<?php # request.php > request_confirm.php > upload.php > upload_confirm.php require "/home/hpr/php/include.php"; function goback() { header( "Location: " . $_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"] ) ; exit; } logextra( "Starting upload_confirm.php"); $query = "SELECT COUNT(*) as total FROM `reservations` WHERE ep_num = 0"; $result = mysqli_query($connection, "$query"); $row = mysqli_fetch_array($result, MYSQLI_NUM); $total = $row[0]; logextra( "Got reservations" ); if ($total > 150 ) { # This seems to indicate that we are under an attack as we never get 5 shows in the one day from different hosts. # A host doing bulk upload will need to do them one by one naughty("88fe2bc11a90f9f9ab9bdcc8a82d7401"); } logextra( "No bulk upload" ); // // // print '<pre>'; // // // var_dump( $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] ); // // // print '</pre>'; if ( $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] !== 'POST' ) { naughty("29e9019c9615f755aec834000892ee9e"); } logextra( "It is a POST" ); if ( empty($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]) ) { naughty("abb147a251e8db132dafa93d98f8487f"); } else { $ip = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; } logextra( "We have a IP of $ip" ); if (count($_POST) !== 15) { logextra( "" ); if (count($_POST) !== 17) { # 19 is for mosaic # if this reports 0 is could be that the max upload is not set correctly in php.ini. naughty("7a994999b40e3dc2e3eecfdc36a78d23 ".count($_POST) ); } } logextra( "Correct number of POST entries" ); if ( isset( $_POST['key'] ) and strlen( $_POST['key'] ) === 45 and strlen( htmlspecialchars( stripslashes( strip_tags( $_POST['key'] ) ) ) ) === 45 and ctype_xdigit( $_POST['key'] ) ) { $db_key = htmlspecialchars( stripslashes( strip_tags( $_POST['key'] ) ) ); } else { naughty("2fb4c4e05f0e8f37a5b47565cfb863f5"); } logextra( "Field lengths are correct" ); $query = "SELECT * FROM reservations WHERE reservations.ip = '$ip' AND reservations.key = '$db_key' "; $result = mysqli_query($connection, $query); $db = mysqli_fetch_array($result, MYSQLI_ASSOC); logextra( "Getting this reservation from the db" ); if ( empty($db["ip"]) or $db["key"] != $db_key ) { naughty("3162941738512bfdb1d21f288ee7cdb4"); } else { $db_ip = $db['ip']; $db_email = unformatemail($db['email']); $db_timestamp = $db['timestamp']; $ep_num = $db['ep_num']; $ep_date = $db['ep_date']; } logextra( "Found this reservation from the db" ); if ( empty($db_email) ) { naughty("457bf84c726d1cbbd381933e3a08b2ac"); } logextra( "Got an email $db_email" ); if ( strtotime($db['timestamp']) >= $_SERVER["REQUEST_TIME"] ) { naughty("00ad965f523b5c2ade071eb20d3618b5"); } logextra( "Timestamp is not to old" ); if ( strtotime($db['timestamp']) >= ( $_SERVER["REQUEST_TIME"] ) + 1800 ) { naughty("7570026fd11fc31ac0cada3e1dae4d0b"); } logextra( "Timestamp is not to young" ); if ( empty($_POST["title"]) or strlen($_POST["title"]) > 100 ) { naughty("32831f22fb96d02ce819127d558d28a2"); } logextra( "Title length is OK" ); if ( empty($_POST["summary"]) or strlen( $_POST["summary"]) > 200 or strlen(str_replace('\\', '', $_POST["summary"])) > 100 ) { naughty("ecfcc4c12bf4319d412d66fd2e239249"); } logextra( "Summary length is OK" ); if ( empty($_POST["shownotes_format"]) ) { naughty("a8345484b7a4ebad5af54937a3b2e26b"); } logextra( "Shownotes are not missing" ); if ( !