,Monitor',0,2173,1),
(327,'2009-04-01','Mozilla Profiles',1805,'Thistleweb goes over profiles for Mozilla Firefox and Thunderbird','<p>Commands\r\n<ul>\r\n<li>firefox -P : opens Firefox at profile prompt</li>\r\n<li>firefox -P \"Foo\" : opens Firefox with Foo profile</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<p>Change \"firefox\" for \"thunderbird\" to do the same for email profiles.</p>\r\n<p>Locations (on Linux), these are hidden .folders.</p>\r\n<ul>\r\n<li>Firefox : /home/foo/.mozilla/firefox/profiles.ini</li>\r\n<li>Thunderbird : /home/foo/.mozilla-thunderbird/profiles.ini</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<p>Locations for <a href=\"https://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/Profiles\">Windows &amp; Mac</a> users.</p>\r\n<p>Profiles.ini settings</p>\r\n<ul>\r\n<li>Name : name used in profile</li>\r\n<li>Path : path to profile folder</li>\r\n<li>Default : default profile used when just \"firefox\" or \"thunderbird\" are exectuted</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<p>Firefox Extensions</p>\r\n<ul>\r\n<li><a href=\"https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/2109\">FEBE</a> : Firefox Environment Backup Extension</li>\r\n<li><a href=\"https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/6152\">OPIE</a> : Ordered Preference Import/Export</li>\r\n<li><a href=\"https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/2942\">CLEO</a> : Compact Library Extension Organizer</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<p>Thunderbird Extensions</p>\r\n<ul>\r\n<li><a href=\"https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/thunderbird/search?q=gmail+imap&cat=all\">Gmail IMAP</a></li>\r\n</ul>\r\n</p>',106,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','firefox,profiles,linux,windows,Thunderbird',0,2754,1),
(328,'2009-04-02','Puppet, Systems Building Systems',3874,'Utah Open Source Conference - Puppet','Andrew Shafer works full time on the Open Source system management framework, Puppet. He brings with him a background in computational science, embedded Linux development, web frameworks and Agile methods. Andrew has been an Open Source user and advocate since the late 90s. He was a speaker at the 2008 Utah Open Source Conference.',100,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','puppet,automation,ruby',0,1444,1),
(329,'2009-04-03','SSH Part 2',1145,'Klaatu presents a howto on using ssh keys and ssh-agent','<p>HOWTO use ssh keys and ssh-agent to provide easier SSH\'ing in your network!</p>\r\n<p>Listen carefully for bonus subliminal messages delivered by Klaatu\'s friend\'s (black) cat.</p>\r\n<p>This episode also available in <a href=\"https://www.thebadapples.info/audiophile/sshEpisode2.ogg\">ogg.</a></p>\r\n',78,0,0,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Linux,ssh,ssh-keygen',0,1970,1),
(330,'2009-04-06','Listgarden',465,'Deepgeek reviews listgarden, an rss generator','deepgeek reviews listgarden an rss generator \r\n\r\nshownotes: deepggeek.us/listgarden.html\r\n<a href=\"https://talkgeektome.us\"> https://talkgeektome.us </a> ',73,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','listgarden,rss,lightweight',0,2014,1),
(331,'2009-04-07','Snort Part 2',910,'Operat0r hosts a follow up episode on the Snort Intrusion Detection Tool','Operat0r hosts a follow up episode to his snort ep',36,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Snort,intrusion detection',0,2118,1),
(332,'2009-04-08','Libre Planet 2009',4313,'FSF Annual Meeting - Libre Planet 2009 Conference Episode 1 of 5','<h2>Libre Planet 2009 conference 1 of 5</h2>\r\n\r\n<p>FSF Annual Meeting :: Libre Planet 2009 Conference Episode 1 of 5</p>\r\n\r\n<p>The event was held at the Harvard Science Center, Cambridge, MA on March 21st and 22nd, 2009.</p>\r\n\r\n<ul>\r\n<li>[00:00:00 to 00:04:47] Welcome. Peter Brown (FSF Executive Director)</li> \r\n<li>[00:04:17 to 00:06:24] Un-conference Orientation - Rob Myers and Matt Lee</li> \r\n<li>[00:06:25 to 01:11:54] Jeremy Allison, The Elephant in the Room: Microsoft and Free Software</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n\r\n<p>For more information please visit: <a href=\"https://www.fsf.org/associate/meetings/2009/\">https://www.fsf.org/associate/meetings/2009/</a></p>\r\n',99,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Libreplanet,Free Software Foundation,Microsoft,Samba,Open Document Format,ODF',0,1917,1),
(333,'2009-04-09','BruCON Interview',2096,'Interview with Benny from BruCON','finux interviews Benny, a security consultant and organizer of <a href=\"https://www.brucon.org\"> BruCON </a>',85,78,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Security',0,2409,1),
(334,'2009-04-10','Toti',1968,'Theater of the Imagination - part 1','<br>\r\nTHEATER OF THE IMAGINATION\r\n<br>\r\nDramatic Audio Media, And Its Context\r\n<p>\r\nShownotes -- In No Particular Order (Yay!)\r\n<p>\r\nFirst off, there\'s the Wikipedia page for audiobooks (strangely, they don\'t seem to have one specifically for podiobooks -- at least, when I \r\nlooked.  Someone should fix that.  But not me.  I\'m too busy.  Or something.) \r\n<br>\r\n<a href=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Audiobook>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Audiobook</a>\r\n\r\n<p>\r\nThe Internet Archive\'s Old Time Radio \"Gunsmoke\" collection\r\n<br>\r\n<a href=https://www.archive.org/details/OTRR_Certified_Gunsmoke>https://www.archive.org/details/OTRR_Certified_Gunsmoke</a>\r\n\r\n<p>\r\nDarker Projects (lots of fun going on here)\r\n<br>\r\n<a href=https://www.darkerprojects.com>https://www.darkerprojects.com<a/>\r\n\r\n<p>\r\nDecoder Ring Theatre (The Red Panda is da man -- and his female sidekick is too...rowaar!)\r\n<br>\r\n<a href=https://decoderring.libsyn.com/> href=https://decoderring.libsyn.com/<a/>\r\n\r\n<p>\r\nBrokenSea Audio Productions (lookin\' good)\r\n<br>\r\n<a href=https://brokensea.com/> href=https://brokensea.com/</a>\r\n\r\n<p>\r\nFor live stage productions, check this guy out -- I haven\'t seen him, myself, but he\'s got right idea!\r\n<br>\r\n<a href=https://www.ruyasonic.com/>https://www.ruyasonic.com/</a>\r\n\r\n<p>\r\nAgain, not anyone I\'ve seen, but they sure have the fire!\r\n<br>\r\n<a href=https://www.atbplayers.com/>https://www.atbplayers.com/</a>\r\n\r\n<p>\r\nOriginal street sound f/x\r\n<br>\r\nBy gezortenplotz <a href=https://www.freesound.org/usersViewSingle.php?id=11536>(https://www.freesound.org/usersViewSingle.php?id=11536)</a>\r\nNYC_street leve02l.wav <a href=https://www.freesound.org/samplesViewSingle.php?id=44796>(https://www.freesound.org/samplesViewSingle.php?id=44796)</a>\r\n<br>\r\nremixed by yours truly\r\n\r\n<p>\r\nIntro and Outro music by the Benny Goodman Orchestra, \"Sing, Sing, Sing\", performed on the \"Camel Caravan\", on November 4th, \r\n1939 (public domain, and available at the Internet Archive <a \r\nhref=https://www.archive.org/download/Camel_Comedy_Caravan/1939-04-11_Xxxx_-_Camel_Caravan_-_First_Song_-_Honeysuckle_Rose_-_Benny_Goodman.ogg>here</a>)\r\n',107,52,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','audio drama,audio books',0,2044,1),
(335,'2009-04-13','Linux Netbooks',2547,'Multiple host talk about Linux Netbooks','Linux Netbooks<br><br>monsterb, Azimuth, Klaatu, LilMiss64, Peter64, and the Gutsy Geeks talk about Linux Netbooks.<br>Netbooks Mentioned: Acer Aspire One, Asus Eee Pc 700, 900, 1000, Dell Mini 9, HP, MSI, Sylvania G Meso<br><br>Going Linux https://goinglinux.com<br>Gutsy Geeks https://www.gutsygeeks.com',99,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','netbooks,reviews',0,1579,1),
(336,'2009-04-14','Asterisk',2392,'Review of Asterisk PBX. Covering hardware specs., peripherals, setup, and operations.','Mark Clarke and Darlene Parker talk about Asterisk',112,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Asterisk,PBX,Digium,softphone',0,2222,1),
(337,'2009-04-15','Linux at Work',1951,'Knightwise talks about linux in the workplace','Knightwise talks about linux in the workplace',111,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Ubuntu,desktop,work,Open Office,open standards',0,2109,1),
(338,'2009-04-16','cappuccino',1168,'Secrets of a perfect cappuccino','<p>Klaatu reveals the methodology and secrets of making the perfect cappuccino.</p>\r\n<p>Here\'s the <a href=\"https://www.thebadapples.info/audiophile/cappuccino.ogg\">ogg version</a>.</p>\r\n',78,0,0,'CC-BY-NC-SA','coffee,cappuccino',0,1545,1),
(339,'2009-04-17','Reasons to love Symlinks',883,'Why rkirk loves symlinks','rkirk talks about the reasons he loves symlinks',114,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','symlinks,softlinks,playlists,organize',0,3208,1),
(340,'2009-04-20','RTFM',583,'Ken talks about the history behind RTFM','ken talks about the history behind RTFM',30,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','RTFM,documentation,history',0,2228,1),
(341,'2009-04-21','Libre Planet 2009 Conference Episode 2 of 5',2730,'FSF Annual Meeting - Libre Planet 2009 Conference Episode 2 of 5','FSF Annual Meeting :: Libre Planet 2009 Conference Episode 2 of 5<br><br>The event was held at the Harvard Science Center, Cambridge, MA on March 21st and 22nd, 2009.<br><br>[00:00:00 to 00:47:37] Mako Hill, Cloud Computing/Software as a Service - defining Freedom for Network Services<br><br>[00:47:38 to 01:19:22] Alexandre Oliva, Freeing the kernel and the Linux Libre project<br><br>For more information please visit: <a href=\"https://www.fsf.org/associate/meetings/2009/\">https://www.fsf.org/associate/meetings/2009/</a></body></html>',99,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Libreplanet,Free Software Foundation,network services,communication',0,2922,1),
(342,'2009-04-22','Libre Planet 2009 Conference Episode 3 of 5',3701,'FSF Annual Meeting - Libre Planet 2009 Conference Episode 3 of 5','FSF Annual Meeting :: Libre Planet 2009 Conference</title></head>\r\n<body>FSF Annual Meeting :: Libre Planet 2009 Conference Episode 3 of 5<br><br>The event was held at the Harvard Science Center, Cambridge, MA on March 21st and 22nd, 2009.<br><br>Toward a LibrePlanet - Free Software Activism worldwide (Brian Gough, Ryan Bagueros, Bradley Kuhn)<br><br>For more information please visit: <a href=\"https://www.fsf.org/associate/meetings/2009/\">https://www.fsf.org/associate/meetings/2009/</a></body></html>',99,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Free software,Latin America,Brazil,Bradley M. Kuhn,Gnu hackers meetings',0,1848,1),
(343,'2009-04-23','Virtualization',2595,'Mark and Darlene talk about Virtualization','Mark and Darlene talk about Virtualization\r\n\r\n',112,8,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','virtualization,Zen,KVM,libvirt',0,1970,1),
(344,'2009-04-24','EC Lug  March 12th Meeting',6783,'March 12, 2009 Eau Claire Linux User Group meeting','EC Lug March 12th Meeting',93,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Homemade projector screen,Nvidia drivers,Pulseaudio,tab completion,bash,irc,open source',0,2567,1),
(345,'2009-04-27','Editing the auto-generated menu in Linux',899,'Thistleweb shows how to edit menus and icons','<p>Locations\r\n\r\nMenu files (requires root to edit)\r\n<ul>\r\n<li>/usr/shar/applications</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n\r\nIcon files\r\n<ul>\r\n<li>/usr/share/pixmaps</li>\r\n<li>/usr/share/icons/foo</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n\r\n<p>Edit files in plain text editor like GEdit</p>\r\n\r\nEllements pointed out in episode (there are plenty more, they vary per app, & distro)\r\n<ul>\r\n<li>Name : the name it will display on the menu (may need to change Name[foo] to reflect your language)</li>\r\n<li>Language : speaks for itself</li>\r\n<li>Comment : the rollover text</li>\r\n<li>Exec : the command it will execute when clicked</li>\r\n<li>Icon : the path to the icon shown in the menu</li>\r\n<li>OnlyShowIn : useful when trying to find why an application may not be showing the menu</li>\r\n\r\n<li>Terminal : runs the command in a terminal</li>\r\n\r\n<li>Categories : (I think) this is the submenu groups where it\'ll appear on the menu</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<p>Changes sometimes take a little while to update, restarting X or rebooting will force it to re-read that folder and apply the changes.</p>\r\nXCFE Tip\r\n<ul>\r\n<li>Right click to edit menu. Click on something like a separator, move it up, then down to it\'s original place. Save.</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n</p>',106,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','menus,icons,Xfce',0,1923,1),
(346,'2009-04-28','GridBackup',6097,'Utah Open Source Conference - Shawn Willden presents on GridBackup: A peer to peer backup','Shawn Willden presents on GridBackup: A peer to peer backup system built on top of the allmydata.org Tahoe distributed file system.',100,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','backups,resiliency,cross platform,python',0,1658,1),
(347,'2009-04-29','Watchmen: the motion comic',383,'Dave Yates reviews Watchmen: the motion comic','Watchmen: the motion comic<p>\r\n<a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Watchmen:_Motion_Comics\">Watchmen Motion Comic on wikipedia</a>.<p>\r\n<a href=\"https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1322240/\">Watchmen Motion Comic on IMDB</>.<p>\r\n<a href=\"https://www.watchmencomicmovie.com/watchmen-motion-comics-episodes.php\">Watchmen Comic Movie official website</a>.',77,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','graphic novel,DVD',0,2250,1),
