/*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */; -- -- Dumping data for table `miniseries` -- LOCK TABLES `miniseries` WRITE; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `miniseries` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `miniseries` (`id`, `name`, `description`, `private`, `image`, `valid`) VALUES (4,'Databases','This series will attempt to discuss various different aspects of Database design and operation.',0,'',1), (5,'This Old Hack','fawkesfyre tales of hacking',1,'',1), (6,'The Linux Boot Process','Dann talks about the linux boot process',1,'',1), (7,'LPI Certifications','A series focusing on Linux Professional Institute Certifications (LPIC)
https://www.lpi.org/ ',0,'',1), (8,'Virtualization','Initiated by Deepgeek, this series contains contributions from many hosts on the topic of Virtualization\r\n',0,'',1), (11,'Lightweight Apps','Reviews of light weight applications',0,'',1), (14,'Beverages','The making and consuming of all types of fermented drinks, such as: brewing your own beer, beer tasting and home wine making',0,'',1), (93,'Cooking','Cooking techniques, recipes, recommendations and cooking equipment',0,'',1), (78,'Interviews','HPR Correspondents bring you Interviews from interesting people and projects',0,'',1), (19,'SourceCast',' https://sourcecast.org/
',1,'',1), (21,'Vulgar Esperanto','klaatu talks about Esperanto',0,'',1), (22,'All Songs Considered','A Collection of Songs by various artists',0,'',1), (23,'What\'s in My Toolkit','This is an open series where Hacker Public Radio Listeners can share with the community the items that they can\'t live without, what they find useful in day to day life.',0,'toolkit',1), (25,'Programming 101','A series focusing on concepts and the basics of programming',0,'',1), (26,'RoundTable','Panelists dicuss a topic each month.',0,'',1), (82,'Vim Hints','

\r\nVarious contributors lead us on a journey of discovery of the Vim (and vi) editors.\r\n


\r\nVim is a highly configurable text editor built to enable efficient text editing. It is an improved version of the vi editor distributed with most UNIX systems.\r\n



',0,'',1), (28,'NewsCast','What\'s happening in the News world',1,'',1), (29,'How I got into tech','Started by monsterb, this series invites people to share with us how they found Linux. It has become traditional for first time hosts to share with us their journey to Linux. Indeed it has morphed to be way to share your journey in tech right up to your first contribution to HPR.',0,'',1), (30,'Tit Radio','Welcome to TiT Radio! The only Hacker Public Radio show with super cow powers broadcasting live on ddphackradio.org every utter Saturday night at 11pm CST. You may be asking yourself \"What in tarnation is Tit Radio?\" Well, it\'s a potluck style roundtable of geeks talking about Free Software, GNU + Linux, and anything geeky the TiTs bring to the table. Chat with the TiTs over at irc.freenode.net #linuxcranks. Thats no bull.',1,'',1), (34,'Talk Geek to me','deepgeek talks geek to his fans',1,'',1), (35,'SELF Talks 2009','South East Linux Fest talks 2009',1,'',1), (36,'Software Freedom Day Dundee 2009','Software Freedom Day Dundee 2009',1,'',1), (38,'A Little Bit of Python','

\r\nInitially based on the podcast \"A Little Bit of Python\", by Michael Foord, Andrew Kuchling, Steve Holden, Dr. Brett Cannon and Jesse Noller. https://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/weblog/arch_d7_2009_12_19.shtml#e1138\r\n


\r\nNow the series is open to all.\r\n

',0,'',1), (42,'Bash Scripting','This is an open series in which Hacker Public Radio Listeners can share their Bash scripting knowledge and experience with the community. General programming topics and Bash commands are explored along with some tutorials for the complete novice.',0,'',1), (43,'HAM radio','A series about all things Amateur Radio/HAM Radio.',0,'',1), (119,'Travel','This is an open series where our hosts can document their travel experiences',0,'',1), (120,'Battling with English','Looking at the English language and highlighting some common anomalies, mistakes, mispellings, grammar problems and similar.',0,'',1), (121,'HPR New Year Show','Our community welcomes in every time zone to the New Year in this annual event.',1,'',1), (122,'Computer Strategy Games','

This series is about Computer Strategy Games or Video Games as defined by https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Video_game

',0,'',1), (44,'Read \'n Code','The Read \'n Code podcast, the only podcast about literature and computer programming.',0,'',1), (45,'Podcasting HowTo','This series is designed to help the new host begin podcasting and to give the experienced host some tips and tricks.
The series is open to all.',0,'',1), (46,'Urban Camping','Tips and tricks for the Urban Camper',1,'',1), (47,'HPR Community News','A monthly look at what has been going on in the HPR community. This is a regular show scheduled for the first Monday of the month.',1,'',1), (48,'The Language Frontier','In this miniseries Skirlet discusses various different aspects of language.',1,'',1), (52,'THEATER OF THE IMAGINATION','


This is my series on Dramatic Audio Media, such as Old Time Radio (\"The Shadow\", \"Gunsmoke\", etc.), BBC Radio, and other classics -- but also, and most especially, the current renaissance of this art form, and how a person (like me, like you) can begin producing your own audio fiction or poetry or whatever for the enjoyment of countless others. This will be a learning process for me, and my mistakes might very well help you avoid any similar such in your own endeavors.


',1,'',1), (53,'HPR_AudioBookClub','HPR AudioBook Club',1,'',1), (54,'Syndicated Thursdays','A chance to showcase other Creative Commons works. We try to expose podcasts, speeches, presentations, music, etc that you may not have heard. If you have suggestions for items then send your recommendation to admin at hpr and we\'ll add it to the queue.',0,'',1), (57,'Hardware upgrades','Hosts share their experiences when upgrading their equipment.',0,'',1), (58,'spics on tech','sikilpaake & badbit team up to give us a Mexican view of the hacker world.',1,'',1), (95,'Tabletop Gaming','

In this series, initiated by klaatu, analog games of various sorts are described and reviewed. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tabletop_game for details.

\r\n',0,'',1), (96,'Penguicon','Penguicon is a Non-Profit, Open Source - Science Fiction Convention held in Southfield, Michigan.\r\n\r\nSee the website at https://www.penguicon.org/ or the Wikipedia page at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Penguicon\r\n',0,'',1), (97,'FOSDEM','

FOSDEM is a free event for software developers to meet, share ideas and collaborate.

\r\n\r\n',0,'',1), (61,'Networking','This series will try and explain the basics of networking to the listener as well as introduce more detailed topics.',0,'',1), (62,'OggCamp','OggCamp
A Free Culture Unconference',0,'',1), (63,'Packaging applications for GNU Linux and BSD','Klaatu submits a series on packaging applications for GNU Linux and BSD.',0,'',1), (65,'Talk Geek to me News','',1,'',1), (0,'general','',0,'',1), (67,'Linux in the Shell','Linux In The Shell aims to explore the use of many commands a user can run in the Bash Shell. Tutorials include a write up with examples, an audio component about the write up, and a video component to demonstrate the usage of the command.
\r\nThe website is https://www.linuxintheshell.com/',1,'',1), (69,'Freedom is not Free ','Examining the difference between freedom and free of cost. In the world of free software the main emphasis is on the freedom to run, copy, distribute, study, change and improve the software, not on its lack of cost.',0,'',1), (70,'LibreOffice','In this in-depth series on LibreOffice we examine Writer, Calc and Impress',0,'',1), (71,'Mental Health','In this series we discuss issues surrounding mental health.',0,'',1), (72,'Practical Math','Goal for the series: Embracing units, and carrying them along as you go, can help you work with confidence in using maths in your life.',0,'',1), (73,'LinuxJAZZ','Shows about Bariman\'s experience as a jazz musician using Linux',1,'',1), (74,'Privacy and Security','In this open series, you can contribute shows that are on the topic of Privacy and Security',0,'',1), (75,'Podcast recommendations','This is an open series where Hacker Public Radio listeners can share and recommend podcasts that they listen to.',0,'podcasts',1), (77,'Filesystems','In this series we explore various different filesystems.',0,'filesystems',1), (79,'Accessibility','Shows about tearing down the barriers for our fellow hackers.',0,'',1), (80,'5150 Shades of Beer','FiftyOneFifty leads this open series on all aspects of the Beer.',0,'',1), (81,'Version Control','This is an open series in which Hacker Public Radio Listeners can share their knowledge and experience of version or revision control systems such as Bazaar, Mercurial, Subversion, CVS and Git.',0,'',1), (83,'April Fools Shows','',1,'',1), (84,'Compilers - how they work','In this series we examine how compilers work',0,'',1), (94,'Learning Awk','Episodes about using Awk, the text manipulation language. It comes in various forms called awk, nawk, mawk and gawk, but the standard version on Linux is GNU Awk (gawk). It\'s a programming language optimised for the manipulation of delimited text.',0,'',1), (87,'Uber Leet Hacker Force Radio','In this series sigFLUP speaks about her latest coding projects, plays music and conducts interviews',1,'',1), (88,'Coffee','All aspects of making the perfect cup of Coffee',0,'',1), (90,'Learning sed','Episodes about using sed, the Stream Editor. It\'s a non-interactive editor which you can use to make simple changes to data, which is how many people use it. However, sed also has a lot of hidden power, especially in the GNU version.',0,'',1), (91,'Arduino and related devices','In this series various contributors talk about how to use and program Arduino single-board microcontrollers and related devices.
\r\nSee the Wikipedia article\r\nhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Arduino_boards_and_compatible_systems for details of the range of devices.\r\n',0,'',1), (98,'Apt Spelunking','

