InternetArchive/future_upload: Added logging and debugging
InternetArchive/ia_db.sql: Added new tables
InternetArchive/recover_transcripts: New script to run on 'borg' and
copy missing files from the backup disk to the IA
InternetArchive/repair_assets: More comments, including one about a bug in the design.
InternetArchive/repair_item: Fix relating to octal numbers (if there are
leading zeroes in a number). '_DEBUG' is now in the function
library. Added comments to explain obscure stuff.
InternetArchive/snapshot_metadata: New Bash script (to run on my
desktop) which collects metadata for a show and stores in in the
'~/HPR/IA/assets' directory. Runs 'view_derivatives' on it to find
derivative files for deletion.
InternetArchive/tidy_uploaded: Moves files and directories containing
uploaded files into a holding area for later backup. Added
debugging, logging and a 'force' mode.
InternetArchive/upload_manager: Manages 'ia.db' (on my workstation).
Needs many updates which have just started to be added.
InternetArchive/weekly_upload: Old script, now obsolete.
Database/query2tt2: comment and documentation updates; use of Perl's
InternetArchive/.make_metadata.cfg: added comments for readability
InternetArchive/make_metadata: bug fix needed now that all shows on the HPR server have
a directory with assets under it.
InternetArchive/repair_assets: new Bash script in development. Collects
assets from the IA and uploads them to a new directory on the HPR
server. Will run 'fix_asset_links' (to repair asset links for their
new directories) once it is ready.
InternetArchive/repair_item: Bash script which was originally written to
run on 'borg' and upload files to a new IA item when the uploads
timed out. Now enhanced to upload missing files recovered from the
HPR backup disk, such as transcripts.
InternetArchive/ new file; subset of
'~/bin/' which is referred to in a number of scripts.
It contains relevant functions such as 'yes_no' and 'define_colours'.
InternetArchive/repair_item: originally planned in 2020 as a Bash script
to find missing files in shows and then add them, it was not turned
into the current form until May 2024. Now, with the heavy loading of
the IA servers, normal uploads are timing out and being aborted.
This script is more "determined" to upload files and usually
successfully "repairs" shows that need it.
FAQ/FAQ.mkd, FAQ/Makefile: this version of the FAQ is now out of date
and probably should be deleted.
InternetArchive/repair_item: script to upload missing shows after tie
out errors during the normal upload; still under development.
InternetArchive/update_state: script to update show state in the
'reservations' table in the database. Uses the CMS interface.
Link_Checker/scan_links: under development. Not currently usable.
Miscellaneous/fix_tags: audio metadata manipulation script. Recently
added to this repo for convenience. Updates for 'experimental::try',
the official Perl try/catch.
PostgreSQL_Database/add_hosts_to_show, PostgreSQL_Database/hpr_schema_2.pgsql,
PostgreSQL_Database/ an old experimental Pg database
to take over from the previous MySQL version (from before 2023).
Kept for reference; never implemented.