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6 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Update instructions for creating SQLite db
Update the main README file and the POD Installation section
of the site-configuration program.
2023-03-03 23:53:21 -05:00
Add utility script to refresh the local website
This script  will download latest MySQL dump file from Generate a new hpr.db SQLite file,
and then regenerate all of the website files.
2023-03-03 23:32:35 -05:00
Add required script mysql2sqlite to repository
Converts MySQL dump to SQLite3 compatible dump
    (including MySQL KEY xxxxx statements from the CREATE block).

    The MIT License (MIT)
    Copyright (c) 2015 esperlu, 2016 dumblob
2023-03-03 23:00:50 -05:00
Merge branch 'main' into I82_creating-sqlite-db-from-hpr.sql 2023-03-03 22:52:21 -05:00
Roan Horning
f0b0b5ea59 Merge pull request 'Fix database instructions in configuration file' (#85) from Fix_db_sqlite_settings into main
Reviewed-on: #85
2023-03-04 03:49:09 +00:00
Fix database instructions in configuration file
Add back instructions for SQLite
2023-03-03 22:44:05 -05:00
5 changed files with 389 additions and 14 deletions

View File

@ -4,10 +4,15 @@ Static web page generator for the Hacker Public Radio website.
## Installation
* Clone or download this repository
* With SQLite
* Create the sqlite3 database from the files in the _sql directory. The default name for the database file is "hpr.db" and should be located in the root of the project directory. The name and location can be set in the site.cfg file.
* Two sql helper scripts are available to generate an empty database or a database filled with test data.
- For an empty database: `cat Create_Database_Empty.sql | sqlite3 hpr.db`
- For a database with test data: `cat Create_Database_Test.sql | sqlite3 hpr.db`
* Create the sqlite3 database from the hpr.sql MySQL dump file available on The default name for the database file is "hpr.db"
and should be located in the root of the project directory. The name and
location can be set in the site.cfg file.
* An "" helper script is available in the utils directory. This
script will download the hpr.sql file, convert it to the SQLite hpr.db file,
and regenerate the website using the site-generator.
1. `cd` into the root of the project directory
2. Run `./utils/`
* SQLite v3.8.3 or greater is recommended. CTE WITH clauses are used in some template queries. Must convert WITH
clauses to sub-queries when using earlier versions of SQLite.
* With MySQL

View File

@ -36,12 +36,15 @@ This is a site generator for the Hacker Public Radio website based upon the Perl
With SQLite
* Create the sqlite3 database from the files in the _sql directory. The default name for the
database file is "hpr.db" and should be located in the root of the project directory. The
name and location can be set in the site.cfg file.
* Two sql helper scripts are available to generate an empty database or a database filled with test data.
- For an empty database: cat Create_Database_Empty.sql | sqlite3 hpr.db
- For a database with test data: cat Create_Database_Test.sql | sqlite3 hpr.db
* Create the sqlite3 database from the hpr.sql MySQL dump file available on The default name for the database file is "hpr.db"
and should be located in the root of the project directory. The name and
location can be set in the site.cfg file.
* An "" helper script is available in the utils directory. This
script will download the hpr.sql file, convert it to the SQLite hpr.db file,
and regenerate the website using the site-generator.
1. `cd` into the root of the project directory
2. Run `./utils/`
* SQLite v3.8.3 or greater is recommended. CTE WITH clauses are used in some template queries.
Must convert WITH clauses to sub-queries when using earlier versions of SQLite.