\r\n\"Apt spelunking\" is a silly term I made up for the act of searching through your package manager, App Store, Code Repo, etc with vague terms, and trying out random applications therein.
\r\n\r\nA public series started by Windigo.\r\n

',0,'',1), (99,'Information Underground','Deepgeek, Klaatu, and Lostnbronx discuss things.',0,'',1), (100,'Health and Healthcare','A open series about Health and Healthcare',0,'',1), (101,'Sound Scapes','Come with us on a journey through sound.',0,'',1), (102,'GNU Readline','GNU Readline is a software library that provides line-editing and history capabilities for interactive programs with a command-line interface, such as Bash. It is currently maintained by Chet Ramey as part of the GNU Project. This series looks at some of the features of this powerful library.',0,'',1), (103,'Hobby Electronics','Building electronic devices and kits, repairing electronics and\r\nlearning about components and their uses.',0,'',1), (104,'Introduction to Git','Initiated by Klaatu, this open series introduces Git and the concepts behind its use in a collaborative environment.',0,'',1), (105,'Random Elements of Storytelling','lostnbronx leads us on an investigation of the fundamentals of story telling.',1,'',1), (106,'YouTube Subscriptions','Where the HPR community members share their YouTube Subscriptions',0,'',1), (107,'Haskell','

A series looking into the Haskell (programming language)

',0,'',1), (108,'Social Media','Looking at aspects of Social Media - platforms, histories, popularity, philosophies, etc.',0,'',1), (109,'Lord D Film Reviews','

A memorial series dedicated to our late host Lord Drachenblut


Five categories, each rated 0, 1, or 2, so that the final reviews range anywhere from 0 to 10, with 0 being the worst film ever, and 10, the best.


Each category asks two yes-or-no questions. If the answer to both is no, that category gets a 0. If only one is a yes, it gets a 1. If both are a yes, it gets a 2.




Main characters







\r\n\r\n',0,'',1), (110,'Blockchain','A open series on the Blockchain, cryptographic hash, cryptocurrency, bitcoin etc',0,'',1), (111,'Linux Inlaws','This is Linux Inlaws, a series on free and open source software, black humour, the revolution and freedom in general (this includes ideas and software) and generally having fun. ',1,'',1), (112,'The art of writing','An open series on writing tools, media, supplies and techniques.',0,'',1), (113,'GIMP','An overview of this open-source graphics program, with a focus on photographic issues.',0,'',1), (114,'Model Hacking','Creating, restoring, painting all sorts of models from RPG characters to model cars.',1,'',1), (115,'Bicycle Hacking','Maintaining, enhancing and repairing bikes; also the creation of new bikes from recycled ones.',0,'',1), (116,'Languages','About human languages, including learning them and speaking them',0,'',1), (117,'DOS','DOS is a general acronym for \"Disk Operating System\", though it came to refer to the operating system used in the IBM PC, particularly Microsoft\'s MS-DOS.',0,'',1), (118,'Hack Radio Live','A series of syndicated shows about hacking, also available on https://hackradiolive.org/',1,'',1); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `miniseries` ENABLE KEYS */; UNLOCK TABLES; -- -- Table structure for table `twat_eps` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `twat_eps`; /*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */; /*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */; CREATE TABLE `twat_eps` ( `id` int(5) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `date` date NOT NULL, `title` varchar(100) CHARACTER SET utf8mb3 COLLATE utf8mb3_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `duration` int(5) NOT NULL, `summary` varchar(100) CHARACTER SET utf8mb3 COLLATE utf8mb3_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `notes` text CHARACTER SET utf8mb3 COLLATE utf8mb3_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `hostid` int(10) NOT NULL, `series` int(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `explicit` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, `license` varchar(11) CHARACTER SET utf8mb3 COLLATE utf8mb3_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT 'CC-BY-NC-SA', `tags` varchar(200) CHARACTER SET utf8mb3 COLLATE utf8mb3_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `version` int(5) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `downloads` int(11) NOT NULL, `valid` int(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), UNIQUE KEY `ep_num` (`id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_swedish_ci; /*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */; -- -- Dumping data for table `twat_eps` -- LOCK TABLES `twat_eps` WRITE; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `twat_eps` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `twat_eps` (`id`, `date`, `title`, `duration`, `summary`, `notes`, `hostid`, `series`, `explicit`, `license`, `tags`, `version`, `downloads`, `valid`) VALUES (9,'2005-09-29','Misc Stuff',1180,'','Linlin, J-Hood and the crew discuss tech',8,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (2,'2005-09-20','Cat5 Cables',874,'','droops and dosman talk about network cables',1,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (17,'2005-10-11','Open Source Project',532,'','getting involved with open source projects',4,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (3,'2005-09-21','Old and new dos',1040,'','dosman uses his old school skills to to talk about old and new dos',3,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (4,'2005-09-22','Future of Wifi',1383,'','J-Hood, LinLin and others talk about the future of wifi',6,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (5,'2005-09-25','PEAR',512,'','Rambling about the PEAR project and 35+ instances of uh or um',4,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (6,'2005-09-26','Enhancing Documentation',1190,'','A look at cross-platform, open source and free screen recoding utilities',7,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (7,'2005-09-27','Phreaknic',304,'','droops talks about phreaknic and hacking cons',1,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (8,'2005-09-28','Apt-get on Suse',291,'','droops installs apt-get on suse, so that he can use apt-get to take advantage of yast.',1,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (10,'2005-10-02','Network Sniffing',944,'','http://www.irongeek.com/i.php?page=security/AQuickIntrotoSniffers',9,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (11,'2005-10-03','vi',708,'','basics of vi, the best linux text editor',1,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (12,'2005-10-04','Programming Languages',698,'','Intro to programming lessons',10,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (13,'2005-10-05','Kanotix Lovefest',1119,'','pat and Dave \\\"Judland\\\" Bouley love some kanotix',11,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (14,'2005-10-06','Linux directory structure test',944,'','A synopsis of the Linux directory structure according to the file system standards and some tips on effective partitioning for Linux.',7,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (15,'2005-10-09','Computer Forensics',1167,'','a little late, but better late than never',3,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (16,'2005-10-10','Hot or Not',610,'','Schedas hot or not.',5,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (27,'2005-10-25','Securing your box for a hacker con. (uns',690,'','Iptables\r\n\r\n\r\n
IPTables how-to\r\n\r\n
Article on finding rogue file shares\r\n\r\n
\r\nPhreakNIC website\r\n\r\n
\r\nSSH Info\r\n
\r\nSOCKS Info\r\n
FreeCap SOCKS Client (for Windows)\r\n\r\n
Dante SOCKS client (for Linux)\r\n',9,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (18,'2005-10-13','Jason takes us for a ride....',875,'','To get food',13,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (19,'2005-10-13','Droops - Reads Electric Universe',750,'','droops reads from Electric Universe by David Bodanis',1,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (20,'2005-10-16','LIVE CDs',912,'',' SLAX
\r\nHackin9',7,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (21,'2005-10-17','cell phones and bluetooth',546,'','No Shownotes Provided.',11,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (22,'2005-10-18','C# (c sharp)',1107,'','No Shownotes Provided.',14,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (23,'2005-10-19','More on Intel Processors',1874,'','No Shownotes Provided.',15,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (1,'2005-10-10','Special Episode',583,'','his is the intro episode of TWAT Radio, dosman talks about hyper/multi threading',3,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (24,'2005-10-20','Making CMD.EXE more like your *nix shell',571,'','No Shownotes Provided.',1,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (25,'2005-10-23','Setting up a home recording studio',1538,'','No Shownotes Provided.',46,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (26,'2005-10-24','Debian on a Sharp Zaureus',416,'','No Shownotes Provided.',17,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (28,'2005-10-26','Anti Forensics',1065,'','FireWire - all your memory are belong to us
\r\nTalisker Anti
Forensic Tools:
\r\nThe Coroners Toolkit
(Dan Farmer and Wietse Venema)
\r\nI made a statement about a paper Dennis Ritchie wrote, after finding it again it appears it was Ken Thompson that wrote it,
easy enough mistake to make ;)

