<!--% PROCESS 'shared-avatar.tpl.html' %--> <!--% PROCESS 'shared-utils.tpl.html' %--> <hr> <article> <header> <h3>welcome to hpr the community podcast</h3> </header> <!--% USE date %--> <!--% delta = date.calc.N_Delta_YMD(2005,9,19, date.format(date.now, '%Y'),date.format(date.now, '%m'),date.format(date.now, '%d')) %--> <p>we started producing shows as <a href="/twat.php"><em>today with a techie</em></a> on 2005-09-19, <!--% delta.0 %--> years, <!--% delta.1 %--> months, <!--% delta.2 %--> days ago. our shows are produced by <a href="<!--% absolute_path(baseurl) %-->correspondents/index.html">listeners</a> like you and can be on any <a href="<!--% absolute_path(baseurl) %-->eps/index.html">topic</a> that <strong>"are of interest to <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/hacker_(hobbyist)">hackers</a>"</strong>. if you listen to hpr then please consider contributing one show a year. if you <a href="<!--% absolute_path(baseurl) %-->contribute.html">record</a> your show now it could be <a href="/calendar.php">released</a> in <strong>13</strong> days.</p> <h4>meet the team</h4> <p> <audio controls preload="none">"; <source src="../media/promos/all-hpr-hosts.ogg" type="audio/ogg" > <source src="../media/promos/all-hpr-hosts.mp3" type="audio/mpeg" > </audio> </p> <p> please help out <a href="/report_missing_tags.php">tagging</a> older shows ! </p> </article> <hr> <!--% PROCESS 'shared-episode-summary.tpl.html' %--> <h1>latest shows</h1> <!--% USE DBI(constants.driver, constants.user, constants.password) %--> <!--% FOREACH latest_episodes IN DBI.query(' SELECT eps.id, eps.explicit, eps.date, eps.license, eps.duration, eps.title, eps.summary, eps.tags, eps.notes, hosts.local_image, hosts.hostid, hosts.host, hosts.email, miniseries.name AS series, miniseries.id AS seriesid FROM eps INNER JOIN hosts ON eps.hostid = hosts.hostid INNER JOIN miniseries ON eps.series = miniseries.id WHERE eps.date < date(\'now\', \'+1 days\') ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 10 ') %--> <hr> <article> <header> <h1><a href="<!--% absolute_path(baseurl) %-->eps/hpr<!--% zero_pad_left(latest_episodes.id) %-->/index.html">hpr<!--% latest_episodes.id %--> :: <!--% latest_episodes.title %--></a></h1> <h3><!--% latest_episodes.summary%--></h3> <p class="meta"$><!--% IF get_avatar(latest_episodes.hostid) != 'hpr_logo.png' %--> <img src="<!--% absolute_path(baseurl) %-->images/<!--% get_avatar(latest_episodes.hostid) %-->" height="80" width="80" alt="" /></a><!--% END %--> <br>Hosted by <a href="<!--% absolute_path(baseurl) %-->correspondents/<!--% zero_pad_left(latest_episodes.hostid) %-->.html"><!--% latest_episodes.host %--></a> on <!--% latest_episodes.date %--> is flagged as <!--% display_explicit(latest_episodes.explicit) %--> and released under a <!--% latest_episodes.license %--> license. <br> <strong>Tags:</strong> <!--% latest_episodes.tags %--><em></em>.<br> <small>listen in <a href="local/hpr<!--% latest_episodes.id %-->.ogg">ogg</a>, <a href="local/hpr<!--% latest_episodes.id %-->.spx">spx</a>, or <a href="local/hpr<!--% latest_episodes.id %-->.mp3">mp3</a> format. <!--% show_series(latest_episodes.series, latest_episodes.seriesid) %--> <a href="eps.php?id=3628#comments">comments (0)</a></small> </p> </header> <!--% latest_episodes.notes %--> <footer> <h2>listen now</h2> <p>Duration: <!--% latest_episodes.duration %--></p> <audio controls preload="none"> <source src="local/hpr<!--% latest_episodes.id %-->.ogg" type="audio/ogg" > <source src="local/hpr<!--% latest_episodes.id %-->.mp3" type="audio/mpeg" > </audio> <ul> <li>ogg: <a href="local/hpr<!--% latest_episodes.id %-->.ogg">/local/hpr<!--% latest_episodes.id %-->.ogg</a></li> <li>spx: <a href="local/hpr<!--% latest_episodes.id %-->.spx">/local/hpr<!--% latest_episodes.id %-->.spx</a></li> <li>mp3: <a href="local/hpr<!--% latest_episodes.id %-->.mp3">/local/hpr<!--% latest_episodes.id %-->.mp3</a></li> </ul> </footer> </article> <!--% END %--> <article> <header> <hr> <h1>Previous five weeks</h1> </header> <!--% FOREACH last_5_weeks_episodes IN DBI.query(' SELECT eps.id, CASE eps.explicit WHEN 1 THEN \'Explicit\' ELSE \'Clean\' END AS explicit , eps.date, eps.license, eps.title, eps.summary, eps.duration, eps.notes, eps.tags, hosts.hostid, hosts.host, hosts.email, hosts.local_image, miniseries.name AS series, miniseries.id AS seriesid FROM eps INNER JOIN hosts ON eps.hostid = hosts.hostid INNER JOIN miniseries ON eps.series = miniseries.id WHERE eps.date < date(\'now\', \'+1 days\') ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 30 OFFSET 10 ') %--> <!--% show_summary(last_5_weeks_episodes) %--> <!--% END %--> </article> <h1>Older Shows</h1> <p> Get a <a href="<!--% absolute_path(baseurl) %-->eps/index.html">full list</a> of all our shows. </p>