( strcmp($_POST["shownotes_format"], "plain_text") === 0 or strcmp($_POST["shownotes_format"], "html5") === 0 or strcmp($_POST["shownotes_format"], "Markdown_GitHub") === 0 or strcmp($_POST["shownotes_format"], "Markdown_Pandoc") === 0 or strcmp($_POST["shownotes_format"], "restructured_text") === 0 or strcmp($_POST["shownotes_format"], "txt2tags") === 0 ) ) { naughty("b5609bad7edd70d76d75652fb0592ec4 " . $_POST["shownotes_format"] . " " . strcmp($_POST["shownotes_format"], ".")); } logextra( "shownotes_format is set OK" ); if ( empty($_POST["explicit"]) ) { naughty("39cc8812b02607d613c6a7ba7e789f2c"); } logextra( "explicit exists" ); if ( strcmp($_POST["explicit"], "Yes") !== 0 ) { logextra( "" ); if ( strcmp($_POST["explicit"], "Clean") !== 0 ) { naughty("198ab3b8af59ffba12c335239bde2876"); } } logextra( "explicit is either Yes or Clean" ); if ( empty($_POST["license"]) or strlen($_POST["license"]) < 4 or strlen($_POST["license"]) > 11 ) { naughty("194c24ff7396901c0ccc42fb21344683"); } logextra( "license length is fine" ); if ( !( strcmp($_POST["license"], "CC-BY-SA") === 0 or strcmp($_POST["license"], "CC-BY-NC-SA") === 0 or strcmp($_POST["license"], "CC-BY-NC-ND") === 0 or strcmp($_POST["license"], "CC-0") === 0 or strcmp($_POST["license"], "CC-BY-NC") === 0 or strcmp($_POST["license"], "CC-BY") === 0 or strcmp($_POST["license"], "Other") === 0 ) ) { naughty("f5609bad7edd70d76d75652fb0592ec4"); } logextra( "license is a valid value" ); if ( empty($_POST["notes"]) or strlen($_POST["notes"]) > 40000 ) { naughty("5860799406a323209b902d5104fe7bae"); } logextra( "Notes are less than max" ); if ( ( empty($_POST["series"]) and ($_POST["series"] != 0 ) ) or (strlen($_POST["series"]) > 3 ) ) { naughty("f1c83b57821d562f66246d975ef28994"); } $series = $_POST["series"]; $result_series = mysqli_query($connection, "SELECT name FROM miniseries WHERE id='$series'"); logextra( "Series id is in the correct range" ); if (!isset($result_series)) { naughty("27457bada69cbc352af762bdf649e905"); } $data=mysqli_fetch_assoc($result_series); $series_name = $data['name']; logextra( "Series has been found" ); if ( !empty($_POST["tags"]) and strlen($_POST["tags"]) > 100 ) { naughty("49a69b565acecf9d2a96aacc73aec5aa"); } logextra( "Tags are the correct length" ); if ( empty($_POST["host_name"]) or strlen($_POST["host_name"]) > 40 ) { naughty("626eae845e0a448be0544775ab5e4dc4"); } logextra( "host_name is set and correct length" ); if ( strlen($_POST["host_profile"]) > 2000 ) { naughty("f69ec5999e0a02def5a110489401347f"); } logextra( "host_profile is correct length" ); if ( empty($_POST["host_license"]) or strlen($_POST["host_license"]) < 4 or strlen($_POST["host_license"]) > 11 ) { naughty("f2816b32e97be090a96ceabdc9230c9c"); } logextra( "host_license is in the correct range" ); if ( !( strcmp($_POST["host_license"], "CC-BY-SA") === 0 or strcmp($_POST["host_license"], "CC-BY-NC-SA") === 0 or strcmp($_POST["host_license"], "CC-BY-NC-ND") === 0 or strcmp($_POST["host_license"], "CC-0") === 0 or strcmp($_POST["host_license"], "CC-BY-NC") === 0 or strcmp($_POST["host_license"], "CC-BY") === 0 or strcmp($_POST["host_license"], "Other") === 0 ) ) { naughty("978a18fa8558f3180897429e63d6ae55"); } logextra( "host_license is a predfined value" ); if ( empty($_POST["hostid"]) and $_POST["hostid"] != 0 ) { naughty("277dc98d43e7840d9f296cce1bc3ec2c"); } logextra( "hostid exists and is not 0" ); $result = mysqli_query($connection, 'SELECT MAX(hostid) as max FROM hosts;'); if (!isset($result)) { naughty("93fcc22d0c5ee3fac35e6d658db76059"); } $data=mysqli_fetch_assoc($result); $maxhost = $data['max']; logextra( "retrieved the max host from db" ); $hostid = $_POST["hostid"]; logextra( "" ); if ( (strval(intval($hostid)) != strval($hostid)) or ( intval($hostid) < 0 ) or ( intval($hostid) > $maxhost ) ){ naughty("a0f6cae871b85cb66f85d7ed5e91d1bb"); } logextra( "host id is int, and in the correct range" ); if ( !empty($_POST["url"]) and strlen($_POST["url"]) > 1024 ) { naughty("6d4f180c49ff9b9154bd80070ec2c1f3"); } logextra( "The url is set and the correct length" ); if ( !empty($_POST["url"]) ) { if ( filter_var($_POST["url"], FILTER_VALIDATE_URL) === false ) { naughty("9c307efe37146015a35e2d928c2c0f69"); } else { $url = htmlspecialchars(filter_var($_POST["url"], FILTER_VALIDATE_URL)); } } logextra( "The url has not been altered" ); $dir_structure = "/home/hpr/upload/" . strtotime($db_timestamp) . "_${ep_num}_${ep_date}_${db_key}/"; if ( file_exists( $dir_structure ) ) { naughty("d4250c369bd81b27cdc53d0d53321ecd"); } logextra( "The upload dir seems fine $dir_structure" ); if (!mkdir($dir_structure, 0777, true)) { naughty("804c4be123ca0327840b76bf4f8eb19e"); } $shownote_file = "${dir_structure}/shownotes.txt"; if ( file_exists( $shownote_file ) ) { naughty("33370d1c5c19a6ca4ef3f3ce59158e57"); } logextra( "The shownotes txt file exists $shownote_file" ); $shownote_file_json = "${dir_structure}/shownotes.json"; if ( file_exists( $shownote_file_json ) ) { naughty("a9564ebc3289b7a14551baf8ad5ec60a"); } logextra( "The shownotes json file exists $shownote_file_json" ); $this_post = print_r($_POST, true); $this_file = print_r($_FILES, true); logextra( "Received $this_post, $this_file" ); $show_data = "------------------------------------------------------------"; $show_data = $show_data . "\nEpisode_Number:\t" . $ep_num; $show_data = $show_data . "\nEpisode_Date:\t" . $ep_date; $show_data = $show_data . "\nTimestamp:\t" . $db_timestamp; $show_data = $show_data . "\nKey:\t" . $_POST['key']; $show_data = $show_data . "\nHost_IP:\t" . $db_ip; $show_data = $show_data . "\n------------------------------------------------------------"; $show_data = $show_data . "\nHost_ID:\t" . $_POST['hostid']; $show_data = $show_data . "\nHost_Name:\t" . $_POST['host_name']; $show_data = $show_data . "\nHost_Email:\t" . $db_email; $show_data = $show_data . "\nHost_License:\t" . $_POST['host_license']; $show_data = $show_data . "\nHost_Profile:\n" . $_POST['host_profile']; $show_data = $show_data . "\n------------------------------------------------------------"; $show_data = $show_data . "\nTitle:\t" . $_POST['title']; $show_data = $show_data . "\nSummary:\t" . $_POST['summary']; $show_data = $show_data . "\nShownotes_Format:\t" . $_POST['shownotes_format']; $show_data = $show_data . "\nExplicit:\t" . $_POST['explicit']; $show_data = $show_data . "\nShow_License:\t" . $_POST['license']; $show_data = $show_data . "\nSeries:\t" . $series; $show_data = $show_data . "\nSeries_Name:\t" . $series_name; $show_data = $show_data . "\nTags:\t" . $_POST['tags']; $show_data = $show_data . "\nurl:\t" . $_POST['url']; $show_data = $show_data . "\n------------------------------------------------------------"; $show_data = $show_data . "\nShow_Notes:\n" . $_POST['notes']; $show_data = $show_data . "\n------------------------------------------------------------"; $show_data = $show_data . "\nPOST:\n" . $this_post; $show_data = $show_data . "\n------------------------------------------------------------"; $show_data = $show_data . "\nFILES:\n" . $this_file; $show_data = $show_data . "\n------------------------------------------------------------\n"; file_put_contents($shownote_file, stripslashes($show_data) ); logextra( "Wrote the $shownote_file" ); $show_data_json = array( "host" => array( "Host_ID" => $_POST['hostid'], "Host_Name" => $_POST['host_name'], "Host_Email" => $db_email, "Host_License" => $_POST['host_license'], "Host_Profile" => $_POST['host_profile'] ), "episode" => array( "Title" => $_POST['title'], "Summary" => $_POST['summary'], "Explicit" => $_POST['explicit'], "Show_License" => $_POST['license'], "Series" => $series, "Series_Name" => $series_name, "Tags" => $_POST['tags'], "Show_Notes" => $_POST['notes'] ), "metadata" => array( "Episode_Number" => $ep_num, "Episode_Date" => $ep_date, "Timestamp" => $db_timestamp, "Key" => $_POST['key'], "Host_IP" => $db_ip, "POST" => $_POST, "FILES" => $_FILES, "url" => $_POST['url'], "Shownotes_Format" => $_POST['shownotes_format'], ) ); file_put_contents($shownote_file_json, json_encode($show_data_json) ); logextra( "Wrote the $shownote_file_json" ); if ( !file_exists( $dir_structure ) ) { naughty("a1534e6d525352dce7183a2e22862049"); } logextra( "The dir_structure still exists" ); if ( !file_exists( "$dir_structure/shownotes.txt" ) ) { naughty("ab8051b531c120b8bffd2a5b25a19cc3"); } logextra( "shownotes.txt still exists" ); if ( !file_exists( "$dir_structure/shownotes.json" ) ) { naughty("a9564ebc3289b7a14551baf8ad5ec60a"); } logextra( "shownotes.json still exists" ); $message=""; if ( !empty($_FILES["host_photo"]["tmp_name"]) and !empty($_FILES["host_photo"]["type"]) and $_FILES["host_photo"]["error"] == 0 ) { list($type_main, $type_sub)= explode("/", $_FILES["host_photo"]["type"]); if ( empty($type_sub) or strlen($type_sub) > 4 ) { naughty("c1381f1d2492f81074d8cb70c85f5fc8"); } else { $temp_photo = $_FILES["host_photo"]["tmp_name"]; $host_photo = "${dir_structure}/photo"; move_uploaded_file($temp_photo, $host_photo); $message = $message . "A photo was delivered. "; } logextra( "A photo was delivered" ); } else { $message = $message . "No photo delivered. "; } logextra( "No photo delivered" ); // Deal with uploaded files. $files = count($_FILES["media_files"]["error"]); if ( $files > 1 ) { $message = $message . $files . " files were delivered."; logextra( $files . " files were delivered." ); } else if ( $files == 1 and $_FILES["media_files"]["error"][ "0"] == 0 ) { $message = $message . "One file was delivered."; logextra( "One file was delivered." ); } else { if ( empty($_POST["url"]) ) { $message = $message . " You have chosen to upload the files separately from these show notes. If you wish to send a show using another method then please discuss it with the HPR Volunteer at admin@hackerpublicradio.org "; logextra( "uploading the files separately" ); } } foreach($_FILES["media_files"]["tmp_name"] as $key => $val) { if ( $_FILES["media_files"]["error"][ "$key"] == 0 ) { $from = $_FILES["media_files"]["tmp_name"][ "$key"]; $to = "${dir_structure}/" . $_FILES["media_files"]["name"][ "$key"] ; $moveResult = move_uploaded_file($from, $to); if ($moveResult != true) { echo "ERROR: File not moved correctly >$from< >$to<"; logextra( "ERROR: File not moved correctly >$from< >$to<" ); } else { logextra( "File moved correctly >$from< >$to<" ); } } } logextra( "All Files