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# HPR Documentation
A place to keep the HPR documentation
- [Community Content Delivery Network (CCDN)](https://repo.anhonesthost.net/HPR/hpr_documentation/wiki/Community-Content-Delivery-Network)
A location to track the deployment of the HPR Community Contend Delivery Network, that provides a mirror network for our content.
- [HPR Website Design](https://repo.anhonesthost.net/HPR/hpr_documentation/wiki/Website-Design)
This is literally in the whiteboard phase of the HPR website redesign.
- [Podcatcher and Podcasting Platform Compatibility](https://repo.anhonesthost.net/HPR/hpr_documentation/wiki/Podcatcher-and-Podcasting-Platform-Compatibility)
Where we can track Compatibility of the clients subscribed to our feeds.
- [Useful Resources](https://repo.anhonesthost.net/HPR/hpr_documentation/wiki/Useful-Resources)
Where we can link to other free culture sites that provide usefull services.
- Requested Topics
Where we can track topics that have been requested, and link to shows that addressed them.
## Workflow
- [Requesting a slot](https://repo.anhonesthost.net/HPR/hpr_documentation/wiki/request)
- [Processing Show Notes](https://repo.anhonesthost.net/HPR/hpr_documentation/wiki/Processing-Show-Notes)
- Posting Show
- Transcoding Audio
- Delivery to the Origin
- Distribution to the Mirrors on the CCDN
## Site Maintenance
- [Fixing audio tags on uploaded shows ](https://repo.anhonesthost.net/HPR/hpr_documentation/wiki/Fixing-audio-tags-on-uploaded-shows)