InternetArchive/future_upload: now updates the state of shows
InternetArchive/reformat_html: new Perl script to reformat the HTML
originally found in the HPR database in the 'notes' field to the format
required in the 'description' field of an item on the IA. It reads
from STDIN and writes to STDOUT.
FAQ/FAQ.mkd, FAQ/Makefile: this version of the FAQ is now out of date
and probably should be deleted.
InternetArchive/repair_item: script to upload missing shows after tie
out errors during the normal upload; still under development.
InternetArchive/update_state: script to update show state in the
'reservations' table in the database. Uses the CMS interface.
Link_Checker/scan_links: under development. Not currently usable.
Miscellaneous/fix_tags: audio metadata manipulation script. Recently
added to this repo for convenience. Updates for 'experimental::try',
the official Perl try/catch.
PostgreSQL_Database/add_hosts_to_show, PostgreSQL_Database/hpr_schema_2.pgsql,
PostgreSQL_Database/ an old experimental Pg database
to take over from the previous MySQL version (from before 2023).
Kept for reference; never implemented.