[I87] Getting Started tutorial #89

rho_n merged 0 commits from refs/pull/89/head into main 2023-03-10 02:44:54 +00:00

A getting started tutorial to help on-board new contributors to the project.

A getting started tutorial to help on-board new contributors to the project.
ken_fallon reviewed 2023-03-08 00:23:17 +00:00
gordons reviewed 2023-03-08 00:23:17 +00:00

@ken_fallon and @gordons Would like your opions on this tutorial. I did run through the instructions using a fresh Debian 11 installation and a fresh Fedora 37 installation. As you are the other most recent people to get it running, would appreciate your input.

@ken_fallon and @gordons Would like your opions on this tutorial. I did run through the instructions using a fresh Debian 11 installation and a fresh Fedora 37 installation. As you are the other most recent people to get it running, would appreciate your input.
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Reference: HPR/hpr_generator#89
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