View File

@ -2,10 +2,16 @@
# with the database.
# dbi:<driver name [SQLite, CSV, ADO, mSQL, etc.]>:<database name>
database: mysql
driver: dbi:mysql:database=hpr_hpr:hostname=localhost
user: hpr-generator
password: zBozqN-Z2zNAz
# Configuration settings for SQLite
#database: sqlite
#driver: dbi:SQLite:hpr.db
#user: (not used - leave blank)
#password: (not used - leave blank)
# Configuration settings for MySQL
#database: mysql
#driver: dbi:mysql:database=hpr_hpr:hostname=localhost
#user: hpr-generator (Suggested user with read-only privileges)
#password: ********* (Password for user)
# Configure the root template page which pulls in the navigation and
# content templates used by each page. An optional baseurl property may

utils/mysql2sqlite Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
#!/usr/bin/awk -f
# Authors: @esperlu, @artemyk, @gkuenning, @dumblob
# FIXME detect empty input file and issue a warning
function printerr( s ){ print s | "cat >&2" }
if( ARGC != 2 ){
printerr( \
" mysql2sqlite dump_mysql.sql > dump_sqlite3.sql\n" \
" OR\n" \
" mysql2sqlite dump_mysql.sql | sqlite3 sqlite.db\n" \
"\n" \
"NOTES:\n" \
" Dash in filename is not supported, because dash (-) means stdin." )
no_END = 1
exit 1
# Find INT_MAX supported by both this AWK (usually an ISO C signed int)
# and SQlite.
# On non-8bit-based architectures, the additional bits are safely ignored.
# 8bit (lower precision should not exist)
# "63" + 0 avoids potential parser misbehavior
if( (s + 0) "" == s ){ INT_MAX_HALF = "63" + 0 }
# 16bit
if( (s + 0) "" == s ){ INT_MAX_HALF = "16383" + 0 }
# 32bit
if( (s + 0) "" == s ){ INT_MAX_HALF = "1073741823" + 0 }
# 64bit (as INTEGER in SQlite3)
if( (s + 0) "" == s ){ INT_MAX_HALF = "4611686018427387904" + 0 }
# # 128bit
# s="170141183460469231731687303715884105728"
# if( (s + 0) "" == s ){ INT_MAX_HALF = "85070591730234615865843651857942052864" + 0 }
# # 256bit
# s="57896044618658097711785492504343953926634992332820282019728792003956564819968"
# if( (s + 0) "" == s ){ INT_MAX_HALF = "28948022309329048855892746252171976963317496166410141009864396001978282409984" + 0 }
# # 512bit
# s="6703903964971298549787012499102923063739682910296196688861780721860882015036773488400937149083451713845015929093243025426876941405973284973216824503042048"
# if( (s + 0) "" == s ){ INT_MAX_HALF = "3351951982485649274893506249551461531869841455148098344430890360930441007518386744200468574541725856922507964546621512713438470702986642486608412251521024" + 0 }
# # 1024bit
# s="89884656743115795386465259539451236680898848947115328636715040578866337902750481566354238661203768010560056939935696678829394884407208311246423715319737062188883946712432742638151109800623047059726541476042502884419075341171231440736956555270413618581675255342293149119973622969239858152417678164812112068608"
# if( (s + 0) "" == s ){ INT_MAX_HALF = "44942328371557897693232629769725618340449424473557664318357520289433168951375240783177119330601884005280028469967848339414697442203604155623211857659868531094441973356216371319075554900311523529863270738021251442209537670585615720368478277635206809290837627671146574559986811484619929076208839082406056034304" + 0 }
# # higher precision probably not needed
print "PRAGMA synchronous = OFF;"
print "PRAGMA journal_mode = MEMORY;"
# historically 3 spaces separate non-argument local variables
function bit_to_int( str_bit, powtwo, i, res, bit, overflow ){
