Dave Morriss edited this page 2022-08-20 15:40:51 +01:00

Should still point to main HPR site

  • calendar.php - ⇧Upload⇧
  • comments_viewer.php - Show Comments
    • |Roan| For the time being, should I change the link to the comments page from "comments(0)" to "View comments"? There is no way to calculate how many comments an episode has using the data in the current hpr.sql dump file.

The comments and the reservations pages will be difficult to decentralise.

Own Static page

  • tags.php - Tags

Is this still needed ?

report_missing_tags.php - Fix Tags

|Dave| Not needed. Just a case of not having reorganised things to do away with it yet.

|Roan| I have removed references to the report_missing_tags.php page

Own page from DB

Show Pages

hpr.eps.notes should be templated to

Going to ROOT/episodes/hpr\d+/index.html with padding


Show Comments

|Roan| Currently I have removed the Comments section on the show page. This needs to be resolved before we can go live. What issues currently prevent the comments being included in the nightly hpr.sql file?

Existing shows

More urgent is what we do with existing "full shownotes files" already on the HPR service in the index.html space ?

As an example would go to ROOT/eps/hpr3648/index.html

But there is already a

I suggest this should go to full_shownotes.html

So ROOT/eps/hpr3648/index.html would point to ROOT/eps/hpr3648/full_shownotes.html

| Dave | The issue is that, although we started with show "assets" as ROOT/eps/hpr1234_picture1.jpg and the like, it was decided that we'd make a sub-directory per show for such things: ROOT/eps/hpr1234/picture1.jpg. Then because the web server is set to allow directory browsing (I think I have this right) we realised we needed an index.html in that directory. I create these as a list of the URLs of all the assets in the sub-directory, pictures, long notes, etc. I do this when preparing pictures for shows I process as well.

However, there's no guarantee that all shows with assets are set up with an index.html if it might be needed.

The placement of assets for shows is duplicated on the IA - or is in the process of being copied over.

Actually, I'm not clear why we allow directory browsing anyway, I thought most web servers could turn this off (caveat: I used to be a web admin but in the very early days, and my knowledge may be past its sell by date).

Home page

Should have the complete list for the last 10 shows Then the last 30 shows with just hpr.eps.summary

|Roan| Need to figure out how to calculate days till show could be posted.

Complete page

Should have the complete list of all shows with just hpr.eps.summary

Host Pages

  • correspondents.php - Hosts Going to ROOT/hosts/index.html for complete list

With sub pages going to ROOT/hosts/293/index.html

It would be nice to use the host name but that could cause problems as hosts sometimes have difficult to render characters in their names ;-)

Series Pages

  • series.php - In-Depth Series

Going to ROOT/series/index.html for complete list

With sub pages going to ROOT/series/83/index.html

It might be possible to use normalised series names for this eg: April Fools Shows -> april_fools_shows

|Roan| what is the difference between feed links: (found on the individual series page--series.php?id=38)

vs (found in the listing of individual series on the series index page--series.php)

Can be consolidated to one page

  • about.php - About
  • contact.php - Contact
  • download.php - Download Options
  • help_out.php - Contribute
  • contribute.php - Give Shows
  • promote.php - Promote HPR
  • recording.php - Recording
  • request_a_slot.php - Scheduling
  • requested_topics.php - Topics
  • search.php - Search
  • stuff_you_need_to_know.php - Info
  • syndication.php - Get Shows
  • theme.php - Theme

Naming schemes

use title

This gets a little trickier as we have to sanitize file/directory names for saving to filesystems (similar issue for using host names). It is also possible to get duplicate titles. Duplicate titles could be avoided by adding the publishing date in the url/file system path.

more to come ...

Host Pages

What is the difference between a host and a correspondent? Is this just an historical relic?

Should the routes be ROOT/hosts/... or ROOT/correspondents/...?

This week with a techie archived shows


Do we still need this page? If so, it has broken image links, and broken permalinks (i.e.