1 Comment System
Dave Morriss edited this page 2024-06-04 16:48:09 +01:00

Comment System

The current comment system (2023-02-24) was written from scratch by HPR volunteers. It replaced a proprietary (and rather unsatisfactory) system.

It has been in use since 2017, has proved reliable and has needed very little maintenance.


There are three main components of the system:

  1. A database table called comments which holds each comment with its metadata.
  2. PHP code which takes in each comment from the comment form (available on every show page) and converts it to a JSON format which is available to authorised people on the website and is emailed to the admin list and to comments@hackerpublicradio.org.
  3. The scripts stored in the Comment_system directory on the Gitea repo. These are capable of decoding the email or or taking the JSON files and offering them for approval. If approved the comment is added to the database, otherwise it is not added. The incoming file is stored for future access if needed. The scripts communicate the decision to the PHP code on the server and the intermediate files are cleaned up there.


The comments table has the following structure:

| Field               | Type     | Null | Key | Default             | Extra          |
| id                  | int(5)   | NO   | PRI | NULL                | auto_increment |
| eps_id              | int(5)   | NO   | MUL | NULL                |                |
| comment_timestamp   | datetime | NO   |     | NULL                |                |
| comment_author_name | text     | YES  |     | NULL                |                |
| comment_title       | text     | YES  |     | NULL                |                |
| comment_text        | text     | YES  |     | NULL                |                |
| last_changed        | datetime | NO   |     | current_timestamp() |                |
  • id is an incrementing primary key
  • eps_id is the primary key (show number) of the eps table to which the comment is linked
  • comment_timestamp contains the time that the comment was submitted
  • comment_author_name holds the name of the comment author as submitted (there are no checks against know hosts)
  • comment_title holds the title submitted by the comment author
  • comment_text contains the body of the comment
  • last_changed contains the timestamp of the last change made to the comment (this is managed by a trigger called before_comments_update)

Note It's possible to edit a comment in the database. There is a command-line tool under the Database directory which enables this, using Vim as the editor. It's not documented at the moment.

Server code


Local processing

The management of comments was designed to be a local command-line process using a Perl script. A connection with the HPR database is needed and this is achieved using an SSH tunnel. The Pdmenu menu system is used used to streamline things, but that's just a personal preference (though the .pdmenurc menu definition file can be made available if required).

Modes of working

There are two modes of working:

  • An email is sent to comments@hackerpublicradio.org (a limited distribution address list). The email contains a JSON attachment with the comment details.
  • A copy of the JSON attachment file is stored in the directory ~hpr/comments on the main server.

A single script called process_comments can handle the two modes. It expects two spool areas, one for email messages and the other for JSON files.

Email messages are written to the spool area (CommentDrop) by the Thunderbird MUA which has the ability to make message copies using a plugin. (More details to follow.)

├── banned
├── processed
└── rejected

The sub-directories are where process_comments places the messages after processing (explained later).

JSON files are copied from the comments directory on the server into the JSON spool area (imaginatively) called json:

├── banned
├── processed
└── rejected

The sub-directories are used for the same purpose as in CommentDrop (explained later).

The JSON mode is only used when there are mail problems. The files are collected using Pdmenu which uses scp to achieve this.

NOTE These spool directory locations are "baked into" the process_comments script and should be in a configuration file.

The process_comments script

This a Perl script which contains internal documentation (in POD format). Information about how to run the script can be obtained with the -help option, or the full documentation can be viewed with the option -doc. A copy of the internal documentation is available in manual page format by following this documentation link.


NOTE The script documentation is in need of updates.


  • Image 1:

    • Running process_comments with three comments in the mail spool area. This example uses the -verbose option so a report of what messages have been found is produced. The files have strange names generated from the mail subject, courtesy of the Thunderbird plugin.
    • The first comment is offered for approval using a template to display the contents of the JSON attachment
    • The options are approve, ban, reject and ignore. In this case choice a is selected to approve this comment.

    Image 1

  • Image 2:

    • All three comments have been processed, with each one being approved. The script actions the choices at the end.
    • The (-verbose) output lists the comments being added to the database (attached to the relevant shows).
    • Each mail message is moved to the processed sub-directory.
    • The script communicates with the server requesting the deletion of the original JSON files, and the success return (200/OK) shows that this has been completed.

    Image 2

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