',3,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (29,'2005-10-27','Edubuntu on an old computer for children',756,'','No Shownotes Provided.',1,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (30,'2005-10-30','TWAT Info',482,'','Twat is taking a break for a month.
We all need to take this month, make some episodes, get new listeners, get new hosts, and make twat so that it is updated every day.
p0trill0 is the new site admin, so that we will have more than one person trying to keep things updated.
\r\nDec 1st will start Twat back up again, hopefully with more hosts and more interesting content.
\r\nThanks to all that have gotten us this far.
\r\ndroops had a bit of wine, so if you like infonomicon radio, you really need to listen to this one
\r\n\r\n',1,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (31,'2005-11-30','droops starts it off and then it quickly',1125,'','No Shownotes Provided.',1,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (32,'2005-12-01','Password Management',350,'','Many of us have the problem of trying to remember and un-godly amount of\r\npasswords for the various services and programs that we use on a daily\r\nbasis.
So I am gonna talk about portable password managment solutions.
All\r\nthe passwords are protected by one master password that is necessary to\r\noperating the software.
Some of the software packages also have the\r\nfunctionality of creating pseudo-random passwords on the fly, so if you need\r\na new password you don’t have to make one up, the software will make one for\r\nyou and I promise it will be more secure than anything you can think of.
',2,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (33,'2005-12-04','sql injection',351,'','Sample Injection: ‘OR’1′=’1
\r\nQuery sent with this injection:
SELECT FROM users WHERE ‘‘OR’1′=’1′
\r\nSample ODBC Error:
\r\nMicrosoft OLE DB
Provider for ODBC Drivers error ‘80040e14′
\r\n[Microsoft][ODBC SQL
Server Driver][SQL Server]Unclosed quotation mark before the character string ‘\\\'’.
line 4\r\n
',12,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (34,'2005-12-05','Piracy',2481,'','No Shownotes Provided.',18,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (35,'2005-12-06','Switches and Hubs',806,'','No Shownotes Provided.',19,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (36,'2005-12-07','Secure Deletion',729,'','No Shownotes Provided.',2,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (37,'2005-12-08','Various things',1212,'','Studio Buddy –
\r\nMusician’s Friend –
\r\nSweetwater –
\r\nAmerican Music Supply –
',46,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (38,'2006-03-04','Dr^ZigMan & Lowtek Mystik',624,'','Sharing some of their recent hardware experiences.
Dr^ZigMan does the video Hack TV at Binrev Lowtek Mystik hosts Ninja Night School Radio at Podcast Incubator',27,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (39,'2005-12-12','Change MAC address',383,'','http://www.irongeek.com/i.php?page=security/changemac
\r\nLinux Commands to change MAC address:
\r\nifconfig eth0 down hw ether 00:00:00:00:00:01
\r\nifconfig eth0 up
\r\nWindows Tools:
\r\nMac Makeup
\r\n',9,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (40,'2005-12-13','Microsoft Virtual Desktop Manager',274,'','No Shownotes Provided.',1,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (41,'2005-12-14','Ultimate Linux box',508,'','No Shownotes Provided.',20,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (42,'2005-12-15','Seven Bits, No Waiting',229,'','No Shownotes Provided.',13,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (43,'2005-12-18','Sam File',712,'','Irongeek’s PE Builder Tutorial
\r\nSala’s Password Renew Tool
\r\nOffline NT Password & Registry Editor
\r\nJohn the Ripper
\r\nTurn off LM Hash storage
\r\nIrongeek’s Videos and articles on SAM
\r\nLocal Sam Crack
\r\nLocal Sam Crack part 2
SamDump2 in Auditor\r\n\r\n
\r\n',9,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (44,'2005-12-20','Serial Port',323,'','LCD Gallery\r\n
\r\nDiagram\r\n',8,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (45,'2005-12-20','Tour of Boston Telephone System',915,'','No Shownotes Provided.',14,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (46,'2005-12-21','Package Management Systems',614,'','No Shownotes Provided.',11,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (47,'2005-12-22',' ',1502,'','http://desktopmanager.berlios.de/\r\n\r\nhttp://quicksilver.blacktree.com/\r\n\r\nFluxbox fbkeys entery:\r\n\r\nMod1 space :execCommand fbrun\r\n\r\nWindowmaker entery:\r\n\r\n(Run…, SHORTCUT, “Mod1+space”, EXEC, “%a(Run,Type command to run:)”),\r\n\r\ncp parameters to copy partition to new location:\r\n\r\ncp -a same as -dpr\r\n\r\n * no-deference=don’t follow links\r\n preserve links\r\n * reserve permissions\r\n * recursive\r\n\r\n',7,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (79,'2006-03-08','Paypal Integration',849,'','http://www.infonomicon.org/ziggy1/twat79/buynowbutton.inc.php.txt',27,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (48,'2005-12-26','Video cameras',1306,'','\r\nMore video production info:\r\n',3,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (49,'2005-12-27','RPG Programming',2046,'','No Shownotes Provided.',2,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (50,'2005-12-28','Remote Logins',715,'','FreeNX can be found at \r\nFreeNX can be found at',21,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (51,'2005-12-29','YAPL',1148,'','Lowtek too!!\r\n',2,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (52,'2006-01-05','Asterisk@Home',704,'','http://asteriskathome.sourceforge.net
\r\nvoipjet.com',12,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (53,'2006-01-02','Emulation Station',545,'','Disclamer ( Be good and follow Rules! ) - http://www.electrostuff.net/romsmain.htm\r\n\r\nPictures And Two short movies of my rig. - http://www.electrostuff.net/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?p=34#34\r\n\r\nEmulators - http://www.emulator-zone.com/\r\n\r\nRoms - http://www.freeroms.com/ - http://www.rom-world.com ',22,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (54,'2006-01-03','Remote Control Hacking',932,'','No Shownotes Provided.',81,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (55,'2006-01-04','Listen',505,'','No Shownotes Provided.',24,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (56,'2006-01-05','QWERTY History',1339,'','No Shownotes Provided.',23,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (57,'2006-01-08','Hacker Salsa',519,'','No Shownotes Provided.',26,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (58,'2006-01-09','Softball Launcher',387,'','Dr^ZigMan discusses his thinking process during the initial development and\r\n“fabrication” of a softball launcher.\r\n\r\nMore information on
\r\n\r\nspring constant k values
\r\n',27,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (59,'2006-01-10','VLAN\\\'s',1290,'','http://mcbx.dyndns.org/pub/TWATs/twat059_notes.txt',19,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (60,'2006-01-11',' DSDT.aml And Linux',756,'','

DSDT repository


Great how-to that got me Started


Intel’s ASL Compiler


You will need to have bison and flex-old install to make iasl


To obtain your present dsdt file drop to term and type
\r\n ‘ cat /proc/acpi/dsdt > dsdt.dat ‘


To decompile dsdt.dat and get a dsdt.dsl drop to term and type
\r\n ‘ ./iasl -d dsdt.dat ‘


To recompile dsdt.dsl and get a DSDT.aml drop to term and type
\r\n ‘./iasl -tc dsdt.dsl’

',21,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (61,'2006-01-16','Windows browsing at work',484,'','http://www.htthost.com/\r\n\r\nhttp://www.ghostzilla.com/\r\n\r\nhttp://www.proxyplus.cz/\r\n\r\nTheYellow1- at- gmail.com',70,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (62,'2006-01-17','WRT hacking',293,'','Will Jason\r\n\r\n***Hacking the WRT54G***\r\n\r\n-WRT54G is a Linksys router and highly customizable with custom firmwares\r\n\r\n-WRT54G - 16 MB of RAM & 4 MB of Flash\r\nWRT54GS - 32 MB of RAM & 8 MB of Flash\r\n\r\n-WRT54GS version 5 is not hackable because of the reduced RAM and Flash size. Instead of running Linux, it runs VxWorks. Because of this, Linksys has released the WRT54GL to appeal to the modders of the community. WRT54GL is the same as the older version of the WRT54G.\r\n\r\n-Any other version of WRT54G or GS will work\r\n\r\n-If you have to pay for a good firmware, then you’re getting ripped off\r\n\r\n-DD-WRT is for those who wants more options in the router without the configuration of everything else. Simply upload via the web interface and you’re done.\r\n\r\n-OpenWRT has the ipkg package management system included and many packages are available to add. You could virtual host a site, run a small FTP server, or set up an Asterisk box. I’d love to list all of the things you could do, but that’d take a while.\r\n\r\n-For free firmwares:\r\nDD-WRT –> http://www.dd-wrt.com\r\nOpenWRT –> http://www.openwrt.org\r\n\r\n-There are plenty more choices for firmwares, but I only named two. I think that they’re the best, but strictly opinion.\r\n\r\n-email me at willjasen -at- charter.net. I know I said Gmail on the show, but I thought I was prepared to switch, but I’m not. ',71,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (63,'2006-01-17','TWAT',233,'','No Shownotes Provided.',1,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (64,'2006-01-19','Cygwin Exploits',404,'','No Shownotes Provided.',9,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (65,'2006-01-22','Xampp',274,'','http://www.apachefriends.org/de/\r\n\r\ntar xvfz xampp-linux-1.5.1.tar.gz -C /opt\r\n/opt/lampp/lampp start \r\n',1,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (66,'2006-01-23','Numbering Systems for noobs',0,'','============================\r\nDecimal (Base 10 system)\r\n\r\n143\r\n||1…….1*3 +\r\n|10……10*4 +\r\n100…..100*1\r\n—————\r\n= 143\r\n\r\n============================\r\nBinary (Base 2 system)\r\n\r\n10001111\r\n|||||||1..1*1 +\r\n||||||2…2*1 +\r\n|||||4….4*1 +\r\n||||8…..8*1 +\r\n|||16….16*0 +\r\n||32…..32*0 +\r\n|64……64*0 +\r\n128…..128*1\r\n—————\r\n= 143 (decimal)\r\n\r\n============================\r\nHexadecimal (Base 16 system)\r\nShorthand for binary…\r\n\r\n 10001111 (segment into groups of 4’s)\r\n ^\r\n |\r\n1000 | 1111\r\n 8 F\r\n————\r\n= 8F or 0×8F\r\n\r\n',46,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (68,'2006-01-25','Caffeine!',563,'','No Shownotes Provided.',8,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (70,'2006-01-26','Editing in linux',1448,'','Applications\r\n\r\nTranscode\r\n\r\nMplayer/Mencoder\r\n\\\\\r\n\r\nKino & Linux Digital Video\r\n\r\nLiVES\r\n\r\ntovid\r\n\r\nVideo Lan Client\r\n\r\nQdvdauthor',11,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (71,'2006-01-29','OAT\\\'s',329,'','No Shownotes Provided.',4,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (72,'2006-01-30','More goodness on video production in Lin',1468,'','PAT too!!!!',7,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (73,'2006-02-02','TWAT',139,'','no reason to listen to this one folks, we are talking the month of febuary off, to work on the show. We didnt plan for twat to be become so polular, and we need to get a few things done. First off we need more hosts and backup episodes, but we all know that, why are we all not helping? second of all, we need to get away from wordpress and build our own system. wordpress is nice as it is easy to edit, but its not real searchable, we cant have a chart of how many shows people have done, things are not formatted the same, so we are building our own cms. so take the month off, do something productive, and get some twat eps recorded.\r\n\r\nif you want to help with the website, we need a graphics guy, please email droops@gmail if you are any good at such things.\r\n\r\n',1,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (74,'2006-02-28','WRT Hacking',2199,'','yes!!!',81,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (75,'2006-03-01','DVD Copying',609,'','DVD Shrink
\r\nDVD Decrypter
\r\nHow To Copy ArccOS & Plugin