(348,'2009-04-30','How I Found Linux 001',1794,'Monsterb introduces audio clips sent in by Linux users','How I Found Linux 001<br><br>\r\nLilMiss64 - Professional BZFlag Player<br>\r\nPeter64 - <a href=\"https://linuxcranks.info\">Linux Cranks</a><br>\r\nDavid Abbott - <a href=\"https://linuxcrazy.com\">Linux Crazy</a><br>\r\nKlaatu - <a href=\"https://www.fedorareloaded.com\">Fedora Reloaded</a>,\r\nand <a href=\"https://thebadapples.info\">The Bad Apples</a><br>\r\nlostnbronx - This guy is lost in Bronx.<br>\r\ndwick - <a href=\"https://dwick.org\">dwick.org</a><br>\r\nKen Fallon - <a href=\"https://kenfallon.com\">kenfallon.com</a><br>\r\nAzimuth - <a href=\"https://linuxcranks.info\">Linux Cranks</a><br>\r\n<br>\r\nSend your \"How I Found Linux\" audio clip to monsterb (at) linuxcranks (dot) info.\r\n',99,29,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Linux',0,2114,1),
(349,'2009-05-01','The Hacker Within',1522,'Thewtex interviews The Hacker Within computer science group','thewtex talks about the hacker within',69,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','interviews,hackers,computer science,high performance computing',0,2074,1),
(350,'2009-05-05','How I found Linux 002',1694,'Monsterb introduces audio clips sent in by Linux users','<br>\r\nThistleweb - HPR Correspondent<br>\r\nTerryF - IRC Master<br>\r\nDavid from NYC<br>\r\nweex - <a href=\"https://trygnulinux.com/\">Try GNU + Linux Free Software Podcast</a><br>\r\nscriptmunkee - <a href=\"https://trygnulinux.com/\">Try GNU + Linux Free Software Podcast</a><br>\r\nRuss Wenner - <a href=\"https://thetechiegeek.com/\">The Techie Geek</a><br>\r\n<br>\r\nSend your \"How I Found Linux\" audio clip to monsterb (at) linuxcranks (dot) info.\r\n',99,29,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Linux',0,1575,1),
(351,'2009-05-05','Network Basics',850,'Klaatu explains the basics of networking','klaatu talks about basic networking',78,61,0,'CC-BY-NC-SA','computers,networking,topology,7-layer model',0,1990,1),
(352,'2009-05-06','Open Source Business Models',2166,'Mark and Darlene talk about Open source business models','Mark and Darlene talk about Open source business models',112,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','open source,business',0,1634,1),
(353,'2009-05-07','Pete Wood Interview',3528,'Finux interviews Pete Wood','finux interviews Pete Wood',85,78,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','interviews,infosec,ethical hacking,security,social engineering',0,1577,1),
(354,'2009-05-08','The Jerks Among us',727,'Rant by lostnbronx about jerks','<strong>THE JERKS AMONG US</strong> \r\n\r\n<p> \r\n\r\n<strong>Music in this episode</strong>\r\n\r\n<br>\r\n\r\n\"Give Me Your Hand\" and \"Voicedance\"\r\nsung by \r\n<br>\r\nDanny Fong, et al, \r\n<br>\r\ndetails here\r\n<br>\r\n<a \r\nhref=https://music.podshow.com/music/listeners/artistdetails.php?BandHash=c5a8499e2956c0c0e1e98d2c2438f014>Danny\'s \r\npage on the Podsafe Network</a>\r\n\r\n<p> \r\n\"Whipass\"\r\n<br>\r\nby \r\n<br>\r\nRay (the man\'s a genius)\r\n<br>\r\nFound all over the Internet, but here\'s a <a href=https://www.zefrank.com/theshow/whipass/>\r\nlink</a> to it over on \r\nZefrank\'s site, along with a page of \r\nfunny remixes.',107,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Technology,Computers,People',0,3381,1),
(355,'2009-05-11','Star Trek',735,'Review of the 2009 movie Star Trek. The JJ Abrams reboot of the Star Trek movies franchise.','deepgeek reviews star trek',73,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Star Trek,movies,movie,movie review,review',0,2182,1),
(356,'2009-05-13','BBS',1786,'HPR members reminisce about using and operating Bulletin Board Systems (BBS)','Lord Drachenblut and others talk about BBS\'s',24,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','BBS,Searchlight,Searchlight BBS,PCBoard,PCB,PCBoard BBS,Messaging,File Sharing,Nodes,Node',0,2532,1),
(357,'2009-05-13','Network Basics Part 2',1200,'Episode 2 of Basic networking with Klaatu','<p>In episode 2 of Networking Basics, Klaatu covers Routers, Switches, and Hubs.  He also discusses the concepts of Collision Domains and Broadcast Domains.</p>\r\n<p>The ogg version is available <a href=\"https://www.thebadapples.info/audiophile/HPR_networkingBasics2.ogg\">here</a>.</p> ',78,61,0,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Routers,Switches,Hubs,Collision domains,Broadcast domains',0,2060,1),
(358,'2009-05-15','Libre Planet 2009 Part 4',5211,'FSF Annual Meeting :: Libre Planet 2009 Conference Episode 4 of 5','FSF Annual Meeting :: Libre Planet 2009 Conference Episode 4 of 5<br><br>The event was held at the Harvard Science Center, Cambridge, MA on March 21st and 22nd, 2009.<br><br>[00:00:00 to 00:46:45] Evan Prodromou, Identi.ca and engineering for free network services<br><br> [00:46:46 to 01:25:45] Rob Savoye, Gnash and Cygnal project.<br><br>For more information please visit: <a href=\"https://www.fsf.org/associate/meetings/2009/\">https://www.fsf.org/associate/meetings/2009/</a>',99,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','microblogging,Identi.ca,php,mysql,flash,gnash player',0,3611,1),
(359,'2009-05-16','Control 4',4665,'Utah Open Source Conference - Home Automation','Ryan Erickson works for Control4 (https://www.control4.com), and has worked and played with Home Automation for over 10 years. He will present an introduction to Home Automation, and discuss Control4\'s Home Automation products. Ryan will cover: # What is Home Automation? # How does it work? # Open Source Home Automation projects # DIY vs. \'Professional\' # Control4\'s approach to Home Automation',100,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','home automation,home theatre,multi-room audio,lighting',0,8154,1),
(360,'2009-05-19','How I found Linux 3',1644,'Monsterb introduces audio clips sent in by Linux users','How I Found Linux 003<br><br>\nA.J. - <a href=\"https://linuxgeekdom.com/\">Linux Geekdom</a><br>\nthreethirty - <a href=\"https://freelinuxhelpline.net/\">FLHL</a>, <a href=\"https://linuxcranks.info\">Linux Cranks</a>, <a href=\"https://somethingkindatechy.com/\">SKT</a><br>\nNathan Hale - <a href=\"https://productivelinux.com/\">Productive Linux</a><br>\nVerbal - <a href=\"https://setbit.org/lt.html\">Verbal\'s Linux Trivia Podcast</a><br>\nCharles - <a href=\"https://mintcast.org/\">mintCast</a><br>\nJeremy &amp; J.D. - <a href=\"https://distrocast.org/\">DistroCast</a><br>\n<br>\nSend your \"How I Found Linux\" audio clip to monsterb (at) linuxcranks (dot) info.\n',99,29,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','linux',0,1712,1),
(361,'2009-05-20','Programming 101 Part 4',2799,'Xoke continues his Programming 101 Series - Part 4','Xoke continues his programming series',79,25,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Programming,Python',0,1662,1),
(362,'2009-05-21','Libre Planet 2009 Part 5',6313,'FSF Annual Meeting :: Libre Planet 2009 Conference Episode 5 of 5','FSF Annual Meeting :: Libre Planet 2009 Conference Episode 5 of 5<br><br>The event was held at the Harvard Science Center, Cambridge, MA on March 21st and 22nd, 2009.<br><br>[00:00:00 to 00:33:45] - Ciaran O\'Riordan, End Software Patents<br><br>[00:33:46\r\nto 00:51:38] -&nbsp;Richard M. Stallman, Hardware for Free Software and\r\nthe presentation ceremony of the Free Software Awards<br><br>[00:51:39 to 01:20:19] -&nbsp;Routing for the day<br><br>[01:20:20 to 01:45:15] - End of Unconference (with special musical guest, Kat Walsh)<br><br>For more information please visit: <a href=\"https://www.fsf.org/associate/meetings/2009/\">https://www.fsf.org/associate/meetings/2009/',99,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','end software patents,Richard M. Stallman,free software',0,1914,1),
(363,'2009-05-22','Networking Basics Part 3',1460,'The third episode of Basic Networking','<p>In the third episode of Basic Networking, Klaatu talks about all things Ethernet; from the physical construction of the cables to the structure of the data frames being sent over them.</p>\r\n\r\n<p>As usual, an ogg version is available over on <a href=\"https://www.thebadapples.info/audiophile/HPR_networkingBasics3.ogg\" target=\"_blank\">the bad apples</a>. </p>',78,61,0,'CC-BY-NC-SA','networking,ethernet,cables,data frames',0,1976,1),
(364,'2009-05-23','TiT Radio Pilot',3075,'Monsterb and friends kick off the pilot of TiT Radio. A new series on HPR','TiT Radio - Pilot 000<br>\r\nmonsterb and friends kick off the pilot of TiT Radio.  A new\r\nseries on HPR, streaming Live on ddphackradio.org.  Please visit <a href=\"https://titradio.info\">https://titradio.info</a> for shownotes and more information.',99,30,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','roundtable,commandlinefu,Linux hardware,ubuntu remix,switching to linux',0,1776,1),
(365,'2009-05-25','Green Computing',2443,'Mark and Darlene talk about Green Computing','Mark and Darlene talk about Green Computing',112,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','green computing,switching to Linux,recycling computers,virtualization',0,1656,1),
(366,'2009-05-27','The Open Source Data Center',5140,'Utah Open Source Conference - Open Source Data Center','During the last 10 years of system administration I have been involved in a number of data center migrations and build-outs. As these projects came and went I began to see patterns emerge in the set of services and software required to run a successful operations infrastructure. This presentation will describe these patterns, and provide an overview of the Open Source software available to implement them. About Dan: Dan Hanks has been involved with Linux System administration since 1998, when he worked for EagleNet Online, a small ISP in Provo, which, in a sense, was the birthplace of PLUG. After EagleNet he worked as a systems and database administrator for Nothsky/About.com/Primedia/United Online and is currently a system administrator for Omniture. He has varied interests, ranging from computers and technology to astronomy, geology, music, art, and family history research. He holds a Bachelor\'s degree in Computer Science from BYU, and is the father of 4 adventuresome children. He (occasionally) blogs at https://brainshed.com, and tweets as @danhanks.',100,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','physical infrastructure,data center',0,1949,1),
(367,'2009-05-28','Screw you Hacker',406,'A song by Chad from the Linux Basement','another song by Chad from the linux basement',101,22,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','songs,hacker,buffer overflow',0,1700,1),
(368,'2009-05-29','GPS with gpsbabel, gpicsync and Google Earth',4349,'Utah Open Source Conference - GPS','Marc Christensen presents on Geo Tagging pictures and overlaying GPS Data aligned with photos on Google Map and Google Earth',100,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','GPS,gpx file,gpsbabel,gpicsync,file conversion',0,1514,1),
(369,'2009-05-29','UCLUG May Meeting',6175,'Carolina Linux User Group Meeting - GnuCash','<a href=\"https://uclug.org/index.php/Previous_Meetings#May_2009\">Upstate Carolina Linux User Group</a>',77,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','finance,GnuCash,online banking,SELF,ffmpeg,Android',0,1563,1),
(370,'2009-06-01','How I Found Linux 004',1755,'Monsterb introduces audio clips sent in by Linux users','How I Found Linux 004<br><br>\r\nSkirlet - <a href=\"https://www.fedorareloaded.com/\">Fedora Reloaded Podcast</a><br>\r\nNicholas from PA<br>\r\nSigFLUP<br>\r\nNick Ali - <a href=\"https://ubuntupodcast.net/\">Ubuntu Podcast</a><br>\r\nKristin Shoemaker - <a href=\"https://ostatic.com/member/shoe\">Ostatic Blog</a> &amp; <a href=\"https://www.sudowrestling.com/\">Sudo Wrestling Podcast</a><br>\r\nTodd N<br>\r\nLawton Paul - <a href=\"https://www.lawtonpauldesign.com/\">Lawton Paul Design</a><br>\r\n<br>Send your \"How I Found Linux\" audio clip to monsterb (at) linuxcranks (dot) info.',99,29,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Fedora,KDE,Graphic art,Redhat,Slackware,Debian,Library computers',0,1574,1),
(371,'2009-06-02','Introduction to SELinux',5269,'Utah Open Source Conference - SELinux','The traditional Unix security model is simple and beautiful. For decades it has been good enough for most people. However, it is starting to show its age. In the highest security settings, a more fine grained control system is needed. In the past, this meant using expensive, complicated, special purpose versions of Unix: trusted systems. (Trusted Solaris, Trusted AIX, Trusted HP-UX) SELinux, created by the NSA, is the most mature and complete response to the need for Trusted Linux systems. Unfortunately, because of the difficulty creating and maintaining trusted systems, their success has been limited. This is no longer acceptable. Today, even desktop systems and cell phones need high quality security. Imagine being able to sandbox your Web browser and e-mail client. The traditional Unix model makes this difficult and only partially possible. SELinux, on the other hand, makes fine grained security available to everyone. When it first appeared, SELinux was hard to learn and mysterious to troubleshoot. As a result, many people fear it. However, SELinux and the tools to manage it have come a long way. It\'s time to lay fear aside. Stuart will teach what SELinux is, why it is great, basic troubleshooting and maintenance.',100,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','SELinux,NSA',0,1571,1),
(372,'2009-06-03','All Songs Considered 8: Gnu Day',280,'A song by Chad from Linux Basement','Another Song by Chad from the linuxbasement',101,22,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Songs,GNU Linux',0,2066,1),