moved" ); ######################################################## // OK You convinced me. if ( $ep_num == 9999 ) { $show_submitted = "RESERVE_SHOW_SUBMITTED"; } else { $show_submitted = "SHOW_SUBMITTED"; } $query = "UPDATE reservations SET `verified` = '1', `status` = '$show_submitted' WHERE `ip` = '$db_ip' AND `timestamp` = '$db_timestamp' AND `key` = '$db_key'"; $result = mysqli_query($connection, $query ); if (mysqli_errno($connection)) { $error = "MySQL error ".mysqli_errno($connection).": ".mysqli_error($connection)."\n"; problem("Could not update the show reservation to $status in the db"); mysqli_free_result($result); mysqli_close($connection); logextra( "$query"); die; } logextra( "Updating the db to $show_submitted" ); if (!isset($result)) { naughty("c7405e79b54f582e8db46c69ec4b0f24"); } $body="give"; //$body="index_full"; include 'header.html'; ?> <main id="maincontent"> <hr /> <article> <header> <h1>Thank you</h1> </header> <p> Thank you for your submission. </p> <pre> <?php echo $message; ?> </pre> <p> Your show will now be processed by a HPR Volunteer. </p> <p> Thanks,<br /> <br /> HPR Bot </p> </article> </main> <?php logextra( "Sending email" ); # TODO check for both url and file upload use PHPMailer\PHPMailer\PHPMailer; use PHPMailer\PHPMailer\Exception; use PHPMailer\PHPMailer\SMTP; require_once('/home/hpr/php/PHPMailer/Exception.php'); require_once('/home/hpr/php/PHPMailer/PHPMailer.php'); require_once('/home/hpr/php/PHPMailer/SMTP.php'); date_default_timezone_set('Etc/UTC'); $mailer = new PHPMailer(true); $mailer->isSMTP(); $mailer->Host = "$mailerHost"; $mailer->SMTPAuth = true; $mailer->SMTPSecure = "ssl"; $mailer->Port = "465"; $mailer->Username = "$mailerUsername"; $mailer->Password = "$mailerPassword"; // Set up to, from, and the message body. The body doesn't have to be HTML; check the PHPMailer documentation for details. $mailer->Sender = 'robot@hobbypublicradio.com'; $mailer->addReplyTo('admin@hackerpublicradio.org', 'HPR Admins'); $mailer->setFrom('robot@hobbypublicradio.com', 'HPR Robot'); $mailer->addBCC('admin@hackerpublicradio.org'); $mailer->addBCC('admin@hobbypublicradio.org'); $mailer->AddAddress("$db_email"); $mailer->isHTML(false); if ( $ep_num === 9999 ) { $mailer->Subject = "Thank you for uploading to the Reserve Queue"; $mailer->MsgHTML("<p><em>This email is an automatic reply. If you have not made this request then please ignore this email.</em></p> <p>Thank You for recording an episode for the Reserve Queue.</p> <pre> $message </pre> <p> Your show will now be processed by a HPR Volunteer.<br /> Thanks,<br /> HPR Bot </p>"); } else { $mailer->Subject = "Thank you for uploading hpr${ep_num}::${ep_date}"; $mailer->MsgHTML("<p><em>This email is an automatic reply. If you have not made this request then please ignore this email.</em></p> <p>Thank You for recording hpr${ep_num} for release on ${ep_date}.</p> <pre> $message </pre> <p> Your show will now be processed by a HPR Volunteer.<br /> Thanks,<br /> HPR Bot </p>"); } $mailer->AltBody = "This email is an automatic reply. If you have not made this request then please ignore this email. Thank You for recording hpr${ep_num} for release on ${ep_date}. $message Your show will now be processed by a HPR Volunteer. Thanks, HPR Bot"; //send the message, check for errors if (!$mailer->send()) { echo 'Mailer Error: ' . $mailer->ErrorInfo; } include 'footer.html'; logextra( "Finished upload_confirm.php"); ?>