powtwo = 1
overflow = 0
# 011101 = 1*2^0 + 0*2^1 + 1*2^2 ...
for( i = length( str_bit ); i > 0; --i ){
bit = substr( str_bit, i, 1 )
if( overflow || ( bit == 1 && res > INT_MAX_HALF ) ){
printerr( \
NR ": WARN Bit field overflow, number truncated (LSBs saved, MSBs ignored)." )
res = res + bit * powtwo
# no warning here as it might be the last iteration
if( powtwo > INT_MAX_HALF ){ overflow = 1; continue }
powtwo = powtwo * 2
return res
# CREATE TRIGGER statements have funny commenting. Remember we are in trigger.
/^\/\*.*(CREATE.*TRIGGER|create.*trigger)/ {
gsub( /^.*(TRIGGER|trigger)/, "CREATE TRIGGER" )
inTrigger = 1
# The end of CREATE TRIGGER has a stray comment terminator
/(END|end) \*\/;;/ { gsub( /\*\//, "" ); print; inTrigger = 0; next }
# The rest of triggers just get passed through
inTrigger != 0 { print; next }
# CREATE VIEW looks like a TABLE in comments
/^\/\*.*(CREATE.*TABLE|create.*table)/ {
inView = 1
# end of CREATE VIEW
/^(\).*(ENGINE|engine).*\*\/;)/ {
inView = 0
# content of CREATE VIEW
inView != 0 { next }
# skip comments
/^\/\*/ { next }
# skip PARTITION statements
/^ *[(]?(PARTITION|partition) +[^ ]+/ { next }
# print all INSERT lines
( /^ *\(/ && /\) *[,;] *$/ ) || /^(INSERT|insert|REPLACE|replace)/ {
prev = ""
# first replace \\ by \_ that mysqldump never generates to deal with
# sequnces like \\n that should be translated into \n, not \<LF>.
# After we convert all escapes we replace \_ by backslashes.
gsub( /\\\\/, "\\_" )
# single quotes are escaped by another single quote
gsub( /\\'/, "''" )
gsub( /\\n/, "\n" )
gsub( /\\r/, "\r" )
gsub( /\\"/, "\"" )
gsub( /\\\032/, "\032" ) # substitute char
gsub( /\\_/, "\\" )
# sqlite3 is limited to 16 significant digits of precision
while( match( $0, /0x[0-9a-fA-F]{17}/ ) ){
hexIssue = 1
sub( /0x[0-9a-fA-F]+/, substr( $0, RSTART, RLENGTH-1 ), $0 )
if( hexIssue ){
printerr( \
NR ": WARN Hex number trimmed (length longer than 16 chars)." )
hexIssue = 0
# CREATE DATABASE is not supported
/^(CREATE DATABASE|create database)/ { next }
# print the CREATE line as is and capture the table name
/^(CREATE|create)/ {
if( $0 ~ /IF NOT EXISTS|if not exists/ || $0 ~ /TEMPORARY|temporary/ ){
caseIssue = 1
printerr( \
NR ": WARN Potential case sensitivity issues with table/column naming\n" \
" (see INFO at the end)." )
if( match( $0, /`[^`]+/ ) ){
tableName = substr( $0, RSTART+1, RLENGTH-1 )
aInc = 0
prev = ""
firstInTable = 1
# Replace `FULLTEXT KEY` (probably other `XXXXX KEY`)
/^ (FULLTEXT KEY|fulltext key)/ { gsub( /[A-Za-z ]+(KEY|key)/, " KEY" ) }
# Get rid of field lengths in KEY lines
/ (PRIMARY |primary )?(KEY|key)/ { gsub( /\([0-9]+\)/, "" ) }
aInc == 1 && /PRIMARY KEY|primary key/ { next }
# Replace COLLATE xxx_xxxx_xx statements with COLLATE BINARY
/ (COLLATE|collate) [a-z0-9_]*/ { gsub( /(COLLATE|collate) [a-z0-9_]*/, "COLLATE BINARY" ) }
# Print all fields definition lines except the `KEY` lines.
/^ / && !/^( (KEY|key)|\);)/ {
if( match( $0, /[^"`]AUTO_INCREMENT|auto_increment[^"`]/) ){
aInc = 1
gsub( /(UNIQUE KEY|unique key) (`.*`|".*") /, "UNIQUE " )
gsub( /(CHARACTER SET|character set) [^ ]+[ ,]/, "" )
# CREATE TRIGGER [UpdateLastTime]
# ON Package
# UPDATE Package SET LastUpdate = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE ActionId = old.ActionId;
gsub( /(ON|on) (UPDATE|update) (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP|current_timestamp)(\(\))?/, "" )