(373,'2009-06-04','Qemu',1289,'Klaatu discussed the Qemu emulator','<p>Klaatu, on vacation in Niagra Falls (or so it sounds from all the background noise...), talks about Qemu.</p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https://www.qemu.org\" target=\"_blank\">Qemu</a>\r\n<a href=\"https://www.oszoo.org/wiki/index.php/Main_Page\" target=\"_blank\">Pre-built Virtual Machines to run with Qemu</a></p>\r\n<p>You may also choose to download the ogg version.</p>',78,0,0,'CC-BY-NC-SA','qemu,emulator',0,1564,1),
(374,'2009-06-05','TiT Radio - Fluxbox 001',4573,'Monsterb and friends host TiT Radio','\r\nmonsterb and friends talk about the light weight window manager called Fluxbox.&nbsp; Please visit <a href=\"https://titradio.info\">https://titradio.info</a> for shownotes and more information.<br>',99,30,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','roundtable,fluxbox,lightweight',0,2389,1),
(375,'2009-06-08','SAP - the Simple Audio Player',814,'lostnbronx talks about SAP - Simple Audio Player','<strong>SAP</strong>\r\n<br>\r\nthe Simple Audio Player\r\n\r\n<p>\r\n\r\nThe Sap Homepage:\r\n<br>\r\n<a href=https://www.jezra.net/projects/sap>https://www.jezra.net/projects/sap</a>\r\n\r\n<p>\r\n\r\nSAP\'s Launchpad Page:\r\n<br>\r\n<a href=https://launchpad.net/sap+>https://launchpad.net/sap+</a>\r\n\r\n<p>\r\n\r\nMusic In This Episode: \r\n<br> \r\n<a href=https://www.archive.org/download/ScottJoplin/ScottJoplin-PineappleRag1908.ogg>Pineapple Rag</a> \r\nby the one and only Scott Joplin; a recording of the piano roll (the original electronica -- or would that \r\nbe mechanica?), available in ogg vorbis, among other formats, at the Internet Archive.',107,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','audio player,command line',0,3262,1),
(376,'2009-06-09','How I Found Linux 005',1741,'Monsterb introduces audio clips sent in by Linux users','How I Found Linux 005<br><br>\r\nRandy Noseworthy - <a href=\"https://juicedpenguin.com\">The Juiced Penguin</a> &amp; <a href=\"https://randomizedradio.com\">Randomized Radio Netcast</a><br>\r\n<br>\r\nSend your \"How I Found Linux\" audio clip to monsterb (at) linuxcranks (dot) info.\r\n',99,29,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','mainframe,Redhat,Ubuntu,Puppy Linux,Chess Griffin',0,2174,1),
(377,'2009-06-10','Future of Artificial Intelligence in Open Source',3558,'Utah Open Source Conference - The Future of Artificial Intelligence','Recent developments in Artificial Intelligence have enabled a basic computer system with no additional components to advance from a beginner in chess, to a master level in less than 300 games. This presentation will examine what a learning algorithm consists of, and why it may be important to Open Source in the future. By the end of this presentation the audience should have a foundational knowledge of what AI is and whether it may be useful in their own projects.',100,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','artificial intelligence,open source software,neural net,data mining',0,1651,1),
(378,'2009-06-11','apt-move',691,'Deepgeek talks about apt-move','Deepgeek talks about apt-move',73,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Debian,apt packages',0,2105,1),
(379,'2009-06-12','SSL Ep 1 ',1323,'Klaatu reveals the mysteries of self-signed SSL certificates','<p>Klaatu reveals the mysteries of SSL certifications and why self-signing is not such a bad thing after all.</p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https://www.cacert.org\" target=\"_blank\">CAcert.org - the self signing collective</a></p>\r\n<p>The <a href=\"https://www.thebadapples.info/audiophile/hpr_SSL.ogg\">ogg vorbis version</a> of this episode can be downloaded here.</p>',78,0,0,'CC-BY-NC-SA','ssl certificate',0,2250,1),
(380,'2009-06-15','Troubleshooting Blue screens of Death',435,'Ways to resolve the Blue screen of death.','<p>\r\n<a href=\"https://www.microsoft.com/whdc/devtools/debugging/\">Debugging Tools link</a>\r\n</p>\r\n<p>Some Common STOP codes: Bug Check 0xA: IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL <p> The \r\nIRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL bug check has a value of 0x0000000A. This indicates that \r\nMicrosoft Windows or a kernel-mode driver accessed paged memory at \r\nDISPATCH_LEVEL or above.</p> <p> The following parameters are displayed on \r\nthe blue screen. Parameter Description 1 Memory referenced 2 IRQL at time of \r\nreference 3 0: Read 1: Write 4 Address which referenced memory Cause This bug \r\ncheck is issued if paged memory (or invalid memory) is accessed when the IRQL is \r\ntoo high. The error that generates this bug check usually occurs after the \r\ninstallation of a faulty device driver, system service, or BIOS. If you \r\nencounter bug check 0xA while upgrading to a later version of Windows, this \r\nerror might be caused by a device driver, a system service, a virus scanner, or \r\na backup tool that is incompatible with the new version.\r\nIf a kernel debugger is available, obtain a stack trace.\r\n</p> \r\n <br />\r\n<p> To resolve an error caused by a faulty device driver, system service, or BIOS<br> 1. Restart your \r\ncomputer.<br> 2. Press F8 at the character-based menu that displays the operating \r\nsystem choices.<br> 3. Select the Last Known Good Configuration option from the \r\nWindows Advanced Options menu. This option is most effective when only one \r\ndriver or service is added at a time.</p> <p> To resolve an error caused by an \r\nincompatible device driver, system service, virus scanner, or backup tool<br> 1. \r\nCheck the System Log in Event Viewer for error messages that might identify the \r\ndevice or driver that caused the error.<br> 2. Try disabling memory caching of the \r\nBIOS. <br>3. Run the hardware diagnostics supplied by the system manufacturer, \r\nespecially the memory scanner. For details on these procedures, see the owner\'s \r\nmanual for your computer.<br> 4. Make sure the latest Service Pack is installed.<br> 5. \r\nIf your system has small computer system interface (SCSI) adapters, contact the \r\nadapter manufacturer to obtain updated Windows drivers. Try disabling sync \r\nnegotiation in the SCSI BIOS, checking the cabling and the SCSI IDs of each \r\ndevice, and confirming proper termination.<br> 6. For integrated device electronics \r\n(IDE) devices, define the onboard IDE port as Primary only. Also, check each IDE \r\ndevice for the proper master/subordinate/stand-alone setting. Try removing all \r\nIDE devices except for hard disks. If the message appears during an installation \r\nof Windows, make sure that the computer and all installed peripherals are listed \r\nin the Microsoft Windows Marketplace Tested Products List.</p>&nbsp;\r\n\r\nOther stop codes can be found at \r\n<a href=\"https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms789396.aspx\">Interpreting Bug Check Codes</a>',105,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Windows,Blue screen',0,2351,1),
(382,'2009-06-17','TiT Radio 002 - Potluck Roundtable',4445,'Monsterb and friends host TiT Radio','Please visit <a href=\"https://titradio.info\">https://titradio.info</a> for shownotes and more information.<br>',99,30,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Wifi chips,SELF,micro atx motherboard,open street map,Celestia,gpodder',0,2017,1),
(383,'2009-06-18','TOR Interview',940,'Klaatu talks to Wendy Seltzer of the TOR project','<p>Klaatu talks to Wendy Seltzer of the TOR project about...the <a href=\"https://www.torproject.org\" target=\"_blank\">TOR project</a>.  Please note that even though Klaatu continually refers to the TOR Project as \"The Onion Router\", officially the TOR Project is now properly referred to as simply \"the TOR Project\".</p>\r\n<p>You can download the <a href=\"https://www.thebadapples.info/audiophile/HPR_SELF_tor.ogg\" target=\"_blank\">ogg vorbis</a> version of this episode from the Bad Apples.</p>',78,78,0,'CC-BY-NC-SA','SELF, interview',0,2252,1),
(384,'2009-06-19','Red Hat Interview',693,'Klaatu talks to Eric from Red Hat','<p>Klaatu talks to Eric from Red Hat about RHEL, Fedora, Linux in tha corporate world, and how proprietary blockades to adopting free software can be worked around for those of us who wear ties to work.</p>\r\n<p>Speaking of proprietary blockades...you can download this episode as an <a href=\"https://www.thebadapples.info/audiophile/HPR_SELF_redHat.ogg\" target=\"_blank\">ogg file</a>. <br />\r\nFor extra credit, check out Red Hat\'s <a href=\"https://truthhappens.redhat.com/\" target=\"_blank\">blog</a>. </p>',78,78,0,'CC-BY-NC-SA','SELF, interview',0,5186,1),
(385,'2009-06-22','Why Xandros doesn\'t suck',722,'Enigma reviews Xandros on the Asus eeePC','Enigma reviews Xandros on the asus eee 900 netbook',39,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Netbook OS review',0,5463,1),
(386,'2009-06-23','SSH config file',836,'Ken talks about user friendly identities to connect to ssh','<pre>\r\nGSSAPIAuthentication no\r\nForwardAgent yes\r\nEscapeChar none\r\nForwardX11 yes\r\nProtocol 2\r\n\r\nHost hometunnel\r\n	User homeuser\r\n	Hostname mymachine.dynamicdns.org\r\n	LocalForward 8080\r\n        Port 1234\r\n\r\nHost home\r\n	User homeuser\r\n	Hostname mymachine.dynamicdns.org\r\n        Port 1234\r\n\r\nHost work\r\n	User workuser\r\n	Hostname mywork.mycompany.com\r\n        IdentityFile ~/.ssh/work_id_dsa.pub\r\n\r\nHost isp\r\n        User ispuser\r\n        Hostname isp.example.com\r\n        IdentityFile ~/.ssh/isp_id_dsa.pub\r\n</pre>\r\n ',30,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','ssh config,ssh keys,ssh agent',0,2195,1),
(381,'2009-06-16','OpenOffice.org, Twisted and Python',7340,'Scripting Open Office with python','Justin Findlay gave a tutorial on scripting OpenOffice.org with Python, and Paul Cannon gave an overview of Twisted',100,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Open Office,Python,scripting',0,1570,1),
(387,'2009-06-24','Linux Security',2634,'Mark and Darlene chat with a guest about Linux security','\r\nIn the episode Darlene and I chat with Mohammed Ayad, a Linux Sys admin\r\nfrom Lybia about Linux security and the first Linux Day held in Libya.',112,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Linux,Security',0,2055,1),
(388,'2009-06-25','Interview with Beth Lynn of OLF',711,'Klaatu talks to Beth Lynn about Ohio Linux Fest 2009','<p>Klaatu first debates with his SouthEast Linux Fest pal, 8 year old Ethan, about where to conduct interviews...then talks to Beth Lynn about Ohio Linux Fest 2009 and all the new and exciting events planned for it!</p>\r\n<p>Get the ogg version of this episode by clicking on this link right.....<a href=\"https://www.thebadapples.info/audiophile/HPR_SELF_bethLynn.ogg\" target=\"_blank\">here</a>.\r\n</p>',78,78,0,'CC-BY-NC-SA','SELF, interview',0,2287,1),
(389,'2009-06-26','Demo or Bust 2010',736,'The first in a series of HPR episodes dedicated to narrating the construction of a demo','This is the First episode of Demo or Bust 2010 by SigFLUP, which is a series of HPR episodes dedicated to narrating the construction of a demo. If you\'d like to see video of this episode you may at youtube username assemblyassembly',115,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Demo or Bust 2010',0,2266,1),
(390,'2009-06-29','Interview with Alan Hicks',1766,'Klaatu and Alan Hicks chat about Slackware','Klaatu and Alan Hicks (from the Slackbook project) chat about Slackware, 64bit support, slack hacking methodology, what\'s in the works for Slackbook 3.0, Slackware\' intended audience, the SouthEast Linux Fest, and more.\r\n<p>Check out the book that got Klaatu addicted to Slack, <a href=\"https://store.slackware.com/cgi-bin/store/slackbook?id=z77A6g2F:mv_pc=37\" target=\"_blank\">Slackware Essentials</a><br />\r\nOr check out the revised Slackware Book project online at <a href=\"https://www.slackbook.org/\" target=\"_blank\">slackbook.org</a><br />\r\nAnd check out Slackware itself at <a href=\"https://www.slackware.com\" target=\"_blank\">slackware.com</a>\r\nThis episode is also available in <a href=\"https://www.thebadapples.info/audiophile/HPR_SELF_alanHicks.ogg\">ogg vorbis</a> format.',78,78,0,'CC-BY-NC-SA','SELF, interview',0,2350,1),
(391,'2009-06-30','TiT Radio 003 - Potluck Roundtable',5331,'Monsterb and friends host TiT Radio','This show was recorded live on June 27th 2009.<br><br>Please visit <a href=\"https://titradio.info\">https://titradio.info</a> for shownotes and more information.<br>',99,30,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Mepis,AntiX,fluxbox,irssi,Stellarium,sbopkg,slackware,firefox addon collector,bitblinder,myfi,Fedora,pkgkit',0,1929,1),
(392,'2009-07-01','Interview with Dual Core',793,'Klaatu interviews int eighty and Remy from the group Dual Core.','<p>Klaatu interviews <em>int eighty</em> and <em>Remy</em> from the group Dual Core.</p>\r\n<p>You can download this interview as an <a href=\"https://www.thebadapples.info/audiophile/HPR_SELF_dualCore.ogg\" target=\"_blank\">ogg file</a>. <br />\r\nCheck out Dual Core on the <a href=\"https://www.dualcoremusic.com\" target=\"_blank\">world wide interwebs.</a></p>',78,78,0,'CC-BY-NC-SA','SELF, interview',0,2206,1),
(393,'2009-07-03','Wine',3563,'Meeting of the Ogden Area Linux User Group.','The June 2008 meeting of the Ogden Area Linux User Group. Seth House presented on Wine.',100,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Wine',0,1454,1),