\r\nCan you copy?
\r\nCnet Info

\r\nPCWorld',22,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (76,'2006-03-05','Setting up an Icecast server',1490,'','icecast homepage
\r\nXiph Foundation
\r\nMuSE - Multistreaming Engine
\r\nDynebolic - Live Multimedia Linux Distro

\r\nThat xargs command:
\r\nls *.[mp3,ogg]* | xargs -i echo http://myhost.org:8000/{}” > playlist.m3u',7,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (77,'2006-03-06','Cron Jobs',525,'','quick and drity cron jobs.',1,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (78,'2006-03-07','Jason Scott ',267,'','Jason Scott follows Droops to a new awakening.',13,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (80,'2006-03-09','Honeypots',434,'','http://www.honeynet.org/papers/uml/\r\n\r\nhttp://www.securityfocus.com/infocus/1803\r\n\r\nhttp://www.securityfocus.com/infocus/1805\r\n',10,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (81,'2006-03-12','AUDACITY GO!!',2680,'','Introduction of Audacity, and the basics of making a audiofile in Audacity. (44:40)\r\n
\r\nDownload OGG or MP3
\r\n\r\nAudacity Homepage & Audacity Forums (f.a.q. and other help)
\r\n\r\ndB Power Amp for conversion of audio files.
',23,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (83,'2006-03-15','Wireless Client Mode',834,'','No Shownotes Provided.',71,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (82,'2006-03-14','Windows Command Line',834,'','Windows 2000 Command Line Reference http://tinyurl.com/kmy
\r\nWindows XP Command Line Reference http://tinyurl.com/36leu
\r\nWindows 2003 Command Line Reference http://tinyurl.com/qaer3
\r\nDescription of the Microsoft Windows registry',28,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (84,'2006-03-19','HTTrack',479,'','\r\n\r\n\r\nHTTrack',21,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (85,'2006-03-21','Cybiko',961,'','DBZoo\\\'s Cybiko Wiki \r\n

\r\nDevCybiko: The last best resource for Cybiko users. Active forums and a very good softare archive.\r\n',3,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (86,'2006-03-23','RFID',1880,'','Co-Host: Lowtek Mystik
\r\nToday\'s show is all about RFID and an introduction into the technology and possibilites.
\r\nGet the book
\r\n125Khz Reader
\r\n',2,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (87,'2006-03-27','Pat - Me and Linux',688,'','No notes provided.',11,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (88,'2006-03-28','Building More Secure Web Applications',594,'','muffin
\r\nadd n edit cookies
\r\nweb developer toolbar
\r\nuser-agent switcher

\r\nComment System Looking for onmouseover
\r\n\r\nif ((isset($_POST)) && $_POST[\\\'name\\\'] != NULL && $_POST[\\\'comment\\\'] != NULL && $_POST[\\\'comment\\\'] != \\\"Enter your comment here!\\\" && !strstr($emaillower,\\\'onmouseover=\\\')) {\r\n',12,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (89,'2006-03-29','Fun at Security Cons',537,'','No Shownotes',9,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (90,'2006-03-30','Free-win32',611,'','Zerocost programs for Windows\r\n
\r\nWebsite: http://www.iunplug.nl/Windows',30,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (91,'2006-04-02','Computer Troubleshooting tips',704,'','Contact me at xcalibur1337 -at- gmail.com',31,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (92,'2006-04-03','DVD Region Unlocking',367,'','http://www.rpc1.org Region free firmware database
\r\ndrive info',12,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (93,'2006-04-04','Terminal Servers and Thin Clients',555,'','Linux Terminal Server Project
\r\n\r\nWindows Server 2003 Terminal Services
\r\n\r\n\r\nWindows 2000 Terminal Services
\r\n\r\nGamecube Linux
\r\n\r\nPXES Linux',32,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (94,'2006-04-05','Danger Sidekick Mod!',523,'','Adding a little color to the drab grey exterior, a quick walk through of how I painted my sidekick. Now my sidekick is l33t because It has a custom paintjob, and for less then you would spend on a USB key you can have an uber 1337 sidekick too!',27,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (95,'2006-04-10','Windows from commandline',947,'','
\r\nMSDN entry describing Services
\r\nSC For Window 2003 Manual
\r\nSP4 Support Tools
',28,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (96,'2006-04-11','Linux Distros',1379,'','Article for Topic Idea
\r\nDebian and Derivs.
\r\nDebian http://www.debian.org/
\r\nDamn Small Linux http://www.damnsmalllinux.org/
\r\nKnoppix http://www.knoppix.com/
\r\nKanotix http://kanotix.com/index.php?&newlang=eng
\r\nMepis http://www.mepis.com/
\r\nUbuntu http://www.ubuntu.com/
\r\nXandros http://www.xandros.com/
\r\nRpm Based
\r\nFedora http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/
\r\nMandriva http://wwwnew.mandriva.com/
\r\nOpenSuSE http://en.opensuse.org/Welcome_to_openSUSE.org
\r\nSource and Other
\r\nSlackware http://www.slackware.com/
\r\nBackTrack http://www.remote-exploit.org/index.php/Main_Page
\r\nGentoo http://www.gentoo.org/
\r\nArchLinux http://www.archlinux.org/
\r\nCheck Here for any Distro! http://distrowatch.com/
\r\n',21,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (97,'2006-04-13',' Physical Security Case Mods part 1',451,'','no notes',26,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (98,'2006-04-17','Audacity Tips',1124,'','\r\n\r\nTWAT 98 explains how to fix varried audio decibel levels and/or boost an audio t\r\nrack\\\'s decibel levels using tools in Audacity.',7,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (99,'2006-04-19','Water Cooling Rig',454,'','Water Rig!',22,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (100,'2006-04-23','The 100th Episode Spectacular',671,'','this episode is on default',33,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (101,'2006-04-24','Shoutcast',498,'','No shownotes Submitted.',34,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (102,'2006-04-25','Carriage Return',939,'','No notes',81,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (103,'2006-04-26','Notafighter',649,'','Notafighter',3,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (104,'2006-04-27','Myth TV',700,'','MythTV Related websites and mailing lists:
http://ivtv.sourceforge.net/\r\n',11,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (105,'2006-04-30','Footprinting',715,'','No notes',35,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (106,'2006-05-01','Alternative Data Streams',557,'','Alternative Data Streams',9,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (107,'2006-05-02','Portable Tools',874,'','\\\"GNU utilities for Win32\\\"
\r\nDependancy Walker
\r\nSysinternals is only ctrl+enter away
\r\n',28,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (108,'2006-05-03','NSLU 2',761,'','http://tinyurl.com/9bpgq
NSLU2\r\n',71,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (109,'2006-05-04','The Gizmo Project!',970,'',' The Gizmo Project',23,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (110,'2006-05-07','Sound Treatment Solutions',1157,'','No notes provided',46,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (111,'2006-05-08','Physical Security Case Mods part 2',562,'','No Notes',26,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (112,'2006-05-14','Reverse Engineering Part 1',1051,'','Chapter #1 of Security Warrior.
\r\nKn1ghtl0rd reads the first chapter of Security Warrior about assembly language for reverse engineering. This is a good topic that I am learning about and this book has some good information so I am giving you a preview of the kinds of stuff in this book. I am giving full credit to the authors for the content and I hope this inspires you to go out and get the book and learn more about RCE.
\r\nSecurity Warrior on Amazon
\r\n',2,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (113,'2006-05-17','Newsgroups',365,'','Quickie about newsgroups, recorded from work. ',36,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (114,'2006-05-18','New Project',457,'','Me rambling on about a new project being launched. I know its not the most interesting twat but hey check it out, it may spark an interest in the new project.',12,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (115,'2006-05-21','Homo-nomicon',40,'','\\\"I\\\'m.... a sexy motherfucker.\\\"',4,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (116,'2006-05-22','Irc Scripting',338,'','Electro Stuff!
\r\nTech Cooks!',22,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (117,'2006-05-23','ToVid ',617,'','Linux Video Authoring!!!',11,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (118,'2006-05-25','Compiling software under Linux ',1824,'',' An overview of the ./configure, make, make inst\r\nall process; some tips and what not.',7,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (119,'2006-05-29','External Memory',505,'','Memorial Day!!!! Yay!
\r\n\\\'DPG\\\' is Dollars per Gigs, or Price/Gigs.
\r\nThe lower the DPG, the better the deal!
\r\nExample: $125/100GB = 1.25 DPG
\r\n Tiger Direct
\r\nTWAT theme in doublespeed! w00t w00t!
\r\nxcalibur1337 [at] gmail [dot] com
\r\n',31,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (120,'2006-05-31','Firefox Secrets',340,'',' A couple of quick tips of features built into mozilla firefox
\r\n\r\n Lord Drachenblut',24,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (121,'2006-07-02','Real Server',440,'','how to start the server
\r\n\\\"C:\\\\Program Files\\\\Real\\\\Helix Server\\\\Bin\\\\rmserver.exe\\\"
\\\"C:\\\\Program Files\\\\Real\\\\Helix Server\\\\rmserver.cfg\\\"
\r\nyou can also save everything you setup on producer in a rpjf file
\r\nexample rmserver.cfg
\r\nscreen shot of main configure options for producer
',36,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (122,'2006-07-04','Getting started with PHP on windows',975,'','Think you might be interested in learning PHP? Here is a\r\nquick show to help you get started. In this show I go over most\r\neverything you need to do or aquire in order to start programming PHP.\r\n\r\n',37,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (123,'2006-07-05','Python',1180,'','Learning with python though examples

