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Dave Morriss edited this page 2024-06-16 13:49:20 +01:00

Home page for hpr-tools wiki

This is a central place for notes about tools in the hpr-tools repository on Gitea

List of projects under this heading:

This is a list of the directories in this repository, with some explanation of what each one contains. This list is intended to link to much more detailed information about the directory contents on this Wiki.

  • Comment_system:

    • Two components:
      • The PHP side which takes in each comment from the form (available on every show page) and converts it to a JSON format which is available to authorised people on the website and is emailed to the admin list.
      • The scripts stored in this directory on the Gitea repo. These are capable of decoding the email or or taking the JSON files and offering them for approval. If approved the comment is added to the database, otherwise it is not added. The incoming file is stored for future access if needed. The scripts communicate the decision to the PHP code on the server and the intermediate files are cleaned up there.
  • Community_News:

    • Various tools for reserving Community News slots ahead of time, making the show notes for the Community News shows (used for the recording).
  • Database:

    • Tools for making a local snapshot of the MySQL/MariaDB database (used for testing and development), and for making database edits from the command line on a remote system.
  • FAQ:

    • Test document implementing the idea of a list of questions and answers of the sort often encountered on HPR. The idea was to place them in a searchable document (perhaps using CSS to allow the answers to revealed on demand). The reasoning was that finding answers to questions was often difficult; this page would provide links to the definitive answers, each with some sort of preamble.
    • The idea was not seen as desirable.
  • InternetArchive:

    • Tools for uploading HPR shows to the Internet Archive (IA).
  • Link_Checker:

    • Rudiments of a project to scan HPR shows looking for links which have vanished. The intention was to identify these and attempt to find the latest copies on the Wayback Machine and replace the faulty URLs with links to the saved copies.
  • PostgreSQL_Database:

    • Work was done to design and build an alternative database to the MySQL/MariaDB version incorporating improvements to the database design (one-to-many and many-to-many linkages for hosts and shows, tags and shows, etc), and to make use of the advanced features offered by PostgreSQL.
    • Abandoned because of:
      • Problems finding a hosting site for this database system
      • Concern that maintenance of a complex database like the one envisaged would be difficult given the lack of DBA experience amongst the volunteers.
  • Show_Submission:

    • Tools for processing new shows arriving via the submission form.
    • Brief overview:
      • Shows arrive from the form as JSON data, audio file(s) and assets of various sorts
      • The note formats accepted are many, from plain text, through various markup formats to HTML5.
      • The tools here assist with the processing of the notes by making a local copy of the JSON data and any assets (not usually the audio). The notes are assembled locally and the end product - an HTML fragment for addition to the database, and any assets like pictures and scripts, are sent to the server.
      • The final stages of audio preparation and posting of the complete show are performed elsewhere.


To be incorporated into the above structure at some point