(394,'2009-07-03','Networking Basics Part 4 TCP and UDP',1218,'Klaatu presents his fourth episode on networking basics--covering the UDP and TCP protocols','<p>Klaatu continues his Network Basics series.  This episode covers TCP and UDP.</p>\r\n<p>You can download the ogg version of this episode, or if you are using Firefox 3.5 then you can just listen to it right in your browser, by clicking <a href=\"https://www.thebadapples.info/audiophile/HPR_networkingBasics4.ogg\">here.</a></p>',78,0,0,'CC-BY-NC-SA','networking,TCP,TCP/IP,UDP,Internet Protocol  (IP),protocols,protocol,virtual circuit',0,2307,1),
(395,'2009-07-06','Foss Migration ',2539,'Mark Clarke and Darlene Parker discuss Linux migration for small to medium sized businesses','Mark and Darlene talk to  Mohammed Ayad about Linux security. A good resource for\r\nLinux Migration info can be found at https://www.guide.conecta.it/',112,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Linux migration,corporate business,small/medium  business,SMB,security,virus,privilege escalation,open  source,buy-in,needs analysis',0,3774,1),
(396,'2009-07-07','RoundTable 3 - Social Networking',2906,'An HPR Round Table covering social networking websites and personal identity on the web','<p>In the third official Hacker Public Round Table, Klaatu, Deepgeek, and Tottenkoph talk about \"social networking\", personal information on the web, the concept of identity, and so on.</p>\r\n<p>Some of the links they mention in this episode are: <br />\r\n<a href=\"https://www.memestreams.net/\" target=\"_blank\">memestreams.net</a><br />\r\n<a href=\"https://www.goodreads.com/\" target=\"_blank\">goodreads</a><br />\r\n<a href=\"https://www.mydeathspace.com/\" target=\"_blank\">mydeathspace.com</a><br />\r\n</p>\r\n<p>This episode also available in glorious low quality <a href=\"https://www.thebadapples.info/audiophile/HPR_roundTable3.ogg\" target=\"_blank\">ogg vorbis</a>. </p>\r\n',109,26,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','social networking,roundtable,My  Space,BBS,BinRev,MemeStream,GoodReads,Digg,Facebook,Twitter,Friendster,personal  identity,Linkedin,Second Life',0,1725,1),
(397,'2009-07-08','Nerdapalooza 2009',1599,'StankDawg interviews hex, the founder of Nerdapalooza','Stankdawg interviews the founder of <a href=\"https://www.nerdapaloozafest.com/\"> Nerdapalooza </a> which is a nerdcore event that will be held in orlando florida this weekend',55,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Nerdapalooza 2009,Nerdapalooza,nerdcore,nerd  music,hiphop,festival,Florida,Child\'s Play Charity,charity',0,1651,1),
(398,'2009-07-09','Intro to Iptables',2504,'Kevin Benko gives an introduction to Linux iptables and packet filtering','Just a brief and basic overview of IPtables with some mad ramblings about network packets, pornography, and ramen noodles.',113,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','iptables,packet,packets,networking,ipfw,ipchains,netfilter,IP  filter,Linux,kernel,TCP,UDP,ICMP,IP,TCP/IP,Internet Protocol  (IP),firewall,stateful firewalling,NAT',0,2389,1),
(399,'2009-07-10','Talk Geek to Me 1: WebHosting',1696,'Deepgeek hosts the premier episode of Talk Geek to Me','Episode 00 of Talk Geek To Me, topic is \"webhosting.\" ',73,34,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Webhosting',0,2834,1),
(400,'2009-07-13','Homeless where the heart is',1378,'Lostnbronx has thoughts on the FOSS community','\r\nFOSS and the Barrier To Acceptance\r\n\r\n<p>\r\n\r\nmusic in this episode:\r\n\r\n<p>\r\n\r\nfrom\r\n<a\r\nhref=https://music.mevio.com/music/listeners/artistdetails.php?BandHash=3a2bab08e84461fdeb3f654c869b0ec1 \r\n>AlienSeduction</a>\r\n\r\n<br>\r\n\r\nby <a href=https://www.giulianolombardo.com/bio.html>Giuliano Lombardo</a>\r\n\r\n<p>\r\n\r\n<a href=https://music.mevio.com/music/mp3/00013847/855379.mp3>Traner</a>\r\n\r\n<br>\r\n\r\nand\r\n\r\n<br>\r\n\r\n<a href=https://music.mevio.com/music/mp3/00013847/858679.mp3>Inshallah</a>\r\n\r\n<p>\r\n\r\nfound at <a href=https://music.mevio.com/>The Podsafe Music Network</a>\r\n',107,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','FOSS,community,rant',0,3169,1),
(401,'2009-07-14','web2speech',754,'Converting wikipedia text to audio.','<p>web2speech <a href=\"https://kenfallon.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/06/web2speech.txt\">https://kenfallon.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/06/web2speech.txt</a></p>\r\n\r\n<p>Converting wikipedia text to audio. <a href=\"https://kenfallon.com/?p=240\">https://kenfallon.com/?p=240</a></p>\r\n',30,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','text to speech',0,2077,1),
(402,'2009-07-15','Interview with Paul Frields of the Fedora Project',1158,'Klaatu talks to Paul Frields of the Fedora Project','<p>Klaatu talks to Paul Frields (of the Fedora Project) about Linux in\r\ncomputer forensics and government.</p>\r\n<p>You can also get this episode in <a\r\nhref=\"https://www.thebadapples.info/audiophile/HPR_SELF_frields.ogg\"\r\ntarget=\"_blank\">ogg vorbis</a> courtesy the good folks over at the Bad Apple\r\nLinux Ogg Cast.</p>',78,78,0,'CC-BY-NC-SA','interview,Fedora',0,2755,1),
(403,'2009-07-16','TIT Radio ep 4',5522,'Monsterb and friends host TiT Radio','On July 11th, 2009,&nbsp; monsterb,&nbsp; Peter \"J\" 64,&nbsp;\r\nAzimuth,&nbsp; Artv61,&nbsp; Klaatu, threethiry,&nbsp; and pegwole sit\r\ndown at the fifth TiT roundtable. &nbsp;For more information and\r\nshownotes. Please visit: &nbsp;https://titradio.info',99,30,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Music creation,Home automation,Cloth camera,html5 video markup,hadopi router,auto-hacking router,dd-wrt,educational software,computer recycling',0,1845,1),
(404,'2009-07-17','Tikiwiki',1045,'Klaatu installs Tiki Wiki','<p>Klaatu installs <a href=\"https://www.tikiwiki.org\" target=\"_blank\">Tiki Wiki</a>, a simple but full-featured wiki software.</p>\r\n<p>You may also listen to this episode in <a href=\"https://www.thebadapples.info/audiophile/tikiWiki.ogg\">ogg vorbis</a>.</p>\r\n',78,0,0,'CC-BY-NC-SA','wiki,tikiwiki,mysql,php',0,3820,1),
(405,'2009-07-20','Electronic Medical Records',1039,'Janedoc discusses Electronic medical records','janedoc talks about open source and electronic medical records.\r\n',116,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','electronic medical records',0,4010,1),
(406,'2009-07-21','Moonshine',833,'Friends at SouthEast Linux Fest discuss making moonshine','<p>While everyone else at the SouthEast Linux Fest was watching the fine closing keynote by Mr. Paul Frields, Klaatu was hanging out in the hallways talking to Cobra2 (of <a href=\"https://unixporn.pro\" target=\"_blank\">unixporn.com</a>), Alan Hicks (from the <a href=\"https://www.slackbook.org/html/index.html\" target=\"_blank\">Slackbook</a> project), and a few other SELF attendees as they discuss howto make Moonshine.  Bonus topics include Brunswick Stew, moonshine mash recipes, building transmissions, and trucks.</p>\r\n<p>You can download this episode as an <a href=\"https://www.thebadapples.info/audiophile/HPR_SELF_moonshine.ogg\" target=\"_blank\">ogg</a> file.</a></p>\r\n<p><small><small>Editor\'s note 2017-11-25: <em>unixporn</em> link adjusted in accordance with comment 1.</small></small></p>\r\n',78,78,0,'CC-BY-NC-SA','SELF, interview',0,3223,1),
(407,'2009-07-22','Mono,Java and FOSS in Education',2789,'Mark and Darlene talk about Open Source in education','\r\nIn this episode Mark gives his views on the Mono controversy and why the\r\nFOSS/GNU community should embrace Java for Desktop development and to\r\nlevergae Linux\'s dominance on the server. Darlene discusses FOSS in\r\neducation and talks about some of the great FOSS application that are\r\navailable.',112,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','FOSS,patents,Edubuntu,ITalc,SchoolTool,Moodle,Open Office',0,2205,1),
(408,'2009-07-23','Interview with JonathanD from Freenode',520,'Klaatu talks to JonathanD from the Freenode IRC network','<p>Klaatu talks to JonathanD of the Freenode network.</p>\r\n<p>The <a href=\"https://podcast.freenode.net\" target=\"_blank\">Free-as-in-Node Podcast</a><br />\r\n<a href=\"https://www.geeknic.org\" target=\"_blank\">geeknic</a><br />\r\nThe <a href=\"https://www.thebadapples.info/audiophile/HPR_SELF_freenode.ogg\">ogg</a> version of this episode.</a></p>\r\n',78,78,0,'CC-BY-NC-SA','SELF, interview',0,3665,1),
(409,'2009-07-24','Bug Reporting',640,'Klaatu talks to Mackenzie at the SouthEast Linux Fest about bug reporting','<p>In this exciting continuation of HPR Episode 92, Klaatu talks to Mackenzie at the SouthEast Linux Fest about bug reporting and bug triaging.</p>\r\n<p>Download this here episode over yonder in the <a href=\"https://www.thebadapples.info/audiophile/HPR_SELF_mackenzie.ogg\" target=\"_blank\">ogg vorbis</a> format.</p>\r\n',78,78,0,'CC-BY-NC-SA','SELF, interview',0,1706,1),
(410,'2009-07-27','How I found Linux Part 6 ',1686,'Monsterb introduces audio clips sent in by Linux users','How I Found Linux 006<br><br>\n_guitarman_ - Open Source Musician<br>\nOscar Dacht<br>\nNoel (weirdedout)<br>\nEddie<br>\nDaniel (linuxfandan)<br>\nUkytreats<br>\n<br>\nCheck out <a href=\"https://titradio.info/howifoundlinux.html\">https://titradio.info/howifoundlinux.html</a> for more information.<br>\n<br>\nSend your \"How I Found Linux\" audio clip to monsterb (at) linuxcranks (dot) info.\n',99,29,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Samba,Suse,Gentoo',0,1790,1),
(411,'2009-07-28','Free Software Foundation Interview',918,'Klaatu talks to Deborah from the Free Software Foundation','<p>Klaatu talks to Deborah from the Free Software Foundation.</p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https://www.fsf.org\" target=\"_blank\">The FSF</a><br />\r\nIf you\'re gonna listen to an episode about the FSF, you may as well listen to the <a href=\"https://www.thebadapples.info/audiophile/HPR_SELF_fsf.ogg\" target=\"_blank\">ogg vorbis</a> version, no? </p>\r\n',78,78,0,'CC-BY-NC-SA','SELF, interview',0,1664,1),
(412,'2009-07-30','Episode 005 - Potluck Roundtable',5592,'Monsterb and friends host TiT Radio','On July 25th 2009,&nbsp; monsterb,&nbsp; Peter \"J\" 64, &nbsp;Azimuth,\r\n&nbsp;Klaatu, &nbsp;threethirty,&nbsp; Snacky, &nbsp;and the Xokes sit\r\ndown at the sixth TiT roundtable. &nbsp;For complete shownotes visit <a href=\"https://titradio.info\">https://titradio.info</a>',99,30,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','hadopi router,astronomy,zim,wiki,privacy,FreeBSD,copyright',0,1640,1),
(413,'2009-07-30','Ontario Linux Fest Interview',595,'Klaatu talks to Richard W. about Open Street Maps','p>Klaatu talks to Richard W. about Open Street Maps -- why it exists, why it\'s important, and what it\'s good for -- and the upcoming Ontario Linux Fest.</p>\r\n<p>Download this episode in the <a href=\"https://www.thebadapples.info/audiophile/HPR_SELF_ontario.ogg\" target=\"_blank\">ogg vorbis</a> format.</p>                 ',78,78,0,'CC-BY-NC-SA','SELF, interview',0,3204,1),
(414,'2009-08-01','Networking Basics Part 5',1122,'Klaatu covers IP (Internet Protocol)','<p>Klaatu goes over IP (Internet Protocol), its header information, the mechanics of datagram fragmentation, and RFC 791 in general.</p>\r\n<p>see also <a href=\"https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc791.txt\" target=\"_blank\">RFC 791</a><br />\r\n<a href=\"https://iana.org/assignments/protocol-numbers/\" target=\"_blank\">iana protocol number assignments</a></p>\r\n<p>Listen to <a href=\"https://www.thebadapples.info/audiophile/hpr_networkBasics5.ogg\" target=\"_blank\">this episode</a> in ogg.</p>',78,61,0,'CC-BY-NC-SA','networking,addressing,fragmentation',0,3842,1),
(415,'2009-08-04','Demo or Bust 2010 Part 2',6198,'This episode of Demo or Bust 2010 I cover software-synthesizers','This episode of Demo or Bust 2010 I cover software-synthesizers and interview Polaris of The Northern Dragons.  ',115,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Demo or Bust 2010',0,2138,1),
(416,'2009-08-06','Mer Project Interview',510,'Klaatu interviews Andrew about the Mer project at the South East Linux Fest (SELF)','<p>Klaatu, at SELF, talks to Andrew from the Mer project, for the Nokia N770 and N8x0 tablets.</p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https://wiki.maemo.org/Mer\" target=\"_blank\">The Mer Project</a><br />\r\nThis episode in <a href=\"https://www.thebadapples.info/audiophile/HPR_SELF_mer.ogg\" target=\"_blank\">ogg vorbis</a>. </p>',78,78,0,'CC-BY-NC-SA','SELF,interview,South East Linux Fest,Mer Project,Mer,Nokia,N770,N8x0 tablet,Maemo,operating system,conferences',0,3218,1),
(417,'2009-08-06','Mozilla Addon usability',2823,'A review of usability issues and potential improvements to Mozilla\'s add-on functionality','ThistleWeb discusses usability issues and potential improvements to Mozilla\'s add-on functionality in Firefox & Thunderbird. FAO the Mozilla community; developers & users. Screencast available <a href=\"https://hackerpublicradio.org/eps/hpr0417/HPR_-_Mozilla_Add-On_Usibility.avi\"> here </a>. Running time 45mins approx.\n',106,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Mozilla,addon,usability,Firefox,Thunderbird,search,Songbird,package management,UX design',0,3680,1),
(418,'2009-08-07','700 Numbers',692,'Talk on 711 Numbers by PhreakerD7 presented at ConfCon 2009','Although we aren\'t really sure when exactly the first 711 number showed up, they\'ve been kind of a phreaking anomoly over the years. They were spotted in the letters section of the 1997 Spring issue of 2600 Magazine, and have appeared on many popular phreaking forums since then, like BinRev in 2005 (https://www.binrev.com/forums/index.php/topic/11638-number-i-found-scanning)',117,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','phreaking,2600 magazine,2600,toll free,711 numbers,711,IVR,testing,social engineering,binrev,ConfCon,ConfCon 2009,conferences',0,3648,1),