\r\n\r\nMicrosoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
\r\n(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.
\r\nPython 2.4.3 (#69, Mar 29 2006, 17:35:34) [MSC v.1310 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
\r\nType \\\"help\\\", \\\"copyright\\\", \\\"credits\\\" or \\\"license\\\" for more information.
\r\n>>> print \\\"HELLO\\\" # Number signs will comment
\r\n>>> name = \\\"Cotton\\\"
\r\n# the variable \\\"name\\\" has been defined to the string \\\"Cotton\\\"
\r\n>>> def hello():
\r\n... print \\\"Hello there, %s\\\"%name
\r\n# hello() is now a function
\r\n>>> hello()
\r\nHello there, Cotton
\r\n# alittle more complicated
\r\n>>> def hello2(user): # we now made \\\"user\\\" and argument.
\r\n... print \\\"Hello there, %s\\\"% user
\r\n>>> hello2()
\r\n# U cannot call hello2(user) without an argument.
\r\nTraceback (most recent call last):
\r\n File \\\"\\\", line 1, in ?
\r\n\r\nTypeError: hello2() takes exactly 1 argument (0 given)
\r\n>>> hello2(\\\"infonomicon\\\")
\r\nHello there, infonomicon
\r\n>>> nicks = [\\\"John\\\",\\\"Billy\\\", \\\"Python\\\", \\\"Cotton\\\", \\\"twat\\\"] #nicks has been defined as a list
\r\n>>> nicks
\r\n[\\\'John\\\', \\\'Billy\\\', \\\'Python\\\', \\\'Cotton\\\', \\\'twat\\\']
\r\n>>> for i in nicks:
\r\n... hello2(i)
\r\nHello there, John
\r\nHello there, Billy
\r\nHello there, Python
\r\nHello there, Cotton
\r\nHello there, twat
\r\n# For more help, visit http://www.ibiblio.org/obp/thinkCSpy/ That site has helped me tremendously!
\r\n# Email me cbmailone[at]gmail[dot]com
\r\nGreat Python Tutorials:

\r\nhttp://diveintopython.org/toc/index.htmlBluecasing: War Nibbling, Bluetooth and Petty Theft\r\n',9,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (125,'2006-07-16','Authentication With Apache',421,'','No notes submitted.',8,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (126,'2006-07-18','Caring for thumbdrives',1300,'','Everyone loves thumbdrives or otherwise USB data storage\r\ndevices. The moral of this story is be responsible & employ\r\nencryption.\r\n\r\nTrue Crypt can be used to encrypt practically anything, anywhere.\r\nSteve Gibson from Security Now covers True Crypt in podcast Episode\r\n#41.\r\n\r\nLexar sells a thumb drive that comes ready with encryption. Lexar\\\'s\r\nJump Drive Secure.',37,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (127,'2006-07-23','Getting Started With Snort',189,'','Snort is included with SuSE but not Red Hat. If you need it (or you want to upgrade), download the source distribution from http://www.snort.org and unpack it:\r\n

\r\n$ tar xvpzf snort-*.tar.gz\r\n

\r\nThen compile it:\r\n

\r\n$ cd `ls -d snort-* | head -1`
\r\n$ ./configure
\r\n$ make\r\n

\r\nand install the binary and manpage as root:\r\n

\r\n# make install\r\n

\r\nNext, create a logging directory. It should not be publicly readable, since it will contain potentially sensitive data:\r\n

\r\n# mkdir -p -m go-rwx /var/log/snort\r\n

\r\nFinally, install the configuration files and rules database:\r\n

\r\n# mkdir -p /usr/local/share/rules
\r\n# cp etc/* rules/*.rules /usr/local/share/rules
',38,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (128,'2006-08-01','Retreating From Tech In Style',574,'','No notes submitted.',11,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (129,'2006-08-03','Building Packages for Arch Linux',1532,'','

Building Packages for Arch Linux


For more information on building Arch Packages, consult the Arch Build System How-to on the Arch Wiki.


The following is a sample PKGBUILD file for building MuSE. Note, the source file was on my system, so I did not specify a url for the source and have the package build system pull the source down from the server.

\r\npkgdesc=\\\"MuSE is an application for the mixing, encoding, and network streaming of sound: it can mix up to 6 encoded audio bitstreams (from files or network, mp3 or ogg) plus a souncard input signal, the resulting stream can be played locally on the sound card and/or encoded at different bitrates, recorded to harddisk and/or streamed to the net. When sent to a server, the resulting audio can be listened thru the net by a vast number of players available on different operating systems.\\\"
\r\ndepends=(\\\'lame\\\' \\\'libogg\\\' \\\'libvorbis\\\' \\\'ncurses\\\' \\\'gtk\\\' \\\'libsndfile\\\')
\r\nbuild() {
\r\n cd $startdir/src/$pkgname-$pkgver
\r\n ./configure --prefix=/usr
\r\n make || return 1
\r\n\r\n make DESTDIR=$startdir/pkg install
\r\n',7,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (130,'2006-08-06','UltraVNC',680,'','http://ultravnc.sf.net
\r\nhttp://www.rmccurdy.com/stuff/twat_SC_VNC.txt Example code bat file.
\r\n\r\nhttp://daymarerecords.com/music/AwwTistic Music I produced that is in the show
',36,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (131,'2006-08-07','Firefox Tips',415,'','

Go to about:config and right click and go to new --> boolean and set the preference name to config.trim_on_minimize and set the boolean value to true.\r\n


Now go to task manager -->process tab-->and look for firefox.exe and watch the memory usage drop when you minimize. I will have the show notes on my site, www.i-trash.org if you missed anything.

\r\n\r\n',40,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (132,'2006-08-08','Office 2003 Voice recognition review',566,'','
Office 2003 bug fixes\r\n
http://www.tau.ac.il/~itamarez/sr/mssr-2003.htm \r\n
voice recognition in Chinese \r\n
http://office.microsoft.com/en-gb/assistance/HA010347511033.aspx ',39,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (133,'2006-08-09','XPlite and 2000lite',449,'','Lite PC\r\n
\r\nhttp://www.litepc.com/xplite.html',41,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (134,'2006-08-10','Apple Widgets',521,'','Very simple dissection of an apple widget.\r\n

\r\nDownload droops\\\' example at\r\n
\r\ninfonomicon.org/widgets\r\n',1,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (135,'2006-08-13','How to Find a Job Online',504,'','No Show notes',36,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (136,'2006-08-14','Denial of Service',545,'','Wikipedia entry on Denial of Service
\r\nhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denial-of-service_attack \r\n

\r\nTcp Syn Floods
\r\nhttp://www.iss.net/security_center/advice/Exploits/TCP/SYN_flood/default.htm \r\n

\r\nLand Attack wikipedia
\r\n http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LAND ',9,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (137,'2006-08-15','Securing the Asterisk Manager',615,'','No shownotes yet, i\\\'ll have a screenshot guide ready by the weekend and edit the shownotes when it\\\'s up. It should be straightforward enough anyways though.',12,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (138,'2006-08-17','Soft Moding an Xbox',592,'','No show notes',24,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (139,'2006-08-22','Honeypots',412,'','Honeypots (part 1 of 2)\r\n
\r\nIn computer terminology, a honeypot is a trap set to detect, deflect or in some manner counteract attempts at unauthorized use of information systems. Generally it consists of a computer, data or a network site that appears to be part of a network but which is actually isolated and protected, and which seems to contain information or a resource that would be of value to attackers. A honeypot that masquerades as an open proxy is known as a sugarcane.
\r\n\r\n',38,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (140,'2006-08-23','Running 32 bit apps in 64 bit Linux',544,'','http://www.getautomatix.com \r\n
\r\nhttp://process-of-elimination.net/wiki/Ubuntu_32bit_CHROOT_for_AMD64 http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/356\r\n\r\n
\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n',11,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (141,'2006-08-24','RSI - Repetitive Stress Injury',719,'','RSI Help\r\n
\r\nWorkrave - Linux & Windows\r\n
\r\nAntiRSI - OS X App\r\n
',7,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (142,'2006-08-27','Writely',512,'','http://www.writely.com/\r\n
',12,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (143,'2006-08-28','CBBot',768,'','No Show notes',35,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (144,'2006-08-29','Nessus',355,'',' Example Nessus output \r\n
\r\nCGI Examples \r\n
\r\n http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nessus_(software)\r\n
\r\n http://www.nessus.org/ ',36,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (145,'2006-09-04','Audio engineering',331,'','No Show Notes',42,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (146,'2006-09-05','Micropower TV',937,'','http://freeradio.org/\r\n
\r\nhttp://fcc.gov/',43,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (147,'2006-09-06','VMware Player',799,'','
',44,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (148,'2006-09-07','In the Payphone Lounge',238,'','featuring Jason Scott and Strom Carlson. Music:\r\n\\\"Cut\\\" by Nika Japaridze \r\n
\r\nhttp://www.archive.org/details/rest026',13,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (149,'2006-09-10','Wireless Security',724,'','No Show Notes',35,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (150,'2006-09-12','Vpn\\\'s',693,'','
\r\nShow Notes \r\n
',19,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (151,'2006-09-13','Skiddie Baiting',477,'','
\r\nhttp://irongeek.com/i.php?page=security/skiddy-baiting ',9,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (152,'2006-09-14','Dynamic DNS',834,'','Show Notes',40,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (153,'2006-09-18','How to make your own xbox usb adpapter',268,'','No Show Notes',24,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (154,'2006-09-20','Sourcemage',316,'','
http://www.sourcemage.org/ \r\n
',41,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (155,'2006-09-21','Cross Site Scripting',357,'','
Link to full shownotes
\r\nCgisecurity.com: Cross Site Scripting questions and answers
\r\nCross-site scripting - Wikipedia entry
\r\nSecLists.org Security Mailing List Archives
\r\nTWAT ep. 33 - SQL Injection, by Livinded
\r\nXSS (Cross Site Scripting) Cheat Sheet
\r\nSecurity Now Episodes
\r\nNoScript Plugin for Firefox\r\n
',45,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (156,'2006-09-24','Safari Bookshelf',616,'','
\r\n http://safari.oreilly.com/ \r\n
',7,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (157,'2006-09-25','SnortSam',963,'','
\r\n http://www.rmccurdy.com/stuff/TWAT/snort/ \r\n
',36,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (158,'2006-09-26','NirCmd',365,'','

