InternetArchive/recover_transcripts: Bash script to be run on 'borg'
which collects files missing on the IA ready for upload as part of
the missing asset repair process.
InternetArchive/repair_assets: Bash script to take assets from the IA
(after they had been repaired on 'borg') and copy them to the HPR
server for the notes to access. The local machine, where this was
run, was used to store files being uploaded. The planned script to
modify the notes to reflect the new file locations was never
finished. Notes were edited with Vim using a few macros.
InternetArchive/repair_item: Bash script which is best run on 'borg',
which repairs an IA item by comparing the files on the IA with the
files on 'borg' (or a local machine). These files are either in
'/data/IA/uploads/' or in the temporary file hierarchy used by
'recover_transcripts' (which calls it). Used after a normal IA
upload to check for and make good any missed file uploads (due to
timeouts, etc). Also used during asset repairs, but that project is
now finished.
InternetArchive/snapshot_metadata: Bash script which collects detailed
metadata from the IA in JSON format and saves it locally (run on
a local PC). Older shows on the IA often contained derivative files
which were identified by the script 'view_derivatives'. These files
were never needed, they were IA artefacts, so can be deleted (see
the script header for how).
InternetArchive/view_derivatives: Perl script to interpret a file of
JSON metadata from the IA for an HPR show in order to determine the
parent-child hierarchy of files where there may be derivatives. We
don't want IA-generated derivatives, but this process was hard to
turn off in earlier times. Generates a hierarchical report and
a list of unwanted derivatives (see 'snapshot_metadata' for more
details of how this was used).
InternetArchive/future_upload: Added logging and debugging
InternetArchive/ia_db.sql: Added new tables
InternetArchive/recover_transcripts: New script to run on 'borg' and
copy missing files from the backup disk to the IA
InternetArchive/repair_assets: More comments, including one about a bug in the design.
InternetArchive/repair_item: Fix relating to octal numbers (if there are
leading zeroes in a number). '_DEBUG' is now in the function
library. Added comments to explain obscure stuff.
InternetArchive/snapshot_metadata: New Bash script (to run on my
desktop) which collects metadata for a show and stores in in the
'~/HPR/IA/assets' directory. Runs 'view_derivatives' on it to find
derivative files for deletion.
InternetArchive/tidy_uploaded: Moves files and directories containing
uploaded files into a holding area for later backup. Added
debugging, logging and a 'force' mode.
InternetArchive/upload_manager: Manages 'ia.db' (on my workstation).
Needs many updates which have just started to be added.
InternetArchive/weekly_upload: Old script, now obsolete.