(419,'2009-08-10','ConfCon09 - Project MF',3381,'Talk on Project MF by df99 presented at ConfCon 2009','<a href=\"https://confcon.org/text/df99_projectmf.txt\"> Shownotes </a>',118,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','phreaking,binrev,Project MF,blue box,Asterisk,tone generator,collector\'s network,ConfCon,ConfCon 2009,DTMF,touch tones,2600 magazine,2600,tandem stacking,conferences',0,1968,1),
(420,'2009-08-12','Defcon 17 Interview',2922,'finux interviews ChrisJohnRiley and Frank Breedijk about Defcon 17','finux interviews ChrisJohnRiley and Frank Breedijk about Defcon 17.',85,78,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Defcon 17,Defcon,interview,security,interview,vulnerabilities,Black Hat,conferences',0,1480,1),
(421,'2009-08-12','History of Copyright',3332,'Stephen Fry talks about the History of Copyright','Stephen Fry talks about the History of Copyright',79,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Copyright,History',0,2047,1),
(422,'2009-08-13','Comfortably Numblock\'d ',778,'ThistleWeb explains 2 tips with the keypad / numlock function','<p>ThistleWeb explains 2 tips with the keypad / numblock function. First is numblockx, a simple app which remembers the status of the numblock key across reboots. This is already installed and running in many distros but if it\'s not it can be added. Second is CTRL+ALT+NUMLOCK which toggles the keypad into a different mode, allowing you to move the pointer with the keypad.</p>\r\n<p>Numlockx\r\n<ul>\r\n<li><a href=\"https://freshmeat.net/projects/numlockx/\" title=\"\">Numlockx Project Homepage</a></li>\r\n<li>OpenBox - /.config/openbox/autostart.sh</li>\r\n<li>numblockx &</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n</p>\r\n<p>Keyboard Pointer Control\r\n<ul>\r\n<li><a href=\"https://penguinpetes.com/b2evo/index.php?title=a_tour_of_your_keyboard&more=1&c=1&tb=1&pb=1\" title=\"\">Penguin Pete\'s Blog</a></li>\r\n<li>CTRL+ALT+NUMBLOCK to toggle mode on and off, there should be a beep each time you toggle</li>\r\n<li>1-9 = moving pointer around the points of the compass</li>\r\n<li>0 = right click</li>\r\n<li>enter (on keypad) = enter a menu</li>\r\n<li>backspace = back to previous menu</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n</p>',106,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','numlockx',0,1951,1),
(423,'2009-08-14','Interview with Ian Geiser of the KDE Project',596,'Klaatu talks to Ian Geiser of the KDE project','<p>Klaatu talks to Ian Geiser of the KDE project.</p>\r\n<p>You can download this episode as an <a href=\"https://www.thebadapples.info/audiophile/HPR_SELF_ianGeiser.ogg\" target=\"_blank\">ogg</a> file.<br />\r\n<a href=\"https://news.kde.org/\" target=\"_blank\">KDE dot News</a></p>',78,78,0,'CC-BY-NC-SA','SELF, interview',0,3064,1),
(424,'2009-08-17','TiT Radio Episode 006',5115,'Monsterb and friends host TiT Radio','Hello and welcome to TiT Radio 006!<br>\r\n&nbsp; On tonights show... monsterb, Peter64, Klaatu, jlindsay,\r\nAzimuth, Xoke, and 330 talk about tircd,&nbsp; Blood Frontier,&nbsp;\r\nConcordance,&nbsp; Pro Git Book,&nbsp; <br>\r\nXephyr,&nbsp; KDE 4.3,&nbsp; Little Brother by Cory Doctorow,&nbsp;\r\nTiny Tiny RSS,&nbsp; ROX-Filer,&nbsp; ROX-Desktop,&nbsp; and so much\r\nmore.&nbsp; Please visit https://titradio.info for full shownotes.&nbsp;\r\napt-get moo.<br>',99,30,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','FreeBSD,licensing,GPL,twitter,KDE,tinytinyrss,roxfiler,rox desktop',0,1645,1),
(425,'2009-08-18','Daves Quick Tips',567,'Dave Yates brings a couple of quick tips','A couple of quick tips.',77,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Tab mix plus,Firefox extension,grep',0,1447,1),
(426,'2009-08-19','Hacking Sprint Voicemail',296,'Hacking Sprint Voicemail with willjasen','Will talks about sprint voicemail systems',29,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','hacking,security,voicemail,asterisk',0,2074,1),
(427,'2009-08-21','Intro to Networking ',3102,'Intro to networking at SELF 2009','Alan Hicks gives an intro to networking talk at SELF 09',158,35,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','networking,7 layer model',0,2257,1),
(428,'2009-08-21','FreeBSD Ports for Beginners',639,'rkirk explains the basic usage of the FreeBSD Ports package management system.','rkirk gives an introduction to FreeBSD',114,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','FreeBSD,BSD,Ports,Beginners,package management',0,1632,1),
(429,'2009-08-25','She went back to Windows',1095,'Going back to Windows','My Wife And Her New Machine\r\n\r\n<p>\r\n\r\nMusic in this episode:\r\n\r\n<p>\r\n\r\nThe incomparable \r\n\r\n<br>\r\n\r\n<b>\r\n\r\nAlbert Collins\r\n\r\n</b>\r\n\r\n<br>\r\n\r\nHis very brief listing at the Podsafe Music Network can be found\r\n\r\n<a\r\nhref=https://www.musicalley.com/music/listeners/artistdetails.php?BandHash=a3e0ad9ed1fe91d242a2e297a87f08ed \r\n>here</a>, but it doesn\'t do this great man justice.\r\n\r\n<p>\r\n\r\nBy all means, check out his \r\n\r\n<a href=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albert_Collins>Wikipedia page</a> for a nice overview.  His career \r\nwas shorter than it should have been, but he had no equal.  \r\n\r\n<p>\r\n\r\nMay he rest in peace.\r\n',107,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Linux,Windows,FOSS,rant',0,3062,1),
(430,'2009-08-25','Copyright',1035,'Xoke talks about Copyright and creative commons','Xoke talks about Copyright and creative commons',79,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Copyright',0,2182,1),
(431,'2009-08-26','Logwatch',459,'Ken talks about Logwatch, a customizable log analysis system','Ken talks about Logwatch, a customizable log analysis system. Logwatch parses through your system\'s logs for a given period of time and creates a report analyzing areas that you specify, in as much detail as you require. Logwatch is easy to use and will work right out of the package on most systems. ',30,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Logwatch',0,2808,1),
(432,'2009-08-27','How to use walkies',1972,'Klaatu talks all about walkies (or \"CB Radios\") in this episode','<p>If you\'re putting on an event such as a Linux Fest, a film production, an organized [a]political demonstration, then you may find yourself using walkies (\"walkie talkies\" or \"CB Radios\").  Klaatu talks all about walkies in this episode; deciding whether to buy or rent, how to use them effectively, how to use them efficiently, and other matters of etiquette & protocol.</p>\r\n<p>You can also listen to this <a href=\"https://www.thebadapples.info/audiophile/HPR_walkies.ogg\">walkies episode</a> in the free audio format, ogg vorbis.</p>\r\n',78,0,0,'CC-BY-NC-SA','walkie talkies,SELF',0,2926,1),
(433,'2009-08-28','Demo or Bust 2010 Part 3',5442,'In this episode SigFLUP talks about FM-synthesis, raytracing','\r\nIn this episode SigFLUP talks about FM-synthesis, raytracing, and then interviews iq of rgba \r\ntalking about real-time raytracing and ray marching. rgba\'s site can be found at rgba.org. <br> A \r\n\r\n\r\nlow-rez image of slisesix can be found at https://bayimg.com/image/ladhgaacg.jpg ',115,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Demo or Bust 2010',0,2352,1),
(434,'2009-09-01','HPR Roundtable 4',3285,'Klaatu and friends discuss what free software apps they use to make life easier.','<p>Klaatu, Deepgeek, Charles from MintCast, Russ from the Techie Geek, Russ from The Linux Ham Shack, and Seal gather at the official HPR Round Table to discuss what free software apps they use to make life easier.</p>\r\n<p>Projects mentioned in this episode:</p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https://portableubuntu.demonccc.com.ar/\" target=\"_blank\">Portable Ubuntu Remix</a></p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https://www.straightrunning.com/XmingNotes/\" target=\"_blank\">Xming</a></p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https://www.openswan.org/\" target=\"_blank\">OpenSwan - IPsec for Linux</a></p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https://handbrake.fr/\" target=\"_blank\">Handbrake</a></p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https://www.mozilla.org/projects/calendar/sunbird/\" target=\"_blank\">Mozilla Sunbird</a></p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https://filezilla-project.org/\" target=\"_blank\">Filezilla</a></p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https://celtx.com/\" target=\"_blank\">Celtx</a></p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https://orgmode.org/\" target=\"_blank\">Org Mode for Emacs</a></p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https://www.vim.org/download.php\" target=\"_blank\">gVim</a></p>\r\n<p>...and a LOT more...</p>\r\n<p>You can also download this episode in the controversial <a href=\"https://www.thebadapples.info/audiophile/HPR_roundTable4.ogg\">ogg format</a>.</p>\r\n',78,0,0,'CC-BY-NC-SA','roundtable,Mintcast,Iceweasel,mencoder,mplayer,Audacity,Open Office,Dokuwiki,Handbrake,Bashpodder',0,1965,1),
(435,'2009-09-01','Lightweight Apps: Enlightenment, Part 2',1595,'Klaatu and Bryanstein from the Florida Linux Show discuss e17.','<p>Lightweight Apps: Enlightenment, Part 2</p>\r\n<p>Klaatu and Bryanstein from the Florida Linux Show rave about e17.</p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https://wiki.enlightenment.org/index.php/E17_User_Guide/Scripts_for_automated_CVS_installation\" target=\"_blank\">Easy-E17 Install Script</a><br />\r\nThis episode in <a href=\"https://www.thebadapples.info/audiophile/HPR_SELF_enlightenment.ogg\" target=\"_blank\">ogg</a></p>\r\n',78,11,0,'CC-BY-NC-SA','enlightenment,e17,lightweight',0,1954,1),
(436,'2009-09-03','Talk geek to me ep 01',1435,'Deepgeek talks geek to his fans about the website mirroring software \"Httrack\"','Deepgeek reviews the website mirroring software \"Httrack\" then puts it to good use by combining it with Cpanels \"Entropy Search\" to create a custom web search.\n',73,34,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Website mirroring,httrack',0,2319,1),
(437,'2009-09-03','refit',301,'Skirlet tells you how to install and use rEFIt for Intel-based Mac computers','<p>Skirlet tells you how to install and use rEFIt for Intel-based Mac computers.  Listen to this episode in the Skirlet-approved <a href=\"https://www.thebadapples.info/fedorareloaded/hpr_refit.ogg\">ogg version!</a>\r\n</p>',88,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','refit,EFI Hack,Apple,Mac',0,3248,1),
(438,'2009-09-05','Podcasts I Listen To',803,'Dave Yates does a show about all the podcasts he listens to.','<p>Dave Yates from the \"Lotta Linux Links Linux User Podcast\" does a show about all the podcasts he listens to.  And, as you\'d expect, he provides a LOT of linux links here in the shownotes.</p>\r\n\r\n<p>Dave\'s List of RSS Feeds: </p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https://www.linuxuserpodcast.com/feed/podcast/?format=ogg\" target=\"_blank\">https://www.linuxuserpodcast.com/feed/podcast/?format=ogg</a><br/> \r\n<a href=\"https://feeds.feedburner.com/cmdln_free\" target=\"_blank\">https://feeds.feedburner.com/cmdln_free</a><br/> \r\n<a href=\"https://feeds2.feedburner.com/SomethingKindaTechy\" target=\"_blank\">https://feeds2.feedburner.com/SomethingKindaTechy</a><br/> \r\n<a href=\"https://talkgeektome.us/ogg.xml\" target=\"_blank\">https://talkgeektome.us/ogg.xml</a><br/> \r\n<a href=\"https://trygnulinux.com/ogg.rss\" target=\"_blank\">https://trygnulinux.com/ogg.rss</a><br/> \r\n<a href=\"https://www.tuxradar.com/files/podcast/podcast_ogg.rss\" target=\"_blank\">https://www.tuxradar.com/files/podcast/podcast_ogg.rss</a><br/> \r\n<a href=\"https://linuxgeekdom.com/rssogg.xml\" target=\"_blank\">https://linuxgeekdom.com/rssogg.xml</a><br/> \r\n<a href=\"https://linuxvoid.technographer.net/soundfeed.xml\" target=\"_blank\">https://linuxvoid.technographer.net/soundfeed.xml</a><br/> \r\n<a href=\"https://www.softwarefreedom.org/feeds/podcast-ogg/\" target=\"_blank\">https://www.softwarefreedom.org/feeds/podcast-ogg/</a><br/> \r\n<a href=\"https://feeds.feedburner.com/TenBuckReview\" target=\"_blank\">https://feeds.feedburner.com/TenBuckReview</a><br/> \r\n<a href=\"https://www.fossgeek.com/feeds/rss-ogg-full.xml\" target=\"_blank\">https://www.fossgeek.com/feeds/rss-ogg-full.xml</a><br/> \r\n<a href=\"https://ubuntupodcast.net/?feed=rss2\" target=\"_blank\">https://ubuntupodcast.net/?feed=rss2</a><br/> \r\n<a href=\"https://setbit.org/lt-ogg.xml\" target=\"_blank\">https://setbit.org/lt-ogg.xml</a><br/> \r\n<a href=\"https://jwplinux.libsyn.com/rss\" target=\"_blank\">https://jwplinux.libsyn.com/rss</a><br/> \r\n<a href=\"https://linuxcranks.info/ogg.xml\" target=\"_blank\">https://linuxcranks.info/ogg.xml</a><br/> \r\n<a href=\"https://feeds.feedburner.com/thetechiegeek/ogg\" target=\"_blank\">https://feeds.feedburner.com/thetechiegeek/ogg</a><br/> \r\n<a href=\"https://www.thebadapples.info/fedorareloaded/ogg.xml\" target=\"_blank\">https://www.thebadapples.info/fedorareloaded/ogg.xml</a><br/> \r\n<a href=\"https://feeds.feedburner.com/UbuntuUkPodcastOgg-high\" target=\"_blank\">https://feeds.feedburner.com/UbuntuUkPodcastOgg-high</a><br/> \r\n<a href=\"https://www.thebadapples.info/ogg.xml\" target=\"_blank\">https://www.thebadapples.info/ogg.xml</a><br/> \r\n<a href=\"https://linuxcrazy.com/podcasts/ogg.xml\" target=\"_blank\">https://linuxcrazy.com/podcasts/ogg.xml</a><br/> \r\n<a