\r\nNirCmd info page:


\r\nNirCmd download link (zip format):


\r\nNirCmd help/command reference online:

',46,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (159,'2006-09-27','Cygwin and Bash scripting',1472,'','No Show Notes',81,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (160,'2006-09-28','RockBox Open Source Jukebox firmware',483,'','
ROCKBOX - OPEN SOURCE JUKEBOX FIRMWARE\r\nhttp://www.rockbox.org/ \r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nPresently works on\r\n    * Archos: Jukebox 5000, 6000, Studio, Recorder, FM Recorder, Recorder V2 and Ondio\r\n    * iriver: H100 and H300 series\r\n    * iriver: H10 series\r\n    * Apple: iPod 4th gen (grayscale and color), 5th gen (Video), Nano and Mini 1st/2nd gen\r\n    * iAudio: X5 (including X5V and X5L)\r\n    * Additional models are in development \r\n\r\nReach me  at ksmurf [at] gmail [dot] com if you have any questions or comments 
',21,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (161,'2006-10-01','Fedora Frog',690,'','
\r\nFedora Frog
\r\n http://easylinux.info/wiki/Fedora_frog
\r\nother handy guides to setting up Fedora Core 5
\r\n http://www.gagme.com/greg/linux/fc5-tips.php
',23,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (162,'2006-10-02','Basic Intro to Gimp',807,'','
\r\n http://gimp-savvy.com/BOOK/index.html \r\n
',47,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (163,'2006-10-03','Vpn part 2',456,'','
\r\n Show Notes \r\n
',19,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (164,'2006-10-04','Beginners guide to network Recon with Nm',401,'','Fyodor\\\'s chapter on \\\"How to Own a Continent\\\"
man nmap - Nmap man page
\r\nWikipedia, Subnetworking',45,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (165,'2006-10-05','Wake On Lan',339,'','Wikipedia Article',12,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (166,'2006-10-08','Eggdrop',222,'','

\r\n http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eggdrop \r\n
',38,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (167,'2006-10-09','Wireless Attacks for Dummies',641,'','No Show Notes',46,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (168,'2006-10-12','Newsgroup Reader',362,'','No Show Notes',36,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (169,'2006-10-15','GPS and Phreaknic',567,'','
\r\n Irongeek\\\'s GPS article \r\n
',9,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (170,'2006-10-17','Basics of Supercomputers',333,'','No Show Notes',48,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (171,'2006-10-18','Custom Firefox search bar extension',478,'','
\r\nInspired by http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Firefox_Tips_and_Tweaks
\r\nClosing Music Anxiety of Influence - Insomniac
http://www.anxietyofinfluence.ca/ \r\n',21,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (172,'2006-10-23','Torrent Flux',441,'','Get Torrent Flux at
\r\nget torrent flux b4rt
\r\nand a nice howto at
\r\n\r\nI start you on page 2 because this guide is how to make a vmware appliance of torrentflux.
\r\nIf you want a vmware appliance just go back to page one and start there.
\r\nIf you want to implent torrentflux-b4rt instead of torrentflux the steps should be the same but\r\na do warn to try at your own risk on either of these.\r\n',24,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (173,'2006-10-24','Bash History and Tab completion',891,'','

Bash History and Tab Completion


when you log in the first time bash reads:\r\n

  • /etc/profile
  • \r\n
  • .profile (if exists in home dir)
  • \r\n
  • .bash_profile (if exists in home dir)
  • \r\n
\r\n\r\nnon-login shells read:\r\n
  • .bashrc (if it exists)
  • \r\n


If you want to increase your history size put this in your .bash_profile:\r\n

export HISTSIZE=1000
\r\n\r\nYou may want to also put that in your .bashrc for subsequent shells from your\r\nlogin shell, because this value will not be set until you log out and back in again. You can also \r\nissue export HISTSIZE=1000 in the shell to increase this, but value will not be set for any other or\r\nsubsequent shells started from your session.\r\n

\r\n',7,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (174,'2006-10-30','Halloween Remix',218,'','
\r\nA little bit different of a show today basically just me fooling around in audacity playing with some mp3\\\'s hopefully you\\\'ll reconize most of the music
',39,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (175,'2006-11-01','Potato Cannon',724,'','
\r\n Potato Cannon Picture\r\n
',3,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (176,'2006-11-02','Network Filesystems',1039,'','
\r\nDisable Printing in Samba
\r\nman exports
\r\nman nfs
',12,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (177,'2006-11-06','Useful Utilities',627,'','
\r\n List of Utilities \r\n
',36,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (178,'2006-11-07','Model M Keyboard Lovefest',461,'','Model M (currently down)
\r\n\r\nModel M Keyboard on Wikipedia
\r\n\r\nCare and feeding of an IBM Model M keyboard
\r\n http://www.preater.com/modelm/
\r\n\r\n\r\nClicky Keyboards
\r\n http://www.clickykeyboards.com
\r\n\r\nDiagram for making your own USB Model M
\r\nModern Model Ms
\r\n http://pckeyboards.stores.yahoo.net/keyboards.html
\r\n',9,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (179,'2006-11-09','Introduction to e-Learning and SCORM',455,'','No Show Notes',46,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (180,'2006-11-12','Dynamics Processing',476,'','No Show Notes',42,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (181,'2006-11-13','Firefox 2.0 Tips and Tricks',1461,'','\r\n\r\n Show Notes ',40,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (182,'2006-11-15','OpenBSD',565,'','No Show Notes',19,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (183,'2006-11-19','Jokosher',667,'','

This episode was recorded and mixed to wav entirely with Jokosher. I then used lame to record the mp3, as I usually like to do. The last second of audio was cut off and try as I might, could not get it to export this last second, but you did not miss anything. Give jokosher a try and support the Jokosher Community. This has the the potential to be a killer audio app for the FOSS community.

',7,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (184,'2006-11-20','Bad Things',1370,'','
\r\n Show Notes \r\n
',35,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (185,'2006-11-29','Twat Radio',60,'','No need to listen to this one guys We will be taking the month of december off to get more backup episodes and more monthly hosts If anyone wants to help out as a monthly host or just sumbit an episode please email us at twat.admin -at- gmail /dot/ com. I want to thank all our hosts for there hard work and hope everyone has a good holiday season.\r\n
\r\n-Enigma ',39,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (186,'2007-01-01','SciTE snippets',642,'','A quick intro to SciTE snippets. Touch base on why you should use them, what they do, and how to install it. Any questions just ask my on IRC, I\\\'m always there. Freenode #infonomicon BinRev #binrev
\r\nSciTE Website\r\n
\r\nSciTE Website\r\n
\r\nMy ruby.lua
',49,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (187,'2007-01-02','Lockpicking',1140,'','\r\nBuy lockpicks & bumping tools: www.lockpicks.com

\r\n\r\nLocksport forums:
\r\nEZ Picking
\r\nLockpicking 101
\r\nLock Picker Network

\r\n\r\nLocksport clubs:
\r\nLockSport International
\r\nFraternal Order Of LockSport

\r\n\r\nOther resources:
\r\nBlackBag - Blog of Barry \\\"The Key\\\" of TOOOL
\r\n',3,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (188,'2007-01-03','Ruby',436,'','Ruby
\r\nWhy\\\'s Poignant Guide and other references
',12,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (189,'2007-01-08','Pizza, Wii, and OSX',1112,'','No Show notes',50,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (190,'2007-01-10','Twat Remix',431,'','No Show Notes',51,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (191,'2007-01-16','ipod linux',454,'','http://www.ipodlinux.org \r\n
\r\n LTools \r\n
',48,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (192,'2007-01-17','htaccess',642,'','http://www.gotroot.com/

