The Eleventh Annual 26 Hour New Years Eve Show

Welcome every TimeZone!

If you keep talking, we'll keep recording.

For those who don't know, on New Years Eve 2022-12-31 10:00 UTC (5:00 AM EST), we will have a recording going on the HPR Mumble server for anyone to come on and say "Happy New Years" and talk about whatever they want. We will leave the recording going until at least 2023-01-01 12:00 UTC (7:00 AM EST), and keep recording until the conversation stops.
So please stop in. Say "Hi" and maybe join in the conversation with other HPR listeners and contributors. It's always a good time!!

Join the conversation on Mumble

Already have Mumble installed, then this link will bring you to the HPR Room

Get the PC Client
Get the Android Client Mumla

Then join the Server:
Port: 64738
Channel: HPR

For those who have never used Mumble before, see this how-to explaining the setup of the desktop Mumble client, or listen to hpr3503 :: Configuring Mumble.

Spread the Word

If you are a podcaster please spread the word by including either the ogg, mp3, or wav in your show !