href=\"https://thelinuxlink.net/files/lager_ogg.rss\" target=\"_blank\">https://thelinuxlink.net/files/lager_ogg.rss</a><br/> \r\n<a href=\"https://www.hwhq.com/rssOGG.xml\" target=\"_blank\">https://www.hwhq.com/rssOGG.xml</a><br/> \r\n<a href=\"https://www.linuxbasement.com/ogg/feed\" target=\"_blank\">https://www.linuxbasement.com/ogg/feed</a><br/> \r\n<a href=\"https://feeds.feedburner.com/feedburner/knightcast\" target=\"_blank\">https://feeds.feedburner.com/feedburner/knightcast</a><br/> \r\n<a href=\"https://feeds.feedburner.com/doctorow_podcast\" target=\"_blank\">https://feeds.feedburner.com/doctorow_podcast</a><br/> \r\n<a href=\"https://lottalinuxlinks.com/podcast/uclugogg.xml\" target=\"_blank\">https://lottalinuxlinks.com/podcast/uclugogg.xml</a><br/> \r\n<a href=\"https://www.tmbg.com/_media/_pod/podcast.xml\" target=\"_blank\">https://www.tmbg.com/_media/_pod/podcast.xml</a><br/> \r\n<a href=\"https://feeds.feedburner.com/GNSciTech\" target=\"_blank\">https://feeds.feedburner.com/GNSciTech</a><br/> \r\n<a href=\"https://goinglinux.com/mp3podcast.xml\" target=\"_blank\">https://goinglinux.com/mp3podcast.xml</a><br/> \r\n<a href=\"https://feeds.feedburner.com/sourcetrunk\" target=\"_blank\">https://feeds.feedburner.com/sourcetrunk</a><br/> \r\n<a href=\"https://www.thelinuxlink.net/tllts/tllts_ogg.rss\" target=\"_blank\">https://www.thelinuxlink.net/tllts/tllts_ogg.rss</a><br/> \r\n<a href=\"https://hackervoice.co.uk/feed.xml\" target=\"_blank\">https://hackervoice.co.uk/feed.xml</a><br/> \r\n<a href=\"https://distrowatch.com/news/podcast.xml\" target=\"_blank\">https://distrowatch.com/news/podcast.xml</a><br/> \r\n<a href=\"https://pauldotcom.com/podcast/psw.xml\" target=\"_blank\">https://pauldotcom.com/podcast/psw.xml</a><br/> \r\n<a href=\"https://feeds.feedburner.com/freshubuntuogg/\" target=\"_blank\">https://feeds.feedburner.com/freshubuntuogg</a><br/> \r\n<a href=\"https://feeds.feedburner.com/linuxoutlaws\" target=\"_blank\">https://feeds.feedburner.com/linuxoutlaws</a><br/> \r\n<a href=\"https://distrocast.org/?feed=podcast&format=mp3\" target=\"_blank\">https://distrocast.org/?feed=podcast&format=mp3</a><br/> </p>\r\n \r\n<p>A Lotta Linux Links: </p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https://lincgeek.org/bashpodder/\" target=\"_blank\">https://lincgeek.org/bashpodder</a><br/> \r\n<a href=\"https://linuxplanet.org/casts\" target=\"_blank\">https://linuxplanet.org/casts</a><br/> \r\n<a href=\"https://linuxplanet.org/casts/?feed=rss2\" target=\"_blank\">https://linuxplanet.org/casts/?feed=rss2</a><br/> \r\n<a href=\"https://thelinuxlink.net\" target=\"_blank\">https://thelinuxlink.net</a><br/> \r\n<a href=\"https://hackermedia.org\" target=\"_blank\">https://hackermedia.org</a><br/> \r\n<a href=\"https://netboot.me\" target=\"_blank\">https://netboot.me</a><br/> </p>',77,75,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','podcasts,feed',0,3012,1),
(439,'2009-09-07','TiT Radio Episode 007',5894,'Monsterb and friends host TiT Radio','Waaaaay back on August 15th, 2009...\r\nmonsterb and friends talk about Slack Mini Server, Ohio LinuxFest 2009, 10 best Linux cheat sheets, writing udev rules, Linux audio, and so much more.\r\n\r\nCheck out <a href=\"https://titradio.info\">https://titradio.info</a> for shownotes.',99,30,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Slack mini server,Electronic music creation,Ohio linux fest,Bell Labs,Unix,LGPL,Udev rules',0,1428,1),
(440,'2009-09-08','Developing Through Virtualbox',3246,'Brian Leonard at the SouthEast Linux Fest 2009','Brian Leonard at the SouthEast Linux Fest 2009.  See episode title for a clue about what the talk is about!',158,35,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','java applications',0,2207,1),
(441,'2009-09-09','Migrating Your GPG Key and Starting GPG-Agent',774,'Klaatu continues his discussion of all things GnuPG','Klaatu continues his discussion of GnuPG related matters (see episode 0222 for Alpine+GPG and some random Bad Apple Linux OggCast ep 2x04 on GPG in general).  In this exciting episode, he talks about the proper way to migrate your GnuPG keys, how to manage gpg-agent in your Slackware+KDE desktop, and advises everyone who will be attending Ohio Linux Fest this year to attend the GnuPG Key Signing Party.',78,0,0,'CC-BY-NC-SA','gnupg,gpg keys,gpg-agent',0,6327,1),
(442,'2009-09-11','Chris DiBona Speaks at SELF 2009',3074,'Chris DiBona at the South East Linux Fest 2009','<p>Chris DiBona at the South East Linux Fest 2009.</p>\r\n<p>This file available as ogg here:</p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https://www.archive.org/download/SouthEast_LinuxFest_2009/Chris_DiBona_SouthEast_LinuxFest.ogg\">Ogg Version</a>',158,35,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Open source licensing,BSD license,Apache license',0,2239,1),
(443,'2009-09-11','How to Sign C Files with GPG',430,'sigflup talks about cryptographically signing your C source files','<p>In this show SigFLUP shares a script that can be used to sign your c files with gpg so that they may be directly verifiable by gpg and look un-changed to your c compiler. You can download it at <a href=\"https://tmd.freeshell.org/gpg_bless\" target=\"_blank\">tmd.freeshell.org/gog_bless</a></P>',115,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','C,programming,script,gpg,signature,trust',0,4187,1),
(444,'2009-09-14','Cherokee And Asyncronous Servers',1424,'Thistleweb discusses the Cherokee server','<p>ThistleWeb discusses the difference between process based and asynchronous servers, then goes on to talk about Cherokee server and a few flat file PHP applications.</p> <ul> <li><a href=\"https://www.wikivs.com/wiki/Lighttpd_vs_nginx\" title=\"\">Lighty V\'s Nginx Wiki</a></li> <li><a href=\"https://www.cherokee-project.com/\" title=\"\">Cherokee Server</a></li> <li><a href=\"https://launchpad.net/~cherokee-webserver/+archive/ppa\" title=\"\">Cherokee Ubuntu PPA</a></li> <li><a href=\"https://www.apachefriends.org/en/xampp.html\" title=\"\">XAMPP</a> The one-click server for Linux, Windows or OSX.</li> <li><a href=\"https://www.howtoforge.com\" title=\"\">How to forge</a> has plenty of tutorials, including a few on Cherokee.</li> <li><a href=\"https://www.dokuwiki.org/dokuwiki\" title=\"\">DokuWiki</a></li> <li><a href=\"https://nanocms.in/\" title=\"\">Nano CMS Project Homepage</a>. This domain seems to have expired, so the code is hosted on <a href=\"https://code.google.com/p/nano-cms/\" title=\"\">Google</a> for now.</li> <li><a href=\"https://www.flatpress.org/home/\" title=\"\">FlatPress</a></li> </ul> <p>The Admin process:</p> <ul> <li>sudo cherokee-admin</li> <li>localhost:9090</li> <li>Copy and paste the temprary password.</li> <li>You can bind it (or a virtual server) to if it\'s meant to be a private server.</li> </ul> <p>I kept refering to \"spawn-cgi\" in the recording. This is supposed to be \"spawn-fcgi\". I also inferred that it didn\'t use config files, it does; it just generates them via the admin web GUI and will overwrite any changes made manually.</p> <p>My new blog is <a href=\"https://www.thistleweb.co.uk\" title=\"\">thistleweb.co.uk</a>, my new email is gordon (at) thistleweb (dot) co (dot) uk.</p> ',106,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Cherokee webserver,webservers,asynchronous',0,3653,1),
(445,'2009-09-15','HAR Update with Chris n\' Frank',2632,'Hacking at Random interview with Chris and Frank','Finux interviews Frank and Chris for an update after the Hacking At Random (HAR) event.  What is Hacking At Random? listen to the episode!\r\n\r\nYou can download the ogg version here --> <a href=\"https://www.thebadapples.info/audiophile/hpr0445.ogg\" target=\"_blank\">download the ogg version</a>.',85,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Hacking at random,ham radio',0,2116,1),
(446,'2009-09-16','Building Live CDs with Fedora',1633,'Clint Savage at SouthEast Linux Fest 2009 on how to build Live CDs','<p>Clint Savage at SouthEast Linux Fest 2009 on how to build Live CDs and Live USB sticks (\"remixes\" and \"respins\") using Fedora tools like kickstart, live usb creator, revisor, and more.</p>\r\n\r\n<p>Note that this is Klaatu\'s edit and is shorter than the source audio on southeastlinuxfest.org because the delay due to technical difficulty has been chopped out.</p>\r\n\r\n<p>Ogg is available here:\r\n<a href=\"https://www.thebadapples.info/fedorareloaded/hpr0446.ogg\">hpr0446.ogg</a></p>',158,35,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Fedora,Live CD',0,1692,1),
(447,'2009-09-17','Lord Drachenblut Recovers Data After a Failed Dist-Upgrade',408,'Lord Drachenblut learns about data recovery','<p>Daring to upgrade to an Alpha version of Kubuntu, Lord Drachenblut learns the finer points of data recovery.</p>\r\n<p>\r\n<a href=\"https://www.thebadapples.info/audiophile/hpr0447.ogg\">OGG VORBIS</a></p>',24,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','data recovery,dist-upgrade',0,2558,1),
(448,'2009-09-18','TiT Radio 008 - Something Kinda Tacky',4363,'Monsterb and friends host TiT Radio','<p>Recorded Live Sept. 5th, 2009; monsterb and friends talk about a perl\r\nscript called exiftool,&nbsp; Jibbed a NetBSD livecd,&nbsp; something\r\nshocking on Planet Gnome,&nbsp; Hannah Montana distro, and so much\r\nmore.&nbsp; Please take a look at the shownotes for detailed\r\ninformation.&nbsp; <a href=\"https://titradio.info/008.html\">https://titradio.info/008.html</a><br>\r\n</p>',99,30,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','BSD,exiftool,Chrome OS,Quake Live',0,2114,1),
(449,'2009-09-21','Fericyde and Damin talk about Ohio Linux Fest',2571,'A trip down memory lane with Fericyde and Damin.','<p>Ah, a trip down memory lane with Fericyde and Damin.  They talk about geek fests and the upcoming Ohio Linux Fest.</p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https://www.thebadapples.info/audiophile/hpr0449.ogg\" target=\"_blank\">ogg version</a></p>',109,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Ohio Linux Fest,geek,Ubuntu',0,3588,1),
(450,'2009-09-23','TiT Radio 009 - peggy, piggy, and pat',5294,'Monsterb and friends host TiT Radio','Recorded Live Sept. 19th, 2009;&nbsp; The TiTs talk about QT 4.6,\r\nDreamScreen 100, new Arch Magazine, Sexism in FOSS, and so much\r\nmore.&nbsp; Please take a look at the shownotes for detailed\r\ninformation.&nbsp; <a href=\"https://titradio.info/009.html\">https://titradio.info/009.html</a>',99,30,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','DreamScreen 100,Arch Magazine,qt project,sexism in FOSS,Archos 5 tablet,accessibility,barcodes,audiobooks,bittorrent,media frontends,Ohio Linux Fest',0,1993,1),
(451,'2009-09-23','Podcasting: From Mic to Audience',1328,'Finux talks about podcasting','Podcasting: From Mic to Audience finux talks all about podcasting',85,36,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','podcasting,Audacity,blog',0,2261,1),
(452,'2009-09-24','Demo or Bust 2010 Part 4',6844,'SigFLUP talks about software rendering and then interviews blackpawn of xplsv','In this episode SigFLUP talks about software rendering and then interviews blackpawn of xplsv. Leave you feedback at +1-206-312-1618 or email pantsbutt@gmail.com',115,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Demo or Bust 2010',0,1683,1),
(453,'2009-09-26','Talk Geek to me Ep 2',2044,'Deepgeek talks geek to his fans about HTML','Deepgeek discusses upgrading from old style HTML to Modern HTML. He uses, as a feature example, device independence between Cell Phone Micro Browsers and Desktop Browsers like Firefox.',73,34,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','HTML,css,stylesheets,micro browser,mobile browsing',0,1983,1),
(454,'2009-09-29','BruCon Interview',2663,'Finux interviewing Benny from BruCON','finux interviewing Benny from BruCON',85,78,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','BruCON,unconference,hacking',0,1938,1),
(455,'2009-09-30','Interview with Dann at OLF',805,'Pegwole interviews Dann at the Ohio Linux Fest','pegwole interviews Dann at OLF',120,78,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','OLF 2009,interview',0,1478,1),
(456,'2009-10-01','What is Free Software',1716,'Finux discusses what is free software','finux talks about what is free software.',85,36,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Free software,Open source software,history',0,1714,1),
(457,'2009-10-02','automatic car',829,'Ken Fallon talks about an automatic car, with a twist','ken fallon talks about an automatic car',30,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','automatic transmission,cars,linux',0,1629,1),
(458,'2009-10-02','Blender-Game-Engine-A-Short-Guide',1358,'GaryWhiton talks about Blender','GaryWhiton talks about Blender ',85,36,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Blender,gaming,game development,game engine',0,2077,1),
(459,'2009-10-06','Sine Nomine Interview',620,'Klaatu interviews David from Sine Nomine: Recapturing aging technology in new ways.','<p>At the Ohio Linux Fest 2009, Klaatu talks to David from <a href=\"https://www.sinenomine.net/about\" target=\"_blank\">Sine Nomine</a> about reviving old technology to create better new technology.</p><p><a href=\"https://www.thebadapples.info/audiophile/hpr_sineNomine.ogg\" target=\"_blank\">The ogg version</a> provided by <a href=\"https://www.thebadapples.info\" target=\"_blank\">The Bad Apples Linux Oggcast</a>.</p>\r\n',78,78,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','OLF 2009,interview',0,1437,1),
(460,'2009-10-08','TiT Radio Ep 10 - OLF',2677,'Monsterb and friends host TiT Radio','<p>Episode 010 - Warning - Bad Levels</p>\r\n<p>Recorded on Oct 3rd, 2009. monsterb and the TiTs talk about Ohio Linux Fest, Leo Laporte,\r\nOpenShot Video Editor, gimp, seeing through walls, and so much more!</p>\r\n\r\n<p>Please visit <a href=\"https://titradio.info/010.html\">https://titradio.info/010.html</a> for detailed shownotes.</p>\r\n',99,30,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','how I found Linux,Ohio Linux Fest,Twit network,ogg',0,1615,1),
(461,'2009-10-08','Mibbit',1062,'ThistleWeb discusses why you should have an embedded Mibbit client','<p>ThistleWeb discusses why you should have an embedded <a href=\"https://mibbit.com\">Mibbit</a> client on your projects home page.</p>\r\n<ul>\r\n<li>Users needn\'t know about IRC or have a client installed.</li>\r\n<li>Users can connect from any PC, regardless of restrictions with only a web browser.</li>\r\n<li>Real time language translation allows you to vault over the langauge barrier and be properly international, regardless of the size of your userbase.</li>\r\n<li>Pastebin is only a click away, for those times where you need to share or see code / logfiles etc</li>\r\n</ul>',106,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Mibbit,IRC,real-time language translation',0,1521,1),
(462,'2009-10-08','Talk Geek to me Ep 4',1767,'Deepgeek talks geek to his fans about \"Lyx,\" the document processor','The main feature of this episode is a software review of \"Lyx,\" the document processor. A \"not a word processor\" front end to the powerful Latex typesetting environment, and multiplatform too.\r\nDeepgeek also offers updates on his \"Beowulf cluster\" and \"Running Linux on Compact Flash\" episodes of HPR.\r\nClosing music is \"Sevish - Consciousness.\"',73,34,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','LyX,LaTeX,typesetting',0,2025,1),
(463,'2009-10-13','Finux Interviews Moxie Marlinspike about SSL',2279,'Finux talks to Moxie Marlinspike about a variety of vulnerabilities in SSL','<p>Finux talks to Moxie Marlinspike about a variety of vulnerabilities in most common implementations of SSL, such as hijacking the switch from http to https, universal wildcard certs, <a href=\"https://www.thoughtcrime.org/software/sslsniff/\" target=\"_blank\">SSLsniff</a> and more.\r\n</p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https://www.thebadapples.info/audiophile/hpr0463.ogg\">ogg version! </a>',85,78,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','interview,SSL,security',0,8295,1),
(464,'2009-10-14','Barefoot Running',1360,'How to run barefoot','Barefoot running resources\r\n<ul>\r\n<li><a href=\"https://howtorunbarefoot.com\">How to run barefoot</a>- excellent beginner resource.</li>\r\n<li><a href=\"https://barefootted.com\">Learn from the master - Ted</a>  Learn about Vibram Fivefingers and Huarache Sandals.  Great resource.</li>\r\n<li><a href=\"https://runningbarefoot.org\"> Running barefoot</a> has articles, forums and all resources.  Great videos.</li>\r\n<li><a href=\"https://borntorun.org\">Born To Run</a> the official fan website for the book by Christopher McDougall - Read this book!\r\n<li><a href=\"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iIT7t2jtdP0&hl=un\">NY Time interview with Christopher McDougall</a></li>\r\n</ul>',7,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Barefoot running,Barefoot shoes,Chia seeds',0,2184,1),
(465,'2009-10-14','Failsafe security',971,'Tips on securing your Linux systems, see Episode 431','<p><b>WARNING</b>: It\'s easy to lock yourself out of a system implementing these changes so make sure you have physical access to the console of the system you are securing.</p>\r\n\r\n<p>To display all processes listening</p>\r\n<pre><code>  netstat -anp | grep -i listen\r\n</code></pre>\r\n\r\nDeny all connections to any port from any external IP address\r\n<pre><code>/etc/hosts.deny\r\n  all:all\r\n\r\n/etc/hosts.allow\r\n  sshd: # My other pc\r\n</code></pre>\r\n\r\n<p>IPTables Tutorial: <a href=\"https://iptables-tutorial.frozentux.net/\">https://iptables-tutorial.frozentux.net/</a></p>\r\n\r\n<p>A good starting point to block all except ssh:\r\n<a href=\"https://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/linux-iptables-4-block-all-incoming-traffic-but-allow-ssh.html\">https://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/linux-iptables-4-block-all-incoming-traffic-but-allow-ssh.html</a></p>\r\n\r\n<p>Disable root login via ssh: <a href=\"https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/linux/security-tip-disable-root-ssh-login-on-linux/\">https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/linux/security-tip-disable-root-ssh-login-on-linux/</a></p>\r\n\r\n<p>Setting up ssh keys and disabling password logins.</p>\r\n\r\n<p><a href=\"https://www.debuntu.org/ssh-key-based-authentication\">https://www.debuntu.org/ssh-key-based-authentication</a></p>\r\n\r\n',30,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','security,netstat,hosts file,iptables,Firefox,noscript',0,1678,1),
(466,'2009-10-16','A technique for drum \'n\' bass',550,'In this show SigFLUP shares a program that can be used to make drum \'n\' bass songs.','In this show SigFLUP shares a program that can be used to make drum \'n\' bass songs. \r\nYou can download it at  <a href=\"https://tmd.freeshell.org\"> https://tmd.freeshell.org </a>',115,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','drum\'n\'bass,music,samples,freeshell',0,1794,1),
(467,'2009-10-16','AutoNessus News',1624,'Finux and the author of AutoNessus talk about some upcoming news about this software','finux and the author of Autonessus talk about some upcoming news about this software',85,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','AutoNessus,Interview,security,scanner',0,1505,1),
(468,'2009-10-19','Quvmoh\'s UTOS trip',411,'Quvmoh details his trip to the Utah Open Source Conference','<ul>\r\n<li>tosc <a href=\"https://2009.utosc.com/pages/home/\" class=\"uri\">https://2009.utosc.com/pages/home/</a></li>\r\n<li>no gui <a href=\"https://cli.homelinux.net/CLIapps.html\" class=\"uri\">https://cli.homelinux.net/CLIapps.html</a></li>\r\n<li>Quvmoh\'s pics <a href=\"https://www.flickr.com/photos/quvmoh/sets/72157622421938901/detail/\" class=\"uri\">https://www.flickr.com/photos/quvmoh/sets/72157622421938901/detail/</a></li>\r\n</ul>\r\n',110,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Utah Open Source Conference,networking 101,z shell,Linux home servers,life without a GUI,ssh tips and tricks,openvpn,podcasting,ffmpeg,HDR photography',0,1394,1),
(469,'2009-10-21','TiT Radio 011 - puppies, tails, and a gnome ',4229,'Monsterb and friends host TiT Radio','\r\nRecorded live on Oct 17th, 2009. Pick your price for World of Goo, Gnome 3,  <br>\r\n Puppy Linux, KaOS, Commands of the Week, and so much more!  <br>\r\n Shownotes and Ogg: https://titradio.info/011.html <br>',99,30,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','PXE boot,Gnome shell,Puppy Linux,Texas Instruments,EFF,Screen,Tmux',0,1458,1),
(470,'2009-10-21','Interworx',470,'Klaatu interviews Jon from Interworx at Ohio Linux Fest 2009','Klaatu interviews Jon from Interworx at Ohio Linux Fest 2009.',78,78,0,'CC-BY-NC-SA','OLF 2009,interview',0,2137,1),
(471,'2009-10-23','Interview with Andrej Hajto about VOIP',2016,'Finux interviews Andrej Hajto about VOIP','Download the <a href=\"https://www.thebadapples.info/audiophile/hpr0471.ogg\" target=\"_blank\">ogg vorbis version</a> courtesy Finux & the Bad Apples.',85,36,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','interview,VOIP',0,2026,1),
(472,'2009-10-26','Interview with Ryan Dewhurst',2628,'Finux interviews Ryan Dewhurst of Damn Vulnerable Web Application','finux interview Ryan Dewhurst',85,78,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','ethical hacker,web application security',0,1712,1),
(473,'2009-10-28','Tit Radio Ep 011.1a - RMS and Aftershow',1941,'Interview with RMS and TiT Radio aftershow','BSDBetty kicks off the show with an interview with Richard Stallman before his talk at the \r\n Edinburgh University Informatics Colloquium, with particular focus on ethics in the field of software.  \r\n Transcription of this interview can be found at Indymedia Scotland.<br>\r\n\r\nAt the Roundtable: monsterb, klaatu, Peter64, Azimuth, JMan, 330, and pegwole.<br>\r\n\r\n\r\nCaller: SndChaser <br>\r\n\r\nPlease visit https://titradio.info/011-1a.html for shownotes and ogg.<br>\r\n',99,30,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Free Software',0,1570,1),
(474,'2009-10-30','Talk Geek To Me Ep 05 ',1756,'Deepgeek talks geek to his listeners about the Aria2 download manager','\r\nDeepGeek gives a software review of the Aria2 download manager.',73,34,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Aria2,download manager',0,2249,1),
(475,'2009-10-31','Lord Drachenblut Interviews Scott Sigler',972,'In this episode Lord Drachenblut Interviews Scott Sigler','Lord Drachenblut Interviews Scott Sigler',24,78,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','interview,books,audiobooks,audio setup,podiobooks',0,2038,1),
(476,'2009-11-03','FOSS In Business',1765,'RobertLadyman talks about Free And Open Source Software In Business','RobertLadyman tals about Free And Open Source Software In Business ',85,36,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','free software,open source software,FOSS in business',0,1482,1),
(477,'2009-11-05','Uber Leet Hacker Force Radio',526,'Uber Leet Hacker Force Radio issue 1','AUTHOR: SigFLUP <br>\r\n<br>\r\nTITLE: Uber Leet Hacker Force Radio issue 1\r\n<br><br>\r\nDESCRIPTION: <br>\r\nIn this issue of Uber Leet Hacker Force Radio SigFLUP releases a helpful patch to gnu-screen. Show notes include https://hobones.dogsoft.net/screen-4.0.3-ulhf.1.tar.gz and https://hobones.dogsoft.net/ulhf_patch1.tgz\r\n \r\nYou may contact us at pantsbutt@gmail.com\r\n',115,87,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','music,code',0,1237,1),
(478,'2009-11-06','Demo or Bust 2010 Ep 5',5901,'This is the party version of Demo or Bust from SigFLUP','Demo or Bust 2010 #5 <br>\r\nDESCRIPTION:<br>\r\nThis is the party version of Demo or Bust in which SigFLUP specifically focuses on upcoming parties. We\r\ntalk to Jason Scott and Nrr. Please note that in editing this Jason Scott may sound to be not enthusiastic\r\nabout @party and Nurupo, this was far from the case, he was actually very enthusiastic! In editing out \r\nsomething that was meant to be a secret SigFLUP may of made him sound a little dismissive of these parties <br>\r\n<br>\r\n\r\nBlockParty: https://www.demoparty.us <br>\r\nNurupo: https://wiki.corvidae.org/nurupo <br>\r\n@Party: https://www.atparty-demoscene.net <br>\r\n\r\nDemos played in this episode:\r\n\r\nhttps://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=9424 (This is only 64 god-damn k!!!)\r\nhttps://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=53090 (Mobile phone)\r\n\r\nYou may contact Demo or Bust at pantsbutt@gmail.com or +1-206-312-1618\r\n\r\n',115,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Demo or Bust 2010',0,2072,1),
(479,'2009-11-06','OLF 2009: Interview with Dwick',565,'Klaatu at Ohio Linux Fest 2009 interviews DWick, a math professor','<p>Klaatu at Ohio Linux Fest 2009 interviews DWick, a math professor, about math programs on Linux.</p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https://www.thebadapples.info/audiophile/hpr_dwick.ogg\" target=\"_blank\">The ogg version kindly provided by The Bad Apples</a>.</p>\r\n',78,78,0,'CC-BY-NC-SA','OLF 2009,interview',0,1599,1),
(480,'2009-11-11','TiT Radio 012 - Happy Halloween',4068,'Monsterb and friends host TiT Radio','<h2>TiT Radio 012 - Happy Halloween</h2>\r\n\r\n<p>Recorded 10-31-2009.</p>\r\n<p>monsterb, klaatu, Peter64, Azimuth, JMan, and 330 talk about Tiny Core Linux,  Suse Studio, Ubuntu 9.10, Phoronix Test Suite, Commands of the Week, and so much more!</p>\r\n<p>Ending song by Kelly Allyn - 07 Whiskey Can.</p>\r\n<p>Please visit <a href=\"https://titradio.info/012.html\">https://titradio.info/012.html</a> for shownotes.</p>\r\n',99,30,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','screen,Tiny Core Linux,Suse Studio,flash',0,1974,1),
(481,'2009-11-12','Mashpodder',517,'Ken Fallon talks about Mashpodder.','<p>Ken Fallon talks about Mashpodder.</p>\r\n\r\n<p>Some useful links:</p>\r\n<ul>\r\n<li>baspodder homepage: <a href=\"https://lincgeek.org/bashpodder/\">https://lincgeek.org/bashpodder</a></li>\r\n<li>mashpodder homepage: <a href=\"https://code.google.com/p/mashpodder/\">https://code.google.com/p/mashpodder/</a></li>\r\n<li>Linux Reality Podcast: <a href=\"https://www.linuxreality.com/\">https://www.linuxreality.com/</a></li>\r\n<li>Spudshow: <a href=\"https://spudshow.libsyn.com/\">https://spudshow.libsyn.com/</a></li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<p>\r\nThe Ogg Vorbis version of this show can be found courtesy The Bad Applez --> <a href=\"https://www.thebadapples.info/audiophile/hpr0481.ogg\">download hpr0481.ogg</a>\r\n</p>\r\n',30,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','podcast,bashpodder,mashpodder,Linux Reality,Spudshow',0,1996,1),