\r\n http://www.kuznetsov.uklinux.net/robots-tutorial.php

\r\n http://rmccurdy.com/stuff/TWAT/htaccess

',36,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (193,'2007-01-18','Application Lock on Windows mobile smart phones',350,'','No Show Notes',41,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (194,'2007-01-21','Smoothwall',974,'','IDS = Intrusion Detection System
\r\n http://martybugs.net/smoothwall
\r\n http://www.smoothwall.org/
\r\n http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intrusion-detection_system
\r\n Iptables
\r\n A Little Howto + links to good mods
\r\nForum For Mods
\r\n List Of Mods On forum
\r\nContact Me
',40,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (195,'2007-01-23','Free Online Courses',481,'','Free (Yes, it is free!) Java Programming (with Passion!)Online Course
\r\n http://www.javapassion.com/javaintro/
\r\nReach me at ksmurf99 {at} gmail {dot} com with any questions or any other good courses
\r\n',21,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (196,'2007-01-24','Raid Arrays',501,'',' Wiki on Raid Arrays \r\n
\r\nReach me at twat.admin {at} gmail {dot} com with any questions or comments \r\n
Correction: \r\nRAID 0: Striped Set \r\nRAID 1: Mirrored Set \r\n
\r\nI switched the two in my recording my mistake thanks to pat and Lord Drachenblut for catching it
\r\nThe recording has been corrected \r\n
',39,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (197,'2007-01-25','LDAP',410,'','No show Notes',52,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (198,'2007-01-29','GIS and Remote Sensing',1159,'',' http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geographic_information_system
\r\n http://grass.itc.it/download/index.php
\r\n \r\nhttp://www.geobase.ca/
\r\n\r\n',18,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (199,'2007-01-30','Slast',402,'',' www.slast.org \r\n
',1,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (200,'2007-01-31','200th Episode Special',242,'','This one was done for the twat cd at the last Notacon and hasn\\\'t been release other than on the cd I figured it would be a good special episode for our 200th --Enjoy\r\n
\r\nthanks to all of our hosts for their hard work \r\n
\r\n-Enigma',22,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (201,'2007-02-01','Project management and collaboration via Wiki',546,'','MediaWiki

',3,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (202,'2007-02-04','Wacom Tablets',461,'',' Linux Wacom Tablet Project
\r\nHelpful xorg.conf example',12,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (203,'2007-02-06','Performace Monitoring with SysStat',696,'','SYSSTAT package for Linux
\r\nSystem performance tuning and performance history tracking is a necessity for Unix hosts that support growing projects and ever demanding users. RRDTool is another package that lets you graphically view this information. Today dosman discusses how to use both packages.

\r\nNovell\\\'s Linux Monitoring Tool Package
',3,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (204,'2007-02-07','French for Geeks: How to pick up chicks',1328,'','Seal and the Montreal 2600\r\n
',18,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (205,'2007-02-08','Grid Computing',382,'','No Show Notes\r\n\r\n
\r\n',48,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (206,'2007-02-12','Esperanto',300,'','No Show Notes',53,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (207,'2007-02-13','You are being watched',557,'','No Show Notes\r\n
',36,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (208,'2007-02-15','AJAX',627,'','No Show Notes\r\n
',41,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (209,'2007-02-22','Etherboot',1383,'','No Show Notes',54,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (210,'2007-02-25','RFA Remix #1 - Hacker Manifesto',344,'','This clip orginally is from Radio freek america 40 which aired on 12/04/02\r\n\r\n
',55,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (211,'2007-03-04','New Projects',514,'',' www.hackerevents.org \r\n
\r\n www.eth0enigma.com \r\n
\r\n Tampa Binrev meeting \r\n
\r\n www.insecuretech.com \r\n
\r\n www.wirelink.org \r\n
\r\n\r\n',39,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (212,'2007-03-05','SNMP',641,'','No Show Notes\r\n
',56,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (213,'2007-03-06','Natural Language Selection and AI',321,'','No Show Notes\r\n
',57,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (214,'2007-03-07','VMWare clustering',514,'','No Show Notes',48,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (215,'2007-03-08','Free Dos',402,'','No Show Notes',42,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (216,'2007-03-12','Amazon Simple Storage Services',1024,'','

\r\nSong: Vienna Sausage by Junkbox \r\n',7,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (217,'2007-03-13','Nikto',383,'','No Show Notes',36,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (218,'2007-03-14','SIDs',674,'','',52,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (219,'2007-03-19','Skype Wardialing',1242,'','No Show Notes\r\n
\r\n',58,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (220,'2007-03-20','GIS and iSCSI',1255,'','This is just a rundown of both iSCSI and GFS technologies.\r\nThe relative merits of each are compared against other similar\r\npurpose technologies.

',54,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (221,'2007-03-25','Binrev Remix #1 - Hackermedia',1437,'','this episode is a clip from episode 160 of binary Revolution Radio',1,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (222,'2007-03-26','Apple breaking thru',308,'','apples corporate anthem 1980\\\'s style\r\n
',39,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (223,'2007-03-27','Maxivista',831,'','No show notes\r\n
',58,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (224,'2007-03-28','RFA Remix #2 Free Thinking ',659,'','original clip from Radio Freak America #54\r\n
',55,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (225,'2007-03-29','Free Router! (till the 31st)',703,'',' show notes

',40,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (226,'2007-04-03','Metasploit 3',740,'','Metasploit Project
\r\nNot much to write up, just take a listen.
\r\nNote: Some of the information is a few weeks out of date, metasploit 3 has been released now and I\'m assuming that the web interface does work correctly.',12,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (227,'2007-04-04','Helix',657,'','\r\n helix \r\n
\r\n autopsy \r\n
',39,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (228,'2007-04-05','Vmware lab',437,'','No Show Notes\r\n
\r\n',58,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (229,'2007-04-08','NetSnmp',193,'','No Show Notes\r\n
',48,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (230,'2007-04-09','Notacon Radio',450,'',' Notaconradio.org \r\n
',42,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (231,'2007-04-10','Hosting a Lan Party',1364,'','No Show notes\r\n
',56,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (232,'2007-04-12','portable apps',575,'',' http://feeds.rmccurdy.com
\r\n http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Friday_the_13th
\r\n http://portableapps.com
\r\n http://cse.msstate.edu/%7Erwm8/hackingU3/
\r\n http://rmccurdy.com/scripts/ftp.txt
\r\n http://rmccurdy.com/scripts/firefox.txt
\r\nLady Sovereign_Public Warning\\\\06-my_england_192_lame_cbr.mp3
\r\nJoanna_Newsom Peach, Plum, Pear
',36,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (233,'2007-04-16','Gigavox Levelator',625,'','Levelator Download

\r\n',7,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (234,'2007-04-17','gtkdialog',550,'','droops talks about gtkdialog, an easy way of adding a gui to your bash scripts and beyond.\r\n

\r\ngtkdialog homepage\r\n

\r\ngtk example screenshots\r\n

\r\ndroops\\\' network manager for twat\r\n

',1,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (235,'2007-05-07','BBS ',2201,'','a good interview about the history of BBS\\\'s ',59,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (236,'2007-05-08','Notacon wrapup',1349,'','Notacon
\r\nBlockParty Wrapup
\r\nIrongeek\\\'s video from Notacon 4
\r\nNotacon bathroom cam
\r\n Hackers on a Plane
',3,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (237,'2007-05-10','Picture Frames',967,'','No Show notes\r\n
\r\n',58,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (238,'2007-05-11','The Computer Code hoedown',227,'','original audio by Shane Killian can be found at
\r\n audio.textfiles.com \r\n
',39,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (239,'2007-05-14','Myth TV',979,'','http://www.mythtv.org/ \r\n
\r\n KnoppMyth wiki ',36,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (240,'2007-05-15','PWF',1659,'',' www.oldskoolphreak.com
\r\n www.bellcoreradio.net
\r\n www.walmart.com
',60,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (241,'2007-05-17','Text Editors of Choice',624,'','\r\n\r\nJedit',7,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (242,'2007-05-21','Powering Up Windows',853,'','This is just a rundown of what can be done to turn a standard Windows installation into a more powerful OS.
\r\n Windows Powershell info and download
\r\n VBScript to Powershell conversion reference
\r\n Sysinternals utilities info and download
\r\nGNU tool sets
\r\n\r\n \r\n',54,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (243,'2007-05-22','Genetic Algorithms',611,'','

The applications of genetic algorithms include:\r\n\r\nArtificial Creativity \r\nAutomated design\r\nCode-breaking\r\nDesign of water distribution systems\r\nElectronic circuit design\r\nFile allocation for a distributed system. \r\nGame Theory Equilibrium Resolution. \r\nLearning Robot behavior\r\nMolecular Structure Optimization\r\nProtein folding \r\nTimetabling problems\r\nTraining artificial neural networks\r\nand the Traveling Salesman Problem. \r\n

\r\n',61,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (244,'2007-05-24','Video Compression',507,'','No show Notes
',58,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (245,'2007-05-28','Descrambled ',522,'','Joe Wecker of Don\\\'t Eat Pete sings the algorithm of DVDdescramble.c. Removed from mp3.com for its allegedly \\\"offensive lyrics\\\".
original audio at audio.textfiles.com
',39,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (246,'2007-05-30','daap',291,'',' Media Streaming with I-Tunes, Ubuntu and mt-daapd
',19,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (247,'2007-05-31','Binrev Remix #2 Deadly Halon!',885,'','original audio from Binrev Radio Episode 11 ',55,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (248,'2007-06-01','H.264 Standard',432,'','\r\nWikipedia - H.264 Standard
\r\n',58,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (249,'2007-06-07','So You Got Your Lame Ass Sued',3743,'','original audio from Defcon 9 presentation\r\n
',13,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (250,'2007-06-08','PanoTools',502,'','www.kekus.com
\r\n http://hugin.sourceforge.net
\r\n http://panotools.info
\r\n http://panotools.org
\r\n\r\n',48,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (251,'2007-06-11','Projectors',761,'','GRL Laser Tag
\r\nDIY Projector screens
',3,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (252,'2007-06-13','Network Access Control',1006,'','No Show Notes
',62,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (253,'2007-06-14','Diversions',659,'','3 Diversions:
\r\nKnetwalk - no url, sorry - check your distro repository
\r\nBriquolo - http://briquolo.free.fr
\r\ndeskbar applet - http://raphael.slinckx.net/deskbar
\r\nhave fun.
',7,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (254,'2007-06-15','stimulants',515,'','No Show Notes
',63,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (255,'2007-06-18','Wireless Fun: Macbook Pro',583,'','