gsub( /(DEFAULT|default) (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP|current_timestamp)(\(\))?/, "DEFAULT current_timestamp")
gsub( /(COLLATE|collate) [^ ]+ /, "" )
gsub( /(ENUM|enum)[^)]+\)/, "text " )
gsub( /(SET|set)\([^)]+\)/, "text " )
gsub( /UNSIGNED|unsigned/, "" )
gsub( /_utf8mb3/, "" )
gsub( /` [^ ]*(INT|int|BIT|bit)[^ ]*/, "` integer" )
gsub( /" [^ ]*(INT|int|BIT|bit)[^ ]*/, "\" integer" )
ere_bit_field = "[bB]'[10]+'"
if( match($0, ere_bit_field) ){
sub( ere_bit_field, bit_to_int( substr( $0, RSTART +2, RLENGTH -2 -1 ) ) )
# remove USING BTREE and other suffixes for USING, for example: "UNIQUE KEY
# `hostname_domain` (`hostname`,`domain`) USING BTREE,"
gsub( / USING [^, ]+/, "" )
# field comments are not supported
gsub( / (COMMENT|comment).+$/, "" )
# Get commas off end of line
gsub( /,.?$/, "" )
if( prev ){
if( firstInTable ){
print prev
firstInTable = 0
else {
print "," prev
else {
# FIXME check if this is correct in all cases
if( match( $1,
/(CONSTRAINT|constraint) ["].*["] (FOREIGN KEY|foreign key)/ ) ){
print ","
prev = $1
/ ENGINE| engine/ {
if( prev ){
if( firstInTable ){
print prev
firstInTable = 0
else {
print "," prev
print ");"
# `KEY` lines are extracted from the `CREATE` block and stored in array for later print
# in a separate `CREATE KEY` command. The index name is prefixed by the table name to
# avoid a sqlite error for duplicate index name.
/^( (KEY|key)|\);)/ {
if( prev ){
if( firstInTable ){
print prev
firstInTable = 0
else {
print "," prev
prev = ""
if( $0 == ");" ){
else {
if( match( $0, /`[^`]+/ ) ){
indexName = substr( $0, RSTART+1, RLENGTH-1 )
if( match( $0, /\([^()]+/ ) ){
indexKey = substr( $0, RSTART+1, RLENGTH-1 )
# idx_ prefix to avoid name clashes (they really happen!)
key[tableName] = key[tableName] "CREATE INDEX \"idx_" \
tableName "_" indexName "\" ON \"" tableName "\" (" indexKey ");\n"
if( no_END ){ exit 1}
# print all KEY creation lines.
for( table in key ){ printf key[table] }
if( caseIssue ){
printerr( \
"INFO Pure sqlite identifiers are case insensitive (even if quoted\n" \
" or if ASCII) and doesnt cross-check TABLE and TEMPORARY TABLE\n" \
" identifiers. Thus expect errors like \"table T has no column named F\".")

utils/ Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
#!/bin/bash -
# USAGE: ./
# DESCRIPTION: Script to update local statically generated HPR website
# OPTIONS: ---
# BUGS: ---
# NOTES: ---
# AUTHOR: Roan "Rho`n" Horning (,
# CREATED: 03/03/2023 09:26:29 PM
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
set -o nounset # Treat unset variables as an error
BASEDIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )"
# Load library functions
[ -e $LIB ] || { echo "Unable to load functions.\n$LIB not found."; exit; }
source $LIB
download_hpr_sql $WORKING_DIR
make_hpr_sqlite_db $WORKING_DIR
copy_to_public_dir $WORKING_DIR `pwd`
mv hpr.sql public_html/
echo "Update static HTML files"
# Clean up previously generated files
rm -rf public_html/*.html public_html/correspondents public_html/eps public_html/series
git restore public_html/will-my-show-be-of-interest-to-hackers.html
# stash changes to configuration file to preserve DB settings
git stash
git pull
git stash pop
./site-generator --quiet --all
clean_working_dir $WORKING_DIR