forked from HPR/hpr_generator
Dave Morriss ccba560ee3 Setting up static RSS feeds
site-generator: Changed the routine used to generate entities in
    'HTML::Entities'; see filter function 'xml_entity'

site.cfg: Added root variable 'http_baseurl' which defines the base URL
    using 'http'

templates/rss.tpl.xml: RSS template defining the channel and inserting
    the 'item' definitions; adjusted to be in step with the PHP version.

templates/shared-item.tpl.xml: RSS template used for each 'item' in an
    RSS feed; contains a call to 'HTML::Strip' which turns off the
    addition of spaces when removing tags; adjusted to be in step with
    the PHP version.

templates/shared-utils.tpl.html: Macro collection used by other
    templates; addition of temporay macro 'display_explicit_feed_2'
    which generates 'Yes/No' strings to be in step with the PHP version.
2024-05-23 20:14:42 +01:00

26 lines
1.5 KiB

<!--% PROCESS 'shared-utils.tpl.html' %-->
<!--% MACRO display_item(episode, file_extension, audio_mime_type) BLOCK %-->
<!--% USE HTML.Strip emit_spaces = 0 %-->
<!--% IF audio_mime_type == "" %-->
<!--% audio_mime_type = 'ogg' %-->
<!--% END %-->
<itunes:explicit><!--% display_explicit_feed(episode.explicit) %--></itunes:explicit>
<googleplay:explicit><!--% display_explicit_feed_2(episode.explicit) %--></googleplay:explicit>
<title>HPR<!--% zero_pad_left(episode.id) %-->: <!--% episode.title | html_strip | xml_entity %--></title>
<author><!--% episode.email %--> (<!--% episode.host %-->)</author>
<googleplay:author><!--% episode.email %--> (<!--% episode.host %-->)</googleplay:author>
<itunes:author><!--% episode.email %--> (<!--% episode.host %-->)</itunes:author>
<googleplay:image href="<!--% absolute_url(http_baseurl) %-->images/hpr_feed_itunes.png"/>
<link><!--% absolute_url(baseurl) %-->eps/hpr<!--% zero_pad_left(episode.id) %-->/index.html</link>
<description><![CDATA[<!--% episode.notes %-->]]>
<itunes:summary><![CDATA[<!--% episode.notes.substr(0, 4000) | html_strip | xml_entity %-->]]>
<pubDate><!--% format_feed_date(episode.date) %--></pubDate>
<enclosure url="<!--% http_baseurl %-->eps/hpr<!--% zero_pad_left(episode.id) %-->.<!--% file_extension %-->" length="<!--% episode.length %-->" type="audio/<!--% audio_mime_type %-->"/>
<guid><!--% http_baseurl %-->eps/hpr<!--% zero_pad_left(episode.id) %-->.<!--% file_extension %--></guid>
<!--% END %-->