(482,'2009-11-14','Lugging it Home',1011,'Lostnbronx talks about real and virtual Linux User Groups','<b>LUGGING IT HOME</b>\r\n\r\n<br>\r\n\r\nGetting By Without A Local Linux Users Group\r\n\r\n<p>\r\n\r\nMusic in this episode:\r\n\r\n<p>\r\n\r\n<b>\r\n\r\nBluejuice\r\n\r\n</b>\r\n\r\n<br>\r\n\r\n\r\nCheck out their page at the Podsafe Music Network \r\n<a\r\nhref=https://www.musicalley.com/music/listeners/artistdetails.php?BandHash=5e712d18d2ed4a13577e6381ce705899 \r\n>here</a>\r\n\r\n<br>\r\n\r\n<a href=https://www.musicalley.com/music/mp3/00016652/866952.mp3>Vitriol</a>\r\n\r\n<br>\r\n\r\n<a href=https://www.musicalley.com/music/mp3/00016652/867085.mp3>The Reductionist</a>\r\n\r\n<p>\r\n\r\nAnd\r\n\r\n<p>\r\n\r\n<b>\r\n\r\nBig John Bates\r\n\r\n</b>\r\n\r\n<br>\r\n\r\nHis\r\n\r\n<a \r\nhref=https://www.musicalley.com/music/listeners/artistdetails.php?BandHash=bae3f2f9d2665b642c1fe5596e5eab6f>page</a> \r\n\r\nat the Podsafe Music Network\r\n\r\n<br>\r\n\r\n<a href=https://www.musicalley.com/music/mp3/00009224/835693.mp3>Mystiki</a>\r\n',107,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Linux user group',0,1854,1),
(483,'2009-11-16','TiT Radio - Filthy Grunt and Bloopers',4063,'Monsterb and friends host TiT Radio Bloopers','<p>Recorded on November 14th, 2009. Please visit <a href=\"https://titradio.info/013.html\">https://titradio.info/013.html</a> for shownotes.</p>\n',99,30,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Go programming language,AMD,EEE PC,e-reader',0,1858,1),
(484,'2009-11-17','Her PR Problem',1347,'Rikki Kite gives her \"Her PR Problem\" talk at Ohio Linux Fest 2009.','<p>Rikki Kite of <a href=\"https://www.linuxpromagazine.com/Online/Blogs/ROSE-Blog-Rikki-s-Open-Source-Exchange\" target=\"_blank\">The Rose Blog</a> and <a href=\"https://www.linuxpromagazine.com\" target=\"_blank\">Linux Pro Magazine</a> gives her \"Her PR Problem\" talk at Ohio Linux Fest 2009\'s Diversity in Open Source Workshop.</p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https://www.thebadapples.info/audiophile/hpr_herPRProblem.ogg\" target=\"_blank\">The ogg version</a> provided by <a href=\"https://www.thebadapples.info\" target=\"_blank\">The Bad Apple Linux Oggcast</a>.</p>\r\n',78,78,0,'CC-BY-NC-SA','OLF 2009,interview',0,1424,1),
(485,'2009-11-19','Newsbeuter',1704,'ThistleWeb talks about the cli RSS reader called Newsbeuter','<p>ThistleWeb talks about the cli RSS reader called <a href=\"https://newsbeuter.org\" target=\"_blank\">Newsbeuter</a>, and it\'s podcatching abilities. He also gives an overview of the concept and advantages of RSS as he found many PC literate people he met had no clue about them or how they could be of use.</p>\r\n<p>The accompanying blog post which gives much more detail can be found <a href=\"https://thistleweb.co.uk/blog/newsbeuter-now-with-podcatching-powers\" target=\"_blank\">here</a>.</p>',106,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Newsbeuter,News reader,podcatcher,aggregator',0,1913,1),
(486,'2009-11-24','HPR Round Table 6',3078,'Klaatu, SigFLUP, Skirlet, and Deepgeek gather around the HPR Round Table','Klaatu, SigFLUP, Skirlet, and Deepgeek gather around the venerable HPR Round Table to discuss the classic sci fi film, Forbidden Planet.',109,26,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','round table,movie,film,review',0,1807,1),
(487,'2009-11-26','Demo or Bust 2010 Ep 6',4146,'SigFLUP host the next episode of Demo or Bust 2010','<p>demos in this episode: <br />\r\n<a href=\"https://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=51438\" target=\"_blank\">https://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=51438</a><br/>\r\n\r\n\r\n<a href=\"https://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=53223\" target=\"_blank\">https://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=53223</a><br/>\r\n\r\n\r\n<a href=\"https://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=15216\" target=\"_blank\">https://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=15216</a><br/>\r\n</p>\r\n\r\n<p>closing song: Fractured by Azazel of The Black Lotus</p>\r\n<p>You may contact Demo or Bust at pantsbutt@gmail.com or +1-206-312-1618\r\n</p>',115,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Demo or Bust 2010',0,2382,1),
(491,'2009-12-07','Null_Pointer Interview',2708,'Quvmoh interviews Ken McConnell on his new geek mystery Null_Pointer','<p>Quvmoh interviews Ken McConnell on his new geek mystery Null_Pointer</p>\r\n\r\n<p><a href=\"https://www.w0pht.org/wordpress/\" target=\"_blank\">https://www.w0pht.org/wordpress</a><br />\r\n<a href=\"https://nullpointer.ning.com/profiles/blog/list\" target=\"_blank\">https://nullpointer.ning.com/profiles/blog/list</a></p>\r\n',110,78,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','TRS-80,film,books',0,2238,1),
(488,'2009-11-27','Pegwole interviews Debbie Nicholson',953,'At Ohio Linux Fest 2009, Pegwole and Lord Drachenblut chat with FSF\'s Debbie Nicholson','<p>At Ohio Linux Fest 2009, Pegwole sits down for a lil\' chat with FSF\'s Debbie Nicholson.</p>',120,78,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','OLF 2009,interview',0,1300,1),
(489,'2009-12-01','SSL Attack',1734,'Finux talks about SSL attacks','<p>Finux talks about SSL attacks\r\n</p><p>\r\nShownotes are on <a href=\"https://www.finux.co.uk/blog/?p=43\" target=\"_blank\">Finux\'s blog</a></p>',85,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','SSL,TLS,vulnerability,x509 certificate',0,1785,1),
(490,'2009-12-02','TIT Radio Ep 13.1ec',1149,'From PC Radio Show website:\"Our guest was Richard Stallman\"','From PC Radio Show website:<br>\r\n\r\n\"Our guest was <a href=\"https://stallman.org/\">Richard Stallman</a>, the man behind <a href=\"https://www.gnu.org/\">GNU</a> and the <a href=\"https://www.fsf.org/\">Free Software Foundation</a>. He condemns the <a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amazon_Kindle\">Amazon Kindle</a> (his term for it is the \"<a href=\"https://www.defectivebydesign.org/node/1097\">swindle</a>\")\r\nbecause it takes away freedoms that readers of hardcopy books enjoy.\r\nFreedoms such as the ability to lend a book to a friend, to borrow one\r\nfrom a library, to buy one anonymously by paying cash, to keep a book\r\nas long as we like and to give it away. The Amazon Kindle implements <a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_rights_management\">DRM</a>\r\n- digital rights management - to restrict your use of books. He is not\r\nagainst eBook readers per se, just the DRM, which in addition to the\r\nabove also requires you to run proprietary software to read eBooks. He\r\nurged listeners to go to <a href=\"https://www.defectivebydesign.org/\">Defectivebydesign.org</a> and sign up to participate in his protests.\"<br>\r\n\r\n            <br>\r\n\r\nThe complete episode from July 22nd can be found <a href=\"https://pcradioshow2.org/2009/pcrs_2009_july22_24k.mp3\">here</a>.<br>\r\n<br>\r\nEnding Song: Free Software Song by <a href=\"https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JonoBacon\">Mr. Jono Bacon</a> (<a href=\"https://www.ubuntu.com/\">Ubuntu</a> Community Manager)<br>\r\n<br>\r\nPlease visit <a href=\"https://titradio.info\">https://titradio.info</a> for more info.<br>\r\n<br>',99,30,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','kindle,swindle,ebooks,audiobooks,DRM,Digital Restrictions Management',0,1491,1),
(492,'2009-12-09','TIT Radio Ep 14',3741,'Monsterb and friends host TiT Radio','<P STYLE=\"margin-bottom: 0in\"><FONT SIZE=2><B>TiT Radio Episode 014 -\r\nPotluck Roundtable of Geeks</B></FONT><FONT SIZE=2><BR><BR><A HREF=\"https://monsterb.org/\">monsterb</A>\r\nstarts the show by mentioning the great shows on <A HREF=\"https://hackerpublicradio.org/\">Hacker\r\nPublic Radio</A> like &quot;<A HREF=\"https://hackerpublicradio.org/series/0033.html\">Demo\r\nor Bust by SigFlup</A>&quot;, &quot;<A HREF=\"https://talkgeektome.us/\">Talk\r\nGeek to Me by deepgeek</A>&quot;, and mentions the active\r\ncontributors like finux, Ken Fallon, Thistleweb, and lostnbronx. He also\r\nreads some email from Denny (<A HREF=\"https://polarwave.openbsd101.com/\">Polarwave\'s\r\nOpenBSD Tips and Tricks for Newbies</A>) and Jos (<A HREF=\"https://camp.kde.org/\">Camp\r\nKDE 2010</A>).<BR><BR><BR>Azimuth talks about setting up a dirty,\r\nquick, temporary, unsecure, simple HTTP server to share files.<BR>1.)\r\n</FONT><FONT COLOR=\"#660000\"><FONT SIZE=2>alias webshare=\'python -c\r\n&quot;import SimpleHTTPServer;SimpleHTTPServer.test()&quot;\'</FONT></FONT><FONT SIZE=2><BR>2.)\r\ncd to directory to be served<BR>3.) </FONT><FONT COLOR=\"#660000\"><FONT SIZE=2>webshare</FONT></FONT><FONT SIZE=2>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;\r\n# ctrl-c to exit.<BR>Az also mentions <A HREF=\"https://fosscasts.com/\">FOSSCasts</A>\r\n(free screencasts covering Linux, Unix, and Open Source software in\r\ngeneral).<BR><BR><BR><A HREF=\"https://monsterb.org/\">monsterb</A>\r\nmentions Debian <A HREF=\"https://www.debian.org/ports/kfreebsd-gnu/\">GNU/kFreeBSD</A>\r\n(port that consists of GNU userland using the GNU C library on top of\r\nFreeBSD\'s kernel, coupled with the regular Debian package set). ISOs\r\ncan be found at the <A HREF=\"https://www.gtlib.gatech.edu/pub/gnuab/debian-cd/\">Georgia\r\nTech FTP</A>.<BR><BR><BR><A HREF=\"https://thebadapples.info/\">Klaatu</A>\r\ntalks about <A HREF=\"https://quanta.kdewebdev.org/\">Quanta Plus</A> (a\r\nhighly stable and feature rich web development environment) and\r\n<A HREF=\"https://www.kdevelop.org/\">KDevelop</A> (free opensource\r\nIDE).<BR><BR><BR>artv61 talks about <A HREF=\"https://www.webupd8.org/2009/11/improve-apt-get-install-and-upgrade.html\">Axel</A>\r\n(a command line application which accelerates HTTP/FTP downloads by\r\nusing multiple sources for one file).<BR><BR><BR><A HREF=\"https://threethirty.us/\">threethirty</A>\r\nmentions the first <A HREF=\"https://www.fsf.org/\">FSF</A> endorsed\r\nnetbook running <A HREF=\"https://www.gnewsense.org/\">gNewSense</A>.<BR>Source:\r\n<A HREF=\"https://lwn.net/Articles/363509/\">In other words, DRM from\r\ntop to bottom ...</A> From <A HREF=\"https://lwn.net/\">LWN.net</A><BR><BR><BR>COtW\r\n(Command of the Week):<BR>Azimuth$ <A HREF=\"https://techpatterns.com/forums/about1133.html\">inxi</A>\r\n(command line information script)<BR>Download &amp; Install: # </FONT><FONT COLOR=\"#660000\"><FONT SIZE=2>cd\r\n/usr/local/bin &amp;&amp; wget -Nc smxi.org/inxi &amp;&amp; chmod +x\r\ninxi</FONT></FONT><FONT SIZE=2><BR>Klaatu$ </FONT><FONT COLOR=\"#660000\"><FONT SIZE=2>find\r\n~ -type f -iname \'*.ogg\'</FONT></FONT><FONT SIZE=2><BR>Jman$ </FONT><FONT COLOR=\"#660000\"><FONT SIZE=2>pinfo</FONT></FONT><FONT SIZE=2>\r\n(viewer for Info documents, which is based on ncurses. The\r\nkey-commands are in the style of lynx.)<BR><BR><BR>Other things\r\nmentioned: <A HREF=\"https://www.chromium.org/chromium-os\">Chromium OS</A>,\r\n<A HREF=\"https://www.crankygeeks.com/\">Cranky Geeks</A>, <A HREF=\"https://distrowatch.com/\">DistroWatch</A>,\r\n<A HREF=\"https://www.koffice.org/\">KOffice</A>, <A HREF=\"https://linuxmint.com/\">Linux\r\nMint</A>, <A HREF=\"https://xyne.archlinux.ca/manpages/powerpill\">Powerpill</A>,\r\n<A HREF=\"https://qt.nokia.com/products/appdev/developer-tools/developer-tools\">Qt\r\nCreator</A>, <A HREF=\"https://www.tuxradar.com/\">TuxRadar</A>, and\r\nTuxRadar\'s &quot;<A HREF=\"https://www.tuxradar.com/content/code-project-create-ffmpeg-front-end\">Code\r\nProject: create an ffmpeg front-end</A>&quot;<BR></FONT><BR>\r\n</P>\r\n<P STYLE=\"margin-bottom: 0in\"><FONT SIZE=2><BR>Caller: SndChaser<BR></FONT><BR>\r\n</P>\r\n<P STYLE=\"margin-bottom: 0in\"><FONT SIZE=2><BR>TerryF\'s Song of the\r\nWeek: Shine by <A HREF=\"https://www.musicalley.com/music/listeners/artistdetails.php?BandHash=3ac347d9876e90e6d16b0d62e8146b81\">Cactus</A><BR></FONT><BR>\r\n</P>\r\n<P STYLE=\"margin-bottom: 0in\"><BR>\r\n</P>\r\n<P STYLE=\"margin-bottom: 0in\"><FONT SIZE=2>Please visit\r\n<A HREF=\"https://titradio.info/\">https://titradio.info</A> for more\r\ninformation.</FONT></P>\r\n<P STYLE=\"margin-bottom: 0in\"><BR>\r\n</P>\r\n<P STYLE=\"margin-bottom: 0in\"><BR>\r\n</P>',99,30,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','Kdevelop,apt-fast git script',0,1921,1),
(493,'2009-12-10','Free and Open Source Software in Business',1765,'Robert Ladyman talks about Free and Open Source software in the Business world.','<p>Robert Ladyman talks about Free and Open Source software in the Business world.</p>\r\n<p>Also available is the <a href=\"https://www.thebadapples.info/audiophile/hpr0493.ogg\">ogg version</a> of this episode.</p>',85,36,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','open source software,free software,business,FOSS',0,2008,1),
(494,'2009-12-11','Klaatu interviews Russ from Linux in the Ham Shack',594,'Klaatu interviews Russ from the Linux in the Ham Shack podcast','<p>Klaatu, at Ohio Linux Fest 2009, interviews Russ from the <a href=\"https://www.blacksparrowmedia.com/lhs\" target=\"_blank\">Linux in the Ham Shack</a> podcast.</p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https://www.thebadapples.info/audiophile/hpr_linuxInTheHamShack.ogg\" target=\"_blank\">The ogg version</a> provided by <a href=\"https://www.thebadapples.info\" target=\"_blank\">The Bad Apple Linux Oggcast</a>.</p>\r\n',78,78,0,'CC-BY-NC-SA','OLF 2009,interview',0,2514,1),
(495,'2009-12-14','Gary Whiton talks about the Blender Game Engine',1358,'Gary Whiton talks about the Blender Game Engine.','<p>Gary Whiton talks about the Blender Game Engine.</p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https://www.thebadapples.info/audiophile/hpr0495.ogg\">Ogg version</a></p>',85,36,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','blender,game engine',0,1966,1),
(496,'2009-12-22','Uber Leet Hacker Force Radio Issue 2',427,'Uber Leet Hacker Force Radio issue 2','<p>git clone git://repo.or.cz/hrr.git</p>\r\n\r\n<p>We still are looking for someone to donate web-space so if you\'re interested contact us at pantsbutt at gmail</p>',115,87,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','audacity',0,2107,1),