Wireless Fun on a Macbook Pro - Part One


iStumbler website


kismac website


getting kismac to work on Macbook Pro


Get you sum Wireshark

',16,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (256,'2007-06-19','alkix live cd ',775,'',' Alkix Live Cd

',64,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (257,'2007-06-20','plsql',4169,'','No Show Notes
',55,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (258,'2007-06-27','mindmanager',309,'','\r\nMindjet Home Page\r\n\r\n
\r\n\r\n\r\nCtrl+Shit+Alt+T brings 5 day trial into 21 day mode.
',58,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (259,'2007-06-27','How to make a Twat Ep',1744,'','No show notes
',60,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (260,'2007-07-02','Pidgeon Cam',845,'','No Show notes
',3,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (261,'2007-07-09','NAS',1300,'','No show notes
',55,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (262,'2007-07-11','zoneminder',336,'','No show notes
\r\n\r\n\r\n',58,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (263,'2007-07-13','wubi installer and network extraction',662,'',' http://wubi-installer.org/
\r\n room362.com ',62,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (264,'2007-07-16','This old hack',1488,'','Part 1
',66,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (265,'2007-07-17','nokia 770',312,'',' nokiausa.com/770
\r\n maemo.org \r\n
',48,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (266,'2007-07-19','Package Management on OSX',640,'','

\r\nMacPorts Official Site
\r\nMacPorts Installation Instructions
\r\nFink Project Official Site\r\n

',16,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (267,'2007-07-27','trixbox',433,'',' trixbox.org \r\n
',58,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (268,'2007-07-30','ManHole Funk',204,'','No Show Notes
',65,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (269,'2007-08-02','Windows Tricks',523,'','No Show notes
',67,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (270,'2007-08-08','sql injection',621,'','\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n \r\n\r\n\r\n SQL Power Injector
\r\n Absinthe
\r\n\r\n twat episode mod_security
\r\n\r\n',36,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (271,'2007-08-09','Avoid Cpu Billing',834,'',' http://www.cs.huji.ac.il/~dants/papers/Cheat07Security.pdf

',58,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (272,'2007-08-16','NAMBLA',482,'',' Nambla \r\n
',60,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (273,'2007-08-22','ChatBots',512,'','Play with
\r\n http://www-ai.ijs.si/eliza-cgi-bin/eliza_script
\r\n http://www.alicebot.org/
\r\n http://www.sitechatters.com/
\r\n http://library.thinkquest.org/19314/langprog.htm
\r\n http://www.alicebot.org/superbot.html
\r\n http://cogsci.ucsd.edu/%7Ebatali/108b/lectures/natlang.txt
\r\n http://www.toddhester.net/chatbot.html
\r\n',57,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (274,'2007-08-23','Botanicalls',645,'',' botanicalls.com
',25,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (275,'2007-08-29','Wireless Fun Part 2',553,'','

\r\nMacPorts Official Site
\r\nMacPorts Installation Instructions
\r\nFink Project Official Site\r\n

',16,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (276,'2007-08-30','The Age old Question',1230,'','orginal audio Binrev Radio 16\r\n
',55,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (277,'2007-08-31','this old hack part 2',3633,'','part 2 of 3 \r\n
',66,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (278,'2007-09-04','Cmake',933,'',' www.cmake.org \r\n
',69,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (279,'2007-09-06','Curl',416,'','No show notes\r\n
',36,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (280,'2007-09-07','Storage Space',955,'','No Show Notes\r\n
',58,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (281,'2007-09-10','Smart Phones',2451,'','\r\nEgress (mobile RSS atom podcatcher)
\r\n\r\n http://www.garishkernels.net/software.html
\r\n\r\nTCPMP - The Core Pocket Media Player
\r\n\r\nif it\\\'s media, this plays it!
\r\n\r\n http://picard.exceed.hu/tcpmp
\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nStream YouTube, Google Video & Others w/TCPMP
\r\n\r\n http://tinyurl.com/2u7xlz
\r\n\r\n http://tinyurl.com/2oxpgb
\r\n\r\nOpera (mobile web browser)
\r\n\r\n http://www.opera.com/products/mobile/products/wimmobileppc
\r\n\r\nPocket IRC (mobile IRC!!)
\r\n\r\n http://pocketirc.com
\r\n\r\nAgile Messenger (MSN, AIM, ICQ, YAHOO, GOOGLE TALK, JABBER)
\r\n\r\n http://agilemobile.com
\r\n\r\nOctro Talk (Google Talk, Jabber)
\r\n\r\n http://octro.com \r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n
\r\n\r\nMini Stumbler (wifi scanner)
\r\n\r\nWifi Fofum (wifi scanner)
\r\n\r\n http://www.acpecto-software.com/rw/applications/wififofum
\r\n\r\nPDAnet (PDA to laptop modem)
\r\n\r\n http://junefabrics.com/pdanet
\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nMicrosoft Live Search (mobile maps, locator, directions, etc)
\r\n\r\n http://www.microsoft.com/windowsmobile/livesearch/default.mspx
\r\n\r\n',25,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (282,'2007-09-12','Ptunnel',522,'','http://www.cs.uit.no/~daniels/PingTunnel/',12,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (283,'2007-09-13','Grand Central',1265,'','No show notes\r\n
',60,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (284,'2007-09-18','streaming mp3 files',400,'','No Show Notes\r\n
',48,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (285,'2007-09-28','Make the switch',31,'','No show notes\r\n
\r\n',13,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (286,'2007-11-05','Managing Time',1709,'','No show notes

',23,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (287,'2007-11-07','Clonezilla and Friends',738,'','No Show Notes

',36,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (288,'2007-11-16','This week in twat',528,'','
\r\n- Some new RFID Tech\r\n- Hard Drives sold with trojan horses installed\r\n- McGrew Security checks out crackmails.net\r\n
',42,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (289,'2007-11-19','shmoocon meetup',270,'','
\r\nNo show notes\r\n
',62,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (290,'2007-11-21','Google 411',692,'','No show notes\r\n
\r\n',84,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (291,'2007-11-26','Ruby on Rails Primer',614,'','Archive: twat-ep291.tar.gz
\r\n	- Screenshots\r\n	- Rails example\r\n	- Rails resources\r\n
',64,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (292,'2007-11-29','From the Way back Machine',4400,'','orginal audio Defcon 7\r\n
\r\n',13,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (293,'2007-12-16','Telephonic Craptacular',640,'','No show notes\r\n
',55,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (294,'2007-12-20','MC Frontalot mix',432,'','no show notes\r\n
',68,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (295,'2007-12-21','Mirror Neurons',178,'',' http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mirror_neurons
\r\n http://www.edge.org/discourse/mirror_neurons.html
\r\n\r\n http://www.interdisciplines.org/mirror/papers/1 \r\n
\r\n\r\n',57,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (296,'2007-12-25','nagios',748,'',' \r\nhttp://www.meulie.net/portal_plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?9513.last
\r\n( http auth dont use check_http !)
\r\n http://www.nagios.org/faqs/viewfaq.php?faq_id=162 ( debug )
\r\n http://www.nagios.org/faqs/viewfaq.php?faq_id=324 ( POST )
\r\n\r\nnagios mailing list
\r\n\r\nhttp://www.nagios.org/faqs/viewfaq.php?faq_id=157 \r\n
\r\n\r\nhttp://del.icio.us/operat0r/nagios \r\n
\r\n\r\n\r\nNTLM FIX !!! ( for webinject )
\r\n\r\nforum post
\r\n another forum post
\r\n\r\nThe Crystal Method Comin Back
\r\nState Of Bengal\\\\Visual Audio\\\\07-Hunters.mp3
',36,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (297,'2007-12-26','Ever Onward IBM',160,'','IBM theme orginal audio from textfiles.com\r\n
',39,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (298,'2007-12-27','Trashing with adam',768,'','No show notes\r\n
',66,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (299,'2007-12-31','Iphone Madness',2785,'','some old audio I dug up
\r\nhosts include:
\r\nDrake Anubis
\r\n',39,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (300,'2007-12-31','End Transmisson',258,'','check out hackerpublicradio.org \r\n
',39,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1), (69,'0000-00-00','Phone Calls',0,'','More info on the Boston Phone System',0,0,1,'CC-BY-NC-SA','',0,0,1); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `twat_eps` ENABLE KEYS */; UNLOCK TABLES; /*!40103 SET TIME_ZONE=@OLD_TIME_ZONE */; /*!40101 SET SQL_MODE=@OLD_SQL_MODE */; /*!40014 SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=@OLD_FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS */; /*!40014 SET UNIQUE_CHECKS=@OLD_UNIQUE_CHECKS */; /*!40111 SET SQL_NOTES=@OLD_SQL_NOTES */; -- Dump completed on 2023-11-15 15:52:39