Added an episode counter for feed generation to determine whether or not to include show notes. #42

ken_fallon merged 2 commits from kdmurrayhpr/hpr_hub:main into main 2024-09-24 07:08:24 +00:00
  • new variable $ep_count to track how many episodes we've seen

  • If feed is 'total' and we've passed 10 episodes, do not include show notes

- new variable $ep_count to track how many episodes we've seen - If feed is 'total' and we've passed 10 episodes, do not include show notes
kdmurrayhpr added 1 commit 2024-06-01 00:48:22 +00:00

Looks good. I want to test it though before we deploy.

The static version will also need to be changed.

Looks good. I want to test it though before we deploy. The static version will also need to be changed.
ken_fallon added 1 commit 2024-09-24 06:41:17 +00:00
ken_fallon merged commit 4b8f414d63 into main 2024-09-24 07:08:24 +00:00

@norrist I think there may be an issue for the future feeds. This should check to see if it's the full feed before it removes the description. So an additional check for $feed = "total"

@norrist I think there may be an issue for the future feeds. This should check to see if it's the full feed before it removes the description. So an additional check for `$feed = "total"`
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Reference: HPR/